When to plant tulips? In autumn? Or maybe it can be done in the spring? How to plant them correctly? How deep should the bulbs be planted? The answers to these questions will determine how our flower garden will look in the spring.

Tulips - bulbous plants. It is best to plant them in the fall. In the Kuban, the best time is mid-October, and for central Russia - a month earlier.

How to plant tulips in autumn

They are among the first to bloom when other flowers have not yet risen or even planted. They look very beautiful blooming when planted in heaps, groups. The larger the group, the better impression it makes. How to arrange them will tell you the taste, as well as the place allocated for landing.

Soil preparation

I will not reveal any secret to you if I say that before planting tulips, you need to prepare the soil. It is best to do this two weeks before planting. What kind of soil do these flowers like? Loose, fertile. The place where they will grow must be sunny.

If the soil is dry, then first it must be well moistened, and only then only dig.

If you have dense soil on the site, then add sand to the hole or trench before planting - flowers love loose soil. I also add wood ash - this is both a good fertilizer, as well as additional protection against various diseases. Tulips are more suitable for alkaline soil, and ash just deoxidizes the earth well.

Regardless of how you arrange the bulbs - in rows or heaps, I advise you to sprinkle them with a small amount of humus or compost, and then cover them with earth on top.

And do not forget, they need the sun, and the breeze, so as not to disturb. If the site is at least partially closed from the sun, then the stems will stretch, thin, twist, and the bulbs will not be able to accumulate an adequate supply of food for themselves.

The site should be flat, with good subsoil. The roots of tulips go to a depth of a little more than half a meter, so if you have groundwater close to you, then the bulbs will get wet and die. In this case, you will have to plant tulips on a hill.

Processing bulbs before planting

When we dug tulips after flowering in summer, we dried them well and sorted them. Large bulbs separately - we will plant them in the most prominent place - they will bloom, delight us. Small or medium-sized ones will not bloom in spring, therefore, as experts advise, it is better to plant them in an inconspicuous but sunny place.

This is how I roughly sort the bulbs, after drying into three parts - large, medium, small.

From medium bulbs, next summer we will get large ones with a planted flower arrow. And from small - we get medium. That is, for small children, it may take at least two seasons until they bloom.

I plant tulips not in rows, but in round clearings. I think they look more natural this way.

Unfortunately, tulips are prone to fungal diseases. Therefore, before planting them, the bulbs should be kept for at least half an hour in a solution of some fungicide, for example, Maxim, Fitosporin or a weak solution of manganese.

Planting tulips in the ground or baskets for bulbs

A convenient device for planting - plastic baskets with a slatted bottom. Convenient in that they help shape flower arrangements in the flower bed, facilitate the process of digging up the bulbs after flowering. Usually you can buy special baskets 6-7 cm high. The average height of a large bulb is 4-5 cm. This means that the hole should have a depth of 12-15 cm.

For several years now I have been using special plastic baskets for bulbs for planting in the fall. But I always have a lot of tulips, so plus I use plastic boxes for vegetables for baskets, but not high, but with the lowest sides.

The time to dig tulips out of the ground in summer is much less with this method of planting. There are practically no unearthed or accidentally left. Even damaged by a shovel or a pitchfork does not happen, since I actually dig out a box or basket, and only then shake out the contents on the ground.

I really like this way of planting tulips. Even if I sometimes do not have time to dig the bulbs in time in the summer, I leave them not dug out for another year, I am sure that they will not deepen, they will not go anywhere.

If you plant bulbs without baskets, that is good helper- a cone with a measuring scale, the purpose of which is to dig holes of a given depth.

Well, if you don't have baskets or a cone, it doesn't matter. You can do without them. In the area where I planned to plant them, I dig round or rectangular holes.

When planting tulips, you need to know the basic rule. Planting depth should be equal to the height of the bulb multiplied by three.

This depth guarantees good flowering, the appearance of a large bulb, strong, not very small children. A shallower planting will give you a small flower and, accordingly, not a large bulb.

