Aven Petr Olegovich is included in the list of one hundred the richest people Russia. His career began as a junior researcher, and today he heads the largest Russian holding Alfa Group. Entering the Alfa Group family at the end of the 90s, Pyotr Aven was able not only to keep this ship afloat in the years of crisis. He managed to raise the holding to new heights.



  • Date of Birth: 16.03.1955
  • Education: Economics Faculty of Moscow State University
  • Business start date/age: 1993, 38 years old
  • Type of activity at start: consulting financial services
  • Current activity: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa Group
  • Current state: $4,600 million (Forbes)

The success stories of the richest Russian entrepreneurs are a wonderful motivation for repetition. Even more so for Aven Petr Olegovich, because this story is about how, using talent and knowledge, not to miss the opportunity to climb up.

Luck since childhood

How else to call it that the boy was born precisely in the family of the professor on March 16, 1955 in Moscow. The long-awaited heir became the bearer of the genes of many nationalities - Jews, Latvians, and Russians. The family included both a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the SSR (father Oleg Ivanovich), and an opponent of Soviet power shot in the 30s - grandfather - a Latvian shooter.

In any case, the “golden spoon in the mouth” contributed to the fact that the boy was sent to study at the well-known metropolitan school No. 2 with a physical and mathematical bias, where primary school prepared future students of Moscow State University. However, Petya did not give too much of great importance study - he was an "average", but a joker and the soul of the company.

It is interesting that it was at school that he met the grandson of Arkady Gaidar, Yegor, who in the future opened the doors to him in political elite countries.

But while schoolboy Aven did not even think that he was making any useful acquaintances - he simply enjoyed life. Peter became very interested in music and even became the head of the school music club. By the way, later he had many good acquaintances among famous singers, composers and performers.

The ability to find the right people"Served our hero in his student years - higher education he received at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, where he met his future business partner- . The guys first became friends on the basis of the same musical interests, and then became business partners. This will be in the future, but for now Aven successfully graduates from the university, defends his dissertation and receives a Ph.D.

Labor career: the beginning

After receiving a university diploma, the biography of Aven Petr Olegovich leads us to the All-Union Research Institute for System Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Here he spends the period 1981-1988. and rises to the rank of senior researcher.

The next step was the post of adviser to the USSR Foreign Ministry in 1989. However, Petr Olegovich does not give up his scientific work - in parallel, he works under a contract at the Austrian-Vienna International Scientific Institute.

The return from abroad coincided with the collapse of the Soviet empire. In this difficult time, there was a turn in the work biography of Pyotr Aven: he joined the "reform government" of his friend Yegor Gaidar as head of foreign economic relations. In fact, this position meant the first deputy minister of foreign affairs of the RSFSR.

Further short political biography Petra Avena was only gaining momentum - since 1992, our hero has headed what was already created in Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations. And a little later, he is also a member of the commission under the Russian government dealing with monetary and economic issues.

In 1992, the government was headed by Viktor Chernomyrdin. Pyotr Olegovich decides to retire. Until 1993, he worked as an adviser to the president of LogoVAZ JSC Boris Berezovsky.

Rice. 1. Aven had a good relationship with Boris Berezovsky.
Source: i.obozrevatel.com website

Aven maintained partnerships with the oligarch Berezovsky for a long time. It was Aven and Friedman who introduced Berezovsky and Abramovich during the celebration of the New Year in 1995. Pyotr Olegovich owns the following statement: "The scale of personal hostility among the oligarchs is greatly exaggerated - many of us know each other, go to visit and relax together." (Business people, 1997).

personal cash

In 1993, Aven decides to open his own business - a consulting company becomes it. Petr Aven Finance (abbreviated as FinPA) did not have its own assets, although the organization was a commercial financial structure.

Rice. 2. Many of Aven's financial theories were perfectly embodied in practice.
Source: cdn.bfm.ru

In fact, the company was engaged in liquid debt obligations. To be more precise, they advised those wishing to buy government debts on all points of the transaction, but did not touch on the price. Among the deals were with India and Ghana.

