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How to make a camping shower with your own hands

Sergey Olegovich, Chelyabinsk asks a question:

Good afternoon. Please tell me how to make a camp shower with your own hands. I recently bought a plot of land without buildings, now I am equipping it. A shower is necessary, because after work you need to wash normally. It is desirable that it can be easily assembled and taken away with me or hidden in a shed when I build it. Thanks in advance for your advice.

The expert answers:

Hello. Making a camping shower with your own hands is not difficult. There are several options for a portable design for washing. The simplest of them consists of a plastic canister with a cork, electrical tape, a piece of hose or corrugated pipe, and a coil of wire.

First you need to make a watering can. Cut off the bottom of the canister with a knife or scissors. A piece of hose must be attached to the neck of a plastic container and fixed using electrical tape. A wire hook is attached to the lower edge of the pipe so that it can be hooked onto the watering can support, otherwise all the water will immediately pour out. You can do without a hose, then during washing you need to unscrew the lid a little and the water will flow gradually.

We attach the resulting watering can to a tree, pole or other support. The same coil of wire, electrical tape, adhesive tape, etc. is suitable as a fastener. If not, then attach it to the fence post, if the height allows. If it is too low, then you will need to dig a support for the shower so that it is higher than you and other people who will wash.

Second option camp shower consists of a container for water (basin, bucket, barrel, tank), a hose with a watering can, which can be bought at any plumbing store, a foot pump, adhesive tape. We attach a shower head to a tree or a pole along with a water supply to the height you need. At the bottom we connect the hose to the pump. On the other side of it is another pipe, the other end of which is lowered into a container with water.

For the system to work, you need to press the pump with your feet, then the water will rise up and pour out of the watering can. It turns out both a shower and a simulator. Such camping designs for washing are sold in stores, but it is quite possible to assemble them yourself.

A curtain is not always used for a summer shower. If you need it, then it is easy to attach. Next to the main support for the shower head, place 4 wooden or steel pegs and stretch between them ordinary curtain for the bathroom or any other canvas. To keep it, sew fabric ties to it from the inside and tie the curtain to the pegs on them.

There is also a more extreme version of the camp shower. So you can wash not only in summer, but also in cold seasons, even at very low temperatures. For example, 15°C. It requires a plastic container with a cork, a steel vat, large stones, a tent sheet or plastic wrap. The canvas or film is stretched between several trees. For convenience, they can be attached to wooden pegs in advance, so as not to look for a suitable place, but to put the frame anywhere.

This device is for taking water procedures appeared in our country relatively recently and immediately attracted the attention of users.

What are the advantages of a trampling shower over conventional devices?

CharacteristicsShort description
The total weight of the shower-treadmill does not exceed 2-3 kg, the dimensions, depending on the model, are not more than 30 × 40 cm. Such linear indicators allow you to constantly carry the device with you and use it at the right time.
There is no need to build special rooms for a trampling shower. The watering can can be held in hands, hung on a tree, attached to a wall, etc. If necessary, the location of the shower can always be changed. If desired, the shower can be connected to a large barrel of water and used permanently.
The device can be used not only for taking water procedures, but also for watering beds, washing a car and other household needs.
The toptun shower does not have complex parts, which can significantly increase the service life. In addition, it does not require periodic maintenance and repairs. If there are risks of contamination, then an elementary strainer can be installed on the inlet pipe.
The pump pumps water without electricity, it can be installed in the country and connected to a large container of water - the time of taking a shower increases significantly. The stomp shower has proven itself at picnics by the pond, you can take it with you on hikes.

Before Considering Options self-manufacturing soul-stomper, you should find out the principle of operation of the device, such knowledge will help you choose the most successful option, taking into account the experience of plumbing work, financial capabilities and the desired technical characteristics.

Shower-toptun consists of the following elements.

Before you start making your own shower-treadmill, you need to find out the technical characteristics of the factory devices and what they depend on. This knowledge will make it possible to plan what indicators can be adjusted at the time of manufacture, how to do it, and what positive or negative consequences they will lead to.

