Master class on making a Gothic cathedral using the Kirigami technique.

Dumler Tatyana Petrovna, fine arts teacher of MAOU gymnasium No. 56 in Tomsk
Purpose: This work is intended for little artists who like to use different materials; for their teachers and parents.
Target: making the facade of a Gothic cathedral from paper.
- introduce the kirigami technique;
- develop accuracy and perseverance;
- develop imagination, spatial imagination, love of creativity.
Materials: sheet of white paper, scissors, pencil

Today we will get acquainted with the features of Gothic architecture.
The words “Gothic” and “Gothic” come from the name of the warlike barbarian tribe of the Goths, who dealt a mortal blow to the great Roman Empire. Medieval art began to be called Gothic because people then thought this art was rude, barbaric, and not similar to the usual ancient art.
In the Middle Ages, the power of the church was so great that even kings were forced to submit to it. Religion required a person to renounce everything earthly; he had to think only about God. And people began to build temples of unprecedented architecture. The high vaults of the cathedrals, the colored stained glass windows through which rays of light poured, the solemn sounds of the organ - all this captured the imagination of people, instilled in them the idea of ​​the holiness of divine power, and turned them to religion.
Gothic style originated in the middle of the 12th century in northern France; in the 13th century it spread to the territory of modern Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Spain, and England.

The main decoration of the city was the cathedral, which was built over tens and sometimes even hundreds of years. Gothic cathedrals seem light and transparent from the many huge windows. They seem to be woven from stone lace. Steep slopes of roofs, pointed arches, high towers topped with thin spiers - everything creates the impression of a rapid rush into the heights. The height of the towers of the largest Gothic cathedrals reaches 150 meters.

Buildings in the Gothic style were usually built in large cities - they are easily recognizable by their pointed arches, high pointed towers, and large windows with stained glass images on biblical themes. And the sunlight, penetrating through them into the temple, created unique lighting effects.

In the Middle Ages, the skill of masons greatly increased, which made it possible to create complex architectural forms and enormous size of buildings. Typical early (French) Gothic buildings had a central portal with large rose windows above them.

I propose to my students to make the facade of a Gothic cathedral using the Kirigami technique. Kirigami is a type of origami that, unlike its other types, allows for cutting out individual paper parts using scissors. In Japanese, this word means nothing more than cutting paper (kami - paper; kiru - cut).
This unusual and fascinating art is quite young. Its founder is considered to be the Japanese architect Masahiro Chatani, who was the first to decide to make a couple of cuts on a paper figurine to make it easier to fold. The Kirigami technique is widely used by many designers when decorating interiors, creating various decor, and also when decorating gifts.
For work we will need a piece of white paper, scissors and a pencil. We repeat the rules of working with scissors and get started!
Fold the sheet in half. The result is a book. It will need to be divided into three equal parts (you can use a ruler) and bent.

Smooth out the fold lines well.

Next, unfold the sheet and fold it into an accordion along the fold lines.

Take the central part of the accordion in your right hand, and turn the side parts out and connect them together. They are on the left.

Using a pencil, outline the contours of the central part of the tower and the side parts.

We cut along the contour, combining the side parts for a neat symmetrical cutting.

Now we will outline the portal - the decoratively decorated entrance to the cathedral. The arc line on the right side is marked with a pencil.

We make a cut along this line. We bend it. It is important to smooth out the fold line; I bend it in one direction and the other.

We return the door to its place and make two more parallel cuts to the fold line.

Let's repeat the same on the left side. We outline an arc line, make a cut, and bend it.

It is better to cut two side parts together at once. Then we add two parallel arc lines and cut to the fold line.

Now we will outline the window openings - tall, narrow, arched. We draw two lines above the portal - a straight line at the bottom and an arc at the top.

We cut, bend, smooth the fold line well.

Let's make more windows on the left side, making it a little more complicated. Two pairs of lines, one larger, the second inside smaller.

We make cuts along the lines, bend them in different directions, and smooth them out.

And let's try to depict a rose - a large round window, often found on the facades of Gothic cathedrals. Draw a semicircular line.

The easiest pattern to cut out is triangles. We outline them and collect them in the center of the window.

Cut it out.

We have outlined the most basic architectural elements. You can further complicate the façade, add a pinnacle (decorative turrets), cut a wimperg (a pointed gable above a portal or window opening), or any appropriate cuts. But this is at the request of each author individually. And we unfold our workpiece and prepare for the next stage.

