Registration from: 9-21-2016

This year I finally realized my old dream - I made a decor from seashells... I collected shells for a long time - from every trip to the sea I brought with me a certain amount of shells. Everyone was going to start making crafts from shells for the interior, but, as the saying goes - “there were no fees for long” 🙂 The only thing was that the shells were used to decorate miniature gardens in bowls, the creation of which I am fond of.

This year I was lucky enough to visit the sea near Anapa, in st. Blagoveshchenskaya, where we camped on a sandy spit. There were absolutely extraordinary shells - the kind I had never seen in my life. They were large, bright, some even covered with some kind of limescale, reminiscent of coral formations.

Of course, all the time I spent my rest I was enthusiastically engaged in collecting this beauty, with the aim of subsequently making a decor from shells. Other shells are smaller, I collected on the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov when we went to the port of Kavkaz near Taman to meet a comrade from the ferry.

When we were returning from the sea, we stopped at Ikea near Krasnodar and there I bought two wooden mirrors, hoping to decorate them with shells. I started decorating a mirror with my own hands while on a trip - it's nice to do something creative on vacation, when there is a lot of free time. For this I only needed pva glue, shells and the mirror itself.

How to glue shells to glass

Many people are interested in me - how and with what glue shells can be glued to glass - I will say with full responsibility that there is no better PVA glue.

You need to glue the shells like this: you squeeze the PVA glue onto the surface (it should be thick and create a layer of millimeter 3 on the surface. That is how, and not as many do - just spread the surface with a brush. In the latter case, the shells will fall off almost immediately.

But if you squeeze out the glue in a thick layer, then carefully put the shells in the glue (do not be afraid, this will not harm beauty), then they will stick very well. When the glue dries, its layer will become thinner and it will become transparent and invisible. This is how I glued the shells to the mirror. Large orange ones are collected on the Black Sea, and small ones - on the Azov Sea.

See the shells themselves in macro photography - no glue is visible!

This is the original mirror.

Well, and it became so after decorating with shells.

The next idea for execution is to make from shells. Fortunately, after the last trip I have a lot of them.

How do you want to extend your summer vacation at sea, right? But work and other obligations are urgent, at least the memories of a wonderful sea vacation are warm in the soul!
But such memories can be prolonged, and not by looking at colorful vacation photos, but by a self-made mirror frame, decorated in a nautical style. Just imagine how wonderful it will look in the interior of a bathroom or hallway, constantly feeding you with pleasant memories of the warm sea!

Mirror with shells photo

If you brought the seashells from the sea, then literally in a few days you may notice that they darkened and a terribly unpleasant smell appeared, below you will learn how to bring the seashells into their proper form.
How to clean shells at home.
1. Freeze shells. Some people recommend freezing the shells in a bag filled with water, I know from experience that no water is needed, put the shells in a bag, tie it up and put it in the freezer. After a while, when you can deal with shells, take out the bag, wait until the shells are thawed (do not untie the bag during defrosting, otherwise you will feel a pungent smell). After defrosting, tie a cotton-gauze bandage on your face, put gloves on your hands, arm yourself with tweezers, a knife, and a sharp wooden skewer and remove the insides of the shells.
2. Boil the shells. There is another way to clean the shells, pour water into a saucepan, in which gently submerge the shells, boil the shells in boiling water for about 15 minutes. Then drain the water, let the shells cool down, arm yourself with tweezers and remove all the insides from them. At the final stage, rinse all sinks thoroughly running water.
3. How to whiten seashells. Take a glass container, immerse shells in it and fill it with laundry bleach. After 1.5 hours, you can take out the shells, if necessary, you can hold it longer. Rinse sinks under running water, dry, grease vegetable oil and after a while, cover with a colorless varnish. When drying in the sun, try not to overexpose the shells, otherwise they will crumble.