According to agrotechnical rules, there should be a distance of 10-15 cm between the bulbs. But purely aesthetically, blooming tulips look more beautiful, located close to each other, like a living bouquet. If you dig up bulbs every year (experts advise doing just that), then do not be afraid to plant them with a distance of 5-6 cm from each other.

How to water tulips

Now a little about watering. Should I water newly planted bulbs? It all depends on soil moisture. If the soil is moist, then watering is optional. But in the case of landing in dry ground, it is necessary to shed a hole or groove well.

Tulips should be watered regularly, plentifully during the period of active growth, during budding, flowering, especially in dry years. Moisture should penetrate to the depth of the roots (0.5 m), and not just wet the ground. After flowering, watering stops.

Is it possible to plant tulip bulbs in spring

Usually best time autumn is considered for planting bulbs. But in February-March, the planted bulbs also take root well. It should only be remembered that the daytime temperature should reach + 8-10 ° C.

Fertilizing tulips during planting, during the growing season, after flowering

Ordinary tulips are practically not whimsical. It is enough to add ash, humus or compost to the hole when planting.

But for varietals, a more thorough inspection is needed. They need to be fed with mineral fertilizers 2-3 times per season.

The first top dressing can be carried out even in the snow - scatter dry fertilizer - about 2 tablespoons per 1 sq. m.

The second top dressing - after emergence of shoots. The complete mineral fertilizer Kemira Universal is best suited. Prepare the solution according to the instructions, water the tulip seedlings at the rate of 2-3 buckets per 1 sq. m.

The third time I advise you to feed after flowering, but no later than 2 weeks later. Dissolve 1 Matchbox any phosphorus-potassium fertilizer in a bucket of water, for example, potassium monophosphate. Pour the tulips that have lost color with the solution.

How to grow large tulips

When we sorted the bulbs, we knew that only large ones would bloom next year. The size of the flower depends on the size of the bulbs, however, varietal characteristics still play a role here.

I will share one secret on how to get large bulbs and, as a result, large flowers. Sometimes this is important when you are going to propagate some wonderful variety, or you are selling bulbs. Professionals use a term such as decapitation - the removal of flower heads. I also advise you to use this technique.

How to properly decapitate? Let the flower bloom, admire its beauty. Make sure that the varietal characteristics are present, there is no stem curvature, that is, the flower is healthy. 3-4 days after the opening of the bud, remove the flower. At the same time, the mass of the bulb by the time of digging will increase by 30-40%.

tulips- one of the most beautiful spring flowers, and there is hardly a single garden in which tulips do not bloom in spring. It should be noted that, in addition to decorative qualities, these flowers have another advantage - unpretentiousness. Play with them a little, and the result always justifies the effort. But, like every plant, tulips have their own growing conditions. For example, tulip bulbs are best planted in open ground in mid-autumn, before winter. Autumn planting of tulips is a responsible matter, because the attractiveness of your spring flower bed depends on how successful it is. Therefore, when planning to plant tulips in the fall, think over and prepare the whole process in advance.

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When to plant tulips in the fall in the ground

Planting dates for tulips

It takes at least four weeks for the bulbs to take root in the ground, and if the tulips are planted late, the bulbs may not have time to grow roots before frost, and in the spring your tulips will bloom late or not bloom at all. In any case, plants planted late in the ground will be weaker and more susceptible to disease. What month to plant tulips? Optimal timing planting tulips - the time period from the end of September to the end of October. However, both climatic and weather conditions in September in different regions can vary greatly, so it is better to determine the time of planting tulips not according to the calendar, but according to the state of the soil and weather. You can plant tulip bulbs in the garden when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm is not higher and not lower than 7-8 ºC - at a lower or more high temperature may have difficulty rooting the bulbs.

