
This option test items compiled on the topic "Feudal fragmentation" in the USE format. Detailed answers are given, as well as material for historical essay by topic:

1125-1157 - the period of the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky

1157-1174 - the period of the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky

Testing will help in preparing for the exam.

The copy version is convenient for using the material in the lessons.


Arrange historical events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events in the correct sequence in the table.

1) The capture of Constantinople by the crusaders.

2) Conditional date of the beginning of fragmentation.

3) The first mention of Moscow.


Correct answer

Correct answer t:231


1) The capture of Constantinople by the crusaders - 1204.

2) The conditional date of the beginning of fragmentation is 1132.

3) The first mention of Moscow-1147.


Establish a correspondence between events and years: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters


Correct answer

1123 - Battle of the Kalka.

1238 - battle on the river Sit.


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the events of feudal fragmentation:

1) lot; 2) economic isolation; 3) political weakening of the state; 4) Christianization; 5 feudal war); 6) estate

Find and write down the serial numbers of terms related to another historical period.


Correct answer

Correct answer:46

4- adoption of Christianity in Rus' by Vladimir in 988

6- the estate is a land ownership, which became so called after the legal merger of the estate and the estate, which took place under Peter 1, in the 17th century.


Write down the term you are talking about.

The process of economic strengthening and political isolation of feudal estates.


Correct answer

feudal fragmentation


Establish a correspondence between processes (phenomena, events) and facts related to these processes (phenomena, events): for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second




Correct answer

Correct answer:425


1. Dudenev's army in 1293

3.Nevryuev's army in 1252

6. Dolobsky congress of princes in 1103


Establish a correspondence between fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: for each fragment, indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics, indicated by numbers.


“They struck the veche bell: the terrible hour of the people's judgment has come. From all sides fled to Hagia Sophia to decide the fate of the Fatherland. The first definition of this noisy veche was to expel Yaroslav .... they handed the prince a letter of accusation: “Why did you take possession of the court of Mortkinich? Why did he take silver from the boyars Nikifor, Roman and Bartholomew? Why are you bringing foreigners out of here? May there now be an end to your violence! Go wherever you want, and we will find ourselves a prince.

“Svyatopolk came, and Vladimir, and Davyd Igorevich, and Vasilko Rostislavich, and Davyd Svyatoslavich, and his brother Oleg, and gathered for a council in Lyubech to establish peace, and said to each other: “Why are we destroying the Russian land, arranging strife among ourselves ? And the Polovtsy are carrying our land in different ways and are glad that wars are going on between us. Yes, from now on, let us unite with one heart and observe the Russian land, and let everyone own his own patrimony ... "


1) The purpose of this event is to prevent civil strife.

2) In the principality of this period, the power of the prince was still strong.

3) The events took place in the 10th century.

4) The congress could not prevent fragmentation, but only brought it closer.

5) The veche had legislative power in this principality.

6) The prince was not a ruler, but only a military leader, appointed and removed.

Fragment A Fragment B


Correct answer

Correct answer:


1. About the expulsion of the prince and the establishment of the Novgorod Republic.

2. Lubech Congress.


Which of the following refers to the causes of feudal fragmentation in Rus'? Choose three answers and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) The growth of land ownership of the feudal lords.

2) Strengthening the role of Kyiv.

3) The desire of the princes to join forces to repulse the nomads.

4) Natural economy.

5) The presence of a single religion - Christianity.

6) Gradual decline in the role of the trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks", the emergence of new routes.


Correct answer


Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence marked with a letter and containing a gap, choose the number of the element you want.

A) ______________ was built in honor of the victory over the Bulgars.

B) Under the prince, during whose reign ____________ became the capital of the principality, the combatants became not vassals, but servants.

C) During the battle at ________________, Konstantin Vsevolodovich became the Grand Prince of Vladimir.

Missing items:

1) Vladimir.

2) Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

3) Tithe church.

5) Mstislav the Great.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


Correct answer


Establish a correspondence between events and participants in these events: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.





Correct answer


Read the passage and write the name of the prince in question.

“As one of the younger Monomakhoviches, he inherited the Rostov-Suzdal region, in which his activities were focused mainly on the construction and strengthening of cities, the foundation of churches and monasteries. His sympathies entirely belonged to Kievan Rus, where he constantly aspired.


Correct answer

Correct answer: Yuri Dolgoruky.


Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap marked with a letter, select the number of the required element.

Missing items:

1) 4th crusade.

2) Ice battle.

3) The struggle for power of the children of Vsevolod the Big Nest.

4) The reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky.

6) The death of Roman Mstislavovich, who united the Galician and Volyn principalities in 1199.

7) The first mention of Moscow.

9) The end of the rule in the Latin Empire of Baldwin of Flanders

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.







Correct answer

Correct answer:


1.4th Crusade

3. Vsevolod the Big Nest died in 1212. Until 1216 there was a struggle for the power of his children, and only in 1216 in the battle on the river. Lipits was defeated by Konstantin Vsevolodovich.

4. Andrei Bogolyubsky ruled in 1157-1174

5.1204 - Capture of Constantinople by the crusaders

6. The death of Roman Mstislavovich, who united the Galician and Volyn principalities in 1199. Ruled in 1199-1205

7. The first mention of Moscow in 1147

8.1202-1204, precisely as a result of the 4th crusade Constantinople was taken by the crusaders

9. Baldwin of Flanders - the first emperor of the Latin Empire (1204-1205)


Read an extract from a historical source.

“The economic power and high social position of these people contributed to their active actions against the princely power in Novgorod already at the end of the 11th and beginning of the 12th century, in the Rostov-Suzdal and Galicia-Volyn principalities in the second half of the 12th century, which was a manifestation of intra-class antagonism, growing with the formation of this class-estate.

Using the passage and knowledge of history, select from the list provided three correct statements.

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) We are talking about the period of formation of a centralized state in Rus'.

2) In one of the principalities mentioned in the passage, aristocratic republican rule developed.

3) One of the Grand Dukes of this period was Vladimir Monomakh.

4) In the passage we are talking about the boyars.

5) Militarily, Rus' of this period is a strong and powerful state.

6) The period referred to in the passage is called the period of feudal fragmentation in history.

A. Answer:

Correct answer

Correct answer:246


1. No, the centralization of the state will begin in the 14th century.

2. Yes, in the Novgorod Republic.

3. No, Vladimir Monomakh ruled in 1113-1125, and fragmentation began in 1132.

5. No, Rus' militarily weakened during the period of fragmentation.


Write the name of the period in the history of Rus', which is shown on the map.


Correct answer

feudal fragmentation


Write the number that indicates the principality, which later became one of the most influential in Rus'.


Correct answer



The Vladimir-Suzdal kanyazhestovo will become one of the greatest, the process of unification will begin around it.


Indicate the name of the city in which a republican form of government existed during this period.


Correct answer



What judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three sentences from the six offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) This period began during the reign of Vladimir Monomakh.

2) During this period, there was a flourishing of culture in individual principalities.

3) The power of the Kyiv prince was great, he had a single army capable of repelling the raids of nomads.

4) Gradual decline in the role of Kyiv.

