“Such methods are not acceptable to me”

Vice Governor Oleg Klimov - about the conflict with the General of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the latest tragedies

The government of the Chelyabinsk region, and specifically Vice Governor Oleg Klimov, who is responsible for the prevention and control of emergencies, has already been sharply criticized three times since May by the head of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Sergei Didenko. It all started in May 2017, during the peak period of forest fires: then the head of the SRC claimed that the authorities of the South Urals were doing nothing to prevent fires, but only eliminated them after the fact. In early July, when a boat capsized in a private pond in the Chesmensky district and seven people died, Didenko also made public statements about the inaction of the authorities in the field of emergency prevention. The accusations were made for the third time after a fire in the Plastovsky district, where four children died. In an interview with the site, Oleg Klimov explains why this criticism is not constructive.

- Oleg Borisovich, for the third time the head of the Siberian Regional Center (SRC) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations directly accuses you of incompetence. Parry!

— I can only guess why Sergey Didenko pays such attention to the Southern Urals. See for yourself: at the end of 2016, at the federal level, it was decided to transfer the Ministry of Emergency Situations to a three-tier structure: a ministry, a regional department, and a garrison in a particular city. Accordingly, the Ural Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was disbanded. But the Sibirsky was not disbanded, the school in Yekaterinburg was reassigned to it, the aviation special squad, our The educational center in Novogorny - in a word, all these military units. For these units, the reassignment was reasonable - well, just like the military has a district, so it is here. But at the same time, our regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations remained closed to Moscow: supply, support, orders - everything comes from the federal center, and not from Krasnoyarsk.

- Then what explains the "arrivals" of General Didenko?

“God knows. When this restructuring took place, he apparently decided that the sun of the Siberian regional center with its active leader had risen over the Urals. Apparently, he decided that the entire Asian part of Russia would be lost without him and is now subordinate to him. I have known him for a long time, he is a very active person. But there are things and methods that are unacceptable to me.

- That is, all the attacks in the media, sent through the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, are just a struggle for power?

- Not certainly in that way. At the beginning of 2017, for example, our Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations received papers from Didenko - ten main areas of its activity, those that the general considers key. There was nothing new there. Enough reasonable ideas, but, how to say ... divorced from reality.

He demands that, for example, there should be no fires in our region at all. But it's unrealistic! Then let's take his recent attacks through the press center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: he accuses the Chelyabinsk region of the fact that we, they say, have not developed the institution of village elders. It's just not true.

– How are things really? Oleg Borisovich, people are dying: a boat capsized in the Chesme district, a house in the Plastovsky district burned down.

- Didenko plays on this. But in fact, for a long time, the heads of municipalities have understood that it is necessary to bring the institution of management to the very bottom, to those settlements where even municipal elections do not take place. We have 312 municipalities in the region. And in total there are 1289 settlements! They are small, sometimes 4-5 settlements are included in a rural settlement, where there is no full-time representative of the authorities. The heads are not fools, they themselves understood that this should not be so. Issues ranging from education to some production problems need to be addressed somehow. Therefore, in fact, we already have the institute of elders - it's just that it has not been officially held.

— Quite right. He communicates with the people who live here. Someone called them "headmen", someone "senior". An analogy with the chairmen of the CTPs in apartment buildings- after all, they are also chosen for general meeting. More or less wealthy areas immediately provided some money to encourage these elders. There are areas where it is still free. But even there, at least they give money to the phone, and these people deal with all issues, including security. And by the way, politics is also an important element, because not everyone looks at TV or the Internet every day to know that, here, we have presidential elections in the spring.

- Then the claims of the SRC look unfounded.

- Here you need to understand what the SRC is trying to achieve and what the regional authorities are trying to achieve. The governor now intends to submit a draft law for consideration by the ZSO in the near future, according to which local governments, at his suggestion, will have the authority to elect such elders. We, so that the topic does not die out due to lack of motivation, suggested at least rewarding the elders on behalf of the ZSO. Well, you will agree: people need an incentive, at least what kind of activists they will be. But these elders are definitely not employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who, according to the SRC, should patrol every field and every lake. There just aren't enough people for this. The Siberian center has already noted: when the phone numbers of the elders, still unofficial, came from the localities, and we transferred the contacts to the Siberian regional center, the calls began to the elders. They called from Krasnoyarsk with a demand to report how many fields, they say, the person checked, forests. People just started turning off these phones, and I understand them perfectly. How else? Some strangers are trying to build you, any sane person will say: you go away.