If all the fold lines are well smoothed, then the folding process will be easy and fun. Press on the middle of the central window and bend it inward.

Repeat the same with the side windows.

Bend the doors inwards too. Smooth out the fold lines.

We made cuts above the doors, this is an imitation of numerous arches above the portals. Bend one inward.

Let's look at how you can make a window with a more complex shape on the sides. Press on the center, bend, smooth.

From the inside we press on the center of the small windows and bend and smooth them out.

The guys really enjoy working with this technique. The boys themselves help their classmates cope with difficulties. The end result is a wonderful result!

An original DIY gift for Easter

Master class on making panels with step-by-step photos.
Do-it-yourself panel made of decorative cord using the quilling technique “Cathedral of Christ the Savior”.

The master class is designed for school-age children, teachers, both kindergartens and schools, additional education, as well as for the parents of our students, and simply for those who really love to make and decorate their surrounding world!
Target: Making panels from decorative cord, making flowers using the quilling technique.
Tasks: Teach the quilling technique. Develop fine motor skills, accuracy in doing work, creativity, and imagination.
Purpose: the panel can be used as a gift, souvenir, or interior decoration.
Baizan Elena Leonidovna, physical education instructor.
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of a general developmental type with priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic direction of development of pupils, kindergarten No. 6 “Vasilyok”, Krasnoyarsk region, town. Shushenskoye.

Majestic, solemn, wonderful
The temple stands above the Moscow River,
Golden reflection in the morning
Dark waters disturbing the peace.

Wonderful temple! You are a holy creation
Masters and people of Rus'.
Like Christ, he survived humiliation
You cried out to God, “Save!”

And your prayer voice was heard.
Again you are standing above the river.
And about what? About a secret, probably
You are silent majestically and proudly.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior built from 1839 to 1883 The idea of ​​erecting a grandiose temple in Moscow in honor of the victory over the French and their expulsion from Russia arose already in 1812, and on October 12, 1813, the ceremonial laying of the foundation of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on the Sparrow Hills took place. Byzantine was chosen as the basis for the style of the temple. The facades of the temple on all four sides were identical in shape and decorated with bas-reliefs depicting pictures of the Holy Scriptures. The sculptures for the bas-reliefs were made by sculptors Klodt, Loganovsky and Ramazanov from Protopopovsky marble (a very strong and beautiful stone, easy to polish). The huge central dome was placed on a high light drum with mirrored glass, resting on an octagon. Widely spaced small four domes were crowned by four quadrangular bell towers. To gild the domes, crosses and balustrades of the roof, 422.2 kg of gold were required, and 176 tons of copper were needed. There were 14 bells hanging on the bell towers, the largest of which weighed 27 tons.
In connection with the approach of Easter, I offer a master class on creating a panel “Cathedral of Christ the Savior”.

To create our panel we will need:
- Frame 21x30cm.
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Stationery glue
- Glue “Moment”
- Colored office paper
- Decorative cord (gold, silver, black)
- Oil pastel
- Nail scissors

So, let's get started. Take a sheet of paper, the color of your flower. I took a sheet of light purple office paper. Using a ruler and pencil, draw strips 0.5 cm wide.

Cutting strips

We take one strip and roll it into a roll like this. Secure the edge of the roll with glue.

We pinch one edge of the roll, you get a petal like this

Using the sharp edge of the petal, glue the rolls into one inflorescence

We take a strip of a different color and also roll it into a roll, securing the edge of the strip again with glue

We pinch it, roll on both sides, we get a petal like this

Such inflorescences are obtained. You can use different colors of paper, you will get very cute flowers

We create “Forget-me-nots”. To do this, twist the blue strip into a very tight roll.

