Unusual and sophisticated decoration of the summer cottage - swans made of tires. How to make them yourself, let's try to figure it out in detail. Such a “snow-white” craft is quite popular: it is made independently or ordered to be made by an experienced landscape designers. As a result, already existing samples are simply dubbed, so it is difficult for the master to show off originality. But still it’s worth trying to get a “replenishment” in one more family - swans from tires shone with their beauty at their summer cottage.

tire swans

How to make them neatly and quickly, it is worth understanding thoroughly. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say that deft movements of “golden hands” must also be added to the flight of fancy in order to sculpt a work of art, and not just cut something awkward out of old rubber, and place the craft for just a few days on garden plot, and then discarded as useless and aesthetic unattractiveness.

Why do you need a swan made of tires on a personal plot

Therefore, if you sculpt a “monument” of fidelity and purity on a personal plot, then create a really swan, and not an ugly duckling. Your creative goal is tire swans, how to make them without any problems, decide in advance, and not at the time of sculpting. That is, prepare drawings, tools, tires in advance, and then decide to become a master, a conqueror of a stubborn tire. Your task is to breathe life into it.

Before you start solving the question of what tire swans can be, first look at the photo, study the available instructions, and then go ahead in practical terms.

The second version of this design, when the void is filled not with earth, but with water, and egg-pods, lilies or lotuses will soon appear in such a small pond. Beautiful, no doubt!

How to make drawings of swans from tires

The quality of the product depends on a good pattern. Do-it-yourself swans from tires will never turn out perfectly “by eye”, you can find photos of unsuccessful products on the net as confirmation of unsuccessful experiments. It’s better not to become a master, but to act according to the instructions and get a decent result at the end - quality manufacturing tire swans. So, what is the usual algorithm of actions:

Thus, we painstakingly and slowly make a swan out of tires, wanting to get a pleasant and original decor. If you know a simpler method for making crafts from tires, then share it in the comments after the article, your advice will be useful to someone. Thanks in advance for the information!

Decorating your garden with the help of improvised means is not only easy, but also pleasant. After all, such an activity can unite the whole family, and everyone will find something to their liking and on the shoulder. Today we will tell you how to make a swan out of a tire with your own hands, and consider several forms of these figures and how to use them in the garden and in the flower bed.

Materials, tools, basic concepts

You must have seen at private houses in countryside or at summer cottages these figurines are in the form of swans. And, perhaps, they wanted to do something similar near their home. So why not, if you have a couple of old, obsolete tires lying around in your shed? Even if they don't exist, you can find a few at any auto repair shop.

I will not say that a tire swan is a very simple task. Rubber is quite hard and resilient, so you have to make some effort, as well as be careful and accurate. But the lesson will not take you much time, only about an hour for one swan. And you will see that it was worth it!

So, what we need in work:

  • old car tire;
  • Bulgarian;
  • jigsaw;
  • wire for fixing the shape;
  • paint, white or black - for the swan, red - for the beak.

Old tires are great stuff to get creative with.

In some cases, we will use additional materials and tools. But we will focus on them in the course of the description.

Please note: try to immediately decide what you will cut the tire with - a grinder or a jigsaw. Using a grinder, you will get the job done faster, but the fumes and the smell of burnt rubber can be very harmful.

Where can these swans be used? You can place the figurine anywhere in your garden. The swan will serve as just a toy and decoration, it can be used as a flower bed and even the basis for a small country fountain.

Now let's take a look at a few options.

small flower bed

This is perhaps the simplest option, and at the same time functional. In order to make a swan flower bed, use a simple scheme, having previously applied it to the tire.

Scheme of a flower bed-swan from a tire

  1. Cut the head and neck along the black lines with a jigsaw. The red lines in the diagram indicate the tail, the blue lines indicate the plumage of the wings. Make cuts on them.
  2. Now it's the turn of the most difficult part: you need to turn the tire inside out. Do this carefully, and turn it out carefully so that the tire does not get damaged.
  3. The main work is done, there are little things left. Make a beak (from plastic, plywood, a piece of another tire) and paint it red.
  4. Place the two halves of the head together. To do this, you need to bend a hard cord, insert a beak and secure the entire structure with self-tapping screws. They also need to be screwed into place for the eyes.
  5. Raise your head, push it slightly into the wheel. Fix the formed fold in several places with self-tapping screws. Tighten as tight as possible to keep the head in place.
  6. It remains only to paint your design in white or black, depending on your imagination and desire. The screws in place of the eyes can be painted over with black paint, or better, sealed with circles of electrical tape.

