Butter is trite, jam is tired, honey is cloying. We offer several useful options for lovers of sweet sandwiches.

They can be smeared on biscuits and toast, a sweet bun or just a piece of white bread. It will turn out naturally and tasty - we guarantee.

1. Peanut butter

You probably saw jars with it in stores. But you can cook this delicacy yourself. This pasta is rich in protein and vitamins. In American cuisine, it is paired with white bread and sour jam on top.


  • Peanuts without salt, peeled and roasted - 450 g
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Flavorless sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Warm boiled water - as needed
  • Cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla - optional


Place the nuts in a blender and grind for about a minute. Pour in oil, honey, add salt and grind to a paste. If it gets too thick, add some water. Add spices if desired. In the refrigerator, this paste can be stored for up to three months.

2. Lemon Curd

It's somewhere between pudding and cream. The taste of the Kurd is very pronounced, so you can take a neutral addition: cookies without additives or a bun. In addition, the Kurd is used as a cream for cakes, pastries, baskets.


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Lemons - 4 pcs.
  • Butter - 40 g


Remove zest from lemons and mix with sugar. Squeeze out the juice and pour into the sugar. Beat the eggs lightly so that there is no foam, beat with a fork and pour into the mixture, leave for 30 minutes. Be sure to strain, pour into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add oil and cook over low heat until thickened, about 5 minutes. Cool. Kurd is stored in glass jars in the refrigerator for about a week.

3. Chocolate Mint Ganache

This is a great option for chocolate spread, but without vegetable fats and other additives. Such ganache can not only be smeared on bread or a biscuit, but also put in warm milk. A tablespoon per glass, mix - and now you have hot chocolate for breakfast.


  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Cream 33% - 200 ml
  • Bitter chocolate - 250 g
  • Mint - from 2 to 5 sprigs, depending on what taste you want to get. The mint can be replaced with a cinnamon stick, orange zest, or vanilla pod.


Mix cream and milk, put mint (or other filler) and heat over low heat until it starts to boil. Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a deep saucepan. Strain the warm creamy milk mixture and pour into the chocolate, mixing thoroughly until the mass is smooth and homogeneous. Cool and pour into glass jar. Chocolate splendor is stored in the refrigerator, but not more than two weeks.

4. Vitamin mixture for immunity

Perhaps the most useful of all options. One spoon per day is enough to provide the body with vitamins.

For the preparation of canapes and sandwiches, you can use not only standard butter. mustard, mayonnaise, and ketchup. You can diversify with self-made pastas, and butter with different fillers.

Pasta for canapes and sandwiches is prepared from a wide variety of ingredients, mixing butter with mustard, horseradish (grated or finely chopped), ketchup, tomato paste, boiled pureed spinach or tomatoes.

For 1 tablespoon of oil, you need to take 1 teaspoon of one of these products. Whip the butter before mixing.

Pastes for canapés and sandwiches:

egg paste: grind one yolk, and mix it with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. This paste can be used both for canapés and for decorating sandwiches.

Egg paste with onions: finely chop hard-boiled eggs with green onions. Salt and season with fluffy butter, or.

fish paste: Mix canned fish, crab meat or boiled fish with butter, celery, and tomato paste.

Sprat paste: rub sprats or sardines with butter. Add lemon juice, pepper, salt, and chopped parsley.

herring paste: soak a piece of black bread in milk, and squeeze it out after a while. Finely chop boneless herring fillets along with bread, add onions, and a hard-boiled egg. You can also add sour apple. Season the pasta with homemade mayonnaise or vegetable oil.

Sausage pasta: rub the liver sausage with butter and grated cheese. Add walnuts and capers.

Meat paste: chop boiled beef, ham, or chicken meat; mix meat with butter, chopped celery, browned onions; salt and pepper, and season with mayonnaise.

Carrot Paste: rub fresh carrots on a fine grater and season it with honey or mayonnaise.

Spicy Pepper Paste: scald the capsicum and remove the grains from it. Finely chop the pepper and mix with the curd mass. Fill with mayonnaise.

Sweet pasta with cheese:(this paste is suitable for fruit canapes, or canapes on crackers with dried fruits) We rub soft cottage cheese or curd mass with sugar and add chopped nuts.

Cheese paste: grate soft cheese on a fine grater; mix with mayonnaise, garlic and herbs.

curd paste: mix soft non-acidic cottage cheese with mayonnaise or sour cream; add tomato paste, greens, or garlic.

Liver paste: cook by .

Sprat pate: mash the sprats with a fork and mix with a finely grated egg; add parsley and mix with mayonnaise.

