Lowercase letters ь and ъ

Teacher: Magomedova A.A.

Russian language - 1st class.

Topic: "Lower letters ь and ъ".

Objectives: to form in students an idea of ​​​​in which cases a dividing solid sign is written, and in which - dividing soft sign; improve reading skills; develop memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: textbook, pictures, cards, alphabet.

Lesson plan:

1)Organizing time.

2) Updating knowledge.

3) New theme.

4) Physical education.

5) Fixing.

6) The result of the lesson.

During the classes:

1) Organizational moment.

Today we have an unusual lesson, there are guests at it, turn to them, greet them with a nod of your head, smile and sit down.

I wish you success!

And now let's find out about the culprit of today's lesson. I will read a poem, and you guess.

It was sat down, it became - ate

You managed to guess.

Why did it happen?

Who is the culprit? - (b).

Who will name his brother? (b).

2) Actualization of knowledge.

Game: What are we? (I will show the letters, and you will name the words).

A- (neat)

B- (peppy).

B- (funny).

H (healthy).

L- (curious).

U- (smart).


Read the proverb from the board.

"Hardworking like an ant."

When do they say so?

Let's conduct a sound analysis of the word "Ants".

Ant-and [ANTS].

What letters in Russian do not represent sounds?

Why do we need them?

How many letters are in Russian?

How many of them are vowels?

What vowels make two sounds?

Before what vowels do we write b and b?

What groups are consonants divided into?

Read the poem "Tails", page 76.

What is the meaning of the word "tail"?

Write soft and hard characters in the copybook on page - 32.

Card work.

3) New theme.

a) What do these words have in common?

Entrance entrance

Congress departure.

Write the words with ъ and ь signs in the spelling on page-32.

Read the text “Truth is the most expensive” on page - 77. (ABCs).

b) Calligraphic minute.

Not for school, but for life, we learn.

Guys, why do we study?

Why do we need knowledge?

Write the proverb in your workbooks.

c) Work on the tongue twister.

At the hillock of Yegorka,

Burned out, wolf.

4) Physical education.

One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend down, unbend,

Three hands, three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly in place.

5) Fixing.

Vocabulary-visual dictation.

(Announce, go, explain, unite).

6) The result of the lesson.

What did you learn in the lesson?

Did you like the lesson?

What part of the lesson did you like best?

Stand up those who are satisfied with their work.

Learn the poem "Winter" by heart.

("ABC", page - 81).

As the proverb says: “Cause is time, and fun is an hour.”

Our lesson has come to an end.

You are all great today!

Subject: Lowercase letters ь, ъ. Comparison of printed and written letters

Objectives: to teach to write letters b, b, to learn to analyze and write down syllables and words with studied letters, to write off words and insert them into sentences according to the meaning, to use a capital letter when writing proper names, to check for -written; solve puzzles; rhythmically arrange letters on a line

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"Lesson in grade 1 on the topic: "Lower letters b, b. Comparison of printed and written letters""

Subject: Lowercase letters ь, ъ. Comparison of printed and written letters

Objectives: to teach how to write letters b, b, to learn to analyze and write down syllables and words with learned letters, write off words and insert them into sentences according to their meaning, use a capital letter when writing proper names, check what is written; solve puzzles; rhythmically arrange letters on a line

Lesson plan

    Inclusion in learning activities

    Knowledge update

    Setting goals and determining the topic of the lesson

Write on the board:

Sat down - ate Lunch - eaten

Read a couple of words. Tell me how they differ from each other?

Name the letter that changed the meaning of the words in the left column, and formulate the topic of today's lesson.

Physical education for the eyes.

    Work on the topic of the lesson

There is no dining table in our class, but there is a desk. On it lies several envelopes with tasks. Let's complete the tasks, find out what lies in the "colorful box".

Let's open the firstred envelope.

There are different letters here. Who will find among them a firm sign?

Let's open the second orange envelope.

say the word ate, compose its sound scheme.

Let's open the thirdyellowenvelope

Work in copybook (first and second lines)

Let's open the fourthgreen envelope (let's rest)

    Physical education minute

    Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

Let's open the fifth blueenvelope

It has words. Read. (The words are written in notebooks).