Technical characteristics of the shower-treadmill

Maximum water suction depth

Depends on the elasticity of the case, the harder the material of the case, the greater the vacuum it can create during an increase in the internal volume. But it is impossible to significantly increase the depth of absorption. Why? The fact is that when you press the pump housing, you will have to overcome not only the pressure to supply water to a certain height, but also the resistance of the housing.

Consider the features of the pump. For example, a person weighs 70 kg. If the housing creates a negative pressure of adequate 15 kN for water suction, then to create water pressure it will be possible to apply a force of no more than 55 kN (70 kN - 15 kN). This means that the greater the suction depth, the lower the lift height with the same pressing force on the pump. For example, we took the weight of an adult.

And if a child will use the shower-treadmill? In connection with such an inverse relationship between suction and pressure parameters, the designers found an acceptable middle option. The factory device can raise water by no more than 50 cm, and the supply pressure depends on the applied efforts. Such parameters allow people with low weight to use the shower-treadmill, the washing process does not require much physical effort.

Maximum water supply height

The greater the compression force of the pump housing, the higher the water pressure is created. Indicators are limited only by the weight of a person. And of course, the physical strength of the body material.


Depends on two parameters: the internal volume of the pump and the frequency of pressure. The first parameter is set by the manufacturer, the average values ​​are selected. If the pump has a very large volume, then in order to press the camera, a person does not need to “stagnate” in place, but raise his legs high. This is inconvenient, the designers did not go this way to increase the productivity of the water supply.

The average parameters of the pump are selected in such a way that the volume of water squeezed out from one pump is continuous until the second pump is put into operation. But this does not mean that the frequency of pressure can be increased indefinitely. The fact is that the process of filling the pump takes time, it is possible to press on the pump housing only after its entire volume is filled with water. Dimensions also depend on performance.

Factory models are made of durable rubber, inlet and outlet valves are mounted on special rigid elements. It is almost impossible to find rubber suitable for physical characteristics in the store. In addition to strength, after all, it must be hermetically fixed on the sidewalls, the length and diameter must be coordinated, and stability and durability must be ensured. In connection with such problems, we offer other options for self-manufacturing a shower-treadmill.

With this knowledge, you can start making your own soul-treadmill. We will consider two options for devices, both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Pneumatic shower-toptun

According to the principle of operation, it bears little resemblance to the factory version, and in terms of comfort it is not only in no way inferior to it, but also surpasses it in many respects. The device we propose does not pump water, but air, although the principle of operation of the pumps is the same.

What are the main differences?

  1. If the usual shower-toptun takes water from the tank and delivers it to the watering can, then excess pressure is created in the sealed container with water using a foot pump, which pushes the water into the shower head.
  2. The pump does not pump water, but air.
  3. Water pressure can fluctuate widely.

Step by step manufacturing instructions

We only give circuit diagram production, everyone can make minor changes to it, taking into account the available materials. Water from the shower will flow under pressure, air will be pumped car pump or frog pumps for inflating rubber boats.

Step 1. Choose a suitable water container. It can be a twenty-liter plastic container for bottled water, a metal or plastic barrel, a milk can, a canister, etc.

Practical advice. If you are planning to make the shower mobile, then you do not need to look for a large capacity. Practice shows that twenty liters is enough to wash one person. In addition, you will not be able to pump hundreds of liters of water with your feet; this requires a lot of time and physical effort.

We recommend using plastic canisters for making showers. They have sealed lids, carrying handles and a volume of up to 50 liters. Another plus of this container is that the large wall thickness allows it to withstand significant pressures without any problems.

Step 2 Attach the inlet and outlet pipes to the cover. Air will be pumped through one pipe, the other serves to supply water to the shower head.

For example, consider installation of nozzles on the lid of a plastic canister or barrel. The diameter of the nozzles is within 10 mm, select specific values ​​taking into account the diameter of the pump hoses and the available parts.

Important. If you hold the lid with your hands, then be very careful. Remember that the drill can pull out the cover, be especially careful when drilling after a through hole has appeared on the reverse side. The side edges of the cutting tool grab the plastic and begin to rotate it with great effort. It is at this moment that the lid most often breaks and injures the master.

