The Holy Canal in the Diveevo Monastery is the only inheritance of the Holy Mother of God in Russia. There are four such places on earth under her special protection. The Holy Canal in Diveevo has been a place of pilgrimage for many years. Among the visitors there are not only those who seek spiritual purification, but also those who passionately long for the fulfillment of their most cherished desire. Groove Holy Mother of God allows everyone to find what he is looking for.

In contact with


With the death of Seraphim of Sarov, a period of first trials began for the monastery. The groove of the Mother of God was no longer cared for. They began to walk along it, not showing respect, to ride in carriages. Some buildings were demolished, and new buildings of the monastery were preferred to be erected outside the Kanavka.

Since 1850 the sisters began to walk daily along the Kanavka and read 150 times the prayer to the Mother of God Virgin, rejoice. All bridges were removed, and the groove itself was cleared. A neat path ran along the rampart, around which bushes and flowers grew. They were also carefully looked after. The fame of the healing land and plants from the Kanavka of the Mother of God spread all over Russia by the beginning of the 20th century. Thousands of people began to come for healing to the Church of the Transfiguration and to the Kanavka of the Queen of Heaven.

In 1927 Diveevskaya groove and the monastery were officially closed by the new authorities. The sisters were sent to settlements, and those who disagreed were sent to camps. The buildings of the monastery were used as apartments and administrative offices. Repair of buildings during the Soviet era was not carried out, so many buildings were destroyed. However, many believers, even during the years of persecution of the Church, continued to come to the holy place and read a prayer, risking being sent to camps. Beer stalls were set up on the territory of the monastery, but even the regulars were afraid to linger after the appearance of three comely old women on one of the benches. Many were sure that these were the three blessed ones, on whose graves the new government set drinking establishments.

80s of the 20th century brought a revival to the Diveevo monastery. After a long break, true believers gathered in the monastery to solemnly celebrate the millennium of the Baptism of Rus'. Already in 1989, the Holy Trinity Church was returned to the church, and after 2 years, Seraphim of Sarov was transferred to the monastery. The groove itself was completely restored by 2000.


The huge square of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery is often crowded with pilgrims coming from all over the country. That is why the monastery fence has several entrances from the street at once, but knowledgeable people try to go through the Bell Tower. So, after passing under the arch of the bell tower, they get the opportunity to see the cathedral in all its splendor, instead of just being on the territory.

Tourists come to the temple. Trinity Cathedral in light green colors with its large paved square framed by openwork cast-iron gates is a fascinating and at the same time impressive sight. The Transfiguration Cathedral, wrapped in bright flower beds, attracts with its rounded shapes. The domes on the cathedral shine dazzlingly even in bad weather.

Many who have visited the monastery claim that male power emanates from the Trinity Cathedral, female power comes from the Transfiguration Cathedral. Perhaps this is due to the architectural features of the cathedral:

  • Troitsky looks straight, a little angular with gray-steel domes;
  • Preobrazhensky looks slender and soft thanks to the snow-white walls and golden domes.

They pass the holy groove without haste, reading a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos 150 times. On the way they stop to pray for the living and the dead. The groove is very long, but it is necessary to start reading prayers from the very first step. Otherwise, do not have time.

Specially for guests, there are refectories on the territory of the monastery, so that nothing distracts numerous guests and tourists from the true purpose of their arrival. For those who plan to stay in Diveevo, several hotels located near the monastery are ready to provide rooms for a small fee.

What to bring home from Diveevo

True believers and even tourists bring from:

Holy Kanavka in Diveevo is a unique place. It combines the past and the present, traditions, science and the miraculous in an incredible way. It is not customary to ask in this place, but every guest who comes with an open heart leaves generously gifted. No one can remain indifferent and not take a photo or video of this wonderful place with them as a keepsake.

Holy Canal in Deveyevo

In July 1991, the relics of St. Seraphim were transferred from Moscow to Diveevo. Miracles began in Moscow. Many saw how doves, forming a cross, descending steeply three times, flew over the shrine with the relics of All Rus', the miracle worker. They must have been angels.

In Moscow and on the road to Diveevo, with the confluence of pilgrims from all over Russia, miracles of healing took place. Many were instructed by the great saint on the path of righteousness.

On July 19, the relics of the Monk rested in Diveevo. Here, in the Trinity Cathedral, the mass healing of pilgrims and the exorcism of demons began.

The cathedral was packed. The possessed barked and bleated and growled. Dozens of people were healed before our eyes.

Since then, those who are sick in soul and body have been constantly coming to Diveevo and receiving healing. The sick are healed not only at the shrine of the Reverend, but also in four holy sources: the Monk Seraphim, the Kazan Mother of God, the Iberian Mother of God and Diveevo Mother Alexandra.

There are many miraculous cases of healing, it is impossible to describe them all. The Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery has been famous for its holiness since the day it was founded. It was established by the Mother of God herself, as Her Fourth Destiny on earth.

And since July 1991, a new wave of miracles has begun.

It is impossible to describe all the miracles. How many “incurables” were cured, how many demons were cast out by holy water, how many visions there were at the springs!

Everything is given to people according to their faith. I will describe only a few cases.

In the summer of 1996, I had to squat near my house for a very long time. Then he stood up abruptly. Something cracked in my right knee. There was pain. Every day the pain intensified, I could hardly move. He did not go to the doctors - he began to pray intensely to Father Seraphim. I asked the Reverend to pray to the Lord for me, for the forgiveness of my sins.

At that time, I had a lot of worries about repairing a house that I recently bought. This repair dressing gradually began to crowd out both prayers and the temple - they began to pray less and go to church less often. And I forgot about the healing springs. So the Lord thought me up, reminded me of Himself. After all, many people know that our illnesses are our sins.

I remembered the source of the holy venerable Seraphim. I got into the car and went to bow to Father Seraphim.

From the stories of many healed, I remember that you need to dip in the holy spring three times, and three days in a row. This is the plan that popped into my head. I hobbled to the source (I dragged my right foot along the ground), put a candle at the cross and prayed to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. Then he plunged three times and, without drying himself, got dressed. And - about a miracle! My knee immediately felt better. The pain went away, and it became easier to walk. I thanked here joyfully Reverend Seraphim. In the next two days, he repeated this and began to walk freely, calmly. And I forgot about my illness, the knee never reminded of itself. Glory and thanksgiving to God for everything!

