For almost every woman, pregnancy is the most significant event in her life. At this stage of life, a woman carefully listens to her feelings, notices the slightest movements in the lower abdomen and other signs of the growth of her crumbs. corresponds to the sixth calendar month. Mom feels more and more how the baby moves in her tummy. The belly of a pregnant woman has already grown, but it still does not make it difficult for the mother to move. The pregnant woman leans over at ease, gets up from her chair, and goes up the stairs. In this phase, pregnancy has its own characteristics.

The 22nd week of pregnancy has come, what happens to the baby during this period? The baby is actively growing, there is still plenty of space in the uterus, he vigorously rolls over and pushes. The size of the fetus at the 22nd week of pregnancy reaches 270-290 mm. There is an intensive formation of the spinal column, its vertebrae and intervertebral discs, the bone structures of the baby accumulate calcium. The diet of a woman must include products that have this element in their composition. The weight of a child at 22 weeks of pregnancy is approaching five hundred grams. The world of tactile sensations of the crumbs is expanding. A child at 22 weeks knows how to play, he pulls the umbilical cord or his leg, tries to suck his fingers. The crumbs on the face appeared eyelashes and eyebrows, the head begins to become covered with hair. The hair is almost transparent, but they can be seen on ultrasound. The baby's skin is all wrinkled, but with a thickening of the subcutaneous fat layer, the face is rounded. The nose and lips are more clearly drawn.

The cub at the 22nd week of pregnancy acquired marigolds on the hands and feet. 2-3 weeks ago, mommy doubted if the baby was moving. The movement of the fetus at the 22nd week of pregnancy cannot be confused with anything. The baby pushes very actively, especially at night. Too energetic and chaotic movements should alert the woman, perhaps the baby does not have enough oxygen. Children at these times react to their mother's bad mood and stress. Therefore, it is very important for her to remain calm. Sometimes pregnancy proceeds in such a way that the woman has not yet felt the tremors of her baby. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist, if the doctor hears the heartbeat of the crumbs, there is no reason for alarm.

There is a 22nd week of pregnancy, the improvement of the fetus does not stop for a moment. All the most important organs and systems have already been laid down, their further development and improvement is underway. The baby's brain reaches a mass of 100 grams, its surface begins to become covered with convolutions, furrows appear. All brain cells are already laid down, new neurons and neural connections are developing. Connections are formed between different parts of the brain. The baby's heart grows in size, the frequency of its contractions reaches 140-160 beats in 60 seconds.

The fetus at 22 weeks has a fairly developed nervous system, his movements become more and more coordinated.

Receptors appear on the skin of the baby, sweat glands are formed. All internal organs continue to function, the digestive system, pancreas and liver develop. The kid knows how to open and close his eyes, squint. The eyes react to light, the baby hears a loud sound. The baby learned to yawn and hiccup.

The peanut actively swallows amniotic fluid. In this way he trains his lungs, this will facilitate his first breath after birth. For a baby, the 22nd week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that his body is covered with lanugo. Lanugo is a fluff that helps the original lubricant stay on the skin. This lubricant protects the baby from direct contact with the amniotic fluid. The closer the birth, the less lubrication and hair remains on the body of the child. It is believed that if the 22nd week of pregnancy ends in childbirth, with a very long and difficult nursing, the baby can survive. But he will not be able to avoid health problems. Control your well-being, take care of your health so that the baby is born on time.

Well-being of the expectant mother

The 22nd week of pregnancy makes its own adjustments in the life of a woman. Most likely, the health of the future mother is now quite satisfactory. Toxicosis no longer bothers me so much, my appetite has improved. The belly at 22 weeks of pregnancy noticeably rounded and grew, but it still does not interfere with the movements of the woman. The expectant mother is able to lead an active lifestyle.

Some women begin to suffer from heartburn, which causes the pressure of the uterus on the stomach. There may be bleeding gums, nasal congestion. Due to changes in the hormonal background, dizziness, weakness, fainting occur. The condition of the skin changes, it can become better or worse, excessive oily or dry. Sometimes age spots appear on the face, some time after the birth of the baby they will disappear.

New in a woman's body

The change in body weight is very individual, some women gained a little during pregnancy, especially if they were annoyed by toxicosis. Most likely, their weight at 22 weeks of pregnancy will begin to increase. It is considered normal if during this time a woman has gained 4-5 kilograms, weekly the weight will increase by 500 grams. It is necessary to control weight gain, extra pounds will "weigh" the course of pregnancy and can complicate childbirth.

In the first half of pregnancy, the uterus was close to a ball in appearance, now it is stretching, becoming like an egg. Its bottom becomes denser. The uterus at 22 weeks of gestation is 2 centimeters above the navel and 22 above the pubis.

The size of the abdomen in mothers is very different. For some, it has already become significantly rounded and is clearly visible, and has begun to cause discomfort during sleep and bending over. Their navel is already protruding. For some women, the belly is only now beginning to grow, one can only guess about their “interesting position”.

The mammary glands enlarged, the nipples darkened along with the halo. Some have already noticed the appearance of the first drops of colostrum from the nipples, a whitish sticky sweetish moisture. This suggests that the mammary glands are preparing for lactation. Moms, whose stomach has increased significantly, noticed the appearance of the first stretch marks on the surface of the abdomen and thighs. Sometimes they appear on the chest. This is the result of stretching the skin. Unfortunately, they do not always disappear after childbirth. It is worth taking action right now, nourishing and moisturizing the skin with special lotions and creams for pregnant women. A woman feels dryness and itching of the skin on her stomach.

