Title: Educational-training and thematic tests in mathematics. A basic level of. Grade 9. GIA in a new form.

The collection of test items is designed to prepare for the exam in the form of testing in algebra in grade 9 at the basic level.

This guide is in two parts. The first part of the manual presents educational and training tests, consisting of 16 tasks in 10 variants.
The second part of the manual presents thematic test tasks on 16 topics: comparison of rational numbers; arithmetic square root; solving problems for interest; calculation of values \u200b\u200bof algebraic expressions for given values \u200b\u200bof variables; drawing up an arithmetic expression according to the condition of the problem; converting whole arithmetic expressions; performing actions with algebraic fractions; conversion of numeric expressions containing powers with an integer exponent; solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; solution of equations of the second degree with one variable; finding coordinates of points of intersection of graphs of linear and quadratic functions; solution of linear inequalities; solution of inequalities of the second degree in one variable; arithmetic and geometric progressions; function definition area; recognition of graphs of linear and quadratic functions. Addressed to mathematics teachers and primary school students.

Table of contents

Foreword. 3
Feedback. five
1 part. Training tests. 7
Option 1.7
Option 2.11
Option 3.15
Option 4.19
Option 5.23
Option 6.27
Option 7.31
Option 8.35
Option 9.39
Option 10.43
Part 2. Thematic tests. 47
1. Comparison of rational numbers. 47
2. Arithmetic square root. 49
3. Solving problems with interest. 53
4. Calculation of the values \u200b\u200bof algebraic expressions for given values \u200b\u200bof variables. 55
5. Drawing up an expression according to the condition of the problem. 57
6. Conversion of whole expressions. 61
7. Performing actions with algebraic fractions. 63
8. Conversion of numeric expressions containing powers with an integer exponent. 67
9. Solution of linear equations and systems of linear equations. 69
10. Solution of equations of the second degree with one variable. 71
11. Finding coordinates of points of intersection of graphs of linear and quadratic functions. 73
12. Solution of linear inequalities. 76
13. Solution of inequalities of the second degree with one variable. 78
14. Arithmetic and geometric progressions. 83
15. The area of \u200b\u200bdefinition of the function. 86
16. Recognition of graphs of linear and quadratic functions. 91
Answers to educational and training tests. 1 part. 98
Answers to thematic tests. 99
Literature. 101

These educational-training and thematic tests are designed to prepare for the state final certification in mathematics in the IX grade at the basic level of complexity.

Appointment examination work - to assess the level of general education in algebra of pupils of IX grades educational institutions for the purpose of their state (final) certification. The content of the examination paper is determined on the basis of: Federal component state standard general education... Mathematics. Basic general education (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 1089 "On approval of the federal component of state educational standards for general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education").

The structure of the examination paper meets the goal of building a system of differentiated education in a modern school. Differentiation of teaching is aimed at solving two problems: the formation of basic mathematical training in all students, which constitutes the functional basis of general education; at the same time creating conditions for some of the schoolchildren that contribute to obtaining an advanced level of training, sufficient for the active use of mathematics in further education, first of all, when studying it in senior grades at a specialized level.

The exam is designed to help students and their parents make informed decisions when choosing a profile and educational institutionsin which they will continue their further education.
When completing the assignments of the first part, students must demonstrate a certain systematic knowledge and breadth of ideas. It tests not only mastery of basic algorithms, but also knowledge and understanding of important elements of the content (concepts, their properties, methods of solving problems, etc.), the ability to use various mathematical languages, the ability to apply knowledge to solving mathematical problems that are not limited to direct application algorithm, as well as the application of knowledge in the simplest practical situations.

These tests were created based on the materials of the regional training and diagnostic work carried out by the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory, and are designed to work out the tasks presented in the first part of the examination work.

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Download the book Educational-training and thematic tests in mathematics. A basic level of. Grade 9. GIA in a new form. Popova I.N., 2010 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

Russian language. Preparation for the Unified State Exam 2013. Senina N.A.

R. n / D: 2012 .-- 528 p. R. n / a: 2011 .-- 524 p. R. n / d: 2009 .-- 511 p.

The study guide contains systematized and generalized theoretical information on the Russian language, stylistics and culture of speech; a short dictionary of linguistic and literary terms; a collection of exercises containing didactic materials on all topics included in the USE specification; thirty new author's educational and training tests, compiled in accordance with the current specification; See the chapter Preparing for Part C, which contains guidelines to prepare for writing an essay. In addition, the manual provides an analysis typical mistakes students, as well as advice on how to eliminate them.

