IN country houses and apartments, you can install inexpensive intercoms that will provide control of entrances to the entrance or premises. These systems differ from industrial systems in their simpler design and functionality within the declared cost. Due to the availability of home video surveillance and access control, it becomes necessary to decide how to connect the intercom handset in compliance with technical subtleties and security measures.

Design features of the equipment

To get the most out of the system, you need to understand the basic specifications understand the structure and operation of such equipment.

To do this, first of all, it should be understood that such devices provide the transmission of audio and video signals, guarantee blocking of entrance locks. The most famous devices are Vizit, Falcon Eye, Commax.

In an apartment building, the installation of such equipment is carried out centrally with the involvement of companies that know how to connect an intercom in an apartment and provide such services for a fee. These same specialists are engaged in the maintenance of systems.

But if you plan to save money and do without contacting installers, then you need to get an idea about the set of intercom equipment, including the purpose and functionality of the following elements:

  • a speech tube, which is installed indoors and allows you to answer the visitor's request (connected to the locking system);
  • personal call panel for reading the code, entering numbers, displaying video information and transmitting sound;
  • a locking device with an electromagnetic mechanism or older versions with a valve and an electric drive;
  • a switch in the form of a module for transmitting signals in accordance with the dialed apartment number;
  • power supply, buttons and switching parts.

Those who want to understand how to connect an intercom on their own should know that such a system powered by 12 or 24 V. In this case, you can choose options with the transmission of only audio or also video.

Installing an intercom of the selected type

For country houses and high-rise buildings, manufacturers offer intercoms of digital and coordinate-matrix type. Each of these options is approximately similar in terms of installation principle, but differs structurally and functionally.

In digital systems, the signal is transmitted through two-wire lines and controllers, which determine how to connect the intercom handset in the apartment. Separate interfaces for apartments are created using jumpers through signal transmission to the tube microcircuits.

Coordinate matrix devices are structurally simpler, which increases the fault tolerance and reliability of the entire system. In such equipment, the signal is transmitted from the coordinator to the handset in the apartment through the switch using wiring (one / ten) and the DAT1 signal. The initial information is processed by the modulator, and then a connection (LIN) is created with the selected apartment, and the corresponding signal is sent through the electromagnetic relay.

When installing digital and coordinate matrix systems, it is required compliance with security measures, which are the same in both cases:

  1. Before you connect the intercom yourself in an apartment building, you should de-energize all the wiring with which you plan to work.
  2. It is recommended to install only licensed products from trusted manufacturers that provide Maintenance and warranty repair of their products.
  3. All components and electrical components must be installed in closed rooms or special containers with minimal humidity.

At the preparation stage and before connecting the intercom, choose the wiring that is suitable for the characteristics with length up to 25 - 50 m or more and core thickness up to 1.5 mm.

It is necessary to install digital and coordinate matrix intercoms with a connection to the mains, equipped with circuit breakers (16 A) or fuses (10 A), as well as a residual current device (30 mA). The transformers are connected to the intercom and to the network, and the handset is connected through the power cable to a regular outlet. For safe operation, you will need concealed electrical wiring, therefore, before connecting the intercom handset on your own, according to a pre-designed scheme, you need to fix the corrugated pipes.

Mounting the outer panel and tube

Intercom connection includes the installation of an outdoor panel, which must be located at a height of at least 1600 mm from the base. On the doors or the wall, linings are fixed for fixing the main components or strobes are made for built-in modules.

Then install and fix the equipment itself, connect the wiring. Connecting the intercom in the apartment is as follows:

  • Make strobes for corrugated pipes.
  • Fix the wiring and seal the strobes.
  • Install the tube fasteners and connect it to the power supply.

The indoor installation height is at least one and a half meters from the floor. Transformer is better placed in a hard-to-reach and protected from moisture place and connect with a fuse.

The scheme of installation of video equipment is similar to the installation of conventional equipment. Some features relate only to the installation of a video camera, which should not be aimed at. Sun rays or bright light.

It will take and vibration protection, actions of vandals or mechanical damage from any other external influences. Before you connect the intercom in the apartment, you need to take care that the video camera is not affected and high temperatures(above +40 ºC).

It is quite possible to independently mount an intercom system if you have at least basic skills and abilities to work with electrical wiring and such equipment. Do not interfere preliminary consultations of experienced specialists and work under the constant supervision of a master who deals with such work professionally.

