Travel safety is very large and important topic. When planning our trip, each of us thinks about safety. Travelers have the right to choose a safer country, more without dangerous transport.

As for transport, according to statistics, it is aerial view transport is the safest. Aircraft crashes are a tragic accident and only by coincidence of the rarest circumstances. Before departure, each aircraft undergoes a thorough check and technical inspection. Statistics show that every year from one to two thousand people die in air crashes, while on the roads of Russia, about 35 thousand people lose their lives in car accidents. Worldwide, this figure reaches 1,200,000 people. And, nevertheless, 85% of the population of our country are sure that the plane is the most dangerous transport.

In second place in terms of safety is the train. Railroad tracks are very often located near residential areas. A lot of people get on railways at the time of train movement, neglecting simple rules traffic safety. Only in the Moscow region, about 900 people die every year under a train, due to various railway accidents.

In third place for travel safety is, of course, a car. Simply put, a car is the most dangerous vehicle that tourists choose for their travels. It is this type of transport that has the highest number of fatal accidents.

Everyone who loves traveling chooses transport, meeting their security needs. It's no secret that there are places where you can't get by plane, but you can only get there by train, or by car, or vice versa. It is in the hands of every traveler to choose the right airline, with good rating, or a train that meets your comfort, or a car that will not only take you to your destination, but will do it with increased level safety and comfort.

Security in other states

Also, in order to protect your trip from possible troubles, try to follow some rules while visiting a foreign country.

  • observe local laws, treat local residents with respect, their customs, as well as orders; respect the religion, monuments and culture of a foreign country;

  • do not throw garbage on the streets, do not try to engage in commercial activities, you may be fined;

  • do not walk around in foreign cities and countries with important documents, passports, a lot of cash;

  • think in advance about insurance, medical policy;

  • when traveling to exotic countries, make the necessary vaccinations in advance that will protect you from tropical diseases;

  • do not use a private taxi;

  • if you rent a car, read the rules traffic in this country;

  • avoid walking along deserted, deserted streets;

  • be careful when using a bank card, cash it only in banks or the hotel where you are staying, when entering a pin code, close the dial with your palm;

  • do not keep documents and valuables in the hotel room, put them in the safe;

  • in case of trouble, you must have a written telephone hotline your tour operator, they will help you get out of this situation.

Travel safety Of course, it also depends on where you are going. It is not bad to inquire about weather conditions, the political and epidemiological situation in advance. Get the necessary vaccinations, consult your doctor about precautions, especially if you intend to visit an exotic country.

As far as your financial security is concerned, don't keep all your savings and bank cards in one place, much less in accessible places like the back pockets of your jeans.

Take care of your safety in advance so that you can enjoy your vacation.

As you may have noticed, the world has gone crazy lately. Strange and sometimes even illogical incidents occur in every country and everyone, without exception, both local residents and tourists, suffers from the spontaneous nature of the events.

What actions can you take in today's realities to secure your trips around the world, traveling light or with the whole family?

In short, everything is quite simple and prosaic. Before traveling, check the current situation in the country you decide to visit. Based on the information received, draw conclusions and secure the trip. Easy said than done, right?

Let's talk about everything in order.

First. You must clearly understand that a safe journey is entirely up to you.

Second. It is impossible to foresee everything in the world, but 90% of the trip can be made safer even before it starts.

Third. Traveling with children means increasing the level of security.

Simple safety measures while traveling and traveling

Before traveling to any country, be sure to read general rules. This applies to clothing, behavior, events, holidays, local laws. This alone will save you a headache. For example, alcohol is prohibited in Arab countries, this does not mean that it does not exist, but for drinking alcohol and appearing drunk in a public place, you can be arrested and fined, the same goes for revealing clothing and defiant behavior.

If in your country there is no such thing as the Vice Police, this does not mean that it does not exist anywhere.

You should not take pictures where it is forbidden, even if you really want to. And lastly, please do not neglect the elementary rules that apply, even if you do not know about them. Well, if everything is limited to arrest and a fine, the worst thing is when the trip can end in prison or death by negligence.

Personal security while abroad

In our time, cases of abductions of tourists have become more frequent. This happens especially often with single tourists and those who travel to exotic countries. In order to secure this kind of trip, try to tell a detailed plan of your movement to relatives, relatives or friends before the trip, and also agree to call on certain days of your trip.