Unusual healing

One pilgrim suffered from illness for many years. She was treated by different doctors and in different clinics and hospitals. However, there was no improvement in her health, but, on the contrary, every year she got worse and worse. She was especially tormented by pain in her stomach.

And then someone told her about miraculous healings in the source of the holy saint of God Seraphim. She arrived in Diveevo and immediately went to the source. With prayer, strong faith in God and healing from holy water, she dipped three times and immediately felt severe nausea. When she got out of the water, she vomited. Together with the vomit, a lump the size of egg sinister green.

The pain in the stomach of the sufferer ceased, and she left Diveevo healthy.

The Reverend Defeated the Serpent

This incident occurred in early autumn 1996. They brought to the Diveevsky Monastery sick woman. As it turned out later, she was possessed. She was brought to the Trinity Cathedral and twice brought to the shrine with the holy relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov the wonderworker.

When she was helped to venerate the relics, her whole body trembled and beat, as if under a current. When they began to bring her to the cancer for the third time, she suddenly cried out in a rough male voice:

Why did you bring me to this holy place? Don't let me down a third time! You should all be afraid of me. I'm a scary big serpent. Don't let me down again! If you let me down again, it will be death for me.

The obsessed woman was hardly brought to the reliquary for the third time and they forcefully applied it to the relics. Some kind of inhuman bestial cry escaped from her chest, and she lost consciousness.

The woman recovered, the obsessor was defeated by the Monk Seraphim of All Rus', the miracle worker.

Healing of a Moldavian woman

First of all, of course, everyone went to the Trinity Church. And in the temple, first of all, everyone began to venerate the relics of the Sarov elder. At that time I was standing at the shrine and saw everything clearly.

When one young woman began to venerate the relics, she suddenly shuddered all over, and she thrashed about like a bird in a net.

I advised my friends to take her to the relics two more times. They heeded my advice and, in spite of resistance, brought the possessed woman to the relics again. When she was helped to venerate the relics a second time, everything was repeated, as in the first case, only more vividly.

But when she was brought by force and applied to the relics of the Reverend for the third time, the picture changed somewhat. Two friends held her by the arms on both sides and tilted her forward towards the relics. Mother nun, who was on duty at the shrine, put her head on the shrine and held it tightly with both hands. Girlfriends at this time let go of the hands of the sick. The obsessed woman writhed all over, groaned, beat her thighs with her fists and jerked her left leg, and in the direction opposite to the cancer.

Father Seraphim, - somehow spontaneously escaped from me, - help this poor woman get rid of the demon.

I think that everyone who watched this struggle prayed for the unfortunate woman, asked Jesus Christ and the Queen of Heaven to forgive her sins and heal her.

And then, finally, the sick woman raised her head, threw her hands up, straightened up ... and lost consciousness.

Bes left the unfortunate.

The demoniac scream and squeal like pigs...

Such words are in the song of the composer and poet Gennady Ponomarev "Father Seraphim". An amazing song, it is impossible to listen to it without tears, especially the chorus:

And around all the angels,
Like Cherubim,
The light of the native side -
Father Seraphim.

August 1 - Memorial Day of St. Seraphim of Sarov. On this day, pilgrims from Russia and many other countries come to Diveevo, where his relics lie.

But August 1, 1998 was quite unusual. So many people came that the Trinity Cathedral could not accommodate even half of the believers. The rest all listened to the service in the courtyard of the monastery through speakers. The service was truly amazing. How many cleansing tears were shed that day, how many sick people were healed, how many demons left the unfortunate possessed!

I especially remember one woman who shouted loudly in a male voice:

Everything, everything! I can't anymore, I can't. You tortured me with your prayers. I'm leaving, I'm leaving!

The service went on for a long time. It was hot and cramped. But no one noticed this, because the joy was great.

And people were expecting a miracle. Whole Orthodox world knows that in the last days the Monk Seraphim must rise again. Blessed Pelageya of Ryazan predicted this. This was also prophesied by the Reverend himself: “It is marvelous that my death will be like the youths of Ephesus, who slept in a cave for 300 years.

Until this happened, his hour did not come. But it will be, Orthodox Christians firmly believe in it.

While Father Seraphim is still sleeping, people say. No, Father Seraphim is not sleeping.

Already several times he met believing men in Diveevo. He told one that he began to expel unbelievers from Diveevo more energetically. He instructed another (truck driver) to convey something to the abbess of the monastery, Mother Sergius.

He thinks of us sinners, he helps us, he prays for us.

The wart is gone

I am a slave God's Hope, from Nizhny Novgorod in 1996 sent her daughter and grandson to Diveevo.

With a grandson kindergarten I had a wart on my palm. And as he grew, so much did the wart grow, it grew so much that it was unpleasant to look at the pen.

The kid, having arrived home, came to me on the second day and said: “Grandma, I bathed in the spring of Father Seraphim and prayed the way you taught me. Look, I don't have anything in my palm. Grandmother, you yourself said that my hand is ugly, but now my hand is clean.

I am so grateful to this source that I do not know how to convey.

The wart was gone, there was nothing left but a small speck.

The bell rang itself

In the Holy Trinity-Seraphim-Diveevsky convent, a bell suddenly rang. Everyone was at a loss, there was no reason to call. Then they began to find out: who called and why. It turned out that no one approached the belfry (no one was even close). Everyone was surprised. There was only one conclusion - the bell rang itself.

And at this very moment, when everyone was trying to unravel this riddle, a communications worker brought a telegram to the monastery: "His Eminence John, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, has died."

It was a mourning bell ringing, and the angels were ringing, presumably.

Helped Nicholas the Wonderworker

In the late autumn of 1996, I was driving in my car from Diveevo to the spring of St. Seraphim of Sarov. In Tsyganovka (15 km from Diveevo) a woman stood on the road with her hand raised and a pained face.

Drive Father Seraphim to the source. I'm in Diveevo, lagged behind, from the tour bus, And my bag with money and documents was left on the bus.

When she got into the car, she immediately drew attention to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Here he is, my savior. I prayed to him in Diveevo and asked him to help catch up with the bus. And immediately a driver picked me up. His name is Nicholas. He drove me to Tsyganovka. And in your car I meet with Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Now add to everything that my name is also Nikolai.

We safely reached the source. The bus was still there and the woman calmed down.

Glory to you, Nicholas the Wonderworker. No wonder you are considered one of the most revered saints in Rus'. Your wonders have no end. In an instant you responded to my request and sent two cars and two Nikolaevs to help me.

