
Aries is one of the most truthful signs of the zodiac. They would rather go to conflict than lie, dodge and weave intrigues. Aries lie only as a last resort, but they are exposed almost immediately.

Taurus are skilled liars. Hiding a small one, they are able to come up with a real parallel world, and even believe in it. Taurus men very often lead a double life, cheating on their wives and mistresses.

Gemini is a two-faced zodiac sign. They often play with people's feelings, manipulate. In this they are helped by the natural gift of persuasion and the ability to build an impeccable logical chain. Gemini is difficult to figure out - they have honed the talent to deceive since childhood.

Cancers are a zodiac sign that doesn't like to lie. However, in some situations, these modest people prefer not to say, to avoid answering. Lies of Cancer are easily guessed by other people - they blush, are embarrassed and stutter.

Lions lie very plausibly and eloquently, and if they are not too carried away, they are almost always believed. A representative of this zodiac sign caught in a lie translates everything said into a joke. For the sake of personal gain, Lions almost never lie, for them it is more of an entertainment.

Virgos are not lovers of embellishing reality. If the representative of this sign is lying, then he sees the need for this. Spontaneous Dev is easily exposed, but if they prepare and think through everything, it is difficult to catch them.

Libras are professional liars and schemers. They lie on a large scale, but only to strangers - relatives can easily catch them in a lie. Thanks to the ability to manipulate and bluff, Libras make excellent lawyers, diplomats and swindlers.

Scorpio is not a fan of deception, but to achieve a significant goal, he will not disdain this method. Representatives of this sign have excellent imagination and a natural gift for manipulation. If you don't believe a Scorpio, he will do anything to prove you wrong.

Sagittarius is more of an inventor than a deceiver. This sign of the zodiac hates gray everyday life, so it tends to exaggerate and embellish, coming up with the most amazing stories. Lies of Sagittarians are most often harmless, and they are not afraid of revelations and translate everything into a game.

Capricorns most often lie because of secrecy. They do not like to open their souls and talk about their plans. Therefore, to sensitive questions, Capricorn begins to invent non-existent facts of the biography. With a low level of spiritual development, representatives of this zodiac sign tend to weave intrigues for the sake of profit.

Aquarius is an intellectual liar. The representative of this sign thinks through his words, like a chess player moves. Therefore, it is very difficult to catch him in a lie. But if Aquarius swears that he is telling the truth, his words should be trusted.

Pisces are dreamers and lovers of illusions. They are able to compose a whole fantastic story and pile up so many details that the victim is sure to believe. But once Pisces make the slightest mistake, all their lies collapse like a house of cards.

How Aries lie

Aries lie "for salvation." But mostly to save yourself, your loved one. If they don’t want to do something for someone, they come up with a thousand excuses, play out the circumstances in their faces that don’t allow them to drop everything right now and fulfill someone’s request.

But at the same time they swear that they will definitely help as soon as the time appears. And they lie again. It seems to them that at some point the petitioner will realize that he is knocking on a closed door, and will fall behind. Often this happens. It’s only after some time that Aries begin to be refused, even if before that the person treated the representative of this sign with sincere sympathy. Moreover, it is not so difficult to convict Aries of a lie - it is enough just to analyze their “excuses” - as a rule, there is little logical in them.

How Cancers Lie

Cancers hate lies. And if they resort to it, it is only in those cases when it is impossible to tell the truth. For example, they might tell the child that “the dog has found a new owner” if the dog has died, or that “dad has gone on a long business trip” if the father has left the family.

So Cancers protect loved ones from experiences. To lie for your own benefit - for Cancers below dignity. They even try not to embellish life stories, believing that the truth is in any case more interesting than fiction. And sometimes the lack of flexibility becomes a problem for Cancers in communicating with others, since, not having the habit of lying, representatives of this sign require this from other, less truthful signs. Understanding when Cancer is lying is as easy as shelling pears, just look closely into his eyes - he will shrink, blush, and it will become clear that he is ashamed of his deceit. But, as a rule, you will not wait for an apology from Cancer. As already mentioned, he lies only for some very serious reason, and, accordingly, he believes that he is doing it for a high purpose.

How Libra Lies

Scales lie and scold themselves, although they mostly lie to themselves. And often their lies are an attempt to find peace of mind. They may try to convince themselves that everything is fine with them, even if problems are literally bursting at the door and windows.