When you arrive in the country, make a note of the emergency numbers, police, ambulance, firefighters, embassy emergency numbers. Do not provoke a conflict yourself and do not succumb to provocations from inadequate people. Money and documents are best carried on a waist belt under clothing, and not in a backpack. If you notice the same person in a short period of time, there is reason to be more careful.

If necessary, register with the consular office at the Embassy upon arrival in the country of residence. Download and install the application "Foreign Assistant" from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation if you are from Russia. The application is not perfect, but it will help you get breaking news and emergency information.

Travel hacks for personal safety.

  1. Prepare a list of phone numbers, email addresses, social media pages of people to contact in an emergency. Print, laminate and carry with you when you travel. In the event of an emergency, accident, accident, emergency services can use these contacts, which will greatly simplify their work and possibly save your life.
  2. Prepare a list of 3-5 questions. Only you and people close to you should know the answer to these questions, it is best if these are emergency contacts. In case you were kidnapped and you need to make sure it is really you, and whether you are alive or not. The life hack is that your relatives send questions and answers to the special services, they contact the invaders directly or send them questions. If the answers are correct, then there is a chance to save you.

Hygiene as an important factor for a safe holiday

Remember and observe hygiene always and everywhere, not only your health and well-being, but also your journey depends on it. There is nothing good if the journey takes place in a hospital bed due to elementary food poisoning.

The easiest life hacks for travel and travel.

  • Wash your hands before eating
  • Use hand sanitizer (sanitizer)
  • Drink only bottled water, but make sure the bottle is closed beforehand. In some countries, tap water is poured into bottles and resold, and this happens not only on the streets, but also in shops, hotels, for example, in India
  • If you don’t like food, water, drink, ask for a replacement or refuse at all
  • Before you buy food on the street, take a close look at the chefs under which your future food will be prepared. If you have doubts about the quality of the food and the manner of cooking, look elsewhere

Safe travel and travel with children

When traveling with children, it is important to understand that what is interesting to you is not always interesting to children. Therefore, you should not jump with children from a parachute, climb mountains, canoe on a mountain river and engage in any other exotic and extreme sports. Whatever exciting place you are in, don't lose sight of your child. Do not let your child go away from you in crowded places and during mass festivities and holidays, it is best to avoid them altogether. Make a card with your contact details and let it always be with the child, but children sometimes get lost. Remember, the health and safety of your children is entirely up to you.

You will probably also be interested in the article: from the series of articles “With a child abroad!”

For independent and safe trips around the world, you will need to rent rooms, apartments, houses or entire villas! With these guys, renting any property abroad will be a very easy and safe way.

ALWAYS check the price level for renting any housing: rooms, apartments, houses, villas anywhere in the world

Important actions in an emergency

There can be an incredible number of emergencies, but there are still a number of steps you can take to help save a life. The most important thing is not to panic, always have a backup plan in case of an emergency.

You arrived in the country and everything seems to be fine, but a coup, strikes, demonstrations, a local apocalypse began in the country.

First that you must understand that any internal political problems in the country of residence are not directed against you, but it is citizens and tourists who are in the wrong place, at the wrong time who become an accidental victim of these situations. Communicate with local people, pay attention to local news and the front pages of local newspapers. As a rule, the Russian media rarely publish information about the internal situation in Latin America, Africa, and East Asian regions.

Second, if you want to take part in a mass event in which people die every year, then it is better to choose another object to visit than to hope for a chance and this is not a joke. Places of pilgrimage and, in general, mass gatherings of people, mass holidays always attract trouble, and now there is also a great chance of a terrorist threat from various banned organizations.

Third if you have a permanent residence from which you travel around the country and then return, then just in case of emergency, pack an emergency backpack. It should have a minimum first aid kit, water, a change of clothes, copies of documents, a supply of cash, food that does not require cooking. An emergency backpack is needed in the event that an evacuation has begun in the country, embassies urgently take out their citizens and you need to arrive at the evacuation point. In such situations, you will not care about personal things at all, life is more valuable. Even if you have time to pack your bags, calmly arrive at the airport or other collection point, it may be that you have to leave your suitcases, in which case it would be better if everything important and valuable is in a separate bag.

Fourth, in some countries there is a visa not only for entry, but also for exit, and you should know about this in advance. That is, before leaving the country, you will need to go to special authorities and obtain permission to leave, and this does not depend on the type of visa and the purpose of your stay.

