Part 1

Continuing the book about Elder Sheikhumen Savva, we decided to start with a visit to the blessed Elder Schema-nun Maria, who was a close spiritual friend of our spiritual father.
Four of us were visiting, where at that time there was a schema nun who knew our father when he was still young. She silently fingered her rosary. And all of a sudden she smiled. We began to ask her to tell us something about her father, about their meetings, but she was silent.
After a while, she sang in her senile, but very pleasant voice: "Come to Him and be enlightened, and your faces will not be put to shame." Then she said: “Mother of God, help us. Lord, have mercy," and she sang again:
My friends, my friends, run
You sinful life like the plague
And fall out of love with the world
And connections with sinful people.
We again began to ask her to remember at least something about the meetings with her father, and then she said:
- Basically, we met in churches or on the way to the church of the holy martyr Tryphon, and when he came to our house, he talked more with the monk living in our apartment about monastic life. He asked me which path he should choose: monasticism or, perhaps, marriage? I told him directly: “Do not look in all corners, where you go, go there.” And he went to work and to the temple. What could I tell him, he was a comprehensively educated person, and who am I?
Once he came to me, and I had three dolls, and he asked with surprise: “What are you playing with dolls for?” I answered: “These are good girls: Faith, Hope and Love ...”
Our Father combined in himself all these Christian virtues.
I knew Father Savva when he was still Nikolai Mikhailovich, long before he entered the monastery. He visited many churches, but most often he visited the church in the village of Leonova, where he read and sang.
One servant of God became very ill, she had terrible vomiting. One day she was going to the doctor, but her friends brought her to the temple. There, after the liturgy, a water-blessed prayer service was served, at which Nikolai Mikhailovich sang. After the prayer, he gave her a glass of holy water, but she did not drink. Then Nikolai Mikhailovich said to her:
- What are you afraid of, drink - there will be no vomiting.
He took one sip himself and gave it to her again. She drank. After that, she slept at home for a long time and got up completely healthy.
Subsequently, she was his spiritual child.
After Nikolai Mikhailovich entered the monastery of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, we began to go there often. There I asked St. Sergius so that the Lord would send me a spiritual father.
When Nikolai Mikhailovich already became hieromonk Savva, I did not dare to ask him to be a spiritual child, I was afraid that he would not accept me. Once he read a prayer before confession and a general confession, and then said:
- The permissive prayer will be given by another priest, and I will let go only the spiritual children that I have had for a long time.
I was standing behind everyone, and suddenly he himself was the first to call me to the permissive prayer. Since that time, I began to consider him my spiritual father.
I don’t know where to start and how to describe all the miracles, healings and predictions of him not only to me, but also to my children, the whole family and acquaintances.
I got very sick. I am sending a spiritual sister to my father, asking his holy prayers. She comes to him, and he himself meets her and asks:
- What - sick? I will now bring you a shrine for the sick, and I myself will go to the cell to read the akathist to the martyr Tryphon. Don't worry, everything will be fine.
At this time, I lay motionless in bed, but suddenly I felt relieved. I got out of bed, prayed, thanked God and my spiritual father, and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the children.
At this time, N.'s father arrives, he sees that my bed is empty. She was frightened, did not know what to think, and I go from the kitchen to the room. She could not believe her eyes, and I myself could not believe that I was alive. Together we thanked the Lord and the spiritual father.
Another time, I was in such pain that I lay without breathing, with my eyes closed, in a dying state. I see that I am lying on the bed, a woman in all black comes up to me. At this time, the father, as if in the air up to the waist, extended his hand to the breast of this woman and said: “Stop.” The woman immediately disappeared. I began to breathe, I raised my hand, crossed myself and said:
- Thank God, my father saved me, I came to life.
My daughter has a big toe; I went to the doctor, she was offered to take away her finger. I tell her:
- Do not agree, write to your father, and everything will be fine.
She wrote, sent it to her father, he said: "I will pray." On the second day the pain was gone.
My married daughter was pregnant. Father gives me two icons of the Savior-Child for her, I immediately realized that these are not just two identical icons. I pass it on to my daughter and say:
You will probably have twins.
And indeed, she gave birth to two completely identical boys, who even now, already thirty years old, cannot be distinguished.
My youngest daughter met with one man for 10 years and was going to get married, but he is still silent. Her father said to her:
- You will be the bride of Christ.
The daughter was upset, burst into tears, and then said to her fiancé:
- Let's either sign, or leave.
Then he was forced to admit that he could not marry her. She took it very hard, because she spent all her youth with him, but, through the prayers of her father, everything worked out. Then she met with another who proposed to her. Appointed the day of registration, but he did not come. This hurt her pride so much that she did not even begin to find out what happened to him. And only a year later she asked her brother to call him. They answered that he disappeared a year ago, they only planted his passport - apparently, he was killed. This is how my father's prediction came true.
N. fell seriously ill - her leg was paralyzed, the doctors could not help, she walked on crutches. She went on vacation to her father, he gave her holy oil, ordered her to smear her leg. N. returned without crutches, completely healthy.
I came to Pechory on vacation, very sick. I wanted to work in the monastery, but I can't.
I was standing in the temple, praying, and suddenly I felt: it became easier to breathe. We went with my father to the Holy Mountain. The father asks: “How did it get easier?” I asked for blessings to work in the monastery, and he blessed me. According to his holy prayers for the glory of God, she worked all her vacation and returned home completely healthy.
It's been four years since my father's death. My age is in my ninth decade, and, according to his holy prayers, I live: you just have to ask your father, and the Lord sends healing.

TO I was first let down by my father in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra by a nun of the Kiev Pokrovsky Convent - Mother Sophia. I did not yet have a spiritual father, and when I read morning rule, where there is a prayer for a spiritual father, she prayed like this: “Lord, send me a spiritual father! Save, Lord, all the priests! So I asked for seven years, but I didn’t look at the priests and didn’t choose, for me they were all the same. Mother Sophia brought me to my father and asked:
- Mariichka has no spiritual father. Father Savva, take her into your children.
- Fine! Do you pray to Our Lady of Kazan? my father asks me.
- I pray as much as I can.
- Well, here's an icon of the Pochaev Mother of God.
It was the father's first blessing - and the blessing is not accidental. Soon I had to go to Pochaev (his other children were there too) and live there for a long time. Our father came to visit us every year. During the first visit, he entrusted us for spiritual guidance to two elders, akin to him in spirit: hieroschem monk Nikolai and an old monk, the wanderer Konon, who, because of his foolishness, was persecuted by monks, lived in summer and winter in a cold barn. Every day we were in obedience to Father Konon, who worked with us in the church, and for a blessing and for confession we went to the skete of Father Nikolai. They worked both in the Lavra and in the skete. Often we had to spend the night in the field, and in the barns, and in the forest, and we did not catch a cold, did not get sick and were never hungry, according to the prayers of our father.
When the father came to Pochaev, it was for us big celebration. He strengthened us spiritually, taught us how to behave in monastery so as not to lead the monks to sinful thoughts.
We asked the father:
- Some priests give us the keys to their cells and ask them to clean them. Can we do this?
- Tell them: "Our spiritual father categorically forbade doing this." You clean it up, and the monk, having come to the cell, instead of the Jesus Prayer, will think about who cleaned it.
We lived in Pochaev for three years, and then Father Nikolai sent two of us to our father to bless us in the monastery. On the way, we agreed that we would not tell my father about the monastery; we were afraid that we would not be able to endure monastic life: what patience, obedience, abstinence one must have there!
We come to my father (he was then already in the Caves Monastery). He greeted us joyfully and first of all asked:
- What did Father Nikolai tell me to convey?
- He ordered to bow, - we answered.
- And what else?
- Nothing else.
Soon my father was blessed to go to Moscow on monastic business, and he told us: “I will go, and you wait for me here.”
In the evening, the novice Vasily brings him 200 rubles and asks him to take this money from him for us: “I have known them for a long time from Pochaev, they used to wash my clothes and all the brethren. They are wanderers, they need money, but I don't need it, I'm ready for everything. They won't take it from me, but you, for God's sake, pass it on to them." In the morning, the father says to us:
- Divine Providence! We must take you with us. They gave you money for the journey. - And he told us everything about this money.
We go by train, we drive up to the Dno station. The father again hints to us: “Here is a transfer to the Ovruch monastery. Or maybe Father Nikolai still ordered me to convey something? We nudged each other with our elbows and again did not confess.
With God's help we came to St. Sergius. At his relics, the father tried for the third time to persuade us to confess. Holds a beautiful white silk rosary and says: “Here! This is so that you have the same white and beautiful souls. And he blessed us with these rosaries.
In the evening in Pavlova Posad, where about thirty of his spiritual children gathered, in the apartment of one of them, father consoled us with spiritual conversation all night. And then he blessed us all the same to the monastery. We fell at his feet and with tears asked for forgiveness: three times we did not admit that Father Nikolai sent us to him for this ...
... In the summer, at Petrov Post, I received news of my father's illness. Without reasoning, without blessing to leave the same day I went to Pechory and cried all the way.
My father was in the hospital, where I did not dare to go. Days dragged on in agonizing anticipation. And when he left the hospital, he said sternly:
- Why did you come? We need a prayer, not a date! And prepare the schema. As soon as your monastery opens, you will go to the monastery. If you are in danger, read the prayer: "To the Chosen Governor" and "call" me. But don't come again, even in death.
With bitter tears I returned to Pochaev. It was very difficult for me there. No one was allowed to sleep. In the temple they left to spend the night only on big holidays. But I always remembered the father’s words: “I will pray, and what thought comes to you, you fulfill it.” And I, with God's help, did just that and, according to his holy prayers, miraculously avoided dangers. I always felt his gracious help and his spiritual presence.
Everything that my father spoke about, in hints or directly, was then fulfilled. “And why did my father tell me about the schema? - I thought. - I'm young, who will offer it to me now, and he ordered to prepare a schema. But then his words began to come true.
Once I carry peat to the church shed, and one priest calls me three times a schema. I protested that I didn't deserve it. And he again firmly said: “You will be a schema!”
They signed me up at the Pochaev Lavra for eternal commemoration: "schema nun", and I began to ask to cross out "schema nun" and write "nun". The monk who wrote down is silent and does not correct. Then I ask Schemamen Abraham: “I am ashamed before the nuns that they remember me as a schema-nun, what kind of schema-nun am I?” And he replied: “None of your business, the Lord forced them to write like that.” Once he blesses the rosary to all mothers. “And for you,” he says, “these are scheming ones!”
And I came to know the will of God and was convinced of the veracity of my father's prediction: on the third day of the Baptism of the Lord (1964), by God's Providence, they clothed me in a schema with a new name. Father blessed me to come to him; he canceled the big monastic rule for me and gave me another one. Then he blessed me for obedience to one elder-schemer on New Athos.

At One of the children's husband drank heavily. The father immediately said: "Take a divorce from him." She was frightened and asked: “And if he asks for forgiveness, what then? Yes, and lived with him for many years. He repeats: "We must take a divorce, and I will pray."
She comes home and does as her father blessed. As soon as she told her husband about the divorce and was about to arrange everything, he was so amazed that he ended up in the hospital because of the experiences, stopped drinking and then began to behave as if he had never been a drunkard, so they didn’t have to take a divorce either. .

ABOUT mother told me that the power of prayer stops trains. I didn't believe it. Three years have passed since this conversation, and now she advises me that I go to Father Savva and ask him to become spiritual children. She gave me a companion, our church warden; he had asthma, it was difficult for him to breathe. And mother advised him to go to Father Savva and firmly assured him that Father Savva would heal him. He believed her and off we went.
My father then served in the parish church of the village of Palitsy, Pskov region, from the train it was necessary to walk one and a half or two kilometers on foot. We walked at an ordinary pace, but my companion says:
- You're walking fast, I can't walk like that.
- I'm sorry, I don't know your state of health. I will go with the quietest step, - I answered. - And we slowly moved on.
The Father took us among his spiritual children. After the feast of the Nativity of Christ, the priest blessed us to go to Pechory, to the monastery. On the day of departure, after the evening service, we had to hurry to the train, but the priest spoke the word “On the Three Joys” for a long time, and we thought that we would not go today, because we were late for the train. We approach him, take a blessing, and he, smiling, cheerfully says:
- You are late, but I bless you to go.
It was already dark when we got out. My companion says:
- I'm even afraid: it's dark, but I have to go through the woods.
- God is with us, and we are going to be blessed.
Suddenly, the spiritual daughter of our father comes up to us and says:
- I will also go with you to Pechory.
So the three of us went to the train.
We came out on a flat, straight road and far, far ahead we could see the burning headlights of a locomotive.
- This is our train, but we can't make it, - says our fellow traveler.