Pain at the beginning of the second half of pregnancy

Pain at 22 weeks of gestation is caused by various reasons:

  1. A woman can periodically pull her stomach. If there were irregular, not very strong, quickly disappear, we can talk about training bouts. Some women begin to experience them at these times. If contractions, acute pain, bleeding are observed, urgent hospitalization is necessary. Such symptoms indicate the onset of preterm labor.
  2. The body weight of a pregnant woman is steadily increasing, therefore, the load on the legs increases. Many women report pain and swelling, especially in the evening. It's time to ditch the shoes high heels, in sneakers or ballet shoes you will feel more comfortable. It is useful to do contrast foot baths before going to bed, massage them. During long walks, let yourself rest, sit on a bench. When sitting, try to place your feet on some kind of elevation.
  3. A woman's tummy grows, in order to maintain balance, she has to lean back when walking. All this cannot but affect the condition of the lower back and spine. Painful manifestations in the lower back can be reduced by wearing a prenatal bandage. He will hold his stomach, the load on his back will decrease.
  4. Many during this period are faced with the problem of constipation. They occur due to the fact that the uterus presses on the intestines. Try to include foods containing fiber in your diet - fresh vegetables and fruits, prunes, kefir, beetroot dishes. You need to drink enough liquid.
  5. In the second half of pregnancy, swelling of the blood vessels occurs, including in the anus. This can lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids, constipation will also contribute to this.

Emotional condition

For a woman, the twenty-second week of pregnancy is full of joy and peace. Before childbirth is still far away, disturbing thoughts do not bother. She is full of energy and strength, and preparing a dowry for an unborn baby brings a lot of pleasure. Many women begin to suffer from forgetfulness, do not pay too much attention to this. This is due to a change in the hormonal background in the body, now all forces are thrown into maintaining the pregnancy. Mood swings are also observed, the sensitivity of a woman is increased, she reacts violently to any phenomenon.

Many are faced with the problem of insomnia. Partly it is caused by emotions, partly by a growing belly that makes it difficult to get into a comfortable sleeping position. It is recommended to sleep on your side, because when you sleep on your back, dizziness is possible. A special pillow helps many pregnant women to get comfortable, after childbirth you can use it when feeding the baby.

Most women feel comfortable now, enjoy sex at 22 weeks pregnant. The reason for this lies in the hormonal changes in the body and in increased blood supply. The volume of blood has increased by approximately 40%, it flows more strongly to the pelvic organs, to the genitals and erogenous zones. For healthy women, there are no contraindications for intimacy. Of course, during sexual intercourse one must be very careful, the cervix of a woman is now more vulnerable than before. Don't forget about genital hygiene. But keep in mind, douching during pregnancy is prohibited. If a woman has uncharacteristic discharge from the genitals, pulls her stomach, hurts her lower back, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will determine if a woman is allowed to have sex at 22 weeks of pregnancy.

Discharge from the genitals

In a healthy woman, discharge at 22 weeks of gestation should have the following features:

  • moderate amount;
  • have a white or milky color, be transparent;
  • have a slightly sour smell or be odorless.

The appearance of uncharacteristic secretions that have a different color, smell, texture, is a reason for an urgent medical examination. Most likely, these are symptoms of a sexual infection that needs to be urgently cured. This is necessary to minimize the risk of infection of the fetus. Also medical examination necessary in the presence of an admixture of blood or mucus in the discharge, with watery pale yellow discharge. If these signs appear, urgent hospitalization is necessary, they may indicate the onset of labor or a violation of the integrity of the membranes.

Low location of the placenta

placenta, otherwise children's place- this is the organ through which the fetus receives all the substances and oxygen necessary for development. The condition of the placenta is an extremely important factor for the proper development of the baby. Ultrasound may reveal low placentation during pregnancy. This means that the placenta is located below the internal os, capable of blocking the birth canal. During the course of pregnancy early dates this is not reflected, most often the placenta rises higher with the growth of the baby. She does not pose a threat to the child.

Rarely enough, the placenta completely closes the birth canal, preventing the birth of a child. But even in this case, natural childbirth is possible. It is bad if low placentation does not disappear before childbirth, and the child is legs down. A low-lying placenta can interfere with the flow of oxygen to the fetus, it is more prone to detachment. A woman with this feature of the placenta should be under the constant supervision of doctors, possibly in a hospital. A woman needs to exclude physical activity, have more rest, avoid transport and crowds. She needs to protect her stomach from all kinds of injuries.

Examinations and analyzes

A woman needs to come for a consultation with an obstetrician every month, be sure to pass a urine test before that. During the examination, the doctor measures the abdomen, fixes the body weight of the pregnant woman, measures arterial pressure and pulse rate. The doctor will certainly listen to the baby's heartbeat. Ultrasound at 22 weeks of gestation is not planned, the woman should have had it 2-3 weeks earlier.

Ultrasound is prescribed if it is necessary to monitor the condition of the fetus. The doctor studies the height and weight of the baby, the proportionality of his bones. Be sure to examine the amniotic fluid, their quantity, the possibility of impurities. Ultrasound reveals a lot or oligohydramnios. It is imperative to evaluate the placenta, the absence of damage on it, the degree of maturity. When examining the umbilical cord, the state of the blood vessels, the conditions for blood flow through them are studied. The doctor examines all the organs and systems of the baby.

Uterine hypertonicity

In a normal state, the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy should be relaxed. Increased tone at 22 weeks of pregnancy is undesirable. Hypertonicity, otherwise excessive tension in the muscles of the uterus can cause a miscarriage at any time. Weak and rare uterine contractions do not cause pain to a woman and do not pose a danger to the fetus. But if strong contractions occur quite often, continue for a long time, you need to seek help from doctors. In the presence of hypertonicity, blood supply is disturbed, hypoxia in the fetus may develop. Doctors recommend sharply limiting physical activity, eliminating intimate life. It is possible to prescribe special drugs that reduce the activity of the uterus.

