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The political elite is a relatively small social group that concentrates a significant amount of political power in its hands, ensures integration, subordination and reflection of the interests of various strata of society in political settings and creates a mechanism for implementing political ideas. A small, fairly independent social group; Having a high status; A significant amount of state and information power; Taking a direct part in the exercise of power; Having organizational skills and talent Character traits political elite Society is naturally divided into a ruling minority and a controlled majority. This division is based on natural inequality. The main purpose of the political elite is to make important political decisions. The development of any society is directed and depends on the political elite.

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Political leadership Political leadership is a personal ability to influence the political behavior and political activities of people, due to the system of socio-political and psychological relationships and orientation in a group, organization, society.

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Modern concepts of leadership 1. "Theory of traits". Leadership is a phenomenon generated by the special features of a leader (mind, strong-willed qualities, etc.) 2. "Situational theory". Leadership is a function of the situation, the prevailing situation. 3. Psychological concepts (eg According to Z. Freud). At the heart of leadership lies a predominantly unconscious attraction of a sexual nature. 4. Theory of constituents. Leadership is a function of the expectation of led, leader-accepting or leader-rejecting followers. 5. Integrative analysis - an attempt to carry out a comprehensive study of leadership, using all its components.

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Leading signs and essential characteristics of a political leader. Presence of own political program or innovative strategy and policy. The ability to express and defend the interests of a particular social group. Certain character traits that are manifested in the activities to implement the program and unite their supporters (persistence, will, courage, etc.) Required level political culture. The image of a leader that meets the moral standards adopted in a given society, group. Popularity, oratorical skills. The presence of a "team" of assistants and performers. The presence of support from the masses, power structures. The ability to be like your supporters or voters.

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Typology of political leadership By type of authority - Traditional - Traditional legal - Charismatic By style of leadership Authoritarian Democratic By nature of influence Constructive Destructive By form of influence Formal Informal

Questions: 1. The concept of the political elite and its structure. 1. The concept of the political elite and its structure. 2. Theories of elites. 2. Theories of elites. 3. The system of selection to the elite. 3. The system of selection to the elite. 4. Political elite in Russia. 4. Political elite in Russia. 5. Political leadership. 5. Political leadership.

The political elite is a privileged group that occupies leading positions in power structures and is directly involved in making the most important decisions related to the use of power. a privileged group that occupies leadership positions in power structures and is directly involved in making the most important decisions related to the use of power.

Functions of the ruling elite: leadership and management of society (main). leadership and management of society (main). Social management is primarily carried out by influencing the living conditions of people. The ruling elite exercises this influence through control over the material and spiritual resources of society. Social management is primarily carried out by influencing the living conditions of people. The ruling elite exercises this influence through control over the material and spiritual resources of society. the main reserve of leading personnel, the main reserve of leading personnel, the center for the selection and placement of managers on various sections political, economic, administrative, military and spiritual and cultural management. a center for the selection and placement of leaders in various areas of political, economic, administrative, military, spiritual and cultural management.

Functions of the ruling elite: spiritual and educational - spiritual and educational - the development of value orientations, goals and objectives for the development of society in the form of values ​​and norms, ideals, socio-political doctrines, long-term programs of the state. development of value orientations, goals and objectives of the development of society in the form of values ​​and norms, ideals, socio-political doctrines, long-term programs of the state. mobilizing - mobilizing - unites people, accumulates their energy, directs it to certain forms of action. unites people, accumulates their energy, directs it to certain forms of action.

Functions of the ruling elite: communicative communicative reflection and expression in political practice and ideology of public opinion, interests and needs (political, economic, cultural, regional, professional, etc.) of various social groups and strata of the population. reflection and expression in political practice and ideology of public opinion, interests and needs (political, economic, cultural, regional, professional, etc.) of various social groups and strata of the population. integrative - integrative - the creation of a stable balance of political forces, the formation of a stable political regime, a strong political system of a given society. creation of a stable balance of political forces, the formation of a stable political regime, a strong political system of a given society.

Models of types of relations between the political elite and the rest of society The first is the oligarchic, elitist model (Machiavellian): it asserts the existence of special, isolated elites that have absolute influence on the rest of society. The second is a polyarchic, democratic model: it speaks of the existence of many elites, closely interconnected and at the same time competing with each other.

