In the English (British) pronunciation system - 44 sounds that are divided into 24 consonants and 20 vowels, including 8 difthongs. The following table shows separate English sounds and the corresponding signs of English transcription, as well as examples of the words in which they are pronounced.

Table of English sounds:

[ f. ]
[ d. ]
[ v. ]
[ k. ]
[ θ ]
[ g. ]
[ ð ]
[ tʃ. ]
[ s. ]
[ ]
[ z. ]
[ m. ]
[ ʃ ]
[ n. ]
[ ʒ ]
[ ŋ ]
[ h. ]
[ l. ]
[ p. ]
[ r. ]
[ b. ]
[ j. ]
[ t. ]
[ w. ]
Vowels monofong
[ i: ]
[ ə ]
[ i. ]
[ ʌ ]
[ e. ]
[ ʊ ]
[ æ ]
[ u: ]
[ a: ]
[ ɜ: ]
[ ɒ ]
[ ɔ: ]
Vowels difthong
[ aI ]
[ eə. ]
[ aʊ. ]
[ ʊə ]
[ ɔi. ]
[ əʊ ]
[ eI ]
[ iə. ]

Classification of English sounds

In accordance with the mechanics of education, English sounds are primarily divided into vowels and consonants phonemes. The pronunciation of vocal sounds is associated with the active vibration of voice ligaments and the free passage of exhaled air through all the organs of speech. The consonants of the same sounds, on the contrary, are formed by overcoming various obstacles, cracks and passes formed by the muscles of the voice apparatus when the air jet exit.

Let us consider in more detail the classification of the sounds of the English language on individual features of articulation (the provisions of speech organs during sounds) and their comparison with Russian sounds.

Agreements of English

When using the consonant sounds, the air on its path meets various obstacles formed by the active speech bodies: language, lips, teeth and alveoli.

If the speech organs are closed in such a way that the air passage is fully blocked, then we pronounce fit conscious. Such consonant sounds are also called explosiveSince when the speech is broken, a small explosion is heard.

[ p. ] , [ b. ] , [ t. ] , [ d. ] , [ k. ] , [ g. ]
flicted explosive english sounds

[ p ], [ b. ], [ t. ], [ d. ], [ to ], [ g. ]
flicted explosive Russian sounds

If the air goes out through the nasal cavity, then such garbage sounds are called nose.

[ n. ] , [ m. ] , [ ŋ ]
nasal broach english sounds

[ n. ], [ m. ]
nasal bow russian sounds

If the speech organs are not completely closed, but leave a narrow passage - the air slot, then we say slug consonant.

[ θ ] , [ ð ] , [ ʃ ] , [ ʒ ] , [ s. ] , [ z. ] , [ h. ] , [ f. ] , [ v. ] , [ w. ] , [ r. ] , [ j. ] , [ l. ]
slisal english sounds

[ with ], [ z. ], [ f. ], [ at ], [ sh ], [ sh ], [ j. ], [ l. ]
sloty Russian sounds

Among the consonants are available blur-slot Sounds. They are called so because the opening of the obstacles they occur slowly; Full barrier goes into the gap.

[ tʃ. ] , [ ]
large-slotted English sounds

[ c. ], [ c. ]
smoky-slotted Russian sounds

The barrier on the path of exhaled air can be formed by various speech bodies. If the lower lip comes closer from the top, then appear long-loving consonants.

[ p. ] , [ b. ] , [ m. ] , [ w. ]
long-Light British Sounds

[ p ], [ b. ], [ m. ]
long-Light Russian Sounds

If the lower lip is touched by the upper teeth, then such consonants are called long-dental.

[ f. ] , [ v. ]
light-tooth English sounds

[ f. ], [ at ]
long-Tooth Russian Sounds

If the tip of the language is between the lower and the upper front teeth, then pronounced interdental consonant. There are no similar sounds in Russian.

[ θ ] , [ ð ]
interdental English sounds

Russian consonants [ t. ], [ d. ], [ n. ], [ l. ] - toothSince the end of the tongue rises to the inner surface of the upper teeth. English consonants [ t. ] , [ d. ] , [ n. ] , [ l. ] , [ ŋ ] - alveolarSince the tip of the tongue is touching or lifted to Alveola.

[ k. ] , [ p. ] , [ s. ] , [ t. ] , [ f. ] , [ h. ] , [ tʃ. ] , [ ʃ ] , [ θ ]
deaf Conscious Sounds of English

[ to ], [ p ], [ with ], [ t. ], [ f. ], [ h. ], [ c. ], [ sh ], [ sh ]
deaf consonants of the Russian language

[ b. ] , [ v. ] , [ g. ] , [ d. ] , [ z. ] , [ l. ] , [ m. ] , [ n. ] , [ r. ] , [ ʒ ] , [ ] , [ ð ]
ring consonant sounds of English

[ b. ], [ at ], [ g. ], [ d. ], [ j. ], [ z. ], [ l. ], [ m. ], [ n. ], [ r ], [ c. ]
ring sound sounds of the Russian language

Vowel sounds of English

For the classification of vowel English sounds, various positions of the language are considered relative to the solid nose, as well as which part of the language is involved in the articulation and how high the back of the language rises to a solid nebu.

Distinguish front-edge voice soundswhen the tip of the tongue rests on the base of the lower teeth, and the back of the tongue is quite close to the solid nebu: English is vowel [ i: ] and Russian [ and ].

If the language is drawn back and the tip of the tongue is omitted, and the back of the tongue is raised to the soft nubble, we say pooge sounds of the rear row: English sound [ a: ] and Russian sounds [ about ], [ w. ].

