RIA Rating - 7 Dec. The severity of the problem of social stratification in Russia is quite noticeable. In general, many states face such a problem, and Russia is no exception. In many ways, social stratification is a consequence of the difference in the level of incomes of the population, which is often determined by the differentiation of salaries. The difference in the level of labor income is especially pronounced in the regional context. To determine these differences, RIA Rating experts, based on Rosstat data, conducted a study on the level and distribution of wages in the regions of Russia and compiled a rating. The share of employees earning more than 100 thousand rubles per month (highly paid employees) was used as the main ranking indicator in the ranking. In addition, such indicators as the share of low-paid workers (less than 10 thousand rubles per month), median salary and Gini coefficient were analyzed and presented in the rating.

High salaries should be sought in the north and in Moscow

In general, in Russia, only 4.1% of employees can boast of a salary (excluding personal income tax) of more than 100 thousand rubles per hand per month. In almost any situation, such earnings allow us to speak of at least an average income for an employee, and often even a relatively high one, although here, too, high differentiation is noticeable. In the northern, remote regions and Moscow, many goods and services are noticeably more expensive, but even with increased prices, such a salary is decent by Russian standards.

Only 17 regions are characterized by the share of highly paid workers at a level above the average, and the median value of this indicator for the regions of Russia is 1.5%.

The leaders in terms of the share of high wages were the northern and Far Eastern regions, as well as Moscow. In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (ranking leader), almost 24% of employees earn more than 100 thousand rubles a month, while the share of low-paid vacancies is only 0.6%. The second line was occupied by the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, where 21% of employees receive more than 100 thousand per month. Moscow ranks third in terms of the share of high wages - 17%. In six more regions, this share exceeds 10%: Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Magadan Oblast, Sakhalin Oblast, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Kamchatka Krai and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and Murmansk Oblast closes the top ten with a score of 8.1%.

Almost all leading regions in terms of the share of highly paid workers are remote regions (northern or far eastern), as well as the capital. Thus, despite all the economic and social transformations of recent decades, as in the Soviet period, the northern regions are still competitive in the labor market, even despite the loss of a number of Soviet benefits and preferences. The main business here is the extraction of all kinds of natural resources. It allows not only to receive high profits for owners, but also to pay relatively high wages to hired workers.

In many ways, high salaries are compensatory, since the price level in the leading regions is quite high. However, not only the high cost of current consumption is compensated, but also the loss in comfort and quality of life due to severe weather conditions and remoteness from other regions. High salaries in Moscow have a different explanation. Large offices of almost all major Russian and foreign corporations are located in the capital, Moscow is the financial center of Russia, in addition, federal government bodies are located here, companies related to areas with high labor productivity (IT, Internet business and others) are widely represented. All this determines that the majority of top managers and the most highly paid employees work in the capital. At the same time, Moscow, unlike many other leading regions in terms of wages, is characterized by a relatively high share (1.5%) of workers with low wages (less than 10 thousand rubles per month) for the top five regions. As a result, the Moscow labor market is similar to examples of "American" capitalism - there are quite a lot of rich people here, but there are also a lot of modestly earning residents. That is why Moscow is the leader in terms of the Gini coefficient (0.38), which indicates the maximum wage stratification among Russian regions.

At first glance, it seems somewhat paradoxical that regions from central Russia are widely represented among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a minimum share of highly paid workers. Apart from national republics regions historically characterized by high unemployment and low wages, among the regions with a minimum share of "rich" workers are: Pskov region, Oryol region, Bryansk region, Tambov region, Ivanovo region and Kirov region. In general, in 12 regions, including the six above, less than 0.7% of employees can boast of earning more than 100 thousand rubles a month. The absence of a large number of vacancies with high salaries in the regions of central Russia is most likely due to their relative proximity to Moscow. In this case, due to the relatively good transport accessibility, the business can be managed from the capital, thus, the central offices are located in Moscow, where the management is more comfortable to live, and the bulk of the workers, with low salaries, are concentrated in these regions. In addition, many enterprising people who could become a businessman or a major leader have more opportunities to move to Moscow, which somewhat bleeds the nearest regions. At the same time, in the regions directly bordering the Moscow region (Kaluga region, Tula region, Yaroslavl region, Tver region, Smolensk region and Vladimir region), there is already a process of relatively rapid formation of high-performance business focused on the Moscow market, which leads to an increase in the number of highly paid workers , and therefore leads to a higher position of these regions in the ranking.

In 9 regions, more than a quarter of employees receive less than 10 thousand rubles a month

In 9 regions of the country (8 national republics and Altai region) the share of people receiving less than 10 thousand rubles a month exceeds 25%. The leader in terms of the share of low-paid workers was Dagestan - 35%, and the second result was in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (30.5%).

In Russia as a whole, more than 11% of employees earn less than 10,000 rubles a month. This is a significant social problem. As the results of the study showed, in 22 regions more than 20% of employees receive less than 10 thousand rubles a month.

At the same time, in a number of regions, mainly in the Far East and the North, there are almost no people who earn less than 10,000 rubles a month. This is largely due to the fact that the prices for food and utilities in the northern and far eastern regions are very high, and the opportunities for farming are very limited. climatic conditions. This imposes certain obligations on employers, since in the case of very low wages, workers can simply starve to death. Thus, the minimum prevailing salaries take into account the regional specifics of pricing.

The stratification of wages in the regions of Russia is moderate, with the exception of a few regions

RIA Rating experts used the widely used Gini coefficient as an indicator of interregional wage differences. Changing in the range from 0 to 1, the Gini coefficient acts as a measure of how unevenly income is distributed among different groups of the population, or in other words, how large the stratification of society is by income (in our case, by wages). So, if all citizens in the region receive the same salary, then the Gini coefficient will be equal to zero, and as wage inequality increases, the coefficient will tend to 1.

The study yielded a number of rather interesting results. The undisputed leader in Russia in terms of the minimum value of the Gini coefficient is the Belgorod region. The Gini coefficient in this region is only 0.27, which indicates a high degree of wage equality in the region. For comparison, the Republic of Belarus and many developed countries of Europe are characterized by approximately the same coefficient. The low Gini coefficient characterizes the Belgorod region on the positive side, as it is observed against the background of relatively rapid growth of the region's economy in last years. As a rule, economic growth leads, on the contrary, to greater stratification (an example of this is China), but in this region it is transformed into an improvement in the well-being of a wide range of citizens.