The concept of "political elite" in a broad sense is identical to the concept of "ruling elite". The ruling elite is an organized minority of society, an internally differentiated, but highly cohesive social group, possessing the qualities of leadership and prepared to perform managerial functions, occupying leadership positions in public institutions and directly indirectly influencing the adoption of power decisions in society.

Elite groupings that make up a homogeneous, privileged, politically dominant group The administrative elite is a part of the ruling elite that monopolizes the technical and organizational means of power in its hands. The economic elite is a part of the ruling elite, which carries out its participation in power structures on the basis of the property resource. The military and police elite - the top military leaders of the country, the generals, the heads of the Ministry of the Interior, state security, special services, etc. spiritual, cultural and ideological elite "bearers of spiritual power" leaders and major figures in the media and educational institutions, intellectuals, writers, clergymen, artists, etc.

A political leader is most often referred to as a person who has a constant and decisive impact on an organization, state, and society as a whole. most often referred to as a person who has a constant and decisive impact on an organization, state, society as a whole.

social relation leadership includes: 1. The dominance of the subject-leader over the object. The leader is endowed with power, i.e. the right to direct the efforts, will, interests of individuals, as well as operate material and spiritual resources. 1. The dominance of the subject-leader over the object. The leader is endowed with power, i.e. the right to direct the efforts, will, interests of individuals, as well as operate material and spiritual resources. 2. The leadership of the leader-subject is called upon to organize and direct political processes, collective actions towards the achievement of common goals, i.e. manage the joint activities of persons. 2. The leadership of the leader-subject is called upon to organize and direct political processes, collective actions towards the achievement of common goals, i.e. manage the joint activities of persons. 3. Initiative leader-subject represents an active principle in politics. Its efforts should be directed towards finding ways and mobilizing resources in the name of realizing collective goals. 3. Initiative leader-subject represents an active principle in politics. Its efforts should be directed towards finding ways and mobilizing resources in the name of realizing collective goals.

Political leadership is hard social phenomenon, which is the interaction of such important aspects of political life as a specific type of subject of activity, social attitude, social status and social institution. The integrating beginning of all these aspects of political leadership are political public relations. this is a complex social phenomenon, which is the interaction of such important aspects of political life as a specific type of subject of activity, social attitude, social status and social institution. The integrating beginning of all these aspects of political leadership are political public relations.

Typology of political leadership According to the nature and scale of activity, leaders of three levels are distinguished: the leader of a small group, the leader of a small group, the leader of an organization, the leader of an organization, the leader of the state, and society as a whole. leader of the state, society as a whole.

Typology of political leadership Types are distinguished from management style: Types are distinguished from management style: Authoritarian is a leader requiring monopoly power. His ideal is complete unity of command. An authoritarian leader tries to increase the activity of subordinates by administrative methods. His main tool is "iron exactingness", the threat of punishment. An authoritarian is a leader who demands monopoly power. His ideal is complete unity of command. An authoritarian leader tries to increase the activity of subordinates by administrative methods. His main tool is "iron exactingness", the threat of punishment. Democratic leaders, on the other hand, initiate the maximum participation of everyone in the activities of the groups, do not concentrate responsibility in their hands, but try to distribute it among the members of the group. Such leaders are open to criticism, friendly to people, and create an atmosphere of cooperation. Democratic leaders, on the other hand, initiate the maximum participation of everyone in the activities of the groups, do not concentrate responsibility in their hands, but try to distribute it among the members of the group. Such leaders are open to criticism, friendly to people, and create an atmosphere of cooperation.

Typology of political leadership According to the content of activity, the following types are distinguished in the form of images-models: The leader-"standard-bearer" is a major strategist. A man with a strong will and his own vision of reality. He himself forms a political program and realizes his ideals and goals. His adherents have almost no influence on him. The leader is a "standard-bearer", a major strategist. A man with a strong will and his own vision of reality. He himself forms a political program and realizes his ideals and goals. His adherents have almost no influence on him. The “servant” leader focuses on his adherents and seeks to act as a spokesman for their interests. Tasks are formed by its adherents (voters). These tasks become central to the "servant" leader. The “servant” leader focuses on his adherents and seeks to act as a spokesman for their interests. Tasks are formed by its adherents (voters). These tasks become central to the "servant" leader. The "merchant" leader, as it were, sells his program ideas and plans to voters in exchange for their support. The "merchant" leader, as it were, sells his program ideas and plans to voters in exchange for their support. The leader-"fireman" acts in crisis situations, is engaged in extinguishing fires. This type of leader actively responds to the demands of life, political situations. The actions of such leaders are determined primarily by pressing problems. The leader-"fireman" acts in crisis situations, is engaged in extinguishing fires. This type of leader actively responds to the demands of life, political situations. The actions of such leaders are determined primarily by pressing problems.