When to plant tulips in autumn in the suburbs

Tulip bulbs should meet winter in the ground with a well-developed root system, but at the same time, having formed it, the bulbs should not be allowed to continue growing and begin to grow leaves. Therefore the answer to the question "When to plant tulips in the suburbs?" important for all gardeners in central Russia. The rooting of the bulbs occurs at a temperature of 7-10 ºC, provided that at night it will not be colder than 3 ºC. Usually, such a temperature in the Moscow region lasts from the third decade of September to mid-October, therefore, planting tulips in the fall in the Moscow region is carried out around this time, unless, of course, the weather suddenly interferes with your plans.

When to plant tulips in autumn in the Leningrad region

When to plant tulips before winter in St. Petersburg? In the Leningrad region, tulips are planted in the ground at about the same time as in the Moscow region - from the second half of September, when Indian summer is in the yard.

When to plant tulips in autumn in the Urals

Planting tulips in autumn in the Urals depends on the area: in the Middle Urals, tulips can be planted from September 10 to 20, and in the South - until October 10.

When to plant tulips in autumn in Siberia

In Siberia, the conditions for growing flowers are much more severe than even in the Urals, but, nevertheless, tulips grow in this region with frosty winters. In what month are tulips planted in autumn in Siberia? Frosts in these places come early, so it is considered quite reasonable to plant tulips in August - in its last decade. And if autumn does not collapse from the first days of September, then the bulbs can be planted until the middle of the first autumn month.

Planting tulips before winter in the ground

soil for tulips

Before planting tulips, prepare for them a sunny, wind-protected area with a low groundwater level and loose, neutral or slightly alkaline soil, preferably sandy. Heavy clay soils are diluted with sand.

Acidic soil must be limed before planting the bulbs - add 200-500 g of chalk or slaked lime per m² of area, depending on the level of soil acidity. It is advisable to dig the land on the site deeply, adding 100-150 g of wood ash, 2 buckets of peat (humus of two to three years of aging or compost), 50 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulfate and 25 g of ammonium nitrate for each m². But do not use fresh manure either as fertilizer or for subsequent mulching of the site, as this can lead to root burns and fungal diseases. Do not apply also to a plot with tulips mineral fertilizers containing chlorine.

How deep to plant tulips

To properly position tulip bulbs in the ground, you need to follow this rule: the planting depth is equal to three bulb diameters. That is, small bulbs are immersed to a depth of 7-8 cm, and large ones - by 12-15 cm. But when planting, the composition of the soil should be taken into account: on light soils, the bulbs are planted 2-3 cm deeper than the norm, and on heavy soils - 2- 3 cm smaller. If planted too deep, the bulbs almost do not form children, and if they are too shallow, they can suffer from frost.

Tulip bulbs should be carefully examined, damaged and diseased should be discarded, and dense bulbs without spots should be selected for planting. For prevention purposes, immediately before planting in the ground, hold the bulbs for half an hour in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. If autumn is dry, water holes or furrow before planting.

We are often asked how beautiful it is to plant tulips on the site. Everyone has their own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeauty, so it's up to you to decide whether to plant tulips along garden paths, islands on the lawn or in a mixed flower bed next to other spring flowers - muscari, spring flowers, hyacinths, crocuses and irises. Arrange the bulbs in a row at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other with a row spacing of at least 20-25 cm - on average, up to 50 large bulbs can be planted per m². When planting, dust the bulb with wood ash, place it in a hole or furrow and make sure that no air pocket has formed under the bottom of the bulb - lightly press the bulb into the ground, then sprinkle it with sand on all sides, and then with a mixture of peat and humus. After planting, compact the surface of the site and water it.

If you group tulips by variety, you will make it easier for yourself to care for them. Small bulbs are planted closer to the south so that the flowers grown from large bulbs do not cover them from the sun.

Care for tulips after planting

caring for tulips in autumn

You won’t have to take care of the bulbs this year, except that in the case of an abnormally dry autumn, you will need to water the tulips, and when the temperature is below zero and the soil freezes to a depth of 4-5 cm, you will need to cover the planting of tulips with mulching material - a layer of sawdust, peat, crushed bark or straw 3-5 cm thick. middle lane this occurs in November, and in Siberia, frosty days can be expected already at the end of September.