Mirror with shells photo

How to decorate a mirror with shells.
Necessary materials:
✓ Mirror in the frame;
✓ Hot glue gun with glue sticks (you can use transparent glue moment);
✓ Shells, pearl beads and river pebbles;
✓ Colorless varnish;
✓ Tweezers.

Where can I get seashells?
Collect on the seashore; Purchase in coastal shops (usually in such departments shells of all shapes and sizes are sold at affordable prices); Purchase in souvenir shops in your city; Order in the online store; Purchase in All for Creativity stores; Ask friends and family.

Well, let's start decorating the mirror with shells.
We put the mirror on the table, warm up the thermo-gun or simply arm ourselves with a bottle of transparent glue of the moment. We cover the mirror sheet with a cloth or paper, so as not to drip with glue and not stick.
We glue along the inner contour of the mirror - small shells, it is better to apply glue on the shell itself, of course, when applying glue to the frame, it will go faster, but since the moment tends to freeze quickly, you may simply not have time to glue seafood. Make sure that they are located symmetrically and do not jump out of the intended row.

After creating the shell contour, you can start gluing the large shells, but before gluing, just apply the shell to the frame and evaluate whether it looks appropriate here.
After gluing the large shells, start filling in the gaps between them using pearl beads, river pebbles, and small shells. If you plan to stick starfish, then remember that they are very fragile and you need to stick them first, and put other decorations around them. You can also fill in the gaps with clean sea sand or use light beads.

When the nautical-style mirror is fully decorated with all kinds of seafood, we leave the product to dry completely, 24 hours will be enough. Then we cover the frame with a glossy, colorless varnish, and after another drying - we admire the result!

I suggest you look at a selection of photos of square mirrors, complemented by shells.
Such mirrors will emphasize the interior design of the bathroom, hallway and bedroom. And how great they will fit into the thematic marine interior!

Mirror with shells photo

Round mirrors decorated with different-sized shells.
Such mirrors look very neat and quite compact, so they can be hung in any room of the house, in addition, such a mirror is perfect as a gift!

Mirror in a marine style photo

Oval mirrors decorated with seashells and other seafood.
Such mirrors look really cozy, they will help to instantly revive the general interior atmosphere. Just one mirror can dramatically change the entire home environment, thanks to its bright decor, it will become the main accessory in the house and will constantly catch the eye.

Rectangular mirrors decorated with large and small shells.
This form of the mirror is perhaps the most traditional and popular. A large mirror decorated with a variety of shell shapes can be hung in a central spot in the living room or dining room.
Mirror in a marine style photo

In addition to its functional mission, the mirror serves as a decorative decoration for the entire interior of the room, regardless of its purpose. Basically, mirrors are purchased ready-made, and the products offered are mainly produced in standard configurations, but you can also purchase a designer item, but its cost will be quite high.

You can solve the issue yourself by making a frame for a mirror with my own hands or decorate the existing one with improvised materials and personal imagination.

If your imagination is a little tight, you can always resort to the help of Internet resources, where you can see many photos with mirror decor options.

Mirror Decorating Ideas

Perhaps, almost everyone knows the amazing property of mirrors - the expansion of the space of the room, making it visually larger than the actual size, and the role stylish decoration interior.

You can decorate mirrors various materialsavailable in sufficient quantities for everyone. And your irrepressible imagination and great desire will embody into reality any ideas for decorating mirrors, moreover, made with your own hands, which will make your creation truly priceless and unique.

The main field for creativity in decorating mirrors is not the mirror surface, but its framing, i.e. frame. To decorate it, you do not need special knowledge or work experience, this process is quite accessible to everyone, the main thing is to have good taste and be creative in the design process.

To decorate the frame for the mirror, you can use: seashells, pieces of broken glass or ceramics, tile shards, paper, newspapers, jewelry, remnants of mosaics, bamboo sticks, tree twigs and much more.

Using utensil shards

It is easy to make the decor of a mirror from fragments of broken dishes with your own hands. Did your favorite cup or plate break? Do not rush to throw away the fragments, because they can be used to make a decoration for a mirror frame.