The most important thing for you now is to be attentive to your health, lead a proper lifestyle, get enough rest, eliminate all anxieties and stresses. Visit your doctor regularly, follow all his recommendations. This is the main condition for a successful pregnancy.

A woman's need for vitamins and minerals for the development of a healthy child does not lose relevance:

Vitamin A (beta-carotene).daily requirement- 2000-3000 IU. Vitamin is responsible for the growth and formation of bones, vision, skin health. When eating, they pay attention to fish oil (salmon, cod, sterlet, seafood), beef liver, carrot-apple juice with cream (the drink perfectly absorbs the entire volume of beta-carotene).

Vitamin B9 (folic acid). The daily requirement is 300-500 mg. Responsible for the normal functioning of the neural tube, strengthening the central nervous system as a whole. Sufficiently contained in sunflower seeds, soybeans, cod liver, parsley, avocado.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Daily rate 1.5-2 mg. Responsible for metabolic processes, required for the health of joints, muscle structures. You should eat sunflower seeds, pumpkins, nuts, dried fruits, shelled peas, halva.

Vitamin B2. The daily rate is 1.5-2 mg. Responsible for the normal absorption of mineral complexes, retinol or beta-carotene, is required for the qualitative composition of the blood, the development of connective tissue. High concentrations are found in milk powder, white dried mushrooms, beef kidneys, chicken hearts.

Reviews about maternity hospitals
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Vitamin B3 (vitamin PP, nicotinic acid, niacin). The daily norm is 20-30 mg. Participates in metabolism, absorption of fats, carbohydrates, useful for intoxications of any nature. Niacin lowers cholesterol levels, normalizes metabolic processes. Contained in peanuts, tuna, bran, chicken and quail eggs, rabbit and poultry meat.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). The daily norm is 5-10 mg. Needed to restore metabolism, regulate protein-fat balance, lower cholesterol. Found in chickpeas, lentils, wheat bran, whole grain bread, mackerel, walnut.

Vitamin B7 (biotin). The daily norm is 200 mg. Responsible for the health of the skin, strengthens the nervous system, is a conductor for some B vitamins. Contained in strawberries, melons, peaches, legumes, meat and meat by-products.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The daily norm is 70-100 mg. Ascorbic acid has a pronounced antioxidant, strengthening effect, stimulates local and systemic immunity. High concentrations are noted in lemon peel, tangerines, grapefruits, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, sorrel, in a decoction of rose hips (without sugar).

Vitamin D (D3, cholecalciferol or sun vitamin). The daily norm is 10-50 mcg, the dose can be increased in regions with a short daylight hours, cold climate. Prevents skeletal deformities, reduces the incidence of rickets in children under one year old. Contained in fatty herring, cod, fish oil. If necessary, vitamin D3 solution is prescribed.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). The daily norm is 10-20 mg. Required to prevent intrauterine fetal hypoxia, normal formation of connective tissue, lung and other organ structures, skin. It is found in high concentrations in vegetable oil, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, halva, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts.

Vitamin K. The daily norm is 150 mcg. It is necessary for the healthy function of the cardiovascular system, the prevention of hypoxia, and the prevention of skeletal bone development disorders. Contained in all greens, nuts, dried fruits, white cabbage, pomegranates, cucumbers, blueberries.

Vitamin P (rutin, rutoside). The daily norm is 50 mg. Prevents malformations of the fetus from the internal organs, miscarriages and premature births, normalizes the function of the thyroid gland, strengthens the cardiovascular system. Contained in apples, cherries, red peppers, tomatoes, sorrel, beets.

Iron. The daily norm is not less than 30 mg. The balance of iron ensures the health of the hematopoietic organs, the normal qualitative and quantitative composition of the blood, prevents intrauterine hypoxia, iron deficiency anemia in women. Contained in organ meats (liver, kidneys, hearts), barley, soy, oysters, egg yolk, lean poultry, rabbit.

Iodine. The daily requirement is 150-200 mcg. Necessary for the normal function of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, it is required regardless of the gestational age. If necessary, it is required to supplement the intake of multivitamins with additional iodine preparations. Contained in sea ​​fish, sea kale, seafood, fish oil.

Selenium. The daily norm is 55-70 mg. Responsible for strengthening muscle tissue, articular and cartilaginous structures. Contained in cereals, oat bran, cottage cheese, pink salmon, chickpeas.

Copper. The daily norm is 1000-1500 mcg. An important trace element responsible for the state of the heart, blood vessels, stable hemodynamics. With a lack of copper, pathologies appear on the part of the skin and mucous membranes. Copper prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia, hypoxia. Found in peanuts, coarse wheat pasta, buckwheat, rice, walnuts, new potatoes.

Calcium. The daily norm is 500 mg, and with hypocalcemia in a woman - 1000 mg. Responsible for the health of the musculoskeletal system, the normal formation of the skeleton, the growth of the fetus. Contained in homemade cottage cheese, whole milk, fermented milk products, yoghurt from homemade sourdough. In case of intolerance to cow's milk, it is recommended to additionally take calcium gluconate.

Magnesium. The daily norm is 400-500 mg. It is required to prevent anomalies in the development of the kidneys, chronic renal failure, liver and pancreas. Contained in large quantities in sesame, oat bran, buckwheat and flaxseed flour, pine nuts, milk powder.

Zinc. The need per day is 12-15 mg. The trace element is actively involved in osteogenesis, it is required for the health of the hematopoietic system, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the blood. Found in cheeses (Dutch, Swiss, Cheddar), egg powder, pine nuts, beef and chicken.

