Amounts of unemployment benefits and scholarships paid during the period vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service, directly depend on the citizen's salary at the last place of work. At the same time, the duties of the former employer include issuing a certificate of average earnings for submission to the employment service.

Payments to the unemployed

The foundations of the state policy of promoting employment of the population are spelled out in the Federal Law of 19.04.1991 No. 1032-1 "On employment of the population in Russian Federation"(Hereinafter referred to as the Employment Law).

To recognize a citizen as unemployed, it is necessary that he be able to work, have no job and be registered with the employment service, look for a job and be ready to start it (paragraph 1 of paragraph 1 of article 3 of the Employment Law). Of this rule there are exceptions. For example, citizens under the age of 16, pensioners, individual entrepreneurs cannot be recognized as unemployed (paragraph 3 of article 2 and paragraph 3 of article 3 of the Employment Law).


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Rostrud opened informational portal “Working in Russia” ( This is a state all-Russian bank of vacancies, which contains up-to-date information from regional services of employment centers. Also on the site you can get qualified legal assistance, familiarize yourself with regulatory documents on labor legislation, clarify addresses and contacts of regional employment services.

The state guarantees the unemployed (paragraph 1 of article 28 of the Employment Law):

  • payment of unemployment benefits (including during illness);
  • payment of scholarships during the period of vocational training, advanced training, retraining in the direction of the employment service (including during illness);
  • the opportunity to participate in paid public works.

Note that the amount of unemployment benefits and scholarships paid directly depends on the salary of the citizen at the last place of his work (see Table 1). That is why the package of documents provided by a citizen to the employment service includes a certificate of average earnings (paragraph 1 of paragraph 2 of article 3 of the Employment Law).

At the same time, in all cases, the amount of payments increased by the size of the regional coefficient should not be lower than the minimum amount of the benefit and cannot exceed its maximum value (paragraph 5, clause 1 of article 33 of the Employment Law). In 2012, the minimum amount of unemployment benefits is 850 rubles, the maximum is 4900 rubles. (paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.11.2011 No. 888 "On the size of the minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment benefits for 2012").

In other cases, unemployment benefit is calculated in the first (6-month) payment period and in the second (6-month) payment period in the amount of its minimum amount. For example, if a citizen did not work for more than a year, or during the previous 12 months did not have a paid job for more than 26 weeks, or was fired for violation of labor discipline or other culpable actions (clause 1 of article 34 of the Employment Law).

Calculation of average earnings

In this case, you should use the Procedure for calculating average earnings to determine the amount of unemployment benefits and scholarships paid to citizens during the period of vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service, approved by the Ministry of Labor dated 12.08.2003 No. 62 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

Settlement period

The average earnings of an employee are calculated for the last three calendar months - from the 1st to the 1st day preceding the month of dismissal (clause 3 of the Procedure).

Time is excluded from the billing period, as well as the amounts accrued for these periods, if (clause 4 of the Procedure):

  • the employee retained average earnings in accordance with the law;
  • the employee received a temporary disability benefit or maternity benefit;
  • the employee did not work due to downtime caused by the employer's fault, or for reasons beyond the control of the employer and the employee;
  • the employee did not participate in the strike, but due to this strike he was not able to do his job;
  • the employee was released from work with full or partial retention of wages or without payment in accordance with the law;
  • the employee was provided with days of rest (time off) in accordance with the law.
  • employee\u003e

Arbitrage practice

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The RF Armed Forces ruling No. KAS06-151 dated 08.06.2006 stated that clause 3 of the Procedure does not exclude the possibility of including the last month of work in which the dismissal was made in the estimated 3-month period, if this is in the interests of the employee.

We are talking here about cases when an employee leaves on the last day of the month, and if, with this calculation, the average earnings are higher than when using the three previous months.

Accountable payments

When calculating average earnings, all types of payments provided for by the wage system should be taken into account (clause 2 of the Procedure). These include: salary, allowances, additional payments, bonuses, etc. Note that wages, finally calculated at the end of the year, are taken into account in the amount of 1/12 for each month of the billing period, regardless of the time of its accrual (sub. “And” clause 2 of the Procedure).

Prizes and awards are accepted in the following order (clause 9 of the Procedure):

  • monthly for the same indicators - no more than one for each month of the billing period;
  • for a period of work exceeding one month, for the same indicators - no more than one in the amount of a monthly part for each month of the billing period;
  • remuneration based on the results of work for the year, one-time remuneration for length of service, other remuneration based on the results of work for the year, accrued for the previous calendar year - in the amount of 1/12 for each month of the settlement period, regardless of the time of accrual.

