Elena Kutkina
Search and research project "First steps into science". Development of cognitive activity in older preschoolers

Search and research project« The first steps into science»

Development of cognitive activity in older preschoolers

Brief annotation the project

The purpose of this the project is the organization of the work of the teaching staff of GBOU school 536 DO7 in providing conditions for personality development of older preschoolers, in their assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man, in mastering the methods of interaction with the environment.

This work will be carried out through research search and cognitive activityproceeding in the form of experimental actions. In the process of various forms of work, the world outlook of children, their personal growth is ensured.

Short-term project, designed for 9 lessons, has a narrow specialization (material properties). Project includes several stages of implementation (preparatory, implementation, generalizing stages).

With confirmed positive results, this work will continue in the future. Planned on the basis the project to develop program and methodological materials on the interaction of preschool education with the family, teachers of additional education.

The executor is the educational psychologist Kutkina E. Yu.

For implementation the project an initiative group of teachers was created, which included entered: educators Silaeva A.V., Parfyonova N.A.


Currently, information and communication technologies have penetrated the life of every person, including preschooler... As a result, there was a displacement of interest in the subject and its properties, interest in the means of transmitting information about the surrounding world. In this case, the solution process cognitive tasks were replaced by a selection of ready-made stereotyped answers. What brought teachers preschool institutions to understand the need to change approaches to cognitive development of the child.

Russian education has also undergone significant changes. Federal state educational standard approved by the Ministry of Education and science The Russian Federation requires the teacher that programs provide personal development, including the motivation and ability of children in various activities, in certain areas development and education.

Of course, this requires the teacher to revise technologies, orienting him towards the use of more effective forms and methods in his activities that allow building the pedagogical process based on developmental education.

Among all kinds of means development of cognitive activity of preschoolers children's experimentation deserves special attention. Knowledge gained as a result of our own experiment, research search much stronger and more reliable for a child than those information about the world that are obtained by reproductive means.

Unfortunately, analysis of modern practice preschool education shows that teachers still retain the disciplinary techniques in their work, characteristic of the educational model of interaction with the child, which significantly reduces the possibility of preschoolers independent cognitive experience... The object position in which the child falls, leads to a decrease in his motivation in cognitive activities.

These circumstances testify to the aggravation of the contradiction between the increased requirements for the means of supporting the children's initiative in cognitive activities and insufficient development of comprehensive methodological support for the formation cognitive interest in older preschool age.

These contradictions defined the problem research: search the most optimal pedagogical conditions for using the experimental method in cognitive development of a senior preschool child.


Development of cognitive activity of senior preschoolers age in the process of children's experimentation.


1. Develop cognitive interests of children in the process of research activities;

2. Teach children to acquire new information through experimentation;

3. Create and implement a process model development of sustainable cognitive interest and research search activity - research activities preschoolers;

4. Satisfy the curiosity of children in the process active cognitively - research activities;

5. To help children master the foundational cultural forms of organizing experience.

6. Expand children's ideas about the world around them;

7. Develop a preschooler in the social and personal direction;

8. Form parents' motivation to work with children on development of cognitive activity.

Estimated results:

for children:

positive dynamics of intellectual competence preschoolers;

level up developing curiosity;

possession of research skills and abilities;

level up development of cognitive processes;

speech development;

development personal characteristics;

ability to present and protect project.

- in relation to parents:

increasing family involvement in the process development research behavior of children - as an internal resource for disclosing their abilities and giftedness;

increasing parental responsibility for the process and results development the personality of one's own child;

increasing the involvement of parents in the upbringing and educational process.

Methodical techniques learning:

informational informative:

conversation, explanation, clarification, comparison, analysis, questions, etc.;


creation of game situations, finger games, word games, quest, etc.;


illustrations, screenings, presentations, etc.


performance practical actions by children.

Stages of work:

Stage I. Preparatory (Organizational):

Study and analysis of methodological literature on the topic;

Drawing up the planning of children's experimental activities;

Selection of basic equipment and material

Stage II. Implementation

Carrying out work with children on experimental activities;

Involvement of parents in experimental activities of children

Stage III. Generalizing

Determination of the effectiveness of the work performed;

Analysis of the results obtained;

Summarizing the results of activities at the pedagogical council, presentation for educators, booklets for educators, etc.

At the 1st stage of the work, materials were studied in which the main provisions on children's experimentation as a special form were given search activities.

An analysis of the methodological literature on this topic revealed a number of supposed advantages of experimental activity with children, and exactly:

Deeper assimilation of subject content;

High ability to concentrate knowledge from different fields;

-development creative thinking;

A large number of ideas, their depth, originality;

Emotional involvement of children in experimental activities, interest in what is happening.

It was decided in entertaining experiments and experiments to reveal the properties and quality characteristics of inanimate materials nature: clay, wood, metal and man-made materials the world: glass, plastic, cloth, paper, rubber; in the final stage of the experiment, summing up and formulating conclusions, use graphic recording (diagram)... A plan for children's experimental activities was drawn up.

The selection of the main equipment and material was carried out. It was decided to use ordinary household, gaming and non-standard equipment in the work.

At the 2nd stage of the implementation of the experience, a set of activities was carried out with children and parents for experimental activities.

Implementation of a set of activities with children and parents for experimental activities.


1. Classes - experiments.

2. Quest « Treasure hunt» (Cognitive game - entertainment based on the results of the material studied)

3. Exhibition "Studying, experimenting, doing" (child-parenting creativity)

4. Online - parenting advice on children experimentation: "Organization of experimental work on familiarization with the properties of materials and their quality characteristics"

5. Creation of an album on children's experimentation (co-creation of parents and teachers)

Stage 3 includes an analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of the experience.

Monitoring of children's mastery of experimental activities showed a stable cognitive activity of preschoolers(high and medium levels cognitive activity) .

IN first group(high level) included 9 children, which is - 56.25%. Cognitive attitudes in preschoolers resistant to experimental activity. They show initiative and creativity in solving problematic problems. See the problem. Actively make assumptions. They consciously choose objects and materials for independent experimental activity in accordance with their qualities, properties, and purpose. In a dialogue with an adult, the course of the experimental activity is explained. They carry it through to the end. They formulate in speech whether the result has been achieved or not. Draw conclusions.

To the second group (average level) include 7 children - this is 43.75%.

In most cases, the child shows active cognitive interest in experimental activities. Sees a problem sometimes with a little help from an adult, makes suggestions with a little help from others (peer or adult)... Accepts active participation in the planning of experimental activities together with an adult. Prepares material for experimentation based on qualities and properties. Can draw conclusions on leading questions.

Low level children no cognitive activity identified.


This work proves that such an innovative teaching method as experimental activity is a powerful tool. development of cognitive activity of older preschoolers.

List of used literature:

Dybina O. V., Poddyakov N. N., Rakhmanova N. P., Shchetinina V. V., “A child in the world search: search activity of preschool children"/ Ed. O. V. Dybina. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005 .-- 64 s, - (Program development) .

Dybina O. V. Rakhmanova N. P., Shchetina V. V. “The unknown nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers"/ Ed. O. V. Dybina. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004 .-- 64 p.

Korotkova N. A. " Informative-research activity older preschoolers»/ / J. Child in kindergarten. 2003. No. 3, 4, 5. 2002. No. 1

Nikolaeva S.N. preschoolers with inanimate nature... Nature management in kindergarten ". Toolkit. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005. - 80 p.

Ryzhova L.V. Method of children's experimentation. -SPb.: Publishing House LLC "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2014.

Type of award document Method of participation Cost of one job

Electronic version

1. on the portal of our new site

2. Online payment for the competition

3. An electronic version of the award document will appear in your personal account (as soon as the work is evaluated)

expert review -

Print version

1. by email mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2. Printed version of the award document (sent by Russian mail)

expert review -RUB 590

review - 870 rubles

Note, only one type of examination is selected and only one amount is paid, 590 rubles. or 870 rubles.

The competition accepts research papers by students in grades 5-9 in the following areas:

Scientific and technical developments: software development; software products for education, science, technology, economics, art, created on the basis of standard software packages; internet sites; other developments based on information technology;

Development in the field of technical creativity, invention; nanotechnology; robotics.

Natural Sciences: astronomy and cosmonautics; biology (general biology, plant biology, animal biology), medicine; geography; maths; programming; physics; chemistry; ecology (general ecology, industrial and social ecology).

Humanitarian sciences: art history, history, cultural anthropology (archeology, ethnography), military history, political science, local history, cultural studies; linguistics (Russian, English); literary criticism; pedagogy and psychology; right; economy; philosophy.

Criteria for evaluation:

I. Research nature of the work.
II. Research novelty, heuristic.
III. Relevance of the work. Practical and / or theoretical relevance.
IV. Compliance of the structure of the work with generally accepted requirements for scientific works.
V. Literacy and consistency of presentation.

Forms of evaluation of competitive works:

Laureates of I, II, III degrees;
- Participants: all other contestants who were not included in the number of laureates.
The number of prizes is not limited and is determined by the quality of the works participating in the competition.

Rewarding. What participants get:

- In the conclusion of the correspondence competition, the participants are sent a diploma of the Laureate of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree or a certificate of the participant of the All-Russian correspondence competition "Steps to Science". The teacher - scientific advisor who prepared the laureate of the competition is given a corresponding certificate.

- Full-time final round: All-Russian conference "Steps to Science", which will be held in 2 sessions:

1 session: April 25-27
Session 2: from 11 to 13 May

Conditions for participation in the correspondence competition of research papers

To participate in the correspondence competition, the organizing committee is sent:

Organization application, participant cards ();

report for publication in the electronic journal "Academician" - no more than 1 page;applications, if any.

Competitive work, including annotation (annotation volume up to 900 printable characters),the volume of work is 10 - 20 pages of printed text. The abstract is located after the title page;

Copy of financial document (transfer receipts payment order) about the registration fee of the participants of the competition. If several works are submitted from one person, then a registration fee is paid for each of them.

Folder with attached files before sending archived... The folder name contains the competition_city_short name of the institution_the participant's last name (in Russian letters), for example: SHN_Bratsk_Gymnasium №1_Ivanov (underscore without spaces).
In the subject line, the same information is indicated as follows: SHN_Bratsk_Gymnasium №1_Ivanov.
Within a week, you should receive confirmation that the materials have been received. Otherwise, you need to duplicate the sending of materials with an indication in the subject line "Copy".


Requirements for text formatting with work

The text of the competition work is submitted in Russian (or with obligatory translation into Russian) in electronic form in Word format, page size A4, margins: left - 2 cm, right - 1 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm in the text editor Word, font - Times or Arial families, font size 12 (point size), alignment to page width.
The text of the work should be no more than 20 pages, typewritten text.
Photos or applications related to work should be organized in a separate file and have a minimum resolution.
When borrowing material for work from various types of printed or Internet sources, it is necessary to provide links to these sources with their inclusion in the list of used literature. Responsibility for copyright infringement is borne by the participant himself, as well as his supervisor.

For participation in any competitive project of the program (correspondence competition, conference, tournament, etc.) rating points are awarded. The rating points received by each program participant are summed up on an accrual basis.

The status of our contests is all-Russian, because the founder, the Small Academy of Sciences "Intelligence of the Future", is an all-Russian organization (certificate of state registration of the Federal Registration Service No. 80 of 13.07.2006).

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 5, 2017 No. 1002 All-Russian competition of scientific research works of students "Scientific potential-XXI" (p. 29), including nominations"Steps to Science" and others, is included in the “List of Olympiads and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, events aimed at developing intellectual and creative abilities, physical culture and sports, interest in scientific (research), creative, physical culture and sports activities , as well as to promote scientific knowledge, creative and sporting achievements for the 2017/18 academic year.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 5, 2017 No. 1002 “On the approval of the list of Olympiads and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, events aimed at developing intellectual and creative abilities, abilities to engage in physical culture and sports, interest in scientific (research ), engineering and technical, inventive, creative, physical culture and sports activities, as well as the promotion of scientific knowledge, creative and sporting achievements, for the 2017/18 academic year. "

Middle and high school 1st place
Ilya Schekotikhin

2nd place
Yatsenko Diana

3rd place
Davletova Alena

Mathematics and Computer Science:
We invite children of preschool and school age to take part in competition of children's research projects "First Steps to Science" ... What is project and how not to confuse it with other types of work? Let's figure it out.

Project, report or research project?

Very often, a project is called any independent work of a student, for example, an essay or report. They are often confused by both children and adults, so it is very important to distinguish one from the other, and to decide on the type of work that you are going to do:

Report - a public, detailed, official announcement on a specific issue, based on the involvement of documentary data. The purpose of the report is to inform someone about something.

abstract - a written report or presentation on a specific topic, which contains information from one or more sources. Including the presentation of different points of view on the same issue.

Research work - work of a scientific nature, associated with scientific research, research, experiments in order to expand existing and obtain new knowledge, test scientific hypotheses, establish patterns that appear in nature and in society, scientific generalizations, scientific substantiation of projects.

Project - work aimed at solving a specific problem, at achieving in the optimal way a pre-planned result in the form of a real object or intellectual product. Project work can include elements of all of the above types of work, but only as ways to achieve project results.

So, the main distinguishing feature the project is the presence of a known result. The project work should describe specific plans for the goal and actions to achieve it, i.e. the project product should represent the embodiment of the method found by the author for solving the project problem.

Tips for choosing a research project topic:
- The topic should be interesting to the child, should captivate him.
- The topic should be feasible, its solution should bring real benefit to the research participants.
- The theme should be original, it needs an element of unusualness, unexpectedness.
- The topic should be such that the work can be done relatively quickly.
When choosing a topic, one must take into account: the possible level of solution, desires and possibilities.

A.I. Savenkov - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Childrens Research in Home Schools.

Competition organizers:

Mass media "Children's development portal" Why Chka "
Mass media registration certificate: El No. FS77-54566 dated June 21, 2013. issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media.

The objectives of the competition:
  • development of creative and intellectual abilities of children of preschool and school age;
  • the formation of research and communication skills and abilities;
  • the formation of analytical and critical thinking in the process of creative search;
  • formation of the ability of self-affirmation and introspection through the achievement of the goals and the results obtained;
  • education of purposefulness and consistency in educational activities.

Awards for winners and participants

  • The winners will receive electronic winners' diplomas.
  • The rest of the participants will receive electronic certificates of the participant of the competition.

If desired, you can order other types of documents, including for curators on a paid basis (information below).

Categories of participants:
  • Preschoolers (4-7 years old)
  • Primary school (students 1 - 4 grades)
  • Secondary and high school (students in grades 5-11)

Terms of the competition:

Acceptance of works: from 16.10.2015 to 15.04.2016
Checking and publishing works: until 04/19/2016
Assessment of works: from 20.04.2016 to 30.04.2016
Summing up the results of the competition, publication of the protocol: 01.05.2016
Distribution of certificates and diplomas:from 10.05.2015 to 23.05.2015

Requirements for registration
Font Times New Roman, size 14 pt, 1.5 spacing, figures and tables are placed in the text in an arbitrary way.

Structure Content requirements
Title page Contains:
- the name of the educational institution;
- surname, name and patronymic of the author;
- the topic of the work;
- the name of the nomination;
- surname, name and patronymic of the scientific adviser
- city and year.
Table of contents Includes the title of all chapters, sections, indicating the page numbers on which the material is placed.
Introduction Contains:
Goals and objectives research;
Relevance (assessment of the current state of the problem being solved;
Stages project;
Problem (question or problem requiring solution, research);
Hypothesis (scientific assumption put forward to explain some phenomena);
a brief overview of the studied literature.
Main part Consists of chapters (sections), which contain specific material on the topic under study. In the work, references should be made to the authors and sources from which the materials are borrowed. Literature references are indicated by numbers in square brackets. Usually a presentation is attached to the project. The presence of a presentation is a significant advantage when evaluating works.
Conclusion Includes: brief conclusions on the results of the work performed; message on the implementation of the goals and objectives set in the introduction.
List of references Contains a list of sources used in writing the work, compiled in alphabetical order. It is necessary to indicate the place of publication, the name of the publisher, the year of publication.

Presentation requirements:
  1. The first slide of the presentation is the title slide. It indicates: the name of the competition, the title of the presentation, the name of the author, position and place of work of the author of the presentation.
  2. Use only clear and high resolution pictures.
  3. Follow copyright, i.e. if you use text, photographs and pictures that are NOT yours, you must indicate the sources of information and a link to the original (address to the website on the Internet or the title of the book, name of the artist, author). This should be indicated on the last slide of the presentation.
  4. Images in a presentation must be compressed to reduce the "weight" of the presentation.
  5. Don't use too bright backgrounds for your slides. Pictures and photographs on such backgrounds are "lost", it is difficult to work with such a presentation, information content is reduced to zero.
  6. If the presentation is intended for frontal work with the class, there should be a minimum of text on the slides, the text should be large.
  7. Illustrations, slide background, animation should be in the same style.
  8. The presentation must be meaningful, have at least 10 slides with accompanying text , NOT including title and closing pages.
  9. The text must comply with the norms of the Russian language, i.e. not contain grammatical, punctuation and lexical errors.
  10. The voice acting (if any) of the presentation should be clear, competent, emotional.
  11. If the presentation is not voiced, the text should be available on the slides in the presentation or in a separate .doc file.
  12. If the presentation contains photographs of other people, you must have written permission to publish their photographs in the media. You are solely responsible for this.

Work evaluation criteria:

  1. Compliance of the project topic with age characteristics, depth of research;
  2. Originality and value of cognitive material;
  3. Practical orientation of the work;
  4. The structure of the work, the logic of presentation, the quality of the work design, aesthetics, etc.
  5. Evaluation of the presentation to the project (its presence, aesthetics of design, adherence to a single style, quality of images, content)

Competition rules:
  1. The competition is free of charge, without registration fees;
  2. All-Russian competition, residents of the Russian Federation can take part in it;
  3. Collective works are not accepted;
  4. Each participant can submit one application for the competition in each thematic section;
  5. Only unique works are accepted for the competition, uniqueness is not less than 65%
  6. The site administration reserves the right to use photos to design the site http: // site
  7. The works accepted for the competition are in the public domain and subsequently are not removed from the site. Copyright remains with the authors.
  8. The organizers of the competition reserve the right to reject applications for the competition without giving reasons at any stage of the competition up to the announcement of the winners.
  9. The organizer reserves the right to shift the timing of the competition.
  10. Only those works that meet the requirements are accepted for the competition.
  • Full name of the author;
  • Class, school, its location (region, city, village);
  • Full name of the curator (if any);
  • Job title;
  • Topic of work ( humanitarian sciences, mathematics and computer science, natural science, cultural studies, art studies)
  • The type of the desired document for the child ( certificate of the participant of the competition, certificate of publication of the material);
  • The type of the desired document ( electronic, paper);
  • Whether or not a letter of thanks to the curator is necessary ( electronic, printed).
Electronic certificate of participant (child) is free! Printed (paper) certificate of participation (child) 250 rubles Electronic Certificate of Publication (Child) 150 rubles Printed Certificate of Publication (Child) 250 rubles Thank you email (curator) 150 rubles Printed thank you letter (to the curator) 250 rubles

Printed documents are printed in a printing house on professional equipment on thick paper 300g / m², live stamps of the children's portal "WhyChka" and live signatures of the leaders of the portal - E.S. Lvova are put on them. and Vlasova N.The. Letters are sent by registered mail with notification to the personal mailing address of the customer (parent or teacher). We insert a sheet of cardboard into the envelope so that the document does not wrinkle during the transfer.

Tell your colleagues about our competition

We will be grateful if you post on your pages information about the competition to attract children to participate. By clicking below on the buttons of social networks "Like", "Tell Friends", "Class", you will also support our competition. Join our group,

Stage I

P / p No.

Full name of the head

Development name


Age group

Development address

A place

Age nomination "Preschoolers"

Akimov Maxim

Artamonov Arseny.

Zubova Elvira Nikolaevna

Young local historian

Project for patriotic education of senior preschoolers


1st place

Lobacheva Ksenia Viktorovna

Sofronova Alexandra Viktorovna

How do substances react to temperature changes?

Young Naturalist

Zakharov Demyan, Bessonova Daria

Ilyenko Angela Vladislavovna

Toy: friend or foe?

Young Naturalist

Borisov Grigory

Chebunyaeva Kristina Gennadievna

Study of biorhythms of students in the 3rd "G" class


Age category 5-8 grade

Alexey Vorozheikin

Morozov Ivan Anatolievich


Age category 9-11 grade

Pustinskaya Anastasia Leonidovna

Zavershinskaya Irina Andreevna


Physics and Mathematics

Witkal Anton Viktorovich

Osadchaya Natalia Viktorovna


Physics and Mathematics

Makarov Alexey Sergeevich

Makarova Tatiana Evgenievna

Labor for life

Humanitarian direction

Vavilina Ekaterina Anatolyevna

Zavershinskaya Irina Andreevna

Levers in nature and technology

Physics and Mathematics

Stage IV

Name of the student

Full name of the head

Job title


Age group

Development address

A place

Grade 2 students

Kazakova Larisa Nikolaevna

We remember everyone by name

Social project

Lehman Anna and Shereshilova Anna

Vasyutkina Nadezhda Vasilievna

Dance of my dreams - classical ballet

Artistic aesthetic direction

Kuznetsova Ekaterina Dmitrievna

Zavershinskaya Irina Andreevna

Study of the operation of an inductive hob and study of its characteristics, allowing you to save energy and finance

Physics and Mathematics

Regulations on the International Competition of Design and Research Works of Students "First Steps to Science"

Competition objectives:

  • to identify talented students, to provide their support and encouragement, public recognition of student design and research activities;
  • promote the early disclosure of students' interests and aptitudes for research activities;
  • to increase the professionalism of teachers, whose activities are related to the formation of the scientific thinking of students, their public recognition and the possibility of self-realization;
  • to create conditions for involving students of different ages in project and research activities for their joint work with professional researchers.

The organizers of the Competition are Uchitel Publishing House, UchMet Educational and Methodological Portal.

1. General Provisions.

1.1. The competition is held in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 77 and clause 22 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 (as amended on December 31, 2014) and is aimed at supporting the creative potential of preschool educational institutions, students in grades 1-11 of educational organizations, teachers.

1.2 The competition is held for the following age groups: for preschoolers and preschoolers; for students in grades 1-2, grades 3-4, grades 5-6, grades 7-8, grades 9-11.
Both individual and group design and research works are accepted for participation in the Competition.

1.3 Procedure for the Contest.

The competition is in absentia and is held remotely.


Autumn – Winter – 2016 (16.11.2016–15.01.2017) - summing up the results within two weeks.
Winter – 2017 (16.01.2017–28.02.2017) - summing up within two weeks.
Spring – 2017 (01.03.2017–31.05.2017) - summing up within two weeks.
Summer – 2017 (01.06.2017–30.08.2017) - summing up within two weeks.

1.4 Conditions for participation in the Competition.

1.4.1 To participate in the Competition, you must:

For teachers and children of preschool institutions within the educational areas specified in the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, upload the development to the Portal library in one of the following nominations:

  • "Collective project activities of the group under the guidance of a teacher"
  • "Joint project of teachers, children and parents"
  • "Young writer"
  • "Young Naturalist"
  • "Young patriot"
  • "Young Artist"
  • "Young ethnographer"
  • "My pedigree"

For children of primary school age (Grade 1-2, Grade 3-4) research and creative work outside the scope of the school curriculum is accepted in one of the following nominations:

  • "Young Naturalist"
  • "Young writer"
  • "Young ethnographer"
  • "Young mathematician"
  • "Young Artist"
  • "Young linguist"

For students of middle and senior school age (Grades 5-6, Grades 7-8, Grades 9-11) the following areas are distinguished:

  • "Humanitarian direction"
  • "Physics and Mathematics"
  • "Natural science direction"
  • "Information technology direction"
  • "Artistic and aesthetic direction"
  • "Sports direction"

1.4.2. Upload the tender design to the Portal library no later than the end of the selected stage ("Autumn-Winter-2016", "Winter-2017", "Spring-2017", "Summer-2017").

1.5 Organization and conduct of the Competition.

An organizing committee (hereinafter the Organizing Committee) is created for the management of the Competition. The Organizing Committee provides organizational and informational support for the Competition:

  • establishes the order, form, place and date of the Competition;
  • determines the requirements for the design of works submitted to the Competition;
  • provides coverage of the Competition on the website of the Publishing House and the UchMet portal.

1.6 Summing up and awarding the winners.

To assess the competitive design and research work of students, the Organizing Committee creates a jury. The jury consists of groups that correspond to the directions and sections declared by the participants.

The results are summed up on the basis of the opinion of the jury and the rating of the works obtained as a result of the discussion.

The jury decides on the awarding of diplomas of the 1st, as well as the 2nd and 3rd degrees in the presence of works of appropriate quality for each section separately. Participants who did not become prize winners of the Competition are awarded certificates of participation in the International Competition. The leader (teacher, teacher of additional education) of research (project) work has the opportunity to receive a certificate of the leader accompanying the activities of the winner (s) and the contestant (s).

Participants of the Competition are given the opportunity to receive certificates for individual and group participation, as well as post research materials on the website.

The issuance of final documents (diplomas and certificates) is carried out on a paid basis:
Winner's diploma - free.
Certificate of distribution ped. experience - 300 rubles.
Participant certificate - 300 rubles.
Certificate of the head of the competition work - 300 rubles.

By decision of the jury, individual works can be additionally awarded with free certificates for the purchase of products from the Uchitel publishing house.

All information about the receipt and payment of documents will be sent to all participants of the competition by e-mail after summing up the results.

2. General requirements for the competition work.

2.1. The work is performed in Russian.

2.2. Clarity of the wording of the topic, its relevance.

2.3. The logic of drawing up a work plan, the completeness of the disclosure of the topic.

2.4. Creativity and reasoned point of view of the author, independent assessments and judgments.

2.5 Having reasoned conclusions.

2.6. Style, language of presentation of the material (clarity, imagery, brevity, vocabulary, grammar).

2.7 The work structure should include the following main parts:

  • title page;
  • table of contents (points of work are given with indication of pages);
  • introduction (includes: justification of the choice of the topic and its relevance; subject of the project / research; goals and objectives), the volume of the introduction is up to two pages;
  • the main part (the content of the problem is revealed; analysis of various points of view on the problem under study available in the scientific literature; a description and analysis of the ways and methods of solving the problem is given) may consist of several chapters and subsections; the content of the main part must exactly correspond to the topic of the work and fully disclose it;
  • conclusion (contains the results of the work carried out and their analysis, main conclusions);
  • the list of used literature (drawn up in alphabetical order and contains information about the sources used in the process of research, design);
  • the application may include supporting materials; you can provide additional tables, graphs, figures, necessary for a better understanding of the results.

3. Requirements for the design of the competition work.

3.1 The structure of the competition work.

Title page (see Appendix 1), which contains the following information:

  • the name of the educational organization (in full);
  • the name of the competition;
  • job title;
  • type of work (educational project, research project, social project, research work, etc.);
  • name of the nomination (age category);
  • class, name and surname of the author in full (all authors of the work);
  • FULL NAME. completely, position, academic degree of the head of work;
  • place and year of work;
  • works on foreign languages \u200b\u200bare executed in Russian and foreign languages.

3.2 General requirements for the design of works submitted to the competition.

Requirements for text materials:

  • the work must be done using the Microsoft Word editor;
  • margins: top, bottom, right - 2 cm, left - 3 cm;
  • font - Times New Roman, height - 12 cm,
  • line spacing - single,
  • alignment - in width,
  • red line - 1.25 cm.

3.3 To evaluate student research, project work in the process of defense, the section jury is guided by the following criteria (scoring work):

Clarity of the wording of the topic, its relevance.
The consistency of drawing up a work plan, the completeness of the disclosure of the topic.
Creativity and reasoned point of view of the author, independent assessments and judgments.
Independence of work performance, depth of material elaboration, discovery and generation of new ideas, originality of concept, non-standard approach, clarity, use of recommended and reference literature.
Availability of well-founded conclusions.
Style, language of presentation of the material (clarity, imagery, brevity, vocabulary, grammar).
Registration of work.

I wish you creative success!
We wish you good luck and successful participation in the Competition!

Norodinova Z.A.

Lev Yurievich! Tatyana Vasilievna! Gymnasium No. 7, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan expresses its deep gratitude to you for organizing such an important and serious All-Russian competition "Steps to Science", which allows students of our educational institution to participate in the competition and in the Olympiads for the third year already. Every year the number of those wishing to participate becomes more the competition is gaining great prestige among the school environment of our gymnasium. We have a desire and we will try to do our best for this, to open a department of the IAS "Steps to Science" in our city of Makhachkala on the basis of our Gymnasium №7.

Request: to inform the IO of the Republic of Dagestan about the success of our students
and their leaders at the competition.

Mashtakova Kyztaman Baubekovna
Fedorovsky, MAU DO "Fedorovsky Center for Continuing Education"

Most importantly, I liked the friendly attitude towards all of us, both children and leaders, the correct selection of experts who kindly corrected mistakes and gave valuable scientific advice, which is important for us and our children. There was not a single person who accidentally slightly missed any of them, they were very loyal to all of us. That the main thing in our life is to live positively, to have good health. And this health can be very well supported here: fresh air and luxurious food, and positive people, and most importantly, moral support that we do not want to leave here for our children and us.

Thank you very much for being there!

Dmitrieva S.V.
MOU Secondary School No. 51, Tver

- 100% organization of extramural and intramural projects, the ability to ask any question over the phone to Sergei Georgievich and the confidence that you will immediately receive an exhaustive answer;
- comfortable accommodation, meals, accommodation of all events on one site;
- parallel holding for students both a research conference and intellectual games, master classes, olympiads;
- lectures necessary for teachers on topical problems of both theory and practice
(which is not in your region).
For all this and much more, many thanks to the close-knit, well-organized, professional team of IAS "Intelligence of the Future" and personally to Lev Yuryevich and Tatyana Vasilievna Lyashko.
This year I especially liked the seminars for teachers conducted by E.O. Fedorovskaya. and Klepikov V.N. I brought a 6th grade student to the conference, she is here for the first time. With great pleasure I took part in all the activities for children, I really liked the lecture "Great discoveries of the 20th century and mankind."
The children did not want to leave.
I believe that the pedagogical forum can be held in parallel with the student conference. This gives the students the opportunity to feel independent, and for teachers, all lectures are very necessary in terms of immersion in the profession, the growth of their professionalism.
Unfortunately, the school has a very large workload + guidance method. Combining + VLOOKUP + OGE + USE in mathematics. Therefore, I am not yet taking up work in your team.

Lopareva A.A.
MBOU "Lyceum No. 2", Barnaul

My team took part in all the events held at the "Steps to Science" festival. The children liked literally everything, they were tired, but satisfied, they are already planning further trips. I liked the respected experts. My children say that there were incorrect questions from the teachers present and the experts interrupted the teachers and pointed out that, for example, the question was off-topic. Therefore, I have always believed and still believe that children should perform on their own and simply have to click the mouse themselves, it is not so difficult. But the presence of a large number of adults my children worried. I am against finding teachers in the sections. They should not learn from other people's work, which is not always ideal, but from what scientists give at excellent seminars, after all, they then receive a document on passing refresher courses. I have a suggestion - not to give this document if the teacher did not attend the seminars.
Personally, I attended all the seminars, collected all the material that our Teachers offered, many thanks to them. I will use this material for training seminars for Barnaul teachers.
I intend to open a focal point and an internship site. The IAS branch has already become a regional one, we declare ourselves not only at home, but there are already publications in Germany, the Czech Republic, in Russian editions.

Shaposhnikova N.V.
MBOU "Gymnasium", Makhachkala

I would like to note the good organization of the conference "Steps to Science". At the conference, we gained a lot of experience in working with children in project activities. I would like to note the work of the "Informatics" section. Friendly atmosphere, competent recommendations of all members of the jury,
especially Farnakeev Igor Valerievich.
I liked the seminars very much. Klepikov Valery Nikolaevich, a keen teacher with extensive experience.
I would like the children to have physical workouts, relaxation before the conference, as Tatyana Vasilievna did.
We will post information about the conference on social networks.

Conference participants
krasnodar city

The delegation from Krasnodar thanks the organizers for the excellent conduct of the competition. I liked the rich program very much. Children took part in master classes and competitions with pleasure. The seminars were very useful for the teachers. At the conference, the children received very useful
recommendations for their work.
However, holding seminars during the work of the sections did not allow visiting all the sections.

Rakhimov T.R.
MBOU "Gymnasium No. 7", Makhachkala

Responsiveness, the fact that you are open to everyone, ready to respond to everyone and take time. I am glad that despite the considerable time of work, you are still interested in your opinion and are ready for changes, strive for perfection.
The suggestions are as follows: to hold an Olympiad after the conference, to conduct either a game or something entertaining before the conference to relieve the stress of the children. For example, training for relaxing facial muscles, developing ligaments. So that they can talk with ease further at the conference.
I would also like to thank the members of the jury for helping children, if a child is confused, then they are responsible for him, thereby they are a lifeline.
Involve children and parents. When the branch opens, actively participate.

Novikova S.A.
MBOU Secondary School No. 7, Belgorod

I liked the very clear organization of everything, from meeting at the train station to leaving for Moscow. Constant employment of children, seminars for us (a breath of fresh air, a look from the other side), a conference (defense of works) and the work of the jury - thank you !; exchange of views (like here - like you). Thank you for taking the system out of the state of “waterlogging” balance, stimulating it, making it move forward.
Indeed, it is not worth doing a seminar during the defense of works by children, because I want to see my child and others, what to strive for, listen to the opinion of the jury members, comments, wishes. And I want to be at the seminar, listen, exchange opinions, but it doesn't work out.
I can only help by spreading information among colleagues, students, acquaintances about your projects. I do not want to make promises that I cannot fulfill ... And we will come to you again! Thank you for your great work!

Abdulaeva Z.A.
Private educational institution "Education Center named after the First President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov", Grozny.

The children and I really liked it, the children got a lot of impressions, developing information, along with various kinds of developing games. In addition, the friendly atmosphere,
tolerance and culture.
Suggestions: to organize and hold an NPK session for the regions of the North Caucasus. And then there will be even more guests.
I plan to write an article for our newspaper, to attract television. If I receive material from our (held here seminars) conduct them with my employees. I am using this material, I will collect teachers from other schools in the city, I will tell you how everything went here.