On the verge of life and death

In September 1991, due to constant stressful situations, I was on the verge of life and death. Almost all the time before my eyes there was a black, sticky veil of fear for relatives and friends.

Once I was passing by the Trinity Church and suddenly woke up in the temple on the floor on my knees. I don’t remember how I ended up in the temple, but I was there for two hours - that’s for sure. I woke up from the answer that went to me to one of the questions: "How can I live on?" The answer was: "Starve for eight days!" I was so exhausted that I said, "I can't stand it!" "You can stand it," was the voice coming from within and from somewhere above. Raising my eyes, I saw an old man in blue and white robes and realized that he was speaking. I got up and read "Seraphim of Sarov" on the icon.

In January 1996, I was near death. They put me in intensive care. For two nights, two familiar women were on duty at my bed, wetting my chapped lips. I was dying both mentally and physically. And all this time I felt the presence of the old man. He seemed to pass his hands over my body, sometimes touching it, relieving suffering.

I felt unworthy of his presence and sometimes asked for deliverance from suffering, but heard in response: "Not the time."

After the second night, a miraculous healing took place. At 6 o'clock in the morning I woke up strong and healthy, feeling a huge, simply extraordinary spiritual and physical strength. I heard one of the nurses outside the door getting ready to leave. I suddenly wanted to see her off. I got up and went out into the corridor. She recoiled from me, not believing her eyes. The woman was amazed at the light in my eyes and extraordinary physical strength as I hugged her tightly and thanked her. "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!"

In September 1997, 6 years after my meeting with Serafim Sarovsky, I went to Diveevo to thank Father Seraphim for his miracle - rebirth to life.

Healed by the Queen of Heaven

My name is Nina. I want to tell you about one miracle of healing that I witnessed.

The healing springs of Diveevo have been known for a long time. They have cured many thousands of people. But, as a rule, these miraculous cures remain unknown, as the cured go home, and that's it.

A good friend of mine had bilateral pneumonia. The situation was critical, as the temperature had already reached 42 degrees. She was on the verge of death.

I trust in God for everything. Everything is His holy will.

It was very cold outside, but after praying, she dressed and went to the source of the Kazan Mother of God. At the spring she prayed again.

Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, pray to God for me, for the forgiveness of my sins, for healing me with this Your holy water.

Three times she plunged into the icy water, prayed again and went to the monastery, where she carries out obedience.

Before going to bed, she prayed again, and a miracle happened: in the morning she was completely healthy. The temperature was normal, and the state of health is excellent.

We were all very surprised and even more delighted.

Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee, Most Pure Most Holy Theotokos!

Reverend's stone grows

This amazing incident happened at the end of the summer of 1996. Even many residents of the Diveevsky district do not know that at present there are two huge stones of Father Seraphim that heal people.

The stone on which he prayed for a thousand days and nights was broken into small pieces after his death. These pieces of the holy stone, having healed thousands of people, were taken to all sides of the earth, and they have healed and are still treating the sick.

But we are not talking about that stone, but about the other two. Shortly before his death, the Reverend brought two small stones, placed them in different places and said that these stones would grow and heal people.

And the people reached out to the holy healing stones, and healings began. It is not only a miracle in many healings, but a miracle in the fact that the size of the stones increased noticeably from year to year. One of these stones is located in the forest, 7 km from the village of Glukhovo.

We arrived in Glukhovo in a car in the morning. It turned out that few of the locals know about the holy stone.

We found a guide and set off. These 7 km covered five hours. For me, it was all business as usual. It is not so easy to get to holy places. The enemy places all sorts of visible and invisible traps and obstacles in our path.

And here, on this short road, our "Zhiguli" hardly made its way through the sands, and then along the impassability. Towards the end of the journey, the car sat on its belly, its wheels buried in the sand. You might think that we were in the Sahara.

We didn't have a shovel. We raked the sand out from under the car with our hands and nevertheless broke through to the treasured stone.

Now it is not just a stone, but a huge block of stone, on which several people can lie at once. This block has grown into the earth to a great depth. Apparently, Father Seraphim also foresaw that no one would take away this stone.

Near the stone stands a massive wooden cross over 4 meters high with icons of the Mother of God and St. Seraphim. On the stone were various vegetables and fruits that previous visitors had left for us. And we had to leave something for those who follow us. Everything that even a little lay on the stone became healing. The holy place is surrounded by a fence, and there is a lot of candle wax on the stone.

After the prayers, we took turns crouching at the father's stone. Each of us lay face down on the stone with outstretched arms, embracing the shrine with our palms. And each of us felt relief, a miraculous cleansing. And we rejoiced, and laughed, and wept.

And on the way back, the Lord sent us a believing woman who showed us the best road, along which we quickly got to Glukhov, and then along the asphalt to Diveevo.

The second stone of the Reverend is located somewhere not far from Pervomaisky Satis. We have yet to find him.

Now, not far from the treasured stone, a skete is growing. And on the stone itself in August 1998, the construction of the temple began.

Bathing in a blizzard

I, the servant of God Taisiya, from Nizhny Novgorod. The first time I came to Diveevo was in 1996. Knowing nothing yet, I joined some women, and they helped me get settled.

In the morning they went to bathe in the spring. I also went with them. But a blizzard caught us on the road. I had a fever, I coughed, sneezed, and there was nothing to breathe.

When they came to the spring, they began to bathe. I also started swimming with them. I prayed, crossed my arms on my chest and said: "Father Seraphim, I will not die, I will not die" and bathed with my head.

Well, I think now my head will freeze, my hair will become a stake.

But no - like water off a duck's back, everything is glass from me, my hair is completely dry. Dry came out of the water. Then the warmth spread throughout the body, and the temperature disappeared as if by hand. Neither coughed nor sneezed. She recovered immediately.

V. Yashchenko about the miracles of Diveevsky

I want to warn you that this material was prepared only for believers and for those who still wish to think about the salvation of their souls. And all the rest, whom I will grieve with the following, I ask Christ in advance to forgive me and not judge me strictly.

I will tell about those unforgettable, happy, bright days of my pilgrimage to the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod Region, on the occasion of the transfer of the holy relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

I describe the events with the blessing of the priest Father Anatoly from Moscow, a participant and witness of those events.

In the forty years of my life, nothing has ever happened to me that could shake me to the core. This amazing time spent in the village of Diveevo remains a good memory for me for life.