On the position of the lips distinguish locked and non-screw vowel sounds. For example, when pronouncing Russian sound [ w. ] The lips are rounded and put forward: [ w. ] It is a closer vowel. When pronouncing [ and ] Lips slightly stretched, but not advanced forward: sound [ and ] - non-bold vowel.

The quality of the vowel depends on the tension of the muscles of the speech organs: the more stable articulation, the more clearly and brighter the sound. Accordingly distinguish vowels stressful and unprinted. For example, English vowel sound [ i: ] pronounced with great voltage than [ i. ] .

Pronunciation of English sounds

Turning to the content of our guide in English phonetics, for each of the English sounds you will find a detailed description of the features of its pronunciation and articulation, ways to transfer on letters and examples of sound, as well as comparisons with other sounds and their Russian counterparts.

It seemed impassable jungle with 26 dangerous predators hiding in the wilds. However, now you will certainly call and put all the letters in the correct order, and also flashes with several facts known to every philologist.

After reading this article, the theme of English transcription and pronunciation will be moved from the room of fear to the laughter room. Today in the program:

Getting rid of the fear of reading and learning graphic symbols
. Acquaintance, memorization and memorization of diphton, vowels and consonant sounds (classification of sounds), decorated in unique tables
. Pause for download and printing English transcriptions in pictures
. A clear and clear explanation of the use of English sounds by comparing them with Russian relatives
. Fastening the material passed by a 10-minute video about English transcription

Are you still afraid of you? Then we go to you!

Graphic transcription symbols in English

Before plunging into an English reading outer, we strongly recommend listening to the advice of experienced divers. Naturally, the child learns to sit first, and then walk and nothing on the contrary - the same thing is to us: first learn the transcription to read, and then pronounce (in my head or loud). It is not necessary to get involved in reading, otherwise you risk breaking into the debris of theory and take away from practice.

First you need to learn and clarify all the questions regarding each transcription symbol. Then listen online exactly as many examples as you need for a clear and clear idea how this symbol sounds in live speech. Learn strictly on the examples of the sounds that are not eliminated from the context of sounds (like Ryanovsky "Uh-uh" in the Hita "Umbrella"), and in a concrete lettering occurring in words. Further, listen to every new word first and only after checking the ears captured with an alphabetic transcription, concluded in square brackets. By the way, about them and other essential transcription satellites:

Square brackets. They sign up that inside - precisely transcription.
For example, English is a word, and ["ɪŋGLɪʃ] is its transcription;

- Main stress. Put before the shock vowel: around [əraʊnd];

, - secondary emphasis. Put before vowel: ["hæmˌbɜːgə];

: - Longitude of the vowel.

The proposed version will seem at first glance not the fastest, but after all the wise mountain will not go - the wise mountain will bypass. As a result, the spent time is converted into the comfort of speech perception: no longer need to strenuously strain the rumor, trying to recognize unfamiliar sounds. And soon unfamiliar "barking" will acquire meaningful sound. Isn't it magnificent? This lies the secret not only the correct pronunciation, but also the ease of perception of speech on rumor.

English Transfiguration Foundation

Since "How great that we all gathered here today" about the study of transcription, let's get to know her closer. Transcription is two species: phonetic and phonumatic. You are mistaken if you think that they have been taught / you will teach a more familiar ear that is the phonetic transcription. She, as a rule, is interested in serious unusek and teresets of linguists, our choice is a learning background (sound linguistic units). Simply put, if two sounds are very similar, but the difference between them is able to change the meaning of the word, then they form two different phonemes. In Russian, this is not as noticeable, because Cat has been calling at least a "cat", even "kooooooh", he will still come, and the meaning of the word will not change. One phoneme on two different sounds. In English, the number will not pass: "Cot", "Caught" and "Coat" contain different phonemes. Why are there so many "smart letters"? To the fact that dictionaries contain transcriptions just a membrane, remember this and do not allow yourself to confuse:

Pope (dad, papal):
1) is a phonetic transcription, it is emphasized here that the first [p] is unlike the second pronounced with aspiration (aspiration after consonant sounds P, T, K before vowels);
2) - This is vocabulary (phonematic) transcription.

What else do you need to know about transcription? That there is a different syllable in it:

- Open
(After the vowel, there is not a single consonant) - new
- Closed (after the vowel stands consonant) - York

- Vowel:single - [E], Dyfong - [ɔʊ], Trifongg - [ɑiə]
- Consult: [D]

Vowel sounds of English (with pronunciation online)

Public sounds in English less than consonants, but more than difthongs. This picture visually shows the difference, for example, between the sounds [i] and. Anyone who at least heard about the existence of imagination will distinguish the words "Fish" and "Tree", which like rebuses contain the mentioned sounds. You can reread the rules as you like, and you can study in more detail the transcription in pictures, which visualizes the examples of the use of sounds. To train the memory, you can download and even print the picture, this option is provided. For audials, it is possible to hear each sound online in the word after clicking on the speaker icon.

Agreements of English

The consonants in English at all brothers-twin brothers. The articulation of their creation is seriously different. However, we gathered here not to intimidate smart words, but on the contrary, it is easy to facilitate the life of novice engnings, therefore, they displaced the ringlets consonants in purple color, and the deaf in blue. When forming the same multiple number of nomensional names is very important to feel and know the difference. 24 new words serve as a bonus to the learned sounds. We train the visual memory and save the English traction in pictures to re-circuit at the first need! The audies are still pumped on the speaker icon under each letter for the pronunciation of sounds in transcription online.

