With the popularity of corn (maize), only potatoes can argue. This grain crop was grown by the ancient Aztecs and Mayans, and today butter, flour, cereals are made from it, not to mention the use of grains and cobs. In addition, cobs, tops and grain are used in agriculture as animal feed or bedding. All this suggests that the corn growing business will always find its buyer.

Land for business

The first thing that the business plan of the project should provide for is the purchase or lease of land for growing corn. Land prices vary greatly different regions countries. Its cost is influenced by such factors:

  • the nature of the soil;
  • proximity to settlements;
  • the proximity of the road;
  • irrigation availability.

Please note that for a good corn crop, the land must be covered by the sun for at least 12 hours a day. Therefore, business is best organized on the lands of the Voronezh, Belgorod, Rostov regions, as well as in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territory. Here the seeds can be sown in the ground. Cooler areas require their preliminary planting in closed ground, and then planting seedlings in open ground. As a rule, a hectare of land costs 1000-10000 rubles.

It is good if pumpkin, nightshade or legumes. Do not forget to prepare the soil for sowing, in autumn it must be plowed to a depth of about 35 cm. If you involve a combine harvester, this service will cost about 1,500-2,000 rubles per hectare. After plowing, the land requires fertilization with manure mixed with ash and sand. In the spring, before planting, it will need to be loosened again. A crop is planted when the soil warms up to at least 10 ° C. In the initial period of growth, it is not very demanding on watering, it tolerates heat well. But from the flowering period, special attention should be paid to watering - the corn crop directly depends on it. The time of ripening and harvesting culture is the beginning of July.

Varieties of corn and features of their cultivation

There are seven main types of corn, the grains of which have different properties. In Russia, most often business is built on three of them. This:

  • dentate;
  • siliceous;
  • sugar.

Each of these species has many different varieties with peculiar characteristics. The main differences are:

  • storage periods;
  • taste;
  • grain sizes;
  • grain color;
  • maturation periods.

What kind of business to build on depends on what area of ​​​​realization of culture you are counting on. For example, if you plan to sell corn to canneries or to sell boiled cobs, you should choose early-ripening dairy sweet varieties. These primarily include: F1 Molasses, F1 Spirit, F1 Creamy Nectar, F1 Trophy, F1 Super Sundance, F1 Legend, F1 Sheba.

If you plan to harvest grain for the subsequent production of flour, cereals, its use in animal husbandry, you need to pay attention to varieties that can be stored for a long time.

The principle of growing different varieties is approximately the same, but there are minor nuances for each variety.

Business Success Secrets

For cultivation, it is recommended to choose unpretentious varieties of corn. A high yield can be ensured if the planting material is pre-treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. After that, the culture is the least susceptible to disease.

If you are growing a crop to sell boiled or canned corn, it is important to harvest before the kernels start to harden. But overripe cobs can be sold to farmers as animal feed. Another use case is grinding overripe grains into cereals or flour.

Technical questions

Cultivation as a business is cost-effective at high volumes. To cultivate vast areas of land will require special equipment. At a minimum, you will need a multi-cultivator and a corn seeder. A multi-cultivator will cost about 50 thousand rubles. A special seeder costs even more - 0.5-1.5 million rubles. If you buy this equipment even on a lease, growing corn may turn out to be unprofitable, or at least it will pay off for more than one year. Moreover, the technique is in demand only for a small period of time in a year. If you organize the cultivation of corn in small areas, it makes sense to rent equipment for the period that is necessary for cultivating the land or harvesting.

Another option for resolving the issue is hiring a worker with his own equipment. Then you save on wages, because his wages are based on the amount of cultivated land, and not on the amount of time worked.

Organizational matters

There are several ways to set up a business. It is best to register an individual entrepreneur and pay a single agricultural tax. But you can do without registration and taxation. This is possible only when the cultivated land is in your ownership and does not exceed 2.5 hectares. In this case, it can be issued as a personal subsidiary plot. True, then you will not be able to attract hired workers - cultivation should be carried out exclusively by members of your family.

Corn sales

As already mentioned, a culture marketing plan must be considered even before a business plan is drawn up. The choice of corn variety, its cultivation and harvesting depend on the marketing channels. If you have a small plot of land, it is best to grow sweet corn, which you can sell boiled yourself in the summer or sell to other entrepreneurs who run this kind of business.