Phosphorus. The daily norm is 1000-1500 mcg. Required for adequate metabolism, normal development of the gastrointestinal tract of the fetus, prevention of osteogenesis disorders. Contained in tomatoes, sesame, red caviar, buckwheat, raspberries, dried fruits, nuts.

Sodium. The daily norm is 500 mg, if necessary, the dose is increased to 1000 mg. Required for a stable water-electrolyte balance of blood plasma, forms a healthy nervous system. Exceeding the dose increases the risk of edema. Contained in sea or table salt, sea fish, salted cheeses.

Silicon. The daily norm is 30-50 mg. Increases the immune defense of the body, prevents the development of gestational nephropathy, diabetes mellitus. It has antioxidant and detoxifying effects. It is found in large quantities in rice, oats, beans, wheat germ.

Cobalt. The daily norm is 50 mcg. The trace element is involved in the formation of blood composition, prevents anemia, stabilizes hemoglobin levels, and increases the supply of natural ferritin. Contained in chicken breast, white grapes, beef liver, turkey.

Chromium. The daily norm is 50 mcg. It prevents diabetes in pregnant women, actively participates in the normal metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and is indispensable for blood health. Contained in tuna, pink salmon, wobble, pollock, mackerel and other fish, cheeses, meat products.

The importance of vitamins and minerals requires a competent approach in the preparation of the daily diet - variety, balance, moderation.

22 weeks pregnant - at this time, many women find it difficult to climb stairs. It's time to learn to sleep on your left side and stop sitting cross-legged. The fetus grows up to 19 cm and weighs about 350 g. It develops nasal cartilage and improves sweat glands.

Weeks and months

How many months will "fit" in 22 weeks of pregnancy? Lunar - five and a half. Of course, if you count the obstetric weeks. And if you count from conception, then your period is two weeks longer. Get information about timing and counting methods from .

Physical sensations of the expectant mother

You see your belly every day and hardly notice how it grows. Now your uterus has grown so much that its bottom is located about two centimeters above the navel. Sometimes the stomach pulls a little, the lower back aches a little. These sensations do not bring pain or serious discomfort.

In the absence of complications, you feel great. If you have a good rest, and at work you are protected from stress, then severe fatigue and headaches are rare. Mild nasal congestion is a common occurrence for many.

However, you must have already noticed something. Any stairs you have to climb seem way too high. Where there are no elevators, you have to climb slowly and rest often. This is the normal state. First, your weight has increased. It is now harder for the heart, lungs and muscles to do their job. Secondly, with slow movements, there is much less danger of tripping, losing balance and falling.

If you're expecting twins, a large fetus, or a curvaceous woman, you may already find it difficult to bend over to zip up your shoes.

Unfortunately, it is worth a little lack of sleep, retreat from the diet or get nervous, you may experience:

  • heartburn and/or constipation;
  • convulsions;
  • migraine-like pain in the head (with intolerance to bright lights and loud noises).

Try not to break your diet and avoid heavy physical and emotional stress.

You are the most beautiful

Sometimes pregnant women literally refuse to look in the mirror. Why is this happening:

  • the waist loses its clarity, the figure seems to blur;
  • the heavy chest sticks out unusually, and without support it strives to hang;
  • age spots appeared on the face;
  • the contours of the face have lost their clarity;
  • legs and arms constantly swell, rings on the fingers cut into the skin.

What to do if everything is so? Watch your weight - if it is normal, then there will be no catastrophic changes in appearance and figure. Fight swelling (read the recommendations below). Stop paying attention to age spots, they will quickly disappear after childbirth. Remember: your beauty begins with your attitude towards yourself.

And in most pregnant women, the hair becomes thicker and more magnificent in appearance. This is how pregnancy hormones work - hair is less combed out and falls out.

Photo of the tummies at the twenty-second week:


Colostrum is still secreted from the breast. Droplets appear unevenly - sometimes less, sometimes quite a lot. It does not affect milk production after the baby is born. The main thing - do not express colostrum, it can cause uterine contractions.

Vaginal secretion should be sparse. The consistency is homogeneous, without curdled lumps. The color of the discharge may be white or yellowish. Normal - no sharp, unpleasant odor.

If the discharge has become bright yellow, greenish, too abundant, this may be a sign of an inflammatory or infectious process. Bloody, brown discharge indicates a threatened miscarriage. In addition, leakage of amniotic fluid is possible. In this case, your underwear will constantly feel wet. In case of abnormal discharge, contact your doctor immediately!

If something hurts

Now it is very important to recognize the place, strength and nature of the pain. With some sensations you can handle yourself, with others you definitely need a doctor. So what hurts and what to do:

  1. The back is in the upper part, the ribs - most likely, you have been in one position for a long time. Change your posture, walk around, warm up if possible.
  2. Legs - you seem to have walked a long distance.
  3. Teeth, and as if all at once on one or both sides - this sometimes happens after hypothermia or with a strong cold wind. Keep your feet warm - for example, wear suitable socks, cover up. You can rinse your mouth with warm water.
  4. Head. Massage your temples, lie down in silence and darkness. If you have a cooling patch, stick the strip on your forehead.
  5. Throat. This is already a sign of a cold. Before a visit to the therapist, rinsing with calendula or furatsilin will help.
  6. Perineum when urinating. It could be cystitis, tell the doctor.
  7. Belly and loin. Your baby may be in danger. A miscarriage can happen at any time. At the 22nd week, the fetus is not yet considered viable, so be careful.

It is important to remember that any medication during pregnancy must be prescribed by a doctor. Even if your pregnant friend was taking some kind of drug, this does not mean that the drug is suitable for you.