5) Strengthening the political unity of Rus'.

6) Significant weakening of Rus' militarily.


Correct answer

Answer: 246


1) This period began during the reign of Vladimir Monomakh. NO. The period of fragmentation began in 1132, after the death of V. Monomakh's son, Mstislav.

2) During this period, there was a flourishing of culture in individual principalities. YES.

3) The power of the Kyiv prince was great, he had a single army capable of repelling the raids of nomads. NO. During this period, military power was weakened.

4) Gradual decline in the role of Kiev. YES.

5) Strengthening the political unity of Russia. NO.

6) Significant weakening of Rus' militarily. YES.


Establish a correspondence between cultural monuments and their brief characteristics: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.





Correct answer

ANSWER: 4521


What judgments about this architectural monument are correct? Choose two sentences from the five offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) There was a monument in the Novgorod land.

2) An architectural monument was built during the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky.

3) The architectural monument was built during the reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest.

4) The monument was built in honor of the victory over the Pechenegs.

5) The monument is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Correct answer



1. No, in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

2. Yes, Andrei Bogolyubsky ruled in 1157-1174, and the Golden Gate in Vladimir was built precisely in this period - in 1164.

3. No, Vsevolod the Big Nest ruled earlier.

4. The victory over the Pechenegs was in 1036, much earlier.

5. Yes, included in 1992


Which of the architectural monuments were built in the same century as the monument referred to in task No. 18? In your answer, write down the two numbers that indicate these monuments.






Correct answer


1. Church of the Savior on Nereditsa, 1198.

2. Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir. 1158-1189.

3. Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow, 1489.

4. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, 1045-1050.

To write down the answers to the tasks of this part (21–29), use the ANSWER FORM No. 2. First write down the task number (21, 22, etc.), and then the detailed answer to it. Write your answers clearly and legibly.

Read an extract from a historical source and briefly answer the questions questions 20–22. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period.

Specific (from the word destiny) period was established in Rus' in the middle of the XII century. By this time, a large patrimonial land ownership had finally taken shape. In the feudal estates, as well as in individual peasant communities, subsistence farming dominated, and only military force kept them within the framework of a single state. With the development of feudal landownership, each land had the opportunity to secede and exist as an independent principality. In the estates, the local boyars were formed, which was the main economic and political force of that time. The boyars were interested in strong princely power in the localities, because this made it possible to quickly resolve various issues, primarily to keep the peasants in subjection. Local feudal lords (boyars) were increasingly striving for independence from Kyiv, which is why they supported the military power of their prince. It can be said that the main force of separation was the boyars. And the local princes, relying on him, were able to establish power, each in his own land. Subsequently, the struggle for power intensified between the boyars and the princes. In different lands it had a different character. For example, in Novgorod, and later in Pskov, the boyars managed to subjugate the princes and establish the so-called boyar feudal republics. In other lands, where the princes were able to subdue the boyars, the power of the princes was stronger.

Indicate the centuries within which the events mentioned in the article took place. Specify the name of this period. Name at least three rulers - prominent personalities of this period.


Correct answer


The period of feudal fragmentation.

Andrey Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod the Big Nest, Daniil Romanovich Galitsky.

21 What reasons for this event are mentioned in the article? Give any three reasons.


Correct answer


The article names the following reasons for feudal fragmentation:

1.large patrimonial agriculture;

2.dominance of natural economy;

3. the desire of local princes for independence from the Kyiv prince.

22 What are the results of this period in the history of Rus'? When drawing on historical knowledge, list at least two.


Correct answer


results of feudal fragmentation.

1. The weakening of the military power of Rus'.

2. The flourishing of culture.


A republic was established in the Novgorod land in 1136. Explain what were the features of the government in it? Why did this become possible? (Give three explanations.)


Correct answer


Peculiarities government in the Novgorod Republic: legislative power - in the aristocratic veche, the election of a prince, a posadnik (head of executive power), judicial power - in the archbishop, developed self-government, etc.

Causes establishment of republican rule in Novgorod:

1.powerful trade and business layers in Novgorod, the development of trade, which contributed to the strengthening of the role of the boyars, the wealthy urban population;

2. the remote position of Novgorod freed him from the direct pressure of the prince and his squad, allowed him to develop more independently.


There are debatable problems in historical science, on which different, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science.

“Feudal fragmentation was a new, higher stage in the development of feudal society and the state ...

(A.K.Leontiev, historian)

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can support this point of view, and two arguments that can refute it. When presenting arguments, be sure to use historical facts.

Write your answer in the following form.

Arguments to support:

Arguments in rebuttal:


Correct answer


Arguments in confirmation:

1) the emergence of new trade routes, new centers of craft and trade;

2) the growth of cities, the development of culture in them.

Arguments in rebuttal:

1) weakening of economic and political power as a result of constant internecine wars;

2) the weakening of military power, the lack of a single army, which made the country vulnerable to enemies.


You need to write a historical essay about ONE of the periods in the history of Russia:

  • 1132-1237
  • 1125-1157
  • 1157-1174

The essay must:

- indicate at least two significant events (phenomena, processes),

relating to a given period of history;

- name two historical figures whose activities are associated with the indicated events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the roles of the individuals you named in these events (phenomena, processes);


When characterizing the role of each person named by you, it is necessary to indicate the specific actions of this person that significantly influenced the course and (or) result of the indicated events (processes, phenomena).

- indicate at least two cause-and-effect relationships that characterize the causes of the occurrence of events (phenomena, processes) that occurred in the given period;

- using knowledge of historical facts and (or) opinions of historians, evaluate the impact of events (phenomena, processes) of this period on the further history of Russia.

In the course of the presentation, it is necessary to correctly use historical terms, concepts related to this period.


Correct answer

1132-1237 - a period of fragmentation in Rus' before the invasion of Batu.

1125-1157 - the period of the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky.

1157-1174 - the period of the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky.

Material for a historical essay: policies that can be described, individuals who played an important role in these events.

1) 1132-1237 - a period of fragmentation in Rus' before the invasion of Batu.

The following events of this period can be described.

1.1176-1212 - the period of the highest prosperity of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. Activities of Vsevolod the Big Nest.

Personality: Vsevolod the Big Nest (1176-1212).

The power of the prince extended to the whole of Rus'. He was its de facto ruler. He was assisted by his sons, whom the prince appointed governors in large cities. It was under him that the title Grand Duke of Vladimir appeared. He led a successful foreign policy, having a powerful, strong, combat-ready army: he fought with the Bulgars and Polovtsians. He had authority in Rus' as a talented military leader, a far-sighted politician who strengthened the power of Rus'.

  1. The unification of the Galician and Volhynian principalities by Roman Mstislavovich in 1199

Personality: Roman Mstislavovich (1199-1205)

One of the strong and significant principalities in the period of fragmentation was Galicia-Volyn. played an important role in strengthening Roman Mstislavovich, who united the Galician and Volyn principalities in 1199, strengthened a single principality, had a powerful army, and even captured Kyiv in 1203, taking the title of Grand Duke. In foreign policy, he adhered to the traditions of aggressive campaigns, and their combination with diplomatic relations with countries.