Just like in the first case, we pinch one edge of the petal. We connect together 5-6 petals in an inflorescence

Each flower has a middle, so to speak, stamens. Our stamens are made from a strip of yellow paper. Finely cut along the edge of the strip - stamens

Roll up into a tight roll

Glue the stamens to each flower using Moment glue

All flowers have leaves. Cut strips of green paper 0.5 cm wide

We do it the same way as petals, we roll it up

Pinch on both sides

The next roll, slightly bent into a “month” shape

Sheet blanks are ready

We glue the three parts of the sheet together, then take a green strip and glue the sheet completely, as if securing all three parts together

We also experiment with leaves, bend the roll in different directions

We also connect the rolls together using a strip of paper

I took a piece of paper and drew the outline of the temple

Now the interesting part... We take a decorative cord of gold color and begin to paste the dome of the temple in a circle

We lay out the remaining two domes in the same way. Glue the cord using Moment glue

We take a silver-colored cord and lay out the base, so to speak, the walls of the Temple. We highlight the windows in gold. Using black cords we draw the outline of the towers of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Cut it out

The cut out temple is glued onto the finished background. Using a golden cord we form crosses on each dome of the temple

Our flowers and leaves, made using the quilling technique, are laid out at the “feet” of the Temple. We attach the finished panel to the frame

The panel is ready, let's decorate our interior with it!

O Cathedral of Christ the Savior, you again
You stand, having risen to your former heights!
My enthusiastic word to you,
My soul's ecstatic flight!

How majestic and how beautiful you are
In unimaginable beauty
Golden crosses, and domes, and towers,
Figures and walls in their snowy purity!

How the hand of the evil “creators” rose
Blow you up - the sanctuary of Christ,
Museum of the Great Borodino Glory,
Here created by the will of the Creator?

Praise be to him and to all who by the will of God
He gave this Temple to Russia again!
And let the road lead us all here
To the Divine speaking lips!

Russia will be and will be reborn again
To her great righteous deeds!
The key to this is the rise in the capital
The majestic Temple of Christ the Savior! (

Olga Aleshina

In our kindergarten, various competitions are constantly held. Quite recently, the results of a competition for the production of DIY temple models. Any material could be used. The main priority was that temple must be similar to what actually exists in Russia. The task was not at all easy. The most difficult thing for me was to maintain the ratio of all the parts temple and its resemblance to the present. First thing I did was take a few pictures temple, which is located in the center of our city. We have many temples, but I like this one more than others, and the architecture didn’t seem very complicated!

For the manufacture of the layout was prepared: 8 empty milk bottles (I selected only those that fit the shape of the towers, 2 two-liter bottles of kvass, 5 plastic balls for dry pools (one slightly larger than the rest, plasticine, Whatman paper, PVA glue, Moment glue, Gouache paints, interior, PF115 enamel, cotton fabric and linen cord.

The basis temple It became an ordinary cardboard box, which was given to me in a store near my house. True, it had to be adjusted a little so that it corresponded to the size of the selected bottles, painted in the appropriate color

"Lukovki" temple were made from plasticine, which tightly adhered to the plastic balls and helped give them the appropriate shape.

It was much more difficult to give the cylindrical bottles a hexagonal shape. To do this, I used a linen cord, which I glued to the bottles and covered the future towers with fabric. All that remains is to paint and connect the “onions” to the towers using covers screwed together with “screws”

Then I strengthened the towers on the roof of the main building, covered the entire surface of the roof with thick paper to give it a shape and a smooth surface, and painted the roof with enamel. I used old X-ray film for the windows, and foam tiles with a smooth surface and white gouache for detailing the decorations. The crosses are real. The “golden” paint on the central dome is also gouache. Like this I got the temple.

The competition, which was announced on the eve of Easter, was attended by both teachers and parents of our students. A photo report about the competition can be viewed on our kindergarten website.

My the layout took first place, a certificate was awarded.

We present step-by-step master classes with photos that will teach you how to make a church from a plastic bottle, plasticine, toothpicks, paper and even pasta.

If you know how to make a church, then you can make this craft from various materials. Not only cardboard, colored paper, but also matches and even pasta will be used.

How to make a church out of paper?

To make it, take:

  • whatman;
  • cardboard;
  • acrylic paints;
  • plastic bottle with a dome-shaped top;
  • acrylic paint of different colors, including gold and silver;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • blue colored paper;
  • marker;
  • ruler;
  • icons scanned on paper.

Before you make a church, provide a pedestal for it. Make it from a sheet of thick cardboard, and cover the top with paving stones printed on a color printer. Now let's start painting the details. To make the walls, you will need to cut out four pieces like this and connect them.

Cut out rectangles from blue paper, use a ruler and a black marker to draw these future windows as follows.