Colored butter for canapés and sandwiches:

Mustard oil: Mix softened butter with mustard, add a little saffron (on the tip of a knife), salt and pepper to taste

Green oil: soften the butter, finely chop the dill and parsley, add garlic and pepper, salt and mix it all

Rose oil: add to softened butter beetroot juice, small pieces of beetroot, a little cognac and salt

yellow oil: add curry and salt to softened butter

Tomato oil: add tomato paste, salt, pepper and basil greens to softened butter

salmon oil: mix softened butter with salmon fillet puree (or other red fish of your choice), lemon juice, salt, tabasco sauce and finely chopped anise greens

Cottage cheese paste for sandwiches is such a lifesaver for a snack. Sausage, as you know, is not always healthy, cottage cheese in a sweet form is simply annoying ...
Cottage cheese pasta is my favorite recipe. I've been making it every morning for several months now and I don't get bored.
ProductsFat-free pasty cottage cheese - 100 g, Pickled or pickled cucumbers - 60 g, A bunch of dill and parsley - 2 tbsp. spoons, Favorite spices - a pinch, Salt - a pinch. How to cook Put the cottage cheese in a bowl. Finely chop the greens. .Fry your favorite grain bread toasts. Spread curd paste and drink tea! Cheese paste: recipe and preparation150 g whole sheep cheese, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, crumb of 1 slice of stale white bread, a few drops lemon juice, a pinch of grated zest.
Grind the cheese and rub it through a large sieve together with the bread soaked in sour cream. Add lemon juice and grated zest and beat until a smooth, homogeneous mixture is obtained. It is used for sandwiches, sandwich cakes (tower sandwiches) and other products without an oil base.
Cheese Pasta Recipes: How to Make Cheese Pasta 1 Variant of Cheese Pasta
125 g butter, 50 g cheese, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, a pinch of salt.
Beat the butter until fluffy, adding a little crushed cheese. Beat sour cream until creamy, mix in parts with the above mass and salt (if necessary). It is used for filling snack sandwiches, tartlets and other products without an oil base.
2 cheese pasta options
100 g cheese, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil.
Grind the cheese with butter into a homogeneous mass.
Bryndza and cheese pasta: recipe and preparation 125 g butter, 3 tbsp. spoons of grated brine cheese, 3 tbsp. spoons of grated cheese, 20 - 30 g of cheese, cumin and dill.
Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Optionally, you can add finely chopped green onion.
It is used for spreading ordinary sandwiches and snack slices.
Cottage cheese pasta recipe. Cooking curd paste 3 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. butter spoon, 1 egg, 1/4 head onion, 1 sour apple, 1 teaspoon of tomato puree, cumin, black pepper, parsley, 1 - 2 pinches of salt.
Peel and grate the apple on a fine grater. Stir the rest of the ingredients until a creamy paste is obtained. Add salt, tomato paste, cumin, black pepper, grated onion, then grated apple. Mix everything well and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. It is used for sandwiches, snack slices and as an addition to a cold buffet, a cold dish or as a side dish to a baked non-meat dish.
Cottage cheese paste: how to cook 300 g cottage cheese, 100 - 150 g butter, 1/2 cup sour cream, 1 raw egg yolk, salt to taste.
Rub cottage cheese through a sieve, add salt, yolk and sour cream. Mix everything. Soften the butter, combine with the curd mass.
Cottage cheese and egg paste: recipe and preparation 1.5 cups of cottage cheese, 100 g butter, 1/2 cup sour cream, 1 yolk, herbs, salt to taste.
Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add sour cream, egg yolk, salt to taste and mix. Grind the butter, add the cooked cottage cheese to it and mix well.
Cheese paste "Piquant" 125 g butter, 50 - 60 g pickled cheese, 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons of fresh milk (or sour cream), crumb of 1 slice of stale white bread, a few drops of onion and garlic juice, crushed cumin, black pepper, a few drops of lemon juice, parsley.
Mix all ingredients well until a creamy paste is obtained. It is used for stuffing and spreading sandwiches without an oil base. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley before serving.
Pickled cheese pasta recipe: how to cook 100 g of pickled cheese, 30 - 60 g of butter (depending on the oiliness of the cheese), 1 teaspoon of tomato puree, a few drops of onion and garlic juice, cumin, parsley.
Grind the feta cheese to a creamy mass and mix with whipped butter until foamy. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir until a homogeneous smooth mass is obtained. Sprinkle slices of bread spread with pasta with crushed cumin and finely chopped parsley.
Cheese paste with yolks: recipe and preparation 150 g of Dutch cheese, 2 yolks, 2 tbsp. spoons of thick sour cream, salt, black pepper, 1 - 2 teaspoons of red pepper.
Rub cheese and hard-boiled eggs through a thick sieve and mix with sour cream and red pepper into a homogeneous mass. Add black pepper and salt to taste.
Recipe for spicy cheese pasta. How to cook 100 g of cheese (Swiss, processed, etc.), 3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, salt, black pepper.
Grate the cheese and carefully grind with butter and mustard into a homogeneous mass, salt and pepper well.
Spicy cheese pasta: recipe and preparation150 g of cheese, 1 small onion, 1 gherkin or small pickled cucumber, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream, salt.
Peel and finely chop the onion, also chop the gherkins or cucumber finely and rub it thoroughly with cheese and sour cream. Salt to taste.
Cheese pasta with green onions: how to cook and recipe 200 g Dutch cheese, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped green onions, salt.
Rub the cheese through a thick sieve and mix thoroughly with sour cream and green onions. Salt to taste.
Recipe and preparation of cheese paste with cottage cheese 1 cup hard grated cheese, 200 g cottage cheese, 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt to taste.
Grate cheese and mix with grated cottage cheese, sour cream, salt until the mass becomes homogeneous.
Egg Paste: Recipe and Cooking 1 Egg Paste Variant
3 yolks, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream, salt, black pepper.
Rub hard-boiled egg yolks through a sieve and grind with butter and mustard into a homogeneous mass. Salt and add black pepper to taste.
2 egg pasta options
2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of butter, salt.
Peel hard-boiled eggs, mash with a fork. Soften the butter and mix with eggs, salt, mix everything.
3 egg pasta options
1 hard-boiled egg, 1 tbsp. spoon of ham, sausage, 1 teaspoon of oil or mayonnaise, salt, lemon juice to taste.
Finely chop the egg, ham and sausage, add oil or mayonnaise, salt, lemon juice. Mix everything. For vegetarian sandwiches with cottage cheese paste, we need: 350 grams of cottage cheese; 200 grams of sour cream; 1 carrot; any amount of any fresh herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro, green onions, basil); 2 tbsp. soy sauce 2 cloves of garlic a few slices of rye or whole grain bread a little vegetable oil for frying What could be easier than making a sandwich, even if it is vegetarian? That's it! Put cottage cheese and sour cream in a separate dish.