Tulips are the first to open their delicate and bright buds after a long winter. In order for the flowering to be as plentiful as possible, you need to take care of this in advance and carry out all the necessary activities in the fall.

Features of the autumn planting of tulips

In open ground, this bulbous crop is allowed to be planted as in spring time, as well as in autumn. But landing in the fall has several advantages:

  • bulbs planted at the right time have time to take root well and stock up enough for a safe wintering nutrients;
  • lush and very abundant flowering begins immediately upon the arrival of heat, while flowers planted in springtime release buds much later and bloom not so luxuriously.

Most gardeners prefer to plant tulips in the fall.

disadvantage autumn planting we can only name the need to accurately guess with the time of placement of planting material in the ground.

Technology of autumn planting of tulips

The process of planting tulips in the fall is not particularly difficult; even an inexperienced novice gardener can easily cope with this work. But for the successful implementation of this procedure, it is necessary to take into account some features of agricultural technology.

Landing dates

The specific exact date of disembarkation is determined temperature regime and local climatic conditions. Planting too early, when the soil is still warm enough, will lead to the appearance of shoots that will destroy the first frosts. With a belated placement of tulips in too cold soil, rooting will no longer occur and the spring flowering period will be significantly postponed.

You can plant tulips even under the snow, but then they will bloom much later.

Hasty early planting is dangerous for the development of various fungal infections, in particular, Fusarium.

It is extremely important to plant tulips on time so that they have time to take root well.

When choosing the optimal time for planting this bulbous crop, you need to focus on the following indicators:

  • before the onset of real frosts and freezing of the earth, approximately 7–8 weeks should remain;
  • the soil temperature at a depth of about 10 cm no longer rises above +8 ... +10 ° C, and the air temperature during the day fluctuates around +3 ... +5 ° C.

When the first autumn frosts come and the grass is covered with frost in the morning, it's time to plant tulips.

A few years ago, at a sale, I bought several bulbs for some ridiculous price. It was already November, but the snow cover did not completely fall, it just powdered the ground a little. I had nowhere to store the purchased planting material, so I planted it in frozen soil. Only one onion died, all the rest bloomed, however, much later than those planted in the normal period.

Video: when and how to plant tulips

Selection and preparation of a site for planting tulips

Tulips feel most comfortable on elevated, open, well-lit sunbeams areas protected from sharp gusts of cold wind. The soil should be sufficiently fertile, loose and permeable with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.

For tulips, an elevated sunny area is suitable, protected on one side from the wind.

3–4 weeks before the expected day of planting, the earth is deeply dug up on the site (0.25–0.3 m), weed rhizomes are selected and top dressing is applied for bulb crops, which is sold in gardening stores.

When laying beds for tulips, specialized fertilizers for bulbous crops are used.

You can make a similar complex yourself based on 1 m 2:

  • compost or humus - 2 buckets;

    When preparing the beds, you need to add humus or compost

  • superphosphate - 45–50 g;

    Superphosphate is needed when preparing the beds for the autumn planting of tulips

  • potassium sulfate - 25–30 g;

    Fertilizers of the potassium-phosphorus group are necessary for the formation of the root system

  • wood ash - 0.2 kg.

    Wood ash is a natural potash fertilizer

The use of fresh manure when laying a bed for tulips is unacceptable, since a burn of young roots is inevitable, as well as infection of the bulbs with fungal pathologies.

Video: preparing the soil for tulips

Tulip Planting Technology

Work on planting tulip bulbs is carried out in the following order:

  1. Planting material is carefully sorted out, rejecting rotten, dried up and suspicious specimens.

    First, tulip bulbs need to be sorted out, rejecting rotten and damaged specimens.

  2. Selected bulbs are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes for disinfection.

    For disinfection, tulip bulbs are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

  3. Grooves or pits are made for planting with a depth approximately equal to three diameters of the heads and spilled with plenty of water.