But training fights should not be afraid. In this state, the surface of the abdomen seems to tighten by itself. And then everything passes. If this sensation is painless, everything is in order.

How the fetus develops

The fetus grows up to 19 cm and weighs about 350 g

At the 22nd week, the fetus sleeps most of the day. But even in a dream, he moves his arms and legs, touches the umbilical cord and, in general, everything he can reach. The position of the fetus in the uterus changes several times a day, but you don’t feel it at all, unless the baby makes a sharp, strong push when moving.

Still not feeling any movement? It happens. Perhaps this is due to your overall fullness or the small size of the fetus. If the doctor's studies show that everything is fine with your baby, do not worry and wait.

And this is what the fruit looks like:

Fetal development:

  • fully formed nails begin to grow;
  • sweat glands are improved;
  • the number of neural connections increases;
  • a cartilaginous septum forms in a tiny nose;
  • bone mineralization continues;
  • all vertebrae and intervertebral discs are fully developed in the spine;
  • the pancreas is completely ready for work;
  • the baby's eyes already have an iris, but it does not yet have pigment (which is why the eyes of newborns change their color).

Medical observations

If you haven't had an ultrasound yet, your doctor will probably write a referral. During the study, the doctor will check the physical parameters of the fetus, check the amount of amniotic fluid with the normative indicators, and check the condition of the placenta.

Go to the antenatal clinic according to the schedule prescribed by the gynecologist. Depending on your condition, your urine and blood tests may be needed. For example, to check for the presence/absence of anemia. With anemia, the doctor will prescribe iron supplements.

You need to visit the doctor regularly also because in some cases, even for such a relatively short period of time, the cervix may begin to open. This is dangerous for the fetus and requires urgent action. But only a doctor can determine such a condition before possible dangerous consequences upon examination.

Ultrasound photo at 22 weeks

  1. Stick to the basic diet for pregnant women: vegetables + fruits, cereals and grain bread, use the whole variety of dairy products.
  2. All food for yourself is steamed, baked, stewed or boiled. It’s good if the rest of your household also switches to a similar diet - this is good for health and will reduce culinary chores.
  3. If you are anemic, drink pomegranate juice or eat pomegranates.
  4. Talk to the baby and let your family do it, especially the baby's father and older brothers / sisters, if any. Don't know how to do it? Tell: " Good morning baby, i'm your mom. I just woke up, and you? I dreamed good dream". When the baby is born, the habit of talking to him will be very useful.
  5. Do pimples often appear on the skin? You will have to limit sweets, even natural ones.
  6. Stop wearing rings and rings. Even if you have not had edema so far, they may appear suddenly. In this case, the jewelry can literally crash into the finger and cause pain.
  7. To prevent swelling, never drink a lot of liquid at once.
  8. If edema appears constantly and is combined with high blood pressure, you may have late toxicosis (details here).
  9. Wear a prenatal band to support your abdomen.
  10. Make a to-do list. Perhaps you need to travel somewhere, complete documents, make payments that are not available online. In the third trimester, it will be harder for you to visit institutions and sit in lines, and after giving birth, it may not be available at all. Interested in a movie, play or museum exhibit? Have a good look.
  11. If you like to sit with your legs crossed, immediately unlearn this habit. In this position, you impede the circulation of the legs and some internal organs.
  12. Get in the habit of sleeping on your left side only. Place small pillows between the knees, under the back and under the tummy.
  13. Walk every day, always among the trees (park, grove, square). Don't walk for a long time.
  14. Try not to stay in one position for a long time when you are awake. Now many muscles can very quickly become numb. This causes discomfort and even pain.
  15. If hairs have begun to grow on your body where they were not there before, be patient and do not shave, as this can only increase the growth of unwanted hair and their density.
  16. Do not be alarmed if you feel an increased sexual desire. Periodic hormonal surges may well suit you with such a surprise. Cautious behavior and a comfortable position will give you and your partner a lot of vivid sensations without any harm. But with oligohydramnios, the threat of miscarriage, low placenta, twin pregnancy or more, sex is contraindicated.
  17. If you have flat feet, it is advisable to buy and use orthopedic insoles in your shoes - this way your legs will be less tired.
  18. Keep a diary, write down your thoughts, feelings and sensations. Such recordings may be useful later - to you, your girlfriends or relatives.
  19. If you have a vacation, do not go far, do not change the climate dramatically.

Video guide: 22 weeks of gestation fetal development, what happens, fetal growth retardation syndrome

This period of pregnancy for many women is characterized by calmness and harmony. The baby grows and develops, the mother's tummy is rounded, and the emotional background has already stabilized. A great time for work, relaxation, new beginnings and big plans. Now the child is pushing more and more, which leads the parents to indescribable delight. True, some mothers experience discomfort when they sit or lie incorrectly. This is due to the growing fetus and, accordingly, the stomach.

What does a baby look like at 22 weeks pregnant?

The fetus already looks like a fully formed baby, only it is much smaller than a newborn baby. The formation of the brain and adipose tissue has almost completed. His face acquired regular features, his arms and legs got stronger, his eyebrows became thicker, cilia appeared in his eyes, and the first fluff appeared on his head. The child's nose still looks like a small button, because the back of the nose is not fully formed.

Now it's time for the development of invisible to the eye, but no less important functions of his body.

Weight and size of the fetus at 22 weeks of gestation

The approximate weight of the fetus is from 350 to 430 grams, and the size ranges from 19 to 26 centimeters.

What is formed at this stage

Now the child is actively forming sweat glands and receptors responsible for tactile sensations. He tries to feel everything with his hands, touches his face, the walls of the uterus, sucks his finger with pleasure.