It may also happen that the employee did not fully work out the time for the billing period, or there were excluded periods. In this case, bonuses and remunerations are taken into account in proportion to the time worked in the billing period (with the exception of monthly bonuses paid along with salaries) (clause 9 of the Procedure).

Example 1

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The employee was dismissed from the organization on 20.02.2012. Let's calculate the payments taken into account for the average earnings, provided that:

  • the official salary is 21,000 rubles;
  • in November, the employee worked 15 out of 21 working days, in December - 22 out of 22, in January - 10 out of 16 days;
  • monthly bonuses are paid in the organization together with the salary for the given month;
  • quarterly (7,000 rubles) and annual bonuses for 2011 (15,000 rubles) were paid in January 2012.

Payouts taken into account:

Salary: 15,000 rubles + RUB 21,000 + 13 125 rub. \u003d RUB 49 125

Monthly bonuses: RUB 1,500 + 3000 rub. + 1000 rub. \u003d 5500 RUB

Quarterly bonus: 7000 rubles. / 59 days × 47 days. \u003d 5576.27 rubles.

Annual bonus: (15,000 rubles / 12 months × 3 months) / 59 days × 47 days. \u003d RUB 2,987.29

Payments taken into account for the billing period:

RUB 49 125 + 5500 rub. + 5576.27 RUB + RUB 2987.29 \u003d 63,188.56 rubles.

Calculation of average earnings

To determine the average earnings, use the average daily earnings (clause 7 of the Procedure).

In turn, the average earnings are calculated as follows (clause 7 of the Procedure):

In this case, the average monthly number of working days in the billing period is determined depending on the duration of the working week established in the organization (clause 7 of the Procedure).

Example 2

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The employee was dismissed from the organization on 09/10/2012. Let's calculate the average wage of an employee to provide information about its size to the employment center, provided that:

  • billing period - from 01.06.2012 to 31.08.2012;
  • number of working days in the billing period - 65 days. (20 days + 22 days + 23 days);
  • the number of days actually worked in the billing period - 52 days;
  • salary in the billing period - 36,400.00 rubles.

Average daily earnings \u003d 36,400.00 rubles. / 52 days \u003d RUB 700.00

Average monthly number of working days in the billing period \u003d 65 days. / 3 months \u003d 21.67 days

Average earnings \u003d 700.00 rubles. × 21.67 days. \u003d RUB 15,169.00

Establishing part-time work for an employee

When establishing part-time work for an employee, the average daily wage is calculated in the following order (clause 7 of the Procedure):

Summarized accounting of working time

When determining the average earnings for an employee who has a summarized recording of working hours, use the average hourly earnings (clause 8 of the Procedure):

In this case, the average salary of an employee is determined as follows (clause 8 of the Procedure):

The average monthly number of working hours in the billing period is determined depending on the duration of the working week established in the organization (clause 8 of the Procedure).

If the employee in the billing period did not have wages or days worked

It may also happen that the employee for these three months did not have actually accrued wages or actually worked days, or this period consisted of time excluded from the billing period (for example, sick leave, business trip, vacation, etc.). In this case, the average earnings are calculated based on the salary accrued for the previous period of time, equal to the estimated one (clause 5 of the Procedure).

And the website of the Office of Labor and Employment of the Altai Territory contains information that the receipt of unemployment benefits by citizens by misleading the specialists of employment centers, hiding the fact of employment, providing false documents and inaccurate information entails:

  • collection from citizens of the entire amount of illegally received unemployment benefits and interest for using other people's funds (Articles 395 and 1102 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • criminal liability for fraud (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).


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Salary certificate - a document that contains information about the employee's accruals for a certain period of time, as well as information about the length of service, position and information about the employer.

There are quite a few situations in which information about the average salary may be required, for example:

  • registration of an application for a loan, loan or loan;
  • when registering at the employment center;
  • to obtain a visa of a foreign state;
  • registration of social benefits and insurance payments (pensions and sick leave);
  • litigation and disputes;
  • obtaining subsidies prescribed by law.

Note that for each case can be used different shape certificates of average earnings. Any employee, even a fired employee, has the right to receive an official document. Moreover, the employer is obliged to issue information about the salary within three days from the date of appeal on the basis of Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Below you will find a sample of how to fill out an average earnings certificate for each specific case.