Cut the greens as small as possible and send it to the same dish.

Add garlic and carrots grated on a fine grater to the existing ingredients.

The case is small - pour into the dish soy sauce and move everything around. Spicy spicy curd paste for vegetarian sandwiches is ready!

Bread slices can be lightly toasted vegetable oil if you want. And you can not fry - that's good too :)

We spread fried or not fried bread with cottage cheese paste and get a ready-made sandwich.
We quickly eat it and return to more important activities, namely: dancing and jumping. Or maybe we’ll leave with pillows? Or will we bawl the songs of the Beatles until we get bored? This is how we feel today, how about you? Bon appetit!

Finally, the heat has come, you can go out into nature. And here we begin to puzzle over what to cook for a picnic. Pasta for sandwiches - perfect solution: it can be made at home, conveniently packed in a container and already in nature to form sandwiches. I bring to your attention several types of pasta for sandwiches for every taste: avocado, cottage cheese paste with herbs and garlic, fish paste (from saury), as well as pasta from cheese and crab sticks.

Avocado spread for sandwiches


  • ripe avocado - 1 pc.;
  • green olives - 100 g;
  • medium-fat cottage cheese (9-12 percent) - 200 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • provencal herbs - 0.5 tsp;
  • parsley - 1 sprig.


We wash the fruit, carefully cut it in half, moving the knife in a circle. Divide the avocado into two parts by turning its halves in different directions. Then we take out the bone, prick it with a knife, and peel the flesh from the peel. Sprinkle it with lemon juice so that it does not darken.

In a blender bowl, mix cottage cheese and avocado pulp, previously cut into several pieces. Grind the mixture in a blender. Then we transfer the resulting mass into a bowl or salad bowl.

Green olives (it is better to buy pitted, so as not to peel them yourself later) cut into thin rings, leaving 2-3 pieces to decorate sandwiches. Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the lemon.

Add slices of green olives and lemon zest to cottage cheese mixture with avocado.
Pass a peeled garlic clove through a press. Let's add it to the paste.
Season with salt and a little hot pepper to taste. To spice up the pasta, add a little mixture of Provence herbs. The composition of the spicy mixture includes rosemary, dried basil, savory, thyme, marjoram, peppermint.

Now mix everything well so that the texture of the avocado paste becomes homogeneous.
We spread the finished pasta on slices of fresh baguette or a slice of crispy bread. Garnish the finished sandwiches with green olives and fragrant parsley leaves.

curd paste


  • medium-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • dill and parsley - a small bunch;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 1 large clove;
  • salt - to taste;
  • a mixture of peppers - a pinch;
  • cherry tomato 2-3 pcs. For decoration.