Mosaic the pieces using the appropriate tool. Prepare in advance the project of the future creation and the field for creativity.

Glue the mosaic components on top of the workpiece using ordinary glue, small beads and stones with mother-of-pearl will not be superfluous, in addition, other details can be used at your discretion. At the end of the process, it is necessary to grout the frame surface and wipe it with a soft cloth.

Decor with shells

Decorating a mirror frame using shells is as easy as shelling pears if you have glue, acrylic-based paints and a variety of shells on hand. Prepare the surface of the frame in advance, clean it from dust and dirt. Apply glue on top of it and lay the prepared shells in a planned order.

Straight lines, wavy, in the form of circles or bends, and other configurations will look beautiful. Dry the composition for a while, then cover with acrylic paint or secure with varnish.

Decorating with stones

The frame, decorated with stones, looks quite expensive and stylish. When using glass drops, do not forget that they are quite massive, which means it is worth leaving the space around them free. Do not combine stones of different types and textures.

For decoration, the ideal choice would be: smaller than average pebbles, glass in the form of a drop, crystal elements, artificial or natural stones, rhinestones and other materials. Use special transparent glue as an attachment.

We decorate the wall with mirrors according to the rules

In order not to spoil the wall with future creations, and to make the decor of the mirrors on the wall successfully, you must follow certain simple rules:

  • give preference to mirrors of the same dimension, it is better to use products no larger than average;
  • products of non-standard shapes, as a rule, are not placed in frames;
  • round or square mirrors should be decorated with a beautiful frame;
  • a composition of the same type of mirror frames will look solid, regardless of the size of the mirrors;
  • use no more than 5 mirrors in the composition with a spectacular and stylish frame, otherwise break the harmony;
  • a win-win option would be to use mirror frames, which are ideally combined with the entire style of the interior design of the room.

Photo of mirror decor

Nowadays, a mirror is an essential attribute of any living room, the purpose of which is not only to admire your reflection. The mirror is also an important element of decoration and decoration of any interior. Often, industrial mirrors cannot fully emphasize the individuality of the room design. And here hand-made mirrors come to the rescue.

Naturally, if we talk about the decor of an old mirror with your own hand, you should not mean a forged frame or a frame made, for example, of mahogany. There are many ideas for decorating mirrors using readily available and relatively cheap materials that will allow you to make an original decor element.

IN modern house or an apartment, almost every room is equipped with mirrors: an entrance hall, a bathroom, a bedroom or a nursery. Depending on the location in the house, the purpose of mirrors can be different, but they are united by the fact that a modern person simply cannot imagine life without a mirror. This household item should also be in the living room, although many believe that this is not the case.

If the room is spacious enough, the absence of a mirror in it can of course be justified, but the presence of this household item in small rooms can visually expand the space of the room.

Room decor with an unusual mirror

Like this sun frame for a mirror? A detailed lesson in this article is.

These 3 very stylish mirrors can also be made by hand - follow the link for a detailed master class -.

At first glance, it seems that all mirrors are similar to each other. You can avoid this by completing the mirror decor with your own hands. Consider further the most common decoration options.

The decision to equip the walls of a room with mirrors often leads to problems caused by the need to purchase a product of a certain size, shape and design so that it is in harmony with the interior of a particular room. Decorating mirrors with your own hands helps to solve this problem.

It should be noted that this work will require not so much skill and skills in a particular area, as the presence of developed imagination and good taste, as well as a creative approach to business.