Format: pdf (Preparation for the exam 2013 ; 201 2, 52 8s.)

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Format: pdf (Preparation for the exam 2012 ; 2011, 524 p.)

The size: 17.6 Mb

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Format: pdf (Preparation for the exam 2010 ; 2009, 511s.)

The size: 19.3MB

Download: 14 .12.2018, links removed at the request of Legion Publishing House (see note)

TABLE OF CONTENTS (as published in 2011)
From author 6
§ 1. Lexicology and phraseology 8
1.1. Characteristics of Russian vocabulary 9
1.2. Borrowings in Russian. The meaning of some international derivational elements 12
1.3. Phraseology 14
§ 2. Phonetics 15
§ 3. Orthoepy 18
3.1. Spelling dictionary 19
§ 4. Word composition, word formation and spelling 24
4.1. Word Composition 24
4.2. Word formation 27
4.3. Spelling 28
4.3.1. Vowels at the root of the word 29
4.3.2. Roots with alternating vowels 0 // A, E // И 29
4.3.3. Prefix Spelling 31 Prefixes PRE-and PRI-31 Spelling at the junction of morphemes (prefix and root, two prefixes) 33
4.3.4. Compound nouns with GENDER- and SEMI- 33
4.3.5. Spelling O and E (E) after sizzling 34
§ 5. Morphology and spelling 35
5.1. Noun 39
5.1.1. Letters E, I in the endings of nouns singular 39
5.1.2. Spelling compound nouns 40
5.1.3. Difficult cases of forming forms 40
5.1.4. The transition of words from different parts of speech to nouns (substantiation) * 48
5.2. Adjective 49
5.2.1. Spelling Н and НН in adjectives and participles suffixes 49
5.2.2. Spelling complex adjectives 51
5.3. Numeral 51
5.3.1. Education and spelling of numbers 51
5.3.2. Samples of declension of cardinal numbers .. 52
5.3.3. Declension of numbers both / both 52
5.3.4. Soft sign in the names of numbers 53
5.4. Pronoun 54
5.4.1. Classification of pronouns by meaning 54
5.4.2. Pronoun Spelling 55
5.5. Verb 55
5.5.1. The soft mark in verb forms 56
5.5.2. Spelling personal endings for verbs 56
5.5.3. Vowel Spelling in Verb Suffixes 58
5.6. Communion 59
5.7. Verb 61
5.8. Adverb 62
5.8.1. Spelling adverbs 62
5.8.2. List of fused adverbs 63
5.8.3. List of adverbs and adverbial expressions with separate spelling 65
5.9. Service parts of speech 66
5.9.1. Homonymy of service and significant parts of speech 67
5.9.2. Spelling Particle NOT 68
§ 6. Syntax and punctuation 69
6.1. Collocation 71
6.1.1. Subordination of words in phrases 72
6.1.2. Verb and nominal administration in Russian ... 73
6.2. Offer 75
6.2.1. Basic offer types 76
6.3. Simple sentence 77
6.3.1. The main members of the proposal, .. 77 Subject 77 Predicted 77 Dash between subject and predicate 80
6.3.2. One-piece sentences 81
6.3.3. Homogeneous members of sentence 83 Difficult cases of setting punctuation marks with homogeneous members of sentence 83
6.3.4. Standalone members of proposal 84 Definition 85 Appendix 86 Dash on attachment * 87 Separation of the circumstances expressed by gerunds and adverbs .. 87 Comparative turnover * 88
6.3.5. Introductory words and sentences 91 Basic categories of introductory words 91 Homonymy of introductory words and sentences 93
6.4. Complex Sentence 95
6.4.1. Types of compound sentences 96
6.4.2. Differentiation of conjunctions and alliance words * 97
6.4.3. Table for determining the types of subordinate clauses of complex sentences 98
6.4.4. Absence of a comma in complex sentences * 100
6.4.5. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence 101
6.5. Direct speech 102
6.5.1. Punctuation marks in direct speech 102
6.5.2. Replacing direct speech with indirect 103
§ 7. Speech 104
7.1. Functional Speech Styles 104
7.2. Text 104
§ 8. Getting ready for part C 114
§ 1. Orthoepy 144
§ 2. Vocabulary 146
§ 3. Spelling of roots and prefixes 152
§ 4. Spelling of significant and service parts of speech 157
§ 5. Morphological norms 174
§ 6. Syntax and punctuation 177
§ 7. Syntactic norms 194
§ 8. Speech. Syntax. Morphology 202
§ 9. Text analysis 208
Application. The generalized plan of the exam work of the Unified State Examination in 2011 in the Russian language 518
Recommended reading list 522

