Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

Beautiful parks and squares, lawns and streets attract attention with their well-groomedness and riot of colors. flowering plants. For a long time, people have been trying to surround themselves with the beauty of nature, to preserve it even in urban conditions. Large-leaved hydrangea is one of the varieties of garden tree-like shrubs that are often found in park areas. Blooms from June to late September.

What is large-leaved hydrangea

The plant comes from South Asia. Inflorescences of different colors have the shape of a ball, pyramid or umbrella. The Latin version of the name Hydrangea macrophylla refers to the Hortensia family. Depending on the climate, the height of the bush is from 0.6 m to 4 m. The crown is spherical, with a diameter of about 1.5 m. The leaves are wide, elliptical in shape, pointed at the end, dark, bright green in color. Hydrangea inflorescences are collected in corymbs, reaching a diameter of 10 to 30 cm, with large flowers up to 3 cm.

Varieties and series of large-leaved hydrangea

Macrophylls were brought to Europe from Mauritius at the end of the 17th century. For a long time grown only in warm climates or winter shelters. The first winter-hardy varieties were bred in the late 80s of the last century in the United States. They thrive in cold, long winters. Moreover, their flowering is even more abundant - flower stalks are formed on last year's branches and on young ones that have grown this year.

One of the first such varieties is Endless Summer. The name speaks for itself - "Endless Summer". A little later, the Early Sensation variety was bred, which became the basis for a whole series of hydrangeas with common name Forever&Ever groups. Another popular group of frost-resistant large-leaved hydrangeas You & Me with double petals is bred in Japan. Common varieties:

  • Endless Summer Bloom Star - with decorative burgundy branches;
  • Hovaria Hanabi Rose - huge buds of pink or blue color;
  • You & Me Love - terry hydrangea, flowers of pinkish shades with a creamy sheen;
  • Endless Summer Blushing Bride - the color fades from white to light red;
  • Magical series - hydrangeas chameleons - different shades combined with green. The series included Amethyst, Black Opal, Black Pearl and others;
  • Hydrangea Aisha - flowers with a light aroma;
  • Avantgarde is a rare species, with giant dense inflorescences up to 30 cm in diameter in five coloring options.

Frost-resistant varieties

The difficulty in growing large-leaved hydrangeas in cold climates is that the tops of young branches bloom, where flower buds that are vulnerable to frost. Breeders breed all new winter-hardy varieties, including those that bloom on new and last year's shoots. They are called repairers. The most frost-resistant specimens: Early Sensation, White Ball, Red Sensation, Peppermint. They belong to the Forever&Ever species group. In many representatives of the group, buds form both on the stems of the current and last year.

Blooming on last year's shoots

Hydrangea macrophylla is a shrub, on which flower ovaries are formed on the shoots of the previous year. Only in the last forty years have new remontant varieties begun to appear. The classic options are thermophilic, grow in the southern regions or greenhouses. There are many beautiful and popular varieties of representatives of this family: red hydrangea Alpengluchen , Bretschneider, bright blue "Nikko Blue" and others.

Blooming on the shoots of the current year

Relatively recently bred varieties of macrophylls form flower ovaries on last year's and fresh branches. These include the groups "You and I", "Endless Summer", "Forever and Ever". Based on them, new interesting specimens appear. General feature- long, long flowering from early summer to mid-autumn. By planting a shrub that forms flower stalks on young stems, you can not be afraid that the plant will not bloom, because the flower buds have frozen over the winter.

Endless summer

One of the first frost-resistant varieties of large-leaved hydrangea was bred in 2003. The name is "Endless Summer" (Endless Summer, translated - "Endless Summer"). Bushes reach a height of up to 1.5 m, inflorescences are spherical. The color depends on the acidity of the soil. Varieties in this series include:

  • Blashing Bride - white-pink semi-double petals, color changes towards the edges;
  • Twist-and-Shout - darker in the center than at the edges;
  • Summer original (Baimer) - light blue or pink buds;
  • Bloom Star- winter-hardy variety with large buds of blue or pink shades.

Forever and Ever

This winter-hardy series appeared in 2003-2005. Differs in continuous flowering - from the beginning of summer to the end of September. At first, ovaries of buds are formed on last year's branches, later - on those that have grown this year. Representatives of the Forever & Ever species reach a height of 60-80 cm. The inflorescences are spherical, the colors are pink, blue, red, one-color or two-color, with a change in color of flowers from the center to the edge of the petal.

