Barrier free palisade

How often do you see people in wheelchairs or blind people with canes unaccompanied on the streets of the capital? Hardly. However, this does not mean that we do not have them. There are 140,000 disabled people in Kyiv, but they simply do not have the opportunity to move freely around the city. What the authorities are doing to turn the capital of Ukraine into a comfortable European city for such people is negligible. And many of what has been done, the disabled call a real nightmare.

How many disabled people are there in the world? The United Nations estimates that there are about 700 million of them. Statistics are difficult because different countries estimate the number of citizens with disabilities differently.

According to the findings of the World Bank, people with disabilities are among the poorest segments of the population, their share is 20 percent. Surrounding, basically, refer to people with disabilities, purely from a medical point of view. That is, from the standpoint of the “medical model”, a person who is limited to one degree or another in the ability to move, hear, speak, see, write is considered a disabled person. A situation is created in which a disabled person is perceived as a permanently ill person who does not meet a certain standard that allows him to work, study, visiting ordinary institutions. An opinion is formed that such a person is a burden to society, as if his dependent. The disabled themselves prefer to consider disability as a social aspect.

Comparing these two "perception models" of disability, let's imagine young man, a pupil or student who needs to visit a bookstore or study in a public library.

If you look at this problem as a "social model", then steps will be an obstacle. It's just that the design and construction of most buildings did not take into account the needs of the disabled, their requests. It is precisely because of these reasons that a person will not be able to write a report, an essay, prepare for a test, and therefore will not pass the "test", will not receive a positive assessment and, as a result, knowledge. It is the wheelchair that makes a person feel like an invalid, and the attitude of society towards him only emphasizes and aggravates this situation. Not physiological features and deviations, but the physical barriers of the environment, the almost impossibility of working normally, gaining knowledge, education, and using public transport make a person feel like an invalid. And the attitude of others does not let you forget about it.

Undoubtedly, people with disabilities need medical care. Even if in more than others. But still, from the point of view of the "social model", disability is a matter of human rights, the ability to realize them.

Any humane society/state cannot remain aloof from solving problems related to the life of disabled people. And this involves improving aspects of health care, education, combating poverty, crime and drug addiction, protecting the environment - not only natural, but also social.

Meanwhile, we face one of the problems of the disabled every day. Ramps, of which there are many on city streets, theoretically should make life easier for wheelchair users. However, in reality, such constructions do nothing but harm. The ramps arranged in the houses themselves are inconvenient - slippery, without handrails. Broken bones here is the best thing that can happen. In the underground passages there is a very large slope of the ramp, often there is no check-in and railings, spontaneous trade is in full swing on many slopes, there are mountains of garbage. In addition, having moved down such a ramp, the disabled person immediately encounters obstacles in the form of curbs, so it’s time to break into a cake. Terrible and advertised wheelchair congresses at metro stations, the arrangement of which cost Kyiv 80 thousand hryvnias. "Suicide simulators" - they are so cool. At residential buildings, for example, ramps are completely "stepped". In other words, they simply do not exist! With the exception, of course, of new buildings.

Therefore, many of the people confined to a wheelchair are not even able to leave the house on their own and are forced to stay in isolation for years. Meanwhile, in Western countries, their colleagues in misfortune have the opportunity to enjoy almost all the benefits of civilization.

“Today, disabled people are in complete isolation. There is nothing for which you can praise the authorities, - the head public organization Center for the Rehabilitation of Spinal Disabled People "Revival of the ARS". - The only thing that can be called positive is the emergence of low-floor buses and trolleybuses. But, again, there is practically no way for wheelchair users to get to such a vehicle.

“I live on the third floor, and the wheelchair barely fits into the small-sized elevator, almost with a creak. It is simply unrealistic to overcome several steps in a wheelchair without assistance. And there are practically no ramps anywhere," a disabled woman shared her impressions.