In addition to the Belgorod region, a good level of relative wage equality is observed in the Republic of Mordovia (0.28). And in 9 regions (Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tula Region, Vladimir Region, Penza Region, Republic of Crimea, Tambov Region, Oryol Region) the value of the Gini coefficient does not exceed 0.29. For the most part, with the exception of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, regions with a relatively low Gini coefficient are at the bottom of the list in terms of the share of workers with wages above 100 thousand rubles per month, that is, the relative equality of wages is explained here by the absence of a noticeable number of rich people. This is not as good as if there were no poor in these regions, which the Nenets Autonomous Okrug can boast of. A relatively good situation (a low Gini coefficient with a good median salary) is in the Belgorod and Tula regions mentioned above.

At the other extreme, that is, in the area of ​​high values ​​of the Gini coefficient, for various reasons, both rich and relatively poor regions are located at the same time. Thus, the highest Gini coefficient for wages, as mentioned above, is observed in Moscow and the Sakhalin Region. At the same time, the relatively high wage inequality in these regions is not so significant by world standards. For comparison, approximately the same or even slightly higher value of the Gini coefficient is observed in the USA and Turkey. The high Gini coefficient in Moscow is explained by quite understandable factors that have already been indicated earlier. At the same time, in Sakhalin, the development of oil and gas production in recent years has formed a significant group of workers who receive high salaries, however, redistribution to other sectors (as, for example, in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) and, accordingly, their employees have not yet occurred, which creates a noticeable wage inequality in the region.

In addition to the two regions named leaders in terms of inequality, a noticeable polarization of wages is observed in 5 more regions: the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Republic of Tyva, the Astrakhan Region and the Kostroma Region. And if in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Trans-Baikal Territory the situation is similar to the Moscow and Sakhalin Regions, when there are a large number of highly paid workers and, at the same time, a significant number with low wages, then in the remaining three regions (the Republic of Tyva, the Astrakhan Region and the Kostroma Region), high inequality is explained by a very a large number of low-paid workers, despite the fact that there are not so many rich people there, that is, the situation with inequality in these three regions causes prerequisites for exacerbating social problems.

The average Russian value of the Gini coefficient is at a relatively high level (0.37), which is largely due not to inequality within regions, but to inequality between different regions. In general, wage inequality in Russia, according to the Gini coefficient, is approximately at the level of Japan or England. At the same time, the Gini salary coefficient in Russia as a whole is noticeably lower than the Gini coefficient calculated for incomes (0.41). This is explained simply - for very rich people, salary is far from the only source of income, most of the wealth is formed through dividends, income from deposits, income from property ownership, etc. Therefore, the distribution of salaries in our country is more even and, in a sense, more fairer than the distribution of income and savings. This situation is generally typical for all countries.

It can be noted that there is a fairly close relationship between wage inequality and the unemployment rate. The higher the unemployment rate in a region, the higher the wage inequality. This can be explained by the fact that in regions with high unemployment, many job seekers estimate their chances of finding a job as low as possible. a good place with decent wages, and in connection with this, they agree to virtually any low-paid work. This is clearly seen in the example of the North Caucasian republics, where in recent years unemployment has fallen very significantly, but almost all new jobs have turned out to be low-paid.

Differences between regions are shrinking

The results of the study showed the scale of the territorial material stratification in Russia. The difference between the richest and poorest regions of Russia is very large. The leading regions are characterized by a median salary (the level at which exactly 50% of workers in the region earn more than this level, and 50% less) at the level of 53-59 thousand rubles, and in the poorest regions, the average worker can count on only 14-15 thousand rubles per month. Thus, in the Republic of Dagestan, the median average salary is only 13.6 thousand rubles, which is 4.5 times less than the salary of an average worker in the most prosperous region.

In general, there are 14 regions in Russia with a median salary above 30 thousand rubles per month and 33 regions with a median monthly salary below 20 thousand rubles. On average in Russia, the median monthly salary on hand is approximately 25 thousand rubles.

Noteworthy is the ratio of median wages to the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services in the region. To a certain extent, this indicator makes it possible to take into account the difference in prices in different regions when comparing salaries. The minimum value of the ratio was recorded in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (only 1.3), and the maximum - in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (3.6). Thus, taking into account the price level, the difference between the average worker of the richest region and the poorest is about 3 times.

It is noteworthy that according to this indicator, St. Petersburg (3.5) ranks second, and is noticeably ahead of Moscow (2.9), and the Leningrad Region (3.2) is ahead of Moscow (2.5). Thus, it is much more profitable for an average worker to live in the northern capital than in Moscow, due to the noticeable high cost in the capital.

It should be noted that there is a positive trend in reducing the difference between wages in the regions. According to RIA Rating experts, over the past 4 years, the difference between the regions in terms of the maximum and minimum median wages has decreased from 4.6 times to 4.3 times, and the difference in median wages between the 10th places from the beginning and end of the list has decreased from 2, 5 times to 2.25 times. Thus, inequality has been declining quite noticeably in recent years, however, perhaps the crisis “helped” in this. Firstly, the slowdown in investment growth has increased the demand for labor due to less automation, and secondly, the salaries of highly paid specialists respond more flexibly to business activity, while low-paid specialists face regulation (minimum wages, salaries in the social sphere in connection with the May 2012 decrees of the year). Therefore, it can be expected that with the restoration of growth Russian economy the difference between regions in terms of wages may again begin to grow.

RIA Rating is a universal rating agency of the media group MIA "Russia Today" specializing in assessing the socio-economic situation of the regions of the Russian Federation, the economic condition of companies, banks, economic sectors, countries. The main activities of the agency are: the creation of ratings for the regions of the Russian Federation, banks, enterprises, municipalities, insurance companies, valuable papers, other economic objects; comprehensive economic research in the financial, corporate and public sectors.

MIA "Russia Today" - an international media group whose mission is prompt, balanced and objective coverage of events in the world, informing the audience about different views on key events. RIA Rating as part of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA is included in the line of the agency's information resources, which also include: RIA News , R-Sport , RIA Real Estate , Prime , InoSMI. MIA Rossiya Segodnya is the leader in terms of citation among the Russian media and is increasing the citation of its brands abroad. The agency also occupies a leading position in terms of citation in Russian social networks and the blogosphere.