The "ostrich technique" often plays cruel jokes with Libra, as it turns out that the floor is concrete. With their lies, Libra harms only themselves. In relations with friends and relatives, that is, with those who know them “as flaky”, the representatives of this sign are straightforward to the extreme, it is difficult for them to deceive, because, having made sure in childhood that “everything is written on their face”, and having received "on the horns" for lying, Libra no longer experiments.

However, they are excellent at weaving intrigues if it is necessary for the cause. Not without reason excellent diplomats and lawyers come out of Libra. That is, everyday lies are not their forte. But the global deception on state level- quite in the spirit of the representatives of this sign. But even here they are not so much deceiving as they are cunning, cunning and keep back.

How Capricorns Lie

Capricorns resort to lies when they need to get ahead and when they need to throw dust in the eyes of others. Representatives of this sign are so vain that for them a lie is a way to convince their acquaintances of their material well-being and high status.

Moreover, Capricorns themselves sincerely believe in what they tell. They exist, as it were, in two worlds at once - the real and the imaginary, in which they are even more successful, richer, more significant, which means they are completely satisfied with life. Capricorns can also lie in order to woo a woman. In this case, Capricorn "spreads its tail" and promises its chosen one "mountains of gold", which, however, is often forgotten as soon as the goal is achieved.

Exposing Capricorn is not difficult - just know his true position in society and listen carefully to his stories, watching his face - as soon as he starts to lie, his voice becomes excited, his eyes light up, and the tips of his ears become crimson. Although he is not ashamed in the slightest.

How Taurus Lies

For Taurus, lying is an art. They weave a web of lies to impress others, to make themselves seem more important, or to evoke sympathy.

Often, representatives of this sign resort to lies in order not to lend money, although before that they could enthusiastically talk about the fact that they had just been paid a bonus, or how they “squandered” a couple of dollars in a casino or on a collectible bag. Another reason for lying is relationships with the opposite sex. To avoid unpleasant and unnecessary questions, Taurus men “on a blue eye” will swear by phone that they are sitting at a meeting, and they will not even be embarrassed by the fact that music is rattling in the receiver and female laughter is heard.

The most amazing thing is that Taurus gets away with everything - someone is so fascinated by these charms that they are ready to swallow any lie just to be with them, and someone has not taken them seriously for a long time, treating the representatives of this sign as unreasonable babies , on which it is a sin to be angry.

How Lions Lie

Lions lie "royally". It is important for them to save face, so the web of lies they weave often becomes part of their lives. It is not easy to expose Leo - he remembers all the details of his lies, does not pierce on trifles, so those around him are forced to believe him.
For Leo, a lie is a costume that he puts on in order to hide the truth from someone, or in order to amuse others.

Possessing an extraordinary talent for storytelling, Leo turns any of his stories into a flowery action, and in order for reality not to interfere with the beauty of the story, Leo colors it with fictitious details, and not with the aim of deceiving, but in order to show how much he has , Leo, life is interesting and exciting. But Leo does not try to extract material benefits from his own lies - he is too proud and scrupulous, it is easier for him to go and earn money than to achieve enrichment by deceit.

How Scorpions Lie

For Scorpios, lying is a way to support the image that they create for others. If they position themselves as the most miserable person in the world, then you have to hear horror stories about car accidents and natural disasters, and even Scorpio relatives are “buried” simply by crowds, and all just to be pitied.

If Scorpio wants to appear as a great guru and mystic, he comes up with incredible stories about alien invasions, ghosts and gaining enlightenment after a brick falls on his head from the 25th floor. But most often, Scorpios resort to lies in order to achieve enrichment, or in order to make it easier to manipulate others. A rich imagination and lack of any principles make Scorpios elusive to expose a pile of lies.

If suddenly, for some reason, they do not believe them, they will go to any lengths to prove that everything they say is true. And if this requires crashing a car or submitting a report from ufologists about the presence of a disguised UFO in a neighboring area, then Scorpions will do it - everything else they are also very proud.

How Aquarians Lie

Aquarians don't lie, they just don't tell the whole truth. And this is not due to malicious intent, but from innate secrecy.

Having a habit of relying only on themselves in everything, they often believe that their life is interesting only to themselves, and it is not worth telling others anything so as not to give them weapons against themselves, their beloved. If Aquarius goes to a conscious lie, it means that he was baked or he does not trust the person at all. Most often, representatives of this sign resort to lies to be left alone.