Entrepreneur Aven later shared his memories: “We occupied an empty market niche. Our company bought up its debts from the state, which it could not pay for its obligations. Then, when it can, the state returns the money to us.”

Hello Alpha Group!

The services of the organization were used by JSCB Alfa Bank, which was founded by a student friend Fridman. It is not difficult to imagine why Aven became a co-owner of this organization (for this he transferred half of his company to Friedman).

In the same year, Pyotr Olegovich returns to politics: he becomes a deputy of the State Duma, but our hero refuses the mandate. He wants to do his own business, especially since in 1994, after receiving a 10% stake, he becomes president of the bank. But still from the position of a member of the coordinating council round table business of the Russian Federation, he does not refuse.

Alfa Group only benefits from the arrival of a talented economist-strategist. With the help of Aven, it was possible to continue various payments even in the conditions of the 1998 crisis. The hero's career is going uphill: in 1998 alone, Aven first enters the board of directors of Aviakor OJSC, then the same structure at Alfa-TV, and then the Network of Television Stations CJSC.

Rice. 3. The arrival of Aven in "Alpha" definitely benefited both.
Source: kvnews.ru

Since 2001, Aven has held senior positions in the holding, and since 2011 he has also been a direct shareholder of the organization. Today he leads this consortium.

But at the same time, our hero does not believe in online banking, which he declares:

During this time, he received many different awards. For example, in 2004 a businessman was named the best financial manager. In 2005, he received the Order of Honor from the hands of V. Putin, and in 2015, the Woodrow Wilson Award in Washington for his contribution to the development of relations between the two countries.

More about the holding

It will be interesting to learn a little more about the ship that Aven controls. Founded in 1989, today it is provided in many countries of the world - the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Great Britain and Luxembourg.

Alfa Group is one of the

The priorities of the consortium are:

  • telecommunications;
  • production of alcoholic beverages (Aven is a member of the board of directors of Latvijas Balzams in Riga);
  • joint control with Renovo of OAO TNK, the controller producing oil and oil products;
  • consumer, retail business (sugar and grain);
  • food industry (Perekrestok shares);
  • financial activities (banking and insurance services).

The holding is also engaged in other non-business projects. Among them, charitable and social ones, support for children and youth, and the preservation of cultural values ​​stand out especially. Financial assistance is also obligatory, which is mainly provided to seriously ill children (Alfa Group is a partner of the Life Line fund for seriously ill children, to which $10.7 million has already been transferred). Participation in good deeds of other organizations was also noted (for example, the Kindness Basket from, with which 20,000 kg of food were collected for 3,000 socially disadvantaged families).

In addition to other good deeds, there is support for children's healthcare (there are plans to invest 100 million US dollars for a children's endocrinology program). The environment has not been forgotten either: the bank branch helps WWF Russia in protecting the environment. The foundation also supports various innovative projects of young scientists.

Competitive wars and other scandals

Every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment. Many economic experts consider Aven (like Khan and Friedman) to be just a “public” owner, who owns a symbolic share of the holding. Allegedly, the organization has a rather unstable foundation due to the fact that it was created on "offshore whales". The assumptions are based on the fact that many large borrowers and founders of the organization do not have any significant recent financial activities.

The first and main competitor is the MDM group, with which there was a long struggle for Converse Bank. The competitor came out the winner anyway, but many partners did not like that Aven deliberately used his connections in political circles to achieve what he wanted. At the same time, he allegedly covered himself with the interests of Alfa-Bank, which he dragged into this competition. But they prefer not to argue with Pyotr Olegovich - his lobby in political circles is too strong.

Petr Olegovich Aven is a representative of a galaxy of modern entrepreneurs in Russia. Known as one of the co-owners of Alfa Group, statesman, art collector, philanthropist and businessman involved in charity work. His biography is an example life path proving that everyone can achieve financial success. It is important not to miss the chance.

Childhood and youth

Petr Olegovich was born in Moscow, in a professorial family. The date of birth of the future oligarch is March 16, 1955. Among Aven's ancestors were Russians, Jews and Latvians. Oleg Ivanovich, the father of the future entrepreneur, was engaged in computer technology, was a well-known specialist in this field. Later he taught at Moscow State University, was a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Aven's grandfather is known as a Latvian shooter who was on the death list during the repressions in the 1930s.

