In this tutorial, we will make a bladeless fan using PVC tubing, plastic container and a fiberglass sheet.

For this project, special thanks to the guys from the DYI King Youtube channel, who were inspired to create a safe fan. But the best part about this bladeless fan is that, unlike most DIY fans, the project doesn't require 3D printing, and the total cost could be under $ 10.

Below in the video you can see the whole process of creating a fan.

Step 1. Tools and materials

The tools and materials required for this project are very easy to assemble and are all in the photo above. The core for this project is a 6.5 and 3.5 inch PVC pipe set, a plastic container or bowl, and a 3mm fiberglass sheet.

There is no need for a 3D printer as it is used in most DIY fan projects. Moreover, we used miter sawto make the most of the cuts as it made the job more precise and easier when the same job can be done with hand saw and some patience, but then expensive tools will be needed to make a neat bladeless fan.

Step 2. Working principle

Unlike the name of the device, which is a fan without blades, this thing actually has a fairly high-speed blade inside the main body. You can see the principle of operation of such a fan in the picture above.

In addition, the fan without blades provides closed control of the blades and then the air flow is directed through the closed duct body, repeating the structure of a conventional fan case without blades. This design offers an excellent level of protection for children.

Step 3. Making the main body

First you need to make the main body and for this you can use a PVC pipe. The main outlet is made of 6 "diameter PVC pipe that is 4" wide to form an outer casing of the air outlet.

To form an air pocket inside the main air outlet, we use a tapered bowl that fits perfectly with a 6-inch PVC pipe, and its collar sits on the edges of the pipe - see photo above. Cut the bowl 1 inch above its bottom so that it forms a nice tapered collar inside the main outlet shroud that allows air to rotate evenly inside the outlet cavity before leaving it.

Step 4. Inner casing and base

The inner air outlet clamp is made of 5 ”PVC pipe. This tube forms a narrow opening, almost 0.5 inches wide, to distribute air evenly from the cavity / air outlet. Three parts, namely an outer 6 "PVC pipe, a tapered inner body made from a plastic bowl, and an inner clamp made of 5" PVC pipe, together form an air outlet body.

To form the base, use a 3.5 "PVC pipe cut to 5". To make the base ideally fit the body of the air outlet, cut one end of the base pipe in a curved shape (cut the bend along the pre-glued electrical tape), and denote the outline with a 6-inch PVC pipe. The pipe is then cut with a jigsaw and then sanded with sandpaper to fit perfectly with the outer 6 '' pipe without any gaps in between.

Step 5. Air intake

Before gluing the base to the main body, we drill a 3 "hole in the 6" PVC pipe, which will be the passage for air to enter the main body and then into the outlet. The hole is made with a hole saw.

The base is then glued to the outside of the air outlet with super glue. Since the base pipe is perfectly shaped to sit on a 6-inch PVC pipe, superglue makes a very strong connection between the two pieces.

Step 6. Air outlet ring

The air outlet ring is made of 3 mm thick fiberglass sheet, which serves as the connection between the inner half and the outer half of the main air outlet. The ring is made using a jigsaw.

Step 7. Drawing

Since most of the bladeless fan casing parts are ready, they need to be painted to keep them neat and flawless. Paint everything white using spray paint, except for the fiberglass ring, which is protected from the paint with electrical tape.

The end result is very good and the blue fiberglass sheet looks fantastic against a flawless white background.

Step 8. LED strip

To make the design more attractive and elegant, add a 12V LED strip on the inside of the air outlet at the end where the fiberglass sheet will be glued to the inner air outlet sleeve. The light strip is cut to the required length. The tape has a sticky side and attaches by removing the protective cover from the back of the tape and then sticks to the PVC body.

When the fan is turned on, the LED strip illuminates the back of the air outlet and thus produces a very cool visual effect by diffusing blue light.

Step 9. Bonding all parts

When the paint is dry, glue all the pieces together to form the body of our bladeless fan using super glue that seems to hold everything tight.

Step 10. Installing the fan

Behind each bladeless fan is a fan with blades. So to drive our fan, you need to use a 12V high speed fan. direct currentwhich can be taken from an old computer. More specifically, in this tutorial, a server fan is much more powerful than a regular PC fan. Therefore, we strongly recommend using this type of fan.