    On sale you can find special device for planting, which regulates the planting depth

Video: processing planting material before planting

On the lungs sandy soils bulbs are buried deeper by 2–3 cm, on heavy clay ones, on the contrary, they are located closer to the surface.

Planting tulips usually does not require further care in the fall. Only in case of prolonged dry weather should they be watered. But I have to scare away the mice, which are very fond of feasting on onions. To do this, I lay out kerosene-soaked rags and pieces of red hot pepper around the perimeter of the beds.

To protect against rodents, tulip bulbs are treated with various repellents before planting.

Video: original planting of tulips in a basket

Video: planting tulips correctly

Timely and competent planting of bulbous crops is the key to their early and abundant spring flowering.

2018-01-25 Igor Novitsky

Tulips are among the earliest flowers that bloom in greenhouses by the beginning of March, and on open ground shortly after the snow melts. They always look great both in the flower bed and in the bouquet. And given that tulips are also very unpretentious, many amateur gardeners willingly acquire these flowers at the very beginning of their gardening "career". If you also want to acquire your own collection of these plants, you will obviously have a question: how and when to plant tulip bulbs? Well, let's try to answer it.

When to plant tulips - in spring or autumn?

We are used to the fact that most flowers, as well as vegetables, are planted in the spring with the onset of heat. However, tulips belong to those species cultivated plants to be planted in the fall. At the same time, there is a not so small group of supporters of spring planting, who are confident that spring is a more suitable time for such actions.

In order to understand who is right - supporters of spring or autumn planting - you can refer to our knowledge of the reproduction of tulips in natural conditions. Having a good understanding of the life cycle of wild-growing species, you will be able to independently come to the conclusion about when it is better to plant varietal flowers.

However, there are quite objective reasons that explain why the autumn method is still more popular. The fact is that in the natural environment, tulips get the ability to bloom only after the bulb survives at least one winter. From the cold, special substances are formed in it that stimulate germination and flowering.

Optimal landing time

Because the life cycles wild and cultivated tulips generally coincide, the optimal time for planting is still autumn. Bulbs planted before frost grow roots in a short time, and then, with a cold snap, they go into suspended animation. In the spring, stems begin to break through right from under the snow, which quickly form the first buds. When the tulips finished flowering, bulbs are dug and sent to a dark cool place until autumn, so that later land again.

The most preferred time for planting tulips is mid-September - late October. More precisely, the time is determined for each region separately, depending on weather and climatic conditions. For example, in central Russia, bulbs are usually planted in the twentieth of September, in the North Caucasus - in October. Of course, the purely weather factor can also affect the timing of planting, because sometimes winter comes earlier, and sometimes later.

One of the main weather indicators by which you can determine the optimal time for planting is soil temperature:

  • you can start planting from the moment when the soil cools down to + 7 + 9 degrees (measurements are made at a depth of about 10 cm);
  • if you plant bulbs in warmer soil, sprouts will quickly hatch from them, which will immediately die during the first frosts, which from the very beginning will greatly weaken the plant and possibly even lead to its death;
  • being late with planting and immersing the bulbs in colder soil, you will not give them the opportunity to take root normally; frosts will find the roots too weak and not formed, which in the end also threatens underdevelopment and even death of plants.

Ideally, planted bulbs should have about 20-30 days to take root normally before winter. To do this, they need moderate humidity and soil temperature in the upper layers of about +7 degrees. If you are still late with planting, or the frosts come earlier than expected, you can save the bulbs from freezing by covering the flower bed with dry leaves or spruce branches.

Features of spring planting

Even if you are a staunch supporter of autumn planting, you should still try planting bulbs in the spring at least once. This should be done at least in order to independently verify the consistency of the arguments of those who advocate just such a method.

When gardeners wonder can tulip bulbs be planted in spring, the first thing they are interested in is whether these plants will bloom? We can confidently say that yes, they will. True, graceful flowers on such plants will appear much later than usual, which, in general, is not bad in itself. After all, when the tulips of all the neighbors have already faded, you can continue to admire your collection of “latecomers”.