A successful career for Peter Olegovich was prepared from childhood. The boy is sent to the Physics and Mathematics School No. 2. The educational institution, which many successful people graduated from, is called the "nursery of geniuses at Moscow State University." Aven studied medium, was fond of music, headed the school music club. From school, he makes numerous acquaintances among musicians.

Then the young man enters the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Three years after graduating from the university, he defends his dissertation and becomes a candidate of science. As a student at Moscow State University, he meets a future business partner. Initially, they are united by musical interests, which later develop into a business partnership.

Carier start

The first place of work for the future businessman was the Institute for System Research, where he works as a junior researcher. Peter worked at the institute for almost eight years, rose to the rank of senior researcher, and in 1989 went to Austria for an internship. The return home coincided with the difficult economic situation in the country.

Aven becomes a member of the team, whom he knew from school days. Holds two positions at the same time. One of them is the Deputy Foreign Minister. Later heads the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations. With the advent of Peter Aven, he resigns and immediately becomes an adviser to the president of LogoVAZ.

"Alfa Bank"

In 1993, Aven creates and heads his own financial structure - a consulting company. Petr Aven Finance ("FinPA") provided advisory services, had no assets and did not purchase anything. The company consulting with Aven was Alfa Bank JSCB, founded by M. Fridman. Soon Peter Olegovich becomes its co-owner.

In 1993, Aven was elected to the State Duma, but he renounced his deputy mandate in favor of his company. To become a co-owner of Alfa-Bank, he transfers to him half of the shares of his company, receives 10% of the bank's shares, and in 1994 becomes its president.

Petr Aven at the head of Alfa-Bank

After Aven's arrival at Alfa Group, the holding's positions are noticeably strengthened. He successfully overcomes the crisis of 1998, continuing to pay money to depositors and pay off other obligations. In May 1998, Aven became a member of the board of directors of Aviakor OJSC, in June he headed the board of directors of Alfa-TV CJSC, and in November, Network of Television Stations CJSC.

Since 2001, Aven continues to hold senior positions in Alfa Group, in 2011, after acquiring 150.6 thousand shares for $ 3 million, he becomes a shareholder of the company. In 2004, Institutional Investor magazine was named the best manager in the financial sector. In 2005, for success and conscientious work, the businessman received the Order of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation.


Pyotr Aven is also known as a connoisseur of art and a collector who has collected the largest collection of paintings by artists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. At the 2012 Christie's auction, he acquires Kandinsky's Sketch for Improvisation No. 8 for $23 million.

The Petr Aven collection consists of many masterpieces

Then he becomes the owner of a pencil portrait of V. Meyerhold by Yuri Annenkov. He paid $ 1.7 million for the drawing. He owns a collection of majolica and a collection of Soviet porcelain, consisting of 1 thousand copies.


In 2008, Petr Aven, together with his wife Elena, opened the Generation Charitable Foundation. The Foundation is engaged in supporting children's healthcare, cultural exchange between Russia and Latvia, scholarships and grants in science. Together with, and provide funding for the Jewish Museum and tolerance center, transferred to the Jewish community.

Concert grand piano by Raimonds Pauls

A concert grand piano was donated from the fund 's funds . The cost of a musical instrument is 120 thousand euros. Since 2012, they have been helping the Madona Hospital (Latvia). The medical facility is equipped with a baby box for children who are abandoned by their mothers. Personally, Aven donated an EPIQ5 ultrasonograph to the maternity ward of the hospital. The businessman is a member of the trustees of the Bolshoi Theater, the Russian Olympians Support Fund and other organizations.

Personal life

Petr Aven, a widower, businessman's wife Elena died on August 25, 2015. The cause of his wife's death was a blood clot. In the personal life of the banker before this tragic incident, everything was going well. Elena was a historian by profession. Together they lived more than 30 happy years. The couple has twin children: son Denis and daughter Daria. Studied in the USA at Yale University.