Diphongs (double voice sounds) English

And it would be scary from the presence of 8 difthongs in English, if there were no miracle pictures, thanks to which the study turns into an entertaining breakdown of Sharad. It is enough to look at the drawing, delay the look, voice the difstong by pressing the speaker icon under the letter and practice in the right pronunciation. Everyone asking for a creative approach to the case Download a picture for a long memory is allowed!

From theory to practice
For some time, the dictionary will cover the thick layer of dust or will be removed from the bookmarks (in the electronic version), because the translation of the desired words is known, the sound is familiar - what else can you open America there? Do not believe it is the clarification of transcription as you seem to be well-known words - then the most unpaid field that is worth just to improve the sound of speech.

We give the life example: the frequently used word "REAL" have a phondematic transcription a), b) or c)?
The first option is fictional and erroneous, the second and third - the British and American manners of pronunciation. Morality of this fable?

In order for you to be painfully shameful for your reading, we recommend at least fluently to familiarize yourself with these tables as follows:
- We read the line from left to right;
- listening to the perfect sound pronunciation;
- We take a mirror in my hand and hardly train (you will probably like to train [æ] or [Ð]).

Table of English sounds similar to the Russian
These sounds in English transcription do not have to explain on the fingers.

[ɑː] CAR, FAR, GARAGE It sounds like a long AAA. Remember the cartoon about Mowgli, where was the wise kaa?
[ʌ] Up, But, Love Short sonor "A". Something similar in Russian "ah".
[ɔː] More, Board, Floor It sounds like a long "oo". Picture surprise.
[b] Book, Board, Tab Russian energetic "b". When you go on the corridor in the dark and suddenly stumble
[G] Green, Grace, Agree Russian "g", but not so energetic.
[f] Forest, Atmosphere, Enough Very energetic Russian "f".
[k] KILL, CORD, SCHOOL Russian "K". Before the impact vowels, pronounced with the silence (if you put a hand in front of the lips and say "Kil", then the palm should feel your fresh breath)
[M] Mother, Lamb. Russian "m".
[n] Nine, Note, Intrusion Russian "N".
[p] Pub, Gallop, Open Russian energetic "P". Before shocking vowels - with oxidation.
[v] Vest, Vocal, Give Russian "B".

Now consider in practice several tricky examples:

subtle - barely distinguishable
"Satle" and only so, no "Sabtl" with the drum "b" in the middle.

palm. - palm
Naturally, everyone wants to be under the palm tree, but here it does not smell. Not "Palm", not "by: lm", and "PA: M", as in "Car" and "Path". In the company with palm turn out calm - "Calm" and balm - "Balm".

halt - stop
Drink away an analogy with the German "Halt" - properly pronounced "Ho: Lt".

wON - won, won the past from "Win"
Wonderful if you say "WON" as and "ONE".

of - Preplee Accessories
Only the nerd takes my head to check the sound of the word consisting of two letters? Oh well. "OF" and no nails? Remember: "Of" pronounced with "B" at the end. Full form - [ɔv], reduced - [əv]. Is always.

Table of English sounds having something common with Russian
These sounds cause the greatest temptation and at the same time danger: the relative similarity with the usual pronunciation in Russian threatens absolutely wrong sound. Share sufficient attention and understand the differences well.

[i] Fit, Bit, Symbol The average between "s" and "and". Pronounced very short, as at the end of "APCH".
Cheese, Tree, SEA The fact that photographers ask us to pronounce on camera. As in the Russian word "Syyr", but with a low smile.
[ɒ] HOT, BODY, ROCK The average between "O" and "A". That is, in no case can the Vologda "O".
[U] Cook, Foot, Woman It looks like a Russian short "y", but at the same time pronounced lighter and lips slightly stretched. It turns out as "y" with half jelly. No lips stretched into the tube.
TRUE, FOOL, SHOES As the previous sound, but long.
[E] GET, BED, HEAD Intelligent "E". As in the Russian word "tin".
[ə] About, Until, Alias The average between the unstressed "E" and "A".
[L] Let, Laughter, Illegal Softened Russian "l". Something among the sound of the word "la" and "la".
[s] Stress, Sunday, Citizen The muted Russian "C". He never whistles. Remember the song "Girl" from "Beatles"? Now if their famous inhalation "SSSSS" pronounce with exhalation and briefly, it will turn out beautiful English [s].
[z] Zero, Cosmonaut, Xenon All the same as the sound [s], only ringing.
[t] Tree, Trunk, Receipt Looks like a Russian "t". But the tip of the tongue needs to be put not to the teeth, but to the tubercle behind the upper teeth.
[D] Drink, AD, Diligent Similarly: as a Russian "d", only the tip of the language rests on the tuberculosis at once behind the upper teeth.
[ʃ] Ship, Action, Special Between Russian "sh" and "u". Not whistle, because The language does not rest with the power of the teeth, but gently touches them.
[ʒ] Pleasure, Visual, Garage Softened Russian "F." Does not ring and not whistle.
Jump, Jungle, Logic We connect English [d] with [ ʒ ] And we get soft "J".
Inch, Chance, Catch We connect English [t] with [ ʃ ] And we get something similar to Russian "h". As in the word "KITCH".
[J] YES, YET, YOU The average between "y" and "and".
[ɪə] Hear, Fear, Beer It looks like Russian "IE" with an emphasis on "and".
Air, Hair, Care Russian "EA" with an emphasis on "e".
Make, Tray, Ace Russian "EI" with an emphasis on "e". "And" is pronounced very short.
HI, SKY, BYE Russian "AI" with an emphasis on "A". "And" is pronounced very short.
[ɔɪ] Boy, Joy, Coin Russian "OI" with an emphasis on "A". "And" is pronounced very short.
How, COW, HOUR, OUR Russian "AU" with an emphasis on "A". "U" is pronounced very short.
Fire, Wire. Russian "Ayi" with a strong emphasis on the first "A". Pronounces quickly and psyras.
OUR, Flower. Russian "AUA" with a strong emphasis on the first "A". Pronounces quickly and psyras.