GIA 2010. Mathematics. Educational-training and thematic tests in mathematics. A basic level of. Grade 9. State final attestation in a new form / I. N. Popova

The collection of test items is designed to prepare for the exam in the form of testing in algebra in grade 9 at the basic level. This guide is in two parts. The first part of the manual presents educational and training tests, consisting of 16 tasks in 10 variants.

comparison of rational numbers; arithmetic square root; solving problems for interest; calculation of values \u200b\u200bof algebraic expressions for given values \u200b\u200bof variables; drawing up an arithmetic expression according to the condition of the problem; converting whole arithmetic expressions; performing actions with algebraic fractions;

conversion of numeric expressions containing powers with an integer exponent; solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; solution of equations of the second degree with one variable; finding coordinates of points of intersection of graphs of linear and quadratic functions; solution of linear inequalities; solution of inequalities of the second degree in one variable; arithmetic and geometric progressions; function definition area; recognition of graphs of linear and quadratic functions. Addressed to mathematics teachers and primary school students.
A. S. Korytnik, Ph.D., Associate Professor
R. P. Lysenko, Honored Teacher of Russia

Foreword ................................................. .................................................. ........................................ 3
Feedback ................................................. .................................................. .................................................. five
1 part. Training tests .............................................. ................................................ 7
Option 1................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ..... 7
Option 2 ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ...eleven
Option 3 ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ...fifteen
Option 4 ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ...nineteen
Option 5 ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ... 23
Option 6 ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ... 27
Option 7 ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ... 31
Option 8 ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ... 35
Option 9 ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ... 39
Option 10 ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. .43
Part 2. Thematic tests ................................................ .................................................. ...................... 47
1.Comparison of rational numbers ............................................. .................................................. ................ 47
2. Arithmetic square root ............................................. .................................................. ...... 49
3.Solving problems with interest ............................................ .................................................. ........................ 53
4. Calculation of the values \u200b\u200bof algebraic expressions for given values \u200b\u200bof variables ............ 55
5. Drawing up an expression by the condition of the problem ........................................... ............................................... 57
6. Converting integer expressions ............................................. .................................................. ........... 61
7. Performing operations with algebraic fractions ........................................... ................................... 63
8.Converting numeric expressions containing powers with an integer exponent .......................... 67
9. Solution of linear equations and systems of linear equations ......................................... ................. 69
10. Solving equations of the second degree with one variable ......................................... ........................ 71
11. Finding the coordinates of the intersection points of the graphs of linear and quadratic functions ............ 73
12.Solution of linear inequalities ............................................. .................................................. ................ 76
13. Solution of inequalities of the second degree with one variable ......................................... ........................ 78
14. Arithmetic and geometric progressions ............................................ ...................................... 83
15.Scope of function definition ............................................. .................................................. ................ 86
16. Recognition of graphs of linear and quadratic functions .......................................... ................ 91
Answers to educational and training tests. 1 part................................................ ............................... 98
Answers to thematic tests .............................................. .................................................. ............... 99
Literature................................................. .................................................. .................................................. 101