Dismissal documents

For all retiring employees, regardless of the reason for termination of employment, the employer must provide the following documentation:

Form information about the salary in a unified form of the document approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 No. 182n. Information in the form No. 182n is formed for the period worked in the current year, as well as for the two previous calendar years.

Download the form on average earnings, form No. 182n

Sample filling out a certificate of average earnings

When an employee retires, another document may be required, for example, a certificate of average earnings for the Pension Fund. In this form, not only the amount of accrued salary is indicated, but also the amount of insurance contributions made by the employer at the expense of the insured person (employee). Information is formed for the entire period of employment. On the basis of this document, representatives of the Pension Fund calculate the amount of the insurance pension.

Data for the employment center

A resigned employee, in addition to the documentation required by law, may require a certificate from the CPC about average earnings. The information is necessary for the employees of the CPC for the calculation and assignment of unemployment benefits (paragraph 2 of article 3 Federal law dated 19.04.1991 No. 1032-1). To prepare information, use the unified form approved in the Letter of the Ministry of Labor dated August 15, 2016 No. 16-5 / В-421. But it will not be considered a violation to provide another form, which contains all the necessary details.

The procedure for calculating and assigning state unemployment benefits is enshrined in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor dated 12.08.2003 No. 62.

Form of certificate of average earnings for assigning benefits to the unemployed

Information for credit institutions

Most banking organizations that provide loans, installments and financial loans have abandoned individual forms in favor of 2-NDFL. Why? Tax form KND 1151078 contains all the necessary details and data not only about an individual and his income, but also about his employer. Moreover, for errors and inaccuracies in the tax document, administrative liability and fines are provided.

Please note that the officials have developed and approved a new reporting structure in the 2-NDFL form, according to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 02.10.2018 No. ММВ-7-11 / [email protected] Now two forms are being filled in: one for the tax office, and the other for the employee. To provide information to the bank, for example, to obtain a mortgage or consumer credit, use the new 2-NDFL form (for an employee).

Form 2-NDFL

Sample salary certificate for a bank

We apply for a visa, social benefits or subsidies

To obtain a visa to enter a foreign state, representatives of a foreign embassy require confirmation of the official employment of a citizen. Some representatives of European countries also prefer 2-NDFL, explaining this by the fact that tax form KND 1151078 is documentary evidence of employment, and the certificate of average earnings for a visa can be easily falsified.

In order to receive social benefits and other financial assistance, for example, in the social protection authorities, they will also be required to confirm the average income. This is necessary to establish a preferential status for the applied citizen.

The certificate of average earnings for social protection (sample) does not have a unified form and is drawn up in an arbitrary order. When generating information, specify the required details:

  • the name of the organization, its registration and contact information;
  • surname, name and patronymic (if any) of the employee, position;
  • information on charges with a monthly breakdown.

Similarly, the paper for receiving subsidies is drawn up.

Certificate of average earnings for subsidies, sample

Certificate of average daily earnings for the court, sample

Proof of their income and other income may be required in court. For example, when ordering alimony, when considering a case of causing material damage or in violation of the Labor Code. The need to provide data is determined by the prosecutor or lawyer. Fill out the document in accordance with Art. 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to fill out for sick leave and benefits from a previous job

A certificate of average earnings for sick leave (sample form No. 182n) must be provided to the employee on the day of his dismissal or on the last working day, and it is mandatory. The document is necessary for submission at a new place of work in order to take into account insurance periods and accrued earnings in calculating benefits for temporary disability and in connection with motherhood.

If the employee provided Form 182n from the previous place of work after the assignment and payment of benefits, the employer is obliged to recalculate. These rules apply to all benefits paid within three years at a new place of work, preceding the date of submission of the document.

A citizen who is dismissed from work or who is looking for a job for the first time has the right to register with the Employment Center. Government agencies that mediate between the job seeker and the employer operate in each city.

The labor exchange provides employment services free of charge: it selects vacancies suitable for an unemployed citizen for his specialty, pays benefits, and gives directions to retraining courses. A citizen who has no income, as well as not sentenced to arrest and corrective labor, has the right to register from the age of 16.

The applicant needs to find out where the Employment Center is located and register during the opening hours. The procedure is simple, but the citizen must have documents. It is impossible to register without them. After registration, a citizen receives the status of an unemployed.

An unemployed person is a citizen of working age who is registered with the Employment Center. An unemployed person receives financial assistance from the state. This is unemployment benefit. What documents are needed for registration in 2018, we will consider in the article.