Larger areas provide more options for business implementation. The same sweet corn can be supplied to canning factories or organize your own similar production. If tougher varieties are grown, the marketing plan is based on turning the grain into flour or groats for grinding. Again, if you wish and opportunities, you can organize this activity yourself. Then you will get more income from your corn.

The advantage of culture is that no matter what marketing plan you set for yourself, you can always sell it to the last grain. In any case, farmers will gladly buy it as feed for livestock. By the way, they can also sell corn stalks, both dry and green. They are used as animal feed or bedding.

Income calculation

On average, about 60 thousand plants grow on one hectare. From each of them you can remove 1-2 cobs. That is, about 80-90 thousand cobs are collected on average from a hectare of land. The cost of one plant is a little over 2 rubles, plus 30 kopecks for cleaning. One worker gathers and puts into bags about 2,500 cobs in seven hours of labor.

The cost in the early corn market is 15 rubles. cob, seeded costs already 7 rubles. Accordingly, income from each of them can be obtained in the amount of 1,050 thousand rubles. or 490 thousand rubles. Therefore, experts say that the profitability of such a business is about 450%.

Corn is widely used in the food industry. It is preserved, popcorn, sweets and more are made from it. It also plays a huge role in the diet of many animals and often in countryside 80% is used for making feed. The fact that this product is in demand on the market is not worth saying, and there are enough sales markets for products. In this article, we will try to consider the main stages of starting a corn growing business.

Cultivation and care

The first thing to know is that corn loves heat and sunlight very much. The minimum soil temperature at which it can be planted is 6 degrees and above. This plant feels most comfortable at a temperature of - 25 - 27 degrees Celsius.

It is best to plant corn after legumes, pumpkin or nightshade crops.

Land for planting is prepared in the fall, various organic fertilizers or superphosphate compost are added to it. In the spring, nitrogen and potash fertilizers are added. All these activities provide good conditions for the germination of corn. It is worth saying that if you track temperature regime, then the most suitable time for planting this plant is when the soil at a depth of about 10 cm warms up to a temperature of 10 degrees and above.

To sow an area of ​​1 ha, you need to prepare about 20 kg of planting material. Seeds for planting can either be harvested by yourself or bought. Prices for seeds in each individual region are different, so we do not give numbers here.

Corn is usually planted with a row spacing of 70 cm. The frequency of planting seeds is on average from 4 pcs. up to 6 pcs. per running meter.

Fight weeds with the help of booking. It is carried out with the help of special equipment, namely tractors with devices designed for this. Also note that the purchase of equipment should be included in the business plan that you will develop for this line of business. Of the main methods for caring for this plant during its ripening period is loosening the soil between the rows. In parallel, nitrogen fertilizers are added to the soil.

Also, to combat various diseases of corn, it is sprinkled with herbicides.

Here are the average values ​​of fertilizers that are used when loosening the soil per 1 ha of area planted with corn: 120-150 kg/ha of nitrogen supplements; 50-70 kg/ha of phosphate fertilizers; 90-110 kg/ha of potassium.

If the ripening season is very dry with appropriate weather conditions, it is advisable to organize watering of the corn. True, on large areas, they usually do not do this, since there is no way to technically implement this, and the profitability of this procedure falls. If the area is small, then it is quite possible to implement even drip irrigation.


If your business is focused on growing sweet corn, then you need to harvest it during the “milk” period, because that is when it contains the maximum amount of sugar, if it is overexposed in the field, it will turn into starch. You can determine maturation by drying the stigmas.

Usually 1 or 2 ears come out from one plant. Harvesting corn on small plantations manually, paying for the labor of people based on the volume of the harvest. For large volumes, special equipment is used.

The profitability of the sale of the corn crop is usually over 100% - 200%.

Experienced farmers plant both early and late varieties of corn in order to organize a continuous and gradual harvest of the entire crop. Harvest usually begins around mid-August.


Here are a few options for selling your grown corn crop:

  • agricultural exchanges;
  • canning factories;
  • a contract with a feed mill;
  • retail sale in agricultural markets. They buy it for animals.
  • hand over to buyers.

As you can see, there are many markets for the sale of finished products, the main thing here is to agree in advance, so that later you don’t have to think about what to do with the harvest.

Conclusions. The corn business is a very specific occupation, since it requires the purchase of equipment, knowledge in this industry Agriculture and building relationships to market products. But at the same time, high profitability makes it very attractive to many businessmen.