These educational-training and thematic tests are designed to prepare for the state final certification in mathematics in the IX grade at the basic level of complexity.
The purpose of the examination paper is to assess the level of general education in algebra of students of IX grades
educational institutions for the purpose of their state (final) certification. The content of the examination paper is determined on the basis of: The federal component of the state standard of general education. Mathematics. Basic general education (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 1089 "On approval of the federal component of state educational standards for general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education").
The structure of the examination paper meets the goal of building a system of differentiated education in a modern school. Differentiation of teaching is aimed at solving two problems: the formation of basic mathematical training in all students, which constitutes the functional basis of general education; at the same time creating conditions for some of the schoolchildren that contribute to obtaining an advanced level of training, sufficient for the active use of mathematics in further education, first of all, when studying it in senior grades at a specialized level.
The exam is designed to help schoolchildren and their parents make informed decisions when choosing a profile and educational institutions in which they will continue their further education.
When completing the assignments of the first part, students must demonstrate a certain systematic knowledge and breadth of ideas. It tests not only mastery of basic algorithms, but also knowledge and understanding of important elements of the content (concepts, their properties, methods of solving problems, etc.), the ability to use various mathematical languages, the ability to apply knowledge to solving mathematical problems that are not limited to direct application algorithm, as well as the application of knowledge in the simplest practical situations.
These tests were created on the basis of the materials of the regional training and diagnostic work carried out by the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory, and are intended to work out the tasks presented in the first part of the examination work.
All assignments correspond to the minimum educational content (basic level). When students master the tasks of this level, their exam grade can be no higher than "4".
The structure of the tests corresponds to the structure and features of the exam, and also corresponds to the specification of the demo version Mathematics GIA - 9 2010.
For effective preparation for the GIA in mathematics, after repeating the theoretical material and solution methods, you can consider
relevant tasks from thematic tests, some of which are considered in the classroom, and the rest can be proposed for solving at home.
All variants of educational and training tests are provided with answers and can be used to control the skills and abilities of solving the first part
examination work. They are designed for 40 - 45 minutes and can consist of 10 - 16 tasks (depending on the level of preparedness of the class).
Students who want to get better results, after solving the presented tests, should move on to solving the problems of an advanced and high level presented in other collections to prepare for the GIA.
We hope that these tests will help students in preparing for the final certification, as well as consolidating and systematizing knowledge.
We wish you success!

for an educational-methodical aid for preparation for GIA in a new form “Educational-training and thematic tests in mathematics. A basic level of. Grade 9 ". teachers of mathematics MOU secondary school № 11 Popova IN.
Educational-methodical manual “Educational-training tests in mathematics. Grade 9 "to prepare for the GIA, is aimed at increasing the level of mathematical training of students in grades 9, systematization of knowledge in mathematics for the course of basic school, contributes to the formation of basic educational competencies in students.
This guide is in two parts. The first part of the manual presents a training test, consisting of 16 tasks, in 10 variants. Test tasks are developed taking into account the requirements of training and diagnostic work carried out by the Department of Education and Science in the Krasnodar Territory.
The second part of the manual presents thematic test tasks on 16 topics:
- comparison of rational numbers;
- arithmetic square root;
- solving problems for interest;
- calculation of the values \u200b\u200bof algebraic expressions for the given values \u200b\u200bof variables;
- drawing up an expression according to the condition of the problem;
- conversion of whole expressions;
- performing actions with algebraic fractions;
- conversion of numeric expressions containing degrees with an integer exponent;
- solving linear equations and systems of linear equations;
- solution of equations of the second degree with one variable;
- finding coordinates of points of intersection of graphs of linear and quadratic functions;
- solution of linear inequalities;
- solution of inequalities of the second degree with one variable;
- arithmetic and geometric progressions;
- the scope of the function;
- Recognition of graphs of linear and quadratic functions.
The material of the manual is designed for the stage-by-stage development by students of the first part of the examination work in mathematics in a new form. The use of the materials of this teaching aid allows you to implement a differentiated approach in preparing 9th grade students for the state final certification.
This manual is the result of generalization of the experience of four teachers of mathematics of the secondary school № 11 of the city of Kropotkin IN Popova, ID Eremenko, Ye.K. Butenko. and Bushman Zh.A., who have experience in the effective preparation of secondary school students for state final certification. The materials of the manual have been tested in schools of the Kavkazsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. The manual is addressed to a wide range of participants educational process: students and their parents, teachers general education schools, methodologists, specialists of regional education development centers.
Methodist MU OMC

O. A. Shcherbakov.

Table of contents
Foreword 3
Review 5
1 part. Educational - practice tests 7
Option 1 7
Option 2 11
Option 3 15
Option 4 19
Option 5 23
Option 6 27
Option 7 31
Option 8 35
Option 9 39
Option 10 43
Part 2. Thematic tests 47
1.Comparing Rationals 47
2. Arithmetic square root of 49
3. Solving Problems by Percentage 53
4. Calculation of values \u200b\u200bof algebraic expressions for given values \u200b\u200bof variables 55
5. Drawing up an expression by the condition of the problem 57
6 Converting Integer Expressions 61
7. Performing operations with algebraic fractions 63
8.Converting numeric expressions containing integer exponents 67
9. Solving linear equations and systems of linear equations 69
10. Solving equations of the second degree in one variable 71
11. Finding the coordinates of the intersection points of the graphs of linear and quadratic functions 73
12.Solution of linear inequalities 76
13. Solving second-degree inequalities in one variable 78
14. Arithmetic and geometric progressions 83
15 Function area 86
16. Recognition of graphs of linear and quadratic functions 91
Answers to educational and training tests. 1 part 98
Answers to thematic tests 99
Literature 101