Entrance, Announcement, Passage

Tell me, after which letters (vowels or consonants) is there a solid sign?

Which letters are preceded by a solid sign? (e, yo, yu, i)

Read the written words again and say, do consonants and vowels merge when reading or separate if there is a solid sign between them?

If a hard sign separates consonants and vowels, then how can it be called?

Dividing is not only a hard sign, but also a soft one. Read the words

Sparrows, Family, Blizzard, Jam, housing

What letters are separated by a soft sign? - What vowels are preceded by a soft sign?

Is there a difference in the pronunciation of consonants followed by a soft and hard sign

Let's open the sixthblueenvelope Work in writing. Letter of words with ъ.


Let's open the seventhvioletenvelope

Last envelope. Test yourself. If the word is a hard sign, clap your hands once, if it is a soft sign, stomp your foot.

    Summing up the lesson

A solid sign is not a trifle,
Not a trifle and a soft sign,
Even though both
They don't read at all.
A solid sign is harsh, angry -
He separates the letters.

There are no more envelopes on the table. So the lesson is over.

And now let's look into the multi-colored box (the alphabet is in the box)

Municipal treasury educational institution

"Soviet average comprehensive school»

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in grade 1

Theme of the lesson: Letter letter z.

Teacher: Pushilo Evgenia Nikolaevna

Komsomolsky village, 2014

Item:Literacy (writing)

Class:1 class

Study topic:letter b

Didactic purpose

Planned results


Be able to ( Regulatory UUD).

Be able to Communicative UUD).

Be able to . (Cognitive UUD).


- basic

- additional

Lesson type

Lesson of discovering new knowledge (technology of the activity method)

Didactic purpose

To form in the memory of students a clearly differentiated visual-motor image of the written letter ь

Planned results

Personal UUD:

- Ability to self-evaluate based on the criterion of success learning activities.


Be able todetermine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of a teacher; pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson; be able to express their assumptions based on work with copybook material; be able to work according to a collectively drawn up plan; evaluate the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment;make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made; plan your action in accordance with the task ( Regulatory UUD).

Be able to formulate your thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them; learn to work in a group, to formulate their own opinion and position (Communicative UUD).

Be able tonavigate your knowledge system: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher; acquire new knowledge: find answers to questions using the recipe, your life experience and the information received in the lesson. (Cognitive UUD).

Basic concepts

"Lower Letter", "Letter Compounds"


- basic

- additional

N.G. Agarkova, Yu. Agarkov "Azbuka" notebook for writing No. 2.

Presentation for the lesson "Lettering a lowercase letter ь"

Electronic physical minutes:

Space organization

Frontal work, individual work, group work

Technological map of the study of the topic "Letter of the letter b"

Carrying out technology

Teacher activity

Activities of students, the implementation of which will lead to the achievement of planned results

Planned results

I . Motivation for learning activities


Update the requirements for the student in terms of educational activities;

Creation of conditions for the emergence of an internal need for students to be included in educational activities;

Set the type of lesson and thematic framework;

Outline the steps of learning activities.

Organizes the pronunciation of the rules of conduct in the lesson

1 .Say a poem - the rules of conduct in the lesson, explain why you need to follow these rules.

We came here to study

Don't be lazy, but work hard.

We will work diligently

We will listen carefully.

We are sitting in class

We don't make noise, we don't shout

Raise your hand quietly

If asked, we answer.

Jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them (Communicative UUD )

Express your thoughts orallyCommunicative UUD )

II . Updating of basic knowledge


organize the actualization of skills to distinguish sounds, letters.


- organize the forecasting of the expected result;

- arrange for the development of a joint action plan;

Define funds;

Clarify the next step of the learning activity

Let's remember what we learned in the reading lesson. Guess the riddle:

On his head
Branches. Even just two.
They say: Only two horns,
Yes, but there are a lot of shoots.
How does he carry this load,
I'm not going to tell you.
He is not too lazy to wear them,
Because he…

Look at this word written in block letters. Read it. Can you write it, but in cursive letters? Which letter is giving you trouble? What do you think the topic of the writing lesson is?

Open the copybook on page 21 and check our assumption.

What should we learn to do in class to cope with this task?

Why do we need to be able to write this letter?