Typology of Political Leadership G. Lassauel proposed a classification of leaders, based on the tendency of leaders to a certain model of behavior: Agitator leaders prefer to influence those who are led by the power of words, oratory, personal example. Agitator leaders prefer to influence those who are led by the power of words, oratory, and personal example. Leaders-organizers prefer to work with personnel. them in more attracts the opportunity to use the forces of the organization to establish and spread its influence. Leaders-organizers prefer to work with personnel. They are more attracted to the opportunity to use the forces of the organization to establish and spread their influence. Theoretic leaders influence their followers with the power of intellect. Theoretic leaders influence their followers with the power of intellect.

Typology of political leadership Weber proposed a classification of leaders according to the sources of authority: 1. Traditional leadership The right to leadership is based on the traditions existing in society. For example, the eldest son of a monarch after his death is recognized as a monarch. This type of leadership is more typical of pre-industrial society. 1. Traditional leadership The right to leadership is based on the traditions existing in society. For example, the eldest son of a monarch after his death is recognized as a monarch. This type of leadership is more typical of pre-industrial society. 2. Rational legal leadership The right to leadership arises as a result of formal legal procedures established in a given community. The leader-official receives authority not by virtue of tradition or some special qualities, but as an agent of a certain state function. Bureaucratic leadership is inherent in an industrial society. 2. Rational legal leadership The right to leadership arises as a result of formal legal procedures established in a given community. The leader-official receives authority not by virtue of tradition or some special qualities, but as an agent of a certain state function. Bureaucratic leadership is inherent in an industrial society. 3. Charismatic leadership is based on belief in the supernatural abilities of the leader, on the cult of his personality. It has an emotional basis. 3. Charismatic leadership is based on belief in the supernatural abilities of the leader, on the cult of his personality. It has an emotional basis.

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Political elite and political leadership. Lesson plan: Political elite. political leadership. The role of a political leader. Leadership types. pressure groups. D \ z: § 16.

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The political elite is a group that stands out from the rest of society with its influence, privileged position and prestige, directly and systematically participating in decision-making related to the use of state power or influence on it.

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G.Moska The elite includes people who are able to control other people The society is divided into ruling class and ruled Power is in the hands of a minority Cohesion, organization, material, intellectual and moral superiority

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XX CENTURY The elite includes: - heads of state and government; - ministers; - leaders of the chambers of parliament; - leaders parliamentary factions and committees; - leaders of political parties; - regional leaders; - heads of large socio-political organizations; - Heads of political centers analysis. Several hundred to several thousand people

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Types of elites: Name of the elite Who was in the Economic The owners of the largest corporations, banks, presidents of financial and industrial groups

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Types of elites: Name of the elite Who was included Economic Owners of the largest corporations, banks, presidents of financial and industrial groups Military Higher generals, commanders of military districts, military branches

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Types of elites: Name of the elite Who was included Economic Owners of the largest corporations, banks, presidents of financial and industrial groups Military Higher generals, commanders of military districts, military branches Information Owners and editors of large-circulation newspapers and magazines, radio stations, television channels, leading political observers

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Types of elites: Name of the elite Who was included Economic Owners of the largest corporations, banks, presidents of financial and industrial groups Military Supreme generals, commanders of military districts, military branches Informational Owners and editors of large-circulation newspapers and magazines, radio stations, television channels, leading political observers Administrative (bureaucratic) Senior officials state apparatus

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Types of elites: Name of the elite Who was included Economic Owners of the largest corporations, banks, presidents of financial and industrial groups Military Supreme generals, commanders of military districts, military branches Informational Owners and editors of large-circulation newspapers and magazines, radio stations, television channels, leading political observers Administrative (bureaucratic) Senior officials of the state apparatus Scientific Leading scientists, heads of scientific centers

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Formation of the elite Closed open selection system Traditional societies, authoritarian and dictatorial regimes age education career success Democratic regimes the importance of elections the possibility of advancement from any strata of society high competitiveness

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political leadership. Features of political leadership: permanent; unidirectional (from the leader to the object); wide; relies on the authority of the leader. Political leader: is a politician relies on a political org-th formal consolidation of powers and rights has numerous supporters Political leadership is an influence on large groups of people associated with the personal qualities and authority of the leader, with his formal official status

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Role functions of a political leader: Analysis and assessment of the state of society. Formulation of goals, choice of means to achieve them, development of a program of action. Based on the text of the paragraph “The role of a political leader”, continue this list.