One of the main indicators of the standard of living of any citizen is wages. IN Russian Federation its size for different specialties and in different cities can vary greatly, differing at times, or even dozens of times.

Below IQReview collected in one place the most up-to-date data on the size of the average salary in Russia.

Average size, according to Rosstat

According to Rosstat, in 2017 the average size wages of Russian citizens is 37.4 thousand rubles. Since the beginning of the 2000s, this indicator has been increasing annually: over the past almost two decades, there has not been a year when Russia has decreased or remained at the same level.

The specified indicator in fact has nothing to do with real data. For the capital and regions of the North, the figures will be one and a half to two times higher. In the central and southern regions, as well as in cities with a population of less than 1 million, on the contrary, the level of income will be significantly lower. In small settlements (up to 100-150 thousand inhabitants), the average wage can even be 10-15 thousand rubles.

How has size changed over time?

For clarity, we present the level of income of Russians over the past years:

Year Salary (for the Russian Federation, on average), thousand rubles
2000 1.5
2001 3.25
2002 4.35
2003 5.5
2004 6.75
2005 8.55
2006 10.6
2007 13.6
2008 17.3
2009 18.6
2010 20.9
2011 23.4
2012 27
2013 30
2014 32.5
2015 34
2016 36.7

According to the dynamics, it can be seen that a stable increase in the level of income was observed before the start of the "Ukrainian" crisis. Due to the imposed sanctions, the average salary in Russia has not stopped growing, but the pace of its increase has seriously slowed down.

In addition, its dollar equivalent also fell. In 2013, a Russian with a conditional income of 30,000 rubles in dollars received about $910. In 2016, with a salary of 36,700 rubles, it was one and a half times less - about $ 600.

The ratio of salaries of teachers and policemen

In total, for the years indicated in the table (2000-2017), the average salary in Russia increased by about 24 times.

Average by region

More accurate data on what the salary of Russians is now can be provided by separate statistics by region. It also has errors, but much smaller than the average for the whole country.

Average salary table for individual regions:

Region Average salary, rubles
Southern District 25000
Adygea 21000
Krasnodar 25000-26000
Astrakhan 27500
Volgograd, Rostov 23500
Kalmykia 20000
Ural 39000
Chelyabinsk 27000
Yamal-Nenets District 70000
Yugra 60000
Tyumen 50000
Sverdlovsk 33000
Mound 23000
Far Eastern regions 39000
Yakutia 53500
Kamchatka 51000
Khabarovsk region 35000
Magadan 55000
Chukotka District 55000
Amur region 35000
Sakhalin 50000
Jewish District 30000
Siberia 30000
Altai 25000
Buryatia 28000
Krasnoyarsk 30000
Irkutsk 32500
Kemerovo, Novosibirsk 17500
Omsk 29000
Tomsk, Khakassia 32000
Privolzhsky District 25000
Tatarstan, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara 27000
Saratov, Chuvashia, Kirov, Ulyanovsk, Penza 23000
Mari El 21000
Orenburg 26000
North Caucasian District 20500
Dagestan 17500
Ingushetia, Chechnya, Stavropol 21000-22000
North Ossetia 18500
Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkess Republic 18000-19000
Northwestern regions 39000
Kaliningrad, Vologda 29000
Saint Petersburg 45500
Murmansk 44000
Nenets Okrug 59000
Komi 40000
Karelia 33000
Pskov 24000
Arkhangelsk 37000
Center 44000
Eagle 18000
Ivanovo, Bryansk, Ryazan, Tambov, Tver, Smolensk 21000
Kursk, Kostroma, Vladimir 23000
Tula, Voronezh, Belgorod, Yaroslavl, Lipetsk 26000
Moscow region 42000
Moscow 66000

It can be seen from the table that there are also serious discrepancies by districts. For example, in the Central Federal District, the Moscow salary is 2-3 times higher than the income of residents of other regions.

Average for different specialties

Now we give the average salaries in 2017 for various specialties:

Profession Average salary in the Russian Federation, thousand rubles
Sales area
Sales Representative 33000
Cashier 26000
Salesman 26000
Merchandiser 33000
Courier 24000
Administrator of the trading floor 27000
Construction industry
foreman 43000
Handyman 24000
painter-plasterer 30000
Mason 33000
concrete worker 30000
crane operator 40000
Industry and "working" professions
Welder 40000
Loader driver 35000
Special equipment driver 37000
Electrician 32000
plumber 32000
Locksmith 30000
Apparatchik 35000
Loader 25000
carpenter 35000
Office Specialties
Secretary 30000
Accountant 33000
Manager 35000
PR manager 35000
Marketer 33000
HR specialist 33000
Service industry, beauty
beautician 35000
Visagiste 33000
Hairdresser 33000
Masseur 33000
Waiter 25000
Manicurist 33000
Cook 35000
Transport, logistics
Driver 27000
Trolley bus driver 32000
Subway driver 46000
train driver 52000
Taxi Dispatcher 30000
Bus driver (minibuses) 30000
truck driver 50000
Truck driver 35000
nurse, nurse 25000
Pediatrician 37000
Surgeon 47000
ENT 45000
ultrasound specialist 40000
Venereologist, dermatologist 50000
Gynecologist 45000
Urologist 40000
Dentist 50000
Therapist 40000
The sphere of education
High school teacher 32000
School teacher 28000
Lecturer at the Institute 45000
kindergarten teacher 26000

On in-demand and in-demand specialties

Every country has its own list of in-demand professions and a list of specialties, which, on the contrary, are difficult to get a job. For the Russian Federation, this largely depends on the region and the size of the settlement.

Salary overview

In large cities (from a million people and above), the easiest way to find a job:

  • all directions;
  • health workers, nurses, nurses;
  • teachers (primarily in schools and kindergartens), tutors, nannies;
  • IT- high-level specialists;


    representatives of "working" specialties (locksmiths, plumbers, electricians, welders);

    sellers, cashiers;


The most difficult thing to look for a job in megacities is for those who studied for some rare positions (for example, an art historian). Also in large settlements it is difficult to get a good job for such specialists as:



    profile "working" specialists (locksmiths, plumbers, welders).

If we take the general statistics for the Russian Federation,the most demanded worker is the driver. In total, about 7% of the total number of employed citizens work as drivers.

Approximately the same percentage of Russians work in sales.