What documents do I need to provide? The applicant must collect the following set of documents:

  1. Passport. This document certifies the identity of the citizen.
  2. If a citizen has previously worked, a work book is required.
  3. INN. The certificate is issued by the tax office.
  4. Certificate from the previous place of work, which indicates the salary for the last three months.
  5. Diploma and certificate.
  6. Insurance certificate.

What kind of help is needed?

A certificate is a document issued by an employer. At the request of the employee, a certificate is issued by an employee of the personnel department within 3 days. More often, the certificate is made on the letterhead of the organization, the document reflects information on the citizen's salary for the last 3 months. On the left, in the upper corner, the name of the organization where the certificate is issued is written. The fact of employment of a citizen is confirmed by the name of the organization, the signatures of the chief accountant and the head with a decoding, indicating the days and months of experience.

Of the entire set of documents, citizens experience the most problems thanks to this certificate. Not all accountants know how to fill it out correctly, and employees of the Employment Service thoroughly study this document. If the certificate is written incorrectly, it is returned to the citizen. The former employee must ask the employer to correct it. Thus, employment is delayed.

Citizens often bring a certificate of 2 personal income tax to the Employment Service. It doesn't fit. If the employees of the organization issuing this certificate to the dismissed employee do not know about this, it is necessary to inform them.

How to register for unemployment at the Employment Center?

In order to register, you must:

  1. Collect the necessary documents.
  2. During reception hours, write an application and hand over the documents to an employee of the employment service.
  3. Get unemployed status.
  4. Check in twice a month at the Employment Service.

What documents are required for reduction?

Employees are dismissed for various reasons listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If there is a layoff due to redundancy, the unemployed must register within 2 weeks from the date of dismissal. After 14 days have passed, the citizen will be able to register. But one monthly salary will not be counted by a citizen. The list of documents for a citizen who has been made redundant at work includes:

  • passport;
  • employment history;
  • certificate of salary for the last 3 months.

It would be nice if a citizen, having learned about the reduction, applied for a certificate form at the Employment Center. This would save him from errors in the reference that could be made by an accountant.

What documents are required upon dismissal?

After dismissal, it is in the interests of the citizen to register within 14 days. Citizens who have had a break in their work experience for more than a year do not need a certificate of income.

When registering at the employment center, you must provide a package of documents.

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And many have questions about how to get a certificate for the employment center in 2019 and what should be indicated in it.

Now the question of unemployment is extremely acute, because quite often a young specialist cannot get a job in his specialty or a person fell under redundancy literally a year before retirement.

In such cases, the state offers its citizens a small amount of financial assistance.

It can be received by persons who are officially unemployed and only subject to their registration with the employment service.

The amount of payments received directly depends on the period of stay in this status.

Initial information

Federal law regulates unemployment benefits.

Minimum and maximum size the amounts received depends on many different factors and therefore in each case it is calculated individually.

For 2019, the employment center pays benefits from 850 rubles to 4,900 rubles per month.

Main concepts

When registering at the labor exchange, employees of the employment center fix a standard employee, without certain cases that are described in the law.

The calculation of the allowance is carried out if a person has worked in the last place for at least 26 weeks.

A person receives 75 percent of his for three months, then 60 percent - within 4 months, after the amount is only 45 percent.

After 12 months, if a person has not found a job and remains on the stock exchange, he receives the minimum amount of the benefit.

It should be noted that the amount of payments received can be increased due to the regional coefficient. Also, if the person worked officially and paid all taxes.

There are some features in which a person is assigned a minimum benefit, namely:

  • previously not working citizens;
  • the person was dismissed under the article;
  • the person has not worked for more than one calendar year;
  • a person has worked at the enterprise for less than 26 weeks;
  • the person was expelled for no valid reason from training courses or refresher courses from the employment center.

Refusal to register is possible only if the person has not submitted a complete package of documents.

Where to go

In order to register, you must provide a certain package of documents, one of which is a certificate of average earnings. You can get it in the personnel department or accounting department.

Legal regulation

The basis for the legal regulation of issues related to registration are the following documents:

  • rF law "On employment in the Russian Federation";
  • the code of the Russian Federation;
  • Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation “On Approving the Procedure for Calculating Average Earnings to Determine the Amount of Unemployment Benefits”.

How to fill in correctly

A correctly executed certificate and a fully assembled package of documents is necessary condition when registering at the labor exchange.

There is no set form for filling out, but there are some guidelines:

  • the certificate must be on the official letterhead of the company or have a corner stamp;
  • it must contain the details of the enterprise, the full name and legal form;
  • information about the period of work;
  • the amount of the average income for the last three months;
  • signatures of the chief accountant and manager;
  • date of issue of the certificate.