If you want the flowers planted in spring to bloom without fail along with the rest of the relatives, you can do
the following combination:

  1. bulbs bought in spring, or bulbs that have lain indoors since autumn, should be put in the refrigerator for 9-12 hours (just do not put them in the freezer);
  2. then wash them with a light solution of potassium permanganate (the optimal concentration is pink color water);
  3. after "bathing" the bulbs can be planted in open ground.

Spring planting should be carried out at the latest - in the last days of March. However, in many regions of Russia in April, not only frosts are still possible, but also quite real frosts. Therefore, a safer option is to plant the flowers in a pot that can be left indoors. And when it finally gets warmer outside, tulips from a pot with an intact ball of earth can be safely transplanted into open ground.

General rules for planting bulbs

No matter, When You prefer planting tulip bulbs - autumn or in spring - in order to get strong stems and beautiful buds, you must strictly adhere to the following rules:

  1. Tulips love the sun. They are categorically contraindicated in the shadow. And even in partial shade, they can only bloom if the soil is very well fertilized and loosened. In view of this, place the flower bed on the south side of the house / fence, and preferably generally away from any buildings and tall trees.
  2. Strong gusty winds can severely damage tulips. Choose a place where some obstacle would protect the flower bed from it.
  3. Excess moisture is also harmful to tulips. If groundwater in your area comes close to the surface, raise the flower bed 20-30 cm above the general ground level, or drain with sand or gravel laid at the bottom of the planting holes.
  4. In order for tulips to grow strong and beautiful, they need light sandy soil dug to the depth of a shovel and fertilized with organic matter and superphosphates. Just do not use fresh manure, which provokes the development of fungal diseases.
  5. Since the root system of the bulbs is very short, fertilizers must be applied in close proximity to them. Many gardeners even practice spot application of nutrients - strictly under each bulb.
  6. If you are using someone else's planting material, purchase it at the end of July, that is, immediately after the bulbs are dug up. Only by providing right conditions storage, you can be sure that the bulbs are viable.
  7. The planting depth is 10-15 centimeters for large bulbs and about 5-7 for "kids". The distance between planted bulbs in one row should be about the same. But the rows themselves should be about 30–35 centimeters apart from each other.
  8. Like all perennials, tulips are naturally adapted to survive winter frosts. True, given the southern origin of these flowers, they can freely tolerate only moderate cold. If the winter is going to be really very frosty, it is recommended to cover the flower bed with humus, peat, or at least fallen leaves. Of course, such a “blanket” will not stop the freezing of the soil, but at least it will protect against sudden changes in temperature.

Mistakes to avoid

In general, tulips are considered very unpretentious and easy to care for plants. Even with minimal experience in floriculture, you can successfully cultivate them in your country house. However, there are things that can destroy even these masters of survival.

In particular, you should avoid the following mistakes:

  • Very late boarding. If the bulbs do not have time to take root and thus prepare for the coming winter, the plants will be greeted with sick and weakened spring. Therefore, you can not even count on the flowering of such plants. In the best case, the flowers will appear much later than the scheduled date. In addition, even starting late flowering, the tulip can quickly "burn out" if the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees. With the current global warming, such weather can easily be established even in early May. For this reason, check the long-term weather forecast for autumn in advance and find out exactly when to plant tulip bulbs in the ground this year.
  • Too much or too little planting depth. If the bulb is planted too high, it may die from winter frosts. With excessive digging, the bulb will easily survive the winter, but it will take too long to break out in the spring and will be late with the growing season.

Tulips are one of the earliest spring flowers that appear in abundance in retail sales around the 8th of March, and after the snow melts, they begin to peep from the warmed earth in private flower beds to soon bloom with fragrant delicate flowers. If you have finally decided to plant lovely tulips in your garden, you will most likely have a logical question: when to plant tulips?