For example, they may pretend to be ill in order to avoid going to work or keeping burdensome promises. However, later they more than compensate for this, when the attack of misanthropy passes. But Aquarius themselves do not tolerate lies - as soon as they catch that they have been lied to, they close up and stop communicating with this person. Moreover, it is difficult to deceive the representatives of this sign - they have too well developed intuition.

How Gemini Lies

Gemini don't lie, they play. At least that's how they explain their craving for lies to themselves. Sometimes they use this to convince others that they are right, and sometimes they use it to extract material benefits from the situation.

Representatives of this sign, without a twinge of conscience, can pass off a low-quality product as an elite thing or force another person to pay their expenses with their lies. Gemini lies masterfully, citing arguments and “facts”, and they learn this even in early childhood- Fearing punishment for misconduct, the little Gemini compose whole stories, from which it follows that they are certainly not to blame for anything. It is difficult to catch a Gemini in a lie - they know their role too well to make an unfortunate mistake and give you the opportunity to suspect them of deceit. Therefore, when communicating with Gemini, learn to divide everything they say into 48 and 4.

How Virgo Lies

Virgos lie often, but ineptly. They are so clumsy that even a very impenetrable person understands that he is being deceived.
Virgos go astray, begin to stutter, blush, and as a result, they do not achieve what they want, but only set others around them against themselves. Moreover, Virgo men lie more often than representatives of this sign - women usually simply don’t need it, they act by other methods, and even an innate sense of disgust works - for them to defile themselves with a lie is often the same as wallowing in the mud.

But men resort to lies even when they are not required to explain or justify. So, for example, to the question: “Where are you now?” from the men of this sign you can hear the paradoxical: "I'm in a traffic jam." Yeah. At three in the morning, in a residential area. And the most interesting thing is that Virgo men are sincerely perplexed and offended when they are not believed.

How Sagittarians Lie

Sagittarians lie with inspiration, but stupidly, and often for no reason and on trifles. Their lies irritate others, as they are sewn with white threads.
By the nature of their character, Sagittarians simply chronically cannot imagine that someone other than them will be right, so they compose non-existent details on the go, and then, when there is no need to lie or someone tries to convict them of juggling facts, they easily retract their words, claiming that they never said anything like that.

Their lies are empty and momentary, as Sagittarians are not inclined to long-term intrigues. For them, the main thing is to insist on their own here and now. Often this becomes the reason that Sagittarius is no longer trusted and perceived as a boy who shouted: "Wolves, wolves." And Sagittarius, like Leo, like to exaggerate: they embellish everything - their merits, the danger that threatened them in some situation, their attractiveness and significance.

How Pisces Lie

Pisces don't lie, they fantasize. Creating yourself inner world, in which "everything is different", Pisces try to convince others of the reality of this world.

Pisces women often come up with non-existent admirers, endow them with the traits of someone they would like to see next to them, and tell their friends about the gentleman. And they do it very convincingly, because they play whole performances, for example, on the topic: “How we spent the weekend” or “How my young man passed on the rights.” And Pisces cannot be strictly judged for their lies - in this way they are trying to reconcile themselves with reality and prove that they have "everything like people, and maybe even better." Not to mention the fact that Pisces women are not capable of global and harmful lies - they disdain it.

Pisces men are natural storytellers, they lie out of love for art and in order not to lose what they have. And you believe them - they do not have such sincere eyes even when they speak the true truth. By the way, like Aquarius, Pisces are excellent lie detectors - it is, as it were, material for them. Sometimes it seems that a person trying to deceive a representative of this sign is surrounded by some kind of dense substance that Pisces “reads”.

How the signs of the zodiac lie

How the signs of the zodiac lie

Aries cheating is an exception to the rule

Aries are the most honest people among all the signs of the zodiac. Moreover, they are used to being frank and unsophisticated, so it is difficult for them to hide anything. Aries is ready to conflict and defend his point of view, and not to weave intrigues. Representatives of this zodiac sign can achieve their deceit only in exceptional cases, for example, to avoid an unpleasant situation. The actor from Aries is very mediocre, his lies are immediately felt, he can compose plausible fables only under the influence of Mercury, located in Taurus or Pisces.