The fan is mounted inside the base just below the air outlet housing with four wood screws to hold the fan securely in place. The fan is set to blow air upwards, and thus we need the fan to be stable enough.

Step 11. Air intake

A pair of air intakes are made just below the server fan on both sides of the base pipe, i.e. base pipes. These inlets allow air to be drawn into the interior of the base.

So that someone does not accidentally hurt your fingers by inserting them into the fan base, glue metal mesh on both holes. The mesh is first painted matt black and then glued inside the base with hot glue.

In this publication, we will consider a device called Dyson's Air Multiplier and, despite its unusual appearance, this is a fan that has an obvious feature - it does not have the usual blades that, while rotating, create a stream of air directly directed to the object. In the video, a review of it and a demonstration of work. This is the invention of the Dyson company, which specializes in the design and assembly of vacuum cleaners. The company's employees decided to create a bladeless fan based on the principles on which their favorite brainchildren - the vacuum cleaners mentioned above - function.

Despite the seeming sensationalism of this useful model, the inventors could not completely abandon the blades. They remained in this device, but they are hidden in the case, in general, like in a vacuum cleaner. The beautiful ring contains properly directed slots, and at the base of the fan there are blades that blow air upward.

The pleasant utility of this thing is not only in the futuristic design, but also in the safety of the structure, in which there are no external rotating parts. This is an important advantage for owners of apartments and other premises where children are. In addition, the airflow in the fan without blades is more uniform than in its standard counterpart. The disadvantage is a hum, reminiscent of the noise of a working vacuum cleaner, a weaker flow than in a blade analogue and a high price. Figuratively speaking, the wind costs 450 rubles, and the cost is several times higher.

The main disadvantage is noise.


And if you make a super coil in this ring, and a transformer at the bottom, then by accelerating the electrons by 4000 volts and creating a powerful twisting magnetic field, you can create the same effect. The electrons of the magnetic field will accelerate air particles. And the noise will not be so much if it is not heard at all under the stream.
This is called induction. It will only be 15 times more expensive.

It is buzzing, I think the efficiency is several times lower compared to normal fans, problems with maintenance, dust and all that. useless thing. And as for safety, it seems like all the fans have mesh protection. Is not it so?

Noises. There is a 100% impeller like a vacuum cleaner, it's stupid for pressure to pump it through the ring. Dyson or whoever invented, a handsome man, hid the valve in a separate case (he took the case from the vacuum cleaner) and simply added an original air duct to it. Everything, the know-how is ready. Above correctly written, the product for a variety of stores "on the couch." A cheap Chinese floor fan works almost silently at 1 speed and blows 50 times more air through it.

Useless thing. Well, will you wash this ring under the tap and inside that the dust will not be sucked in? A regular fan equipped with a mesh is also safe. This fan is quite loud. In general, I do not see any advantages in it.

Damn ... 4500 ... 7500 rpm is tin, it will hum like an airplane. But thanks for the video! And then some kind of garbage is written in the descriptions in online stores, you can't understand anything from them, but now at least looked - I understood.
I will buy it when they start making noiseless and at a normal price. 1500 rpm should be the maximum. Better - 600. In principle, and so everything is clear: there must be a thicker column to fit a fan that provides the desired air flow at low speeds.
So producers - work!

I saw completely silent specimens. When I came across a stream of air coming out of nowhere, I was very impressed. Imagine standing in front of an incomprehensible device that does not show any signs of active work, but at the same time generates a pleasant flow of air. I was immediately delighted. Returning home, he began to surf the Internet to understand what it was and how it works. I remember then immediately thought that Mr. Dyson, a practical one, basically created the new kind propulsion, which is based on the principle of multiplication of the air flow. And that even air flow, without turbulence, is very handy for such types of transport as Hoverbike, etc.

Alas, not a perfect fan, as it makes noise, an ideal fan should be absolutely silent. But this is a contradiction, cutting the air with blades creates a useful effect (air flow) and at the same time a harmful effect (noise), which means the blades must spin in order to create an air flow and must not spin so as not to create noise. This is a physical contradiction, who will resolve this contradiction , will create the perfect fan.