Thus, during the period of feudal fragmentation, a number of bright personalities stood out who had the talent of military leaders, who managed to significantly strengthen their principalities and achieve their heyday. However, the invasion of Batu did not allow this power to be preserved, but led to ruin. Many decades had to pass before the principalities gradually began to revive and the leading role was taken by Moscow.

2) 1125-1157 - the period of the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky

  1. Strengthening the power of the prince, the struggle for a great reign.

Personalities: Yuri Dolgoruky, Izyaslav Mstislavovich.

Izyaslav Mstislavovich, Grand Duke of Kiev in 1151-1154, grandson of Vladimir Monomakh. All the years of the great reign passed in a continuous struggle with rivals, among whom was Yuri Dolgoruky. The inhabitants of Kyiv supported him, they did not like the Suzdal Yuri, who had already ruled Kiev twice before: half a year in 1149-1150 and less than six months in 1150-1151. In the fight against Izyaslav, Yuri failed. And only in last years life (1155-1157) the third time he will become the head of this principality. Yuri more than once during the reign of Izyaslav tried to seize power: he was defeated twice in 1151 - on the Ruta River and near Kiev; an attempt in 1152 was also unsuccessful. So, under Izyaslav, Yuri was never able to capture Kiev. Izyaslav was distinguished not only by insight, military talent, but also by the ability to rely on the people of Kiev, which brought him good luck.

All this struggle for the throne of Kiev testifies to the great desire of Yuri to own all of Russia, it is no coincidence that the people called him Dolgoruky.

2. Active urban development.

Personality: Prince Yuri Dolgoruky.

At Yuri Dolgoruky many cities were built, including Peryaslavl-Zalessky, Yuryev-Polsky, Dmitrov (in 1154 in honor of the birth of his son Vsevolod the Big Nest, in baptism - Dmitry). Cities in those days were also fortresses, so their construction significantly strengthened the security of the principality .

I would like to separately note that 1147 is the year of the first mention of Moscow, therefore Yuri Dolgoruky is considered its founder. In 1156 he surrounded it with a moat and wooden walls.

The results of the activities of Yuri Dolgoruky.

  • Significantly strengthened power, achieved the Great Kievan reign, although only for three years.
  • He strengthened the economy of the principality, developed the northeastern lands, built fortress cities.
  • Founded Moscow - the future capital of Russia.
  • He led a successful foreign policy, ensured calm on the southern and eastern borders.

3) 1157-1174 - the period of the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky

The following activities of the prince can be described.
  1. An attempt to make Vladimir the spiritual center of Rus'.

Personality: Andrey Bogolyubsky, Luka Chrysoverg.

Andrei Bogolyubsky understood how important the church was. Therefore, in 1160, he made an attempt to make Vladimir the religious center of Rus'. He wanted to establish a metropolis on his lands, independent of Kyiv. However, consent to this from the Patriarch of Byzantium Bows of Chrysoverg did not receive, he even refused to consecrate Theodore, the candidate Andrei Bogolyubsky, as a Rostov bishop, but put a Byzantine here Leona. Luke Chrysoverg understood that the influence of Byzantium could weaken in this way.

But the prince managed to contribute to strengthening the influence of the church, he relied on it in his reign: he introduced new holidays (Savior and Intercession), the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God was transported to Vladimir from Vyshgorod. Being a deeply religious person, he did a lot for the development of Christian culture.

2.Further development culture

Personality: Andrei Bogolyubsky.

Under the prince, many of the greatest architectural monuments were built, which today amaze with their grandeur and beauty: the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God, Golden Gates in Vladimir, Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir. Andrei Bogolyubsky invited Western European Byzantine masters, he wanted to free himself from the influence of Byzantium. At the same time, the traditions of national architecture continued. Under him, the beginning of white-stone construction was laid.

Thus, under Andrei Bogolyubsky, the power of the prince, who relied on the church, was significantly strengthened, the beginning of autocracy was laid; there was a further development of culture, its original features developed, a successful foreign and domestic policy was conducted.

The era of the initial period of feudal fragmentation

Novgorod Veche.
Artist-wanderer Lebedev K.V. (1852-1916)

12th-13th centuries

This period in history Ancient Rus'initial period of feudal fragmentation

During this period, the princes ruled:

  • 1125-1157 - Yuri Dolgoruky
  • 1157-1174 - Andrei Bogolyubsky
  • 1176-1212 - Vsevolod the Big Nest
  • 1216-1218 - Konstantin Vsevolodovich
  • 1218-1238 - Yuri Vsevolodovich
  • 1238-1246 - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich
  • 1153-1187 - Yaroslav Osmomysl
  • 1199-1205 - Roman Mstislavovich
  • 1221-1246 - Daniel Romanovich

General characteristics of the era

The initial period of feudal fragmentation is one of the most difficult in the history of Rus'. It was at this time that the gradual fragmentation of huge Rus' into separate district principalities took place: if at first there were 15 of them, then by the 14th century there would be about 250.

The most notable events (phenomena, processes) of the period:

  1. Negative
  • The weakening of the military power of Rus'
  • The gradual decline of the role of Kyiv
  • Unsuccessful battle on the Kalka with the Mongol-Tatars, which ended in the defeat of Rus'
  • Deterioration of people's lives due to constant civil strife


  • Dawn of culture, especially architecture
  • Opening of new trade routes
  • Emergence of new political centers
  • The emergence of new cities and the development of existing ones, the dawn of crafts in them.

Historical events (phenomena, processes)

1.The desire of the princes to strengthen the political unity of Rus'.

For this purpose, congresses of princes were held, at which the most important issues for all the princes were decided.

  • 1079 - congress in Lyubech. Although the decision of the congress was to stop the strife, however, it was one of the reasons for the fragmentation (“everyone keeps his patrimony”). The congress could not prevent strife.
  • 1100 - congress in Uvetichi (Vitichev congress), about the joint struggle against the Polovtsy and the cessation of strife.
  • 1103 - Dolobsky Congress of Princes, the same goals (stopping strife, fighting the Polovtsy)

Explanation: data events - congresses of princes - can be described both in the third period of the history of Kievan Rus, and in the period of feudal fragmentation. Therefore, in this article I give TR And events.

  1. 2 . Further development of culture.

Fragmentation brought many troubles to Rus': devastation, destruction, death. However, during this period there were also positive developments. One of them is the development of culture. Each specific prince wanted to show his greatness, wealth, and the buildings of architecture, first of all, religious buildings - temples, cathedrals, churches - are very convenient for demonstrating their greatness.

3. Political and military weakening of Rus' in the face of a new enemy - the Mongol-Tatars.

In 1223 there was a battle on the Kalka River. Long-time enemies - Rusichs and Polovtsians - together opposed the troops of the then powerful Genghis Khan. However, the battle ended in defeat. It was necessary for the princes to learn from this: to unite to fight the enemy, to resolve the issues of the country's security. However, almost 15 years that were given to them for this, until Batu's invasion of Rus' in 1237, no conclusions were drawn, this battle of the princes did not teach anything.

Causal relationships

Causal links of these events.

1. Strange as it may sound, the common cause of these events is feudal fragmentation. The development of culture, especially its architecture, is a positive phenomenon of fragmentation, the result of a demonstration by princes of strength and wealth.