The topic of safe travel is very large-scale. You can talk endlessly about the tragic cases in the life of tourists. Some situations occur due to the obvious stupidity of the people themselves, others by chance, but unfortunately there are more first cases.

Remember one important thought. An incredible and fantastic vacation and trip can be spoiled by one small oversight. Attention and importance to details will save you from 99% of problems.

Do not lose your “head”, there is only one life and let there be only good memories from travel, travel and vacation!

Whatever country of the world you go to, you should always remember the most important rule - to follow the norms of behavior adopted in the country and not to ignore the warnings of the guides.

For example, in many Islamic and Arab countries, there is a "dry" law or the drinking of alcoholic beverages is prohibited during religious holidays and the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan. And in such a paradise as the Seychelles, low tides occur every 6 hours, which expose unpleasant and sometimes dangerous things for tourists - stone-fish, worms, mollusks, reefs. Such knowledge gained before the trip can not only save you from problems with the law, but also, possibly, save your life.

And yet, the main types of dangers that you are likely to encounter while relaxing in exotic countries can be divided into several categories.

Unsanitary conditions and diseases

First of all, This, of course, is unsanitary. And the reason is far from being dirty in Thailand or Indonesia, just that the hot climate and humidity are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, and food spoils faster at such temperatures. But compliance with basic hygiene rules (washing hands, fruits, vegetables), drinking only bottled water, and not from the tap or open sources, will save you from colliding with this trouble and save you from the consequences.

Don't forget that globalization is moving around the world and staying in a good hotel in Kenya, Tanzania, Peru, anywhere, you will not be served poor quality food. Still, well-known hotel chains value their reputation, and the administration makes every effort to ensure that the quality of service and maintenance meets the stated criteria anywhere in the world.

If speak about various diseases, then the stories about some of them are a little exaggerated. “From my point of view, the likelihood of contracting diseases such as malaria or yellow fever while in Africa is negligible. In my practice, for several decades there has not been a single case of infection in those countries where we send our tourists. Take simple precautions - wear closed clothes in the evening and use repellents, ”experienced tourist Ilya Otkalo, director of the online tour assembly service, debunks the myth.


Another kind of danger which every tourist can face - various pickpockets, extortionists and other criminals. We note right away that this phenomenon takes place anywhere in the world, and not just in exotic countries. But if you're sightseeing as part of a tour group and looking after your belongings, you're safe.

For independent travelers Ilya Otkalo recommends that when walking around the city, remove all valuables (phone, camera, gold jewelry), try to choose hiking trails and routes and not visit the outskirts alone, it is better to take a knowledgeable and trusted person with you who will tell and show where you can to go in and which areas to avoid.

In the event of any problems, be it a violation of the law or outright extortion, it is always better to contact a local guide and let him figure it out for himself. Believe me, he will do it better.

By the way, not in vain one of the rules of safe travel is the choice of tourist routes. The thing is that in most countries of the world, those places where tourists rest and walk are heavily guarded by the local police, and this especially applies to those cities in which there is an increased crime situation.


Unfortunately, from another type of danger - a terrorist attack - no one is safe, and this phenomenon can be encountered both in hot Cairo and in prosperous New York. But if you look at the statistics, you can clearly see that the probability of dying in an accident or becoming a victim of an accident at work is much higher. And for more peace of mind, just avoid visiting countries where various extremist groups are widespread.

"There's no need to be afraid travel as globalization spreads across the world and comes to even the most underdeveloped countries. Coming to South Africa, for example, you will be very surprised, because you will not see the Africa that you expected - in the provinces, the level of apparent well-being is higher than in many Russian villages, ”Ilya Otkalo, director of, shares his impressions of what he saw.


Oh really underestimated by modern tourists is the natural hazards. People often neglect the recommendations and advice of guides or guides: they swim at low tide or a strong storm, scare animals during a safari with sudden movements, eat unfamiliar fruits or berries growing on trees or shrubs, and so on. You should never forget that nature always poses a certain threat and you should not overestimate your strengths and capabilities, because often an accident is easier to prevent.

What to think about beforehand?

Also don't save on health insurance, even though it is not currently required condition when obtaining a visa to some countries. Ilya Otkalo advises to always draw up a policy and remember some nuances: not in all cases the payment for treatment will be reimbursed (for example, incidents while intoxicated); most insurance companies don't pay medical bills right away, but do so over time, so always have some money with you for emergencies.