Well, washing it is just not easy, but on the contrary it is very difficult. The fan is hidden in the case, and it is not so easy to reach it to remove dust boots. There dust will be even worse than in a computer system. And show-off is all. Efficiency drops when air needs to be pushed through all of this until it comes out. It will either be weaker than a regular fan or louder.

Try sleeping with a working food processor in your room. all the same, the fan is bladed, just the blades are hidden. Slow-speed fans with large blades are more practical, quieter and just as safe.

The bladeless fan is a unique device that amazes the imagination with its design. Such a unit has no blades or visible rotating elements. Therefore, many do not understand at all how this device works and how it moves air masses. In fact, the principle of operation of such a fan is not so complicated. To do this, it is enough to study its design features.

The device works on the principle of forced ventilation, which was invented in ancient times. So the ancient Egyptians used fans to create comfortable conditions for the pharaohs. Then they did not understand all the scientific subtleties of lowering the temperature when a gas flow around a body, but they successfully used this thermodynamic phenomenon. Today, the bladeless novelties are based on the principle of operation of the turbine of modern jet aircraft.

The bladeless fan can be of two types:
  1. Desktop.
  2. Floor.

The floor-standing version is distinguished by its large dimensions. In most cases, this is a fairly powerful fan. It is used to cool a large room. In many cases, these fan models are equipped not only with cooling, but also heating.

Desktop models stand out for their compactness. Thanks to this, they can be safely placed on the table. With the help of such a fan, you can create a fairly comfortable environment at the workplace on a hot day in the absence of air conditioning. In addition, the desktop models are very stylish and unusual design... They can have the function of left-right rotation and remote control using a remote control.

Some models are equipped with a device that is designed to humidify the air. Such types of devices have a special reservoir in the fan housing, where water is poured. There are also mini fans that you can take with you on the road. Such devices can be powered by a cigarette lighter and used instead of an air conditioner.

The main elements of a fan without blades are the following parts:

  1. Ring diffuser.
  2. Engine.
  3. High speed turbine.
  4. Base.

A high-speed turbine in which the engine is mounted is installed at the base of the unit. Thanks to the operation of the turbine, air movement begins in the device. To reduce the level of emitted sound, the engine has a special Hemholtz chamber that captures and dissipates the noise. This makes the fan seem quiet enough.

Many holes are made in the base body for the purpose of sucking in air. On the upper part of the body there is an aerodynamic ring, which is equipped with an annular diffuser. It has many holes through which air is blown out. The ring itself may be the most different shapes: rhombus, oval, circle, heart and so on. It all depends on the design thought of the manufacturer of the manufacturing plant.

Operating principle

The bladeless fan is driven by an electric motor. Air is sucked in by the turbine through small holes located at the bottom of the fan stand. The air masses after passing the turbine exit through a small hole in the center of the ring and then propagate along the contour. An air jet is created that flows around the ring from the inside of its rim. Air masses cover the rim and create negative pressure inside the ring of the device along the streamlined surface.

As a result, this leads to the fact that air masses located next to the fan begin to be drawn into the center of the ring into the area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure. As a result, a powerful stream is created at the exit of the ring, which can be amplified up to 15-20 times. This aerodynamic effect makes it easy to move air masses and cool the room. The speed of the turbine can be controlled, so it is possible to set the required air flow rate. At the same time, a sufficiently dense and comfortable flow of refreshing air masses is created with the help of a fan without blades. The operation of the device itself is unobtrusive and almost invisible.


The scope of application of this fan is quite extensive - these are any municipal and public institutions, hospitals, sanatoriums, kindergartens, cottages, summer cottages, numerous offices, houses, apartments, and so on. The only exception can be baths, saunas, bathrooms, swimming pools. Despite the absence of external rotating parts, only adults should use it, do not leave such devices turned on alone with small children.

In addition to the gentle distribution of air flows, the bladeless fan is capable of humidifying and even heating the air. However, this is only if the device has such functions. Such units in most cases are equipped with a control panel where you can set the required temperature and percentage of humidity. The control range is specific to the model. The cheapest devices usually only have a cooling function. In expensive copies, there may even be a function of purifying the air from harmful impurities, for example, from cigarette smoke.

How to choose a bladeless fan

Choosing a bladeless fan can be tricky. At the current time, the market for such equipment is replete with numerous options for models from a wide variety of manufacturers: these are Dyson, Orion, SUPRA, Bladeless and many others.