Petr Aven with his wife Elena

The banker loves skiing, football, tennis, is fond of hunting, and is a fan of FC Spartak. Fluent in English, reads and explains Spanish. Loves poetry and literature. Of the last books he read, he names “Heavenly Harmony” by Peter Esterhazy and “Everything is Fixable” by Alexander Kabakov.


Peter Aven is one of the richest inhabitants of the planet. In the 2007 rating published by Forbes magazine, the businessman's fortune was $ 3.6 billion, in 2008 - $ 5.5 billion (178th position), in 2009, according to Finance, - $ 1.25 billion, in 2010 - returned to the indicators of 2007.

Petr Aven with children

Aven owns 7.021% of the shares of the Altimo holding, 13.8% of the shares of ABH Holdings, which combines the oil and financial assets of Alfa Group. In 2016, the oligarch takes 19th place in the list of rich Russian businessmen.

Personal net worth, according to the latest estimates, is $4.6 billion.

Petr Aven now

Today, the billionaire remains at the helm of Alfa Group, is engaged in charity work and writing. He is the author of articles and books on economics, a university professor, and teaches. The fortune of the business tycoon continues to grow.

Giving an interview to journalists, Petr Olegovich proudly talks about his younger generation - his son and daughter. Children live in America, but dream of returning to their homeland. The son graduated with honors and a double degree in mathematics and economics, the daughter promotes the MAC brand at Estée Lauder.

How they betrayed Russia. P. Aven
Dedicated to the generation that survived the nineties

We will need to tell our children and grandchildren about those people who destroyed and betrayed our vast country, so that they know them and, just like us, manage to save it. It is necessary that they know each of them personally - how they lived, how they were brought up, what they believed in, what they hated. Why are they like this. We need to tell about these people so that our children and grandchildren can recognize them. So we will tell about them in the cycle “How Russia was betrayed” ... Still in cycle "How they betrayed Russia"

Peter Aven

Aven's confession contains the main answer to the question of why the reforms of the 90s in Russia were so criminal, immoral and failed.
Part 1

The young reformers of the 90s were always eager for publicity and even theatrical. The grandson of two great writers, Gaidar, at the end of the USSR, worked with the Pravda and Kommunist publications, and at the zenith of his career, without finishing the endings in some kind of caricatured negligence, he broadcast his marginal philosophy with visible pleasure, especially during the 1993 coup, summoning the people to their defense. Koch hosted the show "Greed" on NTV, and now he actively writes on the blog and collaborates with his gentle friend Aven in Forbes. There they find out whether everything was done so badly in the 90s and why they live like this, albeit richly, but cautiously in Rus'.

Pyotr Aven himself is not without the habits of a Russian cultural enlightener. Then he will bring to the Elton John show in the Throne Room of the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo. That, simpering - they say, I'm not a writer - will scribble a review of the book "Sankya" by Nizhny Novgorod Zakhar Prilepin in the journal "Russian Pioneer".

“... We - I, anyway - did not steal anything from anyone, - he writes there. - And, sorry for the cliché, we create thousands of jobs. And we pay scholarships - including future engineers. And we have nothing to justify. If I feel any guilt for my better life- so only in front of the old and sick. For those who can't. And those who do not want, in my opinion, should justify themselves to me.

Here we see one of the many thoughts of the current Aven, surprising in impudence - that the country robbed and humiliated by his government should justify to him why it was robbed and humiliated.

The power of "bespectacled"

Today they would be called hipsters. In the 1960s and 1970s, they were simply refined smart boys, whom their parents sent to the Moscow Physics and Mathematics School No. 2. Peter Aven now calls this event the main one in his life, and in this he is probably right. In the silence of Moscow offices, in the narrow circles of metropolitan scientists who did not smell the country, in their warm dining rooms, a new generation of narcissistic misanthropes, provided with all the benefits, was growing up.

After graduating from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, in 1980 Aven defended his Ph.D. thesis under the guidance of Academician Stanislav Shatalin. Then he sat in the same office of the All-Union Research Institute for System Research with Yegor Gaidar. The text of his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Functional scaling" was published in 1988 under the editorship of a future close colleague of Boris Berezovsky.

