The Unified State Exam is an important stage in the life of graduates. This is a pass to the world of adulthood, the first serious step towards a profession. The Unified State Exam has two functions: it serves as a final test at school and assesses the applicant's ability to enter a higher educational institution.

The results of the 2016 exam showed that the attitude of students towards preparation has become more serious. This is evidenced by the results, which this year are much better than last year. The number of high-scorers has slightly increased and the number of those who have not crossed the minimum barrier has significantly decreased. This was also noted by Dmitry Livanov, the Minister of Education and Science of Russia.

In total, about 750,000 people took part in the process, including 640,000 graduates of 2016. Compulsory exams this year, as in previous ones, were Russian and mathematics. But besides them, there are a number of other disciplines: the popularity of some has grown significantly this year.

Popular items

Science subjects have become much more popular this year than last. Chemistry, physics and biology were increasingly chosen by school graduates. Moreover, physics made me happy with the results: the number of students who did not reach the minimum required grade decreased.

Less positive news came from the exams in chemistry and biology. In these areas, the number of students who did not overcome the barrier increased - by 4%.

Number of people who passed, statistics

The exam in 2016 showed an increase in the level of training in compulsory disciplines. The number of students who did not manage to pass the minimum barrier to obtain a certificate decreased by half. The USE results in basic mathematics were a striking indicator of this moment. Only 4.7% of students received an insufficient number of points. In 2015, this figure was 7.4%. The exam in this direction is assessed on a five-point system, the average score was 4.14. This is a very good indicator, since last year this score fell short of the four by five hundredths of points.

In physics, 6.11% of schoolchildren did not pass the minimum threshold for passing the exam. This is 0.4% less than last year. Positive tendencies are observed in the delivery of a number of other subjects. 84.1% of pupils reached an acceptable grade in history, 87% in geography, and 87.6% in computer science. Very good performance in english language: in 2016, 98.1% passed the exam successfully. Number of Dealers foreign language not very large yet, but the possibility of making this test mandatory within the next few years is being considered.

Dynamics of USE participants who did not overcome the minimum border

This year, the number of students who passed the exams by 100 points has also increased. The number of excellent students increased by 401 people. In 2015, there were 4608 examinees on the list of the best, and this year there were 5009.

How did the graduates pass the USE-2016 in mathematics (profile level)?

The results of the exam in profile mathematics are needed in order to enter technical universities, as well as specialties related to economics. Unlike the required basic level, this version of the exam selected by graduates. This year, about 439,000 students took the profile-level mathematics exam.

Profile-level mathematics has shown significant improvement results. This year 15.3% of students did not pass the USE-2016 in profile mathematics. Last year's figure was just over twenty one percent. Given the complexity of the subject, this is a truly remarkable result.

Also, some teachers and many parents noted that the exam was indeed difficult, but the difficulty lay precisely in the volume of tasks. A number of assignments required solutions on several sheets. The question still remains open, but at the same time one cannot ignore the significant improvements in the delivery of this subject.

How did the graduates pass the USE-2016 in Russian?

The Russian language is also a compulsory exam, it is required to obtain a certificate of general secondary education. In 2016, test results improved significantly, although last year the numbers were quite positive. In total, 0.7% of students did not pass the USE-2016 in the Russian language and did not cross the border to obtain a certificate. In 2015, there were one and a half percent of such graduates. For admission to universities, like last year, a 36-point barrier was set. This threshold was not able to cross two and a half percent of students. This is also less than in 2015 - then four percent of potential applicants missed the chance to enter a higher educational institution.

Good indicators are also among those who passed the Russian language exam with a high score. This is considered any result that is in the range from 81 to 100. More than a quarter of the students (25.5%) were pleased with such indicators. This is by as much as 5.6% percent higher than the results of the previous USE.

How many students did not pass the exam-2016?

Last year's numbers don't look so scary. In total, 1.5% of students did not pass the USE in 2015 - this is how the preliminary and final data looked for the tests as a whole. But in 2016, that figure is much better. According to experts dealing with statistics, the indicators of 2016 are about two times less. That is, we can say that the number of graduates who have not passed the tests and will not receive a certificate is approximately 0.7%.

What awaits graduates next year?

The 2017 Challenges may come with some changes. So, one of the changes may affect exams in chemistry, physics and biology - the test part will be removed from the tasks. Thus, tests will disappear in almost all subjects. The task was set to develop and approbate the oral section of the Russian language exam, and the creative part of the literature exam will also be worked out. Weak schools will be taken under control. Comprehensive preparation work will help students get more chances for a decent passing of graduation tests. It is also planned to develop a unified system of education quality assessment, which will be as objective and convenient as possible. Some of these changes will come into force in 2017, others may come into force later.