As we know, on January 11, 1991, after many years of concealment, the holy relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov were uncovered for the second time and on February 7 solemnly transferred to Moscow, and on July 23 they were escorted in a procession to the Trinity Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery, to the place of the earthly exploits of the elder. The history of our church did not know such a procession!

By the grace of God, I, a great sinner, happened to arrive at the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery a week before the arrival of the holy relics of the Reverend.

At this very time, Christians from all over the country gathered there, settled with housing, and also helped to put the monastery in order.

These were amazing people. different ages both men and women.

Before, I had never met people of such a warehouse, and even in such numbers. I was surprised by many things in these people, even out of habit I was struck by the true, kind, fraternal relations between them.

After talking with them, I imagined what we had lost! We have lost the most valuable, the most important and the most necessary. And we can't replace this loss. This is faith in God.

After settling in a monastery, I became better acquainted with Christians. These people made an unusual impression on me with their culture and extraordinary mercy, simplicity, kindness, cordiality and other qualities.

They keep the posts strictly. Posts make them happy. Their attitude to confession is a matter of particular importance. One elderly woman told me that she confessed to her spiritual father on 40 pages.

Yes, these Christians seeking such confessions are really trying to save their souls. As I have seen, the Lord reveals many things to them.

I was lucky to visit with them the source of St. Seraphim.

Upon arrival at the source of the Monk, we began to bathe in clean, cool water. The day was sunny. We were all about 25 people. There were singers among us, who, having bathed with us, stepped aside, into the shade under the trees, and began to hum divine melodies, psalms. Having bathed in the spring, I was heading towards the cross that stood nearby. Suddenly, a young girl exclaimed in alarm, pointing to the sky with her hand: "Look, look, what's with the sun?"

Everyone ran up to her and saw: the sun was changing color. From the sun, the light diverged to large limits and evenly scattered.

The sun changed color so brightly that we all shouted with one voice after each color change: "Red!", "Yellow!", "Blue!", "Green!", "Purple!".

For me it was an unexpected, incredible sight! When could my eyes see anything like this? Unusual, unearthly, blazing joy shook our souls. Tears flooded my eyes, my heart experienced an unusual state. It captured everyone who was nearby.

Suddenly someone shouted loudly: "Look back!" I turned around and jumped in surprise. I felt that from what I saw, the hair on my head began to rise. The whole sky behind us took on a fiery color. From this spectacle, my body became uncontrollable. My feet carried me along the path to the edge of the forest towards this fiery glow.

Once in the clearing, where nothing could interfere with me (neither trees nor bushes), I saw all this with all my eyes. The spectacle was breathtaking. This huge fiery color, similar to the color of molten metal, above my head at that moment began to smoothly turn into a uniform yellow, and then began to dissipate, disappear.

Yes, indeed, the works of the Lord are great!

Later, when we returned to the monastery, I learned that the name Seraphim means flaming, and the miracle at the source was just at the time when the fourth cross was raised to the cathedral in Diveevo. It was approximately 4 pm.

Near the cathedral (fifty meters) there is another cathedral, but it has not yet been repaired. But what it looks like - one feast for the eyes!

Anyone who has read the chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery knows what time and hour he is waiting for.

So we sinners, by the grace of God, happened to live there. And we lived there about 300 people. At that time, God-loving Father Anatoly was temporarily assigned to the temple, to whom I turned and told about what I saw. He was not surprised, but listened and rejoiced. And he told me that when the first main cross was raised, he himself personally saw at the dome the miraculous image of our Lord Jesus Christ.

And he also told me that tomorrow they would raise the last cross, and it would be desirable for us to organize and attract all the pilgrims to common prayer during the raising of the last, 5th cross on the dome. “At this time, different miracles can happen,” the priest said.

The next day the weather was exceptionally sunny. From the very morning climbers set to work to install the cross.

And now the 5th cross on the ropes was brought to the dome. People began to fuss and look around. In the gap between the trees around, the color of the sky begins to change. Above the dome, as if by order, a rainbow appears. Everyone sees her very well. The cross is beginning to be attached to the dome. It is strengthened throughout the day until the evening. The people do not disperse. Everyone is waiting for something. I'm also waiting to see what happens next.

The sun plays like Easter. And now it touches the horizon. In the distance, an unusual beautiful sunset appears with incomprehensible elongated shapeless clouds. The sun sets behind the horizon, and from the clouds translucent in color, a surprisingly beautiful city suddenly lines up unnoticed by everyone.

In this city, I clearly see a beautiful cathedral with its slender columns. Although the sun has gone below the horizon, it still continues to pierce this city and the golden dome with its rays, from which a ray of sunlight is reflected in our direction.

In front, a woman dressed in black sharply stretches out her hand in that direction and shouts loudly: "Jerusalem!" People standing nearby support her with loud joyful voices: "Jerusalem!"

Yes, this is indeed the Jerusalem that is depicted in religious books. It was he, Jerusalem!

help from above

When we were going to the Diveevsky Monastery, I had a vision. I saw a tall stairway of pure white marble reaching up into the sky and illuminated by an unearthly light. An old man in black clothes was walking near the stairs and was waiting for me. I felt it. The old man walked and hurried. I think he wanted to go and go up - get out of this world. When we arrived at the Diveevo Monastery, I found out that there was an elder, and his name was Father Jerome. God led me to him so that I could see him and bow low to him.

When we drove up, I saw the white bell tower of the monastery, exactly the same as it was in the vision. And I recognized the old man.

It was a miracle how I got here. I had to borrow a lot of money for the trip. But on the last day I accidentally found out about a group of schoolchildren who were going to the Diveevsky Monastery. There were no places in the group, and only in the last minutes I found out that I was going with them, as someone had canceled the trip. I returned the ticket and with God's help and with little money I made this wonderful trip, which will remain a bright ray until the end of my life. I returned the money that I borrowed.

Sister Lydia, Chelyabinsk

Helped the earth Grooves

I work as a tinsmith in the Church of John the Baptist in Saransk. We have been restoring this temple for two years now. In the autumn of 1998, a misfortune befell me. I hit my fingers hard with a hammer. The pain was unbearable. But he did not go to the doctors, he endured. I knew that I received it for my sins. The hand was swollen, the wound festered. It was especially difficult in the evenings, before going to bed. At this time, the pain intensified and did not allow to fall asleep. I already began to think that I had gangrene.

One day the pain intensified to such an extent that I did not sleep for half the night, I kept my arm outstretched up: it was a little easier that way.