Taurus cheating: just for love or money

Taurus not only skillfully lie, but also hone this art with pleasure. If they do not deceive, then usually they still keep back and do not reveal the whole truth. Often Taurus is forced to lie by the inability to say “no”, then he will evade or remain silent. If he is forced to give a positive answer, later he will have many reasons not to fulfill this promise. Representatives of this zodiac sign often hone their ability to mislead others and deceive when solving financial issues. Also, Taurus men do not mind leading a double life, having a wife and a mistress.

The Gemini Deception - Plausible Fables

It is easy for Gemini to take over the minds of those who cannot resist logical and emotional speeches. Representatives of this zodiac sign tend to think through their lies carefully, and it will be quite difficult to figure them out ahead of time. They speak very convincingly, their words are weighed, their arguments are consistently built, and Gemini looks quite confident at the same time. Men of this sign also prefer to have a mistress in addition to their legal spouse. If you ask them directly about this, you will hear unctuous assurances that you are their only passion.

Deception Cancers: lies only to salvation

Cancers try not to lie, but for the sake of good intentions or because of innate modesty, they may not tell. If you touched on an inappropriate topic when communicating with a representative of this sign, he will try to avoid answering in order to hide what he does not want to tell you. Cancer that is cornered will resort to lies to avoid sharing important information. At the same time, you will see how he blushes, is embarrassed, stutters, but still deliberately does not say a word of truth. The only thing about which Cancer allows his conscience to lie is financial success.

Leo's deception - fiction on the verge of reality

Lions know how to lie very believably, but they tend to get carried away and go beyond all conceivable limits of reality. Describing their merits and merits, representatives of this zodiac sign will definitely use all their eloquence and will not be ashamed to juggle the facts or talk about what, in principle, cannot be. Convicted of lying, Leo will immediately turn the conversation into a joking form and pretend that everything was intended that way.

Deception of the Virgin - highly artistic fiction

Virgos are not inclined to embellish reality, but if necessary, they can easily cope with this task. Representatives of this zodiac sign are difficult to catch in a lie, because their deception is always carefully thought out, in addition, they will assure you of their sincerity to the last. Virgos begin to invent fables about themselves when communicating with unfamiliar people, because they really want to look good in the eyes of others. They are able to blackmail relatives and manipulate loved ones, so long as they do not publicly reveal their lies. Virgo lies often have no practical meaning, they do not try to cash in on someone or lure out money, they just want to describe their life more beautifully than it really is. Representatives of this zodiac sign tend to exaggerate and play other people's roles. Especially vividly they manage to talk about what was not, under the influence of Mercury.

Libra deception is a professional lie

Scales know how to weave intrigues and intrigue their enemies. To achieve their goal, they are ready to use the skills of manipulation, cunning and dodging to the last. By catching them in a lie, you will not stop their game, but only change the scenario. Libra can not be called hardworking; in order to dump their responsibilities on their neighbor, they can imitate illness, employment or depression in order to put pressure on sting. They also often have to lie to hide their love affairs. Libra thinks through deception in roles, they make excellent chess players, swindlers, lawyers and diplomats.

Deception of Scorpio: if you sting, then for the sake of big profit

Scorpios do not love deception, for them this is not the most desirable means to achieve positive results, but they will not disdain lies to achieve their goal. Representatives of this zodiac sign are distinguished by the ability to easily manipulate people, they understand the aspirations and desires of others, therefore they can use them in selfish purposes. Everyday lies for the sake of self-affirmation are not for them, Scorpio is able to weave intrigues in order to destroy his victim or hit a big jackpot, in other cases he prefers not to waste his strength.

Sagittarius deception - systematic and inept fabrications

Sagittarians love to embellish reality; gray everyday life is unbearable for them. It doesn’t matter if they talk about themselves or other people, they at least always exaggerate, and, if possible, they also add something “of themselves”. Sagittarius himself is not averse to understanding where the truth is and where the fiction is, but in his mind fascinating stories are created almost independently, he only manages to tell them to everyone he meets. In fact, the lies of the representatives of this zodiac sign are harmless, they are simple-minded and simple-hearted, but they cannot resist writing another tale. Outright lies immediately come out, but this does not depress Sagittarius too much, for them such stories are just fun.