were - were
"WERE" is not exactly the same as "where". Instead of diefthong, we use neutral vowel -, abbreviated form -.

debt - Debt and Doubt - Doubt
The fans of the NO Doubt group had in stock for more than a dozen years to clarify how the name of the favorite group sounds correctly. "Debut" and "Daubt" are not so easy to say. In English there is no such Russian-speaking phenomenon as a stunning or sounding of the consonant, but the letter to throw their words for the cute soul: pronounced and.

good - Good, Book - Book and Look - Watch
Double "O" does not turn into long "y" in these words. Therefore, it is not worth copying the wolves to the moon - speak correctly with short vowels - ,,,.

Table of English sounds that do not have anything in common with Russian
Practice well in the utility of these sounds online, at least your speech machine must get used to their correct playback.

[ɜː] Earn, Her, First If Russian "O" wanted to become "E", then it would sound that way. Something looks like a sound when children tease, sticking out the language. But it is necessary to achieve this sound, without turning anywhere. For this, silently prepare the mouth to pronounce ё, and say out loud "oo".
[əu] Go, Joke, Own Between Russian "OU" and "You" (without "th") with an emphasis on the first sound. "U" is pronounced very short.
[æ] Cat, Apple, Compact It is very important not to confuse this sound with [E], otherwise instead of the "bad" (BAD) it turns out the "bed" (BED). It is necessary to stretch the lips wide, lower the lower jaw and say "e" from the heart.
[h] HOT, HEAD, UPHILL Each Russian man knows how to pronounce this sound. When you are asked "and well-ka", then all men begin to talk in English, because they say [H] exactly how it is necessary: \u200b\u200ba light exhale that remotely resembles "x".
[R] Red, Random, Orange Russian bears are well dominated by English [R]. Try to rush, reducing the tongue up.
[w] WELL, WHAT, Windows Fold the lips with a tube and stretch sharply. And now the same thing, but with sound.
[ŋ] Strong, Sing, Sink Children scold for talking to mouth stuffed. But if you listen to the sounds published, then there many consonants sound exactly how [ŋ] . Open your mouth and without closing it, say "n".
[θ] Thanks, Ethic Slide the language between your teeth and tell me "C".
[ð] They, There, Other Slide the language between your teeth and say "s." The best training is 100 times to say "Is This" expression. Never then confuse "s" with [ð].

folk - People's People
The letter "L" became a victim and not to pronounce at all -.

cOMB - Cottage
No "combo" is only "Coach". The English "M" and "B" is pretty cunning guys who are more than once a firewood. Be alert!

won't - will not - abbreviated from "Will Not"
Tried by the question, as the chitomuds of the British distinguish "Want" and "Won't" in oral speech? Just worth it to pronounce denial of time correctly -. That's all the magic.

salmon - Salmon
Not "Salmon" and certainly not "Solomon". Salmon to yourself on the mind - like in "Cat" and "Apple".

Bonus for the most patient

The human brain is the eighth miracle of the world, about the deplities of which we can only guess. Something important for us is now known for sure: there is a speech center in the brain. There is no special center responsible for reading. That is why in the hundredth time we strongly recommend repeating words out loud. It is loud that, and not to ourselves, because in this case there is also a muscular memory. Naturally, words can "live and sound" in your head. The main thing is not to get stuck and not to stop at the decryption stage of transcription symbols, selecting the necessary rule to each sound. In this case, the speed is provided except that snails.

If the language is still alive after the previous exercises, we bring to your attention a video that is better to see 1 time than 100 times to hear about it. All phonetic transcription of English in 10 minutes. Clearly, competently and very clearly.

Phonetics is a section that studies sounds. Its main goal is to teach correctly pronounce English sounds and words, as well as develop your ability to perceive the speech of native speakers. Therefore, to learn to competently talk and read in English, you need to know the English alphabet and learn the pronunciation of individual phonemes and words in which they are used. English phonetics English is built on Latinet, has only 26 letters (instead of the usual 33), but these usual letters are superimposed almost two times the sounds, namely 46 different phonemes. English sounds are very important for studying this language, so you need to understand how they are used in speech and for what.

As mentioned above, the distinguishing feature of the English language is a huge number of sounds that do not correspond to the number of available letters. That is, one letter can transmit a few phonemes, depending on the liter, which is nearby. Based on this, it is necessary to speak very carefully and neat. Incorrect use of one or another sound leads to misunderstanding.

For example, the word "BED" (bed) And the word "Bad" (bad) They are pronounced and written almost the same, so it is quite easy to get confused. At this stage of studying English, many begin to transcribe pronunciation in Russian, in order to facilitate the memorization process.

However, such a "relief" is very deceptive, as often leads to even greater confusion between words with similar pronunciation. After all, both words "Bed" and "Bad" in Russian can be turned exclusively as "BAD", No way reflecting the duality of the sound. Therefore, learning better sounds are separate.

Training in English phonetics will undoubtedly make some clarity in the pronunciation and development of all phrases and words that will meet on your way during training.

