First we build the frame of the house:
1. Lay five pieces of sandstone in a row:

2. Add a connecting cube and install 5 more:

3. Now again the connecting cube and 5 more and the same thing again:

4. Where the entrance should be, remove the middle connecting element:

5. We install in the corner of the house, 4 more on the walls:

6. We install one unit of blue wool on the connecting element between the walls, 3 glasses on it (How to craft glass):

7. On the glass, 1 more blue wool and one regular cube, put 2 more on both sides:

8. We continue to build up the sides of the house: we put 3 more wool on the walls and one on the connecting elements of the frame:

9. We put the cubes on the remaining place of the edge of the house to the level of the already built column and connect them with the letter "P":

10. Fill from top to bottom with three cubes of blue wool and nine glass:

11. Put 3 glasses, 1 blue wool and 1 sandstone on the connecting stone next to it:

12. We decorate the entrance: put 3 pieces of blue wool together with the letter “P”, then frame it with sandstone, the next top row - alternate it with 1 cube, 1 blue material and complete.

13. We do other walls and their connections in the same way as the first ones:

14. We close the ceiling with sandstone, leaving a hole in 1 cube for the stairs:

15. We build the second floor in the same way as the first:

16. We close the roof with blue wool, leaving a hole for the pattern:

17. Making a pattern of white, blue and pink wool:

18. Put another layer of blue wool, stepping back from the edge by 1 element, and on top of another layer, also stepping back from the edge by 1 element:

19. Our house is ready!

Beautiful family home

1. We make a frame: 9 cubes of smooth sandstone, followed by 4 cubes of dark oak boards and 4 dark oak steps to them, then 4 more pieces of smooth sandstone - this is one wall.

2. We make 2 steps from dark oak and put another 13 pieces of smooth sandstone - this is another wall.

3. We finish the frame with white sandstone: 17 and 15 for other walls:

4. Making the floor from dark oak planks:

5. We make the left and back walls (without steps) with a white quartz block - 6 in height:

6. Front of the house:
- to the left of the steps we put smooth sandstone - 2 blocks wide and 3 high, and on them white quartz - 2 wide and 7 high;
- at the bottom we leave a place 2 pieces wide and 3 high for the window (we glaze), exactly the same hole is 2 blocks higher (we glaze);
- we build up the wall with white quartz in a stepped way.

7. Building a balcony:
- we put 5 boards of dark oak, steps on them to make a partition:

8. Working on the right wall:
- fill to the right of the steps with white sandstone 3 by 4 pieces;
- on the right we leave a window (glazed) with a width of 1 element;
- at a distance of 3 blocks from the corner with the back wall, we make a window 2 blocks wide and 5 blocks high (we glaze), at the bottom of the window there are 2 pieces of white material;
- we build up the wall with white quartz to the height of the back wall.

9. We make the floor of the second floor from dark oak boards:

10. We finish the entrance to the house, completely close it with a white element, leaving room for the window (we glaze) and the door, to the right, above the entrance, add quartz.

11. Next, we complete the wall with a width of 3 blocks to the top of the facade; lay out the back wall in steps 2 blocks long:

12. We connect the centers of the two walls to the floor with dark oak material:

Many want to build not a box, but a normal house, but they do not have enough the right resources. In this article, you will learn how to build a really beautiful and modern high-tech starter house in Minecraft. All the material from which you need to build a house is very easy to get.

How to build beautiful house in Minecraft

For construction you will need:

  1. Black concrete;
  2. gray concrete;
  3. White concrete;
  4. Oak planks;
  5. birch boards;
  6. Dark oak boards;
  7. Glass blocks;
  8. Glass panels;
  9. Oak leaves (or any others);
  10. birch steps;
  11. Buckets of water;
  12. Dark oak door.

How to build

  1. First, make a rectangle (in the future pool) of black concrete with a width of five by seven blocks. Then dig 2 layers of earth and seal everything with oak planks on the bottom layer.

Start building the foundation of the starter house

  1. Next, place eight blocks of white concrete around the edges of the pool. After that, make a strip with a total length of 21 blocks. Do this on both sides and connect them together. Next, make a figure out of black concrete, as shown in the screenshot.

At the beginning I had a small jamb, I did one more block. Don't mind it, I'll fix it later

  1. Then make windows 6 blocks long and 5 blocks high. After that, connect them in the same way as in the screenshot. Also build blocks on the sides. From the side where the pool is, build up by two blocks, and from the opposite side by one.