Popular varieties of the Forever & Ever series:

  • "Expression" (Expression) - terry petals with notches on the edges;
  • hydrangea Peppermint (Ever Peppermint) - Japanese selection with large two-color flowers;
  • "Red Sensation" (Red Sensation) - flowers of a red hue;
  • Early Sensation - terry and simple red buds.

U & Mi

Japanese winter-hardy series of hydrangeas You & Me (translated as "You and Me") - terry flowers, a bush of small height (up to 80 cm). Prefers partial shade and frost-resistant, remontant variety. Outstanding Representatives You&Me series:

  • Together - blooms with lilac or pink flowers, darkening by autumn;
  • Romance - star-shaped flowers;
  • Expression - flowers resemble two-tone water lilies in appearance.
  • Love is a pink novelty of 2015.

Landing and care

The best time to plant is spring or autumn. A pit measuring 40x40x50 cm is prepared on light soil, on clay, heavy - 60x60x70 cm. Drainage up to 10 cm from gravel or crushed brick is poured into the bottom. It is desirable to pour a layer of mulch on top of the seedling. After planting, abundant watering is necessary. Spraying will have a good effect on the condition of the transplanted specimen, especially in dry weather. The distance between adjacent plants is about a meter.

Large-leaved hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant. Need soft water - the plant does not tolerate lime. You can use rainwater or settled water. To change the color of the petals during watering, salts and iron alum are added, and fertilizers are periodically fertilized. Loosening a layer of mulch, near its roots, has a good effect on the condition of the seedling.

Conditions for growing hydrangeas

Large-leaved hydrangea is considered photophilous, planted in partial shade on open field. The worse the illumination, the later flowering begins, and the fewer inflorescences will be. Need slightly or medium acidic soil (pH 5.5). The composition is optimal: leaves, turf, earth, peat, sand in equal proportions. Flowers change color depending on the acidity of the soil. With alkaline soil - pink, with acid - blue, blue. The blue color can be enhanced by watering it with a solution of iron salts and alum (3-5 g of alum per liter of water).


Young specimens do not need special pruning. Instances older than three years, it is desirable to cut off, removing parts of the old stems. This will increase the growth of fresh, stronger, flowering branches. Faded inflorescences are recommended not to be cut - in winter they protect new buds from freezing. It is better to remove them in early spring, when it gets warmer for the flower buds to swell.


Reproduction by layering, with the help of cuttings and dividing the bush - hydrangea propagation methods. Young cuttings are cut and rooted in greenhouses (under the film). In the spring, you can divide the bush - they dig it out, divide it into parts so that growth buds are present on each of them. The division sites are treated with root formation amplifiers. When propagated by layering, the shoots are dug in with earth in the middle, in places where there are buds. In a few months, roots will appear, the next year you can transplant separately.

Top dressing with mineral fertilizers

For additional nutrition of large-leaved hydrangeas, they are well suited organic fertilizers(for example, mullein solution), acidic mineral (ammonium and potassium sulfates), ready-made industrial fertilizers for azaleas and rhododendrons. To prevent decay, the first year after planting is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate or other fungicides. Ash fertilizer is not beneficial. The best periods for top dressing:

  • spring - when new shoots are formed;
  • at the beginning of summer - for the formation of buds;
  • in summer - to enhance flowering.

Diseases and pests

Hydrangea broadleaf is sensitive to soil and water for irrigation - with an increased alkali content, leaf chlorosis appears in them. In this case, you need to increase the acidity. This is achieved by watering with soft water with the addition of potassium nitrate or a solution of ferrous sulfate. In the heat, a spider mite can attack. The leaves dry, fall off, a cobweb is visible on their underside. Spraying "Aktellik" (a broad-spectrum insecticide against: ticks, aphids, scale insects, thrips, whiteflies, beetles) helps to defeat the pest.

When downy mildew appears on the leaves, copper-containing preparations are treated. The disease is recognizable by oily, yellowish and constantly growing spots on the foliage. In wet and cold weather, hydrangea can be affected by rust - pustules with characteristic rusty dust appear on the back of the leaves. Prevention and treatment - spraying with copper sulfate.

