We live in wonderful world magic, full of wonders and mysteries. There are a great many ways of divination, here are all the methods of divination for a person on our website. By and large, the method itself and per person special significance does not play - this is just a predictor's tool to awaken one's own intuition, subconsciousness, clairvoyance, get in touch with other worlds and intangible entities and tell fortunes for the future.

Methods of divination for a person with decoding symbols

We all want to know our fate and look into the future, but we do not always attach importance to our usual actions during the morning brewing of a cup of coffee. And this is already part of the method of divination on coffee grounds. Love for coffee in Rus' arose in the time of Peter I, as soon as coffee beans were brought in, and the oldest method of divination on coffee grounds is more than seven centuries old. And let you not be confused by the unusual use of conventional means and the originality of the interpretations of the figures obtained, the veracity and reliability of this method have been proven by more than one generation of fortune-tellers. This is one of the best divination, tested by more than one generation.

In the mornings we meet with another method of ancient divination. As soon as tea was brought to Europe, people noticed that tea leaves in a cup form figures that resemble figures from another method of divination - on coffee. Symbols from tea leaves began to be interpreted in a similar way and another way of divination for the future and the best divination for a person appeared, which has not lost its popularity so far.

Here the expression "gaze into the looking glass" must be taken literally. Since childhood, we have been hearing about the ancient method of divination - with a mirror. This ancient divination has always been considered very creepy, and only the most daring ventured into it. This method of divination for a person was used when they wanted to tell fortunes about their betrothed and their future. In the mirror, they saw not only the future groom, but also fragments of the fate that awaited the fortuneteller. There were legends about the veracity of fortune-telling; there were a lot of people who wanted to tell fortunes at midnight and find out their fate in all ages. And not in vain, the popular home divination for a person has always come true.

In this famous ancient divination, molten wax or tin is poured into water. In modern home divination, mostly more affordable candles are used. They take a wax candle or a simple paraffin one, break it into small pieces and heat it in a metal spoon on the candle until the pieces turn into liquid. In this method of divination for a person, bizarre wax figures are formed in the water, which need to be interpreted and understood.

In this method of divination, the egg white is poured into the water and put in the cold for a short time. In this method of divination, various figures also arise that require attention and thoughtful interpretation. But the result is worth it, this method of divination is also unusually truthful and has been tested by many generations of fortune-tellers.

Paper shadow divination

This is the same well-known and simple old way of divination. Against the background of the flame of a candle, the shadow of a sheet of paper looks on the wall. A sheet of paper or newspaper must be crushed by hand so that it turns into a shapeless mass, leaving some indistinct contour, avoiding turning it into a ball. Paper can be set on fire on a metal tray, and its shadow can be seen after the paper has burned. The veracity of this home divination for a person has been repeatedly tested by many generations of fortunetellers. The meaning of the symbols of the shadows of divination by shadows from paper is the same as in divination by a person for coffee.

The meaning of the symbols and the decoding of the figures in fortune-telling on tea and coffee, by shadows, a mirror, an egg, wax and tin are very similar. Ancient divination for a person for a long time of their use has led to the fact that for many figures there have already been certain meanings for interpreting home divination and predicting the future. All descriptions of symbols for these divination methods are on the page. This, of course, is not an exhaustive list, but you can connect your imagination, apply the images of the figures you saw to your specific life situation and associative interpretation, and, believe me, intuitive prediction will be even more accurate.

Other ways of divination for a person

All methods of divination for a person gained particular popularity in Svyatki. At this time in Rus', both old and young were wondering about the future, and not only in Rus'. Christmas fortune-telling for the future and fate was eagerly awaited and prepared for them. Fortune telling on a person at Christmas became a field for various intrigues. And, most importantly, they always came true!

Yuletide fortune-telling on sing-along songs is an old New Year's fortune-telling on ritual songs on Vasiliev Evening. This home divination brought together the entire population of the village. Fortune-telling on a person and the joint performance of songs turned into a fun holiday. The largest number of songs were devoted to well-being in everything, although sometimes completely different songs were performed, predicting fate.

