What care do lilies require after flowering, what to do next with these bulbous plants so that they multiply and give buds every year, a question that worries many beginning gardeners. This beautiful flowers who love fertile dry patches of soil in a sunny, blown area with a light diffused shadow. In order for lilies to multiply well, they can be planted on the south or west side of the house, protecting them from the north wind.

Lilies can be divided into early, mid-late and late varieties. Asian hybrids bloom first, LA hybrids bloom 10 days after them, followed by all other varieties. In August, Orientals delight with their flowering. If you plant several varieties, you can get a flower bed with lilies that will bloom from early July to mid-August. The main flowering occurs in July.


All work with lily bulbs should be started in the spring, at the beginning of the growing season, and completed during the budding period. When lilies bloom, they can be dug up and replanted. On the marketplaces in July, you can see blooming lilies dug out of the ground and sold along with the bulb. At this time, they can be transplanted into pots or soil. Such a transplant does not prevent the plant from developing properly. After it fades and begins to form a new root tuber, it is not recommended to touch it.

Lily stems cannot be cut at the root. In this culture, as in all tuber-forming plants, they are used to accumulate nutrients, which after flowering completely pass into the root. If the stem is removed, the bulb will be defective. It may die in winter or split into scales and not bloom next year.

Faded buds should be cut off immediately after flowering, so that a box does not form on them. Then the bulb begins to work for itself. She starts the process of outflow of nutrients from the leaves and stem to the root tuber. With a preserved peduncle with a box, the bulb will continue to work on the formation of seeds and is completely depleted. She will not be able to overwinter.

The dried stem is not cut, but broken and left in this form until spring. A dried peduncle will remind you that there is a lily in this place. A successfully overwintered bulb will release a dense sprout in the spring, which will appear near the stump. Then it will not be needed, it can be completely removed.

If lilies are cut for a bouquet, then you need to choose a large inflorescence with 5 or more buds. In such flowers, the bulb has reached maximum dimensions and will be able to survive after cutting. The peduncle is cut 20 cm above the ground to leave the plant with some of the nutrients. After removing the buds, she will need at least 40 days to ripen.

When cutting a peduncle with fewer buds, the bulb small size does not have time to ripen and disappears in winter due to lack of nutrients.

After flowering, all varieties are left in the ground until autumn. They fall asleep, accumulate nutrients and begin to form a new bulb, which should bloom the next year. If at this moment their development is disturbed, then the bulb will disappear. It will break up into scales, from which a large number of children are formed. They will release buds only in a year. Therefore, the main rule for a gardener is to create all the conditions for a flower to ripen into a dormant state.

Caring for lilies after flowering comes down to removing weeds. Loosening the soil is not recommended, so as not to damage the bulbs. During the period of accumulation of nutrients, flowers need watering and fertilizing with liquid fertilizers.

Many varieties of Asiatic lilies overwinter in the ground during mild, not too frosty winters. These flowers need shelter from snow and fallen leaves. They breed well in one place and after a few years form large colonies that require a transplant.

Hybrids brought from America and tropical countries, do not tolerate frost well and die during snowmelt, when day and night temperatures are very different from each other. These varieties should be dug up in autumn before the first frost and stored in suitable places.


Anyone who knows how to care for lilies after flowering receives a large amount of planting material in a few years, because these plants form colonies around themselves.

Heat-loving bulbs, which include hybrids brought from other continents, do not tolerate the Russian winter well. They freeze out during the harsh months, and they need to be removed from the flower bed in late autumn, when the root tuber is already fully formed. The flower is dug out of the ground when night temperatures have not yet begun to go into minus. In some regions, tubular lily bulbs are harvested at the end of August, in others - mid-September is more suitable for this. The plant is found by the remains of a dry peduncle.

Digging up bulbs and preparing them for storage is as follows:

the remains of dry leaves are removed;
bayonet shovel vertically injected into the ground at a distance of 15 cm from the peduncle and dig the bulb along with the soil;
if she does not come out, then they dig on the other side;
root tubers are cleaned from the ground;
remove rotten roots and dry scales;
washed running water;
carry out disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate or karbofos for 15 minutes;
dry in the shade;
removed for storage.
There are several ways to save planting material. It is advisable to choose the most suitable of all and use it constantly.


For storage, you need a cool place with a temperature in the range of 0 ... + 5 ° С. For this, the lower shelf of the refrigerator, cellar, basement, garage, insulated veranda, and other places are suitable.

Storage in places that are not heated can cause the death of the bulbs in severe frosts. Early germination may begin, which will require an urgent transplant into the ground.