Here is such a flower bed in the form of a swan can be obtained from a tire

Now set up your mini-bed in the planned place, fill it to the top with prepared soil and plant flowers inside. It can be pansies, marigolds, matiola, begonias or any other low plants.


This swan is only an aesthetic value. Making it is no more difficult than the previous one, but you have to work a little on the shape of the bends. But such a figurine will decorate the site no worse than an antique statue!

When choosing a tire for a swan, pay attention that it does not have a metal cord - it will be much easier to cut. In order to subsequently fix the neck, take an aluminum wire or an elastic iron bar. Arm yourself with a sharp knife and a jigsaw for cutting very dense areas. To fix the iron bar on the tire, you will need a drill.

Scheme of execution of a garden swan

Please note: for processing, it is better to take “bald” tires of domestic production. They are softer and more amenable to cutting.

  1. Divide the tire into two equal parts with chalk. On one side will be the beginning of the tail and head, and on the other, the base of the neck. Outline the silhouette of the head and the lines of the wings.
  2. Cut the tire along the marked lines. If you are using a knife, dip it in soapy water to make the process easier.
  3. Now you need to turn the tire inside out. You will need an assistant to do this, but you can do it yourself by stepping on the outer rim of the tire. The frame of the future swan is almost ready.
  4. Fasten the neck: drill paired holes in the tire and attach the neck with thin wire to the iron bar from the outside. After you paint the swan, the fasteners will be almost invisible.

Paint the body of the swan white and the beak red.

A flexible iron plate will help to give the neck the desired shape of the bend. The plate should be slightly longer and narrower than the neck itself. Make holes in it with a drill and secure, giving the desired shape.

You can make another version of the swan according to this pattern. Just don't turn the tire inside out, that way the shape will be a little different and the wings will drop more towards the ground.

Such a swan will serve as an ornament for shrub plantings, lawns, beds or flower beds. It will also look great at a decorative pond or fountain.

Do not forget that for safety reasons, it is imperative to handle the sharp parts of the wire and iron plate so that children do not get hurt when they play on the site.

Once every few years, all motorists change old tires for new ones, leaving those that have served in tire shops, taking them to a landfill or storing them in a garage. It is scary to imagine how much such rubber rubbish is formed daily in a single city or village. But some part of it, having fallen into the hands of a skilled person, still benefits, turning into mini-fences, flower beds and funny sculptures for the playground.

There is even a separate direction of design art based on the use of garbage, rubbish and things that have served their purpose to create decorative elements. It has its own name - trash art.

Quite popular products from old tires have become swans, with which zealous owners decorate their plots or territories adjacent to them. Rubber birds can be found in public walking areas, and on the same playgrounds.

Someone would also like to have such a swan, but does not know how to make it. But after reading this article, which will describe in detail the technology for making swans in two versions, he will eliminate this gap in his knowledge.

Swan from an old tire

Despite the simplicity of the design, it is physically difficult to make a swan out of tires, so it is better for women not to take on such work. Well, you can't do without a special tool.

What to cook

The set of tools depends on the age and quality of the old tire, so first we will talk about its choice.

The easiest way to work is with an old and maximally bald tire, not necessarily studded. Marking and cutting out the bird will be easier if the protectors run along the circumference.

It is advisable to choose not modern tires with a metal cord, but old ones with kapron or nylon, since metal is difficult to cut, and in the finished product, the reinforcing threads will protrude at the edges, which is very traumatic.

Note. The protruding ends of the cord can be sanded with a grinder, but they cannot be completely removed.

So, for work we need:

  • Electric jigsaw or hand saw. Although a grinder will do better with thick rubber with a metal cord. A heavily worn one can be cut with a sharp knife like a shoemaker's.
  • Electric drill for drilling holes.