At Christmas, fortune telling for the fulfillment of desires different ways. We have prepared the most popular old Christmas fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a person’s desire for you. Do not look at the fact that they are very simple, they have been time-tested by many generations of fortune tellers at Christmas time. Fortune telling on a person’s desire is not difficult, but true.

Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed will reveal to you many secrets related to marriage. This will be the name of the future husband, and his character, and from which "side" the betrothed will be. Here you will learn how easy it is to guess the gender of the unborn child and how many children you will have. Here is the popular divination for the betrothed with the help of a shell walnut and candles. And many more interesting and different fortune-telling for a person and for a future husband.

In every Christmas divination for a betrothed in a dream, it was necessary to cast a spell and put some object in your head for the night. The dream about the betrothed was considered the best fortune-telling about the betrothed in dreams: if the betrothed had a dream, then the girl will be married this year; if the desired person did not dream in a dream, then marriage this year does not shine for her.

Walnut in the old days was called the "royal" nut. Overseas nuts could only be afforded by royal persons, and they were grown only in monasteries. Therefore, all sorts of amazing stories, magic rituals and ancient divination. The girls took care of the walnut shell and in winter, during Christmas fortune-telling, they used it for divination for the future, for fortune-telling for the betrothed, fortune-telling for a person and for imminent marriage.

Ancient methods of divination, which even fortunetellers - gypsies were afraid to use. It was believed that needles are used to inflict damage on a person, such a strong energy field is created by a metal needle, and a connection with the other world is established through a thread. We know several ways of divination with needles, the most popular are divination by a person to determine the sex of the unborn child and

Ancient methods of divination to determine the prospects for receiving cash receipts and fabulous wealth in the near future. With these methods of divination per person, coins of different denominations and various banknotes are used. paper money. We have a very simple, but very truthful, old way of divination for money, which uses only a glass of water. Very

There are many ways of divination for fidelity and betrayal of a husband, wife and loved one. When jealousy burns your soul and body, when doubts do not give rest and do not allow you to eat or sleep, then it's time to find out the truth, no matter how bitter it may be for you. It's time to tell fortunes on the fidelity of a loved one and find out whether there is a place to be a betrayal or it just seems to you. Fortune-telling about a person’s betrayal is very truthful and time-tested, so think in advance what you will do with this truth, and will you be calmer in your soul if fortune-telling convicts an infidel of treason?

Chinese fortune-telling according to the Book of Changes, or, as it is also called I-Ching fortune-telling, is widely known not only in the East, but also in the West. The wise book of Chinese philosophers deserves a place on a par with such great books of wisdom as the Bible and the Koran. For many centuries, not only mere mortals, but also the powers that be have turned to her for advice. For an old divination per person, you will need three coins and a piece of paper with a pencil.

Many of us from school know simple divination on paper, for which only a pen was needed. These household divinations per person were passed from grandmothers to mothers, from them to their young daughters - schoolgirls, along with the magic words LURNIST, LURNISTKhvKhdEd, LURNISTEKHB and RONGLIS. What do these words mean? Go to the page, and you will discover many secrets of school fortune-telling for the love of a guy or girl, as well as Christmas fortune-telling on leaflets, for which a pen and a piece of paper are enough.

Fortune telling on pearls is known from antiquity, and now it is also known modern version fortune-telling on buttons. You can replace the pearls with buttons, put them in a cup, mix them up and get a prophecy for your future destiny, and we will help you to interpret the fortune-telling prediction for a button man.

Divination in the name of the future husband according to the table of letters of the Russian alphabet will reveal the main character traits of its owner. You can compare the same sounds in your name and the name of the person who will be your husband to find out how great are the chances of a happy family life with one candidate or another.

The name of this divination is very similar to the previous one, but differs from it in that it uses the date of birth of the future husband. In divination, the square of Pythagoras and numerology are used. How to determine the main qualities of a future husband and predict the compatibility of this person in your future couple, you will learn by building and deciphering the psychomatrix of a loved one.

Creepy and mystical divination on a saucer with a call to the spirit, scary, interesting and insanely true. Everyone goes through this divination at least once in their life. Someone guesses both in winter and summer, and someone only on the most Terrible evenings of Christmas time. Few people passed by this mystical fortune-telling for a person.