IN winter time lilies can be stored on the balcony or in the open field in specially made containers with good thermal insulation. It's a good place to store it if it's done right.

On the balcony, the thickness of the thermal insulation of the containers must withstand frosts of about -30 ° C. Storage in the open ground will ensure the integrity of the lilies if the chosen place is covered with a thick layer of snow and is located on a hill on the north side of the house. In this zone, the snow does not melt for a long time, and in spring the water from the hill will flow down and the bulbs will be preserved.

In order to leave the plants to winter in the ground, in mid-October, on the days when winter garlic is planted, they dig a trench at least 25 cm deep in the chosen place. Its walls are reinforced with boards and a cover is made, the bottom is left earthen. A cardboard box is placed in the trench corrugated cardboard. Dry peat is poured into it for ⅓, bulbs are placed and covered to the very top with the same material. Peat is compacted, protected from above with oilcloth or polyethylene and a lid. The whole structure is covered with earth with a mound, trampling it well. In such a shelter, lilies winter well.

Bulbs can be planted in a pot with drainage and a soil mixture consisting of peat, sand and humus. The container is stored in the cellar. It is taken out half a month before planting in the soil, watered, fertilized with any fertilizer for flowers. The bulb wakes up and starts growing. It can be transplanted into the ground at any time, where it will develop further. Such flowers release buds a little ahead of their time.

If the lily is left in a window pot, it will produce a flower spike, but it will not have enough nutrients to form a strong new root tuber, and will not bloom in the second year. Planting in the ground is required condition to get buds.


All varieties of lilies can be propagated. Varieties with one stem are transplanted from early spring until flowering. Plants tolerate moving well. This applies to planting material purchased from a specialized store in bloom.

It is best to plant overgrown nests on the site in late summer or early autumn. Do it at the end of August for early varieties, in early September - for all other types of lilies. The nest is carefully dug up, divided into individual bulbs and planted in a newly prepared place. The event is planned one and a half months after the end of flowering. It is better to do this after the peduncle is completely dry.

Pour 1 liter of water into the prepared hole, pour a handful of washed sand, a pinch of fertilizer for flowers. The bulb is cut off the roots to 10 cm and placed in the sand. The pit is filled with loose fertile soil.

If the lily grows, but does not multiply, then you can get planting material from it with the help of scales. If you want to get a lot of babies, then the ripened large onion is divided into scales, separating them from the edges in a circle, leaving the middle intact.

The uterine bulb is placed in the ground, and the separated parts are washed in running water, disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes, dried and placed in plastic bags with wet peat in a warm place until the bulbs form. After that, the planting material is transferred to the usual storage place for lilies. Planted along with other varieties at the usual time. Plants obtained in this way bloom in the second year.

Most often, bulbs form several children at the base of the stem. They are separated and planted for growing in pots, which are stored in a cool place for the winter, and transferred to the ground in spring. The number of children can be increased if the bulb is planted deeper than usual or spud during flowering.

Many Asian hybrids form buds on the stem in the axils of the leaves. They crumble in autumn and, if they fall into the soil, begin to develop. Bulbs are harvested after flowering and immediately sown in open ground to a depth of 2-3 cm. Plantings are watered, mulched with humus, and covered with foliage for the winter. Wild species are unpretentious, and their bulbs survive in severe frosts without snow cover.

This is the kind of mulch you can cover lilies with

Lilies are tender garden plants who need special care throughout the season. In the period after flowering, they must be treated with special care.

The majestic lilies are one of the most famous garden plants. Today there are more than 6 thousand different varieties. Caring for them, in principle, is not difficult, but it is important to carry out all the necessary measures in a timely manner.

To create ideal conditions for the appearance of large bright buds, you need to properly prepare the bulbs. And you need to do this immediately after the end of flowering. This period is very important. After all, it is after the shedding of the petals that the process of ripening of the bulb begins. And, as you know, the subsequent flowering depends on its condition.

Lilies are grown both for cutting and simply as a luxurious decoration for flower beds. Larger, healthier bulbs develop from plants that have been allowed to flower naturally. Pruning hinders development. But at proper care even such plants can form a good bulb.

Caring for faded lilies

The main condition for the competent cultivation of lilies is not to cut the stems. Even after flowering, when the plant does not look very decorative, it is better to refrain from such manipulations. Indeed, after the removal of leaves and stems, the bulb stops growing and stops developing. Aging can be noticeably worse. Even withering leaves and stems do not stop supplying nutrients to the bulb. For the same reason, do not remove annual roots that are located at the very ground level. They also provide the bulb with an additional portion of nutrition.