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3. Strengthening the connection between the authorities and the people. 4. Concern for the rallying and unity of their supporters. 5. Protection of society from split and confrontation. Support for law and order. 6. Acts on behalf of the state both within the country and in the international arena.

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Qualities of a political leader: sharp mind; analytic skills; strong will; courage and determination; honesty; fidelity to public duty; concern for the public good and justice; intuition; managerial abilities; education and competence; political wisdom and flexibility; oratory, sense of humor, etc.



The term "elite" comes from the French word elite - which means the best, selective, chosen, "chosen people". In political science, the elite are persons who have received the highest index in their field of activity. Equivalent concepts to the concept of "elite" - "ruling elite", "ruling stratum", "ruling circles".

Elite is the highest part of a social group, class, political public organization.

Persons with the highest performance (performance)

in their field of activity (V. Pareto).

Charismatic personalities (M. Weber).

The most politically active people oriented towards power; organized minority of society (G. Mosca).

People who occupy the highest places in society due to their

biological and genetic origin.

Persons having a high position in society and due to this influencing social progress (Dupre).

People who have received the greatest prestige, status in society (G. Lasswell).

Persons with intellectual

and moral superiority over the masses, regardless of their status.

Persons receiving material

And intangible values

V maximum size

Political elite

The political elite is a small, relatively privileged, fairly independent, superior group (or a combination of groups), which to a greater or lesser extent has certain psychological, social and

political qualities necessary for

management of other people and directly involved in the exercise of state power.

Gaetano Mosca (1858 - 1941)

Mosca tried to prove the inevitable division of any society into two groups unequal in social status and role. In "Fundamentals of Political Science" (1896), he wrote: "In all societies, from the most moderately developed to modern advanced and powerful societies, there are two classes of persons: the class of managers and the class of the ruled. The first, always smaller in number, carries out everything political functions, monopolizes power and enjoys its inherent advantages, while the second, more numerous, is controlled and regulated by the first and supplies ... the material means for the sustenance of the political organism.

Mosca G. considered the domination of the minority inevitable, because it is the domination of an organized minority over an unorganized majority.

Vilfredo Pareto (1848 - 1923)

The inevitability of the division of society into the ruling elite and the controlled masses was derived from the inequality of the individual abilities of people, which manifests itself in all spheres of social life.

First of all, he singled out the political, economic, military, religious elite.

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Voslensky M. Nomenclature - the ruling class Soviet Union. - M., 2005. Kryshtanovskaya O. Anatomy of the Russian elite. - M., 2005.

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Main questions

1. The essence and nature of the political elite. 2. Typology of the political elite.

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1. The essence and nature of the political elite.

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    Political elite -

    A relatively independent, privileged group of politicians and senior leaders of the state and society, possessing outstanding professional, social, psychological and personal qualities that provide the opportunity to implement fundamental cardinal decisions.

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    The main features of the elite:

    Relative independence in relation to society; - the highest social status in the political sphere and the prestige of the social position; - political power and orientation to power;

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    Relative coincidence of goals and interests, group consciousness; - willpower and charisma, attraction to a leadership role; - the ability to make the most important state decisions and the willingness to bear responsibility for them;

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    Unidirectional vector of career aspirations; - a sense of belonging to a caste of the elite.

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    2. Typology of the political elite.

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    Elite types:

    Totalitarian - liberal - dominant - democratic

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    Totalitarian Elite:

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    Liberal Elite:

    The elite of the democratic division of power. Most often, it is unitary in terms of its qualitative composition, open in terms of forms, but corporate in terms of the principles of forming its ranks.

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    Dominant Elite:

    The elite is democratically oriented, pluralistic and mobile in its composition, open in terms of the recruitment mechanisms of its ranks, dominant in ideological attitudes and consensual in terms of the methods of political and administrative activity.

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    Democratic Elite:

    The elite of a civilized democratic society with strong legislative, executive and judicial powers, pluralistic in its composition and ideological orientations.

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