Card divination methods

Fortune telling playing cards

This method of divination was practiced for a very long time, the cards were different. In Rus', ancient methods of divination on ordinary playing cards have gained great popularity. Fortune-telling for a person, for fate, for desire, for a king and for the future. You will learn how to guess on playing cards on a separate page, there are also very diverse methods of fortune telling.

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards

The fortune-telling of the legendary French fortuneteller Marie Lenormand, who predicted victories and defeats to the great Napoleon himself, who predicted to him the great love of his life and the bitterness of loss, is unusually truthful and, truly, time-tested. Fortune telling on Lenormand cards is now gaining more and more popularity and more and more new fans. True fortune-telling for a person and for relationships has many ways of predicting. Lenormand cards and layouts can also be different, look and guess.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards

Tarot cards have long been used for divination by a person and predicting the future. It is believed that they laid the foundation for both playing cards and Lenormand cards. Tarot card reading is an art. It occupies a special niche in the history of culture, since many artists, writers and art historians contributed to its creation. Fortune telling on a person and fortune telling on a person’s attitude on Tarot cards truthfully predicted many fates of emperors and generals. Get in touch with the beautiful and mysterious world of home divination on Tarot cards, and it will reveal to you many secrets of the future.

Divination methods online

This, of course, is modern fortune-telling online. But, it should be noted that the vast majority of these divinations are based on ancient ways divination and only simplifies their application. In our headlong, running age, there is no way to memorize the numerous meanings of cards and symbols, here methods of divination for a person online come to the rescue. Fortune-telling for the future online for free today is possible without much difficulty, but this does not make this method of fortune-telling less true.

On the pages of our site you will learn many ways to enable online for free for the future.

It turns out to tell fortunes on a loved one and you can find out about the attitude of a loved one by his behavior in Everyday life, you just need to pay attention to his gait, manner of dressing, smiling, smoking, sleeping, etc. You do not need any props for divination by a loved one, you only need your observation and our tips, which means this or that manner of behavior of a loved one at a meeting with you.

You can tell fortunes about your beloved and find out about the attitude of your beloved woman by her behavior at a meeting with you, you just need to pay attention to her walk, jewelry, the smell of perfume, the choice of alcohol, etc. Just as in the case of fortune-telling for a beloved man, you do not need any props, you only need your observation and our tips, which means little secrets in the behavior of your beloved girl at a meeting with you.

What are the ways of divination and predictions

There are countless ways to guess. In order to navigate the numerous methods of divination, we will give an incomplete list of methods of divination and predictions based on the interpretation of signs, signs and signs. Some of them cause bewilderment in an inexperienced person, but on our website we will try to embrace the immensity and tell you about the various methods of divination, which ones - see for yourself:

Ailuromancy - interpretation of omens with the help of cats;

Axinomancy - divination by seeds;

Alekriomancy - divination using birds;

Alfitomancy - divination by food, flour or bran;

Antinopomancy - divination by the insides of women;

Arachnomancy - interpretation of omens with the help of spiders;

Arithmancy - fortune-telling by numbers;

Astragalomancy- divination on dice;

Aeromancy - divination by air;

Botanomancy - divination on herbs;

Gastromancy - divination by the rumbling in the human stomach;

Geomancy - divination by the earth, the interpretation of prints on the ground, sand, dust or soil;

Hydromancy - divination by water;

Hippomancy - interpretation of omens with the help of horses;

Gyromancy - divination by the rotation of geometric shapes;

Dactylomancy - divination by fingers and toes;

Demonomancy - divination by the inner voice emanating from the demons;

Idolomancy - divination by various figures - idols;

Ichthyomancy - divination by the movement of fish in the water;

Capnomancy - divination by the smoke of a fire or chimney pipe;

Carromancy - divination by wax flowing from a candle;

Catoxtromancy- divination on mirrors;

Catopromancy - divination by reflection in a mirror;

Kattabomancy - divination on copper objects;

Claydomancy - divination with a hanging key;

Cleromancy - divination, reminiscent of casting lots;

Koscinomancy - fortune-telling by a sieve;

Crystalmancy- divination on glasses and crystals;