Like many in the generation of "young reformers", Aven was a researcher at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, located in Laxenburg, Austria. At the same time, he was listed as an adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. This ability to combine different positions and benefit from it will play a decisive role in his career.

Of course, not only armchair neighborhood with Gaidar provided Aven entry into the government of the reformers. He really wanted it.

– All economists, especially those who graduated with honors from higher educational establishments dream of ruling the country, - Aven told Forbes magazine. - For this, in fact, they are taught, for this they read books. And, having entered the government, we got such an opportunity. We understood that, indeed, the reforms are difficult, for some time it will be unpopular, but, in principle, we still saw ourselves as entering history, into the elite of economists. Therefore, there was no doubt that it was necessary to make reforms, of course, there was no.

This confession contains the main answer to the question of why the reforms of the 1990s in Russia were so criminal, immoral and failed. The government of conceited smart boys did not know how to carry out reforms, they understood that they were extremely difficult, but the desire to go down in history quickly outweighed all fears.

Friend of Berezovsky and Putin

Petr Aven during the years of reforms and after them demonstrated an amazing ability to adapt and survive. Today it is believed that the president of Alfa-Bank is a friend of Vladimir Putin and a skilled lobbyist for business interests in the corridors of power. In the 90s, on the contrary, one of the main ideologists of "Gaidarvinism" Aven was in partnership and friendly relations with Boris Berezovsky and many other people from the current London inmates. But he doesn't sit.

However, the activities of Aven during the reforms were much more ambiguous and subtle than the clumsy work of the same Alfred Koch. If Kokh was selling off enterprises - "iron", then the Minister of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation was selling information. After leaving the ministerial post in 1992, after the resignation of Yegor Gaidar, Aven began working in the same specialty, only in private. He created his own company, Petr Aven Finance (FinPA), which took up consultations on Russian foreign debts. Naturally, by the nature of his ministerial service, he knew this matter better than anyone else, and had an excellent set of necessary connections in the government. Trading in government information today would be called an insider, but then there was no such thing in Russia, just as there were no players in the market chosen by Aven.

Part 2

All reformers, without exception, had disparaging remarks about mass losses among the people.
The connection between the state and business has become Aven's main source of income. Alfa-Bank, for example, bought state debts of Russia for 25–30% of their value, and then received them from the country full price. Which bonds to buy, according to Novaya Gazeta, was suggested to him by Mikhail Kasyanov, the chief negotiator for Russian debt in the West. Rather, he ordered, first of all, to pay off those debts that were bought by Alfa. A criminal case was even initiated regarding such simple cooperation, but then it was closed under an indistinct pretext.

Nevertheless, despite the craving for elegance and all the intelligence of his career, Pyotr Olegovich could not avoid the primitive privatization "cutting" of enterprises that the whole country was occupied in those years. Even when he headed the ministry, it oversaw the privatization of significant foreign economic enterprises of the USSR. There were such facilities as, for example, Soyuznefteexport (now Nafta), which carried out up to 70% of the Union's oil export transactions. The foreign property of this company was worth an estimated $1 billion, but it was privatized for $2,000. The shares were distributed by closed subscription among the former management of Soyuznefteexport and the ministry.

In 1995, Alfa-Bank Aven got involved in the fight for the Sidanco oil company (now Tyumen Oil Company, TNK), which was put up for a loans-for-shares auction. Alpha structures bought 40% of TNK for $810 million. According to the Accounts Chamber, the State Property Committee and the Russian Federal Property Fund deliberately underestimated the value of the stake in TNK put up for sale by more than 1.5 orders of magnitude. The treasury lost about $1.4 billion on this. Several years after this auction, TNK management, headed by the chairman of the board of directors of the company, the general director of Nizhnevartovskneftegaz, Viktor Paly, tried to fight the capture of the company, since they had their own views on it. Paliy then declared that this privatization was state robbery with the tacit consent of officials. It turned out that the agreement was not tacit at all. Chubais and Kokh immediately wrote a letter to the management of Sidanco demanding that Paliy be excluded from re-election because of the "poor economic situation of the enterprise." The smart boys were, as they now say, naive about the interests of the majority of the population. But, as we can see, naivety extended only to the interests of others, but when it came to oneself, one's loved ones, brutal pragmatism immediately came into play.