  • First of all, one should proceed from personal needs and financial capabilities.
  • Before purchasing a device, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics and find out the noise level. This is an extremely important parameter, because it will directly affect the comfort of use. The average noise range of such devices is 40-60 decibels and above.
  • The radius of the ring affects the efficiency of its use. For larger rooms, it is recommended to choose devices with a larger ring.
  • Power determines not only the strength of the flow, but also the amount of electricity consumed and the level of noise emitted by the device. For an apartment or small house an average fan is enough. However, for a large office, a sufficiently powerful device should be selected. For such premises, it is recommended to select units that are capable of driving about 250 cubic meters per hour.
  • For everyday use, a rotation angle of 90 degrees is sufficient, but if you wish, you can purchase a device with a rotation angle of up to 360 degrees.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the plastic and the absence of unpleasant odors.
  • If you value comfort, then it is recommended not to stint and purchase a model with a wide setting of adjustment parameters. The presence of a control panel with a clear system of buttons will make the use more convenient.

One of the novelties of the HVAC equipment market is a bladeless fan. The device arouses both interest and doubt among potential buyers. Unusual bladeless fan surprises appearance and functionality.

Someone decides to purchase it, and someone worries that the money will be wasted. To dispel doubts about the performance of the equipment, you need to get acquainted with its device, the principle of operation and the features of operation.

The model, which is radically different in its appearance from others familiar to many from childhood, was invented in 2009. Its creator is James Dyson.

He worked for about 30 years on options for improving the vacuum cleaner and other household and industrial equipment. This English developer came up with many interesting and useful inventions, patents for which were sold in different countries the world.

Bladeless models allow you to calmly rest, enjoying the coolness and not worrying that some of your pets or children will get hurt by hitting the fan blades

All his designs are different exquisite design and improved functionality. Mr. Dyson, while working on improving the hygienic hand dryer, took the principle of its operation as a basis for his new invention. So, in 2009, a special fan appeared that did not have blades.

About 4 years the leading engineers of J. Dyson's company have spent on modeling a fan ring that can most effectively pass air through itself, multiplying it many times over.

The Dyson bladeless device was already on sale in the inventor's homeland for 199 British pounds in 2010. This price can hardly be called popular, but there were many who wanted to get an innovative fan.

Therefore, now on the market you can find similar equipment from various manufacturers, including budget Chinese models.

In the near future, users will be able to try a new product - a ceiling version of a bladeless fan. This is Exhale Fans equipment designed by Nick Heiner

Design and operation of a bladeless device

The fan without blades is often named after its creator the Dyson fan or, as he called the device, the “Air Multiplier”. This ingenious invention is in demand for its ability to create an even flow of air and fit perfectly into any interior.

The multiplier looks stylish, and the availability of analogues on the market makes it available to a wide range of consumers.

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However, the price of such new products exceeds $ 300.

The device itself will differ depending on the model. After all, the more functions it can perform, the more buttons there will be on the control panel.

The fan without blades consists of the following parts:

  • body;
  • control Panel;
  • blower.

The housing contains a motor responsible for the operation of the device. Also on this part there are special holes through which air will be drawn in when the multiplier is turned on.

The appearance of the device for all manufacturers may differ significantly, as well as the size, functionality and cost

The fan can be controlled mechanically or electronically using the panel. In most cases, remote control is provided. Many models from various manufacturers are equipped with a remote control that works, on average, at a distance of 3 meters.

The control panel provides:

  • on and off button;
  • rheostat for adjusting the operating speed;
  • other buttons depending on multiplier model and manufacturer-provided functions.

The blower is round or oval in shape. Its size depends entirely on the product model. This part of the fan can have a clear geometric shape or be in the shape of a heart, an apple, etc.

Air multipliers can be conditionally divided into 3 types according to the installation method:

  • outdoor;
  • desktop;
  • wall.

The first 2 types are portable devices, and the last one is stationary. Often manufacturers provide 2 options for one model: wall mounting and table mounting. In this case, the fan must be completed with brackets with dowels.

It is important to use the accessories offered by the manufacturer when hanging the device on the wall. Otherwise, you may void your warranty.