You can also issue an extended insurance, for example, in Africa there is a medical service The Flying Doctors Society of Africa, whose doctors fly by helicopter at any place and time and take a person to a clinic where they can help him. Naturally, such a service will cost more, but sometimes it’s better not to save on health.

Regardless of whether which insurance company you have chosen and which package you have issued, do not forget to take your first aid kit from home with you. “Iodine, plasters, medicines for constipation, colds, allergies, chronic and hereditary diseases, repellents, sunscreens. Abroad, the simplest drugs can be called completely differently and the pharmacist will either not understand you or require a prescription. And when visiting the highlands, for example, Lake Titicaca, it is better to bring altitude sickness pills with you, ”Ilya shares one more of his observations.

And the last rule have a successful trip - always have with you the phone of the Russian consulate, the contacts of the receiving and sending company, if you are traveling from a travel company, and also check with your mobile operator in advance whether roaming is provided in the host country.

"Observe elementary safety rules while traveling, study the traditions of the country, listen to the representatives of your travel company and don’t be afraid of anything,” encourages all travelers Ilya Otkalo, director of, who has visited more than 30 countries of our vast planet Earth with his family.

Basic rules of conduct in a foreign country

Do not walk alone in an unfamiliar city and especially in a sparsely populated area.
If you go for a walk with family or friends , agree in advance where you can meet in case

if someone gets lost.

If possible, buy a map of the city or area where you are.

Mark on the map where your hotel is located so that you can be helped to get to it if necessary.

Avoid street demonstrations and other large crowds.
Try not to carry original documents and large sums of money with you. Don't carry money in your handbags. In bars and restaurants, do not hang bags on the back of the seat or leave them on the floor.

be careful, if someone is trying to divert your attention in any way - most likely, they want to quietly steal from you.

If you are going on an excursion with a group, ask the driver not to leave the bus at the parking lots.

Do not leave money or valuables on the bus - the driver is not responsible for their safety.

Carry cameras and camcorders by the shoulder strap.

Try not to ask strangers to take your picture.

In Muslim countries, do not take pictures of people without their permission, especially women, as the Koran forbids any image of a person.

Appropriate clothing is required to enter temples and mosques.

Legs and shoulders should be covered.

Most often, you need to cover your head. In the event of an attack or robbery, it is best not to resist, although at your discretion.

Try to remember the main signs of the attacker (height, hair, eyes, special signs, clothes, shoes, etc.) and in which direction he disappeared, if he was in a car - his make and number.

Report the incident to the nearest police station immediately.

When travelers checks or credit cards are stolen or lost call your bank (or nearest help center) immediately and cancel them to prevent possible losses.

Be sure to write down your bank phone numbers and your credit card number somewhere in advance.

If you lose your passport, report the incident to the police, where a protocol must be drawn up, one copy of which is given to you.

Be sure to have copies of documents and keep them separately, without them it will be very difficult to prove your data.

With this protocol, contact your embassy, ​​where you will be given a document that replaces your passport and gives you the right to return to your homeland.

In the event of an accident, injury or illness, immediately call the dispatcher of the insurance company at the number indicated in the insurance policy.

This may be an office in the country where you are located, in the country closest to you or in Ukraine.

Inform the dispatcher of the following data: the name and surname of the insured, the number of the insurance policy, tell what happened and what assistance is needed.

Be sure to save all financial documents (doctor's bill, receipts for medicines, etc.), which you then present to the insurance company.

In some countries , taxi drivers or passers-by will obsessively try to show you the best store or restaurant, do not agree.

This " best restaurant"will be the most expensive in the city, and once you place an order, you won't leave without paying for it (Especially true for Eastern countries).

By following these rules, the risk of spoiling your vacation is minimal, have a good trip!

If you're traveling, especially if you're traveling to a new country, there are certain safety precautions you need to take to minimize the risk of ending up in a dangerous or hopeless situation.

Over time, the rules of travel change - the longer you travel, the more you begin to trust the world, see people and feel the danger. If you are just starting to travel, I recommend that you follow the maximum rules of caution, and then with each new trip you yourself will begin to understand where you should be more careful and where you can relax. And if you still take risks, then you need to be prepared for any unexpected situations.

However, there are some rules that should never be forgotten.

1. Documents. Always take a copy of your passport with you, and keep the original in a safe place (send all documents in scanned form to the post office or cloud storage).