Thank you for the illiterate old people

Pragmatism is one of the main properties of Aven. At the present time, he is still present in power, promoting the interests of his business and providing a "cover" for himself personally. Alfa-Bank and its president have delegated to the Kremlin and the State Duma a lot of people who allow him to feel at ease. Suffice it to say that the "grey eminence" and the current Deputy Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov was once the deputy chairman of the board of Alfa-Bank.

Forbes estimates Aven's fortune at $4.5 billion. President of Alfa-Bank owns the largest collection of Russian art in Russia Silver Age- It is considered that this is a very good investment. Mikhail Larionov's Portrait of the Poet Velimir Khlebnikov, owned by him, is estimated, for example, at $20–25 million. In 1997, with a scandal at the price of an annual lease, he bought Alexei Tolstoy's dacha in Zhukovka near Moscow. Aven believes that he earned it all himself, unlike many residents of the country who do not want to do this.

“The grandfather in the novel “Sankya”, who climbed down from the stove in a remote village and talks about the coming world cataclysms (something I, who have been engaged in the economy of the village for many years, have never met such competent grandfathers in any of my expeditions), is a direct relative of Russian elders- hermits. With which, at least for this, thanks to her, the Soviet government put an end to. And then thousands of illiterate old people doing nothing, living in the mud, for centuries fooled the people (and took a lot of time from them - after all, they still had to be reached). By the beginning of the twentieth century, the institution of such hermit sufferers was preserved in the Christian world, it seems, only among the Orthodox, ”Aven is amazed. Note: all the reformers, without exception, had statements about some massive losses among the people. Chubais and Gaidar - "it's okay, others will be born." At Aven - "thank you, the Soviet regime ended."

There is a version that Aven has one good reason not to be particularly afraid for his present in this country. It is connected with the fact that once the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation, under his leadership, which issued permits for foreign trade, delegated this right to the administration of St. Petersburg, where Vladimir Putin served in the foreign economic part. Consider - shared bread. Aven always knew with whom to share. These are not illiterate old people.

Dmitry Inozemtsev
"Russian Planet", 29-30 October 2012

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Alfa-Bank Banking Group Petr Olegovich Aven was born on March 16, 1955 in Moscow.

His grandfather was a Latvian shooter, his father - Oleg Ivanovich - a specialist in computer technology, a teacher at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Moscow state university(MSU) them. M.V. Lomonosov, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Petr Aven graduated from the Physics and Mathematics special school No. 2 in Moscow in 1972, Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University (MSU) named after. M.V. Lomonosov in 1977, postgraduate study at Moscow State University in 1980.

In 1980 he received the degree of candidate of economic sciences.

In 1981-1988, Aven worked as a junior, then senior researcher at the All-Union Research Institute for System Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences (VNIISI of the USSR Academy of Sciences).

From 1989 to 1991 he was an adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR; at the same time - an employee of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Laxenburg, Austria).

In the fall of 1991, Pyotr Aven joined the "government of reforms" as chairman of the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations (KVEC) - First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR.

In January-December 1992, Aven headed the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation, at the same time being the representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with industrialized countries ("seven").

In July-December 1992 - Deputy Chairman of the Monetary and Economic Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation.

From May to December 1992, he was chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

From December 1992 to February 1993 - Advisor to the President of LogoVAZ JSC.

In the spring of 1993, Petr Aven created and headed the financial consulting company "FinPA" ("Peter Aven's Finances"), specializing in consulting on working with various types valuable papers. In the spring of 1993, Aven first began to advise and then cooperate with representatives of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank (AKB) Alfa-Bank.

On December 12, 1993, Aven was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the list of the electoral association "Choice of Russia". On January 4, 1994, he resigned his deputy mandate, motivating his decision by his unwillingness to leave the post of general director of the FinPA company.