Crifomancy - divination by grain (not to be confused with seeds);

Cromniomancy - divination on an onion;

Lampadomancy - divination by the intensity of burning candles or lamps (lamps);

Lekanomancy - divination by holy water poured into a wide dish;

Livanomancy - divination by burning incense;

Lithomancy - divination on stones;

Lichnomancy - the interpretation of the signs formed by the flame of three candles;

logarithmancy- fortune-telling by compiling various logarithms;

Maharomancy - divination by the swing of knives, swords or sabers;

Molybdomancy - interpretation of the figures obtained by casting melted lead into cold water;

Oinomancy - divination by drinking wine;

Omphilomancy - divination by the human navel;

Oneiromancy (oneiromancy) - divination by the interpretation of dreams;

Onychomancy - fortune-telling by driving nails;

Onomatomancy - divination by name;

Ornithomancy - divination by the flight or cry of birds;

Pyromancy - divination by the flame of fire, bonfire;

Podomancy - divination by the soles of human feet;

Psychomancy - divination according to human desires;

Roadomancy - divination by the brilliance of the stars;

Sycomancy - divination by berries;

Spatalamancy - divination by the skin or skin of freshly killed wild animals;

Stareomancy - divination by changing natural phenomena;

Sternomancy - divination by the stomach or chest of a person;

Sciomancy - divination by shadow;

Theomancy - divination from sacred books;

Theriomancy is divination based on the behavior of animals;

Thyromancy - divination by cheese;

Tuframancy - divination by ashes or soot;

Chartomancy - fortune-telling by handwriting;

Palmistry - divination by hand;

Ceromancy - the interpretation of symbols and figures formed by pouring melted wax into cold water;

Tsifalomancy - fortune-telling by a donkey's head fried in a fire, etc.

Other types of divination

Divination "Easy" cards

The simplest version of card fortune-telling, which will appeal to those who find traditional card fortune-telling too complicated.

Take a deck of cards, shuffle them. Ask the question you want answered. Two conditions - the question must be directed to the future, and you must imagine which scenario of the development of events you personally like the most.

For example: “How will things go for me at work in the near future (I would like my career to take a sharp leap this year)” or “What awaits me in a relationship with ... (I would like us to have a bright, but not a very long romance." Now draw a card. You will only be interested in its suit.

Hearts- most likely, everything will go according to the scenario that attracts you.

Diamonds- to get what you hope for, you need to expend a lot of effort, in this case, success is more likely than loss.

Clubs- you will come close to what you hope for, but at the last moment you can either lose everything or just a little short of what you want.

Peaks- cards doubt that you really need what you want.

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Chapter 6 Fortune-telling can be treated differently. Once upon a time, superstitious people tried to find out their fate with the help of fortune-telling. Guessing, they asked what awaits them in the near future. Everyone wanted something different.

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Time favorable for fortune-telling There are 17 such days in a month: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 27, 28, 30. Do not follow , true, guess at church holidays and on Sunday. The unlucky days of the year are predicted, when it is not worth doing important things, one should be

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Other times, other evidence Some ancient documents contain references to strange signs in the sky. Modern ufologists quickly labeled them "spaceship". For example, in the Chronicles of Alexander the Great, it is noted that in 329 BC

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Other lakes, other monsters The mystery of Loch Ness still remains unsolved. But there are other myths about other large bodies of water. Lake Champlain, a long waterway between New York and Vermont, is home to a certain long-necked creature who,

    Tried for fun divination on the phone. I called, a young man picked up the phone, who was on roaming. He was very angry with me for an expensive call and quickly hung up. A couple of weeks later he called back and apologized for being rude. We started talking on the phone. And this month he comes to get acquainted and on our first real date! That's how it happens!

    Alexandra, that's it! Fate! And many do not believe in fortune-telling! I myself really like to guess according to the table with numbers, as described here in the first method. It always comes true by the way! It is very interesting now to tell fortunes by phone, by SMS, by elevator - I will definitely try it! Simple and interesting! Thank you! Now I also tried to tell fortunes on the keyboard - it turned out just what it is)).