  • Pliers and cutters.
  • Flexible metal bar or thick wire for the frame.
  • Chalk or wax pencil for marking.
  • Thin wire.
  • A block of wood with a length equal to the inner diameter of the tire.
  • Paint for outdoor work.

It is also worth taking care of protective equipment - tight gloves, closed shoes.

If you could not find a suitable tire, you can always ask for it at any tire shop, where the choice is much wider. And not even one, but several in case of unsuccessful attempts or the desire to make several birds.

Preparation and marking

All preparatory work consist only in the fact that the tire is thoroughly washed from dirt and dried. Of course, it is better to perform all manipulations with rubber not indoors, but on the street, since there will be a lot of dirt, and the smell when cutting it is not the most pleasant.

Before proceeding with drawing the contour of a bird on a tire, you need to put two transverse marks on it, dividing the circle in half. It will be easier to keep proportions with them.

Advice. Before you start marking, draw a thin center line around the entire circumference of the tire to make it easier to maintain symmetry.

  • Markup begins with drawing the beak, starting from the transverse mark. It can be any shape - pointed or rectangular, as you like, and how easy it will be to cut. Its length is 8-10 cm.
  • Further, the beak passes into a head about 8 cm wide and 10-12 cm long.

  • Then the contour narrows again to 4 cm - this will be the neck. Its length to the base should be 5-6 cm more than half the circumference. That is, having reached the second transverse mark, you need to continue the lines of the neck a little more. And a little earlier, they need to begin to gradually expand - this expanded part will become the breast of the bird.

  • We return to the beginning of the markup and draw the tail. We already have its beginning, it is formed by the lines of the beak. It remains to draw two more parallel lines 20-25 cm long along the edges of the flat part of the tire.

Cutting Outline

There is nothing special in the process of cutting rubber along the intended contour. The main thing is to choose the right tool and adapt.

  • When cutting soft tires with a cobbler's knife or a hacksaw, the least dust is generated and there is practically no smell, but it is hard and long. To make your work easier, the knife blade should be periodically washed with soapy water.

  • The fastest, but also the most “stinky” way is cutting with a grinder, since the rubber is very hot at the same time. In addition, it is not the most economical: it takes three circles for each bird.

  • The best option- sawing with a jigsaw. We advise you to use it at medium speeds to prevent rapid wear of the files from strong heat. Files should be chosen with a fine back tooth, especially if the rubber is pierced with a metal cord. Before starting work in the tire, it is necessary to make a hole for the file with any handy tool. For example, a drill with a thick drill or a chisel and a hammer.

Start cutting from the base of the neck, first carefully cutting out the head. Then they return to the starting point and continue to form the neck of the swan with longitudinal cuts. At the same time, you should not cut entirely on one side, otherwise you will not be able to make a parallel cut - the tire will lose its rigidity and will vibrate strongly. It is better to move in small cuts of five centimeters, moving alternately from one side to the other.

Advice. To reduce vibration, insert a block of suitable length inside the tire and change its position as you go.

Having cut out the entire front part, you can move on to the tail. And then, to facilitate eversion, cut off the edge of the tire along the inner diameter that bends inward. But not all, but only half between the transverse marks.

Sculpture formation

Another time-consuming manufacturing step is turning the workpiece inside out. To do this, it is laid down on the ground with the cut part, with one foot they step on the convex central part, and the side ones pull it towards themselves. As a result, you will get something similar to a dying swan with a limp neck hanging. He needs to be shaped.

You can start with the wings formed by the side half rings, cutting their edges with beveled teeth to imitate feathers. But this is optional. But it is necessary to bend the neck beautifully. For this, a metal rod and wire will come in handy.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Starting from the middle of the head and to the end of the neck, on both sides of the center line, we make paired holes with a drill in increments of 15-20 cm.

  • We cut segments from soft wire and bend them with brackets with a base equal to the distance between a pair of holes.

  • Insert the brackets into the holes.

  • We cut off a piece from a metal bar from the head to the end of the neck and fasten it with wire brackets, twisting their ends with pliers.

  • We bend the bar, forming the bend of the swan neck.