As soon as she said this, my companion, without saying anything, suddenly runs, and I follow him. So we ran without stopping, and in winter clothes and with suitcases, not less than one and a half kilometers.
The conductor gave us her hand, and we entered the car. Now the train is on its way.
Then I came to my senses and said to the elder:
- Take off your clothes, you're tired.
- No, I'm not tired. I don't think I ran," he replied.
I think: "My God, he will die now, because he could not even walk quickly." But he sits quietly and breathes normally.
- If you tell my wife that I ran, she will never believe. I don't believe myself either! Matushka G. told the truth that Father Savva would heal me. When I come home, I will redo everything, rebuild my life, because we do not live at all the way a Christian should live, my companion said.
This is how our father revived, healed and reborn us!

WITH Father had a chance to visit our old house after it had just been renovated. On our own, we took out the bottom rotten logs and walled up the holes with stone, brick and cement. It seems that they did it firmly, enough for our century. Father walked around the house, examined our work and said:
- Enough for two years.
We wonder: have we really done so fragile? Is it really only two years?
And two years later, according to the plan for the reconstruction of the city, our house was demolished.

TO Somehow, during confession, the father asked everyone to kneel, and he himself also knelt in front of the altar, where the chapel of the Monks Anthony and Theodosius was. Raising his hands to the holy altar, he loudly, touchingly, boldly proclaimed three times:
- Lord God, Father Almighty, sanctify with your Holy Spirit this penitent people!
And I clearly saw how the Holy Spirit descended on my father and rested over him in the form of a dove, all golden, and golden rays, so large, thick that they covered all the penitent people and penetrated through all the walls of the temple. And it was so low, above the very head of my father, that I, a sinner, could clearly see the Holy Spirit - and the nose, and the outstretched wings, and the legs pressed to the abdomen - and everything was so beautiful and long that it is impossible to convey in words this beauty and joy!
Several days passed, my father went out to the pulpit and talked with spiritual children, and I stood behind. He looked at me, smiled and said cheerfully:
- P. saw the Holy Spirit as He descended on her.
And he did not say that the Holy Spirit descended on him and on the whole people repenting, he kept silent.

TO When I was accepted as a spiritual child, I strongly doubted how my father would be able to guide me: “He does not write letters, and he does not have the opportunity to talk, and I cannot often visit him.” And so the Lord enlightened me in a dream. I saw a spiritual father, and he said: "For the fellowship of believers, distance does not matter, the power of prayer is great." And I understood everything and calmed down.
Once we were standing in the Assumption Church, several people and my father. The schema woman came up to him and said that they had added black material, to whom should I give it? And the father pointed to one of us and said: “Give it to her, I prayed for her, and she has the same path as yours, only she still doesn’t understand anything yet.” Indeed, several years passed, and she became a nun.
My father blessed me to go on vacation to Georgia. Summer is coming, and I ask about the trip, and he says: “I blessed you in Sukhumi, so go.” I went to the station for a ticket, and they told me that there was no way there because of the quarantine. I went up to my father again, and he said to me: “After all, I blessed you, well, will I go myself, or something?” And he gave me a ruble: "This is for you on the road and for all expenses." And then he went on vacation. I remained perplexed.
And suddenly I had the feeling that I had to go at least as far as Moscow. If I can’t go further, then I’ll go to temples there, I’ll go to Zagorsk. And that's how I'll spend my vacation. And I was in such a state that I could no longer be in Pechory, I had to leave at all costs.
I came to Moscow, met with L., who was also blessed to go with me to Sukhumi. We decided that I would go to Zvenigorod for the time being, and she would stay at home. I stayed there for two days, returning to Moscow, and she happily informs me: they announced on the radio that quarantine had been lifted and travel to the south was open. She had already bought tickets, and we were among the first passengers to go to Sukhumi.
Of course, I had money, although not much. But I absolutely did not know any need for anything, they even sewed three dresses for me on Angel's Day and bought a return ticket, and everything was as good as possible.
Father blessed me and A. from Moscow to Pskov to visit the sick woman in the hospital. We agreed with A. to go at three o'clock, and she bought bus tickets. A close woman comes to my work and says that she called the doctor in Pskov and talked to him about this patient and that there is no need to go to the hospital. Then I did not know that it was necessary to fulfill the blessing of the spiritual father exactly, and I decided not to go. Finished work at three o'clock and went home. I just went into the apartment, and Mitrofania (spiritual sister) saw me and said: “What did you come for? After all, you are blessed to go to the patient, what do you care about others? - And she really pushed me out with the words: "Go, fulfill the blessing."
I walk and think: "The bus has already left, I'll have to take a taxi." I went up to the bus station, looked and couldn’t believe my eyes: the Pechory-Pskov bus drove up and A. was sitting at the window. I went in, and she said: “Sit down, this is your seat, I didn’t have time to return your ticket.” Then I ask her, “Why didn’t you leave on time?” And she says that they drove away from the station, and suddenly something happened, the bus “snorted” and for some reason came back.
We went to Pskov, visited the sick woman and returned home. I was glad that I fulfilled my father's blessing.
I remembered how I wrote repentance. I tried so hard to write everything. I give it, and my father says: “But you didn’t write everything.” From the age of six she wrote, and again said that not everything was written. And then one day he himself told me: “Now write, I will pray, and you will remember, remember and write a lot more.”
And when I began to write, then, through his prayers, the Lord revealed to me all my sins. I remembered everything so clearly, as if my whole life was passing before me again. All my bad childhood thoughts were even revealed to me. When I wrote the last fourth notebook and gave it to my father, I experienced a feeling of sinlessness. It cannot be described, there are no words for it. Indeed, repentance is the second baptism. But all this I was able to do only through the prayers of our father. What great God's power and grace was in him, how he cleansed us and helped us sinners!
Then I began to fall into various sins again and could no longer put it this way and repent. And one day my father said to me: “You can’t even write a good confession.”

ABOUT father saw everything from a distance.
Dad retired and when he went to his father, he wrote to him about his desire to move to Zagorsk. This was in 1970. Father said: Until 1972, stay where you are and work. In 1972, it unexpectedly happened that our large family, who had lived in the same place for 40 years, moved to Holy place. And the house is so comfortable, next to the parish church, and the monastery is not far away. So everything was revealed to our dear father, and the Holy Spirit helped him to foresee everything in advance.

IN In the spring I was in Pechory. The day of my departure came, I had to go to work, And my father, seeing me off, said: “You will come to Petrovka.” I go and think: “How will I arrive, because I have to go to work?” I arrive, I went to the factory, and the technician said to me: there is no free place, but a young girl works in your team, we will take you in her place, they know you, you worked with us. At home, after consulting, I decided that I shouldn’t agree to this: the girl works, and if I go, she will be fired.
Time passes. Petrov post is coming. What to do? She cast lots. I had to go to my father. In the morning I come to church, and mother E. says: “I want to go to Pechory, and I asked the Queen of Heaven to take me there.” I say: "Get ready, I have just the blessing to go." And we went. We are coming, I wrote everything to my father. And he says in confession: "Do not build your happiness on the misfortune of your neighbor." And talks about what I did.
And upon returning home, everything was settled. So the father’s words came true: “You will come to Petrovka.”

TO When my father was in Sukhumi, Bishop Elijah (later - the Georgian Patriarch) invited him to visit the holy places of Georgia. They set a day when they would go by car. Mother from the cathedral, who knew all the places, was supposed to go with Vladyka, and for the fourth place in the car, Vladyka suggested that Father Savva bless someone. And so my father blessed me, sinful and unworthy. But two days before departure, my mother, who was with us, fell ill, the temperature was 40, and my father blessed me to stay to look after the patient, while they themselves left. But for some reason I believed that my father's blessing would not be lost.
It took 15-20 years, as it miraculously fulfilled. It happened like this. Three guests arrived in Moscow from Pechory, I met them at the station. All of them are the spiritual children of Father Savva and went to Georgia. I say: “What a pity to see off dear guests. I thought that you would come to me, but you upset me. They answer me: “It is undesirable for us to be on the road on the eve of the holiday, so we are going to get tickets right now.”
We arrived at the Kursk railway station, went to the ticket office, but there were no tickets for today. Suddenly, all my guests turn to me: “E. And, come with us." My heart began to beat, but I have no possibility and no hope, I can hardly leave for two days because of my sick sister, and here for a month, and there is no money.
My guests say: "Let's draw lots: if it is the will of God, then, through the prayers of the father, the Lord will help in everything." We began to pray with all our hearts, not noticing that people were pushing and pushing us. The lot fell to go to Georgia. We once again approach the cashier, and - lo and behold! - we are given tickets for the next day, a separate compartment.
In the morning I went to the temple for the blessing of the Lord, and then everything else ... I meet my sister in Christ, I tell her: “Where can I urgently borrow money?” She asks, “How much? I can give 50 rubles, when you can, then you will give it back. I'm going to my brother, and he also helped. Glory to Thee, Lord! The sisters agreed to take care of the sick sister ...
My friend began to offer me to move to live with her. I agreed; but when she came to her father in Pechory, she decided to take his blessing. My father answered me: “I bless, if only she wants.” I kept silent, and thought to myself: “After all, she calls me herself.” I come home, and she is silent, as if she took water in her mouth ...

I arrived for a few days in Pechory. I brought a letter from a pious man and his wife with a request to accept them as spiritual children. The father comes out of the cell and takes out the rosary and the prosphora and says: "I accepted John and Tatiana as spiritual children."
I was embarrassed to ask for another rosary and was perplexed - why only one rosary and to whom should I give them? I come home, and they tell me - John died on November 25, that is, at the time when I was in Pechory. And it became clear why my father gave one rosary and one prosphora.

WITH One spiritual sister fasted, prayed, and went to him on an empty stomach in the hope of receiving praise from him before going to visit her father. But they quarreled among themselves, not considering it a sin. We came to the father, approached for a blessing, first E. He turned away and walked away from her, I came up - the same thing. After a while, my father came up to us, blessed us, gave us a prosphora and said: “We didn’t pray, we didn’t fast, we quarreled”…
Once I arrived in Pechory, I came to my father, to his cell, and he walks back and forth, looks at me cheerfully and says: “Whatever children think of, they give me diapers, undershirts.” And I thought: “Really, why does the father need diapers and undershirts?” But when something happened that I did not expect, the prophetic words of the priest came to mind. I began to need diapers and undershirts: my granddaughter was born.
When my father was in the hospital, I came to him, and for some reason I myself thought: “It would be good for the priest to collect fresh blueberries now.” And it's already winter outside. My father read my thoughts and says: “Maybe go to the forest tomorrow for blueberries?” And a lieutenant colonel lay with him in the ward, who laughed heartily: “It’s cold outside, and he wanted fresh blueberries!”
The father smiled and said to him: “Maybe a glass, maybe two, or maybe a three-liter can will bring.” And then to me: “Go tomorrow, take the cook with you, and take E. with you.”
I come to the cook, I say: “Tomorrow we will go to the forest for blueberries, father blessed.” She, of course, laughed too, taking it for a joke. But when I said that I would go alone, she said: “Then I, of course, will go.”
Let's go to E .: "Let's go for blueberries tomorrow." She was surprised: “What are you in your mind? Snow, frost, and they gathered for blueberries. We say: "If you want, then we'll go alone." - "And where to?" - "In Pesyan". - "On what?" - "By bus". She then says to her son: "Zhenechka, take us by car." Then her husband could not stand it: "And I'll go with you."
The morning was unusual: bright sun, frost. We arrived in the forest; I wanted to go to where I picked blueberries in the summer, but they stopped closer. All five men went to the forest. At this point, they got very little. And I say: "Father blessed to collect a three-liter can, the blessing must be fulfilled."
Let's go to my place - and get a three-liter can!
Father ordered the cook and E. to bake pies with blueberries - for a competition, who has the best. The cook made excellent pies, but E. failed. But the father consoled: "Nothing, I'll eat her pies!"
Father ate fresh blueberries, treated the lieutenant colonel, us, the nurse and sick children who had suffered from the fire. There was no hope that they would see. But the father prayed intensely, consoled the grieving parents and predicted to them that the boy would see with both eyes, and the girl with one eye. Which came true.