2. The defeat on the Kalka River is also the result of fragmentation, strife, and the isolation of princes. The absence of a single army, a common leadership led to a weakening of the military power of Rus', resulting in a defeat on the Kalka River, the death of half the princes and many soldiers.

Investigative connections of events.

The result of the events was:

1. Further separation of the princes, their isolation, the desire to pursue an independent policy, both economic, political, and policy in the field of cultural development.

2. Separation in all spheres led to the most difficult separation - to the lack of military unity, a single leadership, a single army. The troops of Batu took advantage of this, starting in 1237 their campaigns against Rus'.

Personalities associated with this era

Historical assessment of the significance of this period for the history of Russia

The period of feudal fragmentation was historically conditioned, prepared by a number of objective reasons. Its significance for the development of Rus' is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is a weakening of political unity. It was fragmentation that led to the yoke of the Golden Horde. And on the other hand, the presence of many positive phenomena that led to the development of culture, the emergence of many bright rulers, the development of cities.

The assessment of this period by historians is also ambiguous. Views are sometimes contradictory. So Gumilyov L.N. believed that fragmentation was the result of a decline in passionary energy, that is, the desire for renewal and development (“passionate, that is, with increased activity, energy). Therefore, these phenomena occurred in order for Rus' to be updated, this was the impetus for its further development.

Klyuchevsky V.O. called the “specific centuries” a difficult period, a period of trials, a crisis of central power, but at the same time this is a period of creating a new ethnic group - Russians, based on cultural unity, traditions, and mentality.

Material prepared: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna

Author information

Kozina Tatyana Gennadievna

Place of work, position:

MBU lyceum №51, history teacher

Samara Region

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Levels of education:

Secondary (complete) general education




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Learner (student)

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The test on the topic "Feudal Fragmentation" can be used in classes studying history at profile level for independent work and in preparation for the exam.

Feudal fragmentation

  1. Rus' entered a period of political fragmentation in

2) 30s. XII century;

3) the end of the 13th century;

4) the beginning of the XIV century.

2. Which of the princes fought for the throne of Kiev for ten years, was three times recognized as the prince of Kyiv?

1) Yuri Dolgoruky;

2) Svyatoslav Olgovich;

3) Yaroslav Osmomysl;

4) Mstislav Vladimirovich.

3. After the collapse of Ancient Rus' into principalities and lands, the first among other principalities was considered

1) Chernihiv;

2) Polotsk;

3) Kiev;

4) Suzdal.

4. The decline in the role of Kyiv and the rise of new centers was not due

1) Polovtsian raids;

2) folding the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks";

3) movement of trade routes;

4) population migration to more protected areas.

5. The special role of Novgorod in Russian history was that it

1) was subjected to constant raids by the Polovtsians;

2) it housed the residence of the metropolitan;

3) it was located in the center of important trade routes;

4) was the most ancient Russian city.

6. Specify the form of government established in Novgorod inXIIV.

1) absolute monarchy;

2) parliamentary monarchy;

3) an aristocratic republic;

4) a democratic republic.

7. The date of foundation of Moscow is considered

8. Establish a correspondence between the names of the princes and their characteristics.


1) Yuri Dolgoruky; A) fought with the brothers for the preservation of the throne,

2) Andrei Bogolyubsky; inherited from the father;

3) Vsevolod the Big Nest; B) founded cities in the Suzdal land, fought for Kiev

4) Yuri Vsevolodovich. throne;

C) was considered the most powerful prince

Rus', his army "could scoop the Don with helmets";

D) moved the capital of the principality to the city

Vladimir-on-Klyazma and founded

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

9. Specify the reasons for the rise of the Vladimir-Suzdal land:

A) proximity to the steppe;

B) protection from external enemies by dense forests;

C) an abundance of arable fertile land;

D) access to the Baltic Sea;

E) colonization of the interfluve of the Volga and Oka.

10. Establish a correspondence between the position in Novgorod and job responsibilities.


1) posadnik; A) was engaged in the collection of taxes and city

2) thousand; militia;

3) archbishop; B) headed the city administration;

4) prince. B) was the leader of the squad;

D) dealt with foreign policy issues, disposed of the treasury,

presided over the ecclesiastical court

11. Establish a correspondence between the specific manifestations of the consequences of the fragmentation of Rus' and their characteristics.


1) the preservation of all wealth in separate

principalities and lands; A) negative

2) weakening of defense capability; B) positive.

3) the growth of inter-princely strife;

4) development of local book schools,

architecture, iconography.

12. The following factors prevented the complete collapse of Rus':

A) the difference in natural and economic conditions in the lands;

C) the formation of a trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks";

D) a single all-Russian church organization;

E) agreements between the princes on the joint struggle against the Polovtsy.

13. Highlight three reasons for the separation of Russian lands from Kyiv:

A) the formation of the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks";

B) the growth of patrimonial land ownership;

C) movement of trade routes;

D) urban development;

D) the decomposition of the tribal community.

14. Specify the features of ancient Russian culture:

A) the influence of Byzantine culture;

B) the interweaving of Christian and pagan traditions;

C) the decisive influence of the steppe culture;

D) the unity of the language, way of life, way of life of the people;

D) ancient heritage.

1) AGD 2) IOP 3) BVD 4) ABG

15. Establish a correspondence between terms and definitions.


1) epic; A) the genre of Russian epic songs - legends about heroes;

2) chronicle; B) biographies of clergy and secular persons canonized by the Christian

3) lives of saints; church;

4) walking. C) instruction to children;

D) weather record of historical events;

D) a genre of ancient Russian literature, which is

travel descriptions.

16. Match terms and definitions


1) relief; A) a pictorial representation of God or a saint, which is the subject of a religious


2) fresco; B) painting on wet plaster with paints diluted in water;

3) mosaic; C) an image or pattern made of colored stones, smalt, etc.;

4) icon. D) a type of sculpture in which the image is convex (or recessed)

in relation to the background plane;

D) the legend of the saints.

Lapteva Elena Nikolaevna,

teacher of history and social studies,

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug


Already in 1134, the Novgorod chronicler wrote with bitterness: "And the whole Russian land was torn apart." In this context, "annoyed" means broke, in this case - entered a period of strife and unrest

Fragmentation date: _____________________________________________________________________________

CAUSES OF FEUDAL Fragmentation

1. Plowed agriculture spread everywhere. There was an excess of food.

2. A large boyar land ownership appeared in the Kievan state.

3. In Rus', there are about three hundred cities - centers of highly developed crafts, trade and culture.

4. Feudal estates and peasant communities were of a natural nature. Their links to the market were very weak. In such conditions, it was possible for each region to separate from the center and exist independently.

5. The transition under the power of the boyars of new lands led to an intensification of the class struggle. The prince of Kiev was far from the boyars, but the locals were close, and they could solve the problems of the boyars.

6.Strengthening the power of local (specific) princes, based on the boyars.

7. The order of occupation of thrones that existed in Kievan Rus, depending on seniority, in the princely family gave rise to an atmosphere of instability, uncertainty, which, in the conditions of developed feudal relations, interfered with the development of the state.