R. on D .: 2014. - Book 1 - 448s., Book 2 - 368s.

The study guide is intended to prepare for the Unified State Exam-2015 in the Russian language. For the first time, the project consists of two books. Book 1 contains required material for fundamental preparation for the unified state exam: - systematized and generalized theoretical information on the Russian language, style and culture of speech; - a short dictionary of linguistic and literary terms; - a collection of exercises containing didactic materials on all topics included in the USE specification; - twenty new author's educational and training options, compiled according to the current USE specification at the time of the publication of the book and taking into account the experience of the 2014 exam; - the paragraph "Preparing to write an essay for the Unified State Exam". The book is addressed to students of educational institutions, teachers, methodologists. The manual can be used for self-preparation of students.

Book 1.

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The size: 8 Mb

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Book 2.

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The size: 5.9 MB

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From author 6
§ 1. Lexicology and phraseology 8
1.1. Characteristics of Russian vocabulary 9
1.2. Borrowings in Russian. The meaning of some international derivational elements 12
1.3. Phraseology 14
§ 2. Orthoepy 15
2.1. Spelling dictionary 16
§ 3. Word formation and spelling 23
3.1. Word formation 23
3.2. Spelling 24
3.2.1. Vowels in korneslova 24
3.2.2. Roots with alternating vowels 0 // A, E // I 24
3.2.3. Spelling prefixes 25 Prefixes PRE-and PRI-25 Spelling at the junction of morphemes (prefix and root, two prefixes) 28
3.2.4. Compound nouns with GENDER- and SEMI- 28
3.2.5. Spelling O and E (E) after sizzling 29
§ 4. Morphology and spelling 30
4.1. Noun 34
4.1.1. Letters E, And in the endings of nouns singular 34
4.1.2. Spelling compound nouns 35
4.1.3. Difficult cases of forming forms 35
4.1.4. The transition of words of different parts of speech into nouns (substantivation) 43
4.2. Adjective 44
4.2.1. Spelling H and HH in adjectives and participles suffixes 44
4.2.2. Spelling complex adjectives 46
4.3. Numeral 46
4.3.1. Education and spelling of numbers 46
4.3.2. Sample declension of cardinal numbers 47
4.3.3. Declension of numbers both / both 47
4.3.4. Soft sign in the names of numbers 48
4.4. Pronoun 49
4.4.1. Classification of pronouns by meaning 49
4.4.2. Pronoun Spelling 50
4.5. Verb 50
4.5.1. The soft sign in verb forms 51
4.5.2. Spelling personal endings of verbs 51
4.5.3. Vowel Spelling in Verb Suffixes 53
4.6. Communion 54
4.7. Verb 56
4.8. Adverb 57
4.8.1. Spelling adverbs 57
4.8.2. List of Continuous Adverbs 58
4.8.3. List of adverbs and adverbial expressions with separate spelling 60
4.9. Service parts of speech 61
4.9.1. Homonymy of service and significant parts of speech 62
4.9.2. Particle Spelling NOT 63
§ 5. Syntax and punctuation 64
5.1. Collocation 66
5.1.1. Subordination of words in phrases 67
5.1.2. Verbal and nominal administration in Russian 68
5.2. Proposition 70
5.2.1. Basic offer types 71
5.3. Simple Sentence 72
5.3.1. Principal members of proposal 72 Subject 72 Predicted 72 Dash between subject and predicate 75
5.3.2. One-piece sentences 76
5.3.3. Homogeneous members of sentence 78 Difficult cases of setting punctuation marks with homogeneous members of sentence 78
5.3.4. Separate members of proposal 79 Definition 80 Appendix 81 Dash on attachment * 82 Separation of the circumstances expressed by gerunds and adverbs 82 Comparative turnover * 83
5.3.5. Introductory words and sentences 86 Basic categories of introductory words 86 Homonymy of introductory words and sentence members. 88
5.4. Complex Sentence 90
5.4.1. Types of compound sentences 91
5.4.2. Differentiation of conjunctions and alliance words 92
5.4.3. Table for determining the types of subordinate clauses of complex sentences 93
5.4.4. Absence of a comma in complex sentences * 95
5.4.5. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence 96
5.5. Direct speech 97
5.5.1. Punctuation marks in direct speech 97
5.5.2. Replacing direct speech with indirect 98
§ 6. Speech 99
6.1. Functional Speech Styles 99
6.2. Text 99
§ 7. Getting ready for writing an essay for the exam 109
§ 1. Orthoepy 138
§ 2. Vocabulary 140
§ 3. Spelling of roots and prefixes 146
§ 4. Spelling of significant and service parts of speech 151
§ 5. Morphological norms 168
§ 6. Syntax and punctuation 171
§ 7. Syntactic norms 188
§ 8. Speech. Syntax. Morphology 196
§ 9. Text analysis 202
ATTACHMENT. The generalized plan of the exam work of the USE 2014 in the Russian language 438