AND From our city, several people were in Pechory, and this is what they said. Father served a prayer service. Suddenly he thought and said: “Oh, what is going on in the city! But everyone will be alive.
There was a fire in our city, we got burned, eight people, but everyone survived. I suffered the most: the area of ​​the burn was 53 percent. According to the doctors, I should not have survived, but, through the holy prayers of my father, I remained alive and able to work.
I spent six months in the hospital, six months later I came to my father. When we came to his cell, the priest came out and said: “They said that you burned down, but you are alive and so clean.”
When I was in the hospital, all the time I mentally turned to my father, asked for his holy prayers, and the Lord gave me patience. The pain was terrible, and the doctors were surprised at my patience.
When I got to my feet, everyone said with surprise: “Our patient got up, but there was no hope that she would remain alive.”
This miracle was created by the Lord through the holy prayers of the father.

ABOUT In the fall of 1975, my sister and I visited our spiritual father. After mass, we approached him so that he would bless us on the road. He gave us all a prosphora. Many asked, but he replied: "I will first give to those who are leaving."
I came to the apartment to mother O., she told me: “Don’t leave, there will be a vigil, you will anoint your head with oil.” I did so and stayed. I am standing in the Mikhailovsky Cathedral, I look, my father is walking, I left the cathedral to go up to him. And he says to me:
- Why are you here, and where are your sisters?
- They left.
- Why are you here? I blessed you on the road, but what will they say at work, is your vacation over?
- Well, I don’t give a damn, I’ll skip it, I have now issued a pension.
How he screams at me:
- How do you spit on whom? On the state that pays you money! Take your things this very minute and go to the station.
I - in tears: "Father, my head hurts, I'll still stay."
- No, no, to the station!
Mother O has my things. It is three kilometers from the monastery, and a shepherd in the village fell ill, and she was asked to tend the cows.
- All right, I'll leave tomorrow.
I did just that. I go to work, and the director saw me and said:
- Thank God, M. went to work! It turns out that there was no one to work.

ABOUT one day I come to my father, after the service we went to his cell. Father takes out a wooden cross, gives it to me and says:
- Kiss this cross five times in the morning and in the evening and read the "Chosen Governor" and a prayer for salvation. Pray for your son A.: "Save, O Lord, my son A."
I come home and immediately began to do everything, as my father blessed me. Soon the son went on a tourist package. While skiing, he got lost. This is what he told me later:
- I'm going, and suddenly everything started spinning. The forest goes around, the earth goes around, fiery sparks from the eyes. There are forests and fields all around, and there is no village, I have already exhausted myself. It started to freeze, I was falling asleep. Then I saw a haystack, leaned against it and felt like I was falling asleep. I think: “No, you can’t stay here, if I fall asleep, I’ll freeze.” I see a sleigh track near the haystack, which means there is housing somewhere. I was following the trail, I saw a low barrack, I was delighted and went there. There I was met by a friendly hostess, who told me how to get to the rest home.”
That's how my father knew everything! The Lord and Mother of God, through his holy prayers, saved my son.

At my son and I are the spiritual father of Sheikhumen Savva. When my son had to go to the army, we came with him to his father to receive a blessing and ask for his holy prayers. Father said: “The service will be difficult and responsible, but it’s okay, we will pray, and the bird will save you.”
We received a blessing and went home. My dear son says: “Mom, I am very sorry that I didn’t ask my father again: how is it that a bird will save me?”
The son was sent to a dangerous place, to the border. Then he said: "Nearby - a huge abyss, posts often disappeared, and even corpses were not found."
When he stood at his post for the first time, the owl screamed loudly, and he immediately remembered the words of his father: “We will pray, and the bird will save you.” Immediately turned the weapon in that direction. And more than once the owl informed where the danger was coming from. And so his watch always went well.
Previously, the whole guard did not sleep, but then they began to say: “Today at the post of E. - you can take a nap.”
Through the holy prayers of his father, the son successfully served in the army and returned home.

WITH Father served a memorial service in the caves. I cried about who will remember me when I die, I am an orphan. Father turns in my direction and says: “The Church commemorates orphans, so I pray for everyone.”
Our spiritual sister Juliana told me about this. She was left a widow after the war, and she had two children in her arms. To this sorrow, the house burned down. At that time, my father was in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. and so she came to him with tears, told about her misfortune.
The father listened attentively and said, "I will help you." He took out three rubles from his pocket and said: "Here's for you to build a house." I took them, and I myself thought: “Dear father, this is a beggarly alms for daily bread, and not for a house.” I put it in my pocket and went to my children.
I meet acquaintances: "Juliana, we heard that you are in grief, here's a little for you to build." And again and again they give money and say: “God help you!” I immediately realized that the blessing of the priest was not in vain.

ABOUT father blessed me to go to the Pukhtitsky monastery with some people together in three days. The next day I told him: "Father, it's a long wait for three days, I'll go with these." - "Well, go!"
I arrived in Pyukhtitsy, I was paralyzed, my entire right side was taken away, it was impossible to swim in the source, and how much trouble the nun doctor had through me. She was ill for exactly three days - of course, for self-will, as I realized later.
One day, my father blesses me and E. to get a residence permit: “Go tomorrow.” E. answered him: “No, the day after tomorrow we will go.” “Good,” he says. We went the day after tomorrow, on this day the one we needed went away. We waited all day; it was cold, they froze, quarreled and arrived with nothing.

D father gives bandages to mother E. with the words: “It will come in handy for you. And she had a habit of reading the rule with a candle. She slept in the hallway. She prayed one evening and fell asleep, the candle burned out, and the cellophane caught fire on the table and on the wall. We, several people, were in the room at that time and did not see anything, and when, by the grace of God, one of us went out into the corridor, the flame was almost up to the roof, and the roof was thatched (there was no ceiling). We barely woke up my mother, she began to tear off the burning cellophane in fright. She burned all her hands. That's where bandages come in handy. And only the power of God helped us extinguish the flame. We would all have burned, but, through the prayers of the father, the Lord had mercy on us.

At knowing that an old man, an acquaintance of my aunt, A., was working in the Pskov-Caves Monastery, she decided to go to him and ask for spiritual children. I asked her to take me too, but with a different purpose - to travel (I was 19 years old). We arrived, A. found an elder, asked for a blessing on the apartment, to take communion and asked about me. He said: “To the apartment - together, but let her take communion in a week, at St. Nicholas, she is not allowed for seven days. Time will pass and then he will take communion.” (Neither he nor I have ever seen him).
At the apartment, the spiritual children of the elder around me told me about spiritual life, the need for spiritual guidance, about the spiritual father, and about the senile dispensation.
Of course, for me, a person who first entered the spiritual environment, there was much that was incomprehensible. My spirit strongly opposed the new teaching. It even seemed that it was something unnatural, unreal. There was a strong internal struggle: everything in me rose up. But at the same time, somewhere inside, unconsciously, I was drawn to this life.
As in Sukhumi, in the circle of young people, the father was asked the question: “Can I go to the cinema?” What could be answered here when young eyes are fixed on you, waiting for indulgence? And the Lord managed to put us to the judgment of his conscience and reason: “It is possible,” said the priest, “only this distances us from God.”
After that, I never went to the cinema, although I used to love cinema very much.
When I got home, I had difficult questions. It was impossible to write by mail, to go too. It is not supposed to turn to other confessors for advice, as this is considered spiritual fornication. And it was this insolubility that aroused in me a storm of confusion, grumbling.
And I have a dream: my father came into my room, sat down at the table and invited me to sit down and said: “Well, what worries you? What are your questions?
There was another case. I wrote to my father questions and asked his cell attendant to take it to him. And in the evening, after the service, I had to see my father, and he himself answered all the questions. When I came home, I saw that my letter had not yet been taken away and it was lying on the table ...
When my father was in Sukhumi for treatment, we were honored to be there and see him often. One day when we were sitting festive table, I gave my father the wine that my father made. Raising a glass with this wine, the father said: "Let these winemakers be crowned with success." And a few months later, my parents got married when they were already under 60 years old, and before that they didn’t even want to hear about the wedding - they say, they were old. And they began to fast, follow the rule, go to church more often (although they used to go only at Christmas, Easter and Trinity) and became the spiritual children of Father Savva.
I went to Sukhumi, intending to get the blessing of the priest for marriage. I had an immoderate affection for the chosen one (as they say, I didn’t eat, didn’t drink - that’s how I always wanted to see him). I told my father about my intention and condition. He looked at me so affectionately and sadly and said: “Baby, if you get married, you will be lost. And you have no love for him at all, only passion.
I came home as a completely different person and with completely different eyes I was already looking at marriage with this person and not myself. Our friendship seemed somehow empty to me, and he himself was forced to tell me: "I see that you do not need me."
How much gratitude to you, dear father, for saving me from an unnecessary, and perhaps even fatal step. All burden and impurity were driven away from me.

IN friend, I had an irresistible desire to go to my father, although there was no reason to urgently see him. But, guided by an invisible force, not realizing what I was going for, I arrived at the Lavra. My father was waiting for me: a nun sent him a letter asking him to resolve a serious issue. My father did not have the blessing to write letters, and no one could answer her except me, because she knew only me. My father gave me instructions on how to write to her, and I left.

WITH one of our spiritual sisters was a case. She had pain in her right elbow for three months. With difficulty she could make the sign of the cross upon herself, and therefore was rarely baptized. She went to her father and complained. "Arm hurts? he asked cheerfully. - Go, put a candle of the Mother of God “Three Hands” and ask Her: “You, Lady, healed the severed hand of the Monk John of Damascus, heal my hand too!” She did everything, but in her thoughts she asked the priest that it would be he who begged the Mother of God to heal her sore hand, since she had previously turned to Her with prayer, but did not receive relief. And what a miracle! She did not even notice when her pain stopped - on this day or the next.

TO once in Velikiye Luki, after the service, my father distributed gifts to everyone: some prosphora, some an apple, some bagels, sweets, and he gave me a baby towel and holy oil. I wondered: what would that mean?
She came home and soon fell ill: a terrible headache, boils on her head and face. Swollen, eyes invisible heat, chills. I immediately understood what I needed to be treated with: I took out my father's towel and holy oil. She anointed her head, wrapped it in this towel and tied it with a warm scarf on top.
The first agonizing night passed, the eyes were completely swollen, the eyelashes pricked the eyes. By morning the pain subsided a little. I anointed my head with oil again, wrapped it in a towel and tied it with a warm handkerchief.
In the morning the infectious disease doctor arrived (my Native sister). I covered myself with a blanket and I'm afraid to show it. I ask her: “Do not be offended that I will not show you. Calm down and don't tell me anything. I will treat myself with my own means." “Well, all right, but I still need to see you,” she insisted. Then I opened the blanket and showed her my face and head. She restrained her fear and explained to me: the disease is infectious and is called "shingles", it lasts at least four months with terrible headaches, in which the patient literally climbs on the wall. And she offered to send a strong medicine.
The next day she was with me again. I had to explain to her what I am being treated for and that it makes me feel better.
Five days later, the headaches subsided. My sister did not believe in such a quick improvement. She knew as a doctor that such a disease cannot be cured even in a month. So, a miracle happened!
A month later, I completely recovered, but dark blue spots were visible on my face for a long time and my head was very cold. So I went all summer in a warm scarf. Thus, I got rid of a long, serious illness by the grace of God, with the prayers and healing means of my dear father.

P I come to my father in Pechory and think: “Should I tell him about my eye (a bump grew on the inside of the eyelid) and that the doctor insists on an operation?” And the priest himself asks me: “What is wrong with your eye?” I explained everything and asked for holy oil so as not to have the operation. My father brought me oil and said: “Here you are for healing!” At home, I began to smear the eye crosswise with this oil, and after five days the bump became almost invisible. I anointed a few more times and it was gone.