Dyson fan: how it works

Bladeless fans are capable of passing through themselves up to 500 liters of air in 1 second. The outlet stream is evenly distributed, gently enveloping the entire space. When visual inspection moving parts outside the operating device are not visible. At first glance, this is exactly what an air multiplier looks like.

The principle of such efficient operation of a bladeless fan is to multiply the drawn in air at the outlet. This is due to the special shape of the blower and the presence of a specially shaped hollow channel inside it.

Among the manufacturers offering their bladeless equipment, the following companies can be noted: Flextron, SUPRA (Supra), UNISVET, Clever and clean, Roward, Dyson, Coolguy, Aaron, RENOVA, Orion, Bladeless, BiLux, MAGNIT.

The price range of bladeless devices of these companies is from 2,000 to 35,000 rubles or more.

An important characteristic influencing the comfort level when using the fan is the noise level. It can be 40 dB, 55 dB, 60 dB or more. This is the most important parameter that should be taken into account before buying.

When the fan noise is 60 dB or more, a person will get tired after an hour of work and may have a headache

Manufacturers indicate the noise level of a specific model in technical characteristics... Moreover, this is the maximum level that is reached when the equipment is operating at maximum speed. For cheap devices, the declared noise level may not correspond to reality.

Pros and cons of bladeless fans

The air multiplier has advantages and disadvantages identified by users.

Among the positive aspects are:

  • security;
  • uniform air flow;
  • minimal electricity consumption;
  • convenient control;
  • ease of care;
  • stylish design.

Safety is ensured by the absence of blades and other moving parts outside the product. Also, thanks to the motor located at the bottom and the absence of vibration from the rotation of the blades, the entire structure is stable.

The special shape of the blower ring allows the fan to gently and evenly distribute air flows throughout the entire room

Electricity consumption is most often 25 W and 40 W. Models with other characteristics are less common.

The device control is simple and straightforward. All the subtleties of adjusting the purchased model are described in detail in the instructions. The air flow rate of the bladeless fan is also adjustable.

In addition to the advantages, the bladeless device has its disadvantages:

  • Noise effect - sound level from 40 dB. The larger and more powerful the device, the louder it will hum at maximum speed.
  • High price... The equipment loses in this indicator to the usual paddle fans.
  • The fragility of the structure... This disadvantage is typical for inexpensive Chinese-made counterparts.

Manufacturers strive to take into account all the shortcomings and wishes of customers, improving new fan variations. So, first, consumers were offered various colors and sizes, then - the most intricate form. Later it was the turn to minimize the noise level produced by the device.

The next challenge was to reduce energy consumption and add additional functions for humidification and heating / cooling of air passing through a bladeless fan.

Aromatization and ionization of air flows so far exist only in expensive models of the latest generation

Diy bladeless device

The question of creating a fan without blades with your own hands was visited by many craftsmen. In the course of experiments, home craftsmen have obtained many working homemade products.

Option # 1: product from plastic buckets

For the manufacture of the device use plastic container, a simple fan and a glue gun.

From simple and available materials in a couple of hours you can build a homemade fan without blades

For example, you can take:

  • 2 plastic buckets with a volume of 5 and 10 liters;
  • PVC pipe 110;
  • distribution tee;
  • stub.

First, you need to cut a piece 15 cm long from the pipe. Then, in a 10-liter bucket, make a hole on the side exactly the same size as the outer diameter of the pipe.

Using a glue gun, carefully and carefully connect these 2 parts together

The next step is to take a 5 liter bucket and cut 3cm from the top edge. We still have to cut a hole in the bottom, the diameter of which is 2 cm less than the very bottom of the bucket. You also need to make a hole of the same size in the bottom of the larger bucket and connect them together with a glue gun. This is a homemade blower.

Now we have to assemble a case with a motor, the role of which will be played by an axial fan. To do this, put a plug on the side branch pipe of the tee, having previously applied an adhesive layer there.

It is better to leave a small gap of 1.5-2 cm so that there is air access. Then you need PVC pipe put it on one of the branch pipes of the tee and mark the border - this will be a segment of about 10 cm to be cut off.

Place the cut-off piece in this pipe and make a through hole 5 cm long from the edge

This is where the axial electric fan is to be installed required diameter, and in the hole - lead out the wire to be connected to the electrical network.