The presence of an intercom has long been an indispensable condition for ensuring the comfort of a modern apartment. The main purpose of these devices is to enable homeowners to receive calls from visitors and open doors remotely. Intercoms have proven to be much more convenient than outdated combination locks. Let's find out how to connect the handset of the apartment intercom on your own.

Types of modern intercoms

For reliable identification of visitors, an audio or video intercom is used. The latter is more often installed in private cottages and was created for additional visual control of the space in front of the front door. As for urban apartments in high-rise buildings, they often install an audio option, the design of which includes the following elements:

  • A handset that is equipped with buttons for accepting a call and opening an input electromagnetic or electromechanical lock. The device is installed by a company providing intercom installation and maintenance services. If such devices were not installed when equipping the entrance in some apartments, there is a possibility of their self-assembly. You can also use the services of a specialist service company.
  • Call panel equipped with a dial pad with numbers, which allows the visitor to signal the intercom handset by pressing the required code, usually the apartment number. In addition, there is a reader on the panel, with which you can use a special key to open an electromagnetic lock blocking the entrance doors.
  • Locking device with power supply. The most common type of lock today is electromagnetic. Until recently, electromechanical latches equipped with sliding mechanisms were found everywhere. Such devices are often present in the entrances of apartment buildings even now. To operate the remote-controlled unit, you must use a constant voltage of 12 or 24 V.
  • Switch. This device is designed to transmit a signal from the call panel to the subscriber handset of a particular apartment.

Depending on the type of signal processing, digital and analog intercoms are distinguished.

Important! Receiving devices are used for digital and analog models various types. Before purchasing such a device, you should definitely find out what type is installed in the entrance.

Digital intercom

To connect devices of this type, only a cable with two cores is used, through which an encoded signal is transmitted. The handset installed in the apartment, the number of which was dialed on the call panel, responds to the signal. To set the correspondence between the dialed code and the handset, special jumpers are used - jumpers - which bridge the necessary contacts in the response device.

To correctly program the handset, the jumpers are placed between the numbered terminals so that the sum of the digits is equal to the apartment number.

The advantages of such intercoms include ease of installation and connection of new subscribers.

The main disadvantage of such equipment is the influence of each tube on the operation of the entire system. When replacing a device, which is carried out due to its breakdown, as well as when connecting new subscribers, it is extremely importance It has correct installation jumpers.

Attention! In the event of a digital tube connection error or a short circuit in the lead wires, the system may malfunction.

Currently, to partially eliminate this drawback, floor controllers are used, which allow localizing a malfunction within one level.

Another disadvantage of digital intercoms is their relative high cost, which does not allow these devices to be widely used.

Analog installations use a coordinate matrix connection and work on the principle of a telephone exchange. An additional element of such a system is a switch, which processes and analyzes the signal, as well as redirects it to a specific subscriber.

Two buses are used to connect the intercom handset to the switch. Contacts of the first of them (D0–D9) correspond to tens, and the second (E0–E9) to units. Thus, in order to connect an intercom to an apartment, the number of which, for example, is 74, you need:

  • connect the conductor from the positive terminal of the subscriber tube to the contact corresponding to the number 7 on the tens bus;
  • the conductor adjacent to the negative terminal - to the contact corresponding to the number 4 on the unit bus.

In the considered connection option, a device designed to serve up to 100 subscribers was used. There are models that can work with a large number of numbers, but their principle of operation is no different from that discussed above.

Connection order

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. At the first stage of work, the location of the intercom handset is selected, then it is fixed on the wall using quick installation.
  2. Next, the installation location of the switch is determined (for analog intercoms). On each floor, they are installed in a junction box for low-current circuits. All of them are connected in parallel, which greatly simplifies the installation process. In the general case, only one switch per entrance is enough, however, when using such a scheme, it is necessary to stretch wires from the apartments of the upper floors to the installation site of the device.
  3. After removing the protective cover of the switch, the terminals corresponding to tens and ones are determined, then the connection is made, so that the sum of the numbers of these contacts shows the serial number of the apartment.
  4. Wires are connected to the tube. It is extremely important to respect the polarity. The positive terminal is connected to the contact of the switch corresponding to tens, the negative terminal - to units.

Important! If the polarity is not observed during the connection of the device of the coordinate matrix system, the operation of the devices of the entire entrance may be disrupted.