    I am a supporter of traditional fortune-telling, and when I saw this article, at first I did not believe that this happens. Is it possible, by writing random names in a Word, to hope that this will be the same one? After reading, immediately done and forgot. And now I'm writing a comment here, because I turned out to be wrong. Well, can it be a coincidence that I chose Polina? We've been dating for two months now. And according to other fortune-telling, it also converges that she is the one I was waiting for. For example, for this, for love: .

    This is how I met my boyfriend) At the party we sat with friends, made fun, sent SMS. And they sent it to a random number. It turned out that he lives almost in a neighboring house and came to our party, after which we began a romantic relationship) Thanks to this fortune-telling, I am very happy)

Fortune telling is a fascinating and extraordinary way to find out your future. To be precise, divination means prediction. Since ancient times, man has wanted to know what lies ahead for him. To this end, he used various improvised means. What drives people in this case? We will not go deep into psychology, it is enough to define two main points: human curiosity and the desire to be ready for the ups and downs of fate.

different peoples use their methods for divination. In our modern world, each of you will immediately name a couple of divination methods. These include divination on cards, tarot, runes and hand. Right? All this different types predictions, each of which has its own history.
Some of you will remember how they threw felt boots in their youth at Epiphany, ran to the bathhouse to see their betrothed, guessed on the coffee grounds, put up mirrors, again in order to find out their future. All these are different types of divination. Is it worth believing in them? It's everyone's choice!

It is worth saying that astrology is also a kind of prediction, but it is closer to science, as it has real material objects - planets, constellations, etc. and gives various provisions its reasonable interpretation.

There are severe skeptics among us who shout that all this is nonsense, and there are people with the opposite opinion who will say that yes, they had the experience of turning to fortune-tellers in their lives and their predictions came true. Well, then say to it? Yes, there are things that simply defy scientific explanation, but they do exist.

Types of divination

There are several different ways to get a prediction, to know a person and his future. Someone uses them as a form of entertainment, fun, and someone devotes his life to studying this method. It should be said that the church considers everything connected with divination and predictions to be a sin. And this is not without reason. I digress a little from the topic6 some methods are associated with the attraction of impure forces and can have detrimental consequences. Read about what fortune telling can lead to in the next article. And now, let's define the main types of predictions.

Types of divination by:

  • playing cards;
  • Tarot cards;
  • runes;
  • By numbers, numerology;
  • Madame Lenormand's cards;
  • Pendulum or dowsing frame;
  • Palms (on the hand) palmistry;
  • Improvised means: coffee grounds, a cube, wax, beans, a coin, candles, natural phenomena, a mirror, a crystal or glass ball, and others.

Card reading

The most popular of these is divination using playing cards or tarot cards. Especially recently, this method is gaining popularity. With the help of Tarot, they not only predict the future, but also diagnose the state of the biofield, the work of the chakras, detect the presence of thieves and much more. In order to give 100% correct predictions, you need to clearly know not only the meaning of the cards and their combination, but also have some intuition. Exactly the same as the gypsy.
Most likely, most of you in your life at least once, but went to a fortune teller. Most often this happens in youth, when you really want to know how the boy treats you and what lies ahead for you with him. At a more mature age, women and men go fortune telling on cards to find out if their spouse is cheating or not, and someone regularly uses the services of fortunetellers to get a business forecast or make a deal on the success of his business. In Tarot, 78 cards are used, and the usual gypsy fortune-telling is carried out at 36. There is another kind of cards - Lenormand cards. They bear the name of a French occultist, there are 36 cards in a deck, but each of them has additional images. The card fortune-telling method is suitable for everyone who has imaginative thinking and excellent visual memory.


Runes are another popular type of divination. This is a Scandinavian system, quite ancient. There are only 22 characters in the Runic alphabet. This method is suitable for everyone who has developed symbolic and logical thinking. The system of runic divination is quite simple, but at the same time quite informative.

Working with a pendulum and a dowsing frame is also classified as a type of divination. This is a favorite tool of bioenergetics, cosmoenergetics and people practicing esotericism.

The method is simple, does not require memorization of complex symbols and their interpretation. Based on getting simple answers to questions. The reliability of the information received depends on the operator, on his experience and experience. The method is suitable for everyone who has a developed sense of touch and an excellent connection with the subconscious.