No other particularly serious changes are planned in this area, but experts note that much attention will continue to be paid to the technical preparation of the process. Qualified control, comfortable conditions, honest scoring systems - all this will be a priority in 2017 as well.

Prospective graduates should not be afraid of the upcoming exams next year. You need to believe in yourself, show a little perseverance and responsibility in preparation - and the dream of high scores on the exam will become quite real. Practice shows that the percentage of successful submissions is very high and increases every year. Moreover, now, without any problems, you can find many opportunities for additional preparation for the exam. This allows you to successfully prepare for exams and "pull up" their knowledge, even lagging students who find it difficult to study a particular subject. So, now online courses for preparing for the exam are becoming more and more popular. They allow prospective graduates to improve their skills as conveniently as possible, without taking extra time from their main studies and other activities.

Those wishing to pass mathematics and physics well should familiarize themselves. Also, in the near future, it is planned to launch a program to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. Our service offers distance learning online. Each student who makes the effort and correctly allocates his time will be able to receive decent points. Getting a certificate and entering a higher education institution is not as difficult as it might initially seem. Every year a significant number of students receive not only good, but the best points. If this opportunity is available to one graduate, then another will be able to cope with the tasks, if not one hundred percent, then very close to such a result.

Preparation courses for the exam in mathematics and physics from the site

  1. Unified State Exam Results: 2016 graduates performed better on exams than their predecessors, Official informational portal unified state exam (USE 2016),;

When points are everything. The unified state exam for school graduates has ended. The results are already known across all disciplines. What, in the opinion of yesterday's students, is the most difficult subject, what is the most controversial and why?

The most popular "optional" subject, which about four thousand Trans-Baikal schoolchildren took in this mountain, is social studies, followed by history, physics, biology and chemistry. But foreign languages \u200b\u200bhave traditionally chosen a few. The graduates unanimously named physics as the most difficult discipline.

Dmitry Borodkin: "In fact, I prepared very well and when I came to the exam the tasks were completely different, which is very strange, because usually you come across tasks for which you are preparing, but I solved the whole physics exam and expect a high result."

Maxim Fedorov: "I solved the first part in physics, and sometimes two or three mistakes came out there, in general it was good, the second part I solved two or three tasks instantly, and here, when I came to the exam, there in the first part of the assignment were difficult, and in the second, it seemed to me, in general, some kind of Olympiad. "

And such difficulties were faced by graduates who finished school with excellent marks, and studied physics with special diligence. But if everything is clear with the exact disciplines - a specific question is the same answer, then with the humanities: social studies and literature, the criteria of "correctness" caused controversy among schoolchildren.

Alexander Krasnov: "Social science was difficult in itself, I myself thought I didn’t pass it, because everything was difficult, and I didn’t even read some questions, because I didn’t understand, we didn’t sort them out at school, they weren’t on the Internet either. that I watched, and somehow, apparently lucky, passed. "

Nevertheless, Alexander passed social studies well. Like Polina. The girl, among other subjects, at one time chose the USE in literature, but not for admission, but simply to test her knowledge. The test has passed with honor even today - she is a medalist, but the questions remained by the exam itself.

Polina Seneva: "IN "From" part there are creative tasks, that is, how a person perceives a given work, but he can see in one way or another, and those who check are experts - they can see in their own way. That is why it happens that the scores are getting fewer than expected. "

Experts who checked the work of schoolchildren in literature this year, explain that there are clear requirements for setting points for the exam. Even in spite of the fact that humanitarian disciplines are not always accurate, there can be no “guess” answers here.

Valeria Sergeeva, Chairperson of the Subject Commission for the Unified State Exam in Literature: "An essay on literature is always a formulated problem, and any problematic question requires many answer options, at least two or three, so if you were able to conclusively answer the question, if you did not make factual mistakes and observed all the norms of literary speech, then you can count on a very high score. "

The Unified State Exam in Russia is both the final exam at school and the entrance exam to the university and is conducted in 14 general education subjects. The Ministry of Education and Science has made changes to the procedure for conducting state final certification. Read about what innovations await teachers and schoolchildren in 2016 in our regular "Question-Answer" column.

Cameras, jammers and sealed cabinets

Now all rooms that are not used for the exam must be locked and sealed at least one day before the start of the test. There should be no stands or posters in the room where the exam will take place, or they should be closed. In addition, the premises can be equipped with means of suppressing the communication signal, but so far this item is optional, and the commission makes a decision on it at its own discretion.

Metal detectors and video cameras will be installed at all points for passing the exam. Videos and verified examination papers will be stored until March 1 of the next year. Until that time, experts can double-check the answer forms. You will be able to watch your work during the day when the results will be announced to graduates in schools. An important feature is that when an appeal is filed, points can not only be increased or maintained, but also decreased.

Can I have a chocolate?