Capricorn's deception - hidden and treacherous

Capricorns do not feel like lying all the time, but for them, lying is an absolutely common occurrence. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not like to talk about their plans, thoughts and deeds, for them there is nothing better than to avoid talking in any way or not to speak a word of truth in response. Knowing nothing really about their life, those around them begin to think out the missing chapters of their biography. Capricorns rarely deliberately misinform, most often they simply do not dispel the speculations of the curious, but do not confirm them either. When communicating with unfamiliar people, they are not inclined to be frank, and questions about personal life or financial affairs will be met with indignation and, possibly, rudeness. If Capricorn has a low level of spiritual development, then he is also able to weave intrigues and implement cunning plans for the sake of gain.

Aries is one of the most honest and outspoken signs of the zodiac. Aries is fearless and unsophisticated, therefore he is not afraid to tell the truth in person, he is always ready for an open conflict in order to prove his case, and he can resort to deception in an exceptional case. For example, when he wants to get something he wants or in order to the best way to avoid an unpleasant situation for him. And Aries is unlikely to compose fables just like that.

Taurus are big fans of casting a shadow on the wattle fence. There is a lot of unsaid and indefinite in their speeches. Tauruses are sensual and soft natures, and it is often embarrassing for them to directly answer “no”. In this case, Taurus will resort to silence or understatement in a conversation, and later, in the real state of things, you will find a clear deception or cunning of Taurus. They are also excellent financial manipulators, so you will never know the truth about the real state of their bank account. The Taurus man often lies when he has a love affair with several women. It is hard for him to directly refuse a bored mistress, therefore, without ending the old relationship, he enters into new ones, gets out and avoids open questions “on the forehead”.


Gemini are masters of double play, intellectual deceit and oratorical seduction. If Gemini needs to get what he wants, sell his product or hide his actions, then the tricks will be carefully thought out, and the speech is built convincingly and firmly. After the arguments, evidence and justifications given, you are unlikely to convict Gemini of deception or juggling of facts. Gemini men, no less than Taurus men, love the “double game” in relationships, only at the same time they are more open and talkative. The twin will not evade a direct answer, but will honestly and honestly convince his “victim” of fidelity and sincere dedication.

Cancers don't lie, they just don't tell the whole truth. And this is not due to malicious intent, but from innate secrecy. Cancer will remain silent, deny or simply leave the topic of conversation, he can also lie "to save". To bring Cancer to clean water, you just need to look him straight in the eyes, he will blush or be embarrassed, and it will be difficult for him to hide the truth. The only trick that Cancer can afford without a twinge of conscience is what concerns his money and his, “Cancerous”, financial well-being.

Lions lie very believably. You won’t even guess that this is a lie, everything looks easy, honest and serious. A lion can talk so ironically that everything will look very realistic. Or maybe it’s ironic to tell about what really happened, but it will sound like a lie. Such a “joking truth” often prevents the interlocutor from taking Leo seriously.

Representatives of the Virgo sign are not distinguished by their love for embellishing reality, and it is not so easy to convict the Virgin of deceit. Having thoroughly argued all the nuances of the situation, Virgos will prove that they are right, and that this is exactly what happened, because they cannot deceive. In society, Virgos prefer to look better than they are, especially in front of unfamiliar people. Virgo can successfully take advantage of the situations of others, skillfully beating the circumstances in her favor, then try to prove where the deception and cunning intrigue were - there are no ends to be found! For example, he will watch some series, and then he will tell a story with a beautiful plot, posing as a case from life. It turns out a kind of lie-fiction, fantasy, or the transfer of other people's situations to your life. To some extent, Virgo's play will be similar to the sign of Leo or Libra.

Scales are subtle masters of cunning, cunning and intrigue. Lovers of comfort and convenience everywhere and everywhere, they will create or beat the situation in such a way that anyone will work or “rake” the problem, but not Libra themselves. Libra is very similar in its cunning to Gemini, only there will be more understatement, and lies deeper. In order to evade a direct answer or hide the true state of things, the representative of the sign of Libra will arrange the situation so subtly that only an experienced chess player can trace the logic of deception. No wonder many Libras become excellent diplomats and lawyers.


Scorpios are skilled manipulators and provocateurs. Moreover, they do this with a subtle knowledge of the case and the psychology of the victim, as they have a deep understanding of the human psyche, vices, secret desires and the inner world of a person. They are not interested in everyday lies. And if representatives of other zodiac signs can lie for their own protection, gain or concealment of facts, then Scorpio can simply destroy the victim with his intrigue, especially if Scorpio is driven by a thirst for revenge.