Cut out the door from brown cardboard; you need to glue both rectangular and semicircular elements on top of it so that this part becomes more voluminous and it is clear that there are stones or bricks on it.

Cut two handles for the door from yellow cardboard. To make steps for the entrance to the church, you will need to cut semicircles of different sizes from cardboard, then glue them in order, starting with the smallest ones, ending with the largest ones at the bottom.

To make a dome for a church, cut the top off a matching bottle. It needs to be covered with plasticine all over, close the hole in the neck area and make this part more elongated. Then cover the dome with pieces of newspaper, soaking them in PVA glue.

Prime the dome using real primer or white paint.

By this time the primer has dried, now you can paint the dome with gold acrylic paint in two or three layers.

Glue the windows to the corresponding markings. Glue the dome on top.

See how to assemble and arrange the workpiece. After gluing the windows to the walls, attach brown tape with small windows at the bottom, then glue the church model together to make it three-dimensional. Don't forget to glue the icons to the appropriate places. Glue paper on top, which will become the roof.

Paint it with silver paint interspersed with brown. And use the same composition to mark the forged elements above the visor of the first door, and paint the column of the other with brown paint. Glue a silver cross to the dome, then glue the tower in the center of the composition.

Here's how to make a church out of paper. The process is very interesting, and you and your child will create such a significant thing from scrap materials. This is a model of a church called “Hodegetria of Jerusalem”, and it is located in Taganrog.

The next master class will also be easy for your child if you help him.

DIY pasta church

It is from this material that the next church will be created.

These flour products will create walls, openwork pasta will become decoration elements. Here's what you'll need to take:

  • pasta of different textures;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • long lid;
  • foil;
  • hot gun;
  • cardboard.

Create a hexagon out of cardboard and then use it to make walls of this shape. Cover it with pasta.

Attach flat noodles at the corners and at the top to complete the finishing. And with openwork elements you need to steal the top of the walls and make columns by stacking these pasta.

From a sheet of cardboard, cut out a hexagon and also a cone. Glue the elements together. Using a hot gun, attach flat pasta on top. Decorate the junction of these two shapes with semicircular pasta.

Make a dome from openwork vermicelli. To give it a shape, you can paste these flour products over the top of a plastic bottle, which is made in the form of a dome. Glue a cross made of flat pasta into the center. Attach this dome to the created roof.

Cut out a porch of the following shape from cardboard and cover the outside with pasta.

Decorate the corners of this product with flat noodles, and also use these pasta and horns to decorate the roof above the porch.

Cover the elongated lid with plasticine, and then cover this part with foil.

You have a bell. Use a glue gun to secure it in place. Here's how to make your own church out of pasta.

If an adult needs such a thing, then he can use matches as a material. The work is more painstaking, but very interesting.

How to make a church out of matches - step-by-step instructions with photos

To create such beauty, take:

  • a box of chocolates;
  • toothpicks or matches;
  • PVA furniture glue;
  • copper wire with a cross section of 0.33 mm;
  • for the base - fiberboard, chipboard or plywood;
  • floral candy foil;
  • veneer.

Here are the tools you will need:

  • ruler;
  • sharp knife;
  • eraser pencil;
  • curved or straight scissors;
  • bar;
  • tweezers;
  • compass;
  • clothespins;
  • nails 2 mm.

The Lazarevskaya Church of the 14th century was taken as the basis.

The master used this photograph and made markings here. Redraw or reprint this drawing so that you know what dimensions will need to be taken into account when creating a church with your own hands. Calculations are given in millimeters.

To make it easier to make the temple, keep in mind that you need to conditionally divide it into 3 parts. The central one is the church itself, with the refectory on the right and the altar on the left.

Here's how to make a church. To do this, take a thin cardboard and draw four walls, which are a square with sides of 5 cm.

As you can see, you need to draw windows in two walls, then cut them out with a thin knife or scalpel.

You can use matches, toothpicks or a wooden stack to build walls.

The next step is to determine the length of the wooden blanks. If you took a long stack, you will need to saw off parts of it. If using toothpicks, trim off the sharp ends.

Now you can start making the temple. First, decorate the wall on which there is glass.

Look at how to arrange wooden blanks and glue them.

As you can see, these logs need to be moved through one thing - first to the left, then to the right. Now cut a strip of cardboard measuring 5 by 2 cm. Bend it approximately in half in the middle.