A I was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Doctors diagnosed lung cancer. Her daughter went to the Lavra to tell her father about this grief and ask for his holy prayers.
The father served a prayer service at the relics of St. Sergius. And then, consoling, he said to the sick daughter: “Don't worry, everything will be fine! Here, bring her this prosphora so that she can eat it all.
The next day after eating the prosphora, the patient became unrecognizable: calm, cheerful. She got an appetite. The doctors were perplexed. They began to doubt the diagnosis and transferred the patient to a research institute, where, as a result of a thorough examination, the conclusion was given: "Cancer was not detected." Anna was sent home.
As soon as her strength got stronger, Anna went to the monastery to thank the Lord, St. Sergius and her dear father. At the meeting, her father said to her, smiling: “Well, Anna has appeared! Where is your cancer - crawled away?

P His Moscow spiritual children came to their father in the Pskov-Caves Monastery with the sad news of the serious illness of their spiritual sister Paraskeva, who was distinguished by special kindness and mercy. Doctors diagnosed her with a cancerous tumor in her intestines. In their opinion, her days were numbered.
The father served a prayer service for the sick. Before the prayer service, he turned to all those praying with a request: “Let us now pray sincerely for the ailing Paraskeva. The doctors recognized she had cancer, and we will not let it develop in her, we will pray, and it will be easier for her ... It is still too early for her to die, we still need her here! The father blessed to bring her holy water from this prayer service and prosphora.
When the patient took this shrine, she immediately felt that the pain had decreased. And then she was soon discharged from the hospital.

IN The spiritual children of the elder brought the seriously ill 60-year-old Timothy to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery. During the liturgy in the Assumption Church, the priest especially prayed for the sick Timothy, commemorated his name several times. And the patient was unconscious, then he began to vomit; they took him out into the street. Towards the end of the liturgy, he again entered the church, but again he became ill, and they laid him in a corner near the stove. After the liturgy, the father in a riza, with a cross, went to the sick man himself, gave him a kiss, and also gave him a large apple: “Here is for you to heal!”
Timothy suffered for two more days, could not stand the service, the dark force knocked him down. Then the father served a prayer service and asked all the worshipers to pray for the sick. The patient felt better, and in less than a week he was completely healed of the disease.
Delighted, Timothy spoke with admiration about his father: “For the first time in my life I meet such a miracle worker! When my father gave me holy water to drink, he said: “This water will get you from the bottom of hell.” And this water burned my whole inside, and then it became so easy, and I soon felt completely healthy.

P grieving A. from Dnepropetrovsk came to her father. Doctors diagnosed her with cancer. Her father gave her a prosphora and said, "Let's pray." She immediately went home. And the next year she came to thank her father for his prayers. The doctors did not find any more cancer in her and said they made a mistake in the diagnosis.

D Evitsa V. was going to get married. But suddenly she fell ill, the doctors discovered cancer and offered her an operation - to remove her breasts. She immediately turned to her spiritual father, hegumen Savva, for a blessing: what should she do? Her father cheerfully said to her:
- One also had cancer, but by the grace of God, he crawled away, so will you. Let us pray: what is impossible with people, is possible with God. But go to the operation, and I will pray.
She comes home and goes to the hospital. She was examined again, and the cancerous tumor disappeared. Doctors are surprised and cannot understand this riddle: “There was cancer - and there is no more of it?” The operation was canceled, but it was not removed from the register. A year later, she is again called for a checkup and offered to take the breast so that the tumor does not recur. But she refused and is now alive and well.

Z My front tooth ached, my whole face was swollen, my mouth was twisted, I was lying - I didn’t drink, I didn’t eat. They told my father about my condition. He handed over a handkerchief and gifts for me and said: “Let him put this handkerchief to his mouth. If it doesn’t help, then let him go to the hospital.” I gladly put this handkerchief to my face and held it for a while. I felt better, and by the evening everything was back to normal. The swelling subsided and the pain subsided.

IN In the monastery, the sick father K. was at rest, to whom the doctors prescribed constant bed rest. The patient turned to Father Savva: "Pray for me."
His father said to him: "Read the Psalter." And he says, "I can't." But Father Savva tells him: “You can’t, but you read!” - "Yes, I can not." - "And you read."
A few days later he said that he overcame himself and began to read the Psalter. And he recovered and after that he lived for another 10 years.

At Moscow priest George had a daughter, Maria. Until the age of five, she did not walk or talk. They came with the whole family to their spiritual father for help. He took this girl to a cell, prayed and blessed them to go home. When they arrived at the station, Maria suddenly got away with it, walked along the platform and started talking. Happy, they went home, thanking their father for healing their daughter.

P After the death of my father, I often dreamed of him very well. I wanted to see where he was assigned after forty days, and the Lord granted him, through his prayers.
I see: everyone is running to the church to serve their father, I also ran. Church round shape, high, nothing below. Gotta climb up spiral staircase. I quickly began to rise, one or two more sisters followed me, and the rest looked up, but could not rise. I asked someone: “Which floor will the service be on and where is our father?” They answered me: "On the third floor." I got up and saw a bright room, a coffin against the wall, a large photograph of my father by the coffin, and a monk standing nearby, strict as a sentry. I shouted loudly: "Father!" - and fell to the coffin, breathless. I woke up and couldn't get my breath back.
After that, she began to think: why such a dream? And I understood this: the father has a schema, this is the highest angelic rank, and the highest angelic rank is in the third heaven. And calmed down.
They sent me a letter that there was a fragrance coming from my father's coffin, and I decided to immediately go to him, but I didn't feel very well. But still I decided to go. I fell asleep with this thought. I just closed my eyes - I see: my father is standing by the bed and says: "I'm here with you."

IN All my life was in sorrows and illnesses. My husband was an alcoholic and often beat me. In the house we had an icon of the Mother of God, but I did not pray in front of her. So she lived until the age of 33, several times she was near death. I went to the doctors, but they did not help me. At that time I had three small children.
The grace of God has not abandoned me. I met good people and went to church, ordered a prayer service with an akathist to the Mother of God, and I immediately felt somehow at ease. Then I met P., began to go to her, talk about my grief, she consoled me and gave me spiritual books to read.

And so mother G. came to P. from Pechory and told about shiigumen Savva. Listening, I cried with my soul so much that people boldly go to the temple and travel to holy places, and as soon as I go to church, my husband makes a fuss and beats me.
Once I wrote to my father: “Dear father, I heard that Pochaev is the second Jerusalem in holiness, pray that I go there. After all, the road is closed to me; if I go to my church, and then my husband makes a row, but how can I leave for Pochaev?
After a while, I was alone in the house and I heard someone say to me: “They will put my husband in fifteen days, and you will go to Pochaev.” And so he made such a fuss and fight (according to his habit) that the children called the police, and he was imprisoned for 15 days, and I went to Pochaev. And in the same way, through the prayers of her father, she was in Zagorsk.
There were such cases that I really wanted to go to church on holidays, I mentally asked Father Savva about this. Surprisingly: when I went to church and met my husband, he passed by me without recognizing me.
G. arrives, brings two candies from his father and says that I should eat the light one myself, and give my husband a dark candy. I did so. Soon after that, my husband and I divorced, and I left for Pechory. And if I hadn’t left, he would have killed me, because he always said: “I’ll destroy the“ saint ”anyway, I won’t live - and you won’t live.”
And so the children told me: he was going to follow me, drank half a liter of wine and immediately died.
Then Father Savva arrives from vacation and tells a parable:
- Yesterday I see: the cat caught the dove, I began to take the dove away from the cat, and he grabbed it with his claws and did not let go. I clicked on the cat... Not me, but God helped me.
I listened and did not understand, I thought that it was true that the cat had caught a pigeon yesterday, and then it was revealed to me that he was talking about my husband and about me. Through my father's prayers, the Lord protected me from death. After the death of my father, I come to the caves, tell him about my sorrows and illnesses, and they leave. It becomes easy and joyful in the soul ...

M My own sister got sick, she had cancer. Doctors tried to irradiate her, but her heart failed. She fell into hopeless despair. But when she turned to her father for help, asked for his holy prayers, the impossible became possible. The entire course of treatment miraculously proceeded safely. During the procedures, the patient not only felt the closeness of her father, but saw his presence.
There was also a case with my niece, also his spiritual daughter. During her pregnancy, her father told her that she would have a boy. She gave birth to a boy with immovable legs. Doctors suggested an operation, but, through the prayers of his father, the boy was healed.
Then my own brother fell ill - a brain hemorrhage. The condition was hopeless, they prescribed a trepanation of the skull. I foresaw with all my being a disappointing outcome, and the professor himself did not promise anything good, because the vessels continued to burst.
In desperation, I went to my father, told him everything, to which he replied: “Do not despair, we will pray. The Lord is merciful!” I left, inspired by the hope of the mercy of God and the prayers of the father.
Having returned from my father, on the day appointed for the operation, I go to my brother at the institute. She entered the room, and a man was sitting on his bed. I even felt bad: my brother did not even raise his head, and I decided that someone else had taken his bed, and he was no longer alive. I staggered back, but my brother called out to me and called: “It's me, come here,” and smiled. The vessels stopped bursting, and trepanation was cancelled. It was a clear miracle, to the surprise of all the medical staff.

P Due to family circumstances, I did not have to be at the burial of my spiritual father. But I really wanted to venerate his coffin. I was looking forward to my vacation. And when the day of my departure came, my husband had a heart attack, and my mother-in-law had been sick in bed for seven years and, in addition, blind. What to do?
My soul is torn to pieces, some force pulls me to Pechory. I remembered the gospel words: "Do not look back" and, indeed, I left the house without looking back, but in great anxiety.
When I arrived in Pechory, I calmed down a bit. But then I had a dream that it was very bad at home, I jumped out of bed and began to get ready to go back, without even visiting the monastery. It seemed to me that at home I had two dead people at once. I ask: "How can I leave as soon as possible?" They tell me that the train leaves in the evening, there will be no plane until the evening either. What to do? I went to the monastery, defended the liturgy, ordered a prayer service to the Mother of God. My tears were flowing like a river.
After the service I went to the caves - and what do I see! My father comes out of the caves, stopped nearby, blessed me and asked first of all about my mother-in-law: (she is also his spiritual child). He said: “Commune her more often, she will soon come to me, and we will pray together with her for you. Live peacefully with your husband, he’s not bad at you, he doesn’t drink wine, doesn’t smoke, but where necessary, be patient, keep quiet.
At home I was greeted joyfully, nothing happened, everyone is alive, everything is safe. And the mother-in-law, indeed, soon peacefully departed to the Lord.

ABOUT One day my husband came to me, with whom I had not lived for several years. He said that he would go to Tallinn in the evening, but for some reason he did not go by train. I did not suspect any malicious intent in this at all. At four o'clock in the morning, I hear him get up. I thought that he would go to the train, but he quietly approached me and tried by all means to kill me, but in such a way that there were no wounds. I had no hope of life; although I prayed hard, he did not back down. With the last of my strength, I shouted loudly: “Father Savva, save me!” And at that very moment, my husband became completely weak and left me in fear, and in defense he said: “I didn’t want to do anything bad to you.” Three times he asked for forgiveness and left.
In the morning I had no strength, I was all crippled, but still I went to my father. When I arrived, he was already waiting for me in the hallway. I told him: “I was offended ex-husband". My father put his hand on my shoulder, quietly passed over my sore spots, gave me gifts and said: “Eat at home, and I will pray.”
I took the first step with fear that I might fall, but, to my surprise, I did not feel any pain or heaviness. Went home as if on wings.
After my father died, my doctor diagnosed me with rectal cancer. I lost a lot of weight, lost heart, walked with my head down: my father is gone, now there is no one to turn to, apparently, I will have to wait for death.
On the eve of the day when I had to go to the doctor, I see a dream: my father is standing at the lectern with a cross in confession. On a narrow path, one after another, many, many people go to him for a blessing. I approached him with my head bowed, as I had been walking lately, and he said: “Hold your head higher, read the Our Father.” I extended my hands to him to accept the blessing, but he said: “I folded my hands incorrectly, I need to fold them crosswise.” He corrected my hands three times, and then said: “Okay, I will bless you, read the Our Father.” Standing in front of him, I read a prayer loudly and clearly and woke up from my own loud voice.
In Pskov, they took an x-ray and said: “The cancer is atrophied, there is no need to operate.” Then I raised my head higher, read "Our Father" and, joyful, went home.
My son, also a spiritual child of his father, even during his lifetime took his truck without permission at work and came to me in Pechory. He needed to get back to work on time, and he ran out of gas. I went around all the drivers I knew, but I didn’t get gasoline, they didn’t give me without coupons at the base either. I ran to my father in tears. The cell attendant won't let me in, she doesn't want to disturb him. I'm not leaving, because there is only one hope for him. My father heard my tears, told the cell attendant to find out what was the matter, and said that it was possible to buy gasoline, but let the son not leave until the morning. Gave two oranges - son and me.
The son received gasoline, according to the holy prayers of his father, but violated the blessing, relied on his mind and immediately left, for which he received great sorrow. He was stopped by the police, they found out why he was driving a state car at night without a ticket. After the check, they let him go, but heavy snow began to fall, the road was covered, the car could not go further, and he had to leave it and walk 15 kilometers waist-deep in snow. This is what willfulness means.