About errors in calculations

All of the above indicators can not be called even approximately accurate. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The length of the territory of the state is several climatic zones. In the northern regions, the level of salaries will always be higher than in warmer regions.
  2. Strong urbanization. In cities, the level of salaries and the demand for specialists are many times higher than in the villages.
  3. A significant gap between capital and regional salaries.
  4. The salary "in envelopes" is widespread. According to the documents, an employee can receive one amount, but in fact on hand - another, and it can differ by 2-3 times.

Physicians' annual salary

As a result, in the same position and with the same duties, an employee in one region can receive 60 thousand rubles, and in another - 15, or even lower. The gap is 4 times, the average figure is 37,500 rubles, which is far from reality for both the first and second employees.

For comparison: how much do citizens of other countries receive?

According to the average dollar exchange rate for the first half of 2017, Russians receive about $550-600. Now we give a short list of average salaries in other states:

  1. Ukraine - $100.
  2. India - $250.
  3. Moldova - $250-300.
  4. Georgia - $400-450.
  5. Bulgaria - $700.
  6. China - $750.
  7. Romania - $750-800.
  8. Czech Republic - $ 1400.
  9. Japan - $2000.
  10. Spain - $2200.
  11. Germany - $2500-2600.
  12. England - $2600.
  13. France - $2650-2700.
  14. Belgium - $2800.
  15. USA - $3300.
  16. Norway - $3700.

On the other hand, in most of these countries, the level of expenditures differs significantly (taxes, utility bills, mandatory contributions to housing, the cost of housing and various goods).

About the real size of average salaries in the Russian Federation (video)

This article shows the average wages in 2017-2018. Data taken from the website of the Federal State Statistics Service.

The data are presented in the table and divided by districts of the Russian Federation, data by region do not differ much.

Average wages of teachers in 2017-2018, workers in the social sphere and science in 2017-2018

Moscow — 52,909 rubles;

Moscow region - 51,006 rubles;

St. Petersburg - 46,884 rubles;

Central Federal District - 22,267 rubles;

Northwestern Federal District - 31,229 rubles;

Southern Federal District - 21,782 rubles;

North Caucasian Federal District - 19,100 rubles;

Privolzhsky Federal District - 22,990 rubles;

Ural Federal District - 41,134 rubles, due to the salaries of the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, they have an average salary of 61,354 rubles, in other regions 28,202 rubles;

Siberian Federal District - 26,228 rubles;

Far Eastern Federal District - 45,939 rubles;

Wages of employees in organizations, individual entrepreneurs and individuals in 2017-2018

Central Federal District

Belgorod region 25617 rubles.
Bryansk region 20974 rubles.
Vladimir region 24394 rubles.
Voronezh region 24218 rubles.
Ivanovo region 19514 rubles
Kaluga region 28597 rubles.
Kostroma region 20521 rub.
Kursk region 23477 rubles.
Lipetsk region 24364 rubles.
Moscow region 41419 rubles.
Oryol region 21701 rub.
Ryazan region 24834 rubles.
Smolensk region 23068 rub.
Tambov region 21557 rubles.
Tver region 23200 rub.
Tula region 26589 rubles.
Yaroslavl region 26128 rubles.
Moscow 66981 rub.

Northwestern Federal District

Republic of Karelia 30356 rub.
Republic of Komi 40488 rub.
Arkhangelsk region 36802 rubles.

  • Nenets aut. district 71187 rub.
  • Arkhangelsk region (excluding the bus district) 34373 rubles.

Vologda region 27156 rubles.
Kaliningrad region 27471 rubles.
Leningrad region 32626 rubles.
Murmansk region 45845 rub.
Novgorod region 25246 rubles.
Pskov region 21146 rubles.
Saint-Petersburg 45082 rub.

Southern Federal District

Republic of Adygea 20969 rub.
Republic of Kalmykia 19630 rub.
Republic of Crimea 22204 rub.
Krasnodar region 25564 rub.
Astrakhan region 24183 rub.
Volgograd region 23592 rubles.
Rostov region 23788 rub.
Sevastopol 23710 rub.

North Caucasian Federal District

Republic of Dagestan 17728 rubles.
Republic of Ingushetia 18820 rub.
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 17839 rub.
Karachay-Cherkess Republic 19928 rub.
Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 19253 rubles.
Chechen Republic 19325 rub.
Stavropol Territory 22008 rub.

Volga Federal District

Republic of Bashkortostan 26108 rub.
Republic of Mari El 22122 rubles.
Republic of Mordovia 20861 rub.
Republic of Tatarstan 28686 rubles.
Udmurt Republic 25338 rub.
Chuvash Republic 21398 rub.
Perm Territory 27600 rub.
Kirov region 21543 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod region 26469 rubles.
Orenburg region 24556 rubles.
Penza region 22543 rub.
Samara region 26642 rubles.
Saratov region 21088 rub.
Ulyanovsk region 22319 rub.

Ural federal district

Kurgan region 21826 rubles.
Sverdlovsk region 30906 rub.
Tyumen region 67182 rubles.

  • Khanty-Mansiysk Aut. district 60046 rub.
  • Yamalo-Nenets Aut. district 85638 rub.

Tyumen region (without a bus district) 37374 rubles.
Chelyabinsk region 27947 rubles.

Siberian Federal District

Republic of Altai 21664 rubles.
Republic of Buryatia 27528 rub.
Republic of Tyva 28225 rubles.
Republic of Khakassia 28673 rubles.
Altai Territory 19836 rubles.
Transbaikal region 29454 rub.
Krasnoyarsk Territory 35872 rubles.
Irkutsk region 32339 rub.
Kemerovo region 28663 rub.
Novosibirsk region 28891 rubles.
Omsk region 25643 rub.
Tomsk region 33118 rubles.

Far Eastern Federal District

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 54543 rubles.
Kamchatka Territory 57103 rub.
Primorsky Territory 32149 rubles.
Khabarovsk Territory 40072 rubles
Amur region 32185 rubles.
Magadan region 62222 rubles.
Sakhalin region 59714 rubles.
Jewish auth. region 29946 rub.
Chukchi aut. district 83531 rub.

In early 2008, when no one had yet anticipated a global economic crisis, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev mentioned that since the beginning of the new millennium, the salaries of Russians have been steadily rising. GDP growth over the same period was much more modest. Not only Dmitry Anatolyevich drew attention to the fact that it is necessary to increase labor productivity, but the next increase in wages can be postponed. Recall that in 2004 it was $242 (6,740 rubles at that time), in 2008 - $588 (17,290 rubles).