Step 3 Insert a pipe into the hole, both ends must have a metric thread. Put on rubber gaskets (it is possible on one side), install metal washers on top and tighten the connection with nuts.

Practical advice. We strongly do not recommend fixing the nozzles only with sealant or glue. During the use of the unit and pumping air, dynamic forces of alternating direction act on the nozzles. Over time, the adhesive or sealant will peel off, leading to a leak in the joint. If the air outlet is small, then the shower can still be used, only the pump will have to be pumped more often and faster. If the gaps are significant, then you will have to do repair work.

Step 4 Attach a long hose to one branch pipe, it will supply water to the watering can. To the second is fixed a short hose for air supply. To make it easier to put on a plastic hose, heat its end in boiling water and put it on plastic in this state. After cooling, reduce the diameter of the hose, the connection is quite reliable. Moreover, there will be no high pressure in the hose. If in doubt, additionally fix the end with a small clamp of a suitable diameter. To increase the tightness of the connection, several turns of electrical tape can be tightly wound on the nozzle.

Step 5 If necessary, attach special adapters to the nozzles to connect the pump hose and shower head. Connect them too after heating the end of the hose.

How to use such a shower?

Pour water into a container and place in the sun to heat. If there is no time, then you can immediately cold water dilute warm.

Important. Always leave about a third of the volume of the air container. Due to this, it will be possible to create a sufficient pressure margin for a complete outflow of water. Pump up air with a foot pump, there is no need to pump a lot of air. A pressure of one atmosphere raises water to a height of 10 meters. For your information, bicycle tires have a pressure of only 0.5 atm.

The pump does not need to be switched off, it has a built-in non-return valve to prevent pressure drop. Practice shows that a pressure of approximately one atmosphere can guarantee the outflow of 15 liters of water from a twenty-liter container when it is filled with water by two-thirds of the volume. You can take a shower right away or wait for a while until it warms up to a comfortable temperature.

What are the advantages of the proposed design? There are quite a few of them and all of them significantly increase the comfort of using a portable shower.

  1. There is no need to constantly stomp on the soul. For the elderly and sick people, this is a tiring task.
  2. Water turns on / off as needed. There is an opportunity to take a shower.
  3. Small children can use the unit. They either turn on the watering can themselves, or wash themselves with the help of their parents.

Such advantages make this shower design quite popular among numerous owners of summer cottages. The shower can be installed not only outside the city, but also taken with you on a picnic, fishing or on a land plot for agricultural work.

If you install a non-return valve on the inlet pipe, then such a device will be very useful during the processing of plants. chemicals pest and disease control. A check valve can be purchased at any hardware store. The presence of a check valve makes it possible, after pumping air, to disconnect the pump and carry the container in your hand. No need to take expensive models with the ability to automatically control pressure. An ordinary rubber valve in a normally open state is sufficient. In this position, the valve is held by a spring. When the air jet moves in the opposite direction, the air presses the rubber gasket against the socket and closes its outlet from the nozzle.

Video - Foot shower "Rain"

Video - Shower from a plastic bottle and a pump

Shower-stomper from two pumps "frogs"

You can try to make another version of the soul-treadmill. For these purposes, take the so-called "frogs" as pumps. These pumps are used to inflate rubber boats. There are two types of devices in the implementation.

  1. Rubber. The body is molded from hard rubber, which, when restored to its original shape after being pressed by the foot, pumps air through the inlet valve. When the body is pressed, the inlet valve closes, the outlet valve opens under pressure, pressure is supplied to the hose. The volume of the pump is approximately 1.5 liters.
  2. Plastic(type Bravo 7011). Consist of top and bottom plastic panels, which are interconnected by a particularly durable rubberized fabric. The working volume of such pumps can be three or more liters.

    The devices also have inlet and outlet valves, and the principle of air injection has been changed. Between two plastic plates a metal spring is installed, it is she who compresses / unclenches depending on the applied efforts, the upper plastic cover approaches the bottom or moves away from it. Due to such movements, the internal volume of the pumps changes.