In the morning I remembered that, being in Diveevo, I dug up earth in a groove and brought it home. Finding a bag with this holy land, which I, to my shame, forgot, went to bed.

From the stories of Diveyevo residents and pilgrims, I knew that this wonderful land healed many people. Even the seriously ill with "incurable" diseases were healed.

I put my hand in my purse and buried it in the ground. The pain immediately subsided and after a few minutes completely faded. Sleep immediately enveloped me. I slept blissfully, and my hand rested in a purse with healing earth.

When I woke up in the morning, I did not recognize my hand. The abscess was broken, and the earth pulled out all the pus from the hand. The swelling subsided, and the hand was completely healthy. I looked at my hand and couldn't believe my eyes.

Thank you, Queen of Heaven, thank you, Rev. Seraphim of Sarov the Wonderworker. Pray to God for us!

Brother Vladimir's story

Groove of the Queen of Heaven

The Mother of God herself measured this Kanavka with her girdle... Whoever walks through the Kanavka with prayer and reads one and a half hundred "Virgins" will read everything here "athos, and Jerusalem, and Kiev" (St. Seraphim of Sarov). People walk and walk along the Kanavka. Spring and summer, autumn and winter. Last years increasingly began to walk barefoot (even in winter on snow). Russians, Ukrainians, Moldavians, Georgians, Armenians, British, Germans, French, Americans are coming... The whole world knows the Kanavka, Diveevo, St. Seraphim of Sarov. Groove heals, Groove cleanses, Groove enlightens.

The greatest grace is received by those who, while passing the Kanavka, read (on the advice of the Athonite elders) prayers in the following sequence: "Our Father", "Open the doors of Mercy for us ..." and ten times "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice ...". Then everything repeats again. And so only 15 times.

Treats people and the earth Grooves. They drink it, kneading on the water of holy springs, and apply it to sore spots. Kanavka's earth is put in bed, in the corners of the house, it is buried in trenches around the houses. This holy land protects people from evil spirits. The Monk Seraphim said that the land from the Kanavka is more precious than gold.

The icon painter Victor said that he saw people walking along the Kanavka, who shone with a soft divine light, and around each of them a bright light was visible.

It is best to walk along Kanavka from three to four in the morning. At this time, the Queen of Heaven herself is here and sometimes is the chosen one. One day the sexton Andrey, having passed the whole Kanavka after three o'clock in the morning, saw the Mother of God in the sky above the Kanavka in a shining silver cloud.

No wonder the elders advise pilgrims to pray at night. Schiegumen Jerome from the Sanaksar Monastery says:

From three to five in the morning there is gold, from five to six - silver, from six to seven - bronze.

Reverend Seraphim is also sometimes met on Kanavka by pilgrims and local residents.

"... This groove is the stacks of the Mother of God, then the Queen of Heaven herself bypassed it. This groove is high to heaven ... and when the Antichrist comes, he will pass everywhere and this groove will not jump"

(Reverend Seraphim of Sarov).

Holy places and demon-possessed

I have been living in Diveevo since 1988. I helped to restore the monastery from the first to last days these heavy and at the same time gratifying God-pleasing works. Constantly visiting temples and springs, I saw many miracles. Of course, it is impossible to describe everything.

Sick people are mostly healed by venerating the relics of St. Seraphim, as well as in holy springs and on Kanavka.

One possessed mother Alexandra even had a conversation with the pilgrims at the source. Her voice was heavy, masculine:

I wonder why not everyone bathes in holy springs. We feel so bad from holy water! And there are even many locals who need to swim. But they have never dipped here!

I saw one demon-possessed woman in the Zadonsky monastery, being there on obedience. She arranged whole concerts there: she screamed in a wild male voice both in the temple, and in the courtyard of the monastery, and at the holy spring. But the enemy did not come out of it. She brought him to Diveevo and began to regularly apply daily to the cancer of the Reverend. At that time I was already in Diveevo.

A few days later she came up to me in the temple and with a smile, in a normal female voice said:

I am healed. Father Seraphim cast the demon out of me. I am healthy!

It is impossible to hear such words without tears. Once in the Trinity Church, a woman complained in a plaintive male voice:

You drag me around monasteries and temples, you exhausted me, I have almost no strength. Why did you bring me here?

Recently, two priests brought a demon-possessed woman to Diveevo. Every day by force it was applied to the relics of the Reverend. She kicked, resisted. But every day she resisted less and less. In the end, she herself began to approach and apply to cancer. One fine day, the enemy could not stand the impact of St. Seraphim and left his home.

Reverend Father Seraphim, pray to God for us!

Monk Joseph

scary face healing

In 1997, I witnessed an extraordinary healing.

In the Trinity Cathedral, at the shrine of St. Seraphim of Sarov, I saw a group of people who tried to cover the boy's face with their bodies.

Frankly speaking, it was not a face, but a semblance of a face. Instead of eyes, small slits were visible, there was no nose at all, only two small holes remained in its place. The ears were displaced and were of incredible size, they hung like a donkey's. The skin of the face was not visible, instead of it there was some kind of huge abscess of an ominous color.

I was told that this terrible rebirth happened after the operation. Many doctors agreed that an infection was introduced during the operation.

After many months of torment and hard attempts at treatment, the boy heard a clear, clear voice: “You need to go to Diveevo, where the holy spring water will heal you.”

The boy told everything to his parents, who had never heard anything about Diveev. But they sought out this holy place and brought their son here.

They lived in Diveevo for about a month. They attended divine services, put the boy to the shrine of St. Seraphim, bathed him in all sources. But there was no healing.

And on the day of departure, they decided to dip him “goodbye” in the Kazan spring. After dipping, the boy was instantly healed. Some kind of donkey's head plunged into the water, and a normal human face came out of the water.

Almost all residents of Diveevo know about this unique case of healing.

Story Zoe's sisters

Mother of God opens her eyes and cries

In Jerusalem, in the temple where the tomb of Christ is located, there is an icon of the Mother of God.

Along the course of the temple, in its eastern part, there is a dungeon, where the Savior and two robbers were temporarily imprisoned while the instruments of execution were being prepared. In front of the entrance to the dungeon, on the right - the chapel of "Stone Bonds". In it, under the throne, there is an ancient stone slab with two holes, where the Sufferer's legs hung in stocks. A little lower is the place where the Mother of God stood weeping, grieving.