Sagittarians are fans of magnificent bravado, they love to talk about their adventures, where they certainly act as victorious heroes. You are unlikely to find the line between truth and fiction, and Sagittarius himself will hardly make out exactly where he embellished events. In intrigues, especially those related to career, social or financial achievement, Sagittarius love to act with proxy, skillfully deceiving the right people. Despite the fact that their lies will be woven with white threads, they will lie openly and brazenly, hoping for the short-sightedness and gullibility of the people around them.

Capricorns are less prone to lies than other signs. However, they are quite secretive, often silent about the true state of things and do not like to talk about their true desires and intentions. Therefore, others can easily be deceived in relation to Capricorns due to low awareness of their life. Capricorns are closed in matters of money, earnings and their financial situation, which mislead relatives or partners regarding their financial situation. In a team or when communicating with unfamiliar people, Capricorn will certainly overestimate his social, professional or intellectual status. And God forbid, try to expose him openly: You may encounter a wave of harshness or rudeness.

When Aquarius invents tall tales, he has very honest eyes. Therefore, if Aquarius looks into the eyes during the story, adding: “I swear!” or “I swear!”, which means he’s definitely lying! And he loves to tell what was not, embellishing the script in a way that will be beneficial to him. Aquarius loves intellectual lies. He, like an experienced chess player, will think several steps ahead in order to beat and fool the opponent. He will disguise the truth, dress a lie in the guise of truth, and the interlocutor needs to think carefully in order to understand where is the truth and where is fiction.

Representatives of the Pisces sign are the greatest masters of intrigue. They create an illusion, they can live in it themselves, and they can cover anyone with the warm veil of their fairy tale. It's good for them, and maybe for you. It will be good until this built-up illusion collapses like a house of cards. A fish-husband, having gone to the store for bread, can return in a day, explaining this simply: “I was going to the store, suddenly there was an accident with a minibus. Rushed to help, pulled people out. Grandmother was alone unconscious, could not leave her, went with her to the hospital and spent a day at her bed until relatives were found. Fortunately, if the pink veil of illusion does not leave the walls of the house, it becomes much more dangerous when Pisces begins to weave intrigues in the work team. In this case, it is unlikely that anyone will outplay them, because they are the greatest masters of intrigue. It is no coincidence that representatives of the Pisces sign, like Libra, are excellent diplomats and lawyers.

It is easy and pleasant to speak the truth. So we were inspired from childhood, so it is written in eternal books.

But we almost all sin with lies.Some more, some less, some for profit, some just for the sake of lying.

Some of us embellish reality, some try to avoid unpleasant retribution for our actions, mistakes and blunders.

Moreover, often a lie enters a person’s life so much that he lies to himself out of habit, breaks his promises to himself, invents events that never happened, suspects others of the same thing, and suffers from distrust of himself and others. And all this is also embedded in us by the stars.

That's how and why the representatives of certain signs of the Zodiac lie, as well as how to expose a lie, we'll talk today.

How to recognize an Aries lie

Aries lie "for salvation." But mostly to save yourself, your loved one. If they don’t want to do something for someone, they come up with a thousand excuses, play out the circumstances in their faces that don’t allow them to drop everything right now and fulfill someone’s request.

They swear that they will definitely help as soon as there is time. And they lie again. It seems to them that at some point the petitioner will realize that he is knocking on a closed door, and will fall behind. Often this happens. It’s only after some time that Aries begin to be refused, even if before that the person treated the representative of this sign with sincere sympathy. Moreover, it is not so difficult to convict Aries of a lie - it is enough just to analyze their “excuses” - as a rule, there is little logical in them.

How to spot a Taurus lie

For Taurus, lying is an art. They weave a web of lies to impress others, to make themselves seem more important, or to evoke sympathy.

Often, representatives of this sign resort to lies in order not to lend money, although before that they could enthusiastically talk about the fact that they had just been paid a bonus, or how they “squandered” a couple of dollars in a casino or on a collectible bag. Another reason for lying is relationships with the opposite sex. To avoid unpleasant and unnecessary questions, Taurus men “on a blue eye” will swear by phone that they are sitting at a meeting, and they will not even be embarrassed by the fact that music is rattling in the receiver and female laughter is heard. The most amazing thing is that Taurus gets away with everything - someone is so fascinated by these charms that they are ready to swallow any lie just to be with them, and someone has not taken them seriously for a long time, treating the representatives of this sign as unreasonable babies , on which it is a sin to be angry.