D T.’s spiritual sister from Ovruch said: “V. I went to Pechory to my father, and my sisters and I went to the forest on horseback. The name of the horse was Vurchik, this horse, the only one in the entire monastery, was assigned to me. We worked, sat down to eat, and the horse was grazing near us, but suddenly disappeared. Everyone started searching, but to no avail. I was frightened and shouted to my father: “Father, our horse is gone.” And the horse was immediately found.
And at that moment, in Pechory, V. goes to the Assumption Church, and his father goes; they approach him for a blessing, ask questions, and he says: “Yes, wait, they are shouting that the horse is gone ...”
When V. returned home, T. told her what had happened. V. immediately remembered her father’s words: “Wait, they are shouting that the horse is gone…”

M We three quarreled at twelve o'clock in the morning, and in the morning all three went to the monastery for confession. Father confessed, he turns to us and says: “If a stone is thrown into a deep river, the water will not be disturbed, but if it is thrown into a puddle, it will be indignant. So you have to be not puddles, but deep rivers.
Father tried to connect those who had different characters, and, moreover, he said: “On the sea, pebbles rub against each other and become smooth.” He did not give us big rules, did not impose strict fasts, kept us from great exploits, did not uproot passions from us by all means, humbled us at every step, trying to cut off our will from us.
During Great Lent, my father took communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, but an acquaintance came, brought wine, snacks ... I had a fight with my father and left for Zagorsk. Father Savva meets me at the temple door and says: “Now go home and treat your father kindly, this enemy is tempting him before death.” I come home, my father cried like a child and said: “I myself don’t know why I did it.” At that time he was perfectly healthy, but soon fell ill. Before his death, he took unction, took communion several times. He died the same day he took communion. And all this - according to the holy prayers of the spiritual father.

P Spiritual child D. arrived from Tbilisi, all relaxed, especially her legs hurt. She asks her father where he will bless her for an apartment with such sore legs, and thinks: how would it be closer? And he blesses her to a village seven kilometers away, and that she goes to the monastery every day. For obedience, she went and, through his holy prayers, received healing of her legs.

G the Lord vouchsafed me, a sinner, to cook dinner for my spiritual father during his illness. One day I bring him lunch, and the thought came to me: “Here I go to my father, I try, I cook, but when will he say whether I cook well or badly? I don’t know if he likes my cooking.”
I read a prayer, received a blessing, put dinner on the window. My father asked me what I had prepared. I listed. After that, the father says: “You cook, you walk, I don’t thank and I don’t praise. And you will receive gratitude there ”(i.e., in heaven).

ABOUT one of the father's children from the city of Sochi told the following. She loves to visit the sick and at the same time takes something for them from the requiem table. Once she had to visit two sick women. But she also felt bad about herself. She barely finished the liturgy and decided that she was going to only one of the patients. She went to the table and looks at what she should take so that it is not heavy to carry. Suddenly, her father appeared in front of her and said: “No, not a little, but take this and that and go to both patients.”
“Batiushka, bless me,” she said, forgetting that it had been four years since he died, bowing down for a blessing, and when she raised her head, he was gone. But she felt such a surge of strength, she was so renewed and delighted that she took everything that her father blessed to take, and went to both patients.

IN from and distribution after graduation. Whom where, and me - to Udmurtia. How to be? She asked me to leave her closer to her parents (grandmother and grandfather are old, it is difficult for my mother) - refusal. Mom went to dad. He stands, waits, and now he comes from the St. Michael's Church, exhausted to the limit, goes down the stairs. “Father, they send their daughter to the Udmurts. Why is she alone there, and how can I do without her? ... "-" And now we will pray, and you go to the memorial service, pray for the departed there. - And began to rise back to the temple. “Don’t rush your daughter.”
Mom comes, says that his father advised not to rush. “So everything has already been decided. Lift received, it's time.
I go back to those who refused. “Well, stay with your old people,” they tell me.
God bless! I thank my father for caring and praying for me, a sinner.
My father asked for the thing he needed, and I promised to bring it. Soon his cell attendant arrives and says that they were brought from another city. Well, I think, then I won’t take it. She arrived in Pechory, and her father says: “If you brought what was promised, let him come to me.”
Grieved - again to blame. Where is loyalty, firmness, deed, and not verbosity with vanity?
And now we meet the father in the Assumption Church: “Oh, why didn’t you bring it?” I didn’t even ask for forgiveness - immediately into tears. I cry non-stop, and suddenly one of the spiritual children says: “Father, after all, we can also make mistakes.” “Am I only talking for her?”
How hard it is, but today we have to leave, if only to hear something else from my father. And at the very exit, he looked back and said: "The one who does nothing is not mistaken."
A few days before my father's death, I looked at his photo and felt such pity, closeness and something inexpressible. Maybe he was mentally saying goodbye ...

TO When my father came to Moscow for an operation, E.I. and I took care of him. My father once said: “Many athletes will soon gather in Moscow. They are here and I am there. And he pointed to the sky.
His words came true: when he died, at that time the Olympics were in full swing in Moscow.

WITH while at my place, the nun M. fell mortally ill: her temperature was 41, she was losing consciousness, I was frightened, began to pray to God, to ask for help.
Suddenly, my mother spoke in a sleepy state, I turned to her, she opened her eyes and said: “Fr. Savva asked me how I live. And I answered him: “With your holy prayers!” Then mother herself, without my help, turned to the wall and fell asleep again, and in the morning she herself, as usual, got out of bed, as if she had not been sick.

R abba of God E.P., after reading some of the works of Fr. Savva, got a burning desire to rewrite them, and then took his photo, went to a photo studio and asked to enlarge it. And then she distributed enlarged photographs of Savva's father to his admirers. She herself prayed for him, often ordered liturgies. And her father appeared to her in a dream and said:
- I pray for everyone who prays for me.

P My mother and I moved to Pechory and lived there for a week. I lost my wallet with the money that was left for the return trip. Mom scolds me: “What are we going to now?”
We come to the father in the evening, and there were a lot of people. He stretches 20 rubles through all of them and says: “Who doesn’t have money for the road there?”

T It was hard for me in Pechory, and my health became bad. My father blesses me to go home and get a job, but he didn’t say where. My heart burned only for the temple. And in a dream I see that I am working in the temple, preparing everything for the upcoming prayer service. Then our bishop comes out of the altar and, in concelebration, our father, hegumen Savva, and immediately sang: “To the Mother of God, now diligently as a parson, sin and humility ...” I ended up behind everyone and was glad that no one would see me - I will pray.
I woke up in tears, thanking my Intercessor, the Mother of God, and my dear father, who showed me the further path of my life. It was joyful in my heart that he was present here in our church.
Despite all the strictness of the priests towards me at that time, I never thought of looking for another spiritual father. Help, Lord, through the prayers of the Mother of God and our dear intercessor and miracle worker Sheikhumen Savva, to spend the rest of your life in a feeling of repentance, at least by the end of your life to comprehend this main science of sciences - to know your worthlessness and not despair, hoping for the mercy of God.
Thank you for everything, my good shepherd!

H and they sang “Eternal Memory” to the memorial service, and I thought, standing in the crowd at the very door: “Strange: can we really remember a person forever? How is this an eternal memory? The father immediately began to explain: “Some of you are thinking: what is it - eternal memory? Can a person remember someone forever? Of course not, beloved! He himself is not eternal. And this is what we ask God to remember forever. He is eternal!”

P Father came to me in Zagorsk. The weather was good, and then it started to rain and it became muddy. My father asked me for galoshes. I say: "I don't have such big galoshes." - "You had a husband, give him galoshes." - “Yes, I don’t!” - "No, but there are new galoshes in the sofa."
I looked - and the truth is, those were new galoshes, which I completely forgot about.

I did not know Father Savva and never saw him alive. But when I met his spiritual children (and it was a close-knit spiritual family), I joined it with great joy.
I was struck and confirmed in faith by extraordinary dreams, foreshadowing future events to me and revealing to me the will of God. In my dreams I saw God's Providence directing me to the path of salvation. In these dreams, more than once I saw Father Savva exactly as he is depicted in the photographs.
I want to tell about one of them: before the ordination to the deacon.
The mountain is high, rocky, with a sharp peak. I stand at the very top and hold on to the very spire. I turned around and looked back, I see - the abyss. I think: “If I don’t hold on, I will fall down and break.”
With great effort, I pulled myself up and on another slope, below, I saw an even greater abyss than behind. Suddenly I see a dark man with a gloomy face on the left, calling: "Climb over to me." And the slope on the left rises even higher. I think: “Why should I climb there, especially to the left?” Then I somehow involuntarily looked to the right and saw that the rock was descending to the foot of the mountain.
Great joy seized me, and I began to slowly descend lower and lower. Finally safely down to the foot of the mountain. Here before me opened a small field covered with green grass. I saw one familiar priest - Father N., a child of Father Savva, in a cassock, with a cross.
I asked him, "Why are you here?" but he didn't answer.
At this time, a young man comes up to us and says:
- Father Savva blessed me to tell you that Father N. is a priest, and you are a deacon.
“What a deacon I am, I need to lead the choir. Who will replace me?"
Then the young man quietly disappeared, and I stood, fascinated by everything I saw. Father N. and I silently looked at each other. Then I turned to the right and began to descend lower and lower, and oh. N. began to disappear from sight.
Three months after this dream, I was ordained a deacon.

Pride is not only a grave sin, but also a very real psychological illness. This disease harms both those who surround the patient and the patient himself, causing discontent, irritability, and in extreme cases, suicide.

The first stage of pride is light and imperceptible. The person is cheerful, pleased with himself, he has a good mood. He sings, often laughs loudly for no particular reason, attracts the attention of others, likes to talk a lot.

By itself, this behavior does not mean the birth of pride. However, if a person’s mood changes dramatically from a slight reproach from others, then there are signs of a disorder.

If a person does not work on himself and allows pride to strengthen, the second stage begins. Pride develops into a passion for command. A person begins to dispose of someone else's time and attention.

The mood deteriorates, because often the proud person is rebuffed by others. People begin to shun him as an unpleasant companion.

Anger and hatred are strengthened in the heart of the proud.

Third and last stage pride is the worst. A person becomes obsessed with the idea of ​​shaming others, proving to everyone his “special rightness”. Often people at this stage fall into heresy, rejecting the teachings of the Church and replacing them with their own. The connection with reality disappears, a person can consider himself a hero, having poor health, consider himself a sage, not having any special wisdom.

The proud man stops accepting any help from others, his soul becomes hopelessly gloomy, and his mind becomes clouded.

How to find humility

To become humble, you need to remember your sins. Constantly say to yourself: “What a sinner I am. Everyone around will be saved, I alone will not be saved. But do not despair, do not lose heart, but hope for the mercy of God. To hope that at least in the last rows the Lord will let us into the Kingdom of Heaven, together with the last sinners who have repented of their sins.

Humility cannot be found without slander, unfair ridicule, slander against oneself.

That is why in the monasteries the novice monks are given dishonorable occupations, menial work in order to hurt their vanity. Then they are forced to endure public denunciations and reproaches without complaint, even when they are not guilty.

Thus, gradually, day after day, monks uproot pride, vanity, and pride from their hearts.

Wise people take advantage of every temptation the Lord sends them to practice humility.

False Humility

There is humility imaginary, feigned. When a person often repeats how sinful he is, but an attentive interlocutor will notice that humility is fake.

A person with false humility can publicly denounce himself, even call himself a fool, but as soon as someone says: “Yes, perhaps it is,” the mood of the “humble” changes. He falls silent and holds a grudge against the one who said so. That is, such people denounce themselves, but when others do it, they are offended.

False humility is a form of pride. Truly humble people rarely blame themselves out loud. Just as a proud man does not notice his pride, so a humble person does not notice his humility.

Schiigumen Savva (in the world Nikolai Mikhailovich Ostapenko; 1898-1980) - a clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church, spiritual writer, resident of the Pskov-Caves Monastery. Revered in the Orthodox environment as an elder.

He was born on November 11 (old style), 1898, on the day of memory of John the Merciful, in a simple Christian family in the Kuban. His parents Mikhail and Ekaterina Ostapenko were distinguished by deep faith, piety and hospitableness. The family had eight children.

In 1904 he was sent to study at the parochial school, where he was one of the capable students. From an early age he served in the temple, sang in the kliros. One winter, almost drowning in an ice hole, he caught a bad cold and fell ill. During his illness, he felt the desire to be a priest. Once he even wanted to secretly escape from his parents with a pilgrim monk, but he persuaded the child to wait a year or two.

In 1946, at the age of 48, he successfully passed the exams for the Theological Seminary at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Soon, the abbot of the Lavra, Archimandrite John (Razumov), intercedes with His Holiness the Patriarch for the tonsure of Nikolai Ostapenko to the monastic rank. When he was tonsured, he was given the name Savva, in honor of Savva Storozhevsky (Zvenigorodsky).


Take my sincere advice. Ed. M.: Eleon. 1999. ISBN 978-966-302-922-1, Ed. Unquenchable lamp. 2013. ISBN 978-5-904268-72-5
Spiritual beads. Shiigumen Savva. Ed. The ark. 2007. ISBN 5-94741-041-1
Tears of repentance. Ed. Unquenchable lamp. 2007
In addition to the general prayer book. Ed. Satis. 2010. ISBN 5-4056-5308-6
Ways of salvation. Ed. Unquenchable lamp. 2007
Complete collection of sermons and teachings. In 2 volumes. Ed. Artos Media. 2009 ISBN 5-9946-0042-9, ISBN 5-9946-0042-9
Seeds of the word for the field of God. Ed. Artos Media. 2009 ISBN 978-5-9946-0079-5
Seeds of Satan and the Love of Christ. Artos Media. 2009
About the main Christian virtues and pride. Ed. Satis. 2011. ISBN 5-4056-5308-6
Fruits of true repentance. Ed. Artos Media. 2009. ISBN 978-5-9946-0027-6, Ed. Unquenchable lamp. 2013. ISBN 978-5-9946-0235-5
Light a candle in your soul. Ed. Artos Media. 2010. ISBN 978-5-9946-0127-3
The Lord Is Close to Us: Biography, Memoirs of Spiritual Children and the Works of Schemagumen Savva (Ostapenko). Ed. Sretensky Monastery. Moscow. 2010 ISBN 978-5-7533-0383-7
Spiritual alphabet. Ed. Brotherhood of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian. 2010. ISBN 978-5-89424-064-0
The experience of building a true worldview. Ed. Orthodox pilgrim. 2010. ISBN 5-88060-163-3
Art of Living. Ed. Publishing House of the Orthodox Brotherhood of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian. 2011. ISBN 978-5-89424-078-7
ABOUT Divine Liturgy. Ed. Satis. 2011. ISBN 978-5-7868-0010-5
Earthly way to God. Ed. Artos Media. 2010. ISBN 978-5-9946-0059-7

From the manuscript of Archimandrite Amphilochius (Tumsky), who was on repentance in Pereyaslavsky Danilov Monastery in 1857.

Many-merciful Lord! Vouchsafe us the Divine gift of holy prayer, pouring out from the depths of the heart, collect our dissipated mind so that it always strives for You, our Creator and Savior.

Crush the kindled arrows of the evil one, tearing us away from You. Extinguish the flame of thoughts, stronger than the fire that devours us during prayer. Overshadow us with the grace of Your Most Holy Spirit, so that until the end of our sinful life, you alone love with all your heart, with all your soul and thought, and with all strength, and your neighbors as yourself.

And at the hour of separation of our soul from this mortal body, O Sweetest Jesus, receive our spirit in Your hands when You come into Your Kingdom. Amen.

SONG 1st.
It was as if You, O All-Praised Lord, led the people chosen by You in the midst of the depths of the sea by land; lead me out of the abyss of sin, so that I will not be mired in the underworld.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!
Oh, that my heart would melt like water poured out in bitter tears! If only my eyes became an inexhaustible source of tears, so that I weep day and night that with my sins I have grieved Your paternal goodness, Savior, and destroyed my soul!

But do not yet reject me in Your anger, Lord, grant me time for repentance, strengthen my will, in repentance crush the petrification of my heart, tear out tears from the depths of my soul and have mercy on me according to Your mercy.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Have pity on me, inexhaustible in Your goodness, God, look at the suffering of my soul, do not yet betray me to the will of the enemies of my salvation, so that they will not triumph over me and rejoice in my eternal death.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Do not turn away, Lord, Your Face from me, remember that although I am an unanswerable sinner before You, I am Yours, Your hands created me; give joy to my soul, cleanse it from sinful leprosy, remove my guilt from me, do not remember my sins and misdeeds!

I resort to You, zealous intercessor of the hopeless! Hurry to help me, ask me for the grace of repentance, strengthen my repentant sighs with Your intercession before Your Son and God.

SONG 3rd.
Confirm me in repentance on the rock of faith in You, who came to call sinners to repentance. May I, who have been merciful to You, forever exalt Your mercy.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Hear me, Savior, crying, hear me, enliven me with Your mercy, put me on the path of Your commandments, support and establish me on Your path, may Your grace be the healing of my soul!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Do not close Your human-loving womb from me, although I have been unfaithful to You; because of this, my heart is now dejected and tormented, embraced by mortal horrors. But have pity on me, Redeemer, do not alienate me from Your mercy!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Accept my repentance, who does not want the death of a sinner, do not reject my sighs for mercy on me. Instead of deeds pleasing to You, accept my painful contrition that I grieved You with my crafty behavior, and make up for the extreme poverty of my soul with Your mercy!


Suppressed by the immeasurable weight of my sins, I bow down before You, Immaculate Mother of Christ God, with the cry of my heart: Help me free myself from the burden that oppresses my soul! Do not allow me to eternal destruction, but revive me with the hope of salvation!

SONG 4th.
Hearing about your descent, O Lord, for the salvation of the world, the prophet trembled with fear. How can I not be afraid of Your scorching wrath, O God, who tests hearts and wombs, and who comes to judge the living and the dead?

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

For inattention to Your Law, You left me, Lord, to the mercy of my heart. And I irresistibly rushed after my reckless thoughts and desires. Conscious of my madness, I cry out to You, O God: Show me Your mercy, do not leave me in eternal shame!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

You know, O Lord, my mortal body, that I am nothing more than the dust of the earth. Do not continue Thy wrath forever, turn away Thy wrath from me, grant me grace to correct my ways and have mercy on me!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Do not seek, Lord, I have nothing good, for I am unclean in heart. Soul and body are defiled by sinful abominations, my whole being is imbued with sinful poison. But You can do everything, Savior, cleanse and save me by Your mercy!


I put all my hope in You, Blessed Mother Devo! Do not shame me in my hope in You! Intercede in my cause, intercede for me with Your intercession from the wrath of eternal truth!

SONG 5th.
Unrepentant sinners will not enjoy the contemplation of Your Divine Glory, Lord. Break my heart with sincere repentance, and from the very morning I cry out to You from the depths of my soul: have mercy on me!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Do not disdain my prayer, Lord, do not reject the cries of my soul, do not remember my sins, forget my crazy behavior, do not repay me according to my deeds. Do not judge me according to Your righteousness, but have mercy on me, Merciful One, and have mercy on me!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Do not rebuke me in Your anger, do not punish me in Your fury, forgive my iniquities, heal the diseases of my soul, heal its ulcers, have mercy on me and revive Your grace according to Your word!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

You know, Lord, all the secrets of my heart, but I myself know, I open them before You, I confess my sins, I groan in the sorrow of my soul, I sigh to You: Calm down Your anger and leave anger, work with me the miracle of Your mercy!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

I feel that it is as if my sins stand between me and You as a wall, Lord, destroy this barrier with Your word, draw near to my soul with Your mercy; hold back your anger, commit my sins to eternal oblivion!


O Thou whose majesty the Mighty has made! Do for me according to Your mercy. Be an intercessor for the salvation of my soul before Your Son and God, may He who Shed His Blood for the salvation of the world have mercy on me.

SONG 6th.
Imitating the prophet Jonah, in the sorrow of my soul I cry out to You, God rich in mercy: Bring my life out of the abyss of sin, free me from the jaws of hell, and I will exalt Your mercy for all eternity!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

The thorns of sins crushed and stifled my saving desire. Evil does not depart from my heart, madness is related to my soul. So I apparently repent of my iniquities, but again I am carried away into the crossroads of vice. Keep me by Your strength, Lord!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Woe to me, an unrequited sinner! Confusion seized me, sins, like fire, burn me with impenitence. But I lift up my soul to Thee, the Redeemer of the world: Incline Thy ear to my cry and revive me with hope in Thy mercy!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

I groan from the torment of my heart, weary of my painful sighs. But I will not stop crying out to You, Lord: Hear my cry of prayer, remember Your mercy and mercy, console me with the joy of Your salvation!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

My spirit is exhausted in me, but raise my eyes to Thee, from the depths of my soul I cry: Sprinkle me with the dew of Thy grace, extend a helping hand to me, carried away to the underworld, and save me for the sake of Thy mercy!

I have no other refuge than You, the Lady of the world. I resort to You, accursed, I seek salvation from You: Do not let me wallow in the underworld, ready to devour me forever!

My soul, my soul, rise, why are you sleeping? The end is drawing near, and the imashi will be confused. Rise up, then, may Christ God have mercy on you, who is everywhere and fulfills everything.

SONG 7th.
The youths of old in Babylon, watered by grace in the midst of the flames, exalted Your righteous judgment, O God, confessing their sins and their fathers. Should I not confess that I have grieved Your goodness by my reckless behavior.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

I did not heed Your teaching, Savior, I neglected Your commandments, imputed the statutes of Your Church to nothing, suppressed in my heart the suggestions of Your grace. But have mercy on me, hold back the thunders of Your justice, ready to strike me.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

With my cunning behavior, I dishonored Your Name, defamed Your Church, desecrated holy places and land, scattered temptations everywhere. Now I am tormented by torments of conscience, my sins testify against me, their burning poison burns my soul.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

A storm of passions, as if throwing dust at me. And being carried away by lusts, I acted hourly according to the arbitrariness of my heart. Now, having become disgusting for myself, in the sorrow of my heart I pray to You, Eternal Goodness: For the sake of Your name, forgive me my sins!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Circling in a whirlwind of passions, I did not understand either the bitter consequences of my sins, or Your mercy, Lord. Now, illuminated by Your grace, I recognize my guilt, and, contrite with all my heart, I cry out to You: have mercy on me, forgive me and blot out all my bad deeds from the book of my deeds!


Burning Bush, Mother of the Savior and God! Those who trust in You are safe under the shield of Your intercession. Receive me under Your protection, and save me from eternal perdition with Your intercession!

SONG 8th.
Cherubim and Seraphim, Archangels and Angels, heaven and sun, all the stars and the earth, and everything in it, light and darkness, air phenomena and all creatures, fulfilling Your laws, exalt Your greatness, all-praised God.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

And I have deviated from Your path, O Almighty, I have deviated from the path of eternal life, I have always wandered through the crossroads of vice, irritated Your righteousness with my sins. But have mercy on me, that I may exalt thy mercy forever.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

I am mired in the abyss of sin, my iniquities overwhelm me. The thought of Your judgment, O Lord, trembles me, shakes me with all the horrors. But turn me to the path of repentance, may I glorify and exalt Your mercy forever!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Knowing myself, I repent, I strike my chest, I feel shame and disgrace, I am tormented in my conscience that I acted according to the arbitrariness of my heart, as if I had lost my mind. And in the sorrow of my heart I cry out to Thee, O Lord: Grant me grace to exalt Thy goodness forever!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

My conscience burns me like the fire of Gehenna, the sores of my soul ached, and in the whole world there is no medicine to heal them. You, Lord, are the only physician of human souls and bodies. Heal my soul, quench the flame of my passions, may I exalt Your mercy forever!