Conditions for registration

The package of documents that must be submitted for registration at the employment center is primarily related to the reason for the employee's dismissal from the enterprise.

If the relationship was severed due to violation of the norms prescribed by the labor code, then a certificate of income is not needed.

In 2019, it is 850 rubles. paid every month.

Of my own free will

If a person quit his previous job, then he needs to submit the following package of documents to the employment center:

  • passport or other identity document;
  • information about income;
  • certificate of education;
  • certificates of completion of any courses, or documents on professional development (if any).

By agreement of the parties

If the employee was dismissed according to the general rules, then the list of required documents is identical to the previous one. Namely:

  • employment history;
  • passport;
  • a document on the existing education and past courses;
  • certificate of accrual of funds for the last three months.

Dismissal under article

If the employee was dismissed from the enterprise due to violation of labor discipline standards, which are provided for by the labor code. In this case, he must provide:

  • passport;
  • a document on education, as well as in the presence of a certificate of completion of courses or advanced training;
  • employment history.

When reducing

If the reason for the termination of labor relations was the reduction in the number of employees of the enterprise, then the dismissed employee is obliged to register at the employment center.

It is also necessary to obtain the status of unemployed no later than 14 days after the reduction.

The employee must provide the following package of documents to the employment center:

  • passport;
  • work book;
  • certificate of education;
  • if a person has completed courses or completed advanced training, then a certificate confirming this fact;
  • certificate of income received for a three-month period;
  • certificate;
  • if the laid-off worker has children under the age of 18, then their birth certificates must be provided.

In a situation where a person has not been registered for two weeks, after the severance of labor relations with the enterprise, then he loses the opportunity to receive benefits in the amount of the average salary for three months.

Provided that no job was found for him that suited him during the first 14 days.

Registration procedure (form, rules and mandatory information)

According to labor law, on the day of dismissal, the employer is obliged to issue to his former employee:

  • funds that have not been paid to him;
  • a certificate to be submitted to the employment center.

If a person has not been issued a document, then he must draw up an application in writing with a request for its issuance.

Such a statement must be made in duplicate. One copy is kept by the applicant, and the second by the person who accepted the application.

From the moment the request was made to the enterprise, the employer is obliged to consider the appeal within three days and issue the necessary certificate with all the information.

If a certificate is not issued within the specified period, the dismissed employee has the right to contact the prosecutor's office or regulatory authorities with information about this violation of rights.

Inquiries for the employment center for receiving benefits

There is no official form of reference that would be fixed at the federal level, at the moment does not exist.

But the Ministry of Labor and Social Development offered to use a specially designed form. The chief accountant of the enterprise is obliged to form and fill it out.

If the company does not have such a position, then the manager can independently fill in the necessary information. Sometimes enterprises create their own form of this certificate.

If the document is not similar to the developed form, but contains all the necessary data and details, then the citizen should not receive a refusal to accept it.

The form for reference must be branded, and if it is not there, then contain the corner stamp of the enterprise. The settlement period, which must be indicated, is the last three months before the date of dismissal.

When calculating the average earnings of an employee of an organization, the following indications must be taken into account:

  • wage;
  • payment for working conditions;
  • additional payment for the position or rates at the tariff;
  • awards and so on.

In order for the received certificate to have legal force, it is also necessary to indicate such data as:

  • information about the company: full name, tax number, legal and actual address, contact details;
  • information about the employee;
  • data on the period of work;
  • the amount of the average salary for the last three months;
  • signature of the chief accountant or manager;
  • organization seal.

About average earnings

According to the law, when registering at the labor exchange, a certain package of documents must be provided. One of them is a certificate of average earnings for the last three months.

According to the labor code, the manager is obliged to issue this document to the employee at his request. The certificate should contain the following information:

  • full name of the organization with its legal form;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee;
  • the date of admission to the position and the date of dismissal;
  • how many weeks he worked in this position;
  • information on all payments received for the last three months.

In addition, the help should contain:

  • corner stamp or it must be issued on the company's letterhead;
  • round stamp;
  • signatures of the manager and accountant;
  • date.

From the last place of work

Upon termination of employment, the employer is obliged to issue a certificate of average wages, all unpaid amounts of money.

This certificate is necessary for registration at the labor exchange, it serves as an exception only if a person was dismissed from the last place of work due to a violation of the labor regime.