To give the finished homemade product an aesthetic look, all parts can be painted in one color with aerosol enamel. For example, in white, beige or blue. The case is ready to be connected to the network.

It remains to place a homemade blower from 2 buckets on top and turn on the fan

If you put a container with ice inside the case, then the homemade product will act as an air conditioner. And when placing a piece of cotton wool with 5-7 drops essential oil you can fill the whole room with a pleasant aroma.

Option # 2: plastic pipe fan

The prototype of the second version was a bladeless device of the brand Dyson... The body and the technical part are assembled by a craftsman according to the scheme of a finished product of factory production.

Let's start the construction of homemade homemade products from the building:

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It took three pruning to make it plastic pipe different diameters, 12 V fan, toggle switch with connecting devices, capacitors, resistors, NE555 integrated circuit, Schnittke diode, diodes, power supply and consumables

The largest ring is cut from a 6 "pipe, its height is 10 cm. The same segment is cut from a 5" pipe, in the photo it is blue. For the stand, cut off 13 cm from the 3.5 ″ pipe, You also need to find a 6 ″ container, from which we cut out the bottom

We cut a narrow section of pipe prepared for the rack under a large six-inch ring. To do this, first try on the details and outline the necessary lines.

Cut a hole in a large ring with a diameter of about 2 cm smaller than the diameter of the rack

Place a hole in the large ring directly above the counter, glue it

We fasten the connection with tape or glue it with mesh adhesive mounting tape. When viewed from the side of the rack, an annular platform should form inside the structure.

Glue the fiberglass piece to the five-inch ring. The size of this part should cover the difference between the outer and inner rings.

The inner ring with the glued part is painted white from a spray bottle. We glue the LED strip from the inside to the outer edge of the large ring and assemble the case

Step 1: Purchase materials for homemade homemade products

Step 2: Cutting the shell blanks

Step 3: trimming the rack to fit the ring

Step 4: trimming the rack to fit the ring

Step 5: glue the stand to the large ring

Step 6: Reinforce the connection with tape or masking tape

Step 7: Cover the 5-inch ring with fiberglass

Step 8: Installing the LED strip between the rings

The case is ready, now it should be equipped with technical stuffing:

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We put the fan in a rack, solder the wires to it, fix the details of the device

Quite recently, rather strange devices began to appear on the market, having the functions of a regular fan, but at the same time not having the usual blades. A standard device of this type looks like a ring mounted on a special pedestal. At the same time, the air flow comes directly from the middle of such a ring, which seems fantastic and even magical. For many, such a fan is perplexing, while others consider its work to be simply supernatural or cheating.

In fact, a fan without blades has a rather simple device, although the principle of its operation is based on the latest developments in the field of aerodynamics and technology. The fact is that the ring installed on the curbstone is hollow inside, and a special hole is made along its inner perimeter. The fan without blades has a turbine inside the pedestal, which supplies air pressure to the inside of the ring, and it exits through the hole, which has such aerodynamics that its flow is directed in a certain direction, namely, through the circle itself. Thus, directional masses are created, which, in turn, capture air from the environment, creating a fairly powerful flow. Therefore, such a device is often referred to as "pressure".

It is worth noting that the air flow obtained with the help of such a device goes evenly, and not in portions, as when using a conventional fan, which contributes to an increase in its efficiency and significantly improves efficiency. Therefore, such a device is very good to use as a cooling fan. Its uniform flow will keep the required area under constant air pressure, which will be much more efficient with the same energy consumption.

Thanks to its design, the fan without blades can deliver 15 times more air volume than usual. Moreover, his air pump works almost silently, which is also a very big advantage. Many models of such devices can heat the air, allowing the device to be used as a heater, and the absence of blades makes it safe for children.

However, the most important advantage of such a fan is its uniform air flow, which can be compared with a light breeze, it makes you feel like on the seashore. It does not bother with its constant noise, so using such a device is a pleasure. Also, a fan without blades does not collect dust on itself. This has a positive effect on health and will enable people with allergies to use it.

Thus, bladeless fans are the latest devices for the organization of everyday life, which are not only very effective, but also economical and safe. At the same time, the price for such air is practically the same as for an electric fan heater. This makes such a device available to almost everyone, and the remote control will allow you to enjoy a gentle stream of air from anywhere in the room.