The bird is almost ready. It remains to paint it with white paint, and the beak is red or black, and fasten pieces of rubber with small screws in place of the eyes

Swan made of tires, plastic bottles and foam

By spending a little more time and using some of the other materials that are prepared for disposal, you can create an even more beautiful and similar sculpture to the original.

In addition to the items listed in the previous chapter, we will additionally need:

  • Scraps of metal reinforcing mesh;
  • An old hose from a vacuum cleaner or a piece of corrugated plastic pipe;
  • 30-40 white pieces plastic bottles from under dairy products;
  • A piece of foam.

Let's get started.

Image Description

Cut the tire across and cut the tail of the bird with a knife or jigsaw from the side of one cut. Cut off the inner edges of the tire that are bent inward, and make transverse cuts in the middle. On them again bend the tire into a ring and secure with bolts.

We attach a strong but flexible wire to the body of the bird in the manner already described. Its free end on one side should be equal to the length of the neck and part of the head. We make the second end shorter, only to use it as a pin for fixing in the ground.

We cut off the bottom and neck of plastic bottles, and cut out 6 feathers from the rest.

Attaching the feathers metal mesh thin wire, starting from the bottom edge and gradually moving up.

With a sharp knife, cut out the head of a swan from the foam and paint it.

We put a corrugated hose on the curved wire, paint the resulting workpiece with white paint, and then fix the head at the end of the wire.

We attach the wings to the sidewalls of the tires with self-tapping screws.

This is the bird you should get as a result. From afar, it is quite possible to take her for a living.


Now, when the problem of garbage disposal is acute all over the world, each of us can make a small contribution to its solution. One way is to reuse old, end-of-life items. The bonus will be the original garden figurine on the plot and a pleasant feeling of pride in a job well done.

Swans have long chosen not only ponds and lakes, they are increasingly found on household plots. On the green lawns you can see whole flocks of swans made of tires. car tires. Designers called this direction trash art (from the English. trash-art) - art that involves old trash.

The name is new, but the idea of ​​creating beauty from waste appeared a long time ago. Outstanding miracle birds have already adorned more than one yard or garden. If you like this kind of art, we offer you to get acquainted with the technology of making swans in more detail.

How to make a swan from a car tire

Beauty on the site can be made from improvised materials, but you must understand that this is work, not pampering. In order for miracle swans from tires to bloom in the garden, you will need:

  • old tires;
  • Electric jigsaw or grinder (grinder);
  • Electric drill;
  • Nippers, pliers;
  • Chalk for marking;
  • metal rod;
  • Dye.

What tires to choose

For swans, old, well-worn tires from cars. Moreover, the rubber should be as worn out as possible, erased to the limit. Such tires are called bald. The worse the material looks, the easier it is to work with. Do not take studded tires, especially imported ones.

If there is an opportunity to choose, then it is better to take rubber with a nylon cord. Such material can be cut simply with a knife. Tires with a metal cord are more difficult to process, in which case special tools are indispensable.

Alternatively, looking suitable materials you can go to your nearest tire shop. Usually, in such places, unnecessary tires are happy to give away. One swan needs one tire. If you want to experiment with the shape of birds, take a few. Before starting work, the rubber must be washed and dried. All work is best done outdoors.

Marking the scheme on the tire and cutting

The appearance of the swan depends on the marking scheme. During operation, the tire will need to be turned out. The complexity of this process will depend on how you make the cuts.

How to make a birdhouse with your own hands is described.

Step-by-step instructions for making a swan with your own hands

Tire marking, for making a garden swan.

With the help of chalk, you need to divide the tire in half. Then outline the beak, head and neck. The length of the neck together with the beak should be more than half the circumference of the tire. The R13 wheel has a circumference of 180 cm, respectively, for the neck you need to measure about 95 cm. For a proportional head you need 10 cm, the length of the beak is 9 cm.