- And yet: why did the Chelyabinsk region become the object of close attention of Lieutenant General Didenko? After all, there is no smoke without fire.

— Yes, everything is simple. The fires started in May. This is traditional, in mid-April we start the fire season and somewhere until mid-May we are “burning”. The reasons are also clear: the snow has melted, in the fields there are only the remains of last year's dry grass, the new one has not yet grown, plus agricultural work is beginning. The beginning picnics still play some role. But the main thing is the villagers working in the fields and grazing cattle. Even at the state level, they are trying to fight this, but a simple ban on agricultural burning does not work: there are situations when you need to burn all this straw. A decree appeared that the owners of plots adjacent to the forest must keep it in a fire-prevention state, that is, a clearing on a ten-meter strip. There are tens of thousands of such land owners in the Chelyabinsk region. How do you check everyone? Not all plots are even put on the cadastral register, there you can’t even find out who the owner is. We have accumulated a lot of practice, we are preparing forces, issuing regulatory documents.

Dubrovsky refused the winged amphibian of the Siberian Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

- The first claims against you were voiced after the refusal to accept aviation from the Ministry of Emergencies.

- Yes, the Siberian Regional Center suggested that we ask them for aviation - a BE-200 amphibious aircraft and a Mi-8 helicopter. But we did not have the prerequisites to use aviation when burning grass. Yes, there were many fires, but during my long service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, I saw situations that were much more complicated, and we didn’t have aviation then - but we always coped without excesses. BE-200 is not needed to extinguish the grass, there were no large forest fires. We refused. SRC insisted - here, they say, we need. Well, you need to - you have such a right, the SRC is just in command of aviation. They are based in Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk. We said: send it, only it will just stand with us!

- Maybe they just wanted to repair them at the expense of the region?

— Well, no, I assure you, faulty planes will not fly anywhere. We were offered serviceable equipment, just unnecessary. In the end, these planes landed in the Sverdlovsk region, and so they stood there. But, apparently, Sergei Leonidovich harbored a grudge. Before the May holidays, we held the CoES - a commission on emergencies, the governor preferred to play it safe, although shortly before that there was already a meeting. The head of the Siberian Regional Center took part in the conference call commission. Viktor Blinov, head of the main forest department of the region, begins to report on what is happening with us and how. And then Didenko intervenes and begins to scold the foresters in a rude manner: they say that nothing is being done here, we have already burned forests worth so many billions of rubles - I don’t know where he got such a figure from. I interrupted him, said that I wanted to hold a commission, and at the end of the meeting I would let him speak. He thought, apparently, that this was his operational meeting. We never needed planes, but the personal conflict, apparently, began after that. He has nothing to do with the system of combating emergencies in the Chelyabinsk region, Didenko has no levers of influence on us. The only thing is that he can help us with some kind of force if we ask.

- You said yourself - the training center in Novogorny now belongs to him.

- At the Novogorny center, the order of the Ministry of Emergencies, by decision of General Burenko, the head of our Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies, they are devoting forces.

- Oleg Borisovich, you are trying to convince that Sergei Didenko is just a tyrant.

I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. But it is enough to listen to the recordings of this general's operatives - and everything is clear. There is such a position: everyone around is to blame, only I am right. Didenko tried to criticize us for using outdated methods to prevent fires. I retorted: show me where you don’t have fires, we will go there and take over this experience completely. After that, we looked at Siberia - everything is on fire there! This is the weather, a person has no power over this: if it is hot and windy, it burns, if God gives it rain, everything is calm. In Siberia, of course, last year villages burned and people died. But not with us! There is no need to dictate to us what to do, especially since he is not responsible for what is happening with us.

- Didenko initiated an inspection by the Prosecutor General's Office?