Instead of a single state - Kievan Rus - there were more than 15 independent states, feudal fragmentation replaced the early feudal monarchy

Name "+" and«-» feudal fragmentation


The consequences of feudal fragmentation in Rus' consisted in the fact that out of 12 principalities 250 were formed, as a result of which the Russian land became very vulnerable, but at the same time feudal fragmentation contributed to the development of feudal relations in Rus'. Novgorod land, Vladimir-Suzdal principality and Galicia-Volyn principality were the three largest lands after the collapse.

Novgorod feudal republic - boyar, aristocratic.

“In the summer of 1136, the Novgorodians called on the Pskovians and Ladoga residents and decided at a veche to expel their prince Vsevolod. And they put him in the Bishop's court with his wife and children and mother-in-law. And the guards guarded him day and night with weapons of 30 men a day. And he sat for 2 months, and they let him out of the city».

Why did the Novgorodians not need a prince like the inhabitants of other territories?

The main governing body in the Novgorod Republic was veche- a gathering of adult men, later representatives of clans, regardless of social origin. The leading role at the veche was played by " 300 golden belts" (300 boyars), they were "council of the gentlemen". Veche was collected only on important occasions, the rest of the time he ruled « council of gentlemen, headed by archbishop. The functions of the archbishop were to keep the state seal, control the issuance of coins and control the treasury (he had the keys to the treasury), measures of weight, length and volume (this was important for trade). In addition, he was the supreme judge. Veche elected posadnik and thousand who assisted the archbishop.
The posadnik is a person who directs foreign policy, monitors the implementation of court decisions, and is the head of the militia. The posadnik was chosen from trading people, because foreign policy is primarily trade. Tysyatsky - the executor of punishments, deputy mayor, he monitored the collection of taxes.
The prince was invited from the Vladimir-Suzdal land in case of war or rebellion. He was entrusted with defense, and after that he was expelled.
Kiev principality

Until 1139, the Kiev table was in the hands of the Monomashichs - Mstislav the Great was succeeded by his brothers Yaropolk and Vyacheslav. In 1149, the Suzdal branch of the Monomashichs, represented by Yuri Dolgoruky, entered the struggle for Kyiv. In May 1157 Izyaslav Davydovich Chernigov (1157–1159) seized the princely power. From the middle of the 12th century the political significance of the Kyiv land is falling. Its disintegration into destinies begins: in the 1150s–1170s, the Belgorod, Vyshgorod, Trepol, Kanev, Torche, Kotelniche and Dorogobuzh principalities stand out. Kyiv ceases to play the role of the only center of the Russian lands; in the northeast and southwest, two new centers of political attraction and influence are emerging, claiming the status of great principalities - Vladimir on the Klyazma and Galich. The princes of Vladimir and Galicia-Volyn no longer seek to occupy the Kiev table; periodically subjugating Kyiv, they put their proteges there.

From the work of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky

From the middle of the twelfth century signs of desolation of Kievan Rus become noticeable. The river strip along the middle Dniester with tributaries, which has long been so well populated, has been emptying since that time, its population disappears somewhere. Among the seven desolate cities of the Chernihiv land, we meet one of the oldest and richest cities in the Dnieper region - Lyubech. Simultaneously with the signs of the ebb of the population from Kievan Rus, we also notice traces of the decline of its economic well-being: Rus, emptying, at the same time became poorer. The ebb of the population from the Dnieper region went in two directions, in two opposite streams. One jet was directed to the west, to the Western Bug, to the region of the upper Dniester and upper Vistula, deep into Galicia and Poland. So the southern Russian population from the Dnieper region returned to long-forgotten places abandoned by their ancestors. Another stream of colonization from the Dnieper region is directed to the opposite corner of the Russian land, to the northeast, across the Ugra River, in the interfluve of the Oka and the Upper Volga. She is the source of all the main phenomena found in the life of Upper Volga Rus' from the middle of the 12th century; from the consequences of this colonization, the whole political and public life this Rus'.

1. What was the name of the period in the history of Russia, which is discussed in the document? Specify its chronological framework.

2. What phenomena characteristic of this period does the document testify to? Name at least two things. Using the text of the document and knowledge of history, indicate the reasons for these phenomena (at least two reasons).

3. How does the historian assess the consequences of the phenomena noted in the document? Name at least two consequences of the strengthening of the Upper Volga Rus in further Russian history.


Vladimiro - Suzdal Principality

Yuri Dolgoruky (1113 - 1157)

In 1120, Yuri led a campaign of Russian troops against the Volga Bulgars.

In 1125 he moved the capital of his possessions from Rostov to the city of Suzdal, and his son-heir Andrei Bogolyubsky - in 1157 to Vladimir.

From the Ipatiev Chronicle (XIII- XIVcentury):

"In 1147 year. Yuri went (son of Vladimir Monomakh, broken through by Dolgoruky) to fight the Novgorod volost and, having come, took Novy Torg and the whole Meta. And to Svyatoslav (Chernigov Prince Svyatoslav Olgovich) sent Yuri, ordered him to fight the Smolensk volost. And Svyatoslav went and captured the golyad (Lithuanian tribe) up the Protva; and the squad of Svyatoslav recruited prisoners there

And Yuri sent to him with the words: "Come to me, brother, V Moscow". Svyatoslav went to him with his son Oleg and with a small squad and took Vladimir Svyatoslavich with him (Prince of Ryazan).

And it was fun. Yuri made a strong dinner, And did great honor to them, and gave Svyatoslav many gifts.

In 1155 he captured Kyiv, but in 1157 he was poisoned by the Kyiv boyars.

After the final approval of Yuri Dolgoruky in Kyiv, Andrei was again planted by his father in Vyshgorod, but already in 1155, Andrei, contrary to the will of his father, left for Vladimir. From the Vyshgorod convent, he took with him the icon of the Mother of God, which later received the name of Vladimirskaya and began to be revered as the greatest Russian shrine. Here is how it is described by N.I. Kostomarov:

There was an icon of the Holy Mother of God in the convent in Vyshgorod, brought from Tsaregrad, written, as the legend says, by St. Luke the Evangelist. Miracles were told about her, they said, among other things, that, being placed against the wall, she herself moved away from the wall at night and stood in the middle of the church, as if showing the appearance that she wanted to go to another place. It was obviously impossible to take it, because the inhabitants would not allow it. Andrei planned to kidnap her, transfer her to the Suzdal land, thus granting this land a shrine, respected in Rus', and thereby showing that a special blessing of God would rest over this land. Having persuaded the priest of the convent Nikolai and the deacon Nestor, Andrei carried away the miraculous icon from the monastery at night and, together with the princess and accomplices, immediately after that fled to the Suzdal land. On the way to Rostov, at night the Mother of God appeared to the prince in a dream and ordered him to leave the icon in Vladimir. Andrey did just that, and on the site of the vision he built the village of Bogolyubovo, which eventually became his favorite place of residence.

Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157-1174)

Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir

was built in 1158-1161 under Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky on the high bank of the Klyazma in the center of the city and was conceived not only as the main temple of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, its cultural, political and religious center, but also as the main temple of all Rus'

Golden Gate in Vladimir

an outstanding monument of ancient Russian architecture, located in the city of Vladimir. It was built in 1164 under Vladimir Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky. In addition to defensive purposes, the gates also had a triumphal character. The Golden Gate formed the main entrance to the richest part of the city.

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

The church was built in the middle 12th century on the initiative of Andrei Bogolyubsky in honor of the holiday Intercession of the Virgin ,

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir

It was built in 1194-1197 under Prince Vsevolod III the Big Nest as a palace church in honor of his heavenly patron, Dmitry of Thessalonica, and on the occasion of the birth of the prince's son Dmitry.

Palace in Bogolyubovo

In 1164 Andrew and his army made a successful campaign against the Volga Bulgars,

and in 1169 - a campaign against Kyiv, as a result of which the city was devastated by his warriors.

During the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality achieved significant power and was the strongest in Rus', and later it became the core of modern Russian state.

Relations between the prince and the Vladimir boyars were tense (Andrei's arbitrariness ran into the arbitrariness of the boyars)

On the night of June 30, 1174, Saint Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky accepted a martyr's death at the hands of traitors in his Bogolyubsky castle. The Tver Chronicle reports that St. Andrew was killed at the instigation of his wife, who participated in the conspiracy. At the head of the conspiracy were her brothers, Kuchkovichi: "and set off the murder for the night, like Judas against the Lord." A crowd of murderers, twenty people, made their way to the palace, interrupted the small guards and broke into the bedchamber of the unarmed prince. Andrew was killed.

Vsevolod Yurievich "Big Nest" (1154-1212) -

Grand Duke of Vladimir, son of Yuri Dolgoruky. Vsevolod managed to significantly increase the treasury of his principality and improve life in the Vladimir principality. In The Tale of Bygone Years, Vsevolod was named the Grand Duke and recognized as one of the most successful princes of that period.


Galicia-Volyn principality(1199-1392) - the southwestern Russian principality of the Rurik dynasty, created as a result of the unification of the Volyn and Galician principalities by Roman Mstislavich in 1199. It was one of the largest principalities during the collapse of Kievan Rus.

Princes of the Galicia-Volyn principality

Yaroslav Osmomysl . His original nickname - "having eight thoughts" - this prince received for his mind, love for philosophy, science and art. The time of Yaroslav (1153-1187) was the golden age of the Galician land.

The cherished dream of all the rulers of Southwestern Rus' was the unification of the Galician land and Volhynia. For the first time this problem was solved by the famous warrior Prince Roman Mstislavich . He went through a harsh school of life, reigned for some time in Veliky Novgorod, and in 1170 established himself in Volhynia and in everything followed the example of his famous great-grandfather Vladimir Monomakh. In 1199, Roman captured Galich.

After the death of Roman in 1205 during the war with the Poles, his principality again split into two parts

Only the son of Roman Mstislavich, Prince Daniel Galitsky . Together with his father-in-law, the famous Mstislav Udaly (who in 1217 freed Galich from the Hungarians and sat down to reign there), he fought the Mongols in the ill-fated battle on the Kalka River on May 31, 1223. Then he only miraculously managed to avoid death.


Princely civil strife weakened the Russian land.

At the beginning of 1185, the “cursed and damned” Khan Konchak came to Rus'. In the spring, Svyatoslav defeated him twice. Then the Polovtsy retreated. Svyatoslav began to gather large forces for a retaliatory campaign in the very heart of the Polovtsian land - on the Seversky Donets - to strike a decisive blow. While he was touring the Russian principalities, the Seversky prince Igor, having agreed with his brother Vsevolod, decided to make a trip to the center of the Polovtsian steppe himself. The trip ended in failure...

Read an extract from a historical source and briefly answer the questions.

From "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

“…. Then the Grand Duke Svyatoslav dropped the golden word, mixed with tears, and said: “O my nephews, Igor and Vsevolod! Early you began to offend the Polovtsian land with swords, and seek glory for yourself. But without honor you overcame, without honor you shed filthy blood. Your brave hearts made of strong damask steel are chained and tempered with courage. What did they create from my silver gray hair?

And I no longer see the power of my strong, and rich, and plentiful warriors, my brother Yaroslav, with the Chernigov boyars. But you said: "Let's take courage ourselves: we will steal the past glory for ourselves, and we will divide the future ourselves" ... Grand Duke Vsevolod! Don't you think to fly from afar, to observe your father's golden throne? After all, you can splash the Volga with oars, and scoop out the Don with helmets. You, violent Rurik, and Davyd! ... Enter, gentlemen, into the golden stirrup for the offense of our time, for the Russian land, for the wounds of Igor, the violent Svyatoslavich!

Galician Osmomysl Yaroslav! ... Your thunderstorms flow through the lands, you open the gates to Kyiv. You shoot from your father's golden throne of the Saltans beyond the lands. Shoot, Lord Konchak, filthy slave, for the Russian land, for the wounds of Igor, the violent Svyatoslavich!

1. What historical event formed the basis of the “Word…”? What time is this event?

Mongol Empire- a state that developed in the 13th century as a result of conquests Genghis Khan and his successors, and which included the largest contiguous territory in world history from the Danube to the Sea of ​​Japan and from Novgorod to Southeast Asia, the capital of the state became Karakoram.

Follow the path of Genghis Khan's troops on the map. Name the states that were part of the Mongol Empire.


Battle on the Kalka River- a battle between the united Russian-Polovtsian army and the Mongolian corps, operating within the framework of campaign of Jebe and Subedei, the battle ended in a complete victory for the Mongols. - 1223.

“... There was a council of all the princes in the city of Kiev, and they decided at the council as follows:“ It is better for us to meet them on a foreign land than on our own. At this council were Mstislav Romanovich of Kiev, Mstislav Kozelsky and Chernigov and Mstislav Mstislavich Galitsky - they were the oldest princes of the Russian land. The Grand Duke Yuri of Suzdal was not at that council. And the younger princes were Daniil Romanovich, Mikhail Vsevolodich, Vsevolod Mstislavich of Kiev and many other princes. From there they traveled eight days to the Kalka River. They were met by Tatar guard detachments. When the watchmen fought, Ivan Dmitrievich was killed and two more with him. The Tatars drove off; near the Kalka River itself, the Tatars met with Russian and Polovtsian regiments. Mstislav Mstislavich first ordered Daniil with the regiment and other regiments with them to cross the Kalka River, and he himself moved after them; he himself rode in a guard detachment. When he saw the Tatar regiments, he came to say: "Arm!" Mstislav Romanovich and Another Mstislav sat and did not know anything: Mstislav did not tell them about what was happening because of envy, because there was a great enmity between them ... The regiments came together. Daniil rode forward, and Semyon Olyuevich and Vasilko Gavrilovich hit the Tatar regiments, and Vasilko was wounded. And Daniel himself, being wounded in the chest, due to his youth and courage, did not feel the wounds on his body. He was eighteen years old, and he was strong. For our sins, the Russian regiments were defeated ... "

1) participation in the battle of Russian squads is explained by the request of the Polovtsian princes to support them in the fight against the aggression of the Mongol-Tatars

2) the reason for the defeat of the Russian soldiers was the transition to the side of the enemy of the Polovtsian army

3) the battle on the Kalka River took place in 1223.