How to cut from a wheel

Step-by-step instruction for cutting from a tire:

  • The tire must be cut along the marked lines. A knife can handle old-style tires with a nylon cord. In order to facilitate the work, prepare a soapy solution and dip the cutting object into it from time to time.
  • The metal cord will not succumb to the knife. You can use a grinder. You need to work exclusively outdoors, and do not forget about closed shoes and work gloves.
  • Please note that working with rubber increases the consumption of circles. It will take about 3 discs per swan. In addition, heated rubber does not spread the best smell around, soot and soot are provided to you. The grinder cuts quickly, but not environmentally friendly.
  • It is more pleasant to work with a jigsaw. To plant the file, you need to make a hole. You can use a chisel or drill. The wear of the jigsaw blades increases from working at high speeds. The best option is to work at speeds below average using a file with a reverse tooth. So you can cut the metal cord without any problems: the reverse motion of the file will simply break it, and a low speed will prevent the rubber from getting very hot.
  • For adherents hand tool suitable saw for metal. She will also cope with the metal cord, but the speed of work will be lower. What are the paths of corks from plastic bottles, set out.
  • You need to cut the tire along the contour of the neck and head, transverse cuts are not needed. As for the sequence, gross mistake, which beginners allow, will be the complete sawing out of one side of the neck. If you cut the tire on one side, it will be quite difficult to cut the other side.

  • The next step is the tail. Its length is about 25 cm. It will become an additional decorative element and will facilitate the eversion of the tire. Cut it out in the same way.
  • The workpiece must be turned out. The process is time-consuming and looks like this: the workpiece is placed with the cut part down, it is pressed down with a foot and pulled, turning the side parts up. The central part needs to be pushed through.
  • Now the design really resembles a swan. The side half rings must be lowered down. If you took a tire with a metal cord, then the edges need to be processed with a grinder. But even such a procedure will not be able to completely smooth out the protruding reinforcement. Therefore, swans made of tires with metal cord are suitable only for decoration, but not for playgrounds. Touching sections with protruding wires is not safe for adults, let alone children. Learn more about crafts from tires for the playground.
  • In order to give the swan the desired shape, the neck should be strengthened. For fasteners, it is necessary to drill two holes along the entire length of the neck every 15 - 20 cm. They must be placed along the center line. Brackets made of thin soft wire are inserted into the holes. Brackets need to fix a thick steel wire. It will need about 1.50 m. The lower end is fixed on the inside of the neck, at the base of the tire, the upper end is at head level.
  • The swan is almost ready, you just need to bend its neck properly and make eyes out of rubber. They can be fastened with screws. For decoration, the edges of the wings are cut, then the notches resemble the plumage of a bird. If you want to have a swan princess in your garden, make a crown from a plastic bottle.

How to decorate

In order for the birds to look outstanding and aesthetically pleasing, they need to be painted correctly. For swans, white or black is usually chosen. Silver and gold sculptures look good. Any durable outdoor paint will do.

It is good to decorate rubber with oil, enamel and nitro paints. Do not forget that any paint is applied to a clean, dry surface. Properly applied paint fits well on the sculpture, does not deform and lasts for a long time. Remaining aerosols will do car paint. Then the work will go quickly. An evenly painted surface can be decorated with acrylic paints. Draw the head, beak, plumage. Such swans look more naturalistic.

If your garage has old tires lying around, don't rush to throw them away. Of course, it is no longer possible to ride with such tires, but you can make interesting decorations for yard and garden. For example, it can be figures of swans with outstretched wings.

What materials and tools are needed to make a swan from a tire

It is very important to choose the “right” tire for the job. I recommend taking the one that has completely “bald” during operation: it lends itself better to cutting and processing. For the same reason, it is better to take a tire with a longitudinal pattern. Another tip: better opt for tires with a cord (a rubberized layer of fabric made from textile, polymer or metal threads) made of nylon, and not with a steel cord reinforcement (breaker). Reinforced products are difficult to cut, and the edges of the cord can stick out at the cut, which you can get hurt during work. Such tires have the word "Steel" in the marking, respectively, it is not in a tire with nylon reinforcement.

Carefully consider the choice of tires so that working with them is convenient and not traumatic

Thoroughly wash and dry selected tires thoroughly. In addition to them, you will need to work:

  • chalk for marking;
  • roulette;
  • electric drill;
  • drills 3 and 10 mm in diameter;
  • sharp knife (with a powerful shoe-type blade);
  • jigsaw;
  • "Bulgarian" with a cutting disc;
  • pliers;
  • wire for staples;
  • plastic metal rod (or thick wire) 1.2–1.5 meters long;
  • paint to give the finished "swan" the desired color.