Do you grow corn and have something to say about it? We are waiting for your advice in the comments, they will be useful for aspiring entrepreneurs.

The motto of the company "KUKURUZKIN":

Tasty! Fast! Healthy!

Mission of our company:

healthy food for a strong Russia!

Your goal: Own business with a steady income or diversification of an existing one.

Your priorities: Small financial investments. Fast payback period.

Our direction: A new promising and highly profitable direction in the fast food market with a high growth rate of the sales market - a highly profitable product - corn in a glass and on the cob from Kukuruzkin.

Our product: Corn of the Kukuruzkin trademark meets the highest quality standards, has an excellent taste and texture - fresh corn of milk maturity. The consumer is offered fresh, hot corn cobs or sweet, large corn grains in steamed form in cups of 130 gr. (180 ml.) and 245 gr. (360 ml) with butter, salt and additives (grated cheese, mayonnaise, honey, chicken, olives, spices).

business economics:

Your markup on selling hot corn is from 500%

=== Your starting investment is from 12 thousand roubles. (hot corn cob cooker, 22 l., with thermostat) / or from 8 thousand roubles. (steel folding rackwith cob maker)/or from 98 thousand roubles. (attractive multifunctional highly profitable retro car).

The Kukuruzkin network does not limit your freedom of action - you can diversify the fast food dishes offered from the retro car to the maximum, adding to the menu if you wishany newtrading positions.

We install on the entire line of our equipmentfor trade in hot corn in grain and on the cob most powerful (up to 2200 W), capacious(from 10 before 36 liters, up to 55 cobs, up to 8 kg. grains at a time), reliable (thick = 2 mm., foodstainless steel) and attractive (mirror polished inflated lids) steamers with a lifetime10 years.

Shopping cart located in a good, passing place, sells from 5 00 kg. (small cities) up to 2,500 kg. (large cities, parks, train stations, large malls) hot corn for a month.

We advise you when searching good place for rent, don't just focus on shopping malls - pay attention to any places where significant traffic and it is possible to sell corn on the cob or cups 12 or even 24 hours a day - transport hubs, sports and recreation facilities, educational institutions. If the point does not allow selling at least 500 kg. per month - better change the location or get the cashier with drinks, hot dogs, cotton wool, popcorn, etc.

Just a steamer can be installed in any cafe and expand the offer with fresh hot corn. True, a bright retro car or a retro train sells at times faster and more corn than a line on a cafe menu. For our partners - discounts,training, consultations, delivery compensation,trade credits, special offers.

Overall result: Success in business is rarely accidental in partnership With our successful company, a market-proven product and equipment, your own business project will receive confident start and stable financial indicators . The fast food industry is rapidly developing, and our niche (corn fast food) has a strong place in the HoReCA industry. The corn fast food format is popular both in metropolitan areas and in relatively small regional centers. Equipment for cooking and selling corn quickly pays off, as corn is loved in all corners of the world and, as a result, the financial performance of retail outlets pleases the owners of the corn business.

More twelve years (since 2007):

- we arereliable a partner for dozens of companies and individual entrepreneurs, in the vastness of all Rus' and the CIS,

– we successfully trade in wholesale quality andtasty corn kernels and cobs,

we manufacture ourselves and constantly we modernize attractive multifunctional outlets, in the form of vintage cars, trains, airplanes, carriages and affordable small-sized carts for the sale of fresh corn, popcorn, cotton candy and other popular fast food throughout Russia.

We see good growth prospects for the fast food market andWe invite you to earn with us.

Options You can see our mobile commercial equipment in the Counters, Retromobiles, Paravoz&Caretan sections of our website.

Five components of success concept

"Corn with a glass" from "Kukuruzkin"!

1. Food as a medicine - can make a person healthy, or maybe sick. Corn in a glass, trademark "Kukuruzkin" - healthy, low calorie and highly profitable product.

2. In the fast pace of modern life, ready-to-eat, steamed corn grains quickly satisfy the desires of residents of megacities in delicious, fast, healthy and cheap food.