Wall decoration with small mirrors

An unusual shape or frame for a mirror - perfect solution for an empty wall in a room

Such curly mirrors are easy to make yourself - you need to choose a shape and order a cut

Composition of 16 mirrors

A feather-shaped mirror is a great solution for a relaxation area

7 rules for decorating interior mirrors

When using mirrors as a decorative element, you must follow the following rules:

  1. It is better to select products of the same size, preference given to small and medium mirrors.
  2. If a mirror object has an irregular shape and should not be framed.
  3. Rounded or square mirrors are advised to be enclosed in a beautiful frame.
  4. To make the composition look like a whole, it is best to choose the same type of frames.
  5. It is most important to use the same product frames different sizes.
  6. When creating a composition of mirrors on the wall, you need to try not to create unnecessary clutter - sometimes in order to create a harmonious image, 5 mirrors with spectacular frames are enough.
  7. The frames look great, which resonate with the decor of the room as a whole.

TIP! For example, a frame made of wood matches perfectly with a wooden table. In general, as they say professional designers, the design that is made with your own hands using imagination and creativity will look spectacular.

Mirrors are capable of visual expansion of space small rooms (for example, in "Khrushchevs"), but often this will require more than one mirror.

  • Three, six, or even ten items different forms and sizes will allow you to achieve the desired result. In the interior, made in classic style, for such mirrors, volumetric frames made of stucco are suitable.
  • Modern trends in the design of rooms will ideally complement narrow mirrored frames of all kinds of geometric shapes, sometimes with patterns on the surface.
  • When using lamp lighting, the bright reflection in the mirrors will contribute to the visual expansion of the space.

Large mirrors for the living room

You can order the production of "curved" mirrors and place them on one of the walls (in the form of appliqués or a uniform size in the form of a square).

Light walls will perfectly decorate mirrors of different shapes and sizes. Such a "row of windows" will revive the room and brighten it even more.

Mirror above the fireplace

A beautiful large mirror fits perfectly over a sofa, table or fireplace. However, the combination of this household item with other mirrors should be discarded.

DIY wooden frame for a mirror

The tree looks great in almost any interior. This is a very popular and time-tested natural material. Wood products have excellent performance and attractive appearance... therefore wood is ideal for use in hand-made mirror decoration... Household items of a square or rectangular shape are well framed with ordinary wooden borders, but you can and should experiment with round and oval mirrors.

Mirror sun from branches

It will look original for any interior like this called the sun mirror... It is made using wood blocks or twigs, plywood frames, primer, special glue, aerosol, "sandpaper", as well as a glue gun.

How to make a sun mirror:

  1. To begin with, branches are glued with wedges around the entire perimeter of the frame, and alternating long and short ones to make it look like rays from the sun.
  2. Each block is needed hold for 15-20 seconds, so that it sticks well.
  3. After waiting for the glue to dry, it is necessary to remove its remnants with sandpaper, and then apply a primer and leave for 1 hour.
  4. Then you need to cover the frame with paint or varnish.

Decor with dry branches

The twigs can be replaced with wooden clothespins. So, a few minutes - and the decorative sun frame is ready!

Mirror frame made of clothespins

Decor paper

Round and small mirrors can be decorated, using egg packaging... This solution is very original and requires very little investment. It will be necessary to cut out each individual cell, glue the flower and paste over the mirror with them.

Mirror frame from egg packaging

DIY bathroom mirror decor

By decorating an object is understood the achievement of form and colors, in harmony with the style in which the interior of the room is made, as well as with its purpose. When decorating mirrors in the bathroom, you must provide resistance to moisture and strong fixation of decorative elements.

Decor of an old mirror in the bathroom - painting with acrylic

How to decorate an old bathroom mirror:

  1. First you need erase the previous coating from the surface of the frame... For removing old paint use paint remover - it is not expensive and is available in any building materials store.
  2. Then priming takes place in order to prepare the base for the glue.
  3. After that, glue must be applied to the places of future attachment of beads or shells. The decoration can be carried out in random order.

The original design idea is the frame made of metal rulers, which are also arranged in the form of the sun.

Mirror frame made of metal rulers

The standard rule for decorating walls with mirrors is: if the products are voluminous, then there should be few of them. For example, to decorate a large mirror, you can glue toy cars to it by painting them on top. One product decorated in this way is enough for a room.