- Yes, when I suggested that he not interfere with the work of the Regional Emergency Committee, he wrote a complaint to the governor against me and a complaint to Deputy Prosecutor General Yuri Ponomarev. Without consequences. The governor wrote me back, of course, but that's all. The Prosecutor General's Office conducted an inspection and found no violations. So everything remained without consequences. Everyone looked at what had been done: at the level of the government, state forests, municipalities, there were no complaints.

- And before, when you served in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, did you have any personal conflicts? Well, it's hard to imagine that a senior officer from Krasnoyarsk is wasting his time trying to crush the vice-governor somewhere in the Chelyabinsk region...

No, we didn't cross paths. Sergey Didenko worked for many years in Central Russia in positions in the rear, then he was deputy head of the regional center, then he suddenly rose to the head. It’s just that he, apparently, has perfectionism: it’s impossible for any fires to happen at all, and he is ready to blame everyone in a row so that this doesn’t happen. Although, I repeat, we do not obey him in any way, and the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the region, Yuri Burenko, also does not obey him in any way. He can't even punish anyone in the Chelyabinsk region.

- Maybe there is a sound grain in Didenko's claims?

- Yes, I do not argue, it is! Let's just live in the real world. We physically do not have enough employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police to put them in every field, at every lake. We have more than three thousand lakes, more than five hundred lakes suitable for swimming. Well there are no lifeguards for every lake! And even more so, they will not be if the SRC continues to allow itself such ...

- It's a shame for these "arrivals?"

— That's not the point. Here he reports. O. the head of the Chesmensky district about the tragedy when children died in a pond. Didenko intervenes and shouts that it was she (the head) who drowned everyone. Later, when a tragedy happens in the Plastovsky district, the woman, the head of the settlement, also reports, and rudeness begins again. Where does it fit?

A brazen, aggressive method of communication, with elements of demagogy. Yes, we have had a tragedy. In my opinion, the person decided to just use it. Sorry, only a court can find guilty in our country! And such sweeping accusations are only possible at the level of incorrect political debates.

- Didenko spoke about the lack of prevention about the Chesme tragedy.

- And he was wrong. There is a private reservoir, and rescue posts cannot be provided everywhere. There is, of course, a desire, but there are simply no opportunities! Yes, and you will put a sentry on the lake - the lake is large, he will not be in time there. First of all, people should take care of their own safety. But we have 3,500 lakes, of which there are almost 500 where you can swim. This is not counting any ponds, quarries and other things. It is impossible to protect oneself from such tragedies; one can only teach people to take care of themselves. And children should be taught to swim! Tragedy in the Chesmensky district - 50 meters from the shore! If they knew how to swim, everyone would swim. But insulting a woman and others is unacceptable. Previously, it was generally unacceptable for an officer to talk to women like that. His words about the lack of prevention are a kind of blackmail. He wants us to invest more money in security. But millions are already invested there! And yet, no one is immune from tragedy.

- Still, it does not happen that a senior officer scolds a single region simply because he is in a bad mood.

“And here we come back to where we started. The Ural Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has been disbanded. Siberian? Big question.

- Do you think Didenko is just trying to make himself self-promotion?

- I can't say that. Draw your own conclusions.

Former employee of the disbanded Ural Aviation Rescue Center Anatoly Dolgovykh wrote open letter President with criticism of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In response, the head of the Siberian regional center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, according to a source, called the Dolgovs a person with "low social responsibility."

Considering that quite recently Vladimir Putin used the same phrase in relation to the priestesses of love, what is at stake is not at all difficult to guess.

I don't want to take all these nuances: they are so petty and simply show the very low social responsibility of a person who decided to throw a spoonful of tar into a barrel of honey. We are ready for this, for God's sake: honey always pushes out everything foreign. Don't mean to say we honey, we're MOE though initial letters are similar. Anyone can stop any car and find 100 flaws in it or go to any institution and find 100 flaws in it. This is called “criticism,” Didenko said.

For harsh criticism of his former subordinate, the lieutenant general was not too lazy to fly to the Urals and arrange a big press conference in Yekaterinburg. At the same time, he replaced the head of the Ural division. And despite the fact that the official reason for leaving the post of Valery Kudinov was his own desire, it seems that this is how the letter from his subordinate came back to him.

Difficult financial situation

General Didenko is generally quite cheerfully walking up the career ladder. Having worked for more than 10 years in command posts in the Ministry of Defense, in 2011-2015 he headed the Department of Civil Protection of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, and in 2015 he was appointed head of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergencies, which then combined the Ural and Siberian divisions.

He also worked as deputy head of the Volga Regional Center, where he received the rank of general. For what merits, however, is unknown. But, according to his subordinates, he was still that tyrant - he allegedly mocked his subordinates and put them in a corner, and having received a “suggestion” from above, he took out his anger on employees. Evil tongues say that when he went from Moscow to work in Nizhny Novgorod, they didn’t cry for joy there - is he really now gladly accepted back?

He behaved interestingly and headed the SRC of the Ministry of Emergencies: in January 2016, it turned out that he had asked for ... material assistance for 600 thousand rubles in connection with the "difficult financial situation." And after all received! And here the question is brewing: if a general who has taken a high position (and received at the same time a solid increase in salary) complains of poverty, then how do his subordinates live?

Or did Didenko cheat and simply put Minister Vladimir Puchkov in an uncomfortable position?

Burning Siberia

One of the main ideas of the letter of the former paratrooper rescuer, which he published on his page in social networks, was the lack of communication between pilots and rescuers as such. He also drew attention to the lack of helicopters, parachutes and the general terrible state of technology.

And everything would be fine - indeed, in which of the departments are they completely satisfied with the logistics? - but the Ministry of Emergency Situations has recently been coping so badly with its duties that this leads to certain thoughts.

Forests burn every year in Siberia. By the end of June, the total area of ​​fires exceeded 75 thousand hectares, even the Baikal-Lena Reserve in the Irkutsk region was on fire. Transbaikalia is suffocating in smoke, the area of ​​forest fires in the first half of summer increased by 3,000 hectares almost daily. And now it turns out that the rescuers are not doing their job due to the poor condition of the equipment. Although funds for these purposes are constantly allocated. So where are they?

For example, 1.74 billion rubles were allocated by the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the purchase of Be-200 fire-fighting amphibious aircraft. No one saw the planes, because instead of them they bought ... fire engines. To Crimea. And the Siberian division, instead of the latest high-performance aircraft, got one helicopter, which is used in some unknown place and how.

However, representatives of the department cheerfully reported to the claims of the investigative committee: if we had not used the money, they would have been stolen. Well, well, no matter how! Maybe someone just received kickbacks to Puchkov's department?

In the SRC of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, this, it seems, would not surprise anyone. For kickbacks, they imprisoned, for example, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Omsk region Evgenia Leshcheva. During the construction of the Ural Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which is also under the jurisdiction of General Didenko, 25 million rubles were stolen. In the same place, in the Urals, a fire station near Novouralsk remained unfinished, the money for which was also stolen. And all this already looks not like isolated cases, but like a developed system.

An awl for soap?

It looks like Didenko truly deserved a promotion. It is all the more ridiculous that if he nevertheless gets the post of deputy minister, he will be put in the place of Leonid Belyaev, who was vacated in November 2016. In relation to him, the military prosecutor's office of the St. Petersburg garrison and the prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg are still being checked.

Belyaev headed the St. Petersburg Ministry of Emergency Situations from 2006 to 2015. During this time, his family acquired about 20 apartments. And the money for this, it seems, was taken from the corruption schemes he was running, including money he was paid by developers for “biased” approval of his work. The total amount of detected violations exceeded 10 billion rubles. Against this background, it already seems insignificant that he arranged for a good position in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of his nephew.

And only the department sighed without Belyaev - they prepared a replacement for him. And it seems that Didenko can achieve even greater "success" in his post than the previous deputy minister. But before implementing the accumulated experience, he should remember that the predecessor will most likely end up in prison ...

Last Friday, Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which the governors will be protected by the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation (Rosgvardia). That is, apparently, the Federal Security Service (FSO), which now guards the mayor of Moscow, the governor of St. Petersburg and the heads of some other regions, will transfer these powers to the National Guard. Lost items of income and private security companies that ensure the safety of a number of governors.
As an adviser to the head of the National Guard, former Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Yuri Baluyevsky, told NG, this decision of the head of state is logical, since "any carriers of particularly important state information (and governors have it. -" NG ") must be reliably protected." Meanwhile, knowledgeable circles are confident that new decrees by the head of state are expected, in which the National Guard will receive other, broader powers related to protecting the population from internal shocks, including from various kinds of natural disasters, fires and other disasters.
According to sources from the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (MES), this structure will be disbanded in the near future. And the functions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be received not by the Ministry of Defense, which the head of the military department, Sergei Shoigu, has long sought, but by the Russian Guard, which is headed by General of the Army Viktor Zolotov. As you know, he once headed the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation. And, apparently, this is why Vladimir Putin will entrust him with forming a structure that, in the near future, not duplicating, but supplementing the functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, will be responsible and ensure internal security and stability in society.
“Natural disasters, fires and other cataclysms in the current realities can be elements of a hybrid war,” says military expert Lieutenant General Yuri Netkachev. - According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense is responsible for protecting the state from external threats.
And who is responsible for internal security? It seems that there are many departments, but the effectiveness of their activities is sometimes low. After the collapse of the USSR, Russia experienced two civil wars in Chechnya. The country on a global scale is still threatened by terrorism, as well as other destructive phenomena that, under certain conditions, can destroy society. Only a very well prepared structure can resist this. It must be assumed that Putin is betting on the National Guard.”
The expert notes: “If the Ministry of Emergency Situations is attached to the National Guard, the number of this structure will almost double. At the same time, it will be possible to save money by reducing the administrative apparatus.” Netkachev recalls that, for example, it is the National Guard that performs the functions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the United States: “But in the conditions of Russia, this takes on a completely different quality.”