3. Unlike cobs, corn in grain do not increase the load on the mall bins with their waste - therefore, with corn in a glass from Kukuruzkin, significantly easier to get walk-through rental areas. Easier and keep optimal for you relationship with the landlord- if the landlord's bins on all floors are mostly filled with corn cobs every day - for sure, negotiations about the expediency and cost of rent will be difficult.Cob dipped in oil burns and stains hands, and then clothes - with the cob not allowed to shops and cinemas. On the cob, you deprive yourself arrived with flavor additives("grated cheese", "honey", "garlic"), which can be a third of the proceeds.

4. Corn "Kukuruzkin" - useful for both adults and children, as it is grownby technology organic farming. grains separate from the cob manually rather than being cut off on the conveyor.The cut grain loses 40-60% of its taste and sweetness, while the whole one retains 100% benefit and taste for our clients.Careful separation of grains from the cob guaranteeswholenessgrain and the preservation of all useful substances in it.

5. Corn "Kukuruzkin" quick and easy to prepare- since the grains are processed with steam ( blanched) is still at the production stage, therefore, using our high-quality equipment, the product is quickly brought to readiness at the point of sale (15-25 minutes - depending on the temperature of air, water, raw materials, double boilers, etc.).Steamed whole corn kernels of the Kukuruzkin brand can warm up for a long time in a double boiler , keeping,Unlike from European corn,excellent rich taste and juicy appearance.

Hot corn is a traditional food product since the Soviet times - the annual growth of the Russian retail market is at least 20% - multiply your opportunities!

Garden vegetable growing is able to consistently provide plant lovers with good earnings. Some gardeners prefer to grow corn for sale. A valuable cereal crop is in great demand, it is used in a variety of ways, it is cultivated everywhere. Another name is "maize". The temperature for germination of corn seeds is 10 degrees, but favorable for productive development and good growth 19-24. At spring frosts maize leaves are sometimes damaged, but new ones grow. During flowering, temperatures above 29 degrees Celsius negatively affect pollen and fertilization of flowers. This reduces the yield.

Fertile soil saturated with humus is desirable for growing corn in the garden. Best Growth provide black soil. Soils that are poor for cultivation are solonetsous, heavy loamy, waterlogged, and insufficiently drained. Prepare a garden for corn in the fall by deep (30 cm) digging the earth, removing weeds, and fertilizing. Fertilizers per hundred square meters are recommended: 320 kg of organic matter, 3.8 kg of superphosphate, 2.2 kg of potassium salt. Early spring shallow (8 cm) loosening of the soil with the introduction of two-year-old compost is beneficial. Corn seeds are sown to a depth of 8 cm. Sowing dates, maize planting patterns depend on the variety and climate. For late-ripening varieties, a scheme of 75x75 cm is acceptable. The desired density of plants per hundred square meters is 400-600 pieces.

A garden with corn seedlings must be protected from birds, watered, fed, hilled, protected from frost, weeded, loosened row-spacings. In the spring, it is acceptable to cover with a film of polyethylene from frost. For loosening, destruction of weeds, destruction of the soil crust, they are harrowed with a rake 5 days after sowing. The first 12 days it is advisable to protect the seeds from hatching by birds. Especially crows are able to eat shoots, peck out seeds. Kerosene is effective against them, which is used to treat seeds before sowing. With the formation of three leaves, it is productive to thin out the plants, hill up, loosen the aisles.

Feeding is useful during the growing season of corn. With three leaves formed, it is advisable to feed to support a weakened root system, unable to take nutrients from the ground. Organics diluted with water are most preferable: bird droppings (1:21), slurry (1:5). It should be added to these solutions per 100 liters of 155 g of potassium chloride and 390 g of superphosphate. It is acceptable to apply liquid top dressing to a depth of 10 cm between rows. After fertilizing and watering, it is useful to loosen the soil well.

The drought tolerance of corn is good, but insufficient moisture when dropping the panicle or flowering significantly reduces the yield. Especially plentiful waterings are expedient at formation of grains. The shallow root system allows little water to be used for irrigation. In the southern regions, it is enough to water corn four times, spending 3,000 liters per hundred square meters. When maize has 6-7 leaves, side shoots grow. They have a negative effect - they create a shadow, deplete the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to break these shoots 18 cm long carefully near the base, avoiding damage to the stem.