We studied the letter b, read words with this letter.

slide 1


No, because we do not know how to write a soft sign.

slide 2

The topic of our lesson: the letter of the letter b.

Open the prescription. slide 3

The predicted result of the lesson (plan):

Learn to write the letter y.

Learn to combine the letter ь with other letters (write syllables and words).

Continue learning to write sentences.

Work with tasks Why.

Write text for this chart.

Find the letter and its elements in the ornament.

To write words correctly and beautifully.

Communicative UUD )

To carry out synthesis as a compilation of a whole from parts.(Cognitive


III . Formation of the visual image of the letter " b in the memory of students.

group work

The teacher shows a table of two forms of letters " b »: small print and lowercase writing.

How are the letters similar and how are they different?

Why is there one printed letter and one lowercase letter?

Why is the square bracket that denotes sounds crossed out?

soft sign - tricky sign,

Don't say it at all:

It doesn't pronounce

But the word is often asked.

What elements does it consist of?

Consider the elements of the written letters given in the notebook, and shade the circles next to those elements that correspond to our letter.

Before you are envelopes with elements of letters, find the elements you need and design it on the desk. Check the correctness of the task with your neighbor.

Pattern No. 48, needed to construct this letter. Check the correctness of the task using the "key".(Notebook No. 2, p. 32.)

slide 4

Similar, but the written letter is written at an angle, the elements are smooth.

Because there are no words starting with ь.

This sound is absent, but this letter softens the preceding consonant.

slide 5

From one(Strip in the form of a straight line with a quarter oval.)

Shading one element

Children construct the letter b from the constructor

(work in pairs)

They check the correctness of the task for constructing a letter using the "key". (Notebook No. 2, p. 32.)

Navigate your system of knowledge: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher (Cognitive UUD )

IV . Formation of a visual-motor image of a letter in the memory of students.


form in the memory of students a clearly differentiated visual-motor image of the written letter "b »;

The teacher gives first a full and then a brief explanation of the pattern of the letter " b » on a blackboard with chalk.

We start at the top line. From top to bottom we write a straight line (1). Before reaching the bottom line a little, we write a semi-oval line to the right by touching it (2). We raise the semi-oval line up (3), round it to the left, touching the middle of the line (4), lower it down and “close” the oval on the straight line (5).

Showing and explaining by the teacher on the blackboard the technology of tracing the letter " b » under the account.

Let's see how to write this letter under the count

( Interactive presentation of writing the letter b).

Repeat the letter sequence.

Imitation by students of the letter " b » according to an algorithm based on motor elements that are sequentially connected in a letter (letter in a blue frame).

Let's draw a soft sign

Gently a little.

Like this:

A droplet will soften the letter -

The word is soft.

A. Shibaev

Students perform the exercise in a rhythmic alternation of muscle tension and relaxation, first counting “in the air”, and then counting according to the notebook (p. 21).

slide 6

Circle the letter in the air.

Top to bottom (1), right (2), up (3), left (4), down (5).

Be able todetermine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of a teacher; pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson (Regulatory UUD )

VI. Writing letters, syllables, words and sentences by students in a notebook.

Fizminutka for fingers

To write beautifully to us

You gotta stretch your fingers

1,2,3, 4,5

We will start writing now.

What criteria will we use when writing?




Under the guidance of the teacher, the correct landing is carried out when writing

I won't bend down straight, I'll get to work.

Adopt the correct posture for writing and keep it during the task of one line. (If necessary, the teacher provides individual assistance to students.)

We write the first line, a soft sign and a soft sign with a connection

Let's read the second line. What is written here? What connection is being used?

We emphasize the most beautiful letter, syllable according to all three criteria.

Let's read the third and fourth line of our recipe. Where is the letter y in the word? Types of compounds used in words.

How many syllables are in the words laziness and deer and why?

We write the words according to the model.

Let's get some restMusical physical minute

We continue our work. Read the fifth line, what is written here? How did you guess?

How are words written in a sentence?

Write a sentence according to the model.

Mark on each line the most beautiful word that you got

Perform physical exercises for the teacher.

Slide 7


Children repeat words and take the correct posture when writing and during the lesson try to stick to proper fit

1. Writing by students in a notebookmotor elements, their complexes and the letter "b » according to the algorithm.

Syllables n, r, l. Top connection.