First of all, you should start a dictionary in which you will designate all the sounds in traditional transcription, and after, nearby are their sound option in the native language.
Special cases of pronunciation are also worth indicating, to designate that this word needs to say somehow specially or write down, which is impossible to lead the analogy of Russian sound. London - London for the convenience of the phone game is better divided into groups. For example, consonants, vowels, difthong and trifonggi. It is also necessary to constantly practic and perform exercises of this type:

The main city of Great Britain is London. London - ["Lʌndən]- 6 letters, 6 sounds. Find him on the map of England. Where is IT? Then, clarify our friend: how do you write it? How Do You Spell IT? And now tell this name according to the letters - SPELL THIS NAME FOR US:

- London - [Landen]

Thus, you take off not only the pronunciation of sounds, but also learn useful words and phrases on a foreign one.

Now let's go directly to their writing and pronunciation.

Sounds of English

We will get acquainted with a brief description of all sounds using this table.



[ı] brief [and], as in the "Dattle and»
[E]looks like [E] - "Sh e.sT
[ɒ] brief [o] - "In aboutt »
[ʊ] brief, close to [y]
[ʌ] similar to the Russian [A]
[ə] unstressed close to [e]
similar to long [and]
[ɑ:] deep and long [a] - "g butlKA "
[ə:] = [ɜ:] long [E] in "St. e.kLA "
long [y] like "b w.lKA "
[ᴐ:] deep and long [o] - "D aboutlgo
[æ] russian [E]

Dftogs (two tones)

[Hey] - SAME
[ʊə] [UE] - Poor
[əʊ] [OU] - Tone
[ᴐı] [Oh] - Join
[AI] - Kite
[EA] - Hair
[ıə] [IE] - FEAR

Trifonggi (three tones)

[AUE] - Power
[OI] - Fire


[b]russian [b]
[v]analog [in]
[J]weak Russian [th]
[D]as [d]
[w]brief [y]
[ɡ] as [g]
[z]as [s]
[ʤ] [d] and [g] ply
[ʒ] how [F]
[L]soft [l]
[M]as M]
[n]as [n]
[ŋ] [n] "In the nose"
[p][p] with a breath
[R]weak [p]
[t][t] with a breath
[f]as [f]
[H]just exhaling
[ʧ] as [h]
[ʃ] middle between [Sh] and [Shch]
[s]as [C]
[ð] ringing [θ] with voice
[θ] tip of the tongue between the upper and lower teeth, without voice
  • Double vowels read as one sound: moon - - [Moon] or Bitter - ["Bitǝ] - [Bath]
  • Ringing consonants in English, unlike Russian, do not pass in the deaf: in the word good [GUD] The sound [d] is pronounced clear, as well as [g] in dog [Dog] etc.

The value of proper pronunciation

As I said, it is very important and it is imperative to improve the English pronunciation, because a large number of words in this language differ in only one or two sounds. But sometimes, even such a small difference is critical for proper and accurate contact with priority native speakers. Pronunciation will again repeat that some words with approximately similar sound must be recorded, remember their spelling and teach their pronunciation. For better development and facilitate training, you can create phrases and suggestions with them, constantly pronounce them.

Dear site visitors Site! In this page you will find materials on the following topics: Early development: English (benefit). Early development: English (benefit for preschoolers). English transcription for children (visual benefit for children). English: Transcription for children (benefit). English sounds transcription for children (visual allowance). Learning English for children with transcription (visual guide for preschoolers). Sounds in English Transcription for children (visual guide for preschoolers). How to explain the child's transcription (visual allowance). English lessons in kindergarten (benefit). English sounds for children. How to teach a child with English sounds. Early development: English. Early development: English. Explanation of English sounds to children. English sounds for children video. English sound transcription for children. Table of English sounds for children. English sounds for children. Sounds of the English alphabet for children. Sounds of English letters for children. English sounds cards for children. Pronunciation of English sounds for children. Training in the sounds of English in a game form. An interesting approach to children's teaching sounds of English.

What used to read or talk?

How to teach a child english sounds

For some reason, very often, when the English teacher decide to devote one or another stage of the lesson in a preschool institution to teach children to the phonetic rank of English (on the elementary level, of course), many of them consider their duty to train children to English alphabet. The consciousness that the child learned the English alphabet, gives the teacher confidence that he made a very important part of the work on training in the Azam phonetics. But let's think about how the alphabet needs children at the earliest stage of learning a foreign language? Does the primary importance of the English alphabet letters and their corresponding sounds? My answer to this question is no.

Why? Yes, everything is very simple. First, remember yourself in early childhood (how much memory allows you). What did you have mastered before, staying in the consciousness of two-three-four-five-year-old kid - letters or sounds? That's right, sounds (mean mainly sounds published by people). Move on. What kind of sounds did you assimilate in natural conditions in the process of our development before the parents began to buy you alphabets in pictures? Was it only the sounds of the letters of the Russian alphabet? Not really. You unconsciously remembered all the sounds of the Russian language, and of them, of course, more than sounds corresponding to the letters of the Russian alphabet. In Russian, 33 letters and 42 sounds. Six vowel sounds - [a], [and], [o], [y], [s], [e] and thirty six consonants- [b], [bj], [in], [n], [g ], [go], [d], [dy], [z], [th], [z], [ze], [k], [ku], [l], [l], [m], [М], [n], [n], [p], [pj], [p], [ry], [s], [s], [Т], [р], [ф], [ff ], [x], [x], [c], [whose], [sh], [sh]. (We note that if Russian sounds often differ only on hardness-softness, and memorization of such paired sounds do not represent special problems, then there are 23 sounds in English, which is even close in English alphabet - [θ], [Ð], [ʃ], [ʒ], [ɪɪ], [ʊʊ], [ɪ], [ə], [ʊ], [g], [ɔɪ], [ɜ:], [ɔ], [ŋ], [ R], [J], [H] ,,, [ɒ], [ɑ:], [ʌ], [ɑ].) Whole twenty three (!) Sounds that you do not teach children if you just teach them alphabetically !