However, the question of why salaries are so low in Russia was asked then and continues to be asked now. On a direct line with the president - in a unique format of interaction between the head of state and ordinary citizens - the issues of the domestic economy (wages, jobs, youth employment) became one of the main topics in 2002, 2005, 2008, in 2014-2017 the discussion was held annually. After the crisis and during the period of sanctions, the government admitted that salaries in Russia are low.

Heavy nineties

Why are salaries low in Russia and, in general, are they small, speaking objectively? In the nineties, the standard of living of most Russians was determined solely by wages and social benefits, there was no talk of any additional income. And the graphs of average wages (especially in rubles) were distinguished by either rapid ups or crushing falls - a deep economic crisis was evident.

In April 1991, the average Russians was 495 rubles ($341 at the average annual rate corresponding to the time), in December of the same year - 548 rubles ($101.6). For this amount at the beginning of the year it was possible to buy 219 kg of potatoes (at the then prices), at the end - 182.6 kg. Further - worse. In 1992, the average salary was 5995 rubles or almost $24, in 1993 - 58.6 thousand rubles or $140, in 1994 - 220 thousand rubles or about $67.

If we talk about the percentage of wages to the level of 1991 (before the reforms), then in 1992 incomes amounted to about 68%, in 1995 - about 45%. The biggest drawdown in the schedule is observed in 1999, when the level of wages of the population stopped at about 32-35% of the income of 1991. Experts say that in the nineties the standard of living of the population decreased by 1.5-2 times - to the indicators of the sixties.

Non-payment of wages

At the same time, wages were not paid. This negative process covered the majority of the population (60% of workers) in all regions of Russia and most sectors of the economy. The maximum level of debt (69%) was observed in the north-west of the country, the debts were slightly lower in the Far East (67.9%), in the Urals and the North Caucasus (65.7-65.6%), in the Volga region (66%) . In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the debt amounted to almost 32%.

The trend towards improvement

The fact that improvements were coming could be said already at the end of 1998 - beginning of 1999. The demand for domestic goods increased, the volume of production increased, and exports in physical volumes increased. By the beginning of the new millennium, there was an increase in real incomes of the population. According to official statistics, the number of Russian citizens who live below the poverty line has also decreased. If in 2000 this stratum of the population was almost 30%, then by 2009 the poor became 13%.

According to official data, since 1992, the increase in wages in Russia in rubles has been observed constantly (the graph is presented below). But the domestic currency did not differ in the stability of the exchange rate. Another reduction in dollar wages occurred during the global economic year, then in 2012-2014. The last time the decline was due to the global fall in oil prices, the Ukrainian crisis and sanctions against Russia.

A Brief Overview of Average Salaries

Today, the average salary in Russia (2017) after deducting income tax is 30.8 thousand rubles. The minimum wage since June of this year is 7,800 rubles, the living wage for able-bodied citizens is 10,187 rubles. But Russia is too big a country to talk only about general figures - wages, the cost of goods, and the standard of living in general differ significantly in the regions.

The highest salaries in Russia by industry

In 2015, the highest salaries were in the oil and gas industry, financial analysts, mining and transport.

In 2016, the highest average salaries remained in the mining industry - 71 thousand rubles, in the fuel energy industry - 80.9 thousand rubles, mining - 51.2 thousand rubles. By the way, this is the usual salary of a janitor in Germany.

In the transport sector, the average monthly remuneration is 42.5 thousand. A driver of special equipment earns about 60 thousand, a loader - 46 thousand, a freight forwarder - 43 thousand, a mechanic - 40 thousand rubles. The salary of the driver is 29 thousand rubles.

Civil servants earn an average of 40 thousand monthly - this applies to department heads and middle managers. Top management can be content with much higher salaries - about 68 thousand - almost like those of specialists working in the mining industry. The salary of state employees in Russia is much less.

Executives in almost every industry earn more than the average. So, for example, chief physicians, private doctors and directors of pharmacies can count on 65 thousand rubles, top managers in the hotel and restaurant business - 60-64 thousand rubles, foremen, foremen, masters of construction and dismantling works - 50-58 thousand rubles.

Other highly paid professions:

  1. Narrow-profile specialists. Workers with a narrow specialization and practical experience find it more difficult to find a job, but their salary is much higher than that of ordinary employees. So, for example, the salary of civil aviation pilots in Russia is almost 300 thousand rubles with a flight time of 85 hours per month.
  2. Programmers, system administrators and developers. In the nineties, there was a shortage of such specialists, an outflow of personnel abroad, now the market has not been saturated with highly qualified IT specialists. The professional is still missing. The average salary of a programmer is from 60 thousand rubles.
  3. Internal Relations Managers. Such specialists are needed by large firms. Their responsibilities include ensuring contact between management and ordinary employees, ensuring loyal relations between employees, developing a corporate style, project work, and so on. Professionals with experience can receive 100-250 thousand monthly.
  4. Accountants are considered highly paid workers, but this requires a specialized higher education, work experience of at least three years, and the ability to navigate the laws. Corporations are ready to pay highly qualified specialists 350,000 rubles.
  5. A young practicing lawyer can count on 35 thousand, more experienced colleagues earn 150 thousand a month.
  6. Sales and purchasing managers, logisticians, marketers, auditors. In the first case, it is necessary to understand the psychology of the consumer, the characteristics of the goods, in the second case, you need to know the customs system and logistics. Any specialist needs experience and professional education. The average salary is 25-50 thousand.

Lowest wages by industry

The number of citizens with incomes below the subsistence level in 2016 amounted to almost 20 million people (13.5% of the country's population). The average salary of doctors in Russia (as well as social workers and teachers) in 2016 increased by only 5%, in agriculture, textile production, forestry and hunting - 10%.

In manufacturing, seamstresses, craftsmen, technologists, specialists receive from 16 (clothing, textiles) to 32 (pulp and paper) thousand rubles. In food products, specialists can count on 28.8 thousand, manufacturers of footwear and leather products - 20.5 thousand, furniture, wooden goods - 22 thousand.