    These pumps have the ability to increase the rate of water intake. To do this, you must first remove the rubberized casing, it is fixed to the upper and lower parts with ordinary clamps. Please note that some clamps may be disposable. During tightening, their hooks are deformed; when re-compressed, they either slip or wedge. Before disassembling such pumps, just in case, buy new clamps. After removing the housing, access to the internal spring opens. It must be removed and replaced with a stiffer one, just be sure to install a stainless steel alloy spring. We warn that it is necessary to observe the golden mean. A very stiff spring will significantly speed up the suction of water by the pump, but at the same time the force required to compress the device will increase markedly.

Two such pumps are connected into a single structure using a tee and plastic tubes. You need to connect two inputs and two outputs. The inlet hose is lowered into a container with water, the outlet is connected to the shower head.

The design is ready for use, but it has significant drawbacks.

  1. Pumps cannot lift water from a great distance. This will slow down the process of water supply, it is very inconvenient to wash under a weak stream. It is advisable to raise water containers, the height difference is recommended to be at least a meter. In this position, water will enter the pump housing much faster. It is often technologically impossible to increase the inlet of pumps, in this way it will not be possible to speed up the water supply.
  2. To mount two pumps, you need to use a special rigid stand, and it cannot be wooden. And when attaching pumps to other materials, significant difficulties arise. It will take a lot of time and effort to solve problems, factory pumps do not have technological holes designed to fix them in a fixed position. We will have to come up with special elements, do it in such a way that the functionality of the devices is not disturbed. At the same time, the pumps must sit firmly in their places and not move during water supply.
  3. It takes a lot of time and tangible material resources to make. In terms of cost, a ready-made shower-toptun is quite competitive with a self-made one, and in terms of comfort it is much superior to it. Is it worth wasting time, money and effort to end up with a device with worse technical specifications and increased cost in comparison with ready-made factory counterparts?
  4. ABOUT a common drawback of all types of shower-treadmills is that it must be installed on hard surfaces. This can be a specially made wooden stand, paving slabs, etc. Otherwise, in a few minutes there will be dirt under your feet, and the grassy lawn will turn into a swamp.

We considered two options for the independent manufacture of portable shower units, but there is also a third, in our opinion, the most successful one. According to the reviews of many owners of an industrial-made shower-treadmill, they use such devices no more than two or three times. And then they remember the old, simple, cheap and universal way. They buy an ordinary ladle and water themselves with water from a bucket.

Video - Shower toptun

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Camping toilet and shower: urban comfort in the field

Greetings, comrades. Camping, as you know, is useful - 2-3 hours in the fresh air will not hurt anyone. But longer events, such as a multi-day hike, will require participants to provide effective method maintaining personal hygiene. Indeed, even in the forest it is not always possible to find a secluded place for these purposes, not to mention a tourist camp in the open.

And today we will look at what a camping version of the toilet can be, and get acquainted with its multifunctional portable counterparts in the form of a tent, which can be both a room for natural needs and a shower.

Personal hygiene

Of course, you can object that 1-2 days can be dispensed with without a shower in camping trip, but experienced tourists will object to you and argue their arguments:

  1. On a hike, you can get dirty much faster than at home;
  2. Dirty skin will not allow your body to fully recover overnight;
  3. Lunch shower invigorates, which is important during long transitions;
  4. In extreme heat, you just need to cool off.

The situation is the same with the toilet:

  1. It is not safe to go far from the camp for natural needs every time, especially at night;
  2. It is unhygienic to adapt bushes right at the place of lodging for the night;
  3. In open areas, the problem of arranging a secluded place only intensifies.

Captain Evidence informs: in the treasury of arguments about the need to take a camping bathroom, you can add protection from adverse weather conditions. Agree, it is unlikely that anyone will like the rain dripping down the collar and the soggy ground under their feet.

Constructive tandem

In the apartment, as you know, the shower and toilet are separated. On a hike, where every kilogram of weight matters, the most preferred would be a joint design - a camping shower-toilet.

What it is?

  • Waterproof tent with dimensions 100x100x250 cm;
  • Container for water made of rubberized fabric with shower head and hose;
  • Toilet paper holders (inside) and coat hooks (outside).