Without a doubt, all the sounds of any language of the child unconsciously learns to pronounce long before it learns about the existence of the alphabet, that is, letters (we will consider the exception of the cases of very early learning to the alphabet with the pellery). So, the child, before moving to the study of the Russian alphabet, learn the sounds first, and not letters. Why does he do it? He learns to talk! Therefore, it would be more logical to start teaching children to speak and in a foreign language with sounds.

On issues related to the acquisition of "Little Sounds" cards, the color books "Mudnesses" and the abstracts of English lessons for preschool children of Irina Murzinova, contact the author of the benefits and this site through the form

And for what, then, you ask, children generally teach the alphabet? Perhaps so that they can learn to read in a foreign language? "Well, yes, when we teach children to speak, we introduce them with sounds, but when teaching children reading, we teach them letters, and not sounds," you will say and you will not be right. Remember the problem that often arises from your friends and familiar acquaintances ("the child knows all the letters, and it cannot read, cannot connect the letters to the words!"). This problem is just associated with an attempt to train letters without sounds. How does the kid read the word "protein", knowing only the names of the letters? Correctly - "BE-EL-KA-A".) You yourself teach it yourself, forcing me to remember how letters are pronounced. And what needs to be done so that the baby read the word "squirrel" correctly? Someone has already guessed - to read it this word out loud and ask to repeat, looking at the letter's letter. You will learn it to read the words as it "sounds", solid [l] is noticeably different from the "alphabetic" version of this sound ([EL], soft [B '] - also a completely different sound, not at all [BE], Although they are similar. You will not remind a child about the letter "BEEE" (actually containing the hard sound that you do not need in this situation [b]), if you do not want to confuse it and slow down the learning process for reading it in your native language. In other words, reading too, you need to start learning from sounds. Without sounds - nowhere. Why then, many (including authors of teaching aids for preschoolers) believe that to teach a child to read in a foreign language, it is necessary to know the names and sequence of letters in the alphabet first? My answer is the whole thing in the stereotype, which they follow: "All my life do it all, and I will".

Indeed, at the later stages of teaching children with a native or foreign language, the development of spoken skills will already be relying on the ability to read, but is it necessary for this alphabet for this, the letters themselves, their names? As you can see, my answer is no again. Well, what is the good child to know that the letter is called "Double", if he cannot correctly read it in the word? Alphabet (under the alphabet is understood as the name of letters in the language located in a certain sequence), of course, it is possible to learn, but on the successful learning of the child reading, knowledge of the names of letters does not affect the first, especially when teaching Russian-speaking English children (only when learning reading The consonants in the Word This knowledge is useful, in case their pronunciation close to the alphabetic). Look at the video from YouTube about how to learn English-speaking children in kindergarten and find where the names of the English alphabet letters are needed:

These children can not know the correct names of the English alphabet letters, but they will soon be perfectly reading and without this "valuable" knowledge. They still learn to read words, study the conformity of the sounds of the language and letters as signs in the word, and they can learn the names themselves and later, even knowing how to read perfectly. By the way, they are with ease of emergence and the names of the letters of the alphabet, already knowing how to read and knowing alphanumeric conformity.

Thus, while the children did not learn to speak English, learn them to read them in this language does not make sense. So, at the earliest stage of studying English does not make sense and study of the English alphabet. True, when teaching children to read in English at school, nothing prevents the teacher to teach children with letters and sounds at the same time, because the school program provides for simultaneous mastering the sound system and alphabet. But this is still a school ...

In the preschool institutions, learning English, in my opinion, should be the simulation of the simplest situations of communication, allowing children to learn to pronounce simple communicative phrases in English. Prior to the transition to learning to read, it is important that children in the abbreviated form have passed the same stage of mastering the sound system of the language, which they passed in the intuitive development of the native language. We all understand that these simulated situations are "unrealizing" that half an hour of classes two or three times a week - this is very little so that the child can "speak" in English as a native. But, understanding this, we also recognize that the study of a foreign language is useful for training brain activity that it will facilitate the development of a child not only a foreign language in school, but also other items, and finally it's just interesting. Perhaps knowledge of the language and use the child in the future, but I would not advise the parents of preschoolers to emphasize this pragmatic component, all useful practical skills are most effectively developing, first of all, of interest in any activity, therefore, it is interest in language And you need to cultivate in a small man.

But we were a little distracted. What did we come to our reasoning? Oh, yes, to the fact that you need to start the acquaintance of children with English with sounds, and not letters, learning a foreign language to start with oral speech, not reading. How to start learning children by the sounds of English?

As is known, English, based on the Latin alphabet, has 26 letters, which correspond to 44 sounds (if you do not count more three-element combinations of vowels). We know that a distinctive feature of the English language is the presence of a large number of sounds, which does not correspond to the number of letters of the English alphabet. But this information is not interesting to children, so I really do not recommend start learning sounds from it. What to do? We come to the rescue come to the aid of funny little men inglishsound (EnglishSound). EnglishSound is a surname of forty-four people-sounds of English, and their names are the sounds of the English language. Each man has its own character, their habits that make it (or her, since among the little men there are girls) unique. Children love to delve into the details, this feature can be used when teaching English sounds.