2. Money. The golden rule is don't keep all your money in one place! Part of the cash - with you, part - in the safe, part - in the backpack. One credit card with you, the second - in a bag or hotel safe, the third - in some secret pocket (the main thing is to remember all these places and do not accidentally wash things with money or a card!).

3. Memo. Always carry a "traveler's note" with you - the phone numbers of the embassies, the insurance company (and insurance number), the regular or tourist police, the serving bank, the address and name of the hotel (in the local language), the phone number of a loved one. It is best to make yourself a small card that will contain the entire necessary information, and make several copies, putting them in different places.

2. Health

  1. Diseases. Study in detail the information about the diseases characteristic of the region where you are going. Perhaps already at this stage you will adjust your route so as not to get, for example, into the center of the spread of malaria, yellow fever and other exotic diseases.
  2. Dangerous animals. Explore information about dangerous insects, snakes, marine life, to know who to be wary of and what to do when attacked by these animals. If, nevertheless, you are bitten by any animal, try to remain calm and remember its color, size, and some features in as much detail as possible. This will greatly help doctors start the right treatment right away. For example, when I was preparing for a trip to, I found out that there are a lot of poisonous snakes. Moreover, Cambodia is a rather poor country, so there are vaccines in only one private clinic in. Needless to say, how attentive I was when I walked through the ruins!
  3. Vaccinations. Find out if you need any vaccinations. For example, I do not support vaccination and try to avoid all kinds of vaccinations as much as possible, but in some countries you will simply not be allowed to enter without certain vaccinations.
  4. Precautionary measures. Read the information about precautions to protect yourself from possible illnesses. It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Use mosquito repellant and only open windows with mosquito nets. We weren't careful enough to end up with Vova.
  5. Water. Try to use only bottled water, also use it for washing fruits and vegetables and for brushing your teeth. It is especially important to follow this rule for the first time, while your body has not yet adapted to the local climate. The composition of water in different countries(and within the same country) is different, so your body may not perceive bacteria unfamiliar to it, even if the locals easily drink this water and nothing happens to them.
  6. Food. Do not abuse the local cuisine immediately after arrival. Try new dishes for your stomach with caution, try not to mix new dishes, drinks, Exotic fruits. It is better to start with 1 new dish a day, and then gradually move completely to the local cuisine (if, of course, you like it). But in general best places for food- small cafes designed for locals (not for tourists). In them, you most likely will not find a menu in English, but, for example, in Asia there will be pictures, so it’s more or less clear what they sell there. Not only is the price lower, but the quality is higher too. First of all, pay attention to the number of visitors, and not to the appearance of the cafe. A large number of local visitors is a guarantee that the food in this place is tasty and that the products do not spoil. If you buy food on the street, then if possible, buy where the food is prepared right in front of you. If, for example, you take chopped fruit in, then it is best if the fruit is cut right in front of you. Never take sliced ​​fruit if the tray with them is in the sun, the fruit is already cut, and the time is well after noon, the sun spoils the fruit very quickly.

Also make sure that there are no flies on the food, there are often special fly fans above the food counters. Flies are carriers of many diseases, so be careful.

3. On the road

  1. Loss of luggage. If you are checking some of your luggage, then take it for granted that the luggage is lost, so leave all valuables in hand luggage and take it with you on a plane, bus or any other transport. In addition to valuables, carry-on luggage should contain a set of things for 2-3 days (for example, if you are taking some medications, take a small supply with you in your hand luggage). Do not think that this will not happen to you - everything is possible. For example, when my mother arrived in Bangkok, she did not find her luggage. The luggage was found 2 days later, and there was a supply of vital medicine for a month. It's good that in a small purse she had a small supply for 3 days. If you go on short trips, then in general it is better to take only hand luggage, no one will lose it for sure.
  2. Opening luggage. Try to protect your luggage from being opened - you can wrap it in a film or use a padlock. Often this precaution helps - an attacker would rather get into an open bag than fiddle with your locks.
  3. Night trips. If during the trip you can fall asleep (especially on night crossings), fasten all valuables to yourself, and lock the bag that you have as hand luggage and put it away from the aisle. I usually have a fanny pack with me, in which the most important things lie, during the trip it is fastened to me and hidden under clothes or a blanket, so it’s not easy to get it unnoticed.
  4. Route. Watch the road, it may turn out that most passengers get off beyond your stop, and you may not be warned that they have already arrived. I usually periodically look at Google maps, where we are and how far to the destination.
  5. Stops. If you get off the bus (or train) at a stop, be sure to specify how long the stop will last, warn someone that you are going to get off (so that if the transport is about to leave without you, someone would inform the driver about this). When we were, Vova almost stayed at a bus stop in an unknown city, because. the driver apparently forgot about him and was about to leave. It's good that I stopped him in time! Also remember (or better take a picture) the number of the transport and the route. There may be a dozen similar buses at a bus stop - how will you look for yours if you don't know the number? Also, at stops, carefully watch when passengers pick up their luggage - so that they don’t accidentally (or on purpose?) take your bag.