The visually impaired also cannot move without assistance. Danger lies in wait for them at every turn. There are only six intersections in Kyiv equipped with sound signal devices (and even those are not always working), approaches to metro stations are loaded trade pavilions, and "subway" platforms without protruding restrictive lines can become platforms for departure to the next world. If the city program "Barrier-Free Environment", designed to improve the access conditions for citizens with disabilities to the social and engineering and transport infrastructure of the capital, is carried out with great difficulty for wheelchair users, then no one has tried to implement it for the blind. But the ramp, which is being made for disabled people with spinal problems, is an even greater obstacle for the blind (there are about 3 thousand of them in Kyiv) than stairs. Almost nothing has been done for the visually impaired in the city. One of the most pressing problems for the blind is getting into the right transport, because they do not see the route number. The management of UTOS suggested that the city authorities introduce special devices on public transport, so that when approaching a bus stop, the trolley bus would report its number. No less necessary are sound beacons above the entrances to the subway, shop, pharmacy, post office, so that it would be easier for the blind to navigate in space.

Some progress in making life easier for the blind is only in the Kiev metro. So, a visually impaired person of the 1st group can be accompanied by a relative or acquaintance free of charge. If the blind person travels alone, the controller meets him and takes him to the escalator. Below, they put him in the first car, asking which station he needs to go to. Upon arrival, he is also taken out of the "underground". True, it should be noted that the city went towards the blind in this regard only after two blind people died in the subway a few years ago: people fell between the train cars, and not at the doors.

It turns out that victims are needed to solve the problems of Kyiv disabled people?

One often hears statements of this type: "In our country, disabled people live poorly, but in the West ...". It is more convenient for people with disabilities to live in European cities: the standard of living is higher, it is easier to move around the streets, to shop in stores. In many countries, advanced technologies are used for the professional, medical and social rehabilitation of disabled people. In addition, special lifts for the disabled are being introduced not only in residential and public buildings, but also in public transport. This is not surprising: the process of integrating disabled people into society in the West began half a century earlier than in our country.

Thus, the 60s for the United States became a turning point in terms of the struggle for civil rights. No, people with disabilities did not die of hunger here, they did not suffer from the lack of medical care. In terms of the blessings of life, they have never been offended. The struggle was in full swing for the possibility of equal access to all the benefits of civilization. Disabled America demanded the American Disabled Rights Act.

And just 20 years ago, such a law was passed. The Americans with Disabilities Act guaranteed equality for people with disabilities in employment, use of public transportation, visits to public and commercial establishments, and telecommunications. In pursuance of the law, all state organizations have created special telephone lines for the hearing impaired. Buses must have special seats that the driver can remove if a disabled person in a wheelchair gets on the bus. For this, buses are equipped with special lifts. Metro stations are equipped with elevators. Most state and public buildings have special ramps specially designed for wheelchair users. All commercial private organizations that visit such customers - banks, restaurants, hotels, and shops - are required to have such rides. The exception is private companies that do not have direct contact with buyers.

Another principle public policy in relation to disabled people, the need is not for the availability of the devices themselves, but for the ability of a disabled person to use the services of an organization or service with the same ease as an ordinary person. So, if the library has a second floor, then it does not necessarily have to spend money on an elevator. However, if a disabled person asks for a book that is on the second floor, the librarians are required to bring it. If a restaurant has, for example, three toilets, one of which has special devices making the toilet accessible to the disabled, it is not necessary to equip all toilets with such devices. It is enough to hang a sign that indicates which toilet is more comfortable to use for a disabled person.

Special laws were also enacted to protect the rights of the deaf and blind. In 1962, the US Congress passed a special law to create a music library for the deaf. Today, the Washington DC library has over 30,000 Braille entries. Doctors and courts should hire sign language interpreters for deaf patients. Signboards are provided with inscriptions made in Braille, intended for blind and visually impaired people. Fast food restaurants print the name of the drink in Braille on paper cups. Blind people can take guide dogs into buses and grocery stores, where other Americans are strictly forbidden to bring pets.

This law really works. If you open a laundry, a restaurant, a school, and at least something in it is inaccessible to a disabled person, the law on the disabled of America tomorrow will "close" such a business. If a disabled person does not find a ramp on the sidewalk within one block, an elevator or a lift within one urban structure, a toilet where you can call in on business in a wheelchair, public transport that you cannot enter, there will be no mercy. If there is no special markup of inscriptions for the blind in public places, there is no sound floor counter in elevators, all heavenly punishments will fall on those who did not provide equal access to the disabled.

In our country, 20 years ago, people with disabilities were generally “banned”. The result of the current state policy is the fact that they have "come out of the shadows", and this is already a big step forward. greatest achievement The Ukrainian authorities were signed last year by the President of Ukraine of the UN Convention "On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities". After that, in December, the Verkhovna Rada ratified this document. A feature of this convention is that it provides for a clause on the reporting to the UN of representatives of the authorities of the signatory country on the results of the implementation of its norms. This important fact made domestic officials pay more attention to the problem of discrimination against the disabled. The Government of Ukraine adopted nine important resolutions on the implementation of the clauses of this convention. For the main thing is to bring its norms into action, so that later there would be no shame before the international community for not fulfilling the obligations assumed. Moreover, next year in Ukraine it is planned to hold a Council of Europe conference on the rights of persons with disabilities, which will bring together representatives of more than 30 participating countries.

Yes, of course, the state must provide elevators and ramps educational institutions, give assistant teachers and so on. However, if the former detachment continues in society, the division of society into “us” and “them”, the situation will not change much. People with disabilities have long been reluctant to hold begging caps. They ceased to be an "invalid" part of society. Mercy, pity, compassion - all this is good to tenderness. But this is not what a person who lives hard lives needs. He wants society to create conditions under which he limited opportunities become unlimited. Ukraine is just beginning to think about these issues.

Let's immediately prioritize: a road user can only be individual, Human. Do not be confused: a vehicle cannot be a participant. Only a person is able to have rights and bear obligations within the framework of the rules governing traffic.

Definition from the SDA (clause 1.2):

"Road user" - a person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, pedestrian, passenger of a vehicle.

IN this definition a complete, exhaustive list of persons who may participate in road traffic is given.

In other words, each of us within the framework of traffic can be either a driver, or a passenger, or a pedestrian.


The most important, the main participant in the movement is the driver. It is on him that the main burden of responsibility for observing traffic rules and ensuring road safety lies. Therefore, those who believe that the Rules exist as an advantage for the driver are practically not mistaken.

Definition from the SDA (clause 1.2):

"Driver" - a person driving a vehicle, a driver leading pack animals, riding animals or a herd along the road. A driving instructor is equivalent to a driver.

The driver thus appears to us in his three main manifestations.

1. Vehicle driver.

This is the classic and most common case. A person driving any vehicle (bicycle, moped, motorcycle, car, etc.) is considered a driver.

The lion's share of traffic rules regulates the activities of the driver of the vehicle. It was for him that a special section 2 of the SDA was created, which is called “General Duties of the Driver”.

By the way, the question of the status of the driver is still being discussed. Is he such if he parks the car and goes about his business?

It seems to us that it is. This, of course, is not certain. But otherwise, why and for what he is fined in case of violation of the rules of stopping or parking? A person does not control his vehicle, how is the definition voiced?

Therefore, it seems to us that one should not cling to the letter of the law - the “person who manages” the vehicle. Otherwise, after being stopped by a traffic police officer, this very “person”, having left the vehicle, ceases to control it and may formally refuse to submit documents to the inspector. After all, it (“the person”) is no longer the “person managing” the vehicle?

Before us is a typical example of a gap in the law. And there are a huge number of such examples in the text of the SDA. Therefore, we propose to call on common sense for help in such legal conflicts.

2. Animal driver.

This is the second manifestation of the driver's essence. Pack or riding animals, as well as a herd moving along the road, must be accompanied by a driver. It is the driver - a shepherd, a shepherd, etc.

It is such a driver who is responsible for traffic safety and is responsible at the moment when his “wards” cross the carriageway or move along the road.

3. Driver - driving instructor.

When teaching driving, we may, at first glance, encounter a paradox: a cadet is driving, but he is not a driver!

And nothing surprising. According to the traffic rules, the instructor is the driver, who is responsible for traffic safety and strict observance by the cadet of traffic rules. And, unfortunately, for the violations committed by his ward.


The vehicle, as we found out earlier, exists to transport passengers and various items (cargo, equipment). Let's focus on the passenger - another road user. His behavior is regulated by the 5th section of the traffic rules.

Definition from the SDA (clause 1.2):

"Passenger" - a person, other than the driver, who is in (on) a vehicle, as well as a person who enters (gets on) the vehicle or leaves the vehicle (gets off it).

One thing is clear from all this tirade: a passenger is considered to be such as long as he is in the vehicle. However, he is not a driver.

Many ignorant passengers believe that they cannot be subjected to legal liability for violating traffic rules. This is mistake. For example, refusal to use a seat belt (if any in the vehicle) is the basis for the administrative responsibility of the passenger.

A pedestrian

The problem of the pedestrian is the most burning, the most relevant in the practice of road safety. Pedestrian collisions (regardless of where they occur - at a pedestrian crossing or outside it) are a very common occurrence.

Pedestrians themselves are partly to blame for this state of affairs, completely ignoring the norms of the 4th section of the Rules, which speak of the duties of pedestrians. The most popular misconception is blind faith in the unconditional correctness of a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing. This conviction is deliberately and purposefully cultivated by the media, the Internet, regardless of the existing obligations of a pedestrian, recorded in the traffic rules.

Definition from the SDA (clause 1.2):

"Pedestrian" - a person who is outside the vehicle on the road or on a pedestrian or bicycle path and does not work on them. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sledge, cart, baby or wheelchair, as well as using roller skates, scooters and other similar means for movement are equated to pedestrians.

Pedestrian is the most massive road user. And therefore a clear definition and clarification of its status is a matter of principle.

1. A pedestrian must indicate the fact of his presence on the road (sidewalk, carriageway, roadside, etc.), as well as on the pedestrian (or bicycle) path.

In other words, if a person is not in these areas, then he will not be considered a pedestrian.

2. Pedestrians include a number of persons who move small vehicles without their direct use, as well as those moving on wheelchair without engine.

For example, pedestrians can drive a motorcycle, moped, bicycle, as well as move a baby carriage, sled, cart, etc.

4. Persons performing their work functions, professional duties within the road will not be considered pedestrians.

These most often include:

b) traffic police officers.

Thus, we call a pedestrian a road user who is within the road, pedestrian, cycle path and uses them specifically for movement without using a vehicle, and not for performing their professional functions.


The traffic controller is not a road user. No matter how paradoxical it may seem, it is a fact. A traffic controller is a person whose professional duties include traffic control. It turns out that this is a kind of professional status, designed to monitor safety on the road.

Definition from the SDA (clause 1.2):

"Regulator" - a person endowed in the prescribed manner with the authority to regulate traffic using the signals established by the Rules, and directly exercising the specified regulation. The traffic controller must be in uniform and (or) have a distinctive badge and equipment. Traffic controllers include police officers and military motor vehicle inspectors, as well as employees of road maintenance services on duty at railway crossings and ferry crossings in the performance of their official duties.

Speaking of traffic controllers, we most often mean the traffic police inspector -. In principle, in the vast majority of cases it is so.

It is not difficult to determine the traffic controller: according to the traffic rules, he must be in special uniform.

Its equipment also includes means of regulation - a rod, a disk with a red retroreflective element, a whistle (to attract the attention of traffic participants) or a loudspeaker.

The traffic controller must have a certificate, which he must present at the request of the driver. There is one more requirement for the traffic police inspector: a special distinctive sign with a personal number must be on his chest.

In addition to traffic police officers, other officials are equated to traffic controllers, whom the Rules give authority to regulate traffic.

1. Traffic controllers - employees of the VAI (military automobile inspection).

When moving along the roads of military convoys, the employees of the VAI exercise control over traffic safety. Traffic control aims at the unhindered passage, above all, of vehicles of the armed forces. And in these conditions, ordinary drivers are obliged to comply with the requirements of such traffic controllers.

2. Regulators - on duty at the crossing.

For a clear organization of traffic and ensuring maximum safety of the passage of vehicles through the railway tracks at the busiest railway crossings, special officials are involved - duty officers for the crossing. At such controlled crossings, duty officers work around the clock.

This practice leads to increased security. In case of failure of the automatic signaling at the crossing, the traffic controller (crossing duty officer) blocks the exit of vehicles onto the railway tracks.

Fans, amateurs, tourists, athletes are on the eve of the opening of the professional cycling season. On long winter evenings, watching videos of cycling races, rereading favorite publications, flipping through books and magazines on cycling, many with longing eyes turned their gaze to a bicycle gathering dust in the corner of the room. Unusually cold, snowy, and in some places rainy, it was winter. But very soon, those who like to ride with the breeze on a two-wheeled friend will get a bicycle uniform, helmets and glasses from the mezzanine.

And they will drive along narrow country roads, far from the bustle of the city, from smog and representatives of the traffic police, enjoying freedom of movement, clean air, and views of awakening nature. However, in a fit of experienced pleasure, loading stagnant muscles, you should not forget about the most important thing, about what will prolong your joy for many, many years - about the rules of the road. It is no secret that cyclists often die under the wheels of a car. A cyclist, unlike a motorcyclist, is practically not protected. Let's remind each other about official and non-official traffic rules.