Original mirror frame made of old toys

Fantasizing and using ordinary objects that are at the moment at hand, it is possible to decorate the mirror so that it looks unique and at the same time keeps a piece of the invested soul and warmth.

Also, a backlit mirror looks very relevant in the bathroom - it is very easy to make it with your own hands. Here's the detailed one.

Mirror decor with shells

Before starting work, make a drawing of shells by attaching them to the surface to be decorated. The composition may or may not have symmetry. Make the most of your imagination when creating your drawing.

  1. To avoid contamination of the mirror glass, it must be sealed with masking tape. After that, you can start gluing the shells to the frame. For the glue to dry completely, you need to wait for several hours.
  2. After making sure that the glue hardens, start painting the frame.
  3. Painting is done in several layers, which are applied every 20 minutes in order to give them the opportunity to dry out slightly.
  4. The layers are carefully applied in such a way that they are as thin as possible.

Such design of a mirror with the help of shells will become an adornment of any room, the interior of which is made in the "classic" style.

You can also make decorative candlesticks from shells - detailed lesson:.

Mosaic mirror decor

To decorate a bathroom mirror yourself, you can use glass or ceramic mosaics.

Bathroom mosaic mirror

If you want to make such a mirror yourself - here is a detailed one.

Frame decorated with sequins

You can make such an original bathroom mirror yourself by simply ordering a curly cutting of mirrors

Decor of a round mirror with a frame made of pipes: Master class

A very stylish and modern frame for decorating a round mirror can be made from ordinary polypropylene pipes for water supply.

Frame for round tube mirror

This will require:

  • plastic pipe;
  • a saw powered by electricity;
  • skin;
  • glue gun.

Assembly technology

Step 1

  • We cut the rings with great care. Moreover, they must have the same width, otherwise the finished product will look sloppy.
  • Therefore, the power saw "trimming" with small teeth is ideal.

In the absence of such a saw, you can use a miter box.

We take polypropylene pipes for water supply - you can choose any diameter at your discretion

Step 2

  • Just before gluing, cuts on each ring processed with fine sandpaper, in order to avoid burrs.
  • Since our task is to make an accessory with a beautiful appearance, every little thing in it should look neat.

We lay out the rings in any shape you like best

Step 3

  • Rings held together with a glue gunthat will provide an inconspicuous fastening. The gluing of the rings can happen in different ways; a different method can be used than in the photo.
  • The shape of the composition can be both square and oval... It is recommended to make it in the shape of a mirror.

We glue the rings together with a pistol

Step 4

The mirror is also glued to the rings with a glue gun exactly in the middle. It should be noted that all elements must be cleaned of dust particles and degreased before gluing. You can hang the finished product on the wall using the rings.

So, you can make a product that combines 2 or 3 mirrors, and for a greater effect it can be supplemented with a glass vase or table.

Master class: Mirror with lace

The frame made of paper lace looks very unusual and home-like. It can be purchased at any store that sells disposable tableware.

We have to:

  • Paper lace for cake.
  • Double-sided tape.
  • Round mirror.
  • Coating paper.
  • Aerosol paint.
  • Scissors.

Technology step by step

Step 1

Take laces from cake paper and spray paint them. Dry well within 1-2 hours.

We paint lace with spray paint

Step 2

Cover the back of the mirror with double-sided tape. Then cut off the protruding end of the tape.

Apply double-sided tape to the mirror

Cut off excess tape along the contour

Remove the protective film

Step 3

Remove the protective film, and place the mirror on the paper lace previously dyed and press well.

Making external mounts for the mirror

Place a mirror in the center of the lace and press the adhesive tape well

We hang a mirror on the wall

The final touch remains, to attach it to the wall.

Such frames look especially beautiful if there are several of them!

Master class: Decor of a mirror with petals

The frame for the mirror can be decorated with artificial petals, they are usually sold in bags in the goods for decoration.

