It's no secret that most of the male population loves to go fishing. Fishing on a boat brings special pleasure, and therefore many people dream of acquiring this object, and some make it with their own hands.

Boat materials

The Internet is teeming with a variety of creative ideas that can be easily implemented. By entering any query into a search engine, a person quickly receives the answer he is interested in.

And having decided to build a facility for floating on the water, you can easily find a lot of ideas that, if desired, can be brought to life. So, what can a boat be made of? It can be made from:

  1. tree.
  2. Plywood.
  3. bottles.
  4. aluminum.
  5. Rubber.

Each listed material is difficult to use, because the density is different, and therefore the quality is also different. But it is worth remembering that each material has its pros and cons. Therefore, the choice of material directly depends on the period of further operation of the product:

  • For example, the most durable material is wood. It is more suitable for long-term swimming on the water and can serve for seven years. It is worth remembering that you need to take a durable tree. It is best to use oak. So there is a high probability of quality production.
  • Plywood is no longer as reliable as wood. This will be determined in its subtlety. But, if you do not go fishing very often, you want to save on manufacturing, then plywood is an excellent choice.
  • As for bottles, many people ask a completely logical question: how to make a boat out of bottles? Many people think that this is not realistic at all. But despite all the doubts, the result will be amazing. She will be easy. But in the case of manufacturing, it is necessary to try as much as possible so that the result of your work does not fall apart during the ascent to the water.
  • Aluminum is also a great material. It is reliable and can last for a long time. But the production of such material will take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many prefer a wooden base.

The latter material is very common. After all, all purchased swimming equipment is made from rubber. It holds well on the water and is able to withstand a lot of weight.

But in the production you need to be careful, because one puncture will ruin it. Time, effort, money will be wasted. The process requires full concentration, maximum attention.

wooden base

For many centuries, people have used wood as a means of transportation on the water surface. At first, these were simple structures in the form of small platforms, later a boat appeared, the manufacture of which took a long time.

After all, it must be of high quality for the safe transportation of goods. Now in our time, if desired, anyone can reproduce the remedy at home.

Simple step by step plan teach how to do wooden boat. It is necessary to prepare in advance long, wide boards that will serve as the sides of the boat. They must be dry, even, without cracks.

After preparing the base material, it must be processed for convenient bonding. The edges of the boards must be cut evenly so that when assembled, the boards touch each other tightly. Next, we begin to make a vehicle. You need to start with the bow. We cut out an additional board, which in the middle will hold the sides.

After finishing work on the sides, you need to build seats. The process is very simple, so it will not take much time. wooden boards, must be nailed to the sides. After that, you should install the bottom. It may be iron.

We cut out the desired shape from a sheet of iron, thanks to densely hammered nails we fasten it to a wooden base. The boat is almost ready. It remains to attach the iron chain, which will serve as the basis for the anchor.

Making boats from plywood

The construction plan for how to make a plywood boat will be slightly different from the previous one. How to make a boat with your own hands, drawings and descriptions will become a reliable assistant during the process, full information on the drawings can be found on the Internet.

Take a large sheet of plywood, draw the outlines of the product on it, relying only on the drawings. Then cut out. The layout of the tool is ready, it remains only to fix everything correctly. Work in the same way must begin with the sides.

If you want to attach the motor, the tailgate must be strengthened. After a good fastening of the bolts, attach the bottom. You need to use glue, resin. You should not regret applying the funds listed, but you should not overdo it either. After applying them, you need to wait until completely dry. Here is the boat almost ready, you just need to paint it at your discretion.

rubber boat

The answer to the question: how to make a boat with your own hands, drawings will be the first answer. Thanks to them, the product will turn out to be the correct shape. Therefore, the first step is to draw drawings, having calculated the smallest details.

After that, we cut out a boat of the indicated dimensions from a sheet of plywood. In addition, we need boards for securely fastening the bottom, a tarpaulin for covering. These materials must be interconnected using the same glue, resin. Be sure to give time to cover the glue, otherwise the design will turn out to be flimsy. And your efforts will be wasted.

After that, cover the product with a tarpaulin, firmly attaching it to the boards. Remember, the design must be wide. This way you get a homemade boat. It will not be very similar to the rubber that is sold, but it will provide you with softness and comfort.

For a better understanding of the manufacturing process, you can see how to make a PVC boat with your own hands. There, an example will explain the principle of operation. After all, reading and seeing an example, repeating actions, are completely different things.

air boat

Seeing photos on the Internet about how a boat is made from bottles, many are surprised, asking a natural question: how to make a homemade boat from plastic bottles Or how long can it be used?

The manufacturing principle is so simple that even a ten-year-old child can design it. For production, you will need a lot of plastic bottles. They must be in perfect condition, without cracks, holes, so as not to let water through.

The quantity depends on the desired dimensions of the vessel. Also, the bottles must have lids so that water does not go inside, does not make them heavier. The plastic material must be laid out in the shape of a vessel, carefully secured together with glue.

Here is the swimsuit ready. It is very cheap to manufacture, but not of very high quality. It is highly likely that by clinging to a branch, you can break through the bottle, thus damaging the structure.

aluminum vessel

Having learned the principle of production of previous boats, it is not difficult to guess how to make aluminum boat. The difference lies only in the material from which the vessel will be made. In terms of strength, it can safely be put in second place after the tree.

And with quality work, it can last a lifetime.
When doing, remember that it is necessary to attach materials with high quality, firmly. Because life depends on the quality of work.

DIY anchor

The anchor is the main element of the floating facility. After all, it helps to stay in one place for a long time, not allowing the current to carry the ship away. In order to attach the anchor, it is necessary to drill a hole in the back of the boat, stretching an iron chain, which will become the basis for the anchor.

Next, you need to attach the load itself. It should be a large piece of iron that can stop the boat. It will need to be attached to the chain by welding. Ten minutes - the anchor is ready. This is the easiest way to make an anchor for a boat with your own hands.


Some simple ways will help you learn how to make a boat with your own hands from various materials. Even if the attempt is not successful, the experience of making a ship on your own will definitely be remembered.

But if, nevertheless, the boat turns out to be good, then it will certainly come in handy both for walking with the family along the river and for fishing. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to try to make a boat with your own hands.

Video on how to make a boat with your own hands

lovers active rest does not sit still, especially when the weather pleases sunny days. It makes you want to get into the boat, sail off the coast and go towards new adventures. However, not everyone can buy or rent a boat. The event is costly, fuss with it more than enough. Moreover, special transport is needed to take her from home to the river and back. Craftsmen were not at a loss and came up with a way to make a boat out of plastic bottles that can be stored at home. It is worth knowing how such a non-standard swimming facility is designed.

Materials and tools

Empty plastic bottles are sold in any store. But if desired, the required number of bottles can be collected over the winter. For construction works suitable containers, the volume of which is five to six liters. The number of bottles depends on the model of the future boat. For an ordinary punt, 2000 bottles are more than enough.

If it is planned to build a large boat with high sides, care must be taken that at least 5,000 bottles lie in the bins. It is recommended to store all this goodness in the country. Firstly, in an empty house it is easier to highlight private room for this kind of stuff. Secondly, you do not have to test the patience of households who constantly stumble upon lemonade bottles.

All containers must be clean, free of mold and odor. It is not necessary to tear off the labels, but outdoor enthusiasts note that the boat looks much neater without papers. In addition to plastic containers, you should purchase 4-5 rolls of transparent tape in advance. The final quantity will be clarified in the course of construction work, but it is better to purchase a certain amount in advance.

Finally, for the work you will need sharp scissors, a clerical knife, superglue, a plastic or plywood crossbar, small diameter wire and polyurethane foam. An oar for a homemade boat is made from a thick stick and an old beater. First, they wrap the beater with tape, and then tightly wrap it to the stick. When all the materials and tools are collected, you can begin to form the boat.

Preparatory work

Immediately before starting work, each unit should be prepared. To do this, the bottles are washed and at the same time they check that all containers are of the same volume. Then perform the so-called swap. To do this, open bottles are left in the freezer for one and a half to two hours.

Then they are taken out of the cold, the lids are tightly screwed on and left in the sun. As the air warms up, the bottle will expand.

To maintain the pressure at the same level, coat the caps with waterproof glue. This operation is done with all containers. After that, you can start assembling.

Simple and hassle free

by the most simple designs a raft and an ordinary boat are considered. To create them, both ordinary soda bottles and five-liter canisters are suitable. Despite minor differences, the principle of construction is practically the same.

  1. Form the required number of "logs". To do this, you need to take two containers and connect them so that the protruding part of the bottom of one bottle enters the concave part of the bottom of the second container. They should be linked with superglue, and then provide additional fixation with a plastic cylinder. The latter is made from the third bottle - the bottom and neck are cut off.
  2. The necks will stick out in different directions. To hide them, you need to take two more containers, cut off the necks, smear them with waterproof glue and put them on the workpiece. For reliability, the joints should be wrapped with wide tape.
  3. The rest of the boat skeleton is assembled in the same way.. Each owner sets the length of plastic "logs" independently. It is important that you feel comfortable on board.
  4. From the made "logs" you should tie the so-called floats. To do this, the logs are connected using a thin wire and a wide adhesive tape. Separate joints should be additionally treated with superglue.

If you plan to assemble an ordinary raft with your own hands, all the "floats" are connected with wooden or plastic crossbars using wire. Then plywood or a plastic board is laid on the resulting surface, attached with wire to the crossbars and taped around the edges with tape. If it is planned to assemble a swimming facility that looks like a boat, it is worth making low sides and decorating the bow. For greater stability, all the voids between the bottles should be filled mounting foam.

As a basis, you can take not only plastic and plywood, but also foam. This is exactly what New Zealander Thomas Davis did, who glued all the bottles together and then attached them to a sheet of foam. The result is robust design, which can easily withstand the weight of three adult men. At the same time, it does not differ in large dimensions: it took only 600 bottles to build it. Thomas is convinced that construction of homemade boats - The best way struggle for a clean environment.

Yesterday's garbage is transformed into a unique swimming tool, trees do not need to be cut down for this, and the beaches and streets become much cleaner.


To create a small canoe, you need to collect one and a half, two and five liter containers. Then you should get vinyl wrap, tape, plastic sheeting, sharp scissors, a knife and a handle for garden tools. When everything you need is collected, you can begin to build a swimming facility.

  1. First, you should collect two "sausages" of the same length from five-liter containers. The bottles in each "sausage" are connected with tape. When both blanks are made, they must be connected with a wide adhesive tape. Thus, a boat frame was obtained.
  2. It is necessary to equip the bottom of the boat, equipping it with “fins” and end elements. This will increase the stability of the craft on the water, and it will be easier to manage it. For this purpose, containers of one and a half and two liters are useful.
  3. The nose of the boat is made from the throat of a five-liter container. This part should be emphasized by building a hill near it.

At the final stage, the boat is first pasted over with polyethylene or any other material that is resistant to the aquatic environment.

To give the watercraft a stylish look, it is worth pasting it with vinyl film and decorating it with stickers. An oar is made from a garden cutting.


The optimal dimensions of this boat are a meter wide and two meters long. It is laid out in layers, so for its manufacture you will need a separate well-ventilated room. First you need to make a deck. For this required amount bottles are laid out flat in accordance with the shape of the future boat and fastened with superglue on the sides. There is no need to be zealous - an adhesive layer of 5-6 mm is enough for the bottles to stick together firmly.

When the deck dries, it is necessary to start assembling the hull. The execution technology is the same, only the body is made for one bottle already. When both layers are completely dry, you should glue the containers of each of them to each other from all sides. In this case, it is necessary to check the correct operation. If the bottles look outward with caps, everything is done correctly.

When the containers are completely dry, you can begin to connect the layers. The deck should be moved down, and it should lie so as to fall into the depressions of the bottles of the first layer. Thus, the lower part of the boat is formed. All its elements are overlapped, which ensures rigidity and stability of the structure.

In order for both layers to “grab” properly, it is worth holding them under pressure (heavy book volumes are suitable for this purpose).

While the frame dries up, you should glue the seat. In fact - another layer, but not very long. First, they wait until the seat dries, and then install it in its place and fasten it with superglue. From the remaining bottles, sides are formed, which perform a protective function (do not allow water to enter the boat) and give the swimming facility a complete look. For a punt, you can build a homemade paddle, but it is better to get a special one - for a kayak. With it, it is much easier to control the boat and keep it on a given course.

A 22-year-old student and his one-year-old car mechanic Jakub Buresh built a 10-meter boat out of 5,000 plastic bottles tied to a wooden frame. They and two other men plan to cycle from their hometown of Nymburk down the Elbe River to Hamburg in Germany to draw attention to Europe's growing plastic pollution.

Huge sailboat made of plastic bottles

In one of our most interesting projects we teamed up with elementary school Fourlanesend and local boatbuilder Andy Fox to build and run a sailboat out of hundreds of plastic bottles as part of our work with kids to make them think more about plastic and what happens to it when we throw it away.

Andy Fox previously built the famous Plastiki which sailed the Pacific Ocean in 2010. Made from recycled plastic and 12,500 recycled bottles, it traveled over 8,000 miles from San Francisco to Australia to raise awareness of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a vast and growing area. "plastic soup" is estimated to contain six times more plastic waste than plankton.

The Fourlanesend children named their six-meter Triamar Respect after one of their school values, as well as respect for the environment. It was made from around 750 bottles that the children brought home from home in just a few weeks, as well as other recycled materials such as discarded farm bags and tents left behind from the local creators' festival.

The boat was launched on Cawsand Beach in July 2013 with six lucky people who got their first ride escorted by a local concert club's safety boat. Later that day, there were more than 20 excited children aboard a floating boat in shallow water. As Andy remarked: “A 1 liter bottle can hold a kilogram of weight!”

In 2014, Respect sailed again and took part in Mt Edgcumbe Smugglers Weekend. He spent the summer at an exhibition in the main lobby of the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth with an interactive display that received over 12,000 views.

After the museum exhibition ended, Respect returned "home" to Fourlanesend School, where he now lives on the school playground where children play.

We hope this project has helped people think more about plastic, waste and how we use and allocate resources.

At least 15 million single-use plastic bottles are thrown into the UK every day, most of which have only been used for a few minutes. They will take hundreds of years or more to break down, and since no known natural process can digest them, they will probably never completely disappear from the environment.

While recycling bottles is better than throwing away plastic, it's still only delaying the inevitable. Bottles can only be recycled a few times before their quality degrades to the point that the plastic must be recycled into lower quality items such as fleece, bins or benches that will almost certainly not be recycled at the end of their life.

Andy Fox would like to see closed-loop processes used in shipbuilding and surfboard manufacturing where end-of-life recycling is still optional, as in the automotive and aviation industries.

He wants the Respect project to highlight the fact that boats (and many of our other everyday items) can be easily made from recycled plastic – and completely recycled themselves at the end of their useful life, eliminating the need for constant and environmentally costly production of new materials.

He said: “People think that natural substances like wood and jute are the most environmentally friendly products you can use in boat building, but in reality, when you take into account factors such as the transportation of these products, the use pesticides, useful lifespan, anti-fouling, etc. you will find that – provided it is used correctly and 100% recycled – the greenest substance actually is the plastic produced in our country.”

Small boat made of pvc bottles

As previously announced, in this UHackShow channel video on how to make a boat out of bottles! So, friends, we are back in nature. Do you like such landscapes? And we are again at the reservoir, with a trunk stuffed to the eyeballs, full of empty plastic bottles.

Those who buy water know that in a few months you can collect a bunch of eggplants. Coming closer to the water, this picture came as a shock to us. And besides, I had to help a little haircut, which, apparently, fell out of the nest. Blue-green bacteria have occupied the reservoir, turning its shores into a swamp. But the decision was made to continue the work begun.
For the manufacture of a homemade boat, polyurethane foam and a 6-liter plastic bottle in the amount of 46 pieces will be used. This time, we did not do without adhesive tape. According to calculations, for a small boat made of bottles, two rolls of adhesive tape are needed. Although, in fact, one 300-meter skein would be enough, which is much less than other youtube manufacturers of homemade boats. Well, guys, of course, free time.

The boat will take twice as long to make as a raft made of plastic bottles. Initially, we wrap the 4th cans with tape. We need one such detail. Then, three eggplants together. We need 4 of these. We wind the adhesive tape along the bottom and in the center, the top is still, until we touch it. This is important to remember and there will be no particular problems during the final assembly. We wrap all the bottles in a circle about three times. The bottom should be exactly in line and on the same level.

In prefabricated structures, the main thing is blanks. Their quality and compliance with requirements affects absolutely everything. Wrapping cans is a bit boring, but you will see how cool the boat will turn out from polyurethane foam, plastic bottles and adhesive tape in the end.

Now you need to glue the two together, and attach the third to them in the center. This will be part of the bow of the bottle boat.

Also, a homemade boat should have two sidewalls. First, wrap four cans together. And then we wind them along. So it will be much easier to make long blanks and not spoil your mood.

Here you will not see, but in addition to all the blanks listed, you will need one more, 5 cans long. She will go to the back of the boat. We wind the sides thoroughly. In three directions, in the center and on the sides. They will connect the front and rear of the structure. It depends on their rigidity whether our, as yet unnamed, home-made boat will break on the waves.

Next, homework comes into play. Such fasteners were made at home from caps from the same plastic bottles. Three pieces will be used to make the bottom of the boat. With a well-heated tube with a diameter of about 9 millimeters, we make through holes in 6 covers. Then it remains to connect them in pairs with an M8 bolt. From the flow of water inside, the plastic bottle will be protected by a rubber gasket between the caps. For reliability, we carefully tighten the rubber between the plastic with enlarged washers and a threaded connection. And so we make three such fasteners.

By the way, having made about five such mounts, you can make a raft out of bottles, in any case, a swimming mattress will come out quite good. From six bottles we twist the old corks and connect the cans, as shown on the screen. This must be done with effort so that the plastic bottle is airtight and your homemade boat does not sink. Such dumbbell-like blanks for the polik of our boat from bottles.

By the way, a boat is considered to be a swimming facility with a size not exceeding 9 by 3 meters. Its carrying capacity should be up to 5 tons. Basically boats are rowing boats with oars. But there are also sailing ones, they are usually called yachts.

Now we try to pull the bottles together tightly tightly. We do not regret adhesive tape, because this is the main detail. All other blanks will be attached to it. And soon you will learn how to make a boat if you have enough plastic bottles, polyurethane foam and adhesive tape. Typically, boats are made from aluminum, wood and polymers. That is, ours belongs to the latter.

Boats, boats and other watercraft weighing up to 200 kilograms are not subject to state. Registration, and all the rest, just like cars, need to register and get numbers. The first boats were made by ancient people. From the trunks of large trees. On their shuttles, canoes or kayaks, our ancestors swam across entire seas. By the way, the grandfather of the author of the video lives in Naberezhnye Chelny. He participated in the development of Kamaz. And his second cousin came up with stealth technology. If you don't know what stealth is, it's a stealth plane. For example f-117 night hawk or b-2 bomber.

As already understood, at the ends you need to wind on one side 2 blanks of 3 cans. On the other hand, first one triple, and then into 4 eggplants. In this case, the latter must be centered with an offset. In general, look and everything will become clear. Two openings in the center are a great place to securely connect the parts together through them. These holes are more functional than they seem at first glance. You can see for yourself at the end of the video, during the test.

Now we are making the most complex knot, one of the elements of which our, I hope, reliable bottle boat will consist of. The first in my life, my own boat. Doing this alone would be difficult. Need someone to help hold it.

It's time to finally assemble the triangular nose. After wrapping a little more, all the nodes are assembled. The main thing is not to sculpt somehow. We do according to a pre-planned project. Perhaps the first is the most tricky element. The rest is easy to do.

We were a bit tired and needed a little rest. (Barb) After a little debate on how to continue doing this, we came to a common decision, we need to wind along the contour. At least it's okay to grab everything in its place. Further, using the same openings, in the center of the boat, we tighten the parts along and across.

Now, basically, in the transverse plane, having fastened the sidewalls, we wrap the boat well with about a hundred meters of adhesive tape. This part of the assembly took a significant amount, more than 1/3 of a skein and a lot of time. But, avid fishing enthusiasts will be able to find about 5 hours of free time and they will have a home-made fishing boat, which should last more than one season.

Let's have a little patience and soon the boat will be almost ready. Such a pretty boat. Very similar in shape to a factory inflatable rubber boat. Testing for strength, so far only on land, is impressive. But still, it would be worth a little more, to additionally strengthen the upper part of the vessel, since the bottom will be squeezed by water, and at the top there will be free movement.

It would not be pleasant if so much of the common effort spent went to waste. Better to be safe once again. To do this, we make lacing with adhesive tape along all the necks of the bottles, twice in opposite directions. At the same time, the adhesive tape now serves as a rope. From the side it's funny to look at this process. If you also liked it, please give it a like. Write your tips on how to improve this boat, maybe they will be useful to someone. If not subscribed, subscribe!

And now there is foam! In short, we blow out all kinds of holes and crevices between plastic bottles. As you know, you can even swim on the mounting foam, like on a raft. Accordingly, the foam will add buoyancy to the boat and, having spread the cans, will make the structure more monolithic. Yes, it definitely won't fall apart. I would like to make a soft seat in the back, but as an evil, everything ends at the wrong time. There is no more foam ... Yes.

And how will our homemade boat do without oars? Yes, no way! We have no sails, and the wind blows straight into the shore. Let's take from grandmother, nobody needs a carpet beater. Wrapping it, as usual, with adhesive tape to form a solid plane. Along the entire length, we carefully attach to the stick. And the paddle is ready, and we can start testing. True, it turned out more like a shovel. But nothing, we are still more interested in the bottle boat itself and how it will behave on the water.

It remains to come up with a name. Without hesitation, the boat was named after the youtube channel you are currently watching. Even the local horse was interested. This one comes up and asks: well, how to make a boat out of bottles? And we answered her: polyurethane foam, a bottle and adhesive tape! And when she sees her: well, well! This is a bottle boat. In short, the horse was in shock. Well, in the meantime, we guys will hasten to test our boat, because it was already getting dark. The rising waves broke the greenery a little. Not to say that the water has become clean, but better than it was.

As you can see, the boat called yuhak show is sailing quite well. As you call the boat, so it will float.

By the way, its weight is no more than 5 kilograms, and you can walk on the bottom of the reservoir with your feet. Children will be interested. Also inside the holes, you can lower the fishing net. Or even fishing for mormyshka right in the boat. The child was delighted!

Of course, in addition to having your own homemade boat, you also need to be able to work with an oar, otherwise you won’t swim far, no matter how hard you try. To balance the load balance, pour a little water into the tank into the front of the vessel. Now we can safely say that such a homemade boat made of bottles can withstand more than 100 kilograms of load. For an adult, it is desirable to do it at least 2 cans wider. Otherwise, you will have to swim with your legs dangling into the water. Some strange feeling arises when you realize that an ordinary plastic bottle, polyurethane foam and adhesive tape can work wonders. This is a great DIY boat. Guys if you like it please give it a thumbs up.

Once the famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl made a balsa wood raft, on which he successfully traveled the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Balsa is very light tree which does not absorb water. If you look around, you can find a substitute for this wonderful wood, these are ordinary plastic bottles, it is possible to build an aphid boat from them, a simplified version, a raft, and use such unusual boats for fishing or recreation.

Many foreigners notice that Russians are very fond of making things with their own hands, and making such a boat or raft is cool, cheap, it’s enough that all materials are available, the design is simple.

A boat made of plastic bottles was first built not in our country, but in some Asian country, but the idea is good and therefore they are trying to repeat it again and again.

Necessary materials

In order to make this craft with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • Bottles - your task is to make the boat rigid enough. It would seem than bigger size take plastic bottles, the less they will be needed and the assembly will go faster, it is more logical to use five-liter containers. This is true, but you will need to make the boat stiff enough, and to achieve this effect it will be better to build it from smaller bottles. It seems to me that bottles of one and a half or two liters are better suited.
  • Water repellent adhesive.
  • Scotch.
  • Plywood.
  • Wire.
  • Plastic sticks or wooden planks.

Preparatory stage

Take an empty bottle, close it and squeeze it, you will feel that it is quite soft and fragile. To give strength to the bottle, it is balloon must be inflated with pressurized air. This can be done with a compressor for pumping car cylinders.

Then the bottle must be firmly closed with a lid, after lubricating it with waterproof glue for plastic.

Instead of a compressor, you can use an easier way. If you have a cold pit in your garage, then place the bottles in it for several hours so that the air in them cools down. When you take it out immediately close the lids, after a while the air will heat up and the pressure in the bottle will increase.

Only clean bottles are suitable for work, any dirt or labels will interfere with the gluing process.

Initially, decide on the size of the boat, the number of bottles that you will have to collect in advance will depend on this, because you will not find such a number right away. A small boat from plastic bottles can be built from 300 pieces, the Chinese used 1500 for their construction.

Since the use of a compressor and toxic glue is necessary, it is necessary to build a boat in the fresh air, on suburban area or in the garage.

Manufacturing methods

There are a lot of ways to make a boat with your own hands. The most important thing is that the structure can support your weight. The bottles are glued together with the same water-repellent glue, for example, liquid nails and wrapped with duct tape for durability.

1 way

Initially, logs are made from bottles, which are then interconnected, forming plastic platforms, and a boat or raft is assembled from these platforms.

Log making method

Ready-made tightly twisted bottles are connected by slots that are on the bottom of each bottle: for glue, groove into groove. On top of the connection, to give greater reliability, the cut off middle of another bottle is pulled.

About the bottoms, it’s clear how to connect, but how to fix the bottle spouts? To do this, a part with a bottom is cut off from another empty bottle and put on, pre-lubricated with glue, on a spout with a screwed cap on the prepared bottle. And the operation of gluing the bottom of the bottles together is repeated. All joints are wrapped with tape or glued. This is how a log of the required length is assembled.


The logs are tightly fastened to each other with wire, wrapped with adhesive tape and a platform is obtained, like a catamaran. There are two such platforms. There will be 8-10 bottle logs in one platform. Between themselves, the platforms are fastened with plastic tubes and it is already possible to put a plywood bottom on them.

2 way

This option does not involve the manufacture of longitudinal logs, but are glued together by the side walls of the bottles, forming transverse segments. The width of such a plate depends on the width of the intended boat. Then these transverse plates are connected with the same glue to each other.

The transverse plates are glued together only after the glue has dried in each layer.

3 way

Glue the bottles with each other "standing", spouts up. From above, on the second floor, the sides are being completed.

Of course, not many people dare to make a full-fledged boat for fishing, but to assemble a small raft on which it is very convenient to get close to hard-to-reach places under the branches of trees is quite real and fast. Watch the video for another simple assembly option:

Boat repair with plastic bottles

In addition to building an unusual vehicle on water, using plastic bottles is possible.
To do this, an incision is made in each compartment, such that the bottle crawls through and empty bottles are carefully pushed into the compartments, very tightly.

If you start from the nasal compartment, then push the first row with the throat forward, the next - with the bottom forward, the next with the neck again, so a more compact and dense filling of the entire cavity is obtained.

It is necessary to push as tightly as possible, as soon as the design of the boat allows. Since neither glue nor tape can be connected inside the side of the bottle, you will have to fasten everything with mounting foam.

At the junctions of the rows, a puncture is made in the board and each row is foamed with mounting foam.

Large slots in the compartments for bottles after filling must be sewn up and then sealed with a rubber patch. It is clear that with such a constructive solution, the tightness of the boat will be broken, but now the air will be firmly corked into bottles.

folk omen: If you dreamed of a boat and you are in it, this is for well-being.

Surely, many craftsmen have thought about how to use the buoyancy of empty plastic bottles to make a small boat or raft for fishing. In fact, putting this idea into practice is not so easy. Apparently, therefore, there are not so many examples of such creativity, but still they exist.

An industrial engineer from Argentina, Federico Blanc, calculated and built a similar design in the form of a narrow kayak. The boat can carry two adults with additional cargo.

The boat floats well and is often used for its intended purpose on the Argentinean Parana River. The author did not immediately come to this construction. He made several experiments with assembling boats from standard bottles with closed caps. In the end, an ideal design of long cylinders was obtained.

The most important and difficult element of the construction is to glue oblong cylinders from several large bottles. Two extreme bottles are taken with whole necks closed with corks. For the rest, the bottom and neck are cut off from the bottles. The bottles are glued together with overlapping walls on top of each other. Of course, such work will require some time and ingenuity. But now the master has made his dream come true. In addition to two people and fishing gear, there was enough space on the boat for a small refrigerator, indeed, a dream and not a vacation.

Another version of a plastic bottle boat was made by the owner and staff of a small hotel on the island of Viti Levu, Fiji. Here, when designing, they went what is called "on the forehead." The bottles are simply glued together; to increase buoyancy, the bottom is made of a piece of thick foam.

Parts of the structure for tightness were poured from the inside with waterproof mounting foam, I'm really not sure that we have such foam in our stores. On the other hand, I know from experience that good foam sticks to any material and you can't just tear it off. Outside, the product is covered with a film, which increases the rigidity of the connection. Despite its rather strange appearance, the boat can withstand three grown men afloat.

The case was not limited to one boat, square rafts were also assembled. A raft is certainly easier to make than a boat. It is enough to take some light sheet material, it can be a piece of foam, reinforced on top with a piece of plywood of the same size. Then, under the foam, two or three rows of bottles are glued from below.