Thus, the installation of an intercom handset is not particularly difficult. However, before you start doing such work with your own hands, it is important to determine the type and brand of the device used, as well as the location of the switch and the connection diagram of subscribers.

Surely, this question was asked by almost everyone who dealt with the installation of an intercom system in their entrance. Maybe someone even went through this process completely - with a successful result, or a complete failure.

Even a functioning system cannot become a 100% guarantee that you will not again encounter a solution to the problem of how to connect the intercom handset. If your intercom system needs to replace the intercom handset, you need to purchase a new one. working equipment. At the same time, it is important to remember one point: the subscriber handset must correspond to the type of addressing of the call signal of the access intercom. This circumstance will also affect how the intercom handset will be connected and installed in the apartment.

Digital intercom systems

Widely used in apartment buildings, therefore, we will consider the specifics of the process of introducing a new element - the intercom handset. With this addressing scheme, a two-core cable is used, to which subscriber tubes are connected in parallel. Polarity is the most important requirement.

When connecting the intercom handset in the apartment, it is worth remembering that each subscriber device is equipped with a microcircuit. It is programmed by jumpers, or jumpers, to a specific apartment number. Therefore, in order to find out the apartment code, you will have to disassemble the handset and carefully examine the microcircuit. Opposite each jumper, you can see a special panel with numbers arranged in ascending order: each of them represents a positive power of the number "2". The apartment code will consist of numbers corresponding to closed jumpers. Having the old handset disassembled in front of you, you can use it as a template for transferring data to a new device. Following these recommendations, you will immediately understand how to change the intercom handset.

But how to connect intercom handset if it is a coordinate matrix?

Let's consider this case in detail. The operation of such a system is carried out by transmitting a signal to the switch, which, having processed the incoming call, connects the desired subscriber device with the help of keys. Installation often requires the owner not only quite a lot of time, but also ingenuity. After all, a multi-core cable goes from the switch to the tubes in the apartments, which is divided into wires of tens and units. The tens keys of a standard device do not exceed seven, including 0. Thus, the number of connected subscribers cannot exceed 80. In order to install an intercom handset, it is necessary to find the tens and ones buses. The first one is found quite easily - in the shield on your floor you find a wire to which as many cables are connected as there are apartments with the same first or first digits in the number located on the landing. To find the unit bus, go up to the floor where there is an apartment with a number that matches your last digit, and again examine the cables in the shield. We connect a plus to the tens bus, and a minus to the units bus. Now you can check your device. If you follow these rules, installing an intercom handset in an apartment will be very simple.

After reviewing this article, you learned not only how to replace the intercom handset. Now, if necessary, you can quickly, without material loss, bring the device into working condition, because you know all the secrets.

Today, it is important to ensure the safety of your home. The old, hard-to-open locks have been replaced by a new one. modern device- intercom, which not only ensures the security of your home, but also allows you to remotely control the lock on the door or gate. Such a device is widely used in apartment buildings, private homes, cottages, large offices and warehouses. In most cases, intercoms are installed by special companies involved in their implementation. But since this equipment is simple in structure, it can be easily installed by yourself. In this case, the problem arises in the decision - how to connect the intercom handset. As practice shows, everything is very simple.

What is an intercom handset?

The handset for the intercom is one of the components of the intercom of the security system, which provides communication between the owner and those who want to get into the room. If the external communication element is a calling panel located outside, then the handset is a home appliance that is installed inside the protected premises. Such a tube can be mounted either independently or by calling a special team.

In most cases, the handset provides communication immediately after picking it up, without the need to press any combinations. Tube installation usually falls on the shoulders of professionals.

In the photo you see an image of an audio intercom tube

Each type of protective agent requires a specific tube, since for different devices you need to lay a certain number of wires.

If a digital intercom is used, then in this case you will need one cable, which is laid from the digital panel. With the help of its individual branches, it is connected to each individual apartment. If a coordinate-matrix type intercom is installed in the house, then the installation involves laying wires equal to the number of apartments in the entrance.

How to connect all the components of the device?

Sooner or later, each of us will face the problem of connecting the handset. There may be a number of reasons for this:

  • Installation of equipment independently in connection with the installation of a protection system;
  • Connecting the tube due to a breakdown of the previously installed.