When preparing for winter, it is worth paying attention to the fact that tender branches attract rodents, especially mice, during the cold season. To protect them from damage, it is advisable to put funds under the covering layer from uninvited guests who will scare them away. From such a nuisance as septoria, spraying with fungicides, Bordeaux or Burgundy liquids will help.

How to properly prepare for winter

When grown indoors winter period a cool room with a temperature of about +5 °C is required. If the shrub grows on the street, it is worth considering that the inflorescences appear on last year's branches. It is important to prevent them from freezing so that the flower ovaries are not damaged. To protect against frost during the first frosts, the plant is covered with a double layer of dry shelter made of lutrasil and greenhouse film. The branches are covered with dry leaves, pressed to the ground, the base is covered with peat. Large-leaved hydrangea will endure frosts with less damage with abundant autumn watering.


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Hydrangea- Hydrangea

There is a huge amount varieties of large-leaved hydrangea, which is loved in America and Europe, not to mention its popularity in Japan, in its homeland. large-leaved hydrangeas are mainly recommended for gardens in countries with a milder climate, and we met them in the southern gardens of the Black Sea coast. Bringing to bloom large-leaved hydrangeas(Hydrangea macrophylla) requires good shelter for the winter and protection from late spring frosts. Their low winter hardiness and the need to preserve the top buds of last year's shoots have been major deterrents to the promotion of hydrangea and its use as a garden plant in areas with harsh and unpredictable winters and late spring frosts.

However, in 2003 the St. Paul's Bailey Nurseries (Minnesota) presented a special large-leaved hydrangea variety which can be recommended for growing in cold climate zone 4, which includes Moscow, and count on an annual abundant flowering. For the ability to bloom repeatedly, a hydrangea variety was named "Endless summer" ("Endless Summer").

The history of this fantastic variety began in 1982, when the cold arctic air invaded Minnesota and stayed there for almost a month. Blooming after such a harsh winter in a neighbor's garden large-leaved hydrangea attracted the attention of the cattery employee Vern Black.

It is not known how everything would have turned out further if someone else had noticed this hydrangea. Black immediately realized that in front of him was an extraordinary plant, and began to observe him. Three years later, he took a cutting from a bush and brought it to a nursery, where it was propagated and further observations and tests continued. Soon this hydrangea became a star, as it turned out that it blooms on the shoots of this and last year.

But that's not all of her virtues. Every six weeks after the first wave of flowering, new buds appear in the variety and thus flowering can last a long time depending on weather conditions. After years of testing, this hydrangea has been registered as Hydrangea macrophylla Bailmer PPAF (plant patent applied for), or Endless Summer® Hydrangea. It is believed that this is a mutation of the variety "Nikko Blue", recommended for cultivation in the 5th zone.

"Endless Summer" - first hydrangea large-leaved, which is able to form flowers on new wood, more precisely, on the shoots of this year as well as on the shoots of last year, and possessing high winter hardiness. Many hydrangeas tolerate cold winters well under cover, but late frosts sometimes damage the buds, and then they do not bloom. The same variety is not afraid of frost, and even accidental pruning. If the buds on last year's wood suffer, then the young shoots will still bloom. It is this feature, as well as high winter hardiness, that brought this variety wide popularity and provided it with a good future, including in our country.

Hydrangea "Endless Summer" blooms with beautiful spherical inflorescences with a diameter of 10–15.5 cm, consisting of sterile flowers of pink or of blue color- depending on the acidity of the soil in which it grows. In alkaline soil, it is colored in pink color, and in acidic with a high content of aluminum - in blue. You can artificially try to change the color, but excessive application of alkali (lime) can lead to yellowing of the leaves, and excessive application of aluminum can lead to the death of the roots.

Leaves are resistant to powdery mildew . An adult hydrangea bush can reach 1.5 m in height and width. Suitable for planting in a place with morning sun and shade at noon with moist and well-drained soil.

And recently, a well-known hydrangea expert, Dr. Michael Dirr, received a new one from this variety - hydrangea" Endless Summer Blushing Bride". Its white buds open into semi-double, sterile flowers that gradually turn pink, the bright, dark green foliage is disease resistant, and re-blooms much earlier.

An amazing winter-hardy variety, bred by breeders in the 80s. He is able to withstand severe frosts - hydrangea Endless Summer large-leaved. This is one of the few varieties that blooms in the second year of life.