Ancillary workers and some representatives of working specialties earn within the same limits, although even here everything depends on many factors. The salary of a turner in Russia is 15-20 thousand rubles. But a specialist who has permits and work experience can already count on 30-40 thousand or more. The highest paid employees are considered (about 60 thousand monthly), who are ready for a rotational work method.

You have to be content with small salaries in the hotel and hotel business. Administrators, waiters, porters and maids receive from 20 to 25 thousand rubles a month. Cooks get a little more - 34 thousand.

Salaries of workers in education, medicine, law enforcement

In the medical industry, the situation is not rosy. Laboratory assistants have to be content with 14 thousand rubles a month, pharmacists and pharmacists - 24 thousand, nurses and junior medical personnel - 19-23 thousand. Little more is earned in education. The average salary of a teacher in Russia is 26.7 thousand rubles, but this is really very average data.

The salary of a janitor in Russia is an average of 15,000 rubles according to official figures, but in practice, such workers can receive only 3,000 to 6,000 rubles. How much do technicians and some employees of housing departments get? In this area, the work of the manager of an HOA or housing and communal services is considered the highest paid - 46-66 thousand rubles.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs (as with many teachers or doctors), most of the salary is made up of various individual bonuses - for higher education, length of service, the presence of an officer's rank, dangerous working conditions, and so on. The average salary of a police officer is 30 thousand rubles. The bonus for conscientious performance of service can be from half the salary and more, for the risk to life and health - up to 100% of the salary, for special conditions (for snipers or cryptographers, for example) - up to 30% of the employee's salary without allowances.

So, the salary of a policeman who conscientiously serves, works in special conditions and has devoted more than 25 years to work, can be about 70 thousand. This is also without taking into account the military rank, higher education, advanced training and performance indicators. Salary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is difficult to quantify, as many variables affect the final amount.

Why "everyone is bad"

From the statistics it can be seen that the average salary of an ordinary employee allows him to provide him with a normal standard of living. But why then does everyone say that salaries in Russia are small? And why do official statistics and other data differ so much: statistics from open sources, population surveys?

Most likely, the fact is that those who receive enough will not speak out much, since everything suits them. But people who have to be content with low wages, as a rule, speak on behalf of everyone. That is why one gets the impression that "everyone is bad." But actually it is not.

Russian and European salaries

They especially like to mention low wages in Russia and European salaries. The lowest wages by European standards are in Romania ($684), Bulgaria ($591), Latvia ($1039), Lithuania ($867), Hungary ($1129). Most of all they receive in the Scandinavian countries ($ 4700-5800), France, Belgium, Austria, Germany. A little less - in Slovenia, Spain, Greece and Cyprus (an average of $ 2,500).

The salary of a police officer in Lithuania (salary only) is over $800, in France a trainee earns almost $2,000, and in Slovenia, $1,100. By the way, rallies are quite often held in the same Slovenia. The protesters demand a raise and are also dissatisfied with insufficient salaries.

Truck drivers in the Scandinavian countries receive 25-30 dollars per hour, an ordinary driver in France receives from 600 dollars a month. The salary of a public bus driver in Germany is a minimum of $1,500. Tram driver gets $3,500, machinist construction machines- 3200 dollars. The salary of a turner in the same Germany is 2.5-3.5 thousand dollars.

The monthly remuneration of a pilot in Germany is 5.8 thousand dollars. This is $800 more than the salary of civil aviation pilots in Russia.

Comparison of standard of living

When comparing Russian salaries with European ones, another question is often forgotten - the cost of living in Russia cannot be equated with European ones. According to statistics, Russians spend 27.7% of their salary on food, in practice - half. Here is how much the same figure is in different European countries:

  1. Lithuania, 33.7%.
  2. Bulgaria, 33.2%.
  3. Croatia, 31.7%.
  4. Montenegro, 31.6%
  5. Romania, 31.5%.
  6. Latvia, 28.2%.
  7. Estonia, 27%.
  8. Poland, 24.9%.
  9. Hungary, 23.5%.
  10. Slovakia, 20.7%.
  11. Greece, 20.4%.
  12. Czech Republic, 20.2%.
  13. Italy, 19.5%.
  14. France, 16.4%.
  15. Spain, 15.1%.
  16. Iceland, 14.9%.
  17. Slovenia, 14.3%.
  18. Sweden, 13.5%.
  19. Portugal, 13.3%.
  20. Belgium, 13.2%.
  21. Germany, 12.8%.
  22. Finland, 12.7%.
  23. Cyprus, 12.3%.
  24. Ireland, 12.2%.
  25. Austria, 12.1%.
  26. Norway, 11.8%.
  27. Switzerland, 11.5%.
  28. UK, 11%.
  29. Denmark, 10.6%.
  30. Netherlands, 10%.

The leader is Luxembourg, whose citizens spend 8.6% of their total income per month on food.

The cost of living in Europe is much higher than in Russia, and high salaries do not always “cover” all the necessary expenses.

Nearest neighbors by GDP

So why are salaries low in Russia? In fact, Russian salaries are not at all low (there is a constant increase in remuneration for work), but correspond to reality. Yes, and it is much more reasonable to compare Russia with its closest neighbors, but not even geographically, but financially - with neighbors in terms of gross domestic product.

According to the International Monetary Fund, GDP per capita in Russia is 26.5 thousand dollars. The indicator provides the Russian Federation with 48th place in the ranking. The closest neighbors in terms of GDP are:

  1. Latvia, 24.7 thousand dollars.
  2. Greece, 26.3 thousand
  3. Hungary, 26.5 thousand
  4. Poland, 26.6 thousand
  5. Kazakhstan, 24.9 thousand

Malaysia ($26.2 thousand), Antigua and Barbuda ($24.2 thousand), Saint Kitts and Nevis (25.1 thousand), Seychelles (26.3 thousand) and other countries are not taken into account, compared with which for Russia is at least strange and incomprehensible.

So, in Hungary, for example, with the same level of GDP per capita, the average salary is $600 per month, in Russia the same figure is $589. Hungarians working in the automotive industry earn an average of $1500, Russians - $750. Low-skilled workers in Hungary can count on $600 per month (a little over 35,000 rubles), highly qualified specialists - $1,200 (72,000 rubles).

It would seem that there is a higher wage, but then it's time to remember about European prices. In the same Hungary, you can rent a one-room apartment in the city center for at least 15 thousand rubles in terms of the national currency, in a residential area - for 7 thousand. The cost of housing and communal services - from 2 thousand rubles in summer to 10 thousand rubles in winter. The situation is the same with other expenses.