4) after the battle, the Mongol-Tatar army moved to Ryazan and, after a short siege, took it by storm

5) the battle described in the annals ended with the victory of the Mongol-Tatar army

6) the events described in the annals refer to the last decade of the existence of the Old Russian state as a whole

« In the year 6745 (from the Creation of the World)…. Godless came to the Russian land king Batu with many Tatar warriors and stood on the river in Voronezh near the land of Ryazan. And he sent unlucky ambassadors to Ryazan to the Grand Duke Yuri Ingvarevich (Igorevich) of Ryazan, demanding from him a tenth of everything: in princes, and in all sorts of people, and in the rest. And the Grand Duke Yuri Ingvarevich of Ryazan heard about the invasion of the godless Tsar Batu, and immediately sent to the city of Vladimir to the noble Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich of Vladimir, asking him for help against the godless Tsar Batu or to go to him himself. The Great Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich of Vladimir did not go himself, and did not send help, planning to fight Batu alone. And the Grand Duke Yuri Ingvarevich of Ryazan heard that there was no help for him from the Grand Duke George Vsevolodovich of Vladimir, and immediately sent for his brothers: for Prince David Ingvarevich of Murom, and for Prince Gleb Ingvarevich of Kolomensky, and for Prince Oleg Krasny, and for Vsevolod Pronsky, and for other princes. And they began to hold advice on how to satisfy the wicked with gifts. And he sent his son, Prince Fyodor Yurievich of Ryazan, to the godless Tsar Batu with great gifts and prayers so that he would not go to war on the Ryazan land. And Prince Fyodor Yuryevich came to the river to Voronezh to Tsar Batu, and brought him gifts, and prayed to the Tsar not to fight the Ryazan land. The godless, deceitful and merciless Tsar Batu accepted the gifts and, in his lie, feignedly promised not to go to war on the Ryazan land. But he boasted, threatened to make war on the entire Russian land. And he began to ask the princes of Ryazan daughters and sisters to his bed. And one of the nobles of Ryazan, out of envy, informed the godless Tsar Batu that Prince Fyodor Yurievich of Ryazan had a princess from the royal family and that she was the most beautiful of all in bodily beauty. Tsar Batu was cunning and unmerciful in his disbelief, inflamed in his lust and said to Prince Fedor Yuryevich: “Give me, prince, to taste the beauty of your wife.” The noble prince Fyodor Yuryevich Ryazansky laughed and answered the tsar: “It is not good for us Christians to lead our wives to you, the impious tsar, for fornication. When you overcome us, then you will rule over our wives.” The godless tsar Batu was furious and offended and immediately ordered to kill the noble prince Fedor Yuryevich, and his body was to be thrown to be torn to pieces by animals and birds, and he killed other princes and best warriors ... ".

Using the passage, choose three correct statements from the list below.

1) the invasion of Russia by the troops of Batu began in the winter of 1237.

2) shortly after the death of Ryazan, the cities of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality were attacked by Batu's troops

3) after the defeat of Ryazan, the army of the Mongol-Tatars was attacked by the squad of the Ryazan boyar

Evpatiya Kolovrat

4) moving through the Chernigov principality, a detachment of the Mongol-Tatars captured and plundered Kozelsk on the move

6) the defenders of Novgorod managed to withstand the assault on the city by the troops of Batu

1. Write the name of the commander who carried out the campaign, indicated by arrows on the diagram.

2. Write the name of the city indicated on the diagram by the number "1".

3. Write the number that indicates the land where during the period of this campaign there was a republican form of government.

4. What judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three sentences from the six offered.

1) the conquerors invaded Rus' in winter period

2) none of the cities captured by the conquerors survived the siege for more than one week

3) the campaign, indicated by arrows in the diagram, lasted about three years

4) one of the consequences of the events indicated in the diagram was the beginning of the fragmentation of the Old Russian state

5) as a result of the events indicated on the diagram, the Russian lands became dependent

6) the commander, whose campaign is indicated on the diagram, is the founder of the state

From the "Nikon chronicle" (XVI - XVII century):

“In 1237. In that winter, godless Tatars with Tsar Batu came from the eastern countries through the forest to the Ryazan land. From there they sent their ambassadors - a woman-sorceress and two husbands with her - to the princes of Ryazan, asking them for tithes in everything: in princes, and in people, and in horses, and in armor. Not allowing ambassadors into the city, Ryazan princes Yuri Igorevich and his brother Oleg replied: "When we are gone, everything will be yours."

The Ryazan princes sent to Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich of Vladimir with a request that he send help or come himself. Prince Yuri did not go, did not listen to the request of the Ryazan princes, but wanted to give battle to the Tatars himself.

And the accursed foreigners came under the capital city of Ryazan, surrounded the city on December 6 and fenced it with a prison. The Ryazan princes shut themselves up in the city with people, fought hard and were exhausted. The Tatars took the city of Ryazan in the same month, 21, burned it all, killed Prince Yuri Igorevich, his princess, killed other princes, and seized men, women, children, cut some with swords, killed others with arrows and threw them into the fire, and some, seized, tied, cut out the chest and took out the bile.

The Tatars set fire to many holy churches, set fire to monasteries and villages, and took away their property.”

Explain why the Tatars came to Rus' in winter? How do you explainthose cruelty of their actions?

What is the attitude of the chronicler to the Prince of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich? Is the author right? Justify your answer.

From the Nikon Chronicle:

“... and people were killed from the old to the babies. They captivated the whole country and many cities: Yuryev, Dimitrov, Volok, Tver. And there was no place before Torzhok where the Tatars would not fight. And in the Rostov land and Suzdal, in one February they took 14 cities, in addition to settlements and churchyards.

About the battle on March 4, 1238: “And godless Tatars came to the Sit against Grand Duke Yuri. And both armies met, and there was a fierce battle, and ours fled before the foreigners. So the Grand Duke Yuri was killed on the City River, and many of his squad died here. And this misfortune happened in the month of March on the fourth day.

    What do the events on the river Sit testify to?

    How can you explain their military successes to the Mongol-Tatars?

    Why didn't they reach Novgorod?

Name the territories that were devastated during the Mongol invasion and mark them on the map.

Formulate the reasons for the defeat of Rus'


From a letter from Pushkin A.S. P. Chaadaev

“There is no doubt that the schism (separation of the churches) separated us from the rest of Europe and that we did not take part in any of the great events that shook it, but we had our own special destiny. This is Russia, it is her vast expanses that swallowed up the Mongol invasion. The Tatars did not dare to cross our western borders and leave us in the rear. They retreated to their deserts, and Christian civilization was saved." Is Pushkin right? Prove it.

Mongol yoke 1240-1480

Invasion from the West

Read an excerpt from hagiographic literature.