Make 4 such corners, and with their help assemble the frame of the future building. As you can see, these corners need to be placed vertically and two walls should be glued to each.

Measure the width of the wooden log so you can know how much larger the wall has become. Initially it is 5 cm, if the thickness of this wooden piece is 3 mm, then it turns out that the wall is now 53 mm. But since the “logs” protrude in both directions, this means that the wall width is now 56 mm. Therefore, for the pediment you need to cut two triangles of exactly this width. If you have other calculations, then simply attach the wall to a sheet of cardboard and cut out two triangles along its width.

Now you will need to paste over these two triangles with wooden blanks.

Then attach these gables on both sides to the log houses, glue them, and secure them in this position with clothespins until the glue dries completely.

Here's how to make a matchstick church next. While the main building dries out, you will start making the refectory. Also make four walls out of cardboard for her, mark windows on three, and a door on one. The windows need to be cut out with a sharp knife, and the door needs to be cut on three sides so that it opens.

Also start gluing matches, pieces of wood or toothpicks to this blank, moving them to the right and then to the left.

From this strip, make a box like this, glue its two opposite walls to make a log house. Also secure this place with a clothespin for a while.

Then, as in the previous case, attach and glue the gables. Please note that one of them is fixed on the door side.

Make the third room in the same way; it should be slightly smaller than the first two.

To make a roof, you need to measure the length of the refectory, altar, church. Add 4 mm.

Now, according to the markings of each building, cut out roofs from cardboard, bend these blanks in half.

Glue these roofs onto each of your buildings. Now you need to coat them. To do this, cut the veneer into something like boards.

Make a cutout on the central roof and glue this pipe here. Cut wider and longer veneer boards and glue them so that they cover the cardboard roofs.

To make a cross, you can use the following device. On such a block you need to hammer 3 groups of nails on the back side. Now start wrapping them with copper wire from above.

This is what the cross will look like.

To make a dome, cut into circles. The largest will be 19 mm in diameter, the next 17 mm, 15 mm, 13 mm, 11 mm, 9 mm. The smallest is 5 mm. Glue them together as follows.

Punch a hole in the center of the round blanks with a nail. Now take a strip of colored foil 10 cm long, place the dome on it, drop glue into the recess, and place a cross inside.

Now twist the foil to form a dome like this.

At the bottom of the dome, cut the foil so that you can glue it later.

From fiberboard, plywood or chipboard, cut out the bases for the church from two layers and glue them together. Cover this blank so that the surface resembles masonry. Pour glue inside, place the church here and attach it.

All that remains is to glue the dome onto the made pedestal in the form of a pipe. Here's how to make a matchstick church so it looks like the real thing.

Sometimes schools have a week of Orthodox culture, and you need to bring crafts on this topic. If you make such a beautiful blue and white church with your child, he will probably take a prize.

Before you make a church of this type, you will need to prepare:

  • plastic bottle;
  • cardboard box lid;
  • wire;
  • rope;
  • lace and braid;
  • blue and white plasticine;
  • cotton wool;
  • a strip of rolled padding polyester;
  • PVA glue;
  • foamiran or colored cardboard;
  • double sided tape;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • white paint.

First, take the lid on which the craft will be located and paint it with white paint. While the drying process is underway, you will cut strips from cardboard or foamiran. They will help you design the fence near the temple.

Taper the top ends of these strips to make them look like a picket fence.

Meanwhile, the white paint on the box has dried, so it's time to glue the boards to the exposed edges.

Let the glue dry, in the meantime, take the bottle and cut off the bottom.

You need to take a bottle whose top part resembles a church dome, for example, a bottle of mineral water.

Also cut off the top of this container. But here the plastic is durable, so it’s better to heat the knife and gradually cut off the excess part.

Now measure 2 cm from the edge of the bottle and cut this part into strips. Then this trick will help secure the church on a horizontal surface.

Cover the top of the bottle with plasticine, making a pointed tip here.

To make a cross, take the wire in the winding. Here it is blue. First, bend it in half, make a loop here, then bend two more loops on the right and left sides.

Stick the resulting cross into the plasticine dome cap.

Cover the bottom of the bottle with double-sided tape. Now start removing the top paper layer gradually. First, remove it from the bottom roll of tape. Wrap here with the yarn of your choice.