If you still have to do this work yourself, then first of all you should purchase completely new equipment. In this case, you should take into account the fact that the handset must fully comply with the installed intercom system.

You can learn more about installing an intercom after watching this video:

To date, buying a handset for an intercom is not difficult, and you can safely buy it yourself. Thanks to the many modern companies involved in this production, there is a wide range of products that are publicly available and suitable for any type of intercom. It is strongly recommended to purchase goods only from authorized dealers, who guarantee the quality of the goods and provide a guarantee for a long service life.

The device must meet all the quality conditions set, since only high-quality intercom handsets can ensure uninterrupted and reliable operation of the protection system. Otherwise, re-installation will not keep you waiting.

Installation of tubes for digital intercoms

Digital intercom systems are mainly used in apartment buildings. Installing a handset of this type has its own specifics, namely: such an addressing scheme requires a two-core cable to which a subscriber handset is attached. Here you should pay attention to the polarity.

Tubing plan

The installation of the intercom handset in this case has its own microcircuit, which is programmed with jumpers or jumpers for each apartment number. In this regard, in order to find out the number of your apartment, you will have to carefully disassemble the handset and carefully examine the existing microcircuit. Near each jumper there is a special digital panel, on which the numbers are in ascending order. Here the apartment code is made up of numbers related to closed jumpers.

A disassembled old pipe can serve as an example from which you can transfer the code to a new device. Thus, the installation of a new tube will not be difficult.

Mounting the device on a coordinate matrix type intercom

Connecting the intercom handset yourself to this type is not difficult. Here, all the work consists in transmitting a signal to a special switch, which, upon receiving a call, processes it, and, due to the presence of special keys, sends a call signal to the required subscriber device.

Installing a handset for such an intercom will make the owner not only work hard, but also develop a quick wit. During installation, the whole problem lies in the cable, which is divided into many wires related to each individual apartment in the entrance. It should also be taken into account here that the tens keys generally do not exceed seven, including zero. Thus, the total number of users can be more than eighty.

Intercom installation diagram

Do-it-yourself installation of an intercom handset consists in finding the right tire for dozens, as well as units. It is very easy to deal with dozens - they are located on the shield of the required floor. All that is required is to find the wire to which the wires related to each apartment in the entrance are connected. This way you will select the cable you need.

In order to choose the right unit bus, you need to go up to the floor with the apartment number that matches the last digit of your apartment, and again find the cable on the shield. A plus is connected to the tens bus, and a minus is connected to the ones bus. This is where all the difficulties end. Installation of the device is not difficult.

You can learn interesting information about intercoms by watching this video:

When connecting an intercom, people often ask themselves the question: what to do if you connected the device yourself, but it does not work? The answer is simple: you should reconsider the assembly scheme of the device, and also pay attention to the polarity, since it is with the polarity that the most problems arise.

If you doubt the correctness of the work done, call a special master at home. Such masters usually provide their services in all companies involved in the implementation and installation of intercoms.

Connecting the intercom handset yourself, if necessary, is not at all difficult. You just need to know a few simple rules.

handset design

The subscriber apartment device consists of two parts. This is a handset and a panel that is usually mounted on the wall next to the front door. The tube can be installed anywhere, only you need to lay a wire around the apartment. Inside the handset are a microphone, a speaker and a small board with discrete elements. There is a handset removal lever on the panel, and on the handset itself there is a door opening button.

Button electronic lock can also be placed on the wall panel. In modern models, the lever is replaced by a reed switch, and there is a small magnet on the tube itself. On some models, a handset switch may be installed. On the back of the panel are two screws marked "+" and "-". A two-wire line is connected to them.

Connect the wires to the intercom handset in accordance with the polarity, otherwise the system will not work.

All access intercoms installed in the entrances of apartment buildings are divided into two groups:

Based on the types of intercoms, apartment tubes also have slight differences. In coordinate intercoms, the switch installed in the entrance is responsible for the apartment number, and in digital devices, a special microcircuit, which is located on the board inside the handset.

Possible malfunctions of apartment tubes

An apartment intercom device (UKP) is a completely reliable device that can last for many years, but some defects may occur during operation.