The baby's hearing becomes more and more perfect, the liver begins to produce bilirubin. The baby is already completing the formation of the spinal column. The thyroid gland begins to work and secrete hormones.

Child behavior

During this period, the weight of the baby is already quite noticeable, he pushes, somersaults and thus communication with the mother takes place. The baby loves to suck his thumb, but now he can not only bring the pen to his mouth, but also tilt his head to the pen. If you put your hand on your stomach, the baby may respond with a push.

Now the child hears well, sees the light and tastes the amniotic fluid. Most of the day the baby sleeps, but as soon as he wakes up, he immediately begins to move his arms, legs and somersaults. This pattern of behavior is inherent in newborn babies.

Mommy's condition

Belly at 22 weeks pregnant

During this period, the growth of the abdomen actively continues, this is due to an increase in the uterus. The amniotic fluid also increases in volume, but its amount grows unevenly. Some women may develop polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios. This is a pathology when the amount of amniotic fluid is too large or too small. This may be due to various diseases or simply with the characteristics of the body. In this regard, the size of the abdomen may not correspond to the deadline.

The belly at this stage is already quite large and the woman just needs to wear maternity clothes. Or the usual loose, not restricting movement, clothes.

Weight gain at 22 weeks pregnant

In connection with the growth of the abdomen, a gradual increase in weight occurs. This process is quite normal, if you do not gain weight extremely quickly.

— Weight gain during pregnancy by week — can be calculated using a special calculator, which is easy to find on the Internet. In a special field, you need to enter your personal data about height, weight and gestational age. The calculator will calculate the average, it may differ from yours, but don't panic. Only a doctor can accurately determine the normal rate of weight gain.

The well-being of the expectant mother at 22 weeks of pregnancy

  • At this stage, a woman should enjoy life, walk more and communicate with her child. Further, your weight and size of the abdomen will increase, and there will be more and more discomfort from the simplest actions and movements. Already now you can feel a quick fatigue from the fact that you just stand on your feet for a long time. If your feet are swollen and you can't fit into your old shoes, buy a new one. bigger size. Do not wear shoes or boots with heels, this can harm both you and your child. Shoes should be comfortable and soft.
  • The main and most unpleasant pain at this stage is the aching back., because the lower back and spine are under heavy load. So that the back does not bother, you can start wearing a bandage. In addition, more often rest in a horizontal position, this will unload the spine and the whole body.

Back pain can also be the cause of another phenomenon, namely, urolithiasis or pyelonephritis. If you regularly undergo examinations, do the prescribed ultrasound and give urine for analysis, this problem is easy to prevent.

  • Pain and discomfort, manifested by hemorrhoids. This delicate issue often occurs in pregnant women due to squeezing and impaired intestinal motility. In this case, you need to change the diet and include foods high in fiber. And your doctor can prescribe rectal suppositories that are right for you.
  • During this period, false contractions may also begin.. The uterus begins to contract slightly, as if training for the upcoming birth. These contractions are irregular and never cause pain.

Movement at 22 weeks pregnant

At this stage, the movements of the child should be visible to all mothers, even those for whom this pregnancy was the first. The frequency and strength of the movements can say a lot.

Now it is very important to listen to your child, overly active movements can indicate a lack of oxygen. Also, with jerks, the baby can tell the mother that he is uncomfortable and she needs to change her position.

It is worth consulting with a doctor if the movements have completely stopped, and they have been gone for more than a day. But do not fanatically listen to every movement. It is enough to fix how the baby behaves in the morning and in the evening.

Discharge at 22 weeks pregnant

Allocations at this stage should be of the same moderate character. They can be light or light gray, sometimes with a slightly sour smell. If the discharge has become cheesy, purulent or bloody, you need to see a doctor. This may be a sign of an infection that needs to be treated as soon as possible.

If the discharge has become watery, there may be amniotic fluid leakage. As a rule, such secretions leave a wet mark on underwear. This is also worth telling the doctor, since damage to the membranes can provoke intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Cold at 22 weeks pregnant

If you have not saved yourself and caught a cold, do not treat yourself with antibiotics and other medicines. Only your doctor can prescribe the necessary medication for you. Yes and folk remedies not as safe as they seem. Some herbs are contraindicated for pregnant women or have individual contraindications. But if treatment without decoctions and other ancient remedies is unthinkable for you, it is better to drink linden tea with honey and lemon. It certainly won't hurt.

Never carry a cold on your feet. In general, with any disease, pregnant women need to lie down and rest more. A simple cold may not harm the baby much, but it can weaken the mother's immunity.

Having suffered a cold at this time, a woman can still recover, it is much worse to catch a cold before the birth itself. In this case, the child is immediately placed in quarantine so that he does not become infected from his mother. There is nothing terrible in this, but the mother is deprived of the opportunity to spend the first moments of her child's life with him.

Psychological state at 22 weeks of gestation

At this time, due to changes in the body, the woman becomes a little clumsy and clumsy. Someone calmly relates to this natural change, while someone begins to complex.

In this case, the main thing is that the woman herself understands that now her beauty is not stupid model templates, but much more significant, because she is a future mother. In addition, along with the growing belly, the chest grows and rounds, which makes the expectant mother more feminine and sexy. No wonder they say that pregnant women are very beautiful. For many mothers, skin color improves and a blooming appearance appears.

Necessary analyzes and studies

  • At 22 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, you may be prescribed a second planned ultrasound. During this study, the doctor assesses the condition of the fetus, makes sure that there are no pathologies. Checks how well the internal organs of the mother and child are functioning. Looks at the amount of amniotic fluid, the condition of the umbilical cord and placenta.
  • Blood tests may also be taken at this stage.. This is due to the fact that around this period, women begin to thin, that is, become more liquid, the blood. As a result, the level of hemoglobin falls, which can affect not only the health of the mother, but also the development of the baby. If anemia is detected, the doctor prescribes iron-containing preparations.

