Biofireplaces appeared on the market not so long ago, before that electric fireplaces or gas-fired units were popular. To install a gas fireplace in an apartment, you must obtain a special permit, and if the apartment is located above the tenth floor, then their installation is prohibited.. There is no talk of real wood-burning fireplaces, their installation is allowed only in the rarest cases. will become the center of attraction in any apartment, they will make it comfortable and will be a real highlight, especially since no permits are needed for their installation, enough to make a drawing of the room and figure out where the fireplace will be.

Biofireplace is installation, with which you can enjoy the burning of fire at any time. There are several varieties of such fireplaces:

  1. suspension;
  2. floor;
  3. embedded.

Everyone can choose the size of a biofireplace according to their wishes, since the units can be both large stationary and small compact ones. The block for fuel can also be different sizes, the choice depends on the parameters room and its interior. The styles in which fireplaces are made are very diverse. you can do it yourself, using drawings, which are quite a lot on the Internet.

They are different from real fireplaces. operating principle. Firewood or coals are not needed to ignite them; fuel is used, which has a simple composition and is poured into the block. They have a special heating tank for heating fluid. But use whatever comes to hand fuel is not allowed, such fireplaces can only run on bioethanol. Bioethanol is made from simple alcohol and used since the 70s. The first such fireplaces appeared in Italy, they came to our market already modern and stylish.

What is special about biofuels

Bioethanol is a pure substance that does not harm health human and ecology, you can make it with your own hands, since its composition is not complicated. Bioethanol is used for biofireplaces for a reason, for this there are a number of reasons:

  • Its composition is very simple, and in the process of use it does not emit harmful products burning. Room and apartment will not be filled with strangers smells when using a biofireplace. Bioethanol does not form soot or burning, which is why much superior to kerosene and gasoline.
  • The combustion products of biofuels are carbon dioxide with water. With such fuel, no chimney and enhanced ventilation are needed to get rid of the smoke, since it simply will not be. When installing a biofuel fireplace, you just need to regularly ventilate the room, this will prevent carbon dioxide from accumulating in the apartment.
  • The composition of the fuel includes alcohol, which is the result of the processing of various plants containing sugar. It can be bananas and potatoes, corn and wheat, beets and other products. Only after denaturation of the reference product goes on sale.

Read also: Portal for a fireplace from polyurethane

Bioethanol has a wide range of applications, it is used not only for fuel block in the fireplace, but also for the manufacture of furnaces and candles.

You can buy such fuel in a specialized store, but if you have the time and desire, you can do it yourself. When manufacturing, it is important to observe safety measures and the exact amount of ingredients, otherwise, when burning, the fuel will click and flash during ignition.

How to make biofuel yourself

To make a good and safe fuel for a bio-fireplace, you need to prepare some ingredients:

  1. standard, which is sold in a pharmacy;
  2. gasoline with a high degree of purification.

The standard must be strong - 96%, and gasoline is suitable exclusively purified, for example, it can be gasoline for lighters. Having the right components, you can quickly and without much effort to prepare fuel.

  • per liter of alcohol you will need 50-80 grams of refined gasoline. The components must be mixed until smooth (at first they may delaminate). It is recommended to mix the components before use, then the gasoline will not have time to exfoliate from the alcohol.
  • Do-it-yourself fuel must be poured into an iron dish or into a fireplace burner, after which it can be lit and admire a uniform flame without any smell, soot and burning. During operation of the biofireplace, it is advised that the window be open to allow carbon dioxide to escape.

Biofuel, prepared by one's own hands, nothing better than store bought. If the fireplace on fuel burns for an hour, then 0.4 liters of fuel are consumed. With a fuel tank of 2.5 liters, the fireplace can burn for about 8 hours without refueling.