With a shower, everything is more or less clear: they hung a bag-tank filled with water, went inside and you can wash. And the toilet?

Most of the time, the tent is used precisely as a toilet - a latrine is equipped inside it.

What it will be - you decide. It could be:

  1. Peat dry closet;
  2. Folding toilet seat;
  3. Tourist cardboard toilet box.


Experienced tourists can tell you many ways to arrange a latrine while parking. Instead of a portable toilet, you can dig a hole and set up a tent on top. For such cases, there are folding toilet seats, but their design provides for securing bags, which is much simpler and more convenient than arranging a pit.

Captain Evidence informs: if you do not want to combine a shower with a toilet, then you can arrange a tandem, for example, set up 2 tents together. They should not be separated from each other - water for washing hands after visiting the toilet can be taken from the shower.

How to choose

It is clear that it is best to buy camping equipment in specialized stores. But before you go shopping, you should determine the acceptable parameters for yourself:

  1. If you are going to travel by car, then you have practically no weight restrictions. If the trunk allows, and you like comfort, feel free to take a full dry closet and a tent. If there is not enough space in the car, choose folding options;

A tent is necessary not only to create privacy, but also to protect from rain, wind and the scorching sun. You can’t refuse it, if only because it weighs 1.5 kg and is installed in a couple of minutes.

  1. For traveling on motorcycles or bicycles, only folding options are suitable. Why? Lack of a spacious trunk;
  2. For hiking, you need models with a minimum weight and dimensions.

Let's take a closer look at which toilet models can be purchased for travel.

For autotourists

For autotourists in shops selling tourist equipment, the following models of camping toilets and shower devices are offered.

As I said, on long trips, it is most important to have a full-fledged toilet available. First of all, these are:

  1. dry closets;
  2. Toilet-bucket;
  3. Folding seats with waste container.

I won’t talk about dry closets in detail - such information is in other articles on our website. I will focus on highly specialized models designed exclusively for travel.

My verdict: the best simple model, the idea for which is borrowed from the classic chamber pot. It is enough to remove the lid with your own hands, fix the waste bag and you can use it.

My verdict: to combine a latrine with a stool, in my opinion, is debatable. If we consider the model solely as a toilet, then overall it’s not bad. Of the pluses, I note the possibility of using ordinary plastic bags.

As for the soul, everything is simple here:

  1. The tent should have a hole for the hose to enter and an eyelet for attaching a shower head;
  2. Choose the color of the water bag in black - in it the water heats up faster;
  3. For a company of 3-4 people, 40 liter bags are preferred.

The instructions for the tent-toilet contain information about the maximum possible load. If the weight of a rubberized water bag exceeds the allowable value, set up a tent near a tree from which you can hang it.

For motorcycle and cyclists

My verdict: it is clear that you have to pay for compactness, but, in my opinion, the price is too high.

My verdict: the model is interesting due to its compact size and the presence of a lid. Its appearance is more classic, maintenance is the simplest.

Another interesting model for transportation is a suitcase toilet from an American manufacturer. When assembled, it does not look much like a bathroom.

My verdict: original solution. The cost is justified by the versatility.

For hiking

Tourists who go hiking “on their own two feet” prefer secluded places for relaxation, climbing into the very wilderness. Accordingly, tents of "hidden" colors are chosen.

Regardless of the model of a folding toilet you choose, you need to deal with odor issues on a hike. Having a bathroom at a great distance from the camp is not an option, so it is more logical to use special kits for the disposal of human waste.

What is included in such a kit?

  1. Double bag for disposal made of durable material:
    • The outer bag is used to transport waste;
    • The inner contains a filler - a disposal agent that absorbs odors;
  1. Toilet paper set - 4 meters;
  2. Hand sanitizer in a plastic bag.

Captain Evidence informs: the cost of such a solution is 1400 rubles per pack of 12 bags. As for me, for such a complete set - quite reasonable money.