What to look for

When it comes to an employment center, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are certain duties that a citizen must fulfill while being registered. Namely:

To visit the employment center exactly on the day and time appointed by the employee of the employment center Usually, it is necessary to meet with your curator twice a month and perhaps attend group classes or lectures once or twice. If a citizen does not appear at the hour indicated to him, then the amount of the benefit received may be reduced to him or the payment may be completely stopped.
If the employees of the labor exchange have found a vacancy that is suitable for their qualifications, then the citizen is obliged to go for an interview, while he must do it within three days from the moment of receiving information about the job If within twelve months a person cannot choose any vacancy that suits him according to his qualifications, then then any available vacancy that does not require special qualifications will be considered suitable for him

On the territory of the country, assistance in finding a suitable job, registration as a quality, as well as the appointment and payments of unemployed citizens is carried out by the Employment Centers.

What is required for registration

In order to receive assistance in finding a suitable job, as well as a monthly unemployment benefit, you must be registered at the labor exchange, as well as have the status of an unemployed.

For registration and subsequent receipt of the corresponding status, it is necessary to submit to the employment authority provided for by law. Their list may be different depending on the grounds for termination of employment.

Dismissed at will

A person who has ceased to exercise the labor function of his own free will should imagine:

By agreement of the parties

When the basis for the termination of labor relations was the agreement of the parties, the list of documents for registration as unemployed remains the same as indicated above.

Upon dismissal under article

If a person was dismissed from the organization due to a violation of labor discipline on the grounds provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to the employment center named after must be provided:

  1. Passport;
  2. Employment history;
  3. A document on existing education, as well as certificates of advanced training, completion of courses (if any).

By reduction

In the case when the basis for the dismissal of the employee is staff reduction order organization, then the citizen should register as unemployed no later than the expiration 14 days from the date of termination of employment.

For registration need to provide following:

If an unemployed person has not been registered within two weeks from the date of reduction, he is deprived of the right to receive benefits in the amount of the previously received salary for the third month, if during the first two a suitable job is not found for him.

Thus, you can see that the package of documents depends on the reason for dismissal employee. In case of termination of the relationship as a result of violation of the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation income statement is not submitted. This is due to the fact that for such categories of unemployed, the law establishes the payment of a fixed minimum benefit. In 2019, this amount is equal to 1,500 rubles per month.

Purpose of providing

One of the main documents submitted to employment authorities is income statement.

Providing this help mandatory for personsdismissed:

Not available by the following persons:

  1. First time job seekers;
  2. Dismissed under article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The need to provide This document consists in the fact that using the information specified in it about the amount of income for the billing period, which is three months, the amount of future unemployment benefits is calculated.

According to the specified income unemployed persons are charged:

  1. The first three months - 75% of the amount indicated in the certificate;
  2. The next three months - 60% of the average earnings.

At the same time, the amount of the allowance cannot be higher than 8,000 rubles, for citizens of pre-retirement age no more than 11,800 rubles.

Registration procedure

In accordance with the norms of labor legislation on the day of dismissal the employee should receive:

It is then that the employee must receive the certificate required for the employment center. If the document was not issued for any reason, the employee must write a written statement with a request for its extradition.

The application should be drawn up in two copies, one should be left with the signature of the responsible person who accepted the second copy.

After receiving the application, the organization in three days must consider it, and also issue a certificate with all the necessary information.

If the employer did not issue it within the prescribed period, the employee retains the right to appeal to the supervisory authorities or the prosecutor's office with a complaint about the violation of the organization of labor legislation.

Form and filling rules

At the federal level, the official form of the certificate is not fixed.

However, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development has developed recommended form in Letter No. 16-5 / B-421.

This document is formed and filled in chief accountant of the organization... In the absence of such an employee, signing of this document is allowed only by the head of the organization. In the place reserved for the signature of the chief accountant, the head should carry the inscription "There is no position of the chief accountant in the staff."

Please note that some actors are developing their own form for this document. However, if the employer issued a certificate that does not correspond to the developed form, but has all the mandatory details, the citizen cannot be denied the acceptance of this document.

The form must be branded, and in case of its absence, have a corner stamp of the organization.

Settlement periodto be specified is 3 months of work prior to dismissal.

When calculating average earnings subject to accounting:

  1. Salary;
  2. Additional payment to rates at the tariff or official salary;
  3. Payment for working conditions;
  4. Prize and different kinds rewards.

Mandatory information

In order for the certificate to have legal force, it should indicate necessary information, namely:

The purpose and rules for issuing a certificate of average earnings for the last three months is described in the following video:
