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Slides captions:

Diversity of plants on Earth mosses algae ferns flowering conifers

MHI Mosses are very ancient representatives of the plant kingdom. Mosses grow only in places of increased moisture. They participate in the formation of swamps, the creation of peat, and affect soil moisture.

Ferns These plants are often referred to as living fossils. They need protection. Ferns help scientists understand how the diversity of the plant kingdom of the Earth developed.


Algae Scientists believe that among the plants existing on Earth, the most ancient are blue-green algae. Their age is about three billion years.

CONIFEROUS PLANTS Differ in special needle-shaped leaves - needles. The needles do not fall all at once, like ordinary leaves, but gradually, over several years. Therefore, coniferous trees all year round green.

In conifers, resin (resin), wood, fruits (for example, pine nuts) are very valuable.

FLOWERING PLANTS Flowering plants now dominate the Earth. They are called so because they have flowers, from which fruits with seeds are formed.

Flowering Plants Flowering plants are the most numerous and widespread group of plants on Earth.

Diversity of plants By 2004, scientists managed to classify about 290 thousand species, including 240 thousand flowering plants, 16 thousand mosses, 11 thousand ferns, 8 thousand green algae. Plants are found everywhere.

In the forest In the meadow In the pond In the mountains

In the desert In the steppe In the cities In the house

Question number 1 What plants are called "living fossils"? ferns

Question number 2 What kind of plants do scientists consider the most ancient on earth? Seaweed

Question number 3 What is "F AND VICA"? Zh and vitsa is the resin of coniferous trees.

Question number 4 Do needles fall off coniferous trees? The needles fall off gradually over several years.

Question number 5 What type of plant is now dominant on Earth? Now flowering plants dominate the Earth.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Draft (summary) of the lesson: Subject - the world around us; Grade 3; Type of lesson - introduction of new knowledge; Lesson topic - Diversity of plants on Earth. Features of this lesson: The lesson belongs to the block "Plant material ...

Lesson of knowledge of the world "Variety of plants on Earth"

The lesson on the knowledge of the world is held in the 3rd experimental class on the transition to the model of 12-year education....

General lesson "How to preserve the diversity of plants on Earth"

The lesson of the surrounding world in the 3rd grade was developed according to the teaching materials " Primary School 21st century" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The lesson is based on A presentation is attached to the abstract, designed to verify the work performed ...

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Text content of presentation slides:
Diversity of plants on earth The world Grade 1 Teacher MBOU ESOSH No. 1 Kravtsun M.G. Stanitsa Egorlykskaya, Rostov Region

Ferns Many millions of years ago, these plants dominated the globe. Then ferns were huge trees up to 40 meters high. Currently, drenched ferns can only be found in tropical forests. Herbaceous ferns grow in our country. They are more complex in structure than mosses, since in addition to stems and leaves they have roots.

Coniferous (gymnosperms) Coniferous plants (trees and shrubs) live everywhere in our country. Among them, you are well aware of spruce, pine, larch. Coniferous plants have not only roots, stems and leaves, but also seeds that are located openly (naked) on the cone scales. Coniferous plants propagate by these seeds.

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree. I grow very straight In height. Both in winter and in summer If I'm not at the edge, I'm dressed in a green fur coat. Branches are only at the top of my head. In the Crimea, over the sea, As on patrol, They stand in columns Always green, Wonderfully slender. There are many algae on Earth different types plants. The largest group is algae. These plants have no roots, no stems, no leaves, no flowers. The simplest of them are unicellular algae. They are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope. Despite their small size, in the summer they are easy to spot in the water, because these algae are extremely abundant. In warm sunny days algae multiply very quickly, and the water in which they live turns green. There are also multicellular algae. Especially a lot of them in the seas and oceans. Here they form dense thickets, underwater "forests".

Flowering Now on Earth, most plants are flowering. They are called so because they have flowers, from which fruits with seeds are formed. Flowering plants are the most numerous and widespread group of plants on Earth. They are found everywhere in forests, in meadows, in reservoirs ...

There is a curly hair in the forest - White shirt. Heart of gold, what is it? It is very similar to the animal's mouth, But only it is not dangerous to get into it. Stem - winged, Leaf - mustachioed, flower - fragrant And the fruit is fluffy. Mosses You certainly know about plants like mosses. They can be found in a humid forest, in a swamp, on the trunk of an old tree. They often form a continuous cover of emerald green color on the soil. Moss has only a stem and leaves, but no roots or flowers. Moss is highly dependent on water. They absorb everything like a sponge. If there is little water, the mosses dry up, their life stops. But mosses are very tenacious. Some of them survived after nine years of "imprisonment" in the herbarium.

You are a man Loving nature, Although sometimes feel sorry for her. In pleasure trips Do not trample her fields. In the station hustle of the century You hurry to evaluate her. She is your good old doctor, She is an ally of the soul. Do not burn her recklessly.

Lesson project:
Subject - extracurricular activities;
The purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the diversity of plants on Earth, the formation of the ability to work in pairs, groups
Lesson objectives:

  1. Learn about the variety of plants on Earth.
  2. Expand children's knowledge about plants.
  3. Strengthen your goal setting skills.
  4. To form the habit of self-study of the material.
  5. Develop skills to work in pairs, groups
  6. Formation of the skill of identifying errors in their work and the work of classmates.
  7. Education of mutual assistance, mutual assistance, responsibility for their actions.
  8. Development of speech, memory, imagination

Planned achievements of students in the lesson (what the student should learn, what to learn):

  1. Develop the ability to work with the text of the textbook and additional literature.
  2. Develop the ability to prioritize.
  3. Learn to work in pairs and groups.
  4. Determine the level of their knowledge, conduct a self-assessment of their activities.

Lesson progress

stage number

Stages of the lesson

Teacher activity

Student activities

Organizing time.

We can formulate the topic of today's lesson by guessing the riddle:

Breathe, grow

And can't walk (plant)

Remember what you know about plants.

I propose to conduct our lesson according to the following plan.


living organism, without it life is impossible

Getting to know the theme and plan

Setting the goal of the work

What are the goals of our lesson?

You have set great goals for yourself.

Goal setting.

  1. Get to know the variety of plants on Earth.
  2. Joint study of the properties of plant groups.

Introduction to the schema.

Joint study of the material according to the plan

Consider the scheme "Diversity of Plants on Earth".

What groups of plants are represented in it?

Can you name representatives of each of these groups?

Schema review.

Enumeration of representatives of each of the presented groups

Introduction to the topic of study.

reflection 1.


What did you learn about the first group of plants?

Summing up the work.

Dynamic pause.

Eye strain relief exercises.

Learning new material

Work along the route. Instructions for work.

1. Acquaintance with the topic of study.

For a better study of the material, I propose to conduct a thorough study of each group of plants.

But it will be difficult to study such a large material on our own, so we will divide into groups and work along the route.

Each of you has your own task.

Read the study topic for each group

1 group: With the head, gone under the waves, green between the stones,
We do not have flowers and leaves, to be honest, there are no roots.
We will perish on land: we always live in water.

2 group: Between cranberries and cloudberries, among forest swamps,
Always on moist soil my relative grows.
It may be green or almost gray,
But you have to bend down to meet him.
In the forest, in the damp lowland, you will always meet us,
After all, we need water for our life.

Guess what kind of plants we are talking about?

3rd group: Forest grass - carved foliage,

It does not boast of branches, but is proud of its ancestors -

mighty giants with dense crowns

1 more hint:

I love moisture too.
In the shadows, in the wilderness,
My carved leaves are, of course, good.
But I'm not proud of them!
Our very ancient family
Brings warmth and light from the past of the planet.

4th group:

We are dear to you all with our green view all year round.
We are easy to recognize by the cones and the abundance of resin.
Our leaves are very prickly, they are called needles,
And although we bring joy to you, we never bloom

5th group:

Well, we, and we are with flowers,
We bloom, we give fruits,
We feed the seeds
We will decorate the house.
We are in the forests, meadows and in the field,
We are in the desert and in the water.
By flowers, as by a password,
You will recognize us everywhere



coniferous plants

flowering plants

2. Studying the plan of work on the topic.

Any work must go according to a strictly defined plan.

We will read the work plan “along the route” given on the individual card and on the screen

Do you have questions about this plan?

I wish you fruitful collaboration.

Studying the work plan "on the route".

(Annex 1).

  1. Independent study of the topic.

Group work using cards.

1. Algae

3. Ferns

4. Coniferous plants

5. Flowering plants

  1. mutual learning

Guys, tell me, where can we find plants? Let's create a cluster.

Work "along the route" defined on the cards (Appendix 3)

reflection 2.


What did you learn about plant groups?

Did you manage to study the material?

What helped you with this?

Summing up the work.


Evaluation of the work of classmates.

Dynamic pause.

Exercises to relieve tension in the muscles of the arms and torso.

Express test.

To confirm the success of the work in the lesson, I propose to conduct an express test with self-assessment.

Performing an express test (Appendix 2).

Self-assessment of work

Reflection No. 3.

What did we learn in the lesson?

Have we achieved the goals we set for ourselves?

What helped us achieve it?

Chalkboard discussion.

Children's statements about the form of the lesson.

Evaluation of work

Today we did a great job together.

Evaluation of the work of teams and individual students.

Evaluation of the work of individual students.

Annex 1

Plan of work "on the route"

  1. Read the article.
  2. Prepare a retelling.
  3. Ask your questions, listen to your neighbor's answers.
  4. Retell your article to a neighbor.
  5. Listen carefully to your neighbor's story.
  6. Answer his questions.
  7. Rate your work.

Appendix 2

Express test "Test yourself" on the topic "Plants in human life"

Annex 3

1) Algae.

Algae have neither roots, nor stems, nor leaves, although some large marine representatives of this group of organisms have formations that look like these organs. Why don't algae need roots? Algae do not need roots as they live in solution nutrients and can absorb them with their entire surface

Some algae, mainly seaweeds, have plates shaped like leaves. Seaweeds have been used for a long time and quite widely in human food, as animal feed, as fertilizer, as a raw material for the manufacture of medicines, as well as in the form of bread ingredients, cakes , canned meat, ice cream, jelly and various emulsions. Iodine can be extracted from the bowels of the earth, but almost all over the world it continues to be extracted from seaweed. - Crimson and brown - an ancient group of algae, inhabitants of the seas. In some countries, they are widely used in food as condiments and snacks.
- During the period of mass reproduction of unicellular algae, the water turns bright colors - "blooms", they say. Some algae can even grow on the snow in the mountains or in the polar regions, giving the snow different shades. The snowfields of Greenland sometimes turn yellow, then green, then red. Perhaps this is what Greenland owes its name to (in translation - the green country).

sea ​​kale as medicine was known as early as the 13th century in China. In the XIII century, the Chinese emperor issued a decree obliging the population to systematically eat it as a dietary and prophylactic agent and deliver it for these purposes to settlements at the expense of the state.

The oldest

crossing the Atlantic Ocean, not far from the coast of America, they met with surprise and fear whole fields of floating brown-yellow algae.

2) Mosses. Sphagnum moss grows in swamps. Sphagnum is common name for various (primarily in color) types of moss: “white moss”, “brown moss”, “red moss”, etc. Common to all mosses is that living on very wet soils, they accumulate in leaves and in surface layers stems a lot of water. Mosses do not have roots, and it is thanks to aquifers that sphagnum leaves have a hygroscopic property, that is, they are able to retain water. The word sphagnum in Greek means sponge

Sphagnum mosses play an important role in the formation and life of swamps. Peat deposits are formed from the dead remains of sphagnum. Moss sphagnum grows at the top of the stem, and its lower part dies off ("peat"). This is how huge deposits of peat are formed over many years. Peat is a valuable raw material for obtaining wax, paraffin, ammonia, alcohol, etc. It is used in medicine, in the construction industry, as fuel, fertilizers.

Sphagnum moss is used both in folk and scientific medicine as an antiseptic and dressing material for purulent wounds, as it has the ability to absorb a large amount of moisture.

3) Ferns. Tree ferns are almost extinct, but herbaceous ones feel good in modern conditions. The word "fougère" is borrowed from French and means - fern Leaves sometimes reach one and a half meters, but grow very slowly. Only in the spring of the third year do they reach full development. In autumn, the leaves of our forest ferns tend to die off. Ferns are moisture-loving and shade-tolerant plants. In addition to stems and leaves, they have roots.

Among the Slavs, the fern was a legendary plant - he was credited with witchcraft power. - Ferns are ancient plants. In Rus', there was a legend that the fern blooms with a fiery flower, which blooms once a year in the dead of night under thunder and lightning flashes on the holiday of Ivan Kupala (July 7). On this mysterious night, festivities, round dances were organized, people jumped over fires and went looking for the “fiery fern flower” that opens treasures. It was believed that whoever manages to pick this flower will open all the treasures, he will hear the voices of trees and herbs.

4) Coniferous plants

Conifers- higher plants. They are found throughout the Earth, adapted to adverse conditions. There are over 600 species. They have cones with seeds and pollen. Durable wood is used for construction and in the furniture industry.

Conifers- are woody forms, less often shrubs. These are: spruce, pine, fir, cedar, cypress, larch, sequoia. Their leaves in the form of needles are called needles. There are also deciduous conifers, this is larch. Conifers have cones with seeds from which vitamins and cedar oil are obtained. coniferous forests- keepers of waters, emit a lot of oxygen. Silk, paper, plastics are made from wood.
- These plants are also called gymnosperms, because in addition to the root, stem and leaves, they also have seeds that are located openly (naked) on the scales of cones. The giant sequoia can grow up to about 95 m, and its trunk diameter can range from 5 to 11 m. The largest of these trees is about 4000 years old.

5) Flowering plants

Flowering - the most common group of plants, has about 250 thousand species. Among them are many trees, shrubs, herbs. Found everywhere. Many flowering plants are cultivated and are used by humans as food and medicines. Wild plants are animal feed. Flowering dominate the plant world. And if you admire some beautiful flower - know that the plant is probably a flowering plant.

Plants play a huge role in our life. They are food, industrial raw materials. And herbs play another important role in our lives. Since ancient times, people have known their healing power. Among the wild-growing, the “root of life” ginseng is world famous. No less famous are nettle, plantain, St. John's wort. However, in our country, 500 plant species are on the verge of extinction. Excessive collection of forest and field bouquets served to impoverish plants. The swimsuit, sleep-grass, anemone are leaving us. You rarely see a lily of the valley near the city. The "Red Book" came to the aid of plants. Much depends on us. Resting in the forest, resist the temptation to pick a flower.

Flowering plants don't bloom for humans at all. Bright colors, aroma are necessary for flowers to attract insects.

Only we humans can admire the beauty of flowers. And insects are only interested in color, flower shape and smell. After all, flowers not only lure, they also feed some insects with juice-nectar, others with pollen, and still others with both.


We have learned the signs of various groups and species of plants, and now we can analyze and generalize new knowledge. Each table has a table. Now you will need, based on the knowledge gained, to fill it out.

List of used literature

1. Vinogradova N.F., Kalinova G.S. Surrounding world. Grade 3 Part 1. - M .: "Ventana-Count", 2012.
2. Isakova O.A. Lesson plans according to the textbook by Vinogradova N.F., Kalinova G.S. - V.: "Teacher", 2006.
Social network of educators.

Conifers (gymnosperms) Although the total number of species of conifers is relatively small, they play a very important ecological role. Coniferous dominant plants in vast areas of land. Many coniferous plants emit a resin designed to protect the tree from insects and fungi. Resin of fossil trees amber. amber

The use of amber in ancient world Since time immemorial, people have endowed fossil resin, whose age is estimated at millions of years, miraculous properties. A small piece of amber jewelry was often more expensive than a young slave in the slave market, because the delivery of amber to Rome along the Amber Route was fraught with great difficulties. Medicines and ornaments made of fossilized resin were recommended at the most various diseases. Even the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder (2379 AD) was convinced that amber amulets protect against male diseases and mental disorders.

Pea cypress - Chamaecyparis picifera. Of the cypress varieties, only this species can be fearlessly purchased for a garden near Moscow, and even then it is worth choosing a protected quiet place in the garden for it. These are slow growing shrubs with elegant green, blue or yellow needles.

Microbiota - Microbiota decussata, a wonderful, unfortunately little-known ground cover coniferous plant for shade and partial shade, 0.5 m high, spreads, by the age of 10 it will take 1.5-2 m. The needles in summer are very beautiful, dark green, in spring and autumn - reddish-brown. It is not exacting neither to moisture, nor to the soil, does not break with snow. Bad transplant.

Ferns In a dark, shady corner of the forest you can find a large herbaceous plant with dark green oblong leaves and a thick rhizome covered with numerous dry scales. This fern is a very common perennial plant.

Ferns Many probably know about the ancient holiday of Ivan Kupala, or Ivan's day. There was a belief that on the night before Ivan's Day (June 24), the fern blooms only once a year, shining with a fiery flame and illuminating everything around. It was believed that the fern flower has a wonderful property to open treasures. Many tried to find a flowering fern, but no one succeeded because the fern does not bloom at all!

Algae Organisms that are grouped together as algae have a number of common features. In morphological terms, for algae, the most essential feature is the absence of multicellular organs - root, leaves, stem, typical of higher plants. For most algae, water is a permanent habitat, but many of their species can live out of water. MARINE MACROPHYTES are the largest algae in the world. These multicellular organisms resemble green plants more than any other algae.

Moss habitats Mosses are found on all continents, including Antarctica, often in extreme habitat conditions. Mosses usually form dense clusters in shady areas, often in close proximity to water, although they can also be found in relatively open, dry areas. Among mosses there are species living in freshwater reservoirs. There are no marine life, although some species settle on the rocks in the surf. Moss in the drainpipe in winter.

Green mosses. They are found everywhere: they grow on the soil, tree trunks, rocks and roofs of houses, but are most widespread in damp forests, forming a continuous green carpet. One of the most famous and most common mosses is cuckoo flax, which forms dense tufts of erect, unbranched stems densely covered with narrow linear-lanceolate leaves.

Sphagnum A feature of sphagnum mosses is the continuous growth of the stem at the top and the death of the lower part. However, the complete decay of dead parts does not occur, since there is little oxygen in waterlogged soil. Peat is formed. Sphagnum is a common name for various (primarily in color) types of moss: “white moss”, “brown moss”, “red moss”, etc. Common to all mosses is that living on very wet soils, they accumulate in there is a lot of water in the leaves and in the surface layers of the stems.

Teacher's work primary school Nazarova A.N.

Public lesson

On the knowledge of the world in 3 "B" class

On the topic: Diversity of plants on Earth»

Prepared by:

Melnikova Lyubov Alexandrovna

Primary school teacher

Educational : to give children an idea of ​​the diversity of plants on Earth, their role in nature and human life.

Developing e: to develop the ability to isolate the main thing, to establish causal relationships, to systematize the material.

Educational : to instill a respect for nature, to form communicative qualities, a culture of communication, a sense of healthy lifestyle life


Textbook "Knowledge of the World" by K. Zhunusova

Presentation "Diversity of the plant world"


Computer, multimedia projector, screen


Lesson progress

Organizing time. (greeting guests, mood)

Psychological mood. (2 minutes)

I see you are all in a good mood today. Smile and give your smiles. I wish you good luck today, so that you will definitely learn something new, and this lesson was interesting and exciting.

Show emoticons that match your mood

And I want to wish “put your mind and heart into work, cherish every second in labor”

Checking homework:

    What is soil?

a) the surface layer of the earth

b) a piece of land

c) the top fertile layer of the earth

    What is soil made of?

a) from microbes, plant roots, various animals living in the soil

b) from air, water, humus, sand, clay, salts

c) from air, water, humus, sand, clay, salts, as well as microbes, plant roots and various animals living in the soil

    The humus is:

a) fertile soil

b) soils containing sand

    What role do earthworms play in the soil?

a) harm plants

b) loosen the soil, supplying it with oxygen, process humus

c) none

    To better grow vegetables in the garden, people?

a) water the soil

b) water the soil, loosen the soil, apply fertilizer, remove weed roots

c) do nothing, so everything grows

Organizational and psychological moment of the beginning of the lesson.

And I will begin our lesson with a conversation of one student. And here's what he said:

“I’ll grow up and discover some living creature. Just don’t be late.” To which they replied: “It’s never too late to learn and discover something.” The main thing is to be attentive and observant and you will make many amazing discoveries.

One discovery is already waiting for us today at the lesson.

Actualization of knowledge and problem statement.

On the board slide number 1

What do the objects depicted in these pictures have in common (living beings)

Prove (they breathe, eat, grow, reproduce, age and die)


Which picture is missing? (wolf)

Why? (it belongs to the animal kingdom)

To which group would you classify the rest of the pictures? (plant kingdom)

Why? (because they have a root, a shoot, a flower, a fruit with seeds)

Is it possible to list all representatives of the plant kingdom (no)

Why? (there are a lot of them)

Wherever you look, plants are everywhere. Since ancient times, man, collecting and then cultivating plants, learned their useful and harmful properties. This is how the science of plants appeared, the name of which you will learn by solving a crossword puzzle.

The keyword is encrypted vertically.


Tree that bears fruit - acorns (OAK)

Look at the fence

The queen of the garden blossomed.

Not a tulip, not a mimosa.

And in the thorns beauty .... (rose)



Kids know this fruit

like to eat his monkeys (BANANA)

6. They talk about her weeping (Willow)

7. A porcupine stands on the window and has fun, but no one will give a hand, afraid to prick (CACTUS)

8. Beautiful flower red seeds used in cooking (MAC)

So the key word is BOTANY. The science of plants, which got its name from the Greek word BOTANE - grass. Let's go back to the words from the crossword puzzle.

Oak. What is this? (tree) and what kind of trees grow with us. Rosa - what is it? (flowering plant)

Look at the trees, flowers, herbs. How many plants grow on earth. And what are they all? (different)

The topic that we will begin to study with you today is called



SLIDE No. 4 PICTURES OF DIFFERENT PLANTS Let's admire this monovariety

CAREFULLY look at these pictures, tell me how the plants differ from each other? (size, shape, color, living conditions, structure)

Let's remember what parts plants are made of. Let's do the task in groups. Card number 1. Work directly in the card. Adding your answer. You have 3-4 minutes for this.

Card #1

Identify the organ that anchors the plant in the soil (ROOT)

Branched part of a plant that bears leaves, buds and flowers (STEM)

Grows - turns green, flies - turns yellow, falls - turns black (LEAF)

Part of a plant that looks like a corolla of petals (FLOWER)

Sometimes tasty, juicy, but sometimes dry, hard, formed in place of the flower (Fruit)

From it grows a new plant (SEED)


Each group is asked one question, the rest of the groups check.


Well done guys, you did a great job.

Do all plants have named parts? (no)

Right. That is why botanists divide the plant kingdom into groups.

What do you think, what goal will we set for ourselves today and will look for answers to it?

The purpose of our lesson is to get acquainted with the groups of plants and the features of their structure, that is, according to what signs scientists divided all plants

Group work. Learning new.

So the guys scientists divided the entire plant kingdom into 5 groups. And which ones you will find out now. Speakers, please give everyone a number. The teacher puts numbers at this time. The first group will study algae, the second group will study mosses, etc.

Gr. No. 1 - algae

Card assignments

Retell in pairs

-Where are algae found?

-What size are they?

-What kind do they have?

Gr. No. 2 - MHI

Card assignments

Choose a plant suitable for your group

Retell in pairs

Answer questions on your card

-Where do mosses grow?

-What parts do they have?

-Are there many of them in the world?

Gr. No. 3 - ferns

Card assignments

Choose a plant suitable for your group

Retell in pairs

Answer questions on your card

- How easy is it to recognize ferns?

-What parts do they have?

- Are there many of them in the world?

Gr. No. 4 conifers

Card assignments

Choose a plant suitable for your group

Retell in pairs

Answer questions on your card

-Name several elements of coniferous plants.

-What kind of leaves do they have?

What parts do conifers not have?

Gr. No. 5 - flowering plants

Card assignments

Choose a plant suitable for your group

Retell in pairs

Answer questions on your card

-What parts do they have?

Where do they meet?

When they bloom ?

Seaweed - these are lower plants that live in water, in algaethere are no roots, stem, leaves, flowers and fruits with seeds. They absorb everything they need with the entire surface of their body. They can be quite small, in the form of balls. This is chlorella. But also quite large, similar to long threads or ribbons, for example, "seaweed" - kelp.

Mosses. In a humid forest, in a swamp, on the trunks of old trees, mosses can be found. Mosses have stems and leaves, but no roots or flowers. They obtain water and minerals from the stem and leaves. Mosses usually form dense clusters in dark places and close to water.

ferns plants that live in damp shady places. .They have root, stem, leaves. They do not have flowers or fruits. Fern leaves are like feathers. Ferns never bloom. Ferns are herbaceous or tree-like. There are ferns - giants - these are trees up to 200 meters high.

coniferous plants - these are trees and shrubs with leaves-needles. These plants have roots, stems and leaves. They have no fruits and flowers, seeds are formed in cones. Most coniferous trees are evergreen. coniferous trees There are about 600 species. Coniferous plants include - pine, juniper, cedar, spruce.

flowering plants - the most widespread group on the whole Earth. These are plants that have flowers. They have all organs - root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit and seed. These include trees that give fruit (oak, birch, apple tree), shrubs - a dog rose, lilac, currant, herbs (dandelion, strawberry, lily of the valley) and all flowers.

Each group had questions, let's check how you answered the questions. Each group reads the question and answers.

Other groups can ask questions

Well done guys, you have successfully completed this task.

Summarizing conversation

How many groups did scientists divide the entire plant kingdom into? (for 5 groups)

Name them. (algae, mosses, ferns, conifers, flowering plants)

By what distinguishing features did scientists divide them into such groups? (by structure, growth condition)

How carefully you listened and learned new things about plants, we will check by filling out a table on this topic on this topic.


But before we finish our lesson, I would like to consolidate the knowledge you have gained.

Each group makes a question on the topic and by choosing a group asks it, other groups can add something if the group did not fully answer the question posed.

Let's remember what goals we set in the lesson.

Have we learned about the structural features of each group?

Have we achieved our goals?

Creative task

Group work. Decorate pictures of plants and stick them on the globe models. And show us your variety of plants.

Exhibition of works

Reflection. Success rainbow. Each of you worked fruitfully today, evaluate your work

Lesson summary

What's new did you learn about in class?

Who in the group would you like to thank?

Will the knowledge gained be useful to you in the classroom?

Homework. Choice

pp 108-109 read and retell,

retell and make a crossword puzzle.

prepare a message by selecting any group of plants

Conclusion of the lesson.

And finally, please put your hands on your chest (one under the other), close your eyes and try to send a piece of your warmth into your hands. Do you feel your hands become warmer? Now slowly blow on your hands and send your warmth to the Universe. Let our world become a little better from the warmth of our hearts. The lesson is over.