Its inflorescences are large in size, single flowers of which can be blue or pink in color.

The color will depend on the level of acidity of the soil in which the plant grows.

Hydrangea large-leaved planting and care in the open field

The acidity of the soil affects the color of the flowers. The shades of the inflorescences will be a kind of indicator showing the pH level.

Soil whose pH is alkaline leads to pink shade inflorescences. In an acidic environment, in the presence of aluminum ions, Endless Summer flowers give a blue color.

By changing the acidity of the soil, you can change the color of the inflorescences of the Endless Summer variety. But it is necessary to control the threshold level of the alkaline environment of the soil, excessive application of lime can contribute to discoloration of the leaves. The higher the concentration of alkali, the more actively the leaves turn yellow. Excessively acidic soil with a high content of aluminum ions has a detrimental effect on the roots of the plant, which is fraught with the death of hydrangeas.

It should be remembered that the natural conditions of the Endless Summer variety are acidic soil.

To maintain this indicator, it is recommended to water from time to time with sour milk, tincture of moldy bakery products and special dressings. The family loves the sun, but long-term action direct sun rays tires large-leaved hydrangea. As a rest from excess heat and light, a short dimming will be useful.

Shelter for the winter

A special point of keeping and growing such a hydrangea is its preparation for winter. The plant itself is not afraid of severe frosts and, probably, could survive the winter period without any problems, if it were not for the peculiarity of accumulating excess moisture in the tissues of various organs. It is this fact that becomes fatal for the hydrangea Endless Summer. The fluid in the vessels of the entire plant organism when the temperature regime according to the laws of physics, it freezes, turning into ice. This state of water injures all organs and tissues, leading to inevitable death.

In this regard, at the beginning of autumn, it is necessary to build shelters that will protect the shrub from excessive moisture during the autumn rains, preventing moisture from accumulating.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Water thoroughly before and after fertilization. Hydrangea should be fed no more than twice a month. In this case, mineral top dressing should alternate with organic. With excessive fertilization, the plant begins to grow actively, while flowering slows down, which negatively affects the appearance.
After the endured winter, the infusion of green herbs will become the best top dressing for your beauty. Grass is placed in a bucket, filled with water and left in this form in the sun. Feeding will be ready in a few days. The infusion must be drained, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and fed to adult bushes.
Hydrangea Endless Summer is an amazing variety that can form inflorescences on the shoots of both the first and second year.

Hydrangea - eternal summer in the garden

Luxurious bouquets of this unpretentious ornamental shrub bloom until the snow

All varieties of hydrangeas are already blooming in August, and at this time the planting material sells like hot cakes.

But before planting this beautiful unpretentious and winter-hardy shrub, you need to choose the right variety.
- Of the 35 types of hydrangeas that are widespread in East Asia, North and South America, only two species were grown in our gardens until recently, - says Tatyana Zhashkova, chairman of the Moscow Flower Growers club. - The most unpretentious species, which has become widespread in our country, is the tree hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens).

At home in North America, it grows up to 2 m tall. The plant has beautiful large oval leaves, bright green above, bluish below. From June to September, the bush is decorated with very beautiful barren flowers (1.5 - 2 cm), collected in inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter.
In the conditions of Moscow and the Moscow region, hydrangea successfully grows and winters without shelter.
It retains the ability to bloom profusely and beautifully even in partial shade. Recently, other varieties of hydrangeas have also become very popular.

The most beautiful, lush-flowering Annabelle variety is a low shrub up to 1.5 m with a wide crown up to 3 m in diameter, from June to September it is decorated with white large flowers collected in large inflorescences up to 25 cm.
The leaves of this variety retain their rich green color until late autumn.
Grandiflora variety is a tall spreading shrub that blooms from June to the end of September.

This variety has huge flowers collected in wide pyramidal inflorescences. When blooming they are creamy white, in full bloom they are pure white, then they turn pink, and by autumn they become greenish-red.
Sterilis also has very large, whitish-green at the beginning of flowering, and then pure white inflorescences.
This year, for the first time, a variety of tree hydrangea appeared on the market with pink flowers Invincible Spirit.

- The second, no less common type of hydrangea in our gardens is paniculate (H. paniculata), - continues landscape designer. - Shrub native to Far East. In the south of Sakhalin, in China and Japan, this plant with a dense rounded crown reaches 5 m in height.