“... This prince Alexander was born from a merciful and philanthropic father, and most of all, meek, the great prince Yaroslav and from mother Theodosia ... And he was handsome like no other, and his voice was like a trumpet among the people, his face was like the face of Joseph , whom the Egyptian king appointed the second king in Egypt, his strength was part of the strength of Samson, and God gave him the wisdom of Solomon, his courage was like that of the Roman king Vespasian, who conquered the whole land of Judea ... Hearing about such valor of Prince Alexander, the king country of Rome from the northern land thought to himself: "I will go and conquer the land of Alexandrov." And he gathered a great force, and filled many ships with his regiments, moved with a huge army, puffing with the spirit of war. And he came to the Neva, intoxicated with madness, and sent his ambassadors, puffed up, to Novgorod to Prince Alexander, saying: "If you can, defend yourself, for I am already here and ruining your land." Alexander,

Hearing such words, his heart flared up, and he entered the Church of St. Sophia, and, falling on his knees before the altar, he began to pray with tears: “Glorious God, righteous, great God, strong, righteous God, who created heaven and earth and established boundaries for the peoples, you commanded to live without transgressing other people's borders. And, remembering the words of the prophet, he said: "Judge, Lord, those who offend me and protect them from those who fight with me, take up arms and a shield and stand to help me." And, having finished his prayer, he stood up and bowed to the archbishop. The archbishop was then Spiridon, he blessed him and released him. The prince, leaving the church, dried up his tears and began to encourage his squad, saying: “God is not in power, but in truth. Let us remember the Songwriter, who said: "Some with weapons, and others on horses, we will call on the name of the Lord our God; they, defeated, fell, but we stood firm and stand straight." Having said this, he went to the enemies with a small squad, not waiting for his large army, but trusting in the holy trinity. ... After that, Alexander hurried to attack the enemies at the sixth hour of the day, and there was a great slaughter with the Romans, and the prince killed countless of them, and on the face of the king himself left a trace of his sharp spear. Six brave men, like him, from Alexander's regiment showed themselves here. The first is by the name of Gavrilo Oleksich. He attacked the auger and, seeing the prince dragged by the arms, rode up to the ship along the gangway, along which they ran with the prince; those pursued by him seized Gavrila Oleksich and threw him off the gangway along with his horse. But by the grace of God, he emerged from the water unharmed, and again attacked them, and fought with the commander himself in the midst of their army. The second, named Sbyslav Yakunovich, is a Novgorodian. This one attacked their army many times and fought with one ax, having no fear in his soul; and many fell by his hand, and marveled at his strength and courage. The third - Yakov, a native of Polotsk, was a hunter with the prince. This one attacked the regiment with a sword, and the prince praised him. The fourth is a Novgorodian named Mesha. This footman with his retinue attacked the ships and sank three ships. The fifth is from the younger squad, named Sava. This one burst into a large golden-domed royal tent and cut down a tent post. The regiments of Alexandrov, seeing the fall of the tent, rejoiced ...

What battle are you talking about? Name her date.

Write the name of the battle shown in the diagram.

Write the name of the commander who commanded the army marked "1" on the diagram.

What is the name of the commander who commanded the army marked on the diagram with the number "2"

The army was commanded by Jarl Birger

Which judgments related to the event indicated in the diagram are correct. Choose three sentences from the six offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) the battle took place during the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars on the southwestern Russian lands

2) one of the commanders who participated in the battle was subsequently canonized by the Russian Church

3) the battle was an example of internecine wars in Rus' during the period of political fragmentation

4) as part of the troops of one of the parties, a detachment of Polovtsians fought

5) the results of the battle had great importance to strengthen the foreign policy authority of the Moscow principality

6) the lands on which the battle took place belonged to Veliky Novgorod

Precite an excerpt from hagiographic literature.

In the second year after the return with the victory of Prince Alexander, they again came from the Western country and built a city on the land of Alexandrov. Prince Alexander soon went and destroyed their city to the ground, and hanged some of them themselves, took others with him, and, having pardoned others, let them go, for he was immensely merciful. After the victory of Alexandrov, when he defeated the king, in the third year, in winter, he went with great strength to the German land, so that they would not boast, saying: "We will conquer the Slavic people." And the city of Pskov was already taken by them and the German governors were imprisoned. He soon expelled them from Pskov and killed the Germans, but he tied up others and freed the city from the godless Germans, and fought and burned their land and took countless prisoners, and killed others. The Germans, daring, united and said: "Let's go, And we will defeat Alexander, and we will capture him." When the Germans approached, the guards found out about them. Prince Alexander prepared for battle, and they went against each other, and Lake Peipsi was covered with a multitude of both warriors. Alexander's father, Yaroslav, sent his younger brother Andrei with a large squad to help him. Yes, and Prince Alexander had many brave warriors, as in ancient times with King David, strong and steadfast. So the men of Alexander were filled with the spirit of war, because their hearts were like the hearts of lions, and exclaimed: "O our glorious prince! Now the time has come for us to lay down our heads for you." Prince Alexander raised his hands to heaven and said: "Judge me, God, judge my feud with the unrighteous people and help me, Lord, as in ancient times he helped Moses defeat Amalek and our great-grandfather Yaroslav the accursed Svyatopolk." It was then Saturday, and when the sun rose, the opponents came together. And there was a fierce slaughter, and there was a crash from breaking spears and a ringing from the blows of swords, and it seemed that the frozen lake moved, and no ice was visible, for it was covered with blood .... "

What battle is being discussed in this passage? Prove with facts from the passage.

... Raising swords from Russian steel,

Bending the spear shafts,

They flew out of the forest with a cry

New York regiments.

They flew over the ice with a clang, with thunder,

Leaning towards shaggy manes;

And the first on a huge horse

The prince got into the German system.

And, retreating before the prince,

Throwing spears and shields

The Germans fell from their horses to the ground,

Lifting iron fingers.

The bay horses got excited,

Ashes rose from under the hooves,

Bodies dragged through the snow

Stuck in narrow stirrups

There was a big mess

Iron, blood and water.

In place of the knights

There were bloody footprints.

Some lay choking

In bloody ice water

Others rushed away, crouched,

Cowardly spurring horses.

Under them the horses drowned,

Under them, the ice stood on end,

Their stirrups pulled to the bottom,

The shell did not let them swim.

Brelo under sideways glances

A lot of captured gentlemen,

For the first time with bare heels

Diligently slapping on the ice ...

What do you know about this battle? Tell me.

What was the significance of A. Nevsky's victories?

Complete the tasks:

"The Battle of the Neva and the Battle of the Ice are minor events in the history of the Russian lands of the period of feudal fragmentation that did not have a serious impact on their history".

Arguments to support:

Arguments in rebuttal:

There are debatable problems in historical science, on which different, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science.

“The transition to feudal fragmentation in the second quarter of the 12th century. can be considered progress in the development of medieval Russia, its heyday".

Arguments to support:

Arguments in rebuttal:


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To everyone who is studying.

Hello, dear readers of the site! This post will deal with such difficult topics as the fragmentation of Rus' and the invasion from the East. Without further ado, we continue our preparation for the exam in history

Fragmentation in Rus':

As you remember from the previous post, Vladimir Monomakh was able to 1097 very successfully to stop Russian fragmentation for a while. But after the death of the prince in 1125 His son, Mstislav, ascended the throne of Kiev. Like his father, he kept the unity of the Russian lands for some time. After the death of Mstislav