This year, traditionally, schoolchildren should come with a passport, black gel or capillary pen. Allowed for children with disabilities take special technical equipment with you. You can also have your medicines with you. On the oral part of the exam in foreign languages, it is prohibited to use drafts of the examiner.

It can be noted that schoolchildren were allowed to take chocolate and water to the class for the exam. But first they will be checked for cheat sheets.

In all institutions where the unified state examination will be held, a doctor must be present to provide first aid to children who may become ill. But in this case, without fail, teachers must draw up an act that the student left the office for a good reason. The tasks themselves, if they came to the region in electronic form, are prohibited from printing ahead of schedule. Teachers should do this right on the exam in the presence of schoolchildren.

What else has changed?

Also new is the change in the test part of the exams. In 2016, she disappeared from exams in history, social studies, geography and literature. Previously, it was removed from mathematics and the Russian language. Officials from the Ministry of Education and Science are planning to further remove the test parts from exams so that schoolchildren would answer not at random, but knowing the correct answer.

The form of the exam in a foreign language will remain unchanged - oral and written parts, but this year they will be taken on different days. Another innovation is the length of exams in social studies and chemistry. 30 minutes will be added to the first, 25 minutes to the second.

Rosobrnadzor also reported that there will be no retakes of the Unified State Exam in September. They decided to refuse them because of the high absenteeism in previous years, and those who came to retake, in most cases, could not retake the exam.

The importance of the unified state examination can hardly be overestimated. After all, it is the number of points scored that is a clear result of many years of study and the prospects to continue "gnawing the granite of science" at the university.

In the usual form, the USE in 2016 will be held for the last time, then it will turn into a kind of final exams that schoolchildren took in soviet time, experts say.

The main difference is that the test component will completely disappear from the tasks. Also, specialists of the Ministry of Education made all exams in the humanities (literature, history and social studies) mainly oral, and not written, as it was before, when a graduate could simply guess the correct answer. And cheating with a test form is much easier.

The exam has long been the subject of all kinds of jokes and gags on the part of schoolchildren

Three attempts to pass the exam

In addition, it is possible that schoolchildren will have the opportunity to retake the USE. Moreover, this can be done twice, but only during one academic year. That is, instead of one attempt, the guys will get three.

It is noteworthy that the right to retake may appear not only among graduates, but also among those who demonstrate knowledge at the end of the ninth grade. Let us remind you that now only those who have received a "fail" are allowed to take the state exam again (only once).

In this case, we are talking only about compulsory subjects. Perhaps, in the future, yesterday's schoolchildren will have the opportunity to improve their marks in any discipline, for example, retake from four to five. The Ministry of Education has already prepared draft orders.

Compulsory subjects for the exam in 2016

As before, high school students will have to write essays. However, starting next year , it will become a kind of "pass" for passing other exams. According to experts, no marks will be given for him - they will simply issue a verdict: pass / fail, which will be admission to the exam. Those who failed to write an essay the first time will be given another opportunity to do it, after the second failure, the attempt is postponed for a year.

So far, only mathematics and Russian are marked as mandatory for all exams in 2016.

The number of elective exams can be very different, depending on the requirements of the university. But experts from the Ministry of Education do not exclude that the list of compulsory subjects will be supplemented by history, physics or a foreign language.

Unified State Exam as a tool of admission

Despite the fact that the specialists of the Ministry of Education do not consider the changes in the USE 2016 radical, many say that the state exam is gradually turning into an instrument for entering a university. At the same time, many people believe that in the future, only applicants will be offered to take final exams.

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Moreover, unsatisfactory grades may appear in the certificate. So guys who have problems in studying any disciplines will be able to study where these disciplines are not core.

These initiatives were discussed in the State Duma at “ Round table". Moreover, Sergey Rukshin, professor of the Herzen Pedagogical University, has already approached the president with a proposal to issue certificates without the USE to everyone (without exception) who studied within the walls of the school for 11 years. The head of state said that such an initiative is likely to be implemented in the future.

What to prepare for this year?

  • By the way, this year students will have to speak more on the Unified State Exam. There will be no multiple choice questions not only on the Russian language and literature exams, but also on the mathematics exam. In the future, the list of such items is going to be replenished, for example, with history. Oral assignments will also have to be handled by those who will take a foreign language.
  • Moreover, according to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe specialists of the Ministry of Education, now those who are going to "storm" admissions committees are higher educational institutionswill have to pass a special "advanced" exam in mathematics. For others, it will be enough to demonstrate only basic knowledge of the subject. The same innovations are likely to await the USE in a foreign language.
  • Moreover, the student will already be able to find out by the results of the ninth grade test whether he will pass the "profile" or "main" exam. With low academic performance, they simply won't be allowed to choose the “advanced” option.

Minimum points increased

But not only mathematics will require intensive training from applicants. The minimum points for admission in social studies and foreign languages \u200b\u200bhave been increased.