2. An exercise in writingtop connection:n, r, l.

Writing letters on your own, evaluating your work (underline the most beautiful letter, syllable according to all three criteria) .

They read the words spruce, moth, laziness, deer.

At the end of a word. "E" - "l" - lower, "l" - "b" upper.

"M" - "o", "o" - "l" - lower, "l" - "b".

In the word laziness - all the upper ones; in the word deer, only “o” with “l” is lower, the rest are upper.

The word laziness has one syllable, because 1 vowel, in the word deer 2, 2 vowels

3. Writing words with an "ь" sign at the end.

Performing physical minute movements.

They ate a deer. This is an offer. The first word is capitalized, followed by a period.

Words in a sentence are written separately

4. Letter of proposal according to the model.

Get new knowledge: find answers to questions using a textbook, your life experience and information received in the lesson (Cognitive UUD ).

Learn to work in a group, formulate your own opinion and position; jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them

(Communicative UUD).

VII. Completion of a speech and language task.

Organizes the assimilation by students of a new method of action with pronunciation in external speech.

Make a diagram of the proposal that we wrote down.

Read the offer. How many words are in it?

Name the word helper. Where is it located? How do we designate? The second word is ate. Spruce - what question do we ask? Is this word name...?

Deer, question?

Sketch out this proposal yourself in the technological map.

Look at the illustration in your notebook. Who is pictured here?

Where does the deer live?

Analyze the outline of the text. How many offers does it have?

Make up a story according to this scheme in the technological map. The word deer is written in block letters, write off the title of the text in written letters in the technological map.

Perform the task, pronouncing new sentences, make up individual schemes.


At ".) at the beginning of a sentence. gray triangle

What? The word is the name of the object. pink rectangle

Who? The word is the name of the object. pink rectangle


Three and headings.

Slide 8

Copied from the printed.

Express your thoughts orally and in writingCommunicative UUD ).

Be able towith the help of a teacher; pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson (Regulatory UUD


(compilation of models of words -

Cognitive UUD)

VIII. Performing logical tasks with letters.

What letters did Pochemuchka write down?

Compare lettersI - Y

AND » to capital letter «Y ».

Compare lettersb - s . How are they similar? What is the difference?

Redesign the letter "b » into the letter «s.

Compare lettersher . How are they similar? What is the difference?

Redesign the lowercase letter "e » to lowercase «yo ».

Compare lettersHER . How are they similar? What is the difference?

Redesign the capital letter "Yo » to capital letter «E ».

Carry out the task of redesigning.

They are the same, only on top of Y there is a smooth line

They differ in one element, at s - an inclined straight stick with a rounding at the bottom

Identical, e has no dots.

Are the same, E has no dots.

One of the students completes the task on the magnetic board.

Analysis to highlight features (essential, non-essential);

synthesis as a compilation of the whole from parts, replenishing the missing components;

choice of bases and criteria for comparison;

building a logical chain of reasoning (Cognitive UUD)

IX .Performing a pattern - a border

Guess the riddle:

small stature,

A long tail,

gray coat,

Sharp teeth.


Color the mouse in the pattern.

Why did a mouse come running to us today, guys?

Students complete the pattern.

coloring mouse

The letter "b" is hidden in its outline, and when writing this letter, the letter "b" is also used.

Let's summarize. What is the topic of our lesson?Look at the criteria we used when writing




Find three circles in your technological maps, (NAP) for each criterion we will evaluate the following items:

- Letter letter z.

- Writing syllables and words with ь.

Raise your hands those who can't write ь and words with ь at an angle, who else needs to work on this? Draw drooping lips on the smiley face.

And now those who managed to write under an inclination b and words with it? Draw a smile for your emoticon in the first circle.

Raise your hands, those who today found it difficult to write neatly and words with b? Draw drooping lips on the smiley face.

Now raise your hands those who wrote the words with ь and the letter neatly. Feel free to put a smile on the second emoticon.

The last criterion is correct spelling. Who else is not quite able to write the sign and the words with it correctly? Draw a sad smile for the third emoticon.

Well, whoever wrote the words s and s himself correctly, raise your hand and draw a smile.