If necessary, a woman may take a urine sample. The condition of the kidneys and genitourinary system is very important for the expectant mother.

Possible risks

  • - The threat of miscarriage is especially dangerous in the early stages, but with some individual indicators, it can persist until the birth itself. You should be wary if pain in the lower abdomen appears or intensifies. Also, if spotting of red or Brown. At sharp pains and noticeable bleeding, call an ambulance immediately.
  • When screening during pregnancy at 22 weeks, low placentation can be diagnosed, that is, the low location of the placenta. This diagnosis is not uncommon and in itself is not a cause for fear. With this diagnosis, pregnancy can proceed quite normally, without complications and pain. Sometimes the placenta can block the birth canal, but over time it rises due to the growing fetus. Concerns arise if low placentation remains throughout the entire period. Sometimes it can lead to fetal hypoxia, that is, a lack of oxygen. Such a diagnosis can also lead to “placental abruption” and, as a result, miscarriage.

But remember that at this time, low placentation is not a sentence, follow all the doctor's recommendations and try to be as nervous as possible.

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  • There is also a risk of preterm birth. They can be recognized by regular painful contractions and the possible withdrawal of amniotic fluid. This situation requires urgent hospitalization. Children born at this time are premature, but viable. At necessary conditions and the necessary medical equipment, the baby can become a full-fledged, healthy child.

How to maintain beauty and health

The appearance of stretch marks depends not only on the rapidly growing belly, but also on the natural predisposition of the woman. The condition and elasticity of the skin is different for everyone, so stretch marks form in everyone in their own way. They mostly appear on the abdomen, chest and thighs.

To prevent or partially reduce this negative process, you can use a special cream for stretch marks. It should be started to be used in the early stages, when the tummy has just begun to grow, and stretch marks have not yet appeared. This cream does not remove, but rather prevents their appearance.

As for the rest of the cosmetics, use only special cosmetics for pregnant women. It can be not only creams, lotions and scrubs, but also decorative cosmetics, especially lipstick. To improve the condition of the skin of the face, you can make masks from natural ingredients. For example, using oatmeal, eggs, cucumbers and honey. There are a huge number of recipes for both oily and dry skin.

The diet of a pregnant woman should always be balanced. At this stage of pregnancy, some mothers could already find various digestive or urination disorders. With such problems, the doctor always prescribes the right diet. Stick to it, even if you really want something tasty. Remember that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the child. If there are no contraindications, then eat more fish and lean meat, do not forget about vegetables and fruits. During this period of time, it is important for you to consume foods rich in iron. Such as apples, buckwheat, liver, etc.

Try to avoid fried and spicy foods from your diet. In no case do not use energy drinks, and simple soda will not benefit your baby.

Try to rest more, often lie in a position that is comfortable for you. Walk outdoors and enjoy nature. If you have grand plans for the next couple of months, do these things now, later it will be more difficult for you to move around and lead an active lifestyle.

Sex at 22 weeks pregnant is welcome. Of course, if there are no individual contraindications. In this case, the doctor always warns of the need to refrain from intimacy.

Exercise at 22 weeks

The closer the birth, the less intense stress the expectant mother should experience. It is better to spend more time walking and walking. But you can not completely abandon the exercises. After all, their goal is to strengthen the abdominal muscles and improve the blood supply to the fetus. During exercise, you can not make sudden movements and jump.

Gently and slowly make turns of the torso and head. Do not forget to work out the muscles of the chest so that it is elastic and beautiful. To do this, close your hands in your palms at chest level and squeeze them as hard as possible. - Exercises in the second trimester of pregnancy - should be harmonious.

  • Protect yourself from all kinds of chemicals. This applies to food, medicines, cosmetics, and even detergents.
  • Pamper yourself with new clothes and new hairstyles, now you are especially beautiful.
  • Do not be nervous over trifles, your condition is transmitted to the baby.
  • Communicate with family and friends and devote more time to the father of the child.
  • Talk to your child, sing lullabies to him. Let him get used to you and your voice.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke. This also applies to the baby's dad, because the smoke is dangerous not only for the smoker, but also for the people around him.

Video about 22 weeks pregnant

Watch this educational video. In it you will see how much the child has grown by this time, how he has changed and what he can do. You will also learn how the expectant mother should feel.

22 obstetric week of pregnancy is the middle of the fifth month of bearing a child. The fetus at 22 weeks is not growing as fast as in previous months, but is actively gaining weight. It's already established small man, which is able to distinguish between light and darkness, determine the mother’s changing mood, and also “inform” her that she is not lying, sitting or talking loudly.

What happens at 22 weeks pregnant?

A close connection has already been established between the pregnant woman and the fetus, and the baby feels all the emotions and mood of his mother. Therefore, it is important to limit any stressful situations and emotional overstrain, walk more, attend cultural events.

At the twenty-second week, the increased volume of the mother's abdomen and the pressure of the uterus on the surrounding organs and tissues make it impossible for many women to stand or walk for a long time. A bandage, which is an elastic dense tape, can alleviate this condition and relieve excessive load on the spine.

Feelings in the abdomen change at the 22nd week of pregnancy. A woman at this time has the first false contractions, which are called Braxton Hicks contractions. They practically do not cause pain, only mild discomfort, and do not have regularity, therefore, do not lead to the opening of the cervix. There should be no more than 15 per day.