Palmistry and physiognomy

Palmistry also belongs to the common types of divination-predictions. Today it takes on the appearance of a real science and requires careful study. The master builds the prediction along the lines on the palm and the arm as a whole. It is believed that the lines on the palm are an accessible “mirror” reflecting the astral flows of the body and changing depending on the state of the astral body.

Along with this method of obtaining information about a person and his future, there is also physiognomy - a prediction by the face. This type is often practiced by psychologists. modern world. There are special courses teaching physiognomy and palmistry.


Astrological forecasts are familiar to every modern person - these are ordinary horoscopes: daily, individual, by zodiac signs, by year of birth, and so on. The most thorough and personal approach to a person and his future is given by a natal chart. It is compiled by specialist astrologers based on the date, time and place of birth of a person in accordance with the location of the stars, planets, sun and moon. It takes time and special training to become a true astrologer. In our world there are such institutions, academies, institutes where they study astrology and train specialists in astrologers. Their prediction services are used not only by ordinary people, but also by politicians, leading figures of the country, show business stars.


Known way number predictions. For the first time it was brought to life by Pythagoras. He developed a real system, arguing that the world is the way numbers exist. In numerology, numbers are used for divination, this is the date of birth of a person or the numerical correspondence of letters in the name and surname with numbers. The method does not require complex calculations, but it is necessary to know their patterns and interpretation. Today there are several systems of numerology. In my opinion, the most effective of them is the Alexandrov system. He sets out his conclusions and system of calculations in a number of books.

Simple ways of divination using improvised means

The list of these types of divination is endless. This includes the simplest divination on a coin: heads-tails, on a cube, coffee grounds, on beans, on matches, on candles. Among them there are more complex types, for example, divination on mirrors or a crystal ball, as well as divination signs of the folk calendar based on natural phenomena. Until some time, folk signs were quite accurate, but now a person, with his activity, interferes very much with the elements of nature and brings confusion, so many of folk signs does not work.

In this article, we reviewed the most popular types of divination. If you are fascinated by the topic of predictions, then look among the methods for your own, which is the most understandable and accessible to you. Good luck in your search and endeavors.

Twelve holy days (according to the number of months in a year) were always full of rituals. With their help, they tried to ensure well-being for the whole year, to protect themselves from evil spirits and the evil eye. During the rituals, the girls traditionally took off their pectoral crosses, all jewelry and belts, loosened their hair, and used only candles as lighting.

Types of proven divination on the water

Take four glasses and fill them halfway with water. In the first - add half a spoon of sugar, in the second - salt, in the third put a piece of bread, and in the fourth put the ring. Blindfold and wrap yourself around yourself twice. Ask a friend to swap the glasses, and then - choose one of them. If sweet is caught, the year will be rich in happy moments, including harmony in personal life. Salt promises difficulties, but if you make an effort, you will definitely succeed. Bread is unexpected profit and solid capital, which can be especially important in difficult financial times. And the ring speaks for itself - wait for a marriage proposal, replenishment in the family, or just a comfortable love relationship.

There are other proven divination related to water. For example, pour it into a deep plate - this is a conditional "sea / pond", stick thin paper strips with predictions along its edges - "shores". It could be like general concepts(“good luck at work”, “health”, “prosperity in the family”), and something more specific, say, the name of the future spouse or cherished desires. Take a half of a walnut shell (“boat”), put a small candle end (“conductor”) in it, put it in the middle of the plate and wait: which shore will your homemade boat of hope land on?

A fail-safe option for girls with a very rich imagination. Take a glass with a flat bottom, pour a third of water and lower the ring to the bottom. Now rub your eyes well and try hard to see through the water in the middle of the ring the face of the future husband.