On issues related to the acquisition of "Little Sounds" cards, the color books "Mudnesses" and the abstracts of English lessons for preschool children of Irina Murzinova, contact the author of the benefits and this site through the form

We created merry men together with a talented Ukrainian artist Irina Kondrashova. I have been born a long idea (in one of the Bonk's benefits there is a fairy tale about the tongue and the seven dyfthon gnomes, so I thought, and why all the sounds, not only difthongam, do not become funny people), but it did not seem to be possible - Where to take so much money to pay the work of the artist for the creation of 44s (!) illustrations?. She wrote that he really actively uses the idea with the little men, but forced to invent them and draw themselves, while they all turn out of the same type similar to koloboki. I decided here, I began to write letters on the sites of freelance artists, offering our price for 44 pictures with little men. I didn't just raise me there, but even enough wickedly answered that I would not get anything that for such a "penny" (and for me, with my "state" salaries, it was not "penny") no one would draw me anything . But I believed that I would find an artist who would inspire the very idea and he, more precisely, she responded. Irina and I spent several months in the correspondence - she sent me sketches, and I wrote her opinion about them and it is desirable to fix in the image. When the first little men were ready, I realized that they need poems. Why poems in Russian? To create motivation, because the incentive of children to study the language at an early age has to spend more forces and time, and you cannot motivate them in English (dreams only in English and interest children with gestures and faith against the background of unfamiliar children "Abrakadabra" remain only with dreams). However, the poems do not necessarily have to study in classes, as time, indeed, is not enough. To describe pictures with little sounds and other work with them, you can use English, and the poettes of children can well read both at home, with their parents, while they will again and re-return to your memory to your English lessons, remembering those English sounds , words and structures that heard in the classroom.

"So it was an advertising article?" - You ask and you will not be right. It was an article-opinion, and the little people in advertising do not need. :-) just now you have learned about the existence of a kit of didactic materials for teaching preschoolers in the English language "Long-sounds" and didactic cards "Little Sounds" (they can only be purchased from me as the author) and you can take advantage of these materials in your occupations English language in educational institutions of pre-school education.

Candidate of Philological Sciences I. A. Murzinova

To acquire Cards "Little Sounds" and on other issues to contact the author of this article, the site site and kit of didactic benefits for preschoolers "Little Sounds" can (see the top menu of the site).

On issues related to the acquisition of "Little Sounds" cards, the color books "Mudnesses" and the abstracts of English lessons for preschool children of Irina Murzinova, contact the author of the benefits and this site through the form

English transcription signs denoting English sounds Description of man's sounds
1 [F] When the men englishsound are having fun, this little man puts on the hedgehog mask and runs, snorting [F] - [F] - [F].
2 [v] This sound is very dissipated. His name is Voldemar, but he sometimes even forgets his name. When he is asked as his name, he tries to remember his name, while it says [v] - [v] - [v] and everyone thinks that this is his name.
3 [θ] This little man won a pet - dragonfly, walks with her, and when it is time to go home, calling it [θ] - [θ] - [θ] so it was nicknamed - [θ].
4 [Ð] This little man loves ... bees, for the holiday, he always puts the bee suit and buzzes as a bee - [l] - [Ð] - [ð] so it was nicknamed.
5 [s] This little man is very quiet, does not like noise when other little men indulgence, it walks quietly - [s] - [s] - [s].
6 [z] This little man buzzes like a fly.
7 [ʃ] This little man loves already, even hits like they.
8 [ʒ] This little man buzzes like a bumblebee.
9 [H] This man in winter often breathes on the window glass [H] - [H] - [H] and finger on it draws letters. Its and nicknamed [h], his name is just a light exhale.
10 [p] This little man is called [p], because it puffs all the time [p] - [p] - [p], all the time he is unhappy with something.
11 [b] This little man is overgrown all the time - [b] - [b] - [b].
12 [T] This little man is called [T], he loves from the morning (still in pajamas) to indulge, jump on the bed [t] -t] - [t].
13 [D] The name of this little man is [d] because it often plays a toy machine and says [d] - [d] - [d].
14 [k] This EnglishSound is often cold and cough [k] - [k] - [k], so it was nicknamed - [k].
15 [G] This little man has a white pigeon, the little man worries [g] - [g] - [g], when talking to his pet.
16 This Englishsound is strict, says to everyone so that they do not shine, behaved well -.
17 This little man loves to play with toy airplanes.
18 [M] This little man loves the sound [m], he even eats food just such that begins on this sound and speaks from pleasure.
19 [n] This little man loves to dance, often tightened and sings [n] - [n] - [n] - [n].
20 [ŋ] This little man loves to have fun, but not always in the morning he loves to put bed. Mom asks him about it, and he: "Not," [ŋ] - [ŋ].
22 [R] And this EnglishSound loves everyone to scare. Disguised in a tiger and growls - [R] - [R] - [R].
21 [L] A man's friend [R] is disguised as a lion and tries to growl, as [R], but does not know how to pronounce the sound [R], instead it turns out [L].
23 [w] When the little people of EnglishSound are having fun, this jumps and squabbles like a frog [w] - [w] - [w].
24 [J] This little man jumps like a monkey, and friendly with monkeys.
25 This little man loves fun to squeeze.
26 [ɪ] This often reads [ɪ] - [ɪ] - [ɪ], so it was nicknamed - [ɪ].
27 [E] This little man is a bit harmful and mocking, it laughs like this: [E] - [E] - [E].
28 [æ] This little man is asked all the time [æ]? [æ]? (especially when he does not want to do what they were asked).
29 [ɑ:] This little man is inquisitive, asks many questions, and when he gets the answer, says [ɑ:].
30 [ɒ] This little man is constantly teasing [ɒ] - [ɒ] - [ɒ].
31 [ʌ] This is the most funny Englishsound, it laughs like this: [ʌ] - [ʌ] - [ʌ].
32 [ʊ] This little man is an athlete, loves to run, jump.
33 This little man often puts on a mask and depicts a wolf.
34 [ə:] This little man is small, but wants to seem big and strong, so he roars like a bear in the forest.
35 [ə] This little man is often groamy, like an old man, [ə] - [ə] - [ə] - [ə].
36 [ɔ:] This little man is often unhappy, it seems to him that everything around is bad, often moaning [ɔ:] - [ɔ:] - [ɔ:].
Diphton and Triphythongy
37 This little man is constantly coming up with new games and convenes to other little men, so it was nicknamed.
38 This englishsound is afraid of all. Sripping the door or lick the dog, the little man screams -.
39 This little man loves dogs (and puppies).
40 [ɔɪ] This little man is afraid of tips.
41 [ɜʊ] This little man is surprised all the time, everything seems to him interesting: [ɜʊ] - [ɜʊ] - [ɜʊ].
42 [ɪɪ] When the men englishsound are having fun, this one climbs under the table and screams [ɪɪ].
43 [ɛɛ] When the men englishsound are having fun, it swings on the swing and screaming [ɛɛ] - [ɛɛ] - [ɛɛ] - [ɛɛ].
44 [ʊʊ] This loves to jump through the rope.
When the little men and [ə] play together, they shout together.
When the little men and [ə] play together, they shout together.
[ɔɪə] When the little men [ɔɪ] and [ə] play together, they scream together [ɔɪɔɪ].