In this way you need to decorate the entire lower part of the bottle. Now glue the strips of lace here. They can be blue at the top and middle and silver at the bottom.

Now there is another interesting work ahead, which will also shed light on how to make a church. The dome needs to be decorated. To do this, together with your child, roll blue and light blue balls and make cakes out of them. Start gluing them from the bottom in a checkerboard pattern. The second row should be slightly shifted to the right and the subsequent ones too.

Now attach double sided tape to the bottom of the cut plastic bottle strips and stick it to the box.

You can cover the horizontal surface of the box with grass, glue trees and flowers made of rubber, plastic or other materials here. But in this case the composition is white and blue, so cotton wool drifts would be appropriate. Place them on the box, gluing them. And place a strip of padding polyester in the center. It also needs to be glued. Here's how to make a church look amazing.

If you are interested in learning how to make a church out of matches, then the following master class will help.

An interesting idea is to make a temple out of paper using the art of origami. In just 12 minutes you will acquire the skill and be able to make a church from this material.

There are several options for creating a paper church. Any of them requires a certain skill and perseverance. For example, to glue a temple out of paper with your own hands, you will need a lot of effort and time. This is a rather complex, voluminous work that requires knowledge and skills in working with paper, as well as scissors and glue.

How to make a church out of paper?

First you need to find a scheme according to which the process will take place. It is advisable not just to find it on the Internet, but to print it out. It would be ideal if the diagram also includes step-by-step instructions. Please read it carefully before you begin.

Preparing to Establish a Church

Before you actually start cutting anything out, you need to free up your workspace by removing all unnecessary things and papers. This must be done to avoid the possibility of losing small parts. Before cutting out the components from the sheet, lightly press down all the folds using a ballpoint pen with a dry tip or something similar. The main thing is not to scratch the surface of the paper. This simple solution will help make the bends along the line much neater.


It's a good idea to use a ruler when folding the paper on straight sections. To create the inside fold, place the ruler so that it is along the fold line. And then lift the paper, pressing it against the edge of the ruler.

A church made of paper is an excellent decoration, as well as an excellent gift into which you can put all your warmth, care and love. The first thing to start with is to draw the so-called “building pattern”. It is advisable to do this on thick white paper. Next, all components need to be carefully cut out. You can find a pattern on the Internet - there are a great many different options. If you have no experience, start with the one that is simpler. When all the parts have been successfully cut, bend them along the pre-designated fold lines. Thus, the walls of your church are ready, all that remains is to carefully glue them to the cardboard platform - the base of the church.

Domes are an essential element of any temple. This means that the paper structure also needs them. The “pattern” for them can be found on the same drawing where the “patterns” for the walls for the church are. Alternatively, you can simply search for it separately on the Internet. It goes without saying that church domes should not be white. Here everything depends solely on your imagination. So, blanks for domes can be pasted over with yellow or orange paper, or you can use silver and gold foil for this.

Be careful

When gluing white paper with colored paper or foil, you need to try to make the whole process as smooth as possible. You shouldn't have any folds. Do everything so as not to accidentally crush the workpiece, because the quality of the domes and the appearance of the entire structure directly depend on its quality. When the paper patterns are ready, you will need to cut out windows in the paper walls very carefully. If you don’t want to cut them out, then you can do it easier - draw them with pencils or paints. Lastly, all the parts are assembled and glued. It is necessary to smear the seams with glue so that it does not protrude and is not visible, otherwise the church will not have a neat appearance.

Sequence of gluing a paper church

The “patterns” of all the walls will need to be bent along pre-designated lines, then the walls will be glued to the cardboard area. When all the walls are glued to the site and the glue has dried, you will need to “attach” the domes on top. You can glue them with the same glue that held the walls together. As an option, you can color the cardboard area with colored pencils or paints, or go even further - glue small pebbles and sand to it, and also, for greater realism, make a fence out of matches or toothpicks. Creating an environment is entirely up to your imagination and capabilities. Any paper craft involves a wide range of imagination and creativity.


A paper temple can be a worthy decoration for any interior, as well as an excellent gift for a friend or loved one. Its creation is a fascinating, but also difficult task that will require accuracy and endurance, as well as perseverance. You need to choose a time when you are not in a hurry, arrange a workplace for yourself, and then actually take on the temple itself.

Church made of paper using origami technique

Paper Church

Origami Church - Easy Paper Crafts