The main rule!!! Just as a bicycle cannot ride without wheels, so a cyclist cannot ride without a helmet. remember, that helmet will protect your head from serious damage when falling.

Next, we present Traffic rules for cyclists Russian Federation (version dated 05/10/2010, entered into force on November 20, 2010), but in other countries of the world these rules are not much different, however, in the comments you can point out the differences in the COIN in your countries).

The main provisions of the traffic rules regarding cyclists:

1. General Provisions
"Bike"a vehicle, other than a wheelchair, having two or more wheels and propelled by the muscular power of the people on it.

A cyclist, according to the Rules, qualifies as a bicycle driver.

A bicycle is a vehicle, but not a "motorized vehicle". Therefore, if in SDA If it says "vehicle", then this applies to bicycles, and if it says "motorized vehicle", then this does not apply to bicycles.

In particular, this means that the cyclist must:


2.3.2. IN established cases pass a test of knowledge of the Rules and driving skills, as well as a medical examination to confirm the ability to drive vehicles;

2.3.3. Provide vehicle:

* police officers, federal authorities state protection and bodies of the federal security service in cases stipulated by law;

2.7. The driver is prohibited from:

drive a vehicle while intoxicated (alcoholic, narcotic or otherwise), under the influence of medicines, impairing reaction and attention, in a painful or tired state, endangering traffic safety;

* cross organized (including foot) columns and take a place in them;

* use alcoholic beverages, narcotic, psychotropic or other intoxicating substances after a traffic accident in which he is involved, or after the vehicle was stopped at the request of a police officer, before an examination to establish a state of intoxication or before a decision is made to release from such an examination;

* use a mobile phone while driving that is not equipped technical device allowing hands-free negotiation.

24. Additional requirements for the movement of bicycles...

24.1. To drive a bicycle, a horse-drawn cart (sleigh), to be a driver of pack, riding animals or a herd while driving on roads is allowed for persons not younger than 14 years old, and a moped - not younger than 16 years old.

If a person does not ride a bicycle, but rolls it, then he is considered a pedestrian, not a cyclist (SDA 1.2).

1.2. The following basic concepts and terms are used in the Rules:

"Pedestrian" - a person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not work on it. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sledge, cart, baby or wheelchair are equated to pedestrians.

At the same time, the Rules stipulate only one difference between a cyclist and a pedestrian:

4. Responsibilities of Pedestrians

4.1. Pedestrians should move along sidewalks or footpaths, and in their absence, along roadsides. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky items, as well as persons moving in unpowered wheelchairs, may move along the edge of the carriageway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders interferes with other pedestrians.

* In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths or roadsides, as well as in case of impossibility to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one line along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip, along the outer edge of the carriageway).

* When driving along the edge of the carriageway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a motorcycle, moped, bicycle, in these cases must follow the direction of the vehicles.

* When driving along roadsides or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are advised to carry objects with retroreflective elements and ensure the visibility of these objects by vehicle drivers.

Technical requirements

2.3. The driver of the vehicle must:

2.3.1. Before leaving, check and ensure the correct technical condition of the vehicle on the way in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety.

It is forbidden to move if there is a malfunction of the service brake system, steering, coupling device (as part of a road train), unlit (absent) headlights and rear position lights in the dark

19. Use of external lights and sound signals

19.1. At night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of road lighting, as well as in tunnels, a moving vehicle must turn on the following lighting devices:

* on all motor vehicles and mopeds - high or low beam headlights, on bicycles - headlights or lanterns, on horse-drawn carts - lanterns (if any);


24.3 . Bicycle and moped riders are prohibited from:

* drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;

* carry passengers, except for a child under the age of 7, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests;

* transport cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions, or cargo that interferes with control;

* move along the road if there is a bike path nearby;

* turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in this direction;

It is forbidden to tow bicycles and mopeds, as well as bicycles and mopeds, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped.

16. Motorway traffic

16.1. On motorways it is prohibited:

* the movement of pedestrians, pets, bicycles, mopeds, tractors and self-propelled vehicles, other vehicles, the speed of which is technical specification or their condition is less than 40 km/h;

24.4. At an unregulated intersection of a cycle path with a road, located outside the intersection, drivers of bicycles and mopeds must give way to vehicles moving along this road.