  1. From the back side, increase the wall in length by two blocks. Then step back four blocks and close the wall completely. Then step back one block to the back side and make two passes opposite each other.

  1. Next, from the back side, make a crossbar, stepping back one block. Then also on the front, just step back three blocks.

  1. From the front, make the ceiling five blocks long (not counting the crossbar). Do the same on the bottom side.

  1. On the front side, you need to make a rectangle three by four long. Fill it up with water. In the pool, you can also fill everything with water so that there is an endless source.

  1. Next, begin to close up the front openings with glass panels, and the side openings with glass blocks.

  1. Then make at the top, near the waterfall, a line of oak planks 9 blocks long, so that two go beyond the wall. Then make this design. Make the columns five blocks high (not counting the construction line).

  1. From the front, make nine-by-six-block windows.

  1. At the back, make a large frame, dividing it into two parts. At the bottom you close up with oak boards so that there are no gaps.

  1. On the front side, make the following frame:

  1. Around the entire perimeter, seal the window openings with glass panels. At the top make a roof (no need to make a new layer, just start making a roof, at the end of the top line of windows).

  1. Cover the floor of the second floor with dark oak planks.

  1. Next, at the end of the room (to the right of the front side), in full width, make " hedge» from oak leaves, two blocks high. Then make a line of 6 oak planks. At the bottom, make a ladder two blocks wide. After that, make a railing of glass panels so that at the end there is an opening of one block.

Here's what the finished house will look like:

Your friends can live in such a cozy house, in any number, starting from two people. The house is built very easily, if you wish, you can build it from any material. This two-story house is small compared to other buildings your friends can build, the material for this house is not so much and they can be easily obtained and made.

How to learn to build beautiful houses in Minecraft

You don't need to know much to build beautiful houses. It is important to know the following:

  1. First, come up with a plan for your future building. You can draw it on a sheet of paper in a cage.
  2. Don't build simple boxes. Make a corner house or other custom shape. To do this, combine several boxes into one design and start improving it. You can make columns from oak or any other wood, and leave the wooden blocks themselves in the background. In general, start creating;
  3. Use several types of blocks;
  4. Try to highlight every detail;
  5. Make an unusual roof. You can make a fireplace with a chimney.

A house in Minecraft is not only a defense against hostile mobs, but also a reflection of the individuality of the player himself. Some like large and majestic buildings, while others like small and cozy ones.

To build a beautiful house, we do not need much. Of course, not all players have a fantasy that helps with design, but there is good way to overcome this factor is simply to take real houses from life as a basis. You can find such pictures using a search engine on the World Wide Web. This will help you choose the right blocks and not bother about the decor elements or the design of the house as a whole.

And now let's move on to the construction of our future home. You will find 15 steps to learn all the intricacies of construction in Minecraft. Begin!

We will build a design two-storey house with huge windows around the perimeter and a swimming pool in the yard.

At the first stage, we will set the blocks along the contour of our future home or, as the builders say: “we will lay the foundation”:

So, we have decided on the foundation. Now we will build walls from blocks, in our case they will only be support for the roof and support for the glass.

We have reached the third step. Large voluminous glasses can protect us from wind, snow, rain and other elements. Making glazing:

Now it's coming very important point- laying the roof. She may be different type- make it to your own taste. Be patient and get started!

Our house is starting to take its final shape. We move inside the house, and since it will be strange to say the least to walk on bare ground, we proceed to laying out the floor. Having broken our heads a bit, we select the appropriate blocks. It turned out well.

The sixth step involves inserting windows in the attic - now it will open beautiful view to the world around us.

Let's move on to landscape design. We will lay a small nice path around the house.

Already more than half behind. But is a house good without a pool? Let's build it!

And now let's fill it with water:

Now we will attach a gazebo to the house with open roof for the rest of the owners and their guests:

We will enclose the resting place with a small mesh of the fence:

The twelfth step includes laying a path around the pool and various decorations.

However, we forgot to build stairs to the 2nd floor. Let's go and do it!

We will equip our summer room with small sofas, light blocks and even a fireplace.

The final step will be the installation of light poles for lighting.

This completes the construction of the house.

The interior is up to you. But here are some good tips:

  • Combine colors so that you don't get bad taste.
  • Observe the size and proportions.
  • Do not build "boxes" - square houses of the same type.

That's all we wanted to tell you. Good luck with the other builds!