The most common defects include the following:

  • Mechanical damage to the tube
  • When you pick up the handset, the call does not turn off the ringtone
  • Lock button not working
  • When the lock button is pressed, the call is dropped
  • Poor hearing

The cost of a tube for an intercom starts with bran, therefore, with severe mechanical damage, it is easier to purchase a new device than to repair a broken or cracked case. When the call signal continues to sound when the handset is off-hook, there is no voice communication with the visitor and the electronic lock button does not work, this means that the off-hook switch is not working.

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Many craftsmen repair it on their own, but if there is no appropriate tool and work experience, then it is better to invite a master.

If the electronic lock only works after a few clicks, then the microswitch is faulty. The door opening button can be located directly on the handset. In this case, the microswitch is soldered on the printed circuit board. You can replace it yourself. It is necessary to alternately warm up the four contacts with a soldering iron while wringing out the case with a flat screwdriver. It is enough just to change the button located on the main panel.

The reason for the call being dropped when the electronic lock button is pressed may be a broken wire coming from the speaker. If any malfunctions occur, you should first check the reliability of all solders in the tube, and the connection of the line to the lamella on the back of the wall unit. Poor hearing may be due to a defective microphone or speaker, as well as contamination of the "Balance" trimmer on the handset board. This potentiometer is not available in all models, but if it is installed, you can, remembering the position of the engine, rotate it left and right. In many cases, normal hearing is restored.

Intercom handset replacement

When installing an intercom on the entrance door of the entrance apartment building, all work is carried out by the masters of the respective organization. They also install residential intercoms.

Therefore, self-replacing the intercom handset comes down to a few simple steps:

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  • Purchasing a new handset
  • Installing it to replace the old one
  • Connecting two wires

Before buying a new handset, you should find out the type of intercom. Models designed for coordinate and digital intercoms have a design difference. The sales assistant will always tell you which subscriber handset is suitable for a particular intercom model.

If you plan to transfer the tube to another place, then the main thing is to observe the polarity when connecting. Only two wires are suitable for any subscriber device model, which are fixed with screws on the back side of the main panel.

If replacing the handset for a coordinate intercom requires only connecting wires, then installing a handset for a digital intercom includes dialing the apartment number. The body of the tube should be carefully opened. On the board, pins are numbered in a row, and so on. With the help of jumpers (jumpers), it is necessary to close the pairs of pins in such a way that the sum of the dialed digits is equal to the apartment number. So for apartment number 7, the first three pairs of pins should be closed.


Self-replacement of the intercom handset is quite possible even for a non-specialist. The main thing is to choose the right model for replacement and not to confuse the polarity of the connection.

The subscriber handset or apartment intercom device (UKP) is designed for two-way communication between the owners of the apartment and visitors and allows.

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In restricted access systems, doors equipped with a video intercom can be opened in several ways: From inside, by pressing a button.

Intercoms that can record video information are considered the most convenient and promising models. Almost all color video intercoms.

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We offer our readers a wide range of information materials on the topic of security organization, as well as video surveillance systems. Before dealing with such issues on your own, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the relevant materials on our website.

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How can I replace the intercom handset myself?

Increasingly, there is such a device as an intercom. They are installed in a private house or at the entrance to several apartments. The device becomes easy to use. But after long-term operation, like any other mechanism, it is possible that it will fail in operation. There are many reasons for this, and often, if a breakdown occurs, the device no longer opens the door of the apartments. If we consider equipment that is installed to work in several apartments, then their principle of operation is the same. There is an option that the owner of the premises opens the door after he sees his guest through the built-in video surveillance. But this option is popular not for apartments, but rather for private houses.

But whatever the device, it has a certain configuration:

  1. Device for making a call;
  2. Handset for negotiations;
  3. CCTV;
  4. Screen for displaying the image.

Apartment intercom Device with video surveillance

What device has a handset for negotiations?

The tube itself becomes the main element for the full operation of the intercom. It is installed exclusively inside the premises of apartments or houses. With the help of it, a person decides to open the premises to the one who calls or not. If we consider the basic configuration, then it is the same in any version. There are differences and they depend directly on the manufacturer of the system. Consider what is in the tube:

  • Speaker for talking;
  • Microphone for negotiations with the subscriber;
  • Wires that perform a connecting role;
  • Electrical board.

The main malfunctions that may occur with the speech tube

Attention! The handset in the system is the main working system on which the operation of the intercom depends.