If you want to keep the decorative effect of the flower bed after the lilies have faded and began to look unattractive, you just need to mask the withering leaves and stems. To do this, you can plant beautiful tall grass in the foreground, which will hide the unattractiveness of fading lilies. You can also plant a batch of annuals near the flowering plants. They will also hide the ugliness of yellowing leaves.

Feeding lilies after flowering

Lilies need regular feeding. And after flowering, the need for this procedure also exists. As a fertilizer, it is best to opt for potassium-phosphorus complexes. But it is better not to use mineral mixtures. They are generally not suitable for lilies. Mineral top dressings have only a short-term effect. The result of this fertilizer passes too quickly. And for the normal ripening of the bulb, a large amount of nutrition is required, which comes for a long time. In addition, after repeated application of mineral fertilizers, lilies become more painful and tender. They will winter poorly and bloom poorly. The susceptibility to infections will increase markedly.

It is good to feed the lilies after flowering with organic matter. Only fresh compost and manure cannot be used. Such top dressing can provoke not only a burn of the bulbs, but also the development of dangerous infectious and fungal diseases. As a result, not only a slowdown in development, but also the death of the entire underground part of the plant.

It is best to apply special solutions with beneficial microorganisms to the garden in the period after flowering. Such fertilizers best contribute to the ripening of the bulb and the laying of flower buds.

Lily transplant after flowering

A month after flowering, the lily is ready for transplantation. Deadlines cannot be rushed. After all, the bulb should accumulate more nutrients and ripen well. If you transplant it ahead of time, the plant will not take root well and may die completely.

Traditionally, lilies are transplanted in early August. This can be done only after the leaves and stem have completely withered. It is necessary to carefully separate the dead part of the plant and process the bulb disinfectant solution. If they are still green, then you will need to carry out a cardinal pruning. You only need to leave a small stump.

Before planting, the entire bulb should be thoroughly dried in the shade and treated with charcoal or potassium permanganate solution. After that, the roots are shortened and planting material is planted in prepared ridges.

Lilies are perennial garden plants that have amazingly beautiful flowers in shape and color. Caring for lilies in general is not a hassle: the bulbs are easy to plant, do not need to be thinned out and sprayed regularly. It is only necessary to periodically water the flowers, loosen the soil and sometimes feed with fertilizers. But in the period after flowering, plants must be treated especially carefully. What should gardeners do next after the lilies have faded?

How to prune lilies after flowering?

Preparation of a lily for wintering begins with the removal of dried flowers. This is done so that the plant does not expend energy on seed maturation. Even after the flowers have faded and the plant does not look as decorative, it is best to refrain from cutting the stems. Even withering stems and leaves do not stop supplying the bulb with nutrients. Pruning of lilies after flowering is carried out only at the very end of the season and is carried out in such a way that annual roots are preserved, located almost at ground level. Annual roots provide the flower bulb with additional nutrition.

In order to hide faded lilies that look unattractive in a flower bed, the easiest way to make a disguise is to plant tall grass or annual flowers in front, covering wilted plants.

Feeding lilies after flowering

Lilies after flowering must be fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Experts do not recommend the use of flower dressing mineral fertilizers, since after their repeated application, the lilies become more painful, which is why they do not tolerate wintering well, are more often exposed to infections and bloom poorly next year.

It is also possible to feed the lilies with any organic matter, except for fresh compost and. The latter can cause bulb burns or provoke dangerous fungal and infectious diseases. It is best to apply special solutions at the end of flowering, the basis for which is sold in specialized stores. Thanks to this top dressing, the bulb ripens better, and flower buds. It is also recommended to increase the watering of the plant so that the bulbs accumulate the necessary supply of nutrients for the whole winter and get stronger.

Lily transplant after flowering

Not all gardeners know optimal timing when lilies dig up after flowering. Experts recommend doing this no earlier than 3 to 4 weeks after the end of flowering. If you transplant earlier, then the plant either takes root with difficulty, or may die completely.

In order to transplant flowers, you need to separate the dead parts of the plant, then let the bulb dry in the shade and treat it with a disinfectant, for example, a pink solution of potassium permanganate or charcoal. Ready planting material is planted in dug up flower beds.

Storing lily bulbs

Only certain varieties of lilies can be left in the ground for the winter. Frost-resistant, for example, Asian hybrids, tolerate even rather harsh winters well. Tubular lilies are best dug up, sprinkled with a mixture of sawdust, peat and sand, and placed in a container, stored in a cellar or unheated basement until spring. It is possible to organize the storage of bulbs on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in a bag with a substrate of sawdust, sand and peat.

