1) Who (narrator or narrator) appears at the beginning of the story?

2) What exactly do we know about the narrator? Under what circumstances is his meeting with a storytellor?

3) What is the role of the narrator in the composition of the story (entry; ending, completion; his speech "framing" the story)?

4) From whom we first learn about the storyteller (about the county Lekar)? What person appears a narrator in the description of the narrator (quotes from the text)? How does the narrator refers to it (with good-natured irony)?

5) as narrator It characterizes the speech teller's speech manner (bring examples: "Small he was slightly, expressed Boyko and pretty funny"; "He began with a relaxed and trembling voice"). Highlight all the "delays", noted by the narrator: "Here the leakage again sniffed tobacco and for a moment, repelled" (what does he speak before that?); "The leakage paused"; "He sniffed tobacco again, shook and looked sip with tea"; "The leakage fell and blushed"; "He looked at himself with a smile"; "Added a doctor with a typulate and with a sigh."

Conclusion: The narrator function is to monitor the change in the emotional state, the teller mood.

6) Why are the most dramatic events (recognition in delusions and death of the heroine) without such commenting litters of the narrator?

7) What is the speech of the hell in reality and how does she characterize it?

Trace how the taller's tone varies depending on what he says. When is his speech becomes especially emotional? Why is this happening?

8) Pay attention to the features of speech:

The abundance of repeats, dots, exclamation marks, interjections (indicate emotionality, expressiveness; the story is excited). When the text is particularly saturated with these features?

Polite turnovers ("You do not know know", "ignite to see", "I dare to say"): He is modest, does not protrude his advantages; Rather, even inclined to self-esteem. The appeal "gracious sovereign"; Expressions like "But here-from ... here, with ... how to set out, with ...".

Installation on trust in the interlocutor: "You understand", "you will love to laugh", "believe Lie", "I will tell you without people's", "frankly confess", "you know."

Many suggestions of non-informative, outstanding excitement: "How would you say - do not lie," "And, however ... the right like this is, in ...".

The proximity of the spoken language (which does not like long deviations and descriptions, basically registers events) is manifested in the use of single-main and incomplete proposals: "I'm sitting in his judge, and I play the preference. The judge we have a good person and play a hunter in the preference "; "So there is: from the patient ..."; "The Help road: streams, snow, dirt, water, and there suddenly the dam broke - trouble!"; "To meet the old woman, respectable such, in Chepetse." Often repeated "suddenly" (which notes the narrator): "My doctor often used the word: suddenly"; The word "however" (why?). Spatrical particles "Yes", "Well" at the beginning of the phrase; The sponsored words "Say", "Mol" "Poor", "Breaking", "Truble", "To God", "Neglogging", "Something there is also a meeting", "Fool", "Our brother".

Expressive interjections: "Roads such that Fa!", Eh! ".

Sustainable expressions: not on gold eaten, sits by the prince, boldly Bay for two deposits, it is crazy, the soul in the heel goes, as they say.

9) What is new about the personality of the narrator gives us a story that he tells, his actions, actions (reaction is not a poverty of Kucera; sympathy for the girl: it is important how the attitude towards it changes; statements about the death of man; never forgets his interest; marriage on acul)? Highlight it positive and negative qualities. Why the hell can be correlated with a widespread type " little man»?

10) under what circumstances, the name of the narrator becomes known to us; How does a name with the shorter image correlate (this is important)?

11) What feelings this case is from life any man caused from the narrator? What does this testify this (at the end of the story)?

She is a young beautiful and modest girl named Alexander, the daughter of a rich writer. Got good education and education, but lives in the wilderness with the mother and two sisters. All the property is a small house, books, and several peasant families. With the neighbors do not communicate "because" the small one did not have to become, but with rich pride forbidden to know. " The story is included in the "Hunter's Notes" cycle. Here, telling the complex stories of human relations, the author raises the themes of respect for himself and people, confidence and hatred, love and death ... and many others. In the story " County tech»Considered the topics of self-assessment, relationships of a man and a woman and ....

So, they met two. He is a young doctor. Small growth, inconspicuous appearance, shy and not confident. Yes, the name of the peasant - trophone Ivanovich, pride does not add. He studied, apparently, not very diligently - Latin was almost forgotten soon, the interest in work was missing and the usual gray weekdays began. The ongoing challenges, small practice, small earnings ... In the evenings, the routine was asked by playing cards with neighbors. And here suddenly - a challenge to the patient. It seems to go, I don't want to ride, the evening is evening. But the doctor's debt is not forgotten and makes it go. Get long, in a bad road, tired. But then he saw the patient, and the fatigue was forgotten.

The main occupation was walking, needlework, yes reading novels. An enthusiastic and sensitive creature in the wilderness and solitude is the best object for dreams and dreams. And suddenly - the disease.

And here they met. It would seem that the most banal situation is a meeting of the patient with a doctor. The beauty of the girl, her passionate plenty of salvation touched the doctor, and he decided to stay for several days. He changed medication, entertained the patient, cared for her. But the disease was not inferior. Alexandra became worse. Self-assessment of the doctor, and so low, fell more and more, confusion and the impossibility of someone to ask the Council to led to the fact that the latest knowledge was missing from the memory. "So it seems to you that you forgotten everything that I knew ... the right word, sometimes the prescription book of Naobum is opening: maybe, you think, fate ... And the person takes effect." And gradually the trifone turned from a doctor - a specialist in Lekary, hoping only on a miracle. And once, Alexander asked about the likelihood of death, and he failed to answer. Rolled, muttered something about God's mercy. And she confessed in love - "If I die, it is no longer ashamed and not scary." Trifon, of course, understood that it was not love, but despair. "It's terribly dying at twenty-five years old who loved anyone, so she grabbed me." But the courage, he did not have confidence in him even for COs to calm the sick. Hearing recognition in love, the leakage was fed up fished. The next day the girl died.

In the life of the trifon, almost nothing has changed. He did not become hard to study medicine to become good doctor And descended in the swamp in the monotonous provincial life is deeper. As a result, tensile duties, evil wife and screaming children. And the joy is a bit - a two-bone gain of a neighbor in the card, but the opportunity to complain to a random patient for vitality. And could be a doctor ...

Several interesting writings

  • Metropolitan and local nobility in the novel Evgeny Onegin
  • The history of the Don Cossacks goes into the depths of the centuries. In the time of Ivan the Terrible, the Cossacks fought with Crimean Khan, Queen Catherine loved, Cossacks, they used great privileges

Ivan Story Sergeevich Turgenev "County Neck" is the story of returning autumn sometimes with the Phones of the Narrator, who was forced to be located in a hotel of one of the county cities. The reason for this was a strong fever. Having received recommendations from the local Lekary, he began to perform them. The narrator was pleased with an interesting interlocutor left for the night, who handed over the case during the great post of early spring sometimes.

Once for help to the drug through a note, an elderly widow turned, the daughter of which was seriously ill. The feeling for a long time did not allow him to refuse to go even on a blurred road. Dangerous by he reached a modest housing covered with straw, which is twenty kilometers from the city.

The patient was a young beautiful girl in twenty-five years old by Alexander Alekseevna, who immediately attracted the attention of Dr. Thomot look.

Thanks to drugs, after a while, the girl went to the amendment. Restless Doctor continued to care for the patient. The snow melted on the roads made it difficult to move the movement of horses, so medications from the city were not delivered on time. Once, when everyone went to bed, he decided to learn about the state of the girl. To remember Alexander in delusion, Trifon realized that the disease does not pass. The arrival was cozy in a poor, but a hospitable family, which, having received a legacy from the father of the book, was educated and decent. Conducting a lot of time with the daughter of the landowner, the doctor began to realize that it was imperceptible to the girlfriend grew into love. Now almost all the time the man spent in the Hube next to Alexandra, entertaining her interesting stories. But every day he did not leave the unpleasant feeling that the girl could die. Its condition has deteriorated, so the doctor ordered to prepare a priest.

In one of the nights, Alexander is recognized by the Medication in Love. Feeling himself with the happiest man, he replies to her. But the unknown and the disease do not give him peace. He applies all the strength to heal the hot. But the girl dies. Next Trifon talks about his further fate. He marries a rich nobility, but this marriage is not like love.

Story I. S. Turgenev "County Neck" teaches not to miss his happiness, to correct mistakes in time so that they do not regret it in the future. After all, nothing can replace family happiness built on mutual feelings.

Picture or drawing county leak

Other retells for the reader diary

  • Summary Praise Students Erasmus Rotterdam

    The satirical work of the philosopher Erasoma Rotterdam is written in a satirical vein and is a monologue of nonsense, which boasts his glorious affairs and talents.

"Death" was published in the "contemporary number 2 for 1848. The story entered the" Hunter's Notes "cycle and reflected the history that happened to Turgenev during hunting wanderings, family legends of Turgenev. For example, the river Zusha, mentioned at the beginning, proceeds not far from Spassky-Lutovinov. Barynie, who was going to pay a priest for a waste prayer, there is a prototype. This is the grandmother of Turgenev Katerina Ivanovna Somo.

Literary direction and genre

Turgenev as a realist explores the characteristics of a Russian nature, highlighting a simple and cold attitude to death as a national trait. The psychological story has signs of a philosophical essay, this is a kind of death and those who adopted it worthy.


The story is devoted to one feature of the Russian people - the attitude towards death as something ordinary and familiar. Turgenev analyzes a variety of cases and comes to generalize: an unusual attitude to death is a feature of Russian mentality. "A Russian man is surprisingly dying ... Russian people are surprising." Attentive reader will see the descriptions of various deaths, the social reasons for such a relationship, but the contemporary reviewers did not see them.

Plot and composition

The exposition of the story becomes visiting the story of the forest, in which he walked as a child with a goverr-French. The forest suffered from frosts in 1840. The reception of contrast allows you to compare the former living and cool forest and the current one.

The narrator calls oaks and ash with old friends and describes them as sick or dead people: "Ducky, naked, in some places covered with trucks ... Lifeless, broken branches ... Dead bitters ... fell and rot, like corpses, on the ground".

The exposition sets the reader to reasoning about human death, the same quiet as the death of trees. Turgenev chooses different deaths: accidents (crazy by wood, burned), illness (relieved, extras from Chakhotka) and death from old age. The death of people of different classes and professions is described: contractor, peasant, miller, teachers, landowners.

The death of the landowners is climax, a kind of parable with morality: "Yes, Russian people are surprising." This refrain is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story.

Heroes story

The author in the story is interested in meeting the hero with death. The death of the contractor Maxim became a reason for thinking, which in the forest killed the falling ash, cut down with peasants. In the death of Maxim (like other heroes) there is nothing ugly. Despite the fact that the branches of the falling tree broke the Maxim of his arms and legs, he almost did not moan, bit the false lips, looked around "as if with surprise." The trembling chin sticking to the forehead hair, unevenly climbing the chest make it look like a romantic hero in strong excitement. He really worries before meeting with death, which, as he feels, approaches.

But for Turgenev, it is not important how the hero looks like, but what he thinks and feels at the time of death. The first idea of \u200b\u200bMaxim that he himself is to blame for his death: God punished him for told men to work on Sunday. Then Maxim disposes about the property, without having forgotten the horse bought yesterday, for which the deposit gave, asks for forgiveness from men. The narrator so described the death of the Russian man: "He dies, as if the rite performs: cold and simple," but not stupid or indifferent, as it may seem from the side.

Another man, courageously waiting for death - the burnt peasant of a neighbor. The narrator is striking not so much the behavior of a man, how much his wife and daughter, who in the coffin sit in the hut and are also waiting for death, so the narrator "did not suffer and came out." At the same time, other family members relate to a ridden to a relative of death as something ordinary, do not even stop everyday affairs.

Lybovshinsky Melnik Vasily Dmitrich, who had a hernia, only for 10 days came to Feldeshu for help: "And to die me because of the sort of rubbish?" Melnik pronounces almost anecdotal phrase that dying better at homewhere in his absence "the Lord knows what happens." There is no panic in front of the face of death at Melnik, on the way home he will be crushed with counter, and this is 4 days before death!

The narrator describes the death of a friend of Avenir Sorokumov, who learned the children of the landowner of Gur Krulyanikov. Sorokumov possessed infantive soul. He rejoiced to the success of his comrades, did not know envy and pride. Avenir enjoys the days allocated to him: reads favorite poems, recalls Moscow, Pushkin, speaks of literature and the theater and regrets the dead friends. Sorokumov satisfied with the lived life, leave and he does not want to be treated, because "I don't care where to die." The Crubbles informed about the death of Sorokumov in a letter, adding that he died "with such an insensitiousness, not expressing any signs of regret." That is, the Sorokumov took death as proper.

At all, the anecdotic is the situation of death of the old man, who tried to pay the ass for his own movement and was dissatisfied with the fact that the priest reduced the prescribed prayer.

Stylistic features

The story is full of absurds and paradoxes. The cousin of the neighbor of the narrator had a great heart, but there was no hair. In response to the French poem on the occasion of the opening of the launcher of the Krasnogorsk hospital in the album, in which someone immediately called the hospital with the temple, someone Ivan Mobens, thinking that it was about nature, wrote that she also loved her.

Patients tame in the hospital Crazy Crash Paul, a kitchen worker worm is a cook, which is even more insane than Paul, hits him and makes the turkey wool. Absurd at the scene level - the behavior of the dying landowner. But the most absurd is the truthfulness of all incredible stories.

Slide 1.

Research project According to the story of I.Sturgenheyev from the "Notes of the Hunter" cycle, "county led".
Completed the student 10 "a" class of Zueva Ksenia. Teacher Babd'yuk I.V.
2010 year

Slide 2.

The literary cycle is a number of literary works on a common or close topics created by one author or one group of authors. The community that combines a number of works performs, besides the theme, also in the genre, place and time of action, characters, shape and style of the narration. The story is a small product, containing a small number of actors, as well as, most often, having one storyline.

Slide 3.

The time to create a story falls for April 1847, whose initial name was "poor family." The main ideas, inspired by I.Sturgenheyev to write the story "County Neck", were the memories of Belinsky about love Alexandrovna Bakunina, who loved before the death of Dr. P.P. Klyannikova. But the writer, if this assumption is fair, far away from prototypes. His county leakage as a type of nothing resembles P. P. Klychivnikova, a smart and talented doctor close to Bakunin's circle.

Slide 4.

Assessment of the story "County Necking" V.G. Belinsky
"In the" county lekar, "he wrote to Annenkov on February 15, 1848, - I did not understand a single word, and therefore I will not say anything about him; But my wife is so delighted with him - the Indian business ... "

Slide 5.

The doctor told the story that happened to him himself a few years ago: he strongly attached to his patient, a seriously ill girl, fell in love with her. His feelings were mutual. But the despair was impossible - every day the girl felt worse and worse, and he could not help her. These feelings were the strongest in his life - he remembers this girl, despite the past years and the subsequent marriage.

Slide 6.

Formulation of the problem in the story
The problem of the story lies in contradiction between medical duty and social prejudices.

Slide 7.

Is this text with the history of the state?
In my opinion, the herself herself itself, especially in remote places of the Russian depth, remained at a low level that elementary help and providing drugs, especially for not rich people, was very difficult. Therefore, primitive county lekari, such as Trifon Ivanovich, took their solutions alone, often erroneous, bringing non-infected errors for patients.