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If you use the device for a long time, then sooner or later the tube will break. The best option- Replace broken tools. But often such a replacement is a costly affair. Therefore, you should first try to fix the problem. At the moment when the intercom stops working fully, the owner of the premises has a lot of inconvenience. Since at this moment he no longer has the opportunity to fully monitor the building and the door in this case opens without difficulty. When the device is installed on the entrance, and use is difficult in one apartment, then most likely the problem is in the installed tube. To deal with the trouble, consider the types of breakdowns:

  • The intercom does not work due to the fact that the door open button does not work;
  • Poor hearing of one of the parties;
  • Cable break;
  • Retraction of the tongue.

You can determine the cause of the trouble yourself. To do this, you need to have minimal technical knowledge. If there is no such knowledge, then a specialist is attracted to work.

Breakdowns that can be fixed

Can a push button switch be fixed?

The most common of all problems is the failure of the button. This seemingly insignificant detail significantly affects the entire repair of the intercom handset, as it has a direct connection with the switch located inside the device. If a problem occurs on initial stage crackling is heard, and then many notice that the intercom is phoning, and significantly.

When the caller presses the button, the crackle is heard distinctly. At the beginning of the problem, the door will open normally. But if you wait a little time and do not make an effort to repair it, then it will stop opening.

The switch itself cannot be repaired. Just buy a replacement part. Its cost is not high. If a professional is engaged in the matter, then everything will be done not only quickly, but also with high quality.

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Open button stopped working

When guests come to a person and they call the intercom, a specific sound appears in the room, after which the owner of the room picks up the phone to clarify who came. But at the moment of pressing the button refuses to function. More often the switch, which is located under the button, becomes the fault. To understand the causes and repair in more detail, we remove the cover of the device and carefully study its “insides”.

To understand that in the place where the owner assumes, to problem area for some time, a new part is connected through the four-wire version of the system. Thus, through these 4 cables, they deal with the problem that has appeared.

Hard to hear during a call

Attention! When such a problem occurs, from the beginning they pay attention to the correct volume setting, since someone could mistakenly reduce the volume of the speaker and create a problem without knowing it.

Pay attention to the speaker that the handset is equipped with. It is more often and becomes the reason that the subscriber is hard to hear. Inside the device has a special resistor that regulates the microphone and speaker. But you do not need to immediately turn down or turn up the volume level. From the beginning, remember the position in which the resistor was located and only then begin to twist it.

Aspects to consider when choosing replacement parts

It becomes important in the repair process right choice replacement parts. Make purchases in special stores. In addition, pay attention to the intercom model for which parts are purchased.

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Internal components of the device

Attention! After the repair, check the operation of the entire apparatus and look at how the door opens.

If we consider modern models that appear in the assortment, intercoms that do not have stands stand out. When choosing, consider the type. The differences between the proposed options may be as follows:

  • Call addressing type;
  • Mode of application;
  • Features of functional work.

Problems in the acquisition and selection should not arise. Moreover, the range is full of various models. But still, it is better not to install the equipment yourself, but to turn to specialists for help. Of course, they will ask for a fee for their services, but you can be sure that everything will be done with high quality and with a long-term guarantee in service.

Watch our informative video to see how the repair specialists make it.

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Intercom is not only a luxury, but also a system that provides.

Acquisition and installation of an intercom by specialists with laying.

When choosing an intercom for an apartment, pay attention to a few.

The intercom, like other devices, has various kinds.

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How to connect the intercom handset in your apartment yourself

The presence of an intercom has long been an indispensable condition for ensuring the comfort of a modern apartment. The main purpose of these devices is to enable homeowners to receive calls from visitors and open doors remotely. Intercoms have proven to be much more convenient than outdated combination locks. Let's find out how to connect the handset of the apartment intercom on your own.

Types of modern intercoms

For reliable identification of visitors, an audio or video intercom is used. The latter is more often installed in private cottages and was created for additional visual control of the space in front of the front door. As for urban apartments in high-rise buildings, they often install an audio option, the design of which includes the following elements:

  • A handset that is equipped with buttons for accepting a call and opening an input electromagnetic or electromechanical lock. The device is installed by a company providing intercom installation and maintenance services. If such devices were not installed during the equipment of the entrance in some apartments, it is possible to install them yourself. You can also use the services of a specialist service company.
  • Call panel equipped with a dial pad with numbers, which allows the visitor to signal the intercom handset by pressing the required code, usually the apartment number. In addition, there is a reader on the panel, with which you can use a special key to open an electromagnetic lock blocking the entrance doors.
  • Locking device with power supply. The most common type of lock today is electromagnetic. Until recently, electromechanical latches equipped with sliding mechanisms were found everywhere. Such devices are often present in the entrances of apartment buildings even now. To operate the remote-controlled unit, you must use a constant voltage of 12 or 24 V.
  • Switch. This device is designed to transmit a signal from the call panel to the subscriber handset of a particular apartment.