Covering lily bulbs for the winter

Oriental varieties of garden lilies for the cold period are recommended to be covered with a layer of peat or leaves from trees. by the most the best insulation for bulbs wintering in the ground, there will be a layer of snow. In the spring, the shelter is removed as the weather conditions change.

It is important not only to properly plant lily bulbs and ensure that they grow into mature plants, but also to ensure proper care of lilies during budding, during flowering and after it is completed. The beauty of blooming garden lilies, the duration of their flowering and the well-being of the plants themselves will largely depend on your efforts.

How to grow lilies for lush blooms

Growing lilies, especially exotic varieties, seems to be a difficult task for many beginner growers because of the prevailing opinion that they are very capricious. In fact, you will have no problems with these flowers if you know well how to care for lilies throughout the season.

You will not have problems with these flowers if you know well how to care for lilies.

The flowering of garden lilies is influenced by many different factors, ranging from the place of planting and soil composition, to timely watering and top dressing. Although lilies generally do well in both shade and full sun, extremes should be avoided. Lilies growing in shaded places are strongly stretched, they have to be tied up. But those plants that are constantly under the scorching summer sun dry out without abundant watering, become stunted and quickly fade.

Video about caring for lilies

In this regard, try to choose a place for planting lilies so that they feel as comfortable as possible and do not bring unnecessary trouble. The best option- when the plants are illuminated sunbeams in the first half of the day. Keep in mind that in this case, you can water the flowers only in the evening, so that in the morning the lily leaves do not get burned from moisture drops.

It is very important to prevent waterlogging of the soil and stagnation of moisture: if the soil is clayey, be sure to provide drainage, otherwise the roots of the bulbs will rot, and you will not wait for the lilies to bloom. The lack of moisture is also undesirable - the flowers are small, twisted. Fresh manure also prevents the flowering of lilies, which stimulates the rapid development of the green mass of the plant, but harms the bulb.

It is very important to prevent waterlogging of the soil and stagnant moisture.

Pledge of lush flowering of lilies:

  • bright morning sun;
  • temperature up to +30 degrees;
  • more intensive watering during the budding period (keep in mind that different varieties of lilies require different watering);
  • top dressing with mineral fertilizers;
  • regular weeding and loosening.

It should be noted that in the first year it is recommended to cut off all the buds of a lily, no matter how sorry you are for them. Such a decisive step will allow the lily bulb to stock up vitality to give you many beautiful large flowers next season.

What to do during and after lily bloom

Lilies planted in the shade, before flowering, will need to be tied to pegs stuck in the ground (just do not damage the bulbs with pegs), otherwise, under the weight of the flowers, the lilies may fall to the ground. Those plants that grew in the sun are quite powerful and do not need a garter.

Lily is a flower that is cultivated not only to decorate flower beds, but also to create chic bouquets.

If you have provided your plants proper cultivation and care, lilies will bloom for a long time: Asiatic lilies and LA hybrids will bloom first, followed by OT hybrids, oriental and tubular lilies. You just have to admire the magnificent flowers and inhale their fragrance.

Leaving the lilies blooming in the garden gives the bulbs the opportunity to grow larger, which will ensure the plants will bloom even more abundantly next season. But how can you deny yourself the pleasure of decorating beautiful lilies my house! After all, a lily is a flower, which is grown not only for decorating flower beds, but also for creating chic bouquets. Follow the tips below and you will be able to minimize the negative effects of cutting flowers.

Video about caring for lilies in the garden

Correct cut of lily flowers:

  • the best time for cutting flowers is early morning or late evening; in cloudy weather, time does not matter;
  • it is safer to break off flower stalks, because through a knife you can easily infect a lily with viral diseases, or disinfect the knife before cutting;
  • the longer the stem remains after cutting the peduncle (at least a third of the stem with leaves should remain), the more complete the nutrition of the bulb will be, and the better it will ripen;
  • it is recommended to cut obliquely, then water after rain will not accumulate on the stem, causing rotting.

Periodically remove emerging weeds and, if cracks and crusts form on the soil surface, loosen

When lilies fade, care after flowering is minimized. Dried flowers are removed from the stems so that the plants do not waste energy on seed maturation. The last fertilizing for the season with phosphorus and potash fertilizers is being carried out, it begins. Now you need to increase watering again - this will allow the bulbs to accumulate nutrient reserves for the long winter and finally get stronger. Periodically remove emerging weeds and, if cracks and crusts form on the soil surface, loosen. Two weeks after all the lilies have faded, you can transplant them or cover them for the winter.