It can be concluded that the question of why wages are low in Russia becomes simply incorrect, because if we compare the economy of the Russian Federation with the economies of European countries that are similar in terms of basic indicators, Russians do not live in poverty at all, but at a quite decent level. Although, of course, one cannot deny the existence of problems in Russia.

Russia is distinguished not only by its large territory, but also by very high wages.

What is the average salary in Russia?

If we compare the level of average monthly income in 2019 with salaries in Russia in 2020, it can be noted that the average salary in Russia has increased by 12% over the past year. But it should be borne in mind that the salary increase in Russia in 2020 took place exclusively in the national currency.

In terms of currency, the salary in Russia in 2020 increased due to a slight depreciation of the foreign currency.

The average salary in Russia in dollar terms in 2020 is significantly lower than in more developed countries, such as the Baltic states and.

According to statistics, the highest salaries in Russia are observed in two cities of this country: in Moscow and the cultural capital of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg.

There has always been a large gap between average wages in Russia among the regions. But in recent years (2017-2020), the trend of increasing the gap between the indicators has only intensified. This is due primarily to the onset of the economic crisis, as a result of which the foreign exchange rate has sharply increased.

Due to the increase, the income of the population living in provincial areas has decreased. Against this background, the unemployment rate has risen significantly. Therefore, many people from provincial regions moved to large cities in order to find employment.

The average salary in Russia in 2019-2020 is equal to the amount of 36 thousand rubles.

Table: statistics comparing average wages in Russia by region

Region, district, republic Average salary (expressed in rubles)
Belgorod 27 280
Bryansk 20 790
Vladimir 22 770
Voronezh 26 070
Ivanovo 21 120
Kaluga 27 060
Kostroma 22 550
Kursk 22 770
Lipetsk 24 640
Moscow region 42 460
Eagle 16 830
Ryazan 21 340
Smolensk 20 020
Tambov 21 450
Tver 20 130
Tula 25 520
Yaroslavl 26 620
Moscow 66 880
Karelia 32 450
Komi 39 380
Arkhangelsk 36 850
Vologda 28 820
Kaliningrad 28 820
Leningrad region 28 050
Murmansk 43 670
Novgorod 27 390
Pskov 24 310
Saint Petersburg 45 430
Adygea 20 680
Kalmykia 20 130
Krasnodar 25 850
Astrakhan 27 390
Volgograd 23 650
Rostov 23 320
Dagestan 25 160
Ingushetia 20 790
Kabardino-Balkarian 18 920
Karachay-Cherkess 18 040
North Ossetia 18 590
Chechen 21 010
Stavropol 22 000
Bashkortostan 28 160
Mari El 21 230
Mordovia 20 900
Tatarstan 27 060
Udmurt 23 430
Chuvash 22 990
Permian 27 280
Kirov 22 880
Nizhny Novgorod 26 840
Orenburg 26 070
Penza 22 990
Samara 27 060
Saratov 23 430
Ulyanovsk 22 880
Mound 22 770
Sverdlovsk 32 780
Tyumen 50 160
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 61 930
70 620
Chelyabinsk 26 620
Altai 24 860
Buryatia 27 720
Tyva 30 580
Khakassia 32 010
Transbaikalia 25 300
Krasnoyarsk region 29 260
Irkutsk 32 450
Kemerovo 17 490
Novosibirsk 17 600
Omsk 28 820
Tomsk 32 230
Sakha 53 460
Kamchatka 50 600
Primorsk 33 990
Khabarovsk 35 200
Amur 34 540
Magadan 55 880
Sakhalin 51 260
Chukotka 56 100

The biggest salaries in Russia are in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In dollar terms, the average salary in these cities ranges from $700 to $1,000, while the average salary across all regions is only $570.

This level of wages significantly exceeded the average monthly income of residents of Ukraine ($440), Tajikistan ($140), Azerbaijan ($300) and Kyrgyzstan ($220).

Analysis of the minimum income by region

The minimum wage is the minimum salary that an organization can pay to its employee. Each region has a different minimum wage rate.

In 2020, the minimum wage in Russia was raised to 12,130 rubles.

The increase came into effect on January 1, 2020. Until that moment, the smallest salary was 11,280 rubles.

But the size of the minimum wage also directly depends on the region and place of employment. The salary of state employees in all regions of Russia is much lower than the salary of people working in non-budgetary organizations.

Table: list of minimum wages in various regions of the Russian Federation

Province/County Established minimum wage for public sector enterprises (expressed in rubles)
Belgorod 11 280
Bryansk 11 280
Vladimir 11 280
Voronezh 11 280
Ivanovo 11 280
Kaluga 11 280
Kostroma 12 837
Kursk 11 280
Lipetsk 11 280
Moscow region 14 200
Eagle 11 280
Ryazan 11 280
Smolensk 11 280
Tambov 11 280
Tver 11 280
Tula 11 280
Yaroslavl 11 280
Moscow 18 742
Karelia 11 280
Komi 11 280
Arkhangelsk 11 280
Vologda 11 280
Kaliningrad 11 280
Leningrad 11 280
Murmansk 25 675
Novgorod 11 280
Pskov 11 280
Saint Petersburg 17 000
Adygea 11 280
Kalmykia 11 280
Krasnodar 11 280
Astrakhan 11 280
Volgograd 11 280
Rostov 11 280
Dagestan 11 280
Ingushetia 11 280
Balkarskaya 11 280
Circassian 11 280
North Ossetia 11 280
Chechen 11 280
Stavropol 11 280
Bashkortostan 11 280
Mari El 11 280
Mordovia 11 280
Tatarstan 11 280
Udmurt republic 12 837
Chuvash 11 280
Permian 11 280
Kirov 11 280
Nizhny Novgorod 11 280
Orenburg 12 838
Penza 11 280
Samara 11 280
Saratov 11 280
Ulyanovsk 11 280
Mound 11 280
Ekaterinburg 11 280
Tyumen 11 280
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 12 430
Chelyabinsk 12 838
Altai 11 280
Buryatia 11 280
Tyva 11 280
Khakassia 14 511
Altai region 11 280
Transbaikalia 11 280
Krasnoyarsk District 11 280
Irkutsk 11 280
Kemerovo 18 313
Novosibirsk 11 280
Omsk 12 838
Tomsk 13 500
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 15 390
Kamchatka Krai 29 024
Primorsky Krai 11 280
Khabarovsk region 11 414
Amur 11 280
Magadan 19 500
Sakhalin 23 442
Jewish Autonomous Republic 12 000
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 11 280

Interesting video. Minimum wage in different countries.