The decoration of the paniculate hydrangea is its flowers, collected in large - up to 30 cm in length - inflorescences, white at the beginning of flowering, and then turn pink.
Cut and dried inflorescences are decorative all winter. This species is more demanding on fertility and soil moisture, but has good winter hardiness.

Blooms for a long time, 2 - 3 months, from the second half of summer to late autumn.
The Kyushu variety is a tall shrub with a fan-shaped crown. White fragrant flowers are collected in long wide inflorescences.

And the Tardiva variety is a medium-sized bush with slightly drooping branches and narrow pyramidal inflorescences with white-pink flowers. Flowering continues until frost.
Variety Phantom with unusually large flowers, collected in narrow pyramidal large inflorescences.

Pinky Winky and Pink Diamond varieties. Greenish-cream - Silver Dollar.
New varieties of hydrangea paniculata White Dome and Incredible.
Also worth checking out are the wonderful varieties Great Star, Vanille Fraise, Dwarf Dart's Little Dot, Sunday Fraise, Prime White and Limelight.

But the Vanille Fraise and Sunday Fraise varieties differ in that during flowering they change color from white to pink and up to dark red.

And the Limelight variety remains lemon-cream until the end of flowering. Magical Candle has a beautiful white-cream color of large airy inflorescences, with a slight greenish-lemon tint.
It is recommended to plant these varieties in partial shade, however, in open sunny places protected from the wind, the varieties give a brighter autumn color of the inflorescences.

The type of large-leaved hydrangea, or garden hydrangea (H. macrophylla), is amazingly good.
In its homeland in China and Japan, it grows into a beautiful large shrub up to 4 m in height.
In the conditions of the Moscow region, its height will not exceed 1 m.
For our conditions, varieties from the Eternal Summer series are best suited: Endless Summer Pin, Endless Summer Blue and Blushing Bride.

Landing Rules
For successful cultivation hydrangeas do not require complex agricultural technology. You need to follow a few simple tricks.
First of all, landing rules. They do not dig deep holes for hydrangeas, since its roots go more along the surface: 50 - 70 cm wide, 35 - 40 cm deep.
Hydrangeas prefer acidic soils (pH ~ 5.0). And this should be taken into account when filling the planting pit with fertile soil with the addition of peat and special fertilizers for this plant.
Before planting, the roots and all annual shoots should be slightly shortened, leaving 3-4 pairs of buds on each.
After planting, the bushes should be watered abundantly, the trunk circle should be mulched with peat, rotted coniferous or leaf litter.
Since hydrangeas are moisture-loving shrubs, they require regular abundant watering. They are very responsive to regular fertilizing with soil acidification.
Do not forget about the annual spring pruning, otherwise your hydrangea will never bloom. And the old bush is easy to rejuvenate by cutting it “on the stump”.
Hydrangea can be planted singly or in group plantings, it looks good with conifers.
Hydrangea flowers are cut, dried heads down and used in winter bouquets along with dried flowers.

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Repair hydrangeas - all summer in hats!

Tree ( Hydrangea arborescens) And ( Hydrangea paniculata) have long settled in our gardens. We love them for their beauty and relative unpretentiousness, as well as for their ability to “take a hit” in harsh winters. However, the soul of the grower always yearns for something new and unusual. In the case of hydrangeas, the desire to admire flowering from early summer to late autumn.

Over 100 years of selection!

In 1988, breeders from America fulfilled the common dream of hydrangea fans, and presented to the public the first variety of remontant hydrangea " Endless Summer", that is " Endless summer". On its basis, after some time, a whole series of varieties was created: “ Endless Summer Hydrangea», « Endless Summer Original», « Endless Summer Blashing Bride», « Endless Summer Twist-and-Shout". Later appeared: forever», « Eternity», « Romance», « expression», « Symphony», « Togethe r" - series " You&Me»; « Maltisse», « Hanabi», « Coco Blanc» many other bright and interesting varieties.

Hydrangea garden "Forever Pink

And that is not all! Because the breeding work are being carried out even today, one can imagine how chic the result will be! After all, if now on sale you can find bushes that conquer the color of the inflorescences, the doubleness of the petals or the variegation of the leaves ... what will happen next? One thing is clear, it will be something exciting, original, interesting.