24.2. Bicycles, mopeds (...) must move only on the extreme right lane in one row as far as possible to the right. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if it does not interfere with pedestrians.

* Columns of cyclists, horse-drawn carts (sledges), riding and pack animals when moving along the carriageway must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists, riding and pack animals and 5 carts (sledges). To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

The movement of bicycles (as well as any other vehicles) on sidewalks and footpaths is prohibited, but in practice, cyclists on the sidewalk are treated quite leniently:

9. Location of vehicles on the roadway

9.9. It is prohibited to move vehicles along dividing lanes and roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths (with the exception of cases specified in paragraphs 12.1, 24.2 rules). The movement of vehicles of road maintenance and public utilities is allowed, as well as the entrance along the shortest path of vehicles transporting goods to trade and other enterprises and facilities located directly at the shoulders, sidewalks or footpaths, in the absence of other ways of access. At the same time, traffic safety must be ensured.

People who experience difficulty in moving can have a wide variety of diseases associated with significant difficulties in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system (MDA).

The musculoskeletal system (MLA) is a musculoskeletal system, a single complex consisting of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, their nerve formations, which provides support for the body and movement of a person in space, as well as the movement of individual parts of the body and organs (head, limbs, etc.)

When moving, people can use all kinds of mobility aids - canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, etc. It should be remembered that vehicles cannot be removed, moved away. It is also not necessary to try to help get into public transport without asking, go up or down the stairs, etc. However, holding the door, helping a person in a wheelchair to the curb, warning about a slippery field, ice will be very helpful.

People with hyperkinesis (spasticity)

Hyperkinesis - involuntary movements of the body or limbs, facial expressions, which are usually characteristic of people with cerebral palsy (ICP). Involuntary movements can also occur in people with spinal cord injury.


If you see a person with hyperkinesis, you should not obviously pay attention to him.

When talking, do not be distracted by the involuntary movements of your interlocutor, because you can involuntarily miss something important, and then both of you will find yourself in an awkward position.

Offer help discreetly, without attracting everyone's attention.

Before you sit down at a table with a person with hyperkinesis, ask what serving is convenient for him. He may need a straw, a deep or, conversely, a shallow plate, a low or high cup, and so on.

If in a store a person with hyperkinesis asks you to take out his wallet and pay or put purchases in his bag, do not be afraid to fulfill this request. There is no need to pay for it though. The same is true if you are asked to dial a phone number - it is absolutely not necessary to insert your phone card into the device.

In transport: at the entrance to the bus (trolleybus, tram), before offering your help, ask if you need it. For some people, the help of outsiders only hinders. When giving up your seat, don't insist if the person has refused.

If you are buying cinema or theater tickets for a person or people with hyperkinesis, choose places where they will not interfere with other spectators with involuntary movements. If there are no such places, you need to agree with the administration about additional places in the aisle.

Do not be afraid to contradict a person with hyperkinesia, being afraid to excite him. The position “just don’t worry”, “okay”, will lead to a loss of time and nerves. Calmly state your arguments, even if you see that your interlocutor is nervous.

With hyperkinesis, there are also difficulties in speech. In this case, we advise you to listen to the recommendations outlined in the section “people with speech difficulties”.

People using a wheelchair (IKC)

Wheelchairs can be used by people who have had amputations of the lower extremities, after a severe spinal injury, people with severe cerebral palsy (ICP), who have a severe form of multiple sclerosis, joint disease, after a stroke, poliomyelitis or other disease that has led to a violation of the functions of the lower limbs.

The wheelchair has a long history. Numerous attempts to make the chair mobile were made even before the birth of Christ, but the prototype of the modern wheelchair is most likely a wheelchair made for the Spanish King Philip II in 1595.

This design was more reminiscent of modern baby carriages. The owner could not set this chair in motion on his own, and this is not a royal matter, so Philip II moved in it with the help of his servants. Self-propelled vehicle, i.e. propelled by its owner, was invented in 1665 by Stefan Fartler. However, this design also bears little resemblance to modern wheelchairs, because it was set in motion, albeit with the help of hands, but the force on the front wheel was transmitted using cranks and more resembled modern designs of bicycles driven by hands.