How to spot a Gemini lie

Gemini don't lie, they play. At least that's how they explain their craving for lies to themselves. Sometimes they use this to convince others that they are right, and sometimes they use it to extract material benefits from the situation.

Representatives of this sign, without a twinge of conscience, can pass off a low-quality product as an elite thing or force another person to pay their expenses with their lies. The Gemini lie masterfully, citing arguments and “facts”, and they learn this even in early childhood - fearing punishment for misconduct, the little Gemini compose whole stories, from which it follows that they are definitely not to blame for anything. It is difficult to catch the Gemini in a lie - they know their role too well to make an unfortunate mistake and give you the opportunity to suspect them of deceit. Therefore, when communicating with Gemini, learn to divide everything they say into 48 and 4.

How to recognize a Cancer lie

Cancers hate lies. And if they resort to it, it is only in those cases when it is impossible to tell the truth. For example, they might tell the child that “the dog has found a new owner” if the dog has died, or that “dad has gone on a long business trip” if the father has left the family.

So Cancers protect loved ones from experiences. To lie for your own benefit is below your own dignity for Cancers. They even try not to embellish life stories, believing that the truth is in any case more interesting than fiction. And sometimes the lack of flexibility becomes a problem for Cancers in communicating with others, since, not having the habit of lying, representatives of this sign require this from other, less truthful signs. To understand when Cancer is lying is as easy as shelling pears, just look closely into his eyes - he will shrink, blush, and it will become clear that he is ashamed of his deceit. But, as a rule, you will not wait for an apology from Cancer. As already mentioned, he lies only for some very serious reason, and, accordingly, he believes that he is doing it for a high purpose.

How to Recognize Leo's Lies

Lions lie "royally". It is important for them to save face, so the web of lies they weave often becomes part of their lives. It is not easy to expose Leo - he remembers all the details of his lies, does not pierce on trifles, so those around him are forced to believe him.

For Leo, a lie is a costume that he puts on in order to hide the truth from someone, or in order to amuse others. Possessing an extraordinary talent for storytelling, Leo turns any of his stories into a flowery action, and in order for reality not to interfere with the beauty of the story, Leo colors it with fictitious details, and not with the aim of deceiving, but in order to show how much he has , Leo, life is interesting and exciting. But Leo does not try to extract material benefits from his own lies - he is too proud and scrupulous, it is easier for him to go and earn money than to achieve enrichment by deceit.

How to recognize a Virgo's lies

Virgos lie often, but ineptly. They are so clumsy that even a very impenetrable person understands that he is being deceived.

Virgos go astray, begin to stutter, blush, and as a result, they do not achieve what they want, but only set others around them against themselves. Moreover, Virgo men lie more often than representatives of this sign - women usually simply don’t need it, they act by other methods, and even an innate sense of disgust works - for them to defile themselves with a lie is often the same as wallowing in the mud. But men resort to lies even when they are not required to explain or justify. So, for example, to the question: “Where are you now?” from the men of this sign you can hear the paradoxical: "I'm in a traffic jam." Yeah. At three in the morning, in a residential area. And the most interesting thing is that Virgo men are sincerely perplexed and offended when they are not believed.

How to recognize Libra's lies

Scales lie and scold themselves, although they mostly lie to themselves. And often their lies are an attempt to find peace of mind. They may try to convince themselves that everything is fine with them, even if problems are literally bursting at the door and windows.

The "ostrich technique" often plays cruel jokes with Libra, as it turns out that the floor is concrete. With their lies, Libra harms only themselves. In relations with friends and relatives, that is, with those who know them “as flaky”, the representatives of this sign are straightforward to the extreme, it is difficult for them to deceive, because, having made sure in childhood that “everything is written on their face”, and having received "on the horns" for lying, Libra no longer experiments. However, they are excellent at weaving intrigues if it is necessary for the cause. Not without reason excellent diplomats and lawyers come out of Libra. That is, everyday lies are not their forte. But the global deception at the state level is quite in the spirit of the representatives of this sign. But even here they are not so much deceiving as they are cunning, cunning and keep back.