Recently, Colonel-General Sergei Melikov, First Deputy Director of the Russian Guard, said that the department is creating Rapid Reaction Forces in each federal district. General Zolotov also spoke about these forces, speaking on October 25 in the Federation Council. “In the next three years, the main efforts of the Russian Guard will be focused on creating groups of troops in the federal districts that are capable of performing the assigned tasks as soon as possible in the event of a sharp aggravation of the situation, both in peacetime and in war time", he said.
A rough estimate shows that if the Ministry of Emergency Situations (290 thousand employees) joins the Russian Guard (with a staff of about 340,000), the number of this power structure will be more than 630,000 people. This is twice as much as the strength of the Ground Forces of the Russian Army.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations is implementing a new development strategy that does not see room for regional centers. They have already begun to cut. The first victim was the Far Eastern center, the disbandment of which was officially announced.
According to the head of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Didenko, more than 300 employees of the Far Eastern Regional Center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in Khabarovsk will be laid off due to its liquidation. Dismissed specialists will be helped with employment or transfer to other structures of the department.
The big news coincided with the release of the Presidential Decree on the dismissal of 13 generals of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. General's meteor shower came as a complete surprise to many. The leaders of not only the Far East, but also the North Caucasian, Volga and Ural regional centers were dismissed from their posts.
Among the dismissed are such iconic figures as, say, General Agafonov, whose textured profile regularly appeared on television, whether it was about the investigation of plane crashes in Egypt or in Sochi. The patriarch of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a brilliant officer with a capital letter, Colonel General Yuri Kovalev, who was in charge of the regions, also retired. And just a few days ago, Lieutenant General Solovyov and Major General Volynkin flew in a helicopter along with the minister to the areas affected by the autumn typhoon Lionrock. And then it seemed that there were no signs of resignations. But now they, as well as the permanent and very charismatic leader of the North Caucasian rescuers, General Lityuk, are on the same list of those fired.
It is difficult even to list in one note all those who have lost their posts. At least, such high-profile resignations at once in the Ministry of Emergency Situations will not be remembered. But in the department, oddly enough, there is no panic. And this is the main thing that follows from what happened. Resignations, changes and reforms were expected. Changes did not happen suddenly or spontaneously.
The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov announced the upcoming disbandment of the two regional centers for the first time from a high rostrum at the end of December last year in St. Petersburg. At the summing up of the work of the Northwestern District, he did not name which of the eight centers would be the first to be reduced, but then the minister said, perhaps, the key phrase that the regional centers showed low efficiency.
The minister was allowed to say so by the results of serious studies that were carried out in the department over the course of two years. It was then that the president of the country set the task of optimizing the work of the ministry and making it even more efficient, defining a development strategy for twenty years ahead.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations approached this task in the following way: first they identified the "weak links". They turned out to be adjacent and administrative divisions. Apparatuses were also bloated. It was decided to reduce them in the first place. By the way, one of the first head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, reduced his apparatus.
Then we determined the general development strategy of the ministry. Vladimir Puchkov spoke about it more than once at numerous meetings both in Moscow and in the regions. It is quite simple and understandable - to develop and strengthen the reacting units at the expense of administrative and hardware.
Who will go to the fire? The general won't go. Supervising inspector, shifting paper clerks - too. So it is necessary to raise the professional level of rescuers, firefighters, psychologists, divers. It is necessary to increase their salaries, provide the maximum social package, and not so that an employee of the department who is on duty for days at the console receives a penny. Approximately so the minister spoke at meetings more than once or twice.
An indicative case occurred the other day in Primorye. Immediately upon arrival in Vladivostok, the minister boarded a helicopter and went to the Khasansky district to open a fire and rescue unit in the village of Balabash. It was built in just a month, but surprisingly well. But Vladimir Puchkov only casually glanced at the walls, and first of all he went into the duty room and asked the young girl operator how much she was getting. The young girl, embarrassed, replied that 17 thousand, of which 6 thousand goes to pay for a rented apartment. It was evident how the minister's face changed. "We need to fix it," he said.
This is where the changes started. While the units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, stationed in the territory Far East, came under the control of the Siberian Regional Center, based in Krasnoyarsk. The next stage of reforming the management structure of the ministry within the framework of the enlargement of the Siberian, Central and Southern regional centers of the EMERCOM of Russia will be completed this year. Dismissed people, as stated in the department, will not be abandoned.
A conversation will be held with each of the leaders and their candidacies will be considered for other positions in the EMERCOM of Russia system. Those who have reached retirement age after all the procedures provided for by law are honorably retired, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported.
But the optimization of the department will not end there. The reform of all regional centers will last another year. The Ministry of Emergency Situations sees the department as equipped with the latest management technology and fire and rescue units in the field with a minimum administrative apparatus.
Plus, the ministry should have mobile units ready to quickly arrive at reinforcements anywhere not only in the country, but throughout the planet. The role of such detachments is already being successfully performed by the centers "Leader" and "Centrospas". Their reform will not affect. So now it's only for regional centers.

Sergei Didenko, head of the Siberian Regional Center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, visited Yekaterinburg. The day before, Didenko met with employees of the URC and members of the Ural Search and Rescue Team.

The meeting was held in the building of the Ural Regional Center at Sheinkman, 84. The event was not public, but its participants talk about it in social networks: firstly, many received a notification about the upcoming staff reduction, and secondly, the meeting made a painfully strong impression on them with the "liquidator".

The conversation began with the fact that the general raised two people from their seats with long hair. “Here you are, shaggy, and here you are! Get up, ”an eyewitness recalls his words. Two forty-year-old men, still not understanding what was happening, got up from their seats. "What's on your head? Is this a feature?" the general asked.

Further, according to the participant of the meeting, the general talked for about 30 minutes on the topic of the inadmissibility of a beard and long hair. One of the main theses, which he repeated several times, was: “No matter how many you saved and how professional you are, no one sees you there. Here you are filmed by cameras. If you are dirty and hairy, you have no place in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.” Eyewitnesses say that the general even asked if the rescuers had lice.

“Against the background of K. Bryullov's painting The Last Day of Pompeii, we were trampled into the mud,” one of the rescuers shared his feelings. - The guys were silent, because the head of the detachment, the honored rescuer, was silent. And General Miroshnichenko was silent.