Sections of linguistics (science of language) 7
Phonetics 8
Speech sounds 8
Characteristics of vowels 9
Double role of letters E, Y, Y, Z 9
Consonants 10
Russian alphabet 10
Morphemics 11
Morphemic composition Words 11
Word formation 12
Word stem 12
Spelling 13
Ways of word formation 13
Vowels at the root of the word 13
Roots with alternating vowels o // a, e // and 14
Prefixes 15
Prefixes PRE-and PRI-15
Spelling at the junction of morphemes
(prefix and root, two prefixes) 16
Morphology and spelling 18
Parts of speech 18
Noun 19
Case of nouns 20
Types of declension of nouns 20
Samples for declension of nouns 21
Letters E, And in the endings of nouns singular 22
Gender of nouns of foreign origin 22
Genus of abbreviated words 23
Spelling Suffixes of Nouns 24
Adjective 26
Declension of possessive adjectives 27
Comparison of Qualitative Adjectives 27
Homonymy of adjectives and adverbs in the form of a simple comparative degree 28
Spelling of adjective suffixes 29
Numeral 1 30
Samples of declension of cardinal numbers 30
Declension of numbers both / both 31
Spelling of numbers 31
Pronoun 32
Classification of pronouns by meaning 32
Verb 33
Spelling personal endings of verbs 34
Algorithm for determining personal endings of verbs 34
Multiple Verbs 35
Algorithm for determining the spelling -TSY, -SYA in verbs 36
Communion 36
Formation of valid participles 37
Formation of passive participles 38
Spelling Н and НН in adjectives and participles suffixes 38
Gerunds 40
Adverb 41
Adverbial categories 42
Comparison degrees of adverbs in -O formed from qualitative adjectives 43
Homonymy of words ending in -O 44
Spelling Adverbs 44
Sizzling Adverbs 45
Spelling -О and -Е in adverbial suffixes after sibilants - 45
Hyphenated Adverbs 45
Service parts of speech 46
Homonymy of service and significant parts of speech 46
Prepositions 48
Spelling prepositions 49
Conjunctions 50
Particle Discharges 52
Solid spelling of the particle NOT 53
Separate spelling of NOT particle 54
Interjections and onomatopoeic words 55
Syntax and punctuation 56
Basic offer types 56
Simple sentence 57
Dash between subject and predicate 58
Members of proposal 61
Words not grammatically related to members of sentence 65
Complication simple sentence 65
Basic categories of introductory words 73
Homonymy of introductory words and members of sentence 75
Complex Sentence 76
Types of compound sentences 77
Differentiation of conjunctions and alliance words 78
Table for determining the types of subordinate clauses of complex sentences 79
Types of connection of parts in a complex sentence 80
Absence of a comma in complex sentences 81
Punctuation marks in direct speech 83
Functional styles of the Russian language 84
Types of speech 86
Expressive and pictorial means of language and their role in speech 87
Grammar errors 93
Appendices 95
Spelling Dictionary 95
Unstressed unchecked vowel at the root of a word (dictionary words) 102
List of fluent adverbs 104
List of adverbs and adverbial expressions with separate spelling 105
Option 1 122
Option 2 131
Option 3 141
Option 4 151
Option 5 161
Option 6 172
Option 7 182
Option 8 192
Option 9 202
Option 10 213
Option 11 224
Option 12 235
Option 13 246
Option 14 257
Option 15 268
Option 16 279
Option 17 290
Option 18 302
Option 19 312
Option 20 323
Information about the texts of part 2 343
Evaluation criteria for an assignment with a detailed answer 349
Specification of control measuring materials for the 2015 Unified State Exam in the Russian language 355
Generalized plan of the version of the KIM USE 2015 in the Russian language 362