In addition, you need to draw a diagram according to which you will cut out the swan. You can use a very simple form to get a small flower bed.

You can make a small flower bed in the form of a swan in a simple way.

When working with this scheme, it is enough to make cuts along the lines:

  • head and neck;
  • tail;
  • feathers on the wings.

After that, you need to turn the tire inside out, attach the halves of the head to each other and place a beak from a piece of plastic between them. Fix the shape with self-tapping screws and paint in suitable colors. You will get a small round flower bed.

In a simple flower bed from a tire, you can plant any low, densely growing flowers.

A little more complicated in execution, but very beautiful, you will get the original figure-decoration in the form of a swan spreading its wings.

You can make a beautiful swan spreading its wings according to the scheme to decorate the garden

The process of creating a swan from a tire

First of all, you need to mark the tire with chalk. Let's take an R13 tire. Its width is 165 mm, the length along the circumference line is 1800 mm.

Product markup

Mark up the product as follows:

  1. At the beginning of work, apply 2 strips, dividing the circumference of the tire in half along. So you outline the "neck" of the swan.
  2. After that, draw on the tread (outer) side of the tire "beak", "head" and "neck" in turn. From the first line, draw symmetrically to the “beak” axis with dimensions: length - 8–9 cm, width - 3–4 cm. It should go to the “head”, the parameters of which are as follows: 10–12 cm - length, 7–8 cm - width, from the end of this “part of the body” it is necessary to mark the “neck”, expanding to the body. Its width at the beginning is 4–5 cm, at the end it is 8–10 cm.
  3. Lastly, mark the tail. Its fork is located at the place where the "beak" begins. Draw two parallel lines 8 cm apart and up to 30 cm long.

The process of creating a swan from a tire begins with marking the tire

cutting process

Now start cutting:

  1. Cut from the base of the "neck" towards the "head". A shoe knife will surely cope with a heavily worn tire, and it is better to cut a denser tread (tire element) with a grinder. If you have a fairly powerful electric jigsaw, use it after you make the initial holes with the grinder.
  2. Cut parallel on both sides at small intervals of 4-5 cm. This is much more convenient than cutting one side completely first, and then the other.
  3. When the cutting is finished, process all the edges of the resulting parts. If there is a metal cord in the tread, cut off the protruding wires with a grinder. For nylon cord, it is sufficient to trim the edges with a sharp knife.

Remember the safety rules! Be sure to wear gloves and use special goggles.

How to turn the tire and bend the "neck"

To cut the tire into the desired shape, turn it inside out. Dealing with this is easy. To make it easier, use your foot to secure the tire to the outside of the rim. The frame is ready. Now you need to fix the neck and head. To do this, you will need a steel bar to which the “neck” part will be attached. Do the following:

  1. Along the center line from the middle of the “head” to the base of the “tail”, make paired holes with a drill. Their diameter should be 3 mm, the gaps between them - 15 cm.
  2. Prepare wire staples according to the number of pairs of holes. They will attach the "neck" to a metal rod. Insert them into the holes immediately.
  3. Lay the rod from below, using pliers, twist the protruding edges of the brackets around it. Cut off the excess and give the "neck" a characteristic curve.

Instead of a rod, you can use a steel strip. Some masters find it much more convenient. In this case, do not use staples for connection, but bolts or rivets.

The neck of a swan from a tire is fixed with a metal rod attached to the tire with wire staples.

Decoration and installation

Check again if there are any sharp edges or protruding wires on the swan figure. If there are any, clean them up.

Paint the figure in white or black, characteristic of swans. You can apply a different shade or completely cover the figure with fantasy patterns. It is important that the paint is resistant to wind and moisture. Make the beak red, and where the eyes should be, screw in large bolts.

Tire swans can become an additional decoration or an independent decoration.

A made and decorated swan can be installed on a whole tire, a stump, or simply on the ground, lightly sprinkled with soil for stability.

According to the same scheme, you can create another version of the swan figure. The tire does not need to be turned inside out, it is enough to bend the “wings” more strongly so that they fall to the ground.