Guys, tell me, did we manage to write off the word deer from the printed text?Rent technological maps and prescription

slide 9.

Letter b.

Draw lips on a smiley



Regulatory UUD

goal setting (staging learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and assimilated by students).

Planning (determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions).

Forecasting (anticipation of the result of the level of assimilation, its temporal characteristics).

Control (in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard)

Correction (introducing the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the real action and its product).

Grade (selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what is still to be mastered, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation).

X .Introspection and reflection

In this lesson, students get an idea of ​​when a separating hard sign is written, and in which separating soft sign, the skills of reading and writing words with these letters are formed.



Literacy lesson (writing) - Grade 1

Subject: Lowercase letters ъ and ь (separator)

The purpose of the lesson: to form an idea of ​​in which cases we write a separating hard sign, and in which separating soft sign, to form the skills of reading and writing words with these letters.

Plan. results:


Analyze the written letter, choose the most successful option, designate it symbol(dot), focus on the best option in the process of writing. Outline border patterns, copy them yourself in accordance with the sample.


Understand the learning objective of the lesson. To carry out the solution of the educational problem under the guidance of the teacher.


Show interest in acquiring and expanding knowledge and methods of action, a creative approach to completing tasks.

Equipment: cards with words, individual cards with writing samples, texts for working in pairs.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment

II. Self-determination to activity.

Look and determine what happened to the words? (The words are written on the blackboard)

blizzard, seed, friends,

explain, get up, drove

Guys, you probably already guessed what we will talk about in the lesson.

Who can name the topic of the lesson?

And who can formulate the purpose of our lesson?

(Spelling of words with separators ъ and ь signs)

III. Calligraphy

Open your workbooks, write down the number.

So, we will match b and b delimiters (sample writing on cards).
- Write a line with the letters b and b. When completing tasks, watch the height of the letters, the distance between the letters. Underline the letters that most closely resemble the pattern.

Look at the letter combinations that are written on the board:

drink, ro, ve, ze, pi, vy, lie, du

Can all of them be found in the words of the Russian language?(ro, pi)

Explain your choice. (Marked letter combinations are erased)

Write down the rest of the letters.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. The game "Replace with one word."

(The teacher reads, the students look for the word in the card and write it down in a notebook in 2 columns: with b and b signs)

The capacity of something (volume)

Mom has two sons. They are to each other..? (brothers)

Upward movement (rise)

Bifurcation railway track(departure)

Women's one-piece clothing (dress)

Pointed sticks (stakes)

The place where people live (housing)

Food intake (ate)


2. The game "Find words": children move around the class and look for cards with words in which the separating b or b is written. In place of ъ or ь in words, a gap. Children, having found a word, should confer in a group and jointly decide which sign is needed in the word. The team with the most words wins.

1 group - with a dividing b, 2 group - with a dividing b

Words for the game: gun, spear, flakes, sew, bindweed, shooting, object, hugs, underwear, barrier, serious, edible, go around, entrance, connector, cringed.

2.-Guess the riddle:

Runners on a walk
same length
Through the meadow they run to the birch,
Pull two strips.

Together with a friend

Went on skis eat,

And then they went down the mountain

Once we went and went,

About b all the stumps went

They arrived at the river.

And they drove from the river,

Back to the hill below b went,

Climbing under again eat,

To with b go down then.

Name the words with a separating ъ that you heard in the poem.

V. Consolidation of what has been learned about dividing signs b and b at the text level.

Work in pairs.

Let's try to compose a text using words with separators ъ and ь. You will work in pairs. (task on the card.)

Ski competition.

Teacher …… children about skiing competitions. ….. read the rules to the participants. Ahead of them was waiting for a steep ...... Having overcome it, the skiers one after another ... .. from the mountain. Soon all the children ...... to the finish line.

Words for reference: moved out, announced, rise, judge, drove up.

(additional task: which word is superfluous and why.)

Check: one student from a pair reads the resulting text, the teacher evaluates the literacy of the work.

V. Summary of the lesson.

VI. Reflection

Work on cards, independently form a form plural and underline in the words b.

Friend - ……….

Sparrow - ……….

Evaluate your work in class.