Harvest corn during the period when the grain acquires technical ripeness. You can use the cobs after 80-110 days from the time of emergence of seedlings. Selective harvesting of cobs is carried out for several days. If you delay cleaning, the grains harden, become wrinkled, and do not boil soft enough. This degrades the nutritional quality. It is recommended to cook or freeze the cobs after harvesting. It is possible to store corn kernels for 20 days at zero temperature. At a temperature of +30, up to 50% of the sugar contained in the grains is lost per day. In the garden, the yield of corn per hundred square meters is up to 180 kg.

In Russia, agriculture is a promising economic sector - production volumes are increasing, sown areas are expanding. Growing corn as a business: profitability, feedback from experienced farmers will help a novice entrepreneur organize a profitable business.

According to experts, the cultivation of corn allows you to get a benefit of 40-80%. To achieve such indicators, suitable climatic conditions, careful care of crops, the use of agricultural machinery, and proper storage of the crop are required. The scale of the business depends on the acreage and well-established sales.

Scope of application

Sweet corn, or maize, is one of the world's fundamental agricultural crops. Historical finds confirm that many thousands of years ago people made corn tortillas. Currently, production volumes amount to millions of tons per year, Russia is among the top ten grain harvesters.

Scope of corn:

  1. As a food item. Cobs can be eaten raw and processed; in Africa, a fifth of the diet of the inhabitants falls on maize. Flour, cereals and butter are made from corn, and in the future, an unlimited number of dishes are made from these products. A rare cinema does without popcorn, and a summer beach without boiled cobs. Children like corn sticks, crunchy cereal, hot in cups. Bourbon, a popular alcoholic drink in the West, is made from maize grains. The most commonly used processing methods are: boiling, canning, pickling, freezing, drying, grinding, fermentation, heating.
  2. In animal husbandry. For the manufacture of feed and bedding for livestock and poultry, 70% of the total crops are grown.
  3. In pharmaceuticals. At an early stage of corn ripening, stigmas are harvested with a high content of vitamins and oils. Used in dried form or in the form of tinctures, extracts and oils for the treatment of the gallbladder, liver, diabetes, atherosclerosis.
  4. In industry. Corn is used to make starch, ethanol, methane, household chemicals, plastic, paper, fabrics.

Producing countries export millions of tons of grain to states with a low level of agricultural development.

The corn consumption market is huge and is of investment interest for start-up entrepreneurs. Before proceeding with the cultivation of products, it is necessary to study the technology and determine the distribution channels.


To collect good harvest grain, you need to follow the rules of cultivation at all stages of the production cycle:

  • Choose a seed variety that is most suitable for the climate zone and soil characteristics. Corn is best cultivated in areas with a lot of sunny days V summer period. For the northern territories, special hybrids with a short ripening period have been bred, adapted to the harsh climate - Katerina SV, Newton, Mashuk 150 MV. In the south, drought-resistant crop species are planted. It is also necessary to take into account the intended purpose of the product - feed or food. Hybrids with a long shelf life are grown for silage. Better for insurance sweet variety, which is the most popular and easy to sell.
  • Prepare the soil. They begin to cultivate a field for corn crops in the fall - they plow or loosen, apply compost fertilizers at the rate of 40 tons per hectare. It is important to observe the sequence of cultures. If you grow grain in the same place for more than 3 years in a row, then the soil will be depleted. Therefore, corn is interspersed with legumes, winter and nightshade.
  • Sowing the field. This stage is started in the spring, when the soil warms up to +5°C and the average daily temperature reaches +10°C. Large areas are processed by machinery, in a small area, pre-prepared seedlings are planted to increase productivity. The sprouts are transferred to open ground at a temperature of +14°С. 70 cm are indented between rows, as corn stalks with a powerful green mass grow up to 1.5 m in height. The calculation of the need for seeds is based on the weight of the grains. In order for 60,000 mature plants to grow on a hectare of land, 20 kg of first-class material must be planted (1000 grains weigh 300 g). If a thousand seeds weigh 200 g, then to obtain a similar result, it is necessary to sow 13.3 kg.
  • Taking care of the field. Throughout the entire period of corn growth, the land is fertilized, plants are watered, and pests and weeds are controlled. In order not to harm the seedlings with unnecessary chemical treatments, you need to know the composition of the soil, the level of moisture, the percentage of assimilation of nutrients by the crop. Weeds are exterminated by loosening row-spacings and spraying with herbicides. Insecticides are used against pests. For good crop growth, the oxygen content in the soil should not be less than 20%. It is important to provide abundant watering in the dry season and apply nitrogen, potash, phosphorus fertilizers.
  • Harvest. Milk corn is harvested in early July, when the stigmas begin to dry out and the maximum content of sugary substances in the grains at a moisture content of 40%. Forage varieties are harvested in August-September. Manual labor Rarely used in small areas. Mostly special equipment works in the fields.
  • Implement products. Sales contracts are signed in advance, and freshly harvested corn goes to livestock farms, processing plants, elevators, and markets.