By the way, flower lovers themselves also have the opportunity to touch the world of selection and experiment. For this, it is not necessary to have your own laboratory. A modest area of ​​the garden, on which garden hydrangea is already growing, will be quite enough. Why not any other? Yes, because it is the garden, to which the large-leaved belongs ( Hydrangea macrophylla) and serrated ( Hydrangea serrata) hydrangeas, prone to flowering on last year's and young shoots during one season.

Hydrangea garden "Hanabi

Hydrangea garden "Eternity Pink

But back to the experiment. It consists in exploring the possibilities of plants already existing on the site. To open them, you need to root several cuttings. Surprise is guaranteed in almost one hundred percent of cases, because growing up, children from one mother liquor behave differently. Some bloom only on last year's shoots, while others are able to quickly grow green mass after heavy pruning and bloom just as profusely. The second case is a vivid manifestation of remontant properties.

How does remontant hydrangea winter?

According to some professional flower growers, plant varieties prone to re-blooming do not need. But, as practice has shown, this is not so. All hydrangeas need protection from frost, and remontants are no exception. Those who took a chance and left the beauties without shelter could only admire weak, low bushes with a pair of inexpressive flower caps that “decorated” the branches at the end of the season. And it couldn't be otherwise. Last year's shoots are frozen, and it takes time and effort to build new ones.

How to protect plants from frost?

Shelter for the winter is a simple and effective process, consisting of several stages. It is important to strictly follow its sequence.

  1. Long before the onset of stable sub-zero temperatures, before the first cold snaps at night, it is necessary to organize a non-capital shelter for the bushes. For these purposes, you can use spruce branches as a pillow, which will prevent the branches from touching the ground. And non-woven material - to cover the branches pressed against the spruce branches.
  2. When the leaves lose turgor from the cold and wither, they must be removed from the branches. Bare stems again need to be hidden under cover. If you leave the leaves on the branches for the winter, they will most likely rot, turning into a porridge dangerous for the plant.
  3. Later, on one of the warm days of October, when night temperatures are -4 degrees below zero, a shelter needs to be built over the bushes, this time capital. On a warm day, the branches will not break or crack, so they can simply be bent to the same pillow, covered with non-woven material and dry compost or peat on top. The upper third of the branches, where the flower buds are located, must be covered very carefully. You can even film, if you have experience. When covered with a material that does not allow moisture to pass through, the plant overwinters better, provided that there are vents. Thick branches that cannot be bent should be cut immediately.

Opening hydrangea bushes in spring

The release of the bushes from the shelter also occurs in stages, but in reverse order. The gradual opening of the bushes usually takes a time period from April 15 to June 10. At one of the final stages, the ground around the remontant hydrangeas must be well moistened. Saturating the stems with moisture will prevent damage in the event of sudden spring frosts.

If there is no desire or time to mess around with shelter, you can grow plants in pots. In this case, the containers with the onset of cold weather must be brought into the basement.

Pink and blue - take your pick!

Think you can't "order" a color in advance? Are you asserting that, they say, “it was laid down by mother nature”, “it is not subject to change”, etc.? You are wrong. This requires ... no, not a new variety, and not even a magic wand, but only manipulations with the acidity of the soil. In this case, plants prone to changing shade will shine with soft lavender, lilac or ink overflows unusual for the variety.

Hydrangea remontant (large-leaved) "Endless Summer

Hydrangea remontant (large-leaved) "Endless Summer

Often, enthusiastic flower growers use a special “blue”, potassium alum or aluminum sulfate to blue the flowers.

  • "Blue" they dilute "according to the recipe" indicated on the package.
  • Potassium alum, which is used to prevent chlorosis, is dissolved in water. To change the color before flowering 2-3 times (with an interval of 1 week), 1 liter of water with 5-10 grams of the drug dissolved in it is poured under the previously watered bushes.
  • Aluminum sulfate is applied dry in the fall for each plant separately. Depending on the size of the bush and the intended effect, 15 to 50 grams of the drug is needed. In spring, hydrangeas can be watered with aluminum sulfate dissolved in water. In this case, 1 tablespoon of crystals is needed for half a bucket of water.

They are so interesting, these remontant plants! We advise you to plant them to anyone who wants to feel like an experimenter, a little bit of a breeder and just a person in love with garden hydrangeas.

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