How to Recognize a Scorpio Lie

For Scorpios, lying is a way to support the image that they create for others. If they position themselves as the most unfortunate person in the world, then you will hear terrible stories about car accidents and natural disasters, and even Scorpio relatives are “buried” simply in droves, and all just to be pitied.

If Scorpio wants to appear as a great guru and mystic, he comes up with incredible stories about alien invasions, ghosts and gaining enlightenment after a brick falls on his head from the 25th floor. But most often, Scorpios resort to lies in order to achieve enrichment, or in order to make it easier to manipulate others. A rich imagination and lack of any principles make Scorpios elusive to expose a pile of lies. If suddenly, for some reason, they are not believed, they will go to any lengths to prove that everything they say is true. And if this requires crashing a car or submitting a report from ufologists about the presence of a disguised UFO in a neighboring area, then the Scorpions will do it - everything else they are also very proud of.

How to spot a Sagittarius lie

Sagittarians lie with inspiration, but stupidly, and often for no reason and on trifles. Their lies irritate others, as they are sewn with white threads.

By the nature of their character, Sagittarians simply chronically cannot imagine that someone other than them will be right, so they compose non-existent details on the go, and then, when there is no need to lie or someone tries to convict them of juggling facts, they easily retract their words, claiming that they never said anything like that. Their lies are empty and momentary, as Sagittarians are not inclined to long-term intrigues. For them, the main thing is to insist on their own here and now. Often this becomes the reason that Sagittarius is no longer trusted and perceived as a boy who shouted: "Wolves, wolves." And Sagittarius, like Leo, like to exaggerate: they embellish everything - their merits, the danger that threatened them in some situation, their attractiveness and significance.

How to spot a Capricorn lie

Capricorns resort to lies when they need to get ahead and when they need to throw dust in the eyes of others. Representatives of this sign are so vain that for them a lie is a way to convince their acquaintances of their material well-being and high status.

Moreover, Capricorns themselves sincerely believe in what they tell. They exist, as it were, in two worlds at once - the real and the imaginary, in which they are even more successful, richer, more significant, which means they are completely satisfied with life. Capricorns can also lie in order to woo a woman. In this case, Capricorn "spreads its tail" and promises its chosen one "mountains of gold", which, however, is often forgotten as soon as the goal is achieved. Exposing Capricorn is not difficult - just know his true position in society and listen carefully to his stories, watching his face - as soon as he starts to lie, his voice becomes excited, his eyes light up, and the tips of his ears become crimson. Although he is not ashamed in the slightest.

How to Recognize Aquarius Lies

Aquarians don't lie, they just don't tell the whole truth. And this is not due to malicious intent, but from innate secrecy.

Having a habit of relying only on themselves in everything, they often believe that their life is interesting only to themselves, and it is not worth telling others anything so as not to give them weapons against themselves, their beloved. If Aquarius goes to a conscious lie, it means that he was baked or he does not trust the person at all. Most often, representatives of this sign resort to lies to be left alone. For example, they may pretend to be ill in order to avoid going to work or keeping burdensome promises. However, later they more than compensate for this, when the attack of misanthropy passes. But Aquarius themselves do not tolerate lies - as soon as they catch that they have been lied to, they close up and stop communicating with this person. Moreover, it is difficult to deceive the representatives of this sign - their intuition is too well developed.

How to recognize a Pisces lie

Pisces don't lie, they fantasize. Creating for themselves an inner world in which “everything is different”, Pisces try to convince others of the reality of this world.

Pisces women often come up with non-existent admirers, endow them with the traits of someone they would like to see next to them, and tell their friends about the gentleman. And they do it very convincingly, because they play whole performances, for example, on the topic: “How we spent the weekend” or “How my young man passed on the rights.” And Pisces cannot be strictly judged for their lies - in this way they are trying to reconcile themselves with reality and prove that they have "everything like people, and maybe even better." Not to mention the fact that Pisces women are not capable of global and harmful lies - they disdain it. Pisces men are natural storytellers, they lie out of love for art and in order not to lose what they have. And you believe them - they don't have such sincere eyes even when they speak the true truth. By the way, like Aquarius, Pisces are excellent lie detectors - it is, as it were, material for them. Sometimes it seems that a person trying to deceive a representative of this sign is surrounded by some kind of dense substance that Pisces “reads”.