One of the oldest (read, "run in" for centuries) proven fortune-telling is on wax. "Voskoley" are mentioned in the 1639 Treasury. For the ceremony, pieces of beeswax were drowned in a mug or spoon, and then poured into a vessel with cold water(you can saucer) or on the snow. In another version, the wax was dripped into the water from a slightly tilted burning candle. Carefully catch the “figurine” and peer into the frozen outlines - you can judge the future from them. The beauty is that the resulting figure (if you are completely satisfied with its interpretation) can be saved as a talisman. The most famous values:

cross - troubles with finances and / and in personal life;

beast - be careful with your surroundings, it seems that an enemy is winding around you;

stripes - for moving or traveling;

a human figure is a new true friend;

trees are joy;

a wax pancake that has settled to the bottom - marriage is not expected in the next couple of years;

a lot of small round droplets frozen next to large figures - for money. The bigger, the better!

Types of divination with objects

For those who have a rest in hot countries at Christmas time, you can safely skip this item and move on to the next one. Everyone else, be careful. Take a small mirror, pour water over it and at exactly midnight take it outside, into the frost. When patterns appear on the surface, bring it back into the house and carefully examine it. If circles appear - you will live in abundance all year, if you notice a spruce branch - you will have to work hard, squares promise various life difficulties, and triangles - luck in any business.

Of all the types of divination, this is as old as the world and rarely fails. Our great-great-great-great-grandmothers chose for this a book of spiritual content - most often sacred writings. In the modern interpretation, they can be replaced by everything that comes to your hand at the moment of fortune-telling - a book on psychology or, for example, your favorite magazine. Without revealing the edition, ask a secret question aloud or to yourself, guess the page number and line from above or below, and open it in the right place. The answer is in front of you. We give a hint: almost every issue of ELLE contains more than five hundred pages. There is where to turn around and what to dream about. The most advanced method (here and now) is divination on the Net. For example, click at random on any article on the site and count the required number of lines. We won’t advise bad things, and we have more than enough betrothed.

Before midnight, prepare a mirror, put a couple of spruce branches in front of it. Before going to bed, write the name of the desired person or cherished desire on the mirror. In the morning, waking up, first of all look - if the inscription has disappeared, then everything will surely come true, and if it has not changed in any way, you will remain in your interests.

Have fun and try your luck with your friends. Four girls participate in this fortune-telling at once or each in turn. to the corners cutting board(in the village they called it “zhirovka”) they put a piece of bread, a piece of coal / pebble, a piece of clay / brick and a ring. From above, the board is covered with a towel and they begin to twist, singing: “I’ll save the fat for the holy evening. The fat is small, the windows are large, slanted-slatted, the flea could not jump, the goat jumped, took the horns away, twisted its tail. Choose your corner! Finished singing - stop the rotation and see who got what. Bread - wealth, coal - diseases, clay - sorrows, and the ring - marriage.

It is known that it is during Christmas time that the most secret dreams are dreamed - treat the night rest during this period more sensitively. The easiest way to fortune-tell is to say before going to bed: "My betrothed, come to me." And in the morning try to remember - which acquaintance / stranger came to you in a dream first? For fidelity, you can put scissors and bread under the pillow, which attract prophetic dreams, especially on the night from Thursday to Friday. Going to bed, say: “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday alone and I, young, alone. I am lying on the Zion mountains, three angels in my head: one sees, the other will tell, the third will indicate fate. To be continued already in the dream.

Hippolyte? Serezhenka? Or maybe Jason? Place several dozen paper notes under your pillow with different male names. (The more and more original - the more interesting!) In the morning, without peeping, draw out one of them - the name of the man predetermined by your fate.

What methods of divination are there with cards? For example, like this! On one of the holy nights, take out four kings from the deck, mix them up and put them under the pillow. Get one first thing in the morning. The king of spades is an aged groom or jealous, a red king is young and rich, a cross is a military man or a businessman, a diamond is desirable.

The most fashionable way is divination with stockings. Before going to bed, a woman puts on one new stocking with lace on any leg and says: “My betrothed, undress me.” Your future husband will be the one who takes it off in a dream.

I was drawn to the salty - this is about Epiphany fortune-tellers. A few minutes before going to bed, eat something salty: cucumbers, herring - whatever you like. In ancient times, girls took a thimble of salt, a thimble of water, mixed them and drank (or, more precisely, ate!). Before going to bed, say: "Whoever is my betrothed-mummer, he will give me water to drink." With the one who fulfills this request in a dream, fate will bind you. Do not oversleep happiness!