It consists of 26 letters, while sounds 44. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly know how one or another sound is pronounced, because the sound of the same letter may differ. This occurs on a certain system, such rules of pronunciation are universal. Know them - it means to know the language.

Proper pronunciation of vowels

English sounds can be divided into vowels and consonant sounds. There are several rules for reading and pronunciation of vowels, such as E, A, Y, U, I, O.

To better remember and understand how the sounds of English are read correctly, a table with examples and transcriptions for convenience of Russian letters will help you to remember the reading rules.

  • the type of pronunciation is associated with the presence of an open syllable in the word. Any syllable that ends with a vowel is considered open, including if the vowel is not read.
  • type of pronunciation - consonant syllable.
  • type of pronunciation - vowels with the letter "R". The letter r determines the lengthy sound of the vowel, which is in the root of the word.
  • reading type - 2 vowels and letter G between them. In this case, the letter g is not read. And the vowels have a special pronunciation.

How do consonant sounds read in English

The pronunciation of consonant sounds in English also has its own characteristics. To understand how to correctly read the consonant letters of the English language, the transcription will help you with Russian letters.

SH letters are read as sh, CH as h, tch - h, ck - k, whk like uh (for example, what) or x (for example, xy), ng as n, q as a kV, nk- like NK and WR as p Thus is pronounced as with interdental vowels, if they stand at the beginning of the word, and how s in words - pronouns, official words, between vowels.

Diimfongs in English: Pronunciation Rules

There are also vowel sounds that are combined with each other. They're called difongami and pronounced by special rules. Public sounds in English and their pronunciation often depends on the beginning, in the middle or end of the word they cost.

Difthong is read as "ah". In writing is expressed by the vowels "I" and "Y" in an open syllable with an emphasis, lettering "IE" and "ye" at the end of the word, as well as "uy", "Eye", "Igh".

i - Line [Line]
Y - Fly [Fly]
IE - Tie [Thai]
Ye - Dye [Give]
UY - GUY [Guy]
Eye - eyeBrow [Aibrov]
IGH - Knight [Knight]

[ɔɪ] read as Russian "Oh". The letter is passed through "oi", "oy".

oI - Noisy [Neusi]
Oy - Annoy [ENOM]
Reads like "Hey".

The letter is transmitted to the letter "A" in the open shock syllable, and the "AI", "AY", "EY", "AI", "EI", "AI", "EI".

a - Save [Save]
AI - Main [Maine]
AY - Tray [tray]
Ey - Gray [Gray]
EA - Great [Great]
EI - Eight

Reads as "AU". Sound "A" longer than "y". The letter is transmitted through the letter "OW", "OU".

ow - Town [Town]
Ou - Pound [Pound]

[əu] is read as the average between the sounds of "OU" and "EU". On the letter - the letter "o" in the open shock syllable, and the letters "OW", "OU", "OA", "O + LD", "O + LL"

o - Bone [Bown]
Ow - Snow [Snow]
Ou - Soul [Soul]
OA - Coat [Coot]
Old - Cold [Coulid]
Oll - Roller [Rowler]

[ɪɪ] read as "IE", "and" long, and "E" is short. The letter "EAR", "EER", "ERE", "IER" is transferred to the letter.

ear - Gear [GE]
Eer - Deer [Die]
Ier - Fierce [FIES]

[ɛɛ] read "EA" or "EE". Sound "E" and average between "E" and "A". The letter is transmitted using the "Are", "Ear", "AIR" letter.

are - Care [CEE]
Bear - Bear [BEE]]

Reads as "UE", while "y" longer than "e". Transmitted by the letters "UE", "URE", "OU + R".

uE - Cruel [Cruel]
URE - SURE [Shue]
Our - Tour [Tuer]]

Combination of vowels with consonants

In English there is such a pattern with a combination of some vowels with consonants. For example, a combination of Al, if it is in front of the letter K, and after - other consonants. The combination of WO letters if there are consistent in the previous syllable. WA - if this combination comes across in front of the vowels at the end, while the exception is R or if combined with consonants, for example, Warm. The combination of IGH has already been described by us among difthongs, as well as the combination of QUA, if it is in front of the consonants except R.

And pass the exercises for listening. You will listen only to the correct pronunciation of this American English!