4. At the hotel

  1. Safe. If the hotel has a safe in the room, leave valuables there. But at the same time, it is better to put money and cards in an opaque envelope and seal it, you can write on the envelope the amount that is in the envelope. This can help if hotel employees steal from safes. Usually they do not take all the money, but only a part, such a theft is more difficult to prove.
  2. Things in the hotel. If you leave valuables at the hotel, and there is no way to put them in a safe, put your things in a suitcase and close the suitcase with a special padlock.
  3. Lock the room from the inside at night. You never know what can happen while you sleep. Better to lock the door from the inside.
  4. Close windows when you leave. Thieves can climb in through the window (unless it's on the 10th floor, of course).

5. Outdoors

  1. terrain. Study in advance which areas of the city can be dangerous (not only for tourists, but in general, for local residents too). Study the information on the forums, and when you arrive at your destination, ask at the hotel reception. Do not appear in these areas!
  2. Dangerous areas. If you still want to see some dangerous area, take a tour so that one of the locals is with you. And if you still gathered there alone, then do not take any valuables with you, hide the money for the return trip somewhere far away, and take a phone instead of a camera. There is also such a feature - you can take a simple wallet with you with a small amount of money and give it away if you are suddenly attacked. But I still hope that you will still avoid dangerous situations and lay your route away from criminogenic areas.
  3. Return to the hotel. Try to get back to your hotel before dark, especially if you are traveling alone. In the evening, you should not take a randomly caught taxi. If you have a reliable taxi phone number that can pick you up, great, but if not, it's better to use public transport, which is full of people.
  4. Backpack. If you are backpacking, use padlocks to prevent intruders from opening your backpack unnoticed.

  5. Appearance. Do not wear expensive jewelry, do not show valuables, in general - try to pass for a local (if, of course, skin color allows). Of course, this is not always possible, especially if you like to take pictures. Girls are advised to wear closed clothes so as not to provoke anyone.
  6. Camera. If you are shooting video or taking pictures, then do not let go of the camera. Control the situation around - by the looks of passers-by you will understand when it is better to remove the camera away. You should not put the camera anywhere - even on a table in a cafe, at least tie it to the leg of a chair (the advice is relevant for especially dangerous countries).
  7. Photos of people. If you are photographing people, be sure to ask permission so that there are no conflicts. If you don't know the local language, just show with gestures that you are going to take a picture of them.
  8. Map. Be sure to take a map with you, and preferably an electronic map with a navigator, so that it is always easy to understand where you are. Mark your hotel on the map so you know where to return. At the same time, try to use the card as discreetly as possible so that its presence does not betray you as a tourist.

6. Money and valuables

  1. Storage of valuables. If it is possible to leave valuables at the hotel (there is a safe or a lockable cabinet), then leave the main amount of money, credit cards and passport there, and take with you only the money you need for one day, and instead of a passport - its copy. Although, for example, in Asia there were practically no safes anywhere in hotels and guesthouses, so we carried all the valuables with us. But there is no such criminogenic situation.
  2. ATM use. If you need to withdraw money from an ATM, if possible, use those ATMs that are located in the bank building - so you can always contact the bank staff if something goes wrong. Also, these ATMs are safer than those located in public places. it is more difficult for attackers to install readers on them. Be sure to cover the keypad with your hand when entering the pin code. When you approach the ATM, pay attention to the people standing nearby - they may be waiting for the victim, so it's better to withdraw money elsewhere. But in general, all these rules can be applied to any country, in Russia you need to act in exactly the same way. It’s just that in Russia it’s much easier to resolve issues if something happened to the card than if you are somewhere on a trip.
  3. Always watch your bags(especially if they contain something valuable!), try not to let go of them. Remember that your backpack, carelessly thrown on a bench, can become a target for an intruder.
  4. I repeat once again - do not keep all your money and valuables in one place- put them in different bags, pockets.