Graduates will feel these innovations already this year, in 2016 the "passing" score will increase in other subjects as well - assured the head of the Ministry of Education Dmitry Livanov. While University russian academy Education provided such information.

  1. In the Russian language and biology for admission to a university, you need to score at least 36 points.
  2. Four points less in history and literature.
  3. You need to score 27 points in mathematics and 40 in computer science.
  4. The lowest passing score is for the exam on knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(22), and the highest is for social studies (42).

As a bonus, you can see the success of the USE in mathematics of past years in different regions of Russia (you need an installed flash player):

Change for the good

Changes in the exam are introduced due to the conspicuous imperfection of this exam, according to some experts. But after all, the final exams in schools were, to put it mildly, imperfect - other education experts argue.

The controversy surrounding the Unified State Examination has not subsided since its introduction and innovations appear every year. It is not yet clear whether it will be easier for applicants to enter a university, whether the state exam will be able to reveal their potential, but one thing is already clear - it will be psychologically easier to pass the school exam, which means that the specialists of the Ministry of Education are moving in the right direction.

After all, we do not want to see a wave of suicides among graduating school students who understand that they will be left out of life as soon as they leave the walls of the school.

The scheduling principle has changed slightly this year. As in previous years, the schedule for passing the USE in 2016 provides for the main dates for passing the tests and a reserve period when those who, for a good reason, could not do it on the main dates, take the Unified State Exam. At the same time, a fairly large proportion of "reservists" are usually schoolchildren who did not have time to pass the certification in the main terms due to the coincidence of the exam dates.

However, the latter in 2016 will be less than usual: the timetable compilers analyzed the statistics and came to the conclusion that the social studies exam is very popular among graduates. Therefore, this subject was given a separate day in the schedule.

As a result, there are four pairs of "coinciding" examinations left in the schedule of the exam-2016:

  • physics and chemistry;

  • history and informatics;

  • geography and literature;

  • biology and foreign language (written part).

Most of the "parallel" subjects belong to different profiles and are rarely required for admission at the same time (except perhaps physics and chemistry). It is expected that this innovation will help the majority of eleventh graders complete the exam epic by June 20 and come to school prom after saying goodbye to their textbooks.

Schedule of the early period for passing the exam in 2016

Not all eleventh graders can take the exam in March-April - school course for most subjects, by March it is considered not yet completed, and good reasons are needed to participate in the early period. An exception is subjects that are no longer taught in grade 11 (for example, geography, the study of which is completed in grade 10) - all schoolchildren can take them within the early period, and this can become in a good way "Unloading" the main examination period.

Among those who can apply for participation in the "spring wave" in other subjects are young men and women, who will take part in all-Russian and international competitions or competitions in June; graduates of evening schools leaving for conscription service; as well as schoolchildren who will be in sanatoriums or other medical institutions at the beginning of summer. Those who will soon go to live and study in other countries will also join them. In addition, graduates of previous years can pass the USE in March-April; students of technical schools and lyceums; school graduates from other countries.

The exam marathon will begin on March 21, the first exam in the USE - 2016 schedule will be the exam in basic mathematics.

The main stage of the USE-2016: exam schedule

Most eleventh graders take the exam during the main period. Compulsory for all graduates, like last year, are exams in the Russian language and in mathematics (basic or profile level, if desired, an eleventh grader can take both options at once).

In order to be admitted to the exams, students need to get "credit" by writing. His eleventh graders wrote on December 2, and for those who did not cope with this task the first time, two days are provided for retaking - February 3 or May 4. There are not so many graduates who will have to re-write the essay - according to statistics in different regions In Russia, the number of schoolchildren who received a “failure” varies from 1 to 3%.

Schoolchildren who have chosen geography or literature as additional subjects will be the first to take the exam-2016 - they will take them on May 27. From 30 to 6 June - the period for passing the compulsory USE, from 8 to 20 exams in other disciplines will be held. From 20th to 28th - reserve days, and for Russian and mathematics they are "dedicated" (June 27 and 28, respectively).

In addition, the schedule of the USE-2016 provides for a "single reserve day" on which it will be possible to finish any of the subjects - June 30.

Dates of the additional period of the exam-2016

Students who have not passed the threshold in Russian or mathematics can now retake the exam without waiting for the next academic year. In addition to them, those who missed the main deadlines or could not complete the work for good reasons will also be able to take the exam in September.

In September, exams are held only in compulsory subjects:

  • basic or profile mathematics it will be possible to retake on September 10;

  • an additional USE in Russian will take place on September 17;

  • september 24 will become a single reserve day for the "autumn wave".

All fall exams will be held on Saturdays. This can be regarded as a "trial balloon". Indeed, in the future, it is planned to organize the delivery of the Unified State Exam for "poor students" and graduates of previous years throughout the academic year, while it is planned that exams will be held on weekends.