For construction lovers

A couple of tips on how even in field conditions you can bring yourself closer to civilization:

  1. Take a strong and opaque polyethylene film on a hike;
  2. Make a rectangular one from branches and cover it with a film;
  3. Hang it from a tree for wind resistance;
  4. Secure the lower part with stakes;
  5. Install a folding toilet inside or hang a rubber bag with a watering can and use it.

If you are a resident countryside or an avid summer resident, then sooner or later you will have the idea to mechanize your work. Today, the market can offer a lot of ready-made solutions for a wide range of jobs. Their only drawback is their high cost.

The most popular agricultural unit is a walk-behind tractor as an assistant in any work from plowing to harvesting. It can be petrol, diesel or electric. Next, we will talk about how to make a walk-behind tractor with your own hands with minimum investment funds.

1 Why design a walk-behind tractor with your own hands?

Almost zero cost is the main advantage over purchased equipment. All the right materials can be found in your barn or bought from neighbors for a penny. It is assembled from a chainsaw, a scooter, a moped, from a Ural motorcycle.

To create such a device, use any gasoline, diesel or electric. Such a do-it-yourself unit will not yield to factory models in quality and reliability.

1.1 What will be required in the work on the walk-behind tractor?

To work quickly and efficiently, you need to have the necessary tools:

  • grinder and circles for metal;
  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • cap keys;
  • pliers.

2 What can be upgraded for a walk-behind tractor?

To make a walk-behind tractor at home, you do not need any special investments. Everything you need is easy to find. Consider several options for creating a unit at home.

2.1 Motoblock from ZAZ

Before starting work, it is necessary to develop all the drawings for assembly based on the gearbox from ZAZ. Your assistant will be made on the basis of a single-axle chassis, and is a small-sized tractor.

Homemade motoblocks from the ZAZ checkpoint are an excellent option for how to provide yourself with equipment for agricultural work cheaply, quickly and reliably. This unit will be able to:

  • cultivate;
  • yell;
  • dig;
  • to mill;
  • carry cargo up to 800 kg.

During the construction process, the creator may encounter many nuances, therefore, before starting the assembly, it is necessary to study in detail the structural features of the unit.

Homemade products for a walk-behind tractor are important additions. With their help, your tool from ZAZ will become a more functional household helper.

For the construction you will need:

  • checkpoint ZAZ;
  • final drives;
  • wheels;
  • front suspension;
  • steering rack.

2.2 Assembling a walk-behind tractor from a scooter or moped

2.3 Homemade walk-behind tractor from a Chinese moped (video)

2.4 Motoblock from a chainsaw

A homemade walk-behind tractor from a chainsaw is a popular phenomenon in household plots. Basically, the simplicity of such a product captivates anyone who is familiar with drawing. The drawing is necessary to maintain the highest accuracy during installation.

If you have an unnecessary saw on your farm, you can easily convert it to a motor cultivator with your own hands. Most often, such a unit is made from a Ural chainsaw, due to the low cost and high power of the starting equipment. Such a unit will combine important qualities:

  • high power and performance;
  • ease;
  • very compact unit.

For construction, you will need a standard set of tools. Motoblocks and motor cultivators from chainsaws (Ural, etc.) are the most profitable in economic terms.

The process itself usually begins with the creation of a frame. Such a frame is made in the form of a cube with corners of 3.2 × 3.2 cm. The engine is mounted on the cross members of the frame. Under it, you need to carefully install the fuel tank. It is advisable to use brackets for this. Bearings are welded onto the supports.
The center of gravity is located above the wheel support. If you weld pipes to such a device, you will get manual control. Any ignition lock for starting the engine is suitable, for example, from a Zhiguli or a Cossack.

The main advantages of a walk-behind tractor from a chainsaw with your own hands:

  • undemanding to lubricants;
  • not picky about fuel;
  • works autonomously;
  • compact, used for work in hard-to-reach places.

Above are listed good options assembling a walk-behind tractor from improvised materials. It is also possible to make a walk-behind tractor from a motorcycle with your own hands, but this requires additional skills and equipment in the form of lathes and milling machines. However, we note that homemade walk-behind tractor from a motorcycle has great power and is able to work with any attachments.