Depending on the type of signal processing, digital and analog intercoms are distinguished.

Important! Different types of receivers are used for digital and analog models. Before purchasing such a device, you should definitely find out what type is installed in the entrance.

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Digital intercom

To connect devices of this type, only a cable with two cores is used, through which an encoded signal is transmitted. The handset installed in the apartment, the number of which was dialed on the call panel, responds to the signal. To set the correspondence between the dialed code and the handset, special jumpers are used - jumpers - which bridge the necessary contacts in the response device.

To correctly program the handset, the jumpers are placed between the numbered terminals so that the sum of the digits is equal to the apartment number.

The advantages of such intercoms include ease of installation and connection of new subscribers.

The main disadvantage of such equipment is the influence of each tube on the operation of the entire system. When replacing a device, which is carried out due to its breakdown, as well as when connecting new subscribers, the correct installation of jumpers is extremely important.

Attention! In the event of a digital tube connection error or a short circuit in the lead wires, the system may malfunction.

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Currently, to partially eliminate this drawback, floor controllers are used, which allow localizing a malfunction within one level.

Another disadvantage of digital intercoms is their relative high cost, which does not allow these devices to be widely used.

Analog intercom

Analog installations use a coordinate matrix connection and work on the principle of a telephone exchange. An additional element of such a system is a switch, which processes and analyzes the signal, as well as redirects it to a specific subscriber.

Two buses are used to connect the intercom handset to the switch. Contacts of the first of them (D0–D9) correspond to tens, and the second (E0–E9) to units. Thus, in order to connect an intercom to an apartment, the number of which, for example, is 74, you need:

  • connect the conductor from the positive terminal of the subscriber tube to the contact corresponding to the number 7 on the tens bus;
  • the conductor adjacent to the negative terminal - to the contact corresponding to the number 4 on the unit bus.

In the considered connection option, a device designed to serve up to 100 subscribers was used. There are models that can work with a large number of numbers, but their principle of operation is no different from that discussed above.

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If the numbers of the apartments located in the entrance do not allow connection, the installer reprograms the control panel with the numbers shifted by a certain number (for example, 84 must be subtracted from each). In this case, there is some difficulty in connecting, since without consulting a specialist who installed the intercom in the entrance, it is difficult to find out the amount of offset.

Connection order

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. At the first stage of work, the location of the intercom handset is selected, then it is fixed on the wall using quick installation.
  2. Next, the installation location of the switch is determined (for analog intercoms). On each floor, they are installed in a junction box for low-current circuits. All of them are connected in parallel, which greatly simplifies the installation process. In the general case, only one switch per entrance is enough, however, when using such a scheme, it is necessary to stretch wires from the apartments of the upper floors to the installation site of the device.
  3. After removing the protective cover of the switch, the terminals corresponding to tens and ones are determined, then the connection is made, so that the sum of the numbers of these contacts shows the serial number of the apartment.
  4. Wires are connected to the tube. It is extremely important to respect the polarity. The positive terminal is connected to the contact of the switch corresponding to tens, the negative terminal - to units.

Important! If the polarity is not observed during the connection of the device of the coordinate matrix system, the operation of the devices of the entire entrance may be disrupted.

Thus, the installation of an intercom handset is not particularly difficult. However, before you start doing such work with your own hands, it is important to determine the type and brand of the device used, as well as the location of the switch and the connection diagram of subscribers.

Free legal advice:

  • intercom malfunctions
  • Article about intercom repair
  • how to connect handset to intercom
  • - telephone sets;
  • - intercom;
  • - keys;
  • - company phone number.
  • Intercom programming

Tip 7: How to fence off unwanted visitors at home and office: individual intercom

An individual intercom is suitable for apartments or offices with a separate entrance, or for country house. In this case, it is worth considering whether you need a color intercom or a black and white intercom is enough. Their prices will vary accordingly. But first, let's figure it out - what does the intercom consist of?