The icon of the Mother of God has been standing there for a long time. Not so long ago, a non-Christian layman saw tears in the eyes of the Mother of God. He informed the Metropolitan and the Patriarch about this, and everyone saw a great miracle. And to this day, the Mother of God opens her eyes and sheds tears to her faithful, God-fearing children. The icon is approximately 1.4 - 1.2 m in size.

One non-Christ in anger even slashed the icon with a knife.

I live in a holy place, in Diveevo. A color photo of this icon streamed myrrh in my house twice. The Mother of God opened her eyes, and tears flowed from them. Two Diveevo priests had the same thing.

I gave a photo of this icon to a churchwoman. And right there in front of me, the Queen of Heaven opened her eyes and tears poured out of them.

I gave such photographs to many residents of Diveyevo, and many of them were streaming myrrh. Moreover, the Queen of Heaven cries bitter tears.

Sister Fotima's story

Major miracles ahead

According to the prediction of St. Seraphim of Sarov, in recent times the Tsar Bell from Moscow will fly by air to Diveevo. It is also called Ivan the Bell. This giant will ring the whole world. His ringing will be heard in all countries of the globe. All the bells of all continents will pick up this ringing - they will ring themselves. The worldwide bell ringing will awaken spiritually sleeping people and announce to the whole world about the resurrection of the great Russian saint, St. Seraphim of Sarov the Wonderworker.

He himself wrote about this miracle, and Blessed Pelageya of Ryazan told in even more detail.

Now, after all, most people on our planet do not know that the Monk Seraphim, as a child, fell from the bell tower, but remained safe and sound. They don’t know that he spent ten years in seclusion, that he spent a thousand days and nights in a row and in the heat, and in a blizzard he spent on a stone on his knees in prayer, that he walked on the air, they don’t know many of his other miracles.

First resurrected after the accession of the Antichrist Reverend Sergius Radonezh in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. He will rise from the shrine, walk before everyone's eyes to the Assumption Cathedral, and then ascend to heaven.

And then in Russia there will be a second world miracle. In Sarov, the Monk Seraphim of Sarov will resurrect and will live for a decent time. Whoever wishes will see him. He will walk from Sarov to Diveevo (18 km). It will be a worldwide wonder. "There will be people, no number." He will be accompanied by the Archangels and Angels, as well as the last Sovereign and the high priests. There will be many foreigners, because this miracle will be broadcast on television and radio throughout our planet.

On the way to Diveevo, Saint Seraphim will perform many miracles. And around it will be a sea of ​​people. Imagine the sun shining all over the world! There will be something similar.

Diveevo will become the only women's monastery on earth, and the villages around Diveevo will become cities.

He will open the four relics and lie down between them. "... I will rise before the last end and lie down in Diveevo. Diveevo will be called not by the village, but by the world Diva" (Seraphim of Sarov).

"The Antichrist will appear in America. The whole world will bow to him, except for the kingdom Orthodox Church, which will be first in Russia through the prayers of St. Seraphim and other saints. And then the Lord will give His little flock victory over the Antichrist and his kingdom."

Blessed Palagia Ryazanskaya

Appearances of the Reverend to people

Father Seraphim appears to many people in dreams and visions. He advises, he warns, he shows us what we "seeing - do not see and hearing - do not hear."

Several pilgrims told me that the Reverend began to appear to them in dreams and visions after reading the book "The Life of Elder Seraphim."

As soon as I read this book, - Father Victor says, - at night I heard a call. I open the door - Seraphim of Sarov is standing on the threshold.

And in my room at that time there was a terrible mess. The bed was not made, all things were scattered, dirty shoes, dirty linen and some sawdust, garbage were lying on the floor. Dust and dirt all around.

I really wanted to invite him to my room, but I was very ashamed of the disgrace that I made.

This is your soul,” the Reverend said, pointing to my room with his hand, “put your soul in order.

After these words, the vision disappeared.

At that time, I already believed in God, but I often sinned, lived recklessly, hardly prayed, was always in a hurry somewhere and never had time anywhere, did not fast, etc.

After this vision, I began to live in a completely different way and by many labors reached the rank of priest. How grateful I am to Father Seraphim for his advice!

The Reverend Seraphim of Sarov began to appear to me sometimes after I read his life in 1990.

And just recently, before the publication of this book, I saw myself in a dream in the Trinity Cathedral of the Diveevsky Monastery, at the shrine of the Reverend. I saw a father in cancer. He was full, and he was very cramped. Myrrh flowed in streams from his shrine to the floor, but people passed by and no one noticed anything.

I had a huge basin in my hands. I put him under the cancer, and the pelvis quickly filled up. People began to approach me with mugs, plates, jars, and I filled their dishes with everything with a priceless gift.

There was another miracle. When I was restoring a temple in the village of Selyavny, Voronezh Region, after work I always drove home to the city of Liski in my car.

One day I got into the car, started it and drove off. Immediately, at this time, I begin to read prayers: three times "Our Father", three times "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice" and "I believe." And then, suddenly, at the very beginning of the prayers, I see, without turning around, the Reverend Seraphim of Sarov. He was sitting in the back of my car on the right.

This is very difficult to explain. I saw the Reverend clearly clearly with some kind of inner, incomprehensible vision. But not with the eyes!

This vision was repeated a few days later, and then one more time. Each time it lasted only a few seconds.

At that time, I had various troubles and difficulties, and Father Seraphim strengthened my faith that we would still restore the temple.

Every person interested in the history of Russia read about the village of Diveevo, which is located near the Sarov Desert. There is one unique monastery with a groove in it. What made this monastery and its groove famous?

Holy places in Diveevo

In this small village with an interesting name Diveevo, there is an unusual nunnery, around which a groove was dug, where the feet of the Most Holy Theotokos herself passed. It is believed that it is a barrier from evil dark forces, and those who walk along it, reading a prayer to the Mother of God, will be cured of various mental and bodily ailments ...

Deviating a little from the topic, I’ll say to myself: I walked along it, putting aside my crutches - with a cane - it hurt, it started to rain, then snow, I prayed and walked, made a wish and it came true ...
Therefore, it is true Holy places... There are so many saints in Rus', about whom we know nothing at all or very little ...


Agafya's visions is a story dedicated to Agafya Semyonovna Belokopytova. After her husband died, she left the village with a small child, giving herself and her earthly life to God. Her path was directed to Kyiv, where already at that time there were many monasteries. In one, she decided to complete her journey, until one day she came to her Mother of God. She told Agafya that she was ordered to go to those lands that would be indicated to her and establish a convent there, which would be her earthly lot.