Analysis of the minimum wage by years

The table below shows the dynamics of wage growth (minimum wage) in Russia by years.

date The amount of the minimum wage (expressed in rubles)
1.07.2003 200
1.01.2004 300
1.07.2005 450
1.06.2006 600
1.10.2007 720
1.01.2008 800
1.09.2009 1 100
1.01.2010 2 300
1.09.2011 4 330
1.01.2012 4 611
1.07.2013 5 205
1.01.2014 5 554
1.01.2015 5 965
1.07.2016 7 500
1.07.2017 7 800
1.01.2018 9 489
1.01.2019 11 280
1.01.2020 12 130

Minimum wage as of 01/01/2017 according to statistical agencies of different countries

According to the draft law, wage increases are expected in 2020.

According to Article No. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a person cannot receive a salary less than the established minimum wage. But if a Russian citizen did not work all the working days or did not fulfill his duties, the head has the right to independently regulate the amount of his salary.

Public sector salaries

From January 1, 2020, the salary of state employees increased by an average of 5%.

In general, the salaries of teachers, medical personnel, military and representatives of the judiciary have increased. In 2017, the average salary of a state employee was 31,200 rubles. After the increase, this amount increased to 33,000 rubles.

In 2020, salaries for public sector employees are expected to be at least doubled. Such an increase in salaries for state employees, according to a presidential decree, should occur due to the introduction of new reforms, for which funds were allocated in the amount of 4.6 trillion rubles.

But, despite this, in Russia there is a tendency to delay wages. The delay in salaries affected, first of all, law enforcement officers and employees of the educational sphere (teachers, educators, university professors).

Employees of the Accounts Chamber receive approximately 171 thousand rubles a month. Members of the Federation Council receive 151,000 rubles a month. Deputies of the State Duma earn 123 thousand rubles. Compared to last year, their salary increased by 29%. Kremlin employees were awarded a 5% salary increase in 2019, so in 2020 their salary is 206,000 rubles.

Winner all-Russian competition"Educator of the Year"

The wages of kindergarten teachers increased by 5%. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the salary of an educator ranges from 30,000 to 35,000 rubles a month. In Yekaterinburg, the salary of an employee kindergarten ranges from 16 thousand to 17 thousand rubles. In Perm, a similar position is paid from 11,000 to 13,000 rubles. In the Altai Territory, the salary of employees of preschool institutions ranges from 13,000 to 15,000 rubles per month. Educators working in the Altai Republic receive from 17,000 to 19,000 rubles a month.

In Crimea, this year there is almost no wage arrears for public sector employees. The level of the average monthly salary is actively growing in this region. So in 2015, the average salary was 15 thousand rubles, in 2020 this figure increased to 29 thousand. Social workers receive the lowest salaries in the public sector. Their salary does not exceed 20 thousand per month.

The salary of doctors in this region is 21 thousand rubles, and university professors and teachers receive approximately 28 thousand - 29 thousand rubles each. Kindergarten teachers in Crimea earn from 10,000 to 12,000 rubles a month. Employees of preschool educational institutions in Sevastopol receive an average of 19 thousand rubles.

The salary of the pilot of the state company Aeroflot directly depends on the number of flight hours:

  1. If the number of hours is 85 per month, then the pilot will receive at least 290 thousand rubles per month.
  2. If the number of hours is more than 90 per month, then the pilot's salary will be about 340 thousand rubles per month.

The salary of a janitor working in a utility company directly depends on the region. So a janitor in Moscow receives from 22 thousand to 23 thousand rubles. In Chelyabinsk, a similar position pays 15,000 rubles each. In the cultural capital of the Russian Federation, the salary of a janitor is about 20 thousand rubles. In Tula and Yekaterinburg, janitors earn between 15,000 and 16,000 rubles.

Analysis of wage arrears of state employees

Wage arrears in Russia in 2019 amounted to 3.8 billion rubles. Over the past month, it has decreased by 5%. Due to the current situation, the Russian government intends to freeze the issuance of wages to index pension payments in 2020.
The state owes the largest amount of money to employees who work in such areas as:

  1. Manufacturing industry.
  2. Construction.
  3. Transport sector.
  4. Mining.
  5. Agriculture.
  6. Scientific research and development.
  7. Production of gas, water and electricity.
  8. Educational area.

The highest paid specialties

According to a social survey and statistical data on the level of wages, the rating of Russia's highest paid professions includes such specialties as:

How much do specialists earn

TOP 10 lowest paid professions in Russia:

  • Salesman. On average, a seller of goods earns about 17 thousand rubles a month.
  • Secretary. The salary of an office manager is 20,000 rubles per month.
  • Teacher. The average salary of a university teacher is 15,000 rubles. But it should be borne in mind that well-known professors and deans with a scientific degree receive an order of magnitude more. But even this amount cannot be compared with the salary of a teacher in the United States, which is equal to 87 thousand per year.
  • Locksmith. This specialty belongs to the professions of the middle class in Russia. A highly qualified specialist can receive up to 60 thousand rubles per month. And locksmiths working in public utilities receive no more than 23 thousand rubles a month.
  • Nanny or governess. In 2014, representatives of this profession received about 70 thousand rubles a month. But due to the crisis and the difficult economic situation in the country, their salaries have dropped significantly. Today, the average salary of a nanny in Moscow is 30 thousand - 35 thousand rubles.
  • Sales Representative. The average monthly salary of a representative of this profession is 40 thousand rubles.
  • Hairdresser. It is worth noting that the salary of a hairdresser directly depends on the number of clients. Therefore, on average, hairdressers earn from 13 thousand rubles a month.
  • Doctor. The average salary of a doctor in Russia is 28 thousand rubles. Junior medical staff receives from 13 thousand rubles. The salary of a nurse starts from 15 thousand rubles in more developed regions.
  • Teacher. The average salary in the specialty is 30 thousand rubles.
  • Educator in preschool children's institutions. The minimum salary of an educator is 10,000 rubles a month.