Security measures

Biofuels must be used with care, as careless handling can lead to burns and even fire. Before the manufacture of fuel and its use, it is necessary to study the rules of operation:

  • When fuel is poured into the fuel block, the fireplace must be cold.
  • When the flame is not extinguished, top up mix is ​​strictly prohibited..
  • It is better if the block is 1/3 filled do not fill it to the brim, otherwise the whole fireplace may catch fire. It is better to extinguish the flame during operation, add liquid and re-ignite.
  • To kindle a fire, you need to use devices, that are included with the fireplace. When using a lighter, you can accidentally get burned. Be aware that during a fire, bioethanol can flare up. Used for ignition long handled tools to protect yourself.
  • Never use paper for kindling, this also applies to wood and other combustible materials, their use is only suitable for wood-burning fireplaces, and they are not suitable for a bio-fireplace block.
  • If by negligence the combustible mixture has spilled, it must be wiped dry, no matter what the surface.
  • Kindle biofireplace contraindicated in children, it is better to store fuel in a place inaccessible to them.
  • When the unit is not in use, the biofireplace liquid must not be in the fuel tank.
  • Before buying or making a bio-fireplace, you should consult a doctor if family members have respiratory diseases.
  • Remove from

Biofuel - a type of fuel from biological raw materials, produced from the waste products of organisms, from animal or vegetable raw materials, or as a result of the processing of biological waste. Biofuel for fireplaces - best view fuel that does not require the presence of a chimney. It is used for eco-fireplaces. The prefix "bio" arose as a result of the use of renewable plant resources in the production. At its core, fireplace fuel is denatured ethanol made from regular ethanol. Ethanol - alcohol obtained in the process of fermentation of vegetable sugar-containing crops (beets, potatoes, cane sugar, wheat). Pure alcohol can also be obtained by hydrolysis of raw materials with a high content of cellulose (straw, wood).

According to international rules, the free retail sale of pure alcohol is prohibited. Therefore, biofuel for fireplaces is produced by denaturing ethanol.

Biofuel properties

In the process of denaturation, ethanol acquires a neutral effect on the environment. Biofuel for fireplaces does not provide harmful influence on the body human and other animal organisms. The combustion of ethanol is accompanied by its decomposition with the formation of carbon monoxide, steam and some heat.

During the combustion process, beautiful smooth fiery tongues. Ecological fuel is absolutely safe, burns without soot, smell and smoke. Due to this, there is no need to install a smoke extractor and heat is not lost, but is stored in the room in full. Thus, The biofuel efficiency is 95%.

The appearance of the flame obtained by burning biofuel is practically the same as the type of burning logs. The use of biotoll in the form of a gel containing sea ​​salt allows you to enjoy the full illusion of fire with the characteristic crackle of real firewood.

Features of biofuel

Since the combustion of biofuels does not produce carbon monoxide, there is no formation of soot and soot. The work of a biofireplace emits soot even less than burning an ordinary candle.

Since the combustion of pure ethanol, which is biofuel, is accompanied by the release of only carbon dioxide and water, the resulting flame does not have the usual orange hue. For more natural biofuel enriched with special additives, due to which the fire burns with an orange flame and looks rich and natural.

Biofuels can be used as an energy carrier for lighting devices. When using fuel in a kerosene lamp does not emit soot and is completely odorless, inevitable when burning kerosene.

Types of biofuels

Mass production of biofuels has been established in some countries of Europe (France, Germany, Spain, Italy), South and North America (Canada, USA). Brazil is the leader in ethanol production. Among the biofuel producing countries of the African continent, South Africa is the leader. Approximately 5% of biofuels are produced in China and India.

All produced biofuels are divided into several types. The most popular are:

  • biodiesel(produced from vegetable oils);
  • bioethanol(substitute for gasoline with alcohol content);
  • biogas(an analogue of natural gas obtained from waste and garbage that has undergone special processing).

biodiesel- fuel, the production of which is based on the processing of fats of vegetable, microbial and animal origin. Coconut, soybean, rapeseed, palm or any other raw oil is used as raw material or food processing waste. A technology for the production of biodiesel from algae is under development. Oil-derived biodiesel is the most commonly used biofuel in Europe.

Bioethanol- alcohol produced during the fermentation process from carbohydrates obtained from starch or sugar contained in sugar cane or corn. As a raw material for the production of ethanol, the possible use of herbs and trees is considered, in a different way cellulosic biomass. For biofireplaces, bioethanol is used, which externally is a colorless, odorless liquid.

How to choose biofuel?

The use of biofireplaces allows enjoy live fire with convenience and safety for the environment. For greater comfort, you need to choose the appropriate type of fuel. The color of the flame and its sharpness depend on the correct choice.

When choosing a biofuel, you should focus on several important details. The fuel must burn completely, have a high heat output, and most importantly, have certificates of research institutions controlling its quality.

Pros and cons of biofuels

Consumption and efficiency of biofuels are of primary concern to consumers. Most modern bio-fireplaces per hour of burning burns no more than 500 ml of fuel. At the same time, the amount of heat generated is 6.58 kWh of energy per liter of biofuel. In terms of its efficiency, the operation of a biofireplace is equivalent to a three-kilowatt electric heater, but at the same time, the air in the room does not dry out, but, on the contrary, is moistened.

The advantages of biofuels include the following factors:

Applying biofuels is very easy and simple. If gel fuel is used, then all you need to do is open the lid of the jar, hide the container in an armful of decorative firewood or among stones and set it on fire. One can of gel fuel enough for 2.5 - 3 hours of continuous burning. To obtain a volumetric flame, you can ignite several jars of gel at the same time. Extinguishing a fire is quite simple, just wrap the lids on the cans and thereby block the access of oxygen to the fire.

When using liquid biofuel, you just need to pour it into a special biofireplace heating unit and set it on fire. It is almost impossible to use more fuel than necessary since it is produced this species fuel in special containers - five-liter canisters with a consumption scale. One canister is designed for 18 - 20 hours of burning.

Among cons of using only minor details can be distinguished from ecological fuel:

  • do not add fuel during combustion, it is necessary put out the fireplace and wait for it to cool completely;
  • can't store biofuel near a source of open fire;
  • It is strictly not recommended to kindle biofuels with paper and logs; for this, special iron lighters are used.

Scope of biofuel

Biofuel intended for fireplaces can be used in closed rooms without a chimney and ventilation outlets - in the office, in the apartment, in the country. The use of fireplace biofuel makes it possible to enjoy real fire in almost any conditions and in any premises. Biofuel is equally suitable for all types of interior fireplaces.

The emergence of biofuels is a logical continuation of the movement of manufacturers and trade in terms of ensuring the desire of customers who do not have the opportunity to install a full-fledged fireplace in their own home, to equip it with an analogue comparable in visual and olfactory effects.

First, electric fireplaces appeared, and then the so-called bio-fireplaces, in which not imitation, but real flames “dance”.

And it is not solid fuel that burns in them, but a liquid specially designed for this purpose, called biofuel for fireplaces.

Consumption of biofuel for a fireplace

Today, trade offers fuel for a biofireplace of several brands and in various packaging.

The following types of biofuels are most widely represented on the market:

  • Art Flame. Sold in one and a half liter plastic bottles;
  • FANOLA. It is supplied to retail chains in bottles made of plastic and having a capacity of 1 liter;
  • Bioteplo is a biofuel for biofireplaces manufactured in Russia. It is offered to the buyer in plastic five-liter canisters.

The principle of operation of all biofireplaces related to fireplaces that do not require the use of chimneys is that in working area such a fireplace, a special burner is installed, which acts as its heat extracting part.

Fuel for the biofireplace is poured here. Due to its design, the burner evenly distributes the liquid from the fuel block.

The latter, depending on the design of the fireplace, are installed either inside the body or inside a niche (if it is a built-in fireplace model).

When buying a biofireplace, fuel consumption can be calculated based on the information specified in the passport for your biofireplace model, as well as on the label of the container with the biofuel you purchased.