After talking with the elders, she still decides to set foot on a new path. Agafya walked around holy Rus' for a long time, until 1760, until the Mother of God again appeared to her. In a dream, she said that she had found the future holy lands, and it was here that there would be a monastery, before which there were no equals on earth. There was an event in Diveevo. After sleeping, she went to the village that was nearby, where she and her daughter found shelter. But, unfortunately, the daughter died soon after. The woman was no longer held back, and after the sale of property in 1767, the construction of the great cathedral began.
When Agafya was 55 years old, suddenly her strength left her. Realizing that her death is near, she asks three monks to accept her confession. Seraphim was one of them that day. It was to him that she handed over this divine mission over Diveevo.

Seraphim of Sarov. Groove of the Virgin

The construction of the monastery was continued only in 1825, Seraphim of Sarov stopped his retreat. Having accepted a responsible spiritual mission, the Mother of God also began to appear to him. She “walked around” the monastery in a circle and ordered to dig a groove along the outer circle, enclosing the monastery. From now on Virgin's groove protect the monastery and its novices. After all, it was she who was supposed to become a protective boundary not only for the village, but for the whole of Russia.

The names of three servants were also named, who were obliged to dig a groove and plant gooseberries on the slopes. The Mother of God also indicated the exact dimensions of the groove. They dug it for about three years, despite the weather and season, and, at the insistence of the Virgin, ONLY WOMEN nuns.
But no matter how hard the sisters tried on the miracle building, she could not become a ring around the monastery. Not enough 125 m., in their place and had to erect a temple.

After the death of Sarovsky, dark days came for the village. Ivan Tolstosheev called himself his follower, in fact it was not so, and in 1861 he was exposed. Despite the fact that the truth about the liar was revealed, he managed to do a lot of trouble. Change the charter of the monastery, demolish a couple of buildings and even build bridges and roads across the Holy Canal. Thank God, he did not have time to fall asleep as he wished. In 1862 a new abbess came and everything went on the path of revival.

Holy destiny of the Mother of God on earth

This holy place has experienced many difficulties, atheism, and once the time came when all the inhabitants of the monastery were ordered to leave the temple within 7 days. They did not leave the village and remained to live next to the holy temple. In the 70s, a transformer substation and a boarding school were installed on the canal. Soon it continued here and…

The gooseberry blossomed again, the groove was put in order, leveling all the recesses, since the sisters who laid it were not everywhere able to adhere to the proportions that the Mother of God spoke about. As for the icon from which the monastery originates, today it is located in the Fatima Monastery. In Diveevo they are sure that the times will come when the miraculous healing icons will again see their native lands.

How to get to Diveevsky Monastery

The village of Diveevo is easily accessible by any means of transport. The most convenient way to get to Nizhny Novgorod. And from there, from the bus station, to the village itself.

In the last article we talked, and today we will talk in more detail about prayer.

How to pray on Kanavka?

In general, the word right is not entirely appropriate. On the one hand, there are some recommendations, on the other hand, prayer is a special state. And it manifests differently for each person.

First of all, we must remember that the Groove of the Mother of God is. Accordingly, one should behave here reverently, or with respect, regardless of religious beliefs. Do not interfere with those praying, do not talk. For women, there is one more nuance: just like, the Groove during menstruation should not be visited.

The groove should be traversed with prayer. Usually they read the prayer “Our Lady, Virgin, rejoice” 150 times. And often people ask the question, how long does the prayer rule take on Kanavka?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, and there is no time frame. The fact is that our individual rhythm of life is also manifested in prayer. There are slow people, they walk along the Kanavka like turtles, and sometimes they do not have time to read the prescribed prayers to the end. And dynamic people pray with complete sincerity, but at the same time they do not notice how, it turns out, they have already read everything, and stand at the end of the Kanavka with a feeling of prayerfulness. One spiritual man once they asked if it is worth deliberately delaying when you pray. To which he replied: “God created every person with his own temperament, and you can’t slow down the fast ones, and rush the slow ones.”

This important point, because you can hear opinions that you must definitely walk slowly along the Kanavka. This is not entirely true. Running here, of course, is not worth it, but you can read a prayer and walk at your usual pace.

A special prayer on the Kanavka

Everyone knows the old proverb "Thunder will not strike, the peasant will not cross himself." Alas, it so often happens in life that we turn to God when we have experienced all material means. Or when the dimensions of trouble or need seem unbearable to a person.

At such a moment, many turn to God, ready to take on special prayer rules, observe fasts, and fulfill obediences. One of these prayer rules is the reading of akathists. And the uninformed, arriving in Diveevo, ask, do they read akathists on the Holy Kanavka?

Of course, if you decide to read an akathist on Kanavka, no one will forbid you to do this, but there is no such practice here. In the monastery, they try to fulfill the Mother of God rule, commanded. But if you have a serious need, you may be advised to go through the Holy Groove three times in a row. Each circle, passing with reverence and reading 150 times the prayer "Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice", at the end ask for what you need. Walking in prayer so many times can already seem like a daunting task, especially if you're not used to it. But, according to people who received God's help precisely after such a small "feat", special circumstances require strong prayer.

Night Prayer at the Kanavka of the Most Holy Theotokos

There is another type of prayer - night. It is connected with the legend that runs along its groove.

It is not surprising that many believers, including pilgrims, having learned about this, seek to walk along the Kanavka with a prayer at night. Someone who sees the kilometer-long monastery fences, inside which the Kanavka is also included, and remembering that the monastery is closed for the night, will be surprised. Yes, indeed, the opening hours of the monastery are limited by time - from 5 am to 11 pm, after which all the gates are closed. But! Everyone in the monastery knows about this legend, and there is a blessing to let people go to Kanavka even at night.

It is worth saying the cherished word to the guard at the gate that you want to pray at Kanavka at night, they will let you through. But only there! So do not tempt fate and try to get somewhere else in the dark. Monastics also need rest, just like everyone else.

At night, the Mother of God rule is also read on Kanavka. Or they just pray in their own words.

What will happen if you walk along the Kanavka in Diveevo?

Let's try to sum it up.