How to open any intercom without a key ... Codes for intercoms. Save it, it will come in handy!

On VIZIT intercoms, to open the door, you need to program the key, and if the standard settings have not been changed, then # 4230 (you can # 423) and the door will open. Entering the intercom service mode is quite simple: Free legal advice:

Installing the intercom code yourself without hacking.

If necessary, you can change or turn off the individual apartment code without entering the service settings mode. This requires two people. The number of the corresponding apartment is dialed on the call block. After a call is received in the apartment, the UKP handset is removed. On the UKP, within 5 seconds, the button for opening the lock is pressed and released six times. Each time you press the button on the call block, the WAIT FOR ANSWER indicator should turn off and the ENTER indicator should turn on.

After pressing and releasing the “open door” button on the control panel for the sixth time, the indicator DIAL APARTMENT NUMBER turns on in the call block, one signal sounds, confirming the readiness to record a new individual code, while the duplex communication mode is maintained.

On the call block, a new value of the individual code is dialed. The person dialing the individual code number must inform the tenant about the end of the code dialing. To record the value of an individual code in the memory of the call block, the tenant must press the “open door” button on the control panel, a signal sounds in the call block confirming the entry of the code, after which it is necessary to put the call receiver in the holder.

call 800 call 7272

Free legal advice:

call 900 call 7272

call 100 call 7273

call 200 call 7273

call 300 call 7273

call 400 call 7273

call 500 call 7273

call 600 call 7273

call 700 call 7273

call 800 call 7273

call 900 call 7273

How to change the system code in the Cifral intercom?

In programming mode 1 (p-) and enter a new pass.

Are there special intercom codes for opening doors by special services?

No, there are no such codes.

How to write your key into the memory of the Cifral intercom?

In the service mode, press 5, then enter the apartment number, the intercom will write TOUCH, apply the key - it is in memory.

How to erase a tablet key from the memory of a Cifral intercom?

In service mode, press 5, then enter the number of the apartment to which the key is connected, then press 9.

How to write an optical (flat with holes) key into the memory of the Cifral intercom?

In system mode, press 5, then enter the key cell number (1, 2, 3), insert the key, press the bell.

How to change the common code of the Cifral intercom?

In the service menu, press 2, then enter new code, if the code is shorter than 4 digits, then press the bell after entering.

How to change the individual code of the Cifral intercom?

In the service menu, press 3, then the apartment number, call, enter a new code, call, then the call will go, the subscriber will have to press the call button twice.

How to disconnect a Cifral intercom subscriber?

In the service menu, press 4, then 0, then the apartment number, then call.

How to connect a subscriber who was disconnected from the Cifral intercom?

In the service menu, press 4, then 1, then the apartment number, then call.

What are the default settings of the Cyfral CCD-2094M intercom?

Access code for changing parameters and settings.

Individual code table number 000.

Number of the first subscriber 1.

Number of subscribers to be served 100.

Signal duration Z 1.

Common code usage mode ON.

The mode of using individual codes is ON.

to the service list Horn #3.

Notification of the subscriber about opening the door with an individual VK key

Codes for intercoms Metacom

You can open the Metacom intercom using 3 different schemes:

The first: “press the call button”, “enter the number of the first apartment of the entrance”, “press the call again”, “the display shows the word COD”, “enter the code - 5702”.

Second: "65535", "call", "1234", "call", "8".

Third: "1234", "call", "6", "call again", "4568".

There is another METAKOM, which is slightly different in the way of opening (METAKOM MK - 20 M/T).

To do this, we try 2 combinations:

"call", "27", "call button", "5702".

"call button", "1", "call", "4526".

Codes for intercoms Eltis

Eltis intercoms were, are and will be the easiest to open, due to the fact that the special codes on them are of the same type and simple.

Only 2 options for opening this intercom:

"call button", "2323"

"call key", "7273"

This intercom is probably the biggest problem for burglars, at the moment only 2 combinations are known (1 out of 5 doors opens).

First: "K", "100", "789" (beep), "123456", "8"

Second: "K", "170862" (beep), "0" f

This intercom is very similar to Cyfral in its security system. There is a myth on the Internet that such an intercom cannot be opened due to the mandatory change of a special code by installers, but you can try it!

To open, enter a six-digit code (000000;), if unsuccessful, try the combination "5", "180180", "call button", "4", "call".