  • one bottle of fuel brand Art Flame (capacity 1.5 l) is enough to ensure continuous burning of the fireplace for 7 - 8 hours;
  • the declared consumption of biofuel brand "Bioteplo" - 0.36 l / h. Therefore, when filling the heating block with 2.5 liters, we will get a continuous burning time, estimated at 8 - 10 hours.

Composition and characteristics of biofuel for a fireplace

The basis of any biofuel is alcohol obtained from vegetable raw materials - ethanol.

The manufacturing technology provides for its production by the fermentation of sugars that are contained in some plant crops (wheat, beets, potatoes, etc.).

According to the provisions of international law, its sale in its pure form is prohibited to end consumers, so alcohol is denatured.

The resulting denatured ethanol is completely neutral. When burning, it releases heat and decomposes into H2O and CO2 vapors.
Such products are harmless to the environment and humans, especially since the concentration of carbon dioxide does not exceed the value contained in the air exhaled by a person.

When storing and using biofuels, it is necessary to observe the safety measures recommended by the manufacturers of these fuels.

Remember, using biofuel for biofireplaces, it is forbidden:

  • keep a container of fuel near an open flame;
  • pour it into the heating unit that works. Refueling is carried out only after the latter has been turned off and completely cooled down (not earlier than ¼ hour after the flame has been extinguished);
  • use straw, paper, or other flammable materials for ignition. you can light the biofireplace only with the metal lighter included in its kit;
  • store fuel outside the places intended for this purpose.

When spilling fuel, be sure to wipe this place with a napkin or a special cloth.

The design of the heating block and the composition of the biofuel itself exclude sparking, flame return, the appearance of smoke, soot or gases hazardous to health.

One liter of fuel in the process of its combustion releases about 4 - 5 kW / h (which is equal to the efficiency of a pair of standard electric heaters).

Since it is practically not lost to movement through chimneys, etc., but completely enters the heated room, we can say that the biofireplace efficiency is over 95%.

Is it possible to make biofuel for fireplaces with your own hands? It is possible by mixing pharmacy 96% ethanol and aviation B-70 in a certain proportion. But it is better not to do this and use factory biofuels.

Biofuel is considered the most suitable fuel that does not require a chimney. It is perfect for an eco-fireplace. Combustion of ethanol, on the basis of which biofuels are most often made, occurs due to the decomposition and formation of carbon monoxide, steam, and a small amount of heat. Details are below.

With regard to aesthetics, the combustion of biofuels forms elegant and even fiery flames. It is worth noting that biofuel is completely safe due to the fact that soot, smell and smoke are not emitted during its combustion. That is why it is not necessary to install a specific ventilation system, chimney or automatic hood.

The heat that is released due to the combustion of fuel is not lost, but remains in the room, without posing a threat to human life and health.

On average, the efficiency of biofuels reaches 95%. In appearance, the flame with such fuel is no different from the usual one, if you use logs or coals. Some people prefer to use biofuel in the form of a gel with the addition of sea salt, which allows you to create the complete illusion of burning real firewood with a natural crackle.

The biofireplace uses a special fuel that:

  • Safe for humans;
  • Does not pose a danger to the animal;
  • Does not pollute the atmosphere.

Biofuels have their own characteristics, and they consist in the fact that bioethanol (during combustion) does not emit carbon monoxide, as well as the formation of soot, soot and similar space pollutants. According to the principle of operation, a tabletop fireplace can be compared with an ordinary candle, and unlike it, it does not emit soot. Due to the fact that only carbon dioxide and water are released during combustion, the flame does not have an orange tint.

On sale you can find a liquid whose composition contains special additives that give the flame a natural Orange color. Often, biofuels are used as an energy carrier for the operation of lighting fixtures.

How to make fuel for a biofireplace with your own hands

It is quite possible to make biofuel for a fireplace with your own hands, and for this you do not need to know its consumption or assemble complex installations at home. For manufacturing, it is enough to purchase substances such as gasoline and ethanol.