Deliver me from hellish horrors, Mother of Christ God! Ask for the grace of repentance for me, beg forgiveness for my countless sins, inspire me with the hope of salvation and lead me into the haven of eternal life!

SONG 9th.
You, blessed in wives, Mother of God, have been blessed by the Heavenly Father with every blessing. And on earth they exalt all generations that sincerely seek spiritual salvation.
Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

I cannot stand at Your terrible judgment seat, O Savior, when Your wrath is kindled like fire against unrepentant sinners. But trusting in Your mercy and Your suffering on the Cross, I will not stop crying out to You, Lord: Cleanse me from all my iniquities!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Turn me, Savior, to the path of Your commandments and establish my heart in them, keep my feet from the paths of sin, use grace to wash away sinful filth from my soul with tears and bring my sins to oblivion!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

Grant me the grace from now on to turn away from evil, curb passions, reject sinful habits, do good, always be careful in life, prudent in all my deeds and words, cry and complain about my wretchedness until the end of my life!

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me!

You, Lord, strike and heal, kill and revive. Revive me also by Your mercy, grant the grace of those whose sins are forgiven, whose sins are covered by Your mercy; May I exalt Your goodness forever!


Rejoice, Most Holy of all saints, Mother of Eternal Life, rejoicing of the Powers of Heaven, joy of the righteous, joy of the penitent! Strengthen me with Your prayers in repentance and console me with the joy of eternal salvation, may I magnify You forever. AMEN.

Complete collection of sermons and teachings. Shiigumen Savva

Manage yourself wisely. May the Lord help us to confess Orthodox faith plant it among the unbelievers with your pious life. Amen. About faith in God's providence About faith in God's providence Beloved! We all believe in God, but we cannot firmly believe in the Providence of God. Proof of this is our murmuring, despondency and despair when we have to endure sorrows, illnesses, slander and slander. But all these visible hardships are a cleansing for the soul. The Lord, loving us, sends sorrows, illnesses and slanders - this is an internal cross, and we must carry it complacently, because the Lord said: “Whoever wants to follow Me, deny yourself, and take up your cross, and follow Me” (Matthew 16, 24). And again: “He who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me” (Mt. 10:38). Beloved! No matter what mournful thing happens to us, we will always repeat: “Was it not from You?” Let us firmly believe that the Merciful Lord will not allow us trials beyond our strength. The providential right hand of the Lord leads us on the path of salvation. This narrow path is thorny and mournful, but it leads to eternal joy and bliss. Therefore, let us not be embarrassed and grumble, if it pleases the Lord to test our faith in His Holy Providence. In difficult moments of resentment and grief, let us hopefully turn to Him: “I believe, Lord, help my unbelief!” Amen. About good deeds About good deeds “Faith without works is dead” - the Holy Church proclaims to us How often we think that good deeds are giving alms to the sick and the poor, this is the arrangement only of the external, visible well-being of our neighbors. Our thought does not reach deeper into the immaterial good that we are called to render to those around us. But good deeds are both the forgiveness of all offenses, and the patience of slander, and prayer for those who are a burden to us - that is, prayer for enemies. "Bless those who curse you!" Are we obedient to this command? After all, they also inflicted terrible torments on the Lord, they crucified Him, and He said from the Cross: “Father, do not impute this to them as a sin, they do not know what they are doing.” If we are Christians, then we must follow the same paths that Christ walked. We have more evil than good deeds. But let's not despair. And together with the alms of visible alms, let us be merciful to people. Let's not be hard-hearted like Herod. Let us not kill the good in our neighbors with our cruel and proud deeds. With all humility, patience and meekness, let us condescend to each other with love, let us show good deeds to our enemies, prayerfully turning to the Lord: “Lord, soften the hearts of evil people! Imizhe weigh the fates, save the souls of those who rise up against me! » About Humility About Humility Humility does not condemn, does not envy, does not grieve, but accepts everything complacently. Blessed is the man who has acquired this wonderful gift - humility! Because God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Pride in a person begins with envy and chagrin. Pride notices the vices of others and condemns them. On the contrary, humility sees only good sides in neighbors, does not envy, but sincerely rejoices in the successes of neighbors. Beloved! Get rid of pride! Instead of being envious and judgmental, try to serve others as much as possible. Rejoice in the well-being and gifts of your neighbors, this will manifest the great Christian virtue - humility. Concerning Judgment Concerning condemnation, the Holy Church asks and warns us: “Judge not, lest you be judged!” Especially in no case should you condemn the priests. Canon 121 of the 4th Ecumenical Council reads: “Let the worldly curse; may he be separated from the Church, separated from the Holy Trinity, and sent to Judas.” For one vice of condemnation, a person can become a drunkard, a fornicator, and even a robber, because the sin that we notice and condemn in our neighbors will certainly captivate us in the future. Beloved! Run condemnation. By condemning someone, we again crucify the Lord and drive the Holy Spirit away from ourselves. And who are you, who dared to condemn your neighbor? If the Lord sees the iniquity of the fallen and does not punish him, but endures him, then who gave us the right to judge such? After all, having stolen the dignity of the Judge from the Lord, we become antichrists, that is, opponents of God. Let's fear condemnation! Let us graciously condescend to the infirmities of those around us, so that the words may be fulfilled on us: “Blessed are mercy, for they will have mercy.” Beloved! Let us refrain from analyzing other people's actions, reassuring ourselves that this is not a condemnation, but only reasoning. And if it happens to allow this kind of "reasoning", then we will disassemble our neighbors only through our own fall, that is, with the full consciousness of our worthlessness, we will say this: - I cannot condemn the fallen for drunkenness and debauchery, because I myself kill people with evil deeds and words. But all commandments are given by One Lawgiver. He who said, "Do not get drunk with wine," also said, "Thou shalt not kill." So I am also a criminal of the law, so how can I condemn the fallen? By reasoning in this way, we will mitigate the guilt of our neighbor and see our own. Let us strive, beloved, to unceasingly drive away thoughts of judgment and ask the Lord: “Let me see my sins and do not condemn my brother! » About self-humiliation About self-humiliation “Lord, You see my illness. You know how sinful and weak I am; help me to endure and thank Your goodness.” Beloved! This strong prayer compiled by the great ascetic, Elder Siluan. To thank His goodness is to thank God for all sorrows, illnesses, slander and slander. One must always listen to the voice of conscience, and if conscience is disobeyed, then melancholy and despondency attack. Sometimes the Lord allows, for our negligence and grumbling, such a disease - "obsession", when an evil force penetrates our conscience. And some allow it to strengthen their faith. Therefore, we must ask the Lord to help us get rid of negligence and neglect of the work of salvation; in troubles and temptations to win; not to be indignant and not to grumble at people for slander. Let's learn to love our offenders-benefactors; let us have good indulgence towards people. Beloved! When we begin to ask God for spiritual gifts, for example: wisdom, faith, hope, love, meekness and humility, then we remember that we are the image and likeness of God, that our soul is, as it were, a kind of imprint of the Divine, and all the wealth of the soul lies in God, as in a treasury from which we can draw every spiritual good. Let us refrain from falling, so as not to defile the image of God in ourselves. Surrendering ourselves to the merciful care of the Creator of all, with all humility of mind let us turn to Him, saying: “My limited spirit came from Your boundless, all-perfect Spirit; behold, I am poor, my Lord, in wisdom and understanding, or in faith, hope and love, meekness and humility; look at the desire of my heart and grant me your wisdom, unashamed faith, firm hope, unfeigned love. Amen. About the one thing for the need About the one thing for the need “Marfo, Marfo, worry and speak about many things ...” - and in our time these words of Christ the Savior are heard. Who among us is not likened to Martha, fussing and caring only about earthly things? Even when visiting holy places, enjoying marvelous church hymns and readings, we do not cease to keep in our minds the worldly, the temporal, the worldly. Sometimes the words we heard in church do not touch our icy hearts: “Now let us lay aside all worldly cares” - and we leave the temple unhealed. Beloved! Entering the temple, let us leave behind its threshold all our worries and anxieties about earthly things, let us raise our minds to grief so that the grace of God touches our hearts, so that we can leave the temple renewed. Let us leave the vanity of Martha and choose the good part of Mary, that is, the desire to hear the word of God and fulfill (keep) it. About piety About piety Beloved! In all situations of life, be pious Christians. Entering the house, bring piety and grace with you, greet those who meet with the words: "Peace be to this house." Speak modestly, teach meekly, teach with humility. Let your pious life be a good example for the unbelievers, so that the Lord is glorified with your whole life. Preach and plant godliness by your good deeds. Repentance and sighs My God-loving friend D.! With God's help, I am answering your letter and writing those repentant prayers and sighs that you asked of me. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself gave us the sacrament of repentance. The Holy Fathers, led by the Holy Spirit, wrote sincere sighs in brief fiery words. Repentance and sighs From the repentant canon of Archimandrite Amphilochius of Tumsky It was as if You, O All-Praised Lord, led the people chosen by You in the midst of the depths of the sea; lead me out of the abyss of sin, so that I will not be mired in the underworld. Oh, if my heart melted and, like water, poured out in bitter tears, so that I would cry day and night that with my sins I grieved Your paternal goodness, my Savior, and destroyed my soul. But do not yet reject me in Your anger, Lord, grant me time for repentance, strengthen my will in repentance, crush my accursed heart, tear out tears from the depths of my soul and have mercy on me according to Your mercy. Have pity on me, inexhaustible in Your goodness, O God! Look at the suffering of my soul, do not yet betray me to the will of the enemies of my salvation: may they not triumph over me and rejoice in my eternal death; do not turn away, Lord, Your face from me, remember that although I am an unanswerable sinner before You, I am Yours. Your hands created me, give my soul consolation, cleanse it from sinful leprosy, remove the burden of my guilt from me, do not remember my sins and transgressions. I resort to You, Intercessor of the zealous hopeless: hasten to help, ask for the grace to repent, strengthen my repentant sighs with Your intercession with Your Son and God. Confirm me in repentance on the rock of faith in You, who came to call sinners to repentance; Yes, and I, with those who have mercy on You, will forever exalt Your mercy. Open Your ear, O Savior, and hear me, enliven me with Your mercy, set me on the path of Your commandments, support and establish me on Your path; May Thy grace be the medicine of my soul. My soul is greatly shaken, my conscience does not know peace, how remorse for my insane life burns me with fire; My iniquities have come upon me, I know them, and they are before me without ceasing. Have mercy on me, do not close Your heart from me, although I have been unfaithful to You. That is why my heart is now dejected, tormented, embraced by mortal horrors! But have pity on me, the Redeemer, do not alienate me from Your mercy, accept my repentance, who does not want the death of a sinner! Do not reject my sighs for mercy on me, instead of deeds pleasing to You, accept painful contrition that I grieved You with crafty behavior, and fill the extreme poverty of my soul with Your mercy. Suppressed by the immeasurable weight of my sins, I bow before You, Immaculate Mother, with the cry of my heart: help me free myself from the burden that oppresses my soul, do not allow me to eternal destruction, but revive me with the hope of salvation. Hearing about your descent, O Lord, for the salvation of the world, the prophet trembled with fear. How can I not be afraid of the scorching