Ironically, it was precisely these rescuers “with long hair” that the same Miroshnichenko (still the head of the Ural Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) a year ago awarded for an extreme search expedition to the Dyatlov Pass, when they, having overcome more than 300 km in 30-degree frosts along mountain ranges on snowmobiles, delivered to the place of death of the Chelyabinsk tourist, the criminologist of the Investigative Committee.

Today, many employees of the UrPSO do not have confidence that they will continue to work: they, like the employees of the Ural Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, were given notifications of the upcoming reorganization and job cuts the day before. At the beginning of the new year, Sergei Didenko should come to Yekaterinburg again and discuss the continuation of a career personally with each employee. “After the 10th, I will come with a check and fire,” one of the participants in the meeting broadcasts the words of the general.

The press service of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations commented on the incident. “I myself was not at the meeting, it is difficult for me to evaluate, and it would be incorrect to comment on the actions of the leader,” Irina Butenko, head of the press service of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, told URA.Ru. - My personal opinion: since we are people of the state system, which has weight not only in the country, but throughout the world, appearance A person (whether in uniform or not) is important: he must look worthy, in accordance with the status of a representative of the ministry.

Sergey Didenko came to the Ministry of Emergency Situations after serving in the army (1985-1999). Like many senior officials in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Didenko is a tanker. In February - March 1995, he took part in the hostilities in the Chechen Republic. In the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, he held various senior positions, and became the main rescuer of Siberia in October 2015. Didenko became famous all over the country last year, when, against the backdrop of a general delay in payments to firefighters, he asked Minister Puchkov for financial assistance for himself in the amount of 600 thousand rubles "due to the difficult financial situation."

Good day.

I have read the posts above and am confused.

Well, yes, in some criminal cases - old information, there is more than 10 years ago. Maybe I think I forgot or confused something.

I spent time, collected information, double-checked and that's what happened.

Of the defendants: a graduate of the Novosibirsk Political School, military signalmen (2 people), a rocket man, a mechanical engineer (Kiev Automobile and Road Institute).

According to Ganeev V.K. information diverges. According to some sources, a graduate of the Moscow Military Combined Arms Command School, according to others - the Ryazan Airborne Forces School. In fact, one thing is important and for sure: the military. He did not serve in the fire department for a single day in any position. Another interesting point: he, a combat paratrooper general, was handed over by a subordinate, a colonel. A domestic sadist and rogue, a tanker, who also did not work for a single day in the fire department. Here are details about the teeth knocked out by this tanker from his wife, broken ribs, etc.

Well, the figurant on the second link SW. Arzamas ® did not finish anything at all. In 1984, he entered the Kolomna Higher Command Artillery School, but was expelled on July 9, 1987 "due to indiscipline." At the same time, in 1992, he presented to the personnel of the military unit a “purchased” diploma of graduation from higher educational institution- Kostroma Agricultural Academy. This allowed him to receive the primary military rank of lieutenant, and later to serve in officer positions up to the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

And in the beadlo ® post, the same person appears twice (second and sixth links). And at first in one rank, and in the same post separately - already in another. But the same military signalman. Maybe, of course, the author is in love with him... Well, that's his right...

So, the above only confirms what we are talking about both on this forum and in life: random strangers who have nothing to do with the fire department do not even lead it, but push it around and ruin it. They probably just hate her. At best, they are indifferent both to the fate of the organization and its employees. If they knock out the teeth of wives, do you think they care about all of us, our wives, children and all combined?

Another interesting detail. In February 2016, the article "Don't get sick, General" was published. It says that Andrey, the former head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Khakassia, ended up in the Abakan city hospital. According to unconfirmed information, the major general fell from a height. He has a broken occipital bone, a couple of ribs are broken. And now, verbatim: "What is it - an accident or Firsov became a victim of "bad guys" - is known only to a limited circle of people."

Now let's think again. One employee with a diploma from an agricultural institute (as the investigation found out, a fake one) becomes a general and head of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the subject, and other employees with the same agricultural education (only with real diplomas) are fired in batches - non-core education ... Non-core among lawyers, techies, humanitarians. And the profile of tankmen, rocketmen, mines ... kov, etc. Is there a policy of double standards?