Ethanol must be strong, namely 94%, and gasoline must be taken clean, which does not exude a pungent odor.

An excellent option would be to choose gasoline for lighters, but on condition that it has passed a high degree of purification. The process of preparing fuel is simple, and even a beginner can handle it.


  1. Take 1 liter of alcohol and 80 g of gasoline.
  2. Substances are mixed until homogeneous. It is better to mix them before directly lighting the fireplace, otherwise it is likely that the substances will “separate” from each other.
  3. The mixture is poured into a metal jar or a biofireplace burner container.
  4. Then you can set fire to the composition and enjoy its beauty.

When operating such home-made fuel, it is advisable to open at least one window in the room. This will help to avoid the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the room. It is important to remember that homemade biofuels are no less effective than store bought ones. For 60 minutes of burning without interruption, about 0.4 liters will be consumed. If the fuel tank has a normal capacity of 2.5 liters, then it will last for 7-8 hours.

Types of liquid for biofireplace

The production of biofuel for biofireplaces is carried out in many countries, in particular those located in Europe, South America, North America. Brazil is recognized as the leader in the production of this type of fuel. In addition, it is worth noting that 5% of all biofuels in the world are produced in China and India. The quality of biofuels is generally the same, the processing technology of the components may vary, or the type of liquid produced may differ.

Absolutely all biofuels are divided into types:

  1. The most popular biofuel is biodiesel, which is based on vegetable oil.
  2. In second place in demand is bioethanol, which contains a minimum amount of alcohol and is a substitute for gasoline.
  3. Biogas is considered an analogue of natural gas, which is produced by processing garbage and other waste after special treatment.

Biodiesel is a fuel that is made from recycled fat, of various origins, such as microbial, vegetable or animal.

The raw material can be soybean, rapeseed, palm, coconut and others.

Biodiesel manufacturing technology is currently under development and is constantly being improved. Very often, oil-based fuels are used as biofuels and were originally used in Europe. Bioethanol is an alcohol obtained through a process such as fermentation from carbohydrates obtained from starch, sugar and similar products that contain sugar cane and corn.

Tabletop and other types of biofuel fireplaces

Biofireplace can be an excellent element of any interior. They come in large stationary or in the form of several burners, and also be very small in size. The simplicity of the design of the bio-fireplace allows you to create a wide variety of models in unusual and original interpretations.

For example:

  1. Desktop fireplaces can be installed in common places, such as tables, shelves, cabinets and other places. Don't have to worry about fire safety because these products are completely safe.
  2. wall and built-in bio-fireplaces in appearance can resemble a traditional fireplace. They are installed on walls or built into niches in the wall, and sometimes even in a piece of furniture.
  3. corner fireplaces or, in other words, biofireplaces, are suitable for the smallest rooms, as the products are compact in size.
  4. floor standing biofireplaces are a real find for those who can decide to change the location of the heaters in just a couple of minutes.

For the manufacture of fuel blocks, metal sheets are used, in particular, high-quality stainless steel. To decorate fuel blocks, various materials are used, for example, stone, marble, refractory and heat resistant glass, precious woods or plastics, and combinations of the materials described above.

Varieties of biofuels for the fireplace (video)

Biofireplace is an excellent modern device for heating a room or decorating a room. It is worth noting that at the moment such products go on sale in large quantities and in different configurations, and therefore it is not so difficult and not expensive to choose the most attractive option for yourself.


Recently, the demand for alternative energy sources has increased. Biofuel fireplaces are now rare, but they have several advantages over other types of heating appliances. How they look, you can see in the photo.

A conventional fireplace is a combustion chamber with a chimney. The room does not warm up very efficiently, since a large part of the hot air goes into the chimney. The fireplace is practically not used as the only source of heat, although, provided that the chimney is properly laid, it warms up the premises of the second floor well.