Petal mirror decor

For this we use:

  • Artificial silk flower petals.
  • Glue gun.
  • Round mirror (or oval).
  • Aerosol paint (any color).

Work order

  1. We paint the frame in white paint,.
  2. Start at the outer edge with a hot glue gun and glue the petals.
  3. And so we lay the petals row by row.
  4. We insert the mirror into the frame. Your amazing mirror is ready!

Glue the petals row by row with hot glue in a circle

Finished mirror with petals

Master class: Decor of a mirror with gold leaf

An unusual and modern mirror will turn out if its edges are decorated with gold leaf. If you have not found it, you can take ordinary thin foil.

Mirror decor with gold leaf

We have to:

  • Glue gun.
  • Mirror of any shape.
  • Foil or gold leaf

Decor technology

  • Take the foil and tear it apart with different shapes.
  • Using a glue gun, glue the edges of the mirror with pieces of foil or gold leaf, fitting it tightly on top of each other.
  • Let dry for 1-2 hours.

We glue the foil on the mirror with a glue gun

Required materials for a nautical mirror

  • Mirror (any shape);
  • Starfish, river pebbles, various small shells. If it so happens that you do not have the opportunity to collect such materials immediately near the sea, you can buy ready-made sets in stores;
  • Beads-pearls of different sizes;
  • Adhesive composition (optimal - super glue);
  • Adhesive paper or bandage.
  • Tools you need labor: scissors as well as tweezers.

How to decorate a nautical mirror

1. Before starting work, you need to clean the surface of the mirror with a glass detergent, it is advisable to thoroughly rinse the shells, river pebbles, this is quite an important point, because the adhesive does not hold oily or dirty surfaces well.

2. Using an adhesive bandage (or paper), make a frame on the mirror.

If necessary, you can also glue the shells to the mirror surface, but the advantage of this "frame" is that it will help you to clearly limit the gluing site (it serves as a contour), and in case of an oversight the bandage is easier to separate from the mirror than very fragile materials.

3. Let's start gluing small shells. First you need to glue large shells to the frame. It is highly desirable that they are arranged symmetrically.

Try not to overload the frame, otherwise it will look overly bulky.

Before applying the adhesive to the material, attach the selected shells to the frame, create a few steps back at once, look at the mirror from afar. This will help you determine in advance which shells work much better with each other.

The glue should be applied to the shells.

4. Moving away from the already glued large figures, attach small shells to the frame and, in addition, medium-sized sea river pebbles. Instead of river pebbles, you can also use very light, very flat pebbles sold in flower shops to decorate potted plants. Remember to leave room for the beads.

5. Glue it neatly enough sea \u200b\u200bstars... The important thing is that they are quite fragile. Therefore, first, it is much better to glue the stars onto an empty certain space, and only then place the rest around them.

6. It remains to fill the empty spaces with small small shells, pebbles, beads. For convenience, I advise you to use tweezers. This will make it easier to apply the adhesive to the small material.

Also, using tweezers, fill in all other gaps with beads.

In the same case, if you cannot fill out absolutely everything empty spaces between small shells (for example, along the edges or even small "holes"), leave them empty - only thanks to the bandage frame they will not be conspicuous.

For all those who live near the sea, there is alternative option - fill the "holes" with adhesive and, accordingly, fill them with clean sea sand. After some time, when the adhesive composition is completely dry, you will need to shake off the excess clean mountain sand. Another method is to use small, fairly light beads, for example, light cream, very light sand color tones, instead of pure sand.

7. Let's move on to the last stage of decorating the mirror in a nautical style. When all the materials are glued to the frame, it remains to wait until the adhesive dries. Following this, you need to clean the surface of the mirror, as well as the shells from the remnants of the adhesive.

Thereafter, the decorated frame can also be coated with a completely colorless varnish. However, this is not at all necessary: \u200b\u200bthe varnish composition is needed to strengthen the structure.

Marine style mirror - photo