  • First, it's not worth it. Prayer is communication with God, and some kind of reward is not always the result. After all, we do not communicate with our parents in order to give us something, although, alas, this happens. In the same way, God and the Mother of God should be treated with gratitude and reverence with filial feelings.
  • Secondly, if you pray sincerely, you will still receive a reward. This is a feeling of special grace, quiet and bright, which settles in the soul for a while.
  • Thirdly, prayer at the Groove of the Virgin has power, especially if you pray only at night, or go through this path with prayer three times. There are many miracles recorded and transmitted orally, when, after an intense prayer on the Kanavka, healings and successful outcomes of serious cases occurred.
  • And fourthly. You can read the Theotokos Rule at home every day. Wherever you live, in Diveevo, or in another city, but the prayer “Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice”, read 150 times, with invisible threads will connect you with Diveevo and the Kanavka of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Tatiana Strakhova

“Ancient Murom and Divnoe Diveevo. Diveevo - Russian Promised Land»

It is difficult to write about Diveevo. Before coming here, I read various reviews about him and was always surprised by their ascetic style of narration. I love, and myself have a penchant for flowery presentation, for details and details, and such avarice of words and feelings puzzled me. But now, having returned from this truly wonderful place, I don’t know where to start, or how to write about what we saw and felt there - it’s very difficult to find the right words. I'll try.
Diveevo is a special land. This is a special piece of our planet, where a person has the opportunity to cleanse his soul.

I'm in and


The Serafimo-Diveevsky Monastery itself occupies a fairly large area, but even it seems to be small - there are a lot of pilgrims and people who come here. There are several entrances to the monastery in the monastery fence from Oktyabrskaya Street. We accidentally went the right way - through the Belfry. Correct - because it turns out more solemnly, not just jump out somewhere on the side of the territory, namely, go through the arch of the bell tower, see Trinity Cathedral light green color through the openwork cast-iron gates, a large paved square, bright flower beds, behind them a majestic Transfiguration Cathedral boiling- white color, almost a copy of the first, only with more rounded shapes. The domes on this cathedral and the bell tower do not just burn with gold, but shine dazzlingly, like full-fledged additional suns to the main luminary. Lots of gold in the sky. That's very beautiful.

Entrance to the monastery

On the territory of the monastery, for some reason, it was clearly felt that the Trinity Cathedral (there are the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov) is masculine, and the Preobrazhensky is feminine. Although, in fact, of course, there is no such division. Maybe it seems so, based on their appearance: Troitsky is tall, slightly angular, green, gray-steel domes, and Preobrazhensky is slender, soft, whiter than snow and golden domes.

Trinity Cathedral

Transfiguration Cathedral

We went to Trinity Cathedral. There was a service and there were extremely many people inside, so we stood a little, went out and began to walk around it. On the left I saw a big line. She stood at the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, the entrance to which is separate. We didn't stand. I don’t know how to honestly explain why, let’s put it this way - we felt we had no right to turn to him in the state in which we were then. Of course, it is very disappointing that it turned out so ridiculously for us. But on the other hand, his invisible presence in Diveevo is almost materially perceptible.

They say that the nuns often meet the gray-bearded old man near the Holy Kanavka, and the builders saw him in the temple, and the children, whom he especially loved, often tell their parents about the kind grandfather who talked to them. In the Trinity Cathedral, you can also see some things that belonged to Father Seraphim: a mantle, a pectoral cross, an epitrachelion, leather gloves, shoes and a cast iron. This cathedral also houses Father Seraphim's favorite icon "Mother of God Tenderness".

We walk around the territory, look closely, orient ourselves, listen to the numerous guides leading groups. It is very interesting to listen, especially since we are not in a hurry, unlike tour groups, so we listen to how several guides talk about the same thing, but in different ways.

Behind Troitsky cathedral there is a small necropolis. Here the abbess, several blessed old women from the monastery, monks found their last refuge. We have never seen this. I will talk about them a little lower. Graves - velvet green mounds all in flowers are revered as holy places. People come here specifically to mentally communicate with the blessed, to ask for their help.

Next we go to Transfiguration Cathedral. There is also a queue inside to venerate the relics of the three blessed Diveyevo (I will also tell about them separately). Here in the cathedral I learn about holy oil, about crackers from the saint's cast-iron, and about a piece of earth from Kanavka (details will be below, I don't want to digress now). But we are not up to it now.

We leave the Cathedral and ask where Groove. It starts right behind the Transfiguration Cathedral, a little to the right, and also ends approximately behind it, but to the left. I prepared for it even beforehand.

Of course, you can walk along the Kanavka just like that, but somehow I doubt that it will succeed. This is a very prayerful and powerful place, and when you go behind the forged gate, where its Beginning is, and you enter this high path on the crest of the rampart, and below you there is a high slope and a narrow groove, it's like passing from the earth's gravity into the absence of gravity. There is a completely different air here, even a completely different line of thought - the old one is left behind the gate.

The Holy Kanavka must be passed, reading the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos or the Archangel greeting (with these words the Archangel Gabriel greeted the Virgin Mary at the Annunciation): “O Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.
Father Seraphim said: “This groove is the piles of the Mother of God. Whoever passes the Kanavka with a prayer, and reads one and a half hundred “Virgins”, everything is here: Athos, and Jerusalem, and Kyiv.

I have a rosary in my hands, however, I confess, they are Buddhist, souvenir and there are 108 pea beads in them, and the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos must be read 150 times, so at home I marked the necessary bead with a red ribbon. The rosary is very convenient to use, they are needed in order not to lose count.

The people who walk along the Kanavka are, of course, all very different, and there are very, very peculiar ones. When someone reads a prayer loudly in a singsong voice, this is, of course, uncomfortable, but tolerable, but there is also a bulletproof contingent that ahead of you casually and selflessly discusses “Nadya’s behavior with Lenka” - this is beyond my understanding.

The groove is very long, it has a broken trajectory, it is curved in different ways, surrounded by flowers. In the spring here on the slopes (I see) lilies of the valley bloom, in the summer - different flowers, there are even very well-kept vegetable gardens along it.
You need to start reading a prayer as soon as you step on it, otherwise you will not have time to read it 150 times. Its length and the number of prayers were thought out by the holy elder Seraphim himself.

Going around the Kanavka, we saw a huge tree not far behind the monastery fence, which was decorated with something and attracted our attention. Then we went there. It turned out that this huge larch of Tsarevich Alexei. This tree was planted in honor of the first anniversary of the birth of the Tsarevich - that is, in 1905. The bark of this larch on the cut has the color of gore, and the resin too. No other similar trees have been found in nature. It is fenced with a low picket fence, there is a stand next to it, and his photograph hangs. Icons of the royal family are hung on the larch and the fence, prayers are served.

Stories about a trip to Murom and Diveevo