Eco fireplaces running on biofuel do not require the construction of a chimney. You can make an eco-fireplace with your own hands. During combustion, only water and carbon dioxide are released, which remain in the room. Since there is no chimney, only a small flame is maintained, and thermal power minimal.

Biofuel is ordinary ethyl alcohol, the cost of its production is a penny. Thus, the cost of such fuel mainly consists of the manufacturer's markup and excise tax. In order for the bluish flame of alcohol to turn into what resembles a fire on wood, special additives are used. They convert ethanol to denatured alcohol.

Advantages and disadvantages of biofireplaces

Bio fireplace has the following advantages:
  1. No need for a chimney. So no gasket required ventilation ducts, as well as coordination with other tenants in the case of living in an apartment building.
  2. Most industrial equipment is mobile. Even the heaviest models have a mass not exceeding 100 kilograms.
  3. Relative fire safety. Of course, such a fireplace can cause a fire, but for this you need to try. In fact, it resembles a household spirit lamp. However, due to its weight, it is not easy to tip it over and thereby start a fire.

Disadvantages of biofireplaces:
  1. Such equipment performs only aesthetic functions. For space heating, it is completely useless, because it cannot raise the temperature even in a small room.
  2. Despite the assurances of the manufacturers that the products of combustion do not affect the composition of the air, there must still be good ventilation in the room due to the absence of a chimney. In a closed room, oxygen levels will quickly drop and excess moisture will appear, making the air unbreathable.
  3. Biofuel for fireplaces is not sold everywhere, and its price is quite high. Thus, with such a device, some difficulties may arise.

Safety requirements

Biofuel-fired fireplaces are subject to exactly the same safety requirements as any other oil-fired heaters:
  • it is impossible to store biofuel in a can next to a fireplace;
  • for biofuels, it is necessary to choose a place away from the fire, which is inaccessible to children;
  • it is forbidden to install the device near interior items that can catch fire from high temperatures;
  • the equipment must be completely cool before laying;
  • it is strictly forbidden to add alcohol to a burning fireplace, failure to follow this rule is almost guaranteed to lead to a fire;
  • for ignition, you can only use a lighter; you can not put straw or logs in the oven;
  • if biofuel has been spilled on the floor, it must be wiped off the floor surface before lighting it up and wait until it dries completely by opening the windows (at a certain concentration, alcohol vapors are explosive);
  • during combustion, the device must not be used unattended;
  • it is unacceptable to leave fuel in the burner if there are children in the family - they can set it on fire and start a fire;
  • children should not be allowed to play with the fireplace.
To give the fireplace the look of a real wood burning fireplace, you can buy special ceramic logs that do not burn.

Making a biofuel fireplace with your own hands

If you wish, you can make a biofireplace on your own, if you follow some tips. In addition to ready-made devices, special burners are also sold, which are simple galvanized or stainless steel tanks with a slot and an adjustable top valve. Alcohol is poured into such a container and ignited, and the intensity of combustion is regulated by a valve.

There is nothing complicated in how to make a biofireplace with your own hands, you just need to follow some expert advice:

  1. The heating zone uses materials that are resistant to high temperature: heat-resistant glass, stainless steel, fireclay bricks on lime mortar, stones, ceramics.
  2. It is not allowed to paint the elements of the biofireplace, as the paint will peel off from them after just a few times of using the device, moreover, it will stand out rather bad smell. See also: "".
  3. The valve on the burner must not be blocked by anything so that the fire can be extinguished at any time.
The simplest homemade biofireplace is a ceramic pot in which a burner sprinkled with pebbles is installed. But making biofuel for fireplaces with your own hands is not recommended.
Biofireplaces, despite their name, cannot be called heating devices. They have only an aesthetic purpose, and they are not able to heat even a tiny room. Thus, they are only suitable for interior decoration. There are many design options for such fireplaces, and if you wish, you can even make a hearth even on your own.

Installed and allowed even in apartment buildings since they don't need a chimney. Their essential shortcoming is that biofuel is rather expensive, besides it is on sale far not everywhere.