Nature will tell you the right answer

It would be logical to start planting bulbs in the spring, along with other flowers and vegetable crops. But it was not there! Most experienced flower growers unanimously argue that autumn is the only suitable time when it is better to plant tulips. Although there are also supporters of spring planting, who can give a lot of reasons why it is preferable to plant tulip bulbs in the ground in spring. So, when should tulips be planted, and who is right?

Autumn is the only time to plant tulips

To come to the right conclusion when it is better to plant tulips, you should pay attention to how these flowers grow in nature. Having understood the natural rhythm of life of wild-growing tulips, you can easily understand what the more delicate varietal flowers growing in flower beds want.

Video about proper fit tulips

For most types of tulips, the homeland is Central Asia. Here, wild tulips are found in stony and sandy deserts, in arid mountainous regions, foothills, on scree, in rock crevices, and also in the steppes. In early spring, the slopes of the mountains and deserts of Central Asia are a truly picturesque picture - blooming tulips play with bright colors in the sun, covering the ground with flowering carpets.

As soon as the spring heat turns into hot heat, tulips quickly fade, dry up, and all life in them is concentrated in the bulbs. The bulbs go deep into the ground, and with the advent of cool autumn weather, they form new roots in order to bloom again in the spring immediately after waking up.

Thus, flowering of tulips in the natural environment occurs only after a period of winter cooling, which is necessary for the formation of substances in the bulbs that affect the germination and flowering of the plant.

Tulips bloom in their natural environment only after a period of winter cooling.

Best time to plant tulips

The life cycle of cultivated tulips is the same as that of wild tulips, so autumn is the best time to plant tulips. Once in the ground, the bulbs have time to grow roots before frost, after which life freezes in them with the onset of winter. In the spring, a stem quickly peeps out from under the snow and tender buds form in a short time. At the end of flowering, tulips are dug up, and the bulbs are sent for storage until autumn planting.

Featured planting dates for tulips- from the second decade of September until the last days of October. The right time to plant tulips depends on the region and the local climate. So, in central Russia, bulbs are planted starting from the twentieth of September, and in the southern regions - from October.

The life cycle of cultivated tulips is the same as that of wild ones.

You can determine when to plant tulips by soil temperature:

  • as soon as at a depth of ten centimeters the soil temperature dropped to + 7 + 9 degrees, it was time to start planting the bulbs;
  • if the temperature is higher, the bulbs will sprout, which will die during the first frost, and rooting will be worse;
  • at a lower soil temperature, the bulbs simply do not have time to take root well before the onset of frost, which will lead to a lag in growth of tulips in spring and unsuccessful flowering.

Sufficient time for rooting the planted bulbs is about 20-30 days with optimal soil moisture and temperature in its upper layers up to +7 degrees.

Tulip shoots

But if for some reason the recommended dates were missed, when can tulips be planted in this case? According to experienced gardeners, it is possible to plant bulbs until the first days of December - this is still better than transferring planting to spring. And so that the bulbs do not freeze, and the tulips do not lag behind in development in the spring, it is recommended to cover the flower bed with spruce branches, dry leaves or straw and sprinkle with snow on top.

Features of spring planting

It also happens that flower growers remember the need to plant tulips only on the eve of spring. The time, though not the most successful, but now do not completely abandon these graceful flowers. Tulips planted in spring also grow, but begin to bloom much later. You can speed up their flowering with a simple trick:

  • tulip bulbs that have either been recently purchased, put in the refrigerator overnight (but not in the freezer!);
  • the next day, rinse with a pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • plant the bulbs in the ground.

Video about how to plant tulips

You need to plant tulips in open ground until April, but if frosts are still possible in your area at this time, first plant the bulbs in a container right size, and only then gently transplant to the flower bed.

The main thing to remember: no matter what time to plant tulips, agricultural technology must be observed carefully, otherwise, due to improper care, the bulb of the plant grinds, and after it the stems and flowers will become smaller.