Separate fragrant greens from twigs. Wash it thoroughly, dry it and finely chop it. You can add cilantro, green basil, peppermint, or green onion to the pasta if you like.

Mix chopped greens with cottage cheese. Salt, season the ingredients with a mixture of peppers for piquancy. Add a minced garlic clove for spiciness.
Season the ingredients with a few tablespoons of sour cream. Mix everything so that the ingredients are combined.

Spread the paste on rye or rice bread. Garnish with a sprig of parsley and a slice of tomato.

Canned fish paste


  • canned saury - 1 can;
  • red onion - 0.5 small head;
  • cheese (preferably slightly salted) - 200 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • ground paprika - 0.5 tsp;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • dried basil - on the tip of a knife;
  • dill for decoration - a few branches.


Peel the red onion from the husk. For the canned fish pasta recipe, we will need half a small onion head. Cut it into small cubes. Putting the red onion in a sieve, scald it with boiling water. This will make the onion less bitter.

Thoroughly mash the feta cheese with a fork until smooth. Since canned food also contains salt, choose lightly salted cheese.

We put the pieces of canned fish from the jar to a plate, remove all the bones and mash the saury with a fork. It should become pasty.

In a dry bowl, mix the mashed ingredients: cheese and saury. Then add red onion to the mixture. Season everything with ground paprika, freshly ground black pepper and dried basil. Add salt if necessary.

Now it remains to mix everything thoroughly so that the sandwich paste becomes a homogeneous consistency.

Cut fresh bread into slices. If desired, they can be pre-dried in a pan or in the oven. A good option- Toast the bread until golden brown in a toaster. Spread the finished pasta on the baguette slices. Decorate the appetizer with a sprig of fresh dill.

Crab and cheese pasta


  • crab sticks - 200 g;
  • processed cheese - 200 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • table mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • parsley - a small bunch.


Hard boil the eggs. Grate boiled eggs and melted cheese on a fine grater. Finely chop the crab sticks.

Wash and chop the parsley, rub the garlic cloves or finely chop.
Mix all chopped ingredients. Salt and season the pasta with mayonnaise. Let's stir the mixture. Spread it on slices of baguette, bread or salted crackers.

Decorate with parsley. You can add fresh cucumber or bell pepper to the mixture. The appetizer can be spread on pita bread, carefully wrapped in a long roll and cut into portions.

Crab sticks can be made hearty

1. From eggs and onions

Grate boiled eggs on a coarse grater, and chop the onion as finely as possible. Soften and rub the butter, mix it with sour cream, salt and pepper. You can also add finely chopped greens.

2. From eggs and cheese "Friendship"

Grate boiled eggs on a coarse grater. Grind cheese "Friendship" or similar and mix thoroughly with cottage cheese in a ratio of 2: 1. Mix eggs, cheese and curd mass, sour cream, salt and finely chopped greens.

3. From herring

Grate the boiled eggs, finely chop the onion and herring fillet. Rub the butter until soft and mix with eggs, onions and fish.

4. From smoked mackerel

Mash the mackerel fillet, add mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard, finely chopped onion and boiled egg.

5. From sardines in oil

Pass the sardine in oil (from canned food) through a meat grinder along with cottage cheese or rub it thoroughly. Then mix with finely chopped greens.

6. From smoked horse mackerel

Pass horse mackerel fillet and processed cheese through a meat grinder, and then mix thoroughly with mayonnaise.

7. From eggs and ham

You will need: 3 eggs, 5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 100 g sausage, ham or boiled meat, salt. Grate boiled eggs, finely chop ham or sausage, mix everything with mayonnaise, you can season with lemon juice.

8. Mushroom

You will need: 3 eggs, 8 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. l. celery, 3-4 tbsp. l. finely chopped salted mushrooms. boiled eggs and raw celery chop, mix with mayonnaise and chopped mushrooms.

9. From carrots and onions

Finely chopped onion, together with carrots grated on a medium grater, lightly fry until golden brown in vegetable oil, salt. Then mix them with some mashed canned fish or grated boiled eggs and mayonnaise.

10. Spicy hard cheese

Grate 200 g of hard cheese on a fine grater, rub thoroughly with 100 g of butter, 2 tbsp. l. mustard, salt and pepper.

11. Spicy cheese

You will need: 250 g of cheese, 100 g of pickled cucumbers, 1 onion, salt, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream. Peel the onion, finely chop it and cucumbers, and then carefully rub it with cheese and sour cream.

12. From cod liver

You will need: 1 can of cod liver, 1 tsp. mustard, 3 boiled eggs, 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, finely chopped greens, salt, pepper. Mash the liver, chop the eggs finely. Mix both of them with the rest of the products and bring the resulting mass to a homogeneous consistency.