Letters. Repentance and sighs My God-loving friend D.! With God's help, I am answering your letter and writing those repentant prayers and sighs that you asked of me. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself gave us the sacrament of repentance. The Holy Fathers, led by the Holy Spirit, wrote in short fiery words sincere sighs. Repentance and sighs From the penitential canon of Archimandrite Amphilochius of Tumsky It was as if You, O All-Praised Lord, led the people chosen by You in the midst of the depths of the sea by land; lead me out of the abyss of sin, so that I will not be mired in the underworld. Oh, if my heart melted and, like water, poured out in bitter tears, so that I would cry day and night that with my sins I grieved Your paternal goodness, my Savior, and destroyed my soul. But do not yet reject me in Your anger, Lord, grant me time for repentance, strengthen my will in repentance, crush my accursed heart, tear out tears from the depths of my soul and have mercy on me according to Your mercy. Have pity on me, inexhaustible in Your goodness, O God! Look at the suffering of my soul, do not yet betray me to the will of the enemies of my salvation: may they not triumph over me and rejoice in my eternal death; do not turn away, Lord, Your face from me, remember that although I am an unanswerable sinner before You, I am Yours. Your hands created me, give joy to my soul, cleanse it from sinful leprosy, remove the burden of my guilt from me, do not remember my sins and transgressions. I resort to You, Intercessor of the zealous hopeless: hasten to help, ask for the grace to repent, strengthen my repentant sighs with Your intercession with Your Son and God. Confirm me in repentance on the rock of faith in You, who came to call sinners to repentance; Yes, and I, with those who have mercy on You, will forever exalt Your mercy. Open Your ear, O Savior, and hear me, enliven me with Your mercy, set me on the path of Your commandments, support and establish me on Your path; May Thy grace be the medicine of my soul. My soul is greatly shaken, my conscience does not know peace, how remorse for my insane life burns me with fire; My iniquities have come upon me, I know them, and they are before me without ceasing. Have mercy on me, do not close Your heart from me, although I have been unfaithful to You. That is why my heart is now dejected, tormented, embraced by mortal horrors! But have pity on me, the Redeemer, do not alienate me from Your mercy, accept my repentance, who does not want the death of a sinner! Do not reject my sighs for mercy on me, instead of deeds pleasing to You, accept painful contrition that I grieved You with crafty behavior, and fill the extreme poverty of my soul with Your mercy. Suppressed by the immeasurable weight of my sins, I bow before You, Immaculate Mother, with the cry of my heart: help me free myself from the burden that oppresses my soul, do not allow me to eternal destruction, but revive me with the hope of salvation. Hearing about your descent, O Lord, for the salvation of the world, the prophet trembled with fear. How can I not be afraid of Your scorching wrath, O God, testing hearts and wombs, coming to judge the living and the dead! For inattention to Your law, You left me, Lord, to the mercy of my heart, and I rushed irresistibly after my reckless thoughts and desires. Conscious of my madness, I cry to Thee, O God, show me Thy mercy, do not leave me in eternal shame. You know, Lord, my mortal composition; remember that I am nothing more than the dust of the earth. Turn your wrath away from me, grant me grace to correct my ways and have mercy on me. I am not pure in heart, impure in mouth and defiled by sinful abominations, my whole being is permeated with sinful poison, but You can do everything, Savior: transform, cleanse and save me by Your mercy! I place all my hope in Thee, Most Holy Virgin, do not shame me in my hope in Thee; intervene in my cause, intercede for me with Your intercession from the wrath of the Eternal Truth! An unrepentant sinner will not enjoy the contemplation of Your Divine glory, Lord, crush my heart with sincere repentance, and from the very morning I cry out to You from the depths of my soul: have mercy on me! Do not disdain my prayer, Lord, do not reject the cries of my soul, do not remember my sins, forget my insane behavior, do not repay me according to my deeds, do not judge me according to Your righteousness, but have pity on me and have mercy on me! Do not rebuke me in Your anger, do not punish me in Your fury, forgive my iniquities, heal the sickness of my soul, heal its ulcers; have mercy on me again and revive me by Your grace, according to Your word. You know all the secrets of my heart, but I myself know, I open before You, I confess my sins, I groan in the sorrow of my soul, I sigh to You: calm Your anger, leave anger, work with me the miracle of Your mercy. I feel that my sins are like a wall between me and You, Lord: break down this barrier with Your word, draw near to my soul with Your mercy, restrain Your anger, commit my sins to eternal oblivion. O You, Whom the Mighty One did greatness! Do for me according to Your mercy, be the Intercessor for the salvation of my soul before Your Son and God, may He who shed His Blood for the salvation of the world have mercy on me! Imitating the prophet Jonah, in the sorrow of my soul I cry out to You, rich in goodness, O God: bring my life out of the abyss of sin, free me from the jaws of hell, and I will exalt Your mercy for all eternity. The thorns of sins have suppressed me, stifled my saving desires, evil comes from my heart, madness has become related to my soul so that I seem to repent of my iniquities, but again I am carried away to the crossroads of vice; hold me by Your strength, Lord! Oh, woe to me, an unrequited sinner: confusion has seized me, sins, like fire, burn me with repentance. But I lift up my soul to You, the Redeemer of the world, incline Your ears to my cry and revive me with the hope of Your mercy. I groan from the torment of my heart, weary of my painful sighs. I will not stop crying out to You, Lord, hear my cry of prayer; remember Thy mercy and mercy, console me with the joy of Thy salvation! My spirit is exhausted in me, but, raising my eyes to Thee, I cry from the depths of my soul: sprinkle me with the dew of Thy grace, extend a helping hand to me, carried away to the underworld, and save me for the sake of Thy mercy! I have no other refuge but You, the Lady of the world; I resort to You, accursed one, I seek salvation from You, do not let me wallow in the underworld, ready to devour me forever. The youths of old in Babylon, irrigated with grace, in the midst of the flames exalted Your righteous judgment, O God, confessing their sins and their fathers; Should I not confess that I have grieved Your grace by my reckless behavior? I did not heed Your teaching, Savior, I neglected Your commandments, imputed the statutes of Your Church to nothing, suppressing in my heart the suggestion of Your grace. But have mercy on me, hold back the thunders of Your justice, ready to strike me. By my deceitful behavior, I dishonored Your name, defamed Your Church, defiled the earth, scattering temptations everywhere; now I am tormented by the torment of conscience, my sins testify against me, their burning poison burns my soul. A storm of passions, like dust, threw me; carried away by lusts, I acted hourly according to the stubbornness of my heart; now he has become disgusting to himself, Eternal goodness; For the sake of Your name, forgive me my sins. Spinning in a whirlwind of passions, I was not enlightened either by the bitter consequences of my sins, or by Your mercy, Lord! Now, illuminated by Your grace, I recognize my guilt and, in contrition, cry out to You with all my heart: have mercy on me! Kupino, unburned, Mother of the Savior and God, who hope in You are safe under the shield of Your intercession; accept me under Your Protection and save me from eternal perdition with Your intercession! Cherubim and seraphim, archangels and angels, heaven and all the stars, the earth and everything in it and on it, light and darkness, the air phenomenon and all creatures, fulfilling Your law, exalt Your greatness, All-Praised God! And I have deviated from Your path, O Almighty, I have deviated from the path of eternal life, I have always wandered through the crossroads of vice, irritated Your righteousness with my sins, have mercy on me, may I exalt Your mercy forever! I am mired in the abyss of sin, my iniquities overwhelm me, thoughts of Your judgment, O Lord, tremble me, shake me with all horrors, but turn me to the path of repentance; May I praise and exalt Your mercy forever! Conscious of myself as a sinner, I repent; striking myself in the chest, I feel shame and disgrace, I am tormented in my conscience that I acted according to the will of my heart, as if I had lost my mind, and, in the sorrow of my heart, I cry out to You, Lord: grant me the grace to exalt Your goodness forever. Deliver me from hellish horrors, Mother of Christ God! Ask for the grace of repentance for me, beg forgiveness for my countless sins, inspire me with the hope of salvation and lead me into the haven of eternal life! You, Blessed in women, Mother of God, the Heavenly Father has blessed with every blessing, and on earth they exalt and indulge all generations, sincerely seeking spiritual salvation. I cannot stand at Your Terrible Judgment Seat, Savior, when Your wrath flares up like fire against unrepentant sinners, but in the hope of mercy and Your suffering on the Cross, I will not stop crying out to You, Lord: cleanse me from all my iniquities! Turn me, Savior, to the path of Your commandments and establish my heart in them, keep my feet from the paths of sin, send down grace with tears to wash away sinful filth from my soul and bring my sins to oblivion. Grant me grace from now on to turn away from evil, curb passions, reject sinful habits, do good, be always careful in life, prudent in all my affairs, cry and complain about my wretchedness until the end of my life. You, Lord, strike and heal, kill and revive; Revive me also by Your mercy, grant me the bliss of those whose sins are forgiven, whose sins are covered by Your mercy! May I exalt Your grace forever! Rejoice, Most Holy of all Saints, Mother of eternal life, rejoicing of the forces of heaven, joy of the righteous, joy of the penitent! Strengthen me with Your prayers in repentance and console me with the joy of eternal salvation, may I magnify You forever! The cry of a sinful soul to the Lord All-good, Humane-loving Lord, who descended from heaven for the salvation of us sinners, hear me at this hour, praying to Your goodness, raise me up from the depths of sin, deliver me from cursed insensitivity, before I even die to the end, save me! Thinking of the terrible hour of death, my soul, defiled by cruel deeds, trembles and trembles! How to justify himself, he does not know, if not by Your only mercy. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me! All my life is fornication and dreadful dependency, my iniquity surpassed my head and like a heavy burden weighed down on me; How shall I stand before Your terrible and righteous judgment seat, O Lord? Defiled by lawless deeds; How shall I look upon the hosts of the purest angels and all the saints? Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me! Created in the image and likeness of God, whom they became like, accursed, defiling the wedding garment of the soul, darkening the mind and all my nature corrupted by thoughts; have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me! I see for every day and hour - my neighbors, friends and relatives, one by one they will be taken by a bitter death and taken to a distant country, but they will perceive each according to their deeds, but, accursed, not imitating David and other repentant ones, like a cruel stone I am insensible ; have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me! If I do something good by Thy goodness, then, imitating the Pharisee, I exalt myself and delight in self-praise, and so I destroy all my goodness to the end and find myself naked from all goodness, which iniquities are innumerable: have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me! Every now and then, like a filthy harlot, I drown in the deeds of the student and placeless, adding sins to sins, but I am not afraid of Your fear, I am not afraid of the fire of hell and outer darkness and the unsleeping worm; alas, I am alive, but as if I am dead in soul; have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me! From my extreme insanity, for the short-term and transient sweetness of sin, I destroy the immortal soul, I destroy the treasure that is dearest to the whole world, I destroy the beauty created in the image and likeness of God! Oh, reckless, accursed one, grieve, get sick, cry and cry out with a sob: have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me! You, my sin-loving soul, imitated Cain the fratricide and another wicked Lamech, ruined the gift of God, defiled it with all iniquities, and there are none that you didn’t do; has surpassed sinners from time immemorial, and what, I ask, has she prepared for herself, if not eternal weeping and inconsolable; have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me! At the door of your court, soul, rise, rush, take into your mind the terrible judgment, on which all the shameful things you have committed will be exposed; pray warmly, bring repentance with heart disease, cry, cry out, implore the Judge, fall at His feet with a painful sob, shed cleansing tears, otherwise the Lord of mankind will not have mercy, and the highlander cry out with much heartfelt groaning: have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me! Having care for your soul, read this for every Wednesday and Friday, and the most zealous for every day, especially on Great Lent. Sin of hate Question: What grave sin is there, except for heresy? Answer: Just as all the virtues and all the good things above are love, so is the grave of all sins to hate a brother; Hate your brother, for there is a murderer, as the apostle said: Hate your brother, abide in death; hate your brother He hates God Himself; hate your brother to eat in the darkness and walk in the darkness, and not knowing how it goes, for the darkness blind his eyes. You see, hatred is guilty of colic evil, but love covers many sins; hatred is unfavorable and untimely, sin unrepentant to death. In the same way, men of courage, and sorcerers, and enemies, and enchantresses, and hate your brother, like murderers, are condemned to a fierce place. penitential prayer God! My sins and those of my forefathers wounded Your head, the crown of thorns, woven by sins, opened bloody wounds. The sinful abyss in the affairs of the whole world crucified You on the Cross. You accepted the sins of the whole world by suffering through a shameful, cruel death. You gave Yourself for the sins of the whole world, with humility and patience You conquered death. Sweetest Jesus, You are the Light, the Truth and the Way to the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not leave us for many sins, small and great, have mercy and forgive. Cleanse our souls by Your mercy, as You cleansed lepers, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (3 bows.) Thanksgiving Prayer for Salvation When you receive healing from any illness, give thanks to the Lord with the following short words: Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus, the Only-Begotten Son of the Beginningless Father, heal every ailment and every ulcer in people, as if you had mercy on me a sinner and delivered me from my illness, not allowing it to develop and kill me for my sins. Grant me from now on, Lord, the strength to firmly do Thy will for the salvation of my accursed soul and for Thy glory with Thy Father without Beginning and Thy Consubstantial Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Glory to God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! And glory to the Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ our God, forever and ever! Amen. Prayerfully with you abiding your well-wisher D.O. Schiegumen Savva.