The uterus increases in size, and the height of its fundus is already two fingers above the navel. The size of the fetus increases at the 22nd week of pregnancy, it becomes heavier by 5-7 kg, while the average increase per week should be 300 g. The maximum allowable weekly increase is 450-500 g.

In the female body, the volume of blood continues to increase, but the number of red blood cells and plasma grows unevenly. The 22nd week of pregnancy is the time when the most "liquid" blood is detected in a pregnant woman with a very low level of red blood cells. This leads to the appearance of anemia, so the expectant mother needs to provide an additional supply of iron to her body.

The growing size of the abdomen, the increase in the weight of the woman and the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs, especially the intestines, can lead to such a common complication as. This disease provokes inflammation and thrombosis of the veins in the anus. Its main symptoms are itching, pain during bowel movements, prolapse of hemorrhoids and the appearance of blood in the stool.

Feelings at 22 weeks pregnant

State future mother in the middle of the fifth month it remains good, but changes in the body associated with the growth of the uterus can lead to various inconveniences and complications. Therefore, if any discomfort occurs in the back, lower back, legs and abdomen, it is important to consult a specialist.

A child at 22 weeks of gestation makes about 200 movements per day. While in the womb, it is still very easy for him to roll over. Amniotic fluid reduces the effect of gravity, so it is easier for the fetus to control its body than after birth - to raise its hands, touch the umbilical cord and the walls of the fetal bladder.

The 22nd week of pregnancy is characterized by interesting sensations. The expectant mother can already accurately determine the periods of wakefulness and sleep of the child, as his movements become more and more distinct. The fetus sleeps for about 22 hours a day, but with a loud sound or noise, its movements can be activated.

In addition to the usual movements, a woman can feel the vibration caused by hiccups in a baby. It appears as a result of the contraction of the diaphragm when he swallows amniotic fluid.


The 22nd obstetric week of pregnancy is accompanied by milky, clear or slightly yellowish secretions, their consistency should be moderate, and the smell is slightly sour. The appearance of white flakes, blood or impurities of pus is an alarming symptom, which may indicate an inflammatory process in the genitals.

Abundant spotting indicates the onset of preterm labor or placental abruption if this area is located in close proximity to the cervix. Bloody copious discharge often accompanies such pathology of pregnancy as.


Ultrasound is not usually performed at this time, but the doctor may order it as part of the second screening examination. He evaluates the size of the fetus at the 22nd obstetric week of pregnancy and other parameters that indicate the correct development of the baby or deviations, can reveal serious complications. The most common of these include heart disease and cerebral hydrocephalus.

During an ultrasound, a specialist evaluates not only the growth and development of the embryo, but also analyzes the volume of amniotic fluid, their transparency, the condition of the placenta and umbilical cord.

The other most frequent studies at this time are general analysis urine and complete blood count.

What happens to the fetus at 22 weeks of gestation?

At the twenty-second week, the growth of the fetus is only 19 cm, but the weight increases markedly and reaches 420 g. In size, the child looks like a medium-sized zucchini. By this time, he already takes his correct position - head down, but he can still actively move and roll over.

The brain continues to develop and improve as the child learns the world. The only method for him to study while in the womb is to touch the placenta, his own body and the umbilical cord. After the 22nd obstetric week of pregnancy, the child already has a fairly developed facial expression, as well as a sucking and swallowing reflex, so he tastes everything and often sucks his finger.

The liver begins to perform the most important function in the body - the processing of indirect bilirubin into direct. This process is the neutralization of the toxic breakdown product of hemoglobin by special enzymes. Their number during fetal development increases so that after birth the child's body can independently cope with this function.

If a child does not have time to form a sufficient amount of enzymes, after birth, his skin turns yellow. Usually this phenomenon is observed in premature babies. Therapy of this physiological condition is carried out with the help of ultraviolet lamps.

Development at 22 weeks gestation also includes hair growth on the baby's head, but since the melanin level is still at an extremely low level, their color is not pronounced. The skeleton continues its ossification, so the female body needs a lot of calcium. By week 22, the child has a fully formed spinal column, which includes the vertebrae and discs.


The main danger at this stage of pregnancy is secondary toxicosis. It occurs due to disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system and cardiovascular diseases. This condition is extremely dangerous, so its therapy is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

Other possible problems include:

  • uterine hypertonicity, which negatively affects the development of the child;
  • diabetes mellitus in pregnancy;
  • physiological anemia;
  • phlebeurysm.

In the presence of these pathological conditions, the gynecologist should especially carefully monitor the course of pregnancy.


The rapid increase in the abdomen can cause discomfort in the twenty-second week, which indicates skin tension. As a result of this process, red stripes form on the epidermis in the abdomen and thighs, which are called stretch marks or striae. They remain on the body for life, so in order to avoid them, you should regularly lubricate the skin with moisturizers.

To reduce pain in the back and lower back, expectant mothers should perform a set of exercises to strengthen their muscles. During this period, it is important to limit continuous sitting on a chair (maximum one hour), refuse to wear high-heeled shoes, and also do gymnastics regularly. Many women are recommended to wear a bandage during this period, which will ease the load on the back.

Intimacy at this time is not prohibited, but only in the absence of restrictions on the part of the gynecologist. The child is reliably protected by the fetal bladder and waters, so nothing can threaten him. On the contrary, physical intimacy has one important advantage - positive emotions from the mother are transmitted to the baby, the fetus will develop in love and harmony.

At this time, it is important to follow the principles of rational nutrition, avoid overeating and listen to what is happening in the stomach. In the diet throughout pregnancy, you need to include foods high in calcium, iron and protein - nuts, dried fruits, stewed vegetables, lean meat, cottage cheese. It is important to limit your carbohydrate intake.

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