From 1994 to June 2011 Petr Aven served as President of Alfa-Bank. He was responsible for the overall development strategy of the Bank and for maintaining relations with business and government circles in Russia and abroad.

Since June 2011 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank Banking Group.

Petr Aven - Chairman of the Board of Directors of AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC, co-chairman of the Board of Directors of STS Media.

He is a member of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, a member of the Presidium of the Russian International Affairs Council (RSCM), a member of the board of the National Organization for Financial Reporting Standards.

He is a trustee of the New Economic School and the Center for Economic Policy (CEPR, UK); member of the Board of Trustees of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.

In 2007 he was elected head of the Russian-Latvian Business Council.

Professor of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics".

The Russian version of Forbes magazine (Forbes) estimated the personal fortune of Peter Aven in 2011 at $4.5 billion. According to this indicator, he took 28th place in the list of the richest businessmen in Russia and 235th place in the world ranking.

In April 2005, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the Order of Honor for his labor achievements and many years of conscientious work.

Speaks English and Spanish.

Petr Aven is married, he has two twin children - son Denis and daughter Daria (born in 1993). His wife Elena is a historian by profession.

In 2008, the Petr Aven Charitable Foundation "Generation" was opened in Latvia, the priority areas of which were the support of children's health care, projects in the field of "cultural exchange" between Russia and Latvia, scholarships and grants in the field of science. Its founders were Peter and Elena Aven.

Petr Aven actively supports art and theater in Russia, is the largest collector of Russian art of the early 20th century.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Petr Aven is the chairman of the board of directors of the holding company of the Alfa-Bank banking group, a well-known collector and philanthropist. In the ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia 2019" by Forbes magazine, he ranks 21st with a fortune of $ 5.2 billion.

Petr Olegovich was born on March 16, 1955 in Moscow into a family of teachers. Father, specialist computer science, taught at the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov.


He graduated from the Moscow Physics and Mathematics School No. 2. Then he entered the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, where he completed his postgraduate studies in 1980, defended his dissertation and became a candidate of economic sciences.

Labor activity

Upon graduation, he worked for seven years at the Institute for System Research of the State Committee for Science and Technology and the USSR Academy of Sciences, together with Yegor Gaidar.

In 1989 he was appointed advisor to the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while remaining a researcher at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria.

In 1991, he became the Minister of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation in the famous "government of the young reformers" Yegor Gaidar and the representative of the President of Russia for relations with the G7 countries.

In July 1992, he was appointed deputy chairman of the Monetary and Economic Commission of the Russian government, but resigned six months later.

In 1993, he created and headed FinPA, a financial consulting firm in the field of securities. FinPA occupied a market segment in which at that time it had no competitors. At the same time, he was a member of the Russia's Choice party and entered the State Duma of the Russian Federation, but refused the deputy mandate.

In 1994, he took over as president of Alfa-Bank, holding this position until June 2011. From March 2015 to the present - Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABH Holdings S.A. Member of the board of directors of Alfa-Bank.

In October 2018, he took over as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank.

social activities

He is a professor at the Higher School of Economics.

He is a trustee of many Russian and foreign organizations: NES, the Center for Economic Policy in the UK, the Russian Olympians Support Fund, the State Museum of Inventive Arts. A. S. Pushkin.

He holds the post of Chairman of the Russian-Latvian Business Council.


The main passion of the banker is the fine arts.

Owner of the country's largest collection of Russian paintings from the early 20th century. In 2012, at Christie's auction, he purchased Wassily Kandinsky's Sketch for Improvisation No. 8 for a record-breaking $23 million for the artist. Then at Sotheby's I bought a pencil portrait of Vsevolod Meyerhold by Yuri Annenkov for $1.7 million.

Fluent in English. Of sports games, football is in the first place. He is a fan of FC Spartak.


Cavalier of the Orders of Honor and Three Stars III degree.

Family status

In 1994, he and his first wife Elena (1958-2015) had two twin children - Daria and Denis.