When growing a crop for seeds, you need to spend more effort. Mother and father plants are planted in a ratio of 6 to 2 (8 to 4, 12 to 4), the site is taken care of as usual. At the stage of pollination, male stems are removed from the field, and the remaining seedlings are harvested by a combine and delivered to the factory, where a long process of selecting quality seeds takes place.

Raw materials are sorted out from garbage and marriage, suitable cobs are dried and threshed. Grains are filtered from impurities and sorted according to specified sizes. As a result, high-quality seed material is obtained, a guarantee of a rich yield.

Subject to technological standards in favorable climatic conditions, the yield per 1 ha is 60-70 centners or 80-90 thousand cobs.


In order to legally engage in the business of growing and selling corn, it is necessary to become registered with the supervisory authorities. For the agricultural sector, the regulations provide for the creation of a peasant farm.

Peasant farming has the right to hire workers, use large planting areas, and pay taxes at preferential rates. A similar form of business organization is individual entrepreneurship on a single agricultural tax.

If an entrepreneur independently cultivates a land plot of up to 2.5 hectares, then it is economically profitable to register a business as a personal subsidiary plot - private household plots. At the same time, only members of the businessman's family can participate in the activity.


Practically at all stages of growing corn on long fields, agricultural machinery is used:

  1. Cultivator.
  2. seeder.
  3. Harvester.
  4. Tractor.
  5. Other inventory.

Even in a small farm, when sowing and harvesting is done manually, walk-behind tractors are used to cultivate the land.

The cost of a complete set of equipment can reach several million rubles, so many farmers start a business on rented equipment. The practice of hiring workers with personal agricultural units is widespread.

planting material

Corn grains for sowing are purchased from third-party organizations or grown independently. The quality of the material greatly affects the future harvest, so it is best for a budding entrepreneur to contact a company that is a member of the National Corn and Sunflower Seed Association. When choosing imported varieties, there is a risk of acquiring counterfeit products.

It is safe to buy planting seeds at exhibitions-fairs, in which certified producers take part. To sow 1 hectare of land with sweet corn, you need to spend 16-65 thousand rubles, depending on the variety.

In Russia, 3 types of corn prevail:

  • sugar;
  • siliceous;
  • dentate.

The maize genome has been completely deciphered, many hybrids have been bred by agricultural research institutes for various purposes and climatic conditions. Responsible enterprises, when selling seeds, give recommendations on growing crops.

Payback calculation

To determine how much it costs to start a business on corn, you need to know the initial data:

  1. The land plot is owned or leased, the size of the sown area.
  2. State of workers.
  3. Availability of technology.
  4. Sales option.

As an example, a leased municipal field of 1 hectare is taken, which the businessman's family cultivates on their own. The form of organization is private household plots, there are no sales taxes. Agricultural machinery is taken for temporary use on a large farm. Sales to the wholesale and retail network in the ratio of 10/1.

Starting investments for 1 production cycle:

With a stem density of 60 thousand/ha, the crop is harvested in 80 thousand ears of corn. Greens are handed over for silage - about 20 tons. The revenue will be:

Excluding investments and investments in the next sowing season, the entrepreneur's annual income will be 662,000 rubles. Profitability - 54%, this is a very profitable business for agriculture.

The advantage of corn over other crops is waste-free production and a wide range of applications. Even if it was not possible to grow grain with nutritional value, then you can always hand over the crop for fodder, and thereby recoup the investment. The disadvantages include a narrow temperature corridor for aging. Already at + 32 ° C, flowering stops and cobs will not form.

Related business

To increase profitability, entrepreneurs organize drying, a warehouse, and open their own corn processing workshop:

  • crushing;
  • canning;
  • oil squeezer;
  • popcorn production.

Finished products cost several times more than raw materials. To expand the business, additional financial investments will be required, which will pay off in 1.5-2 years.

Video: costs and income of growing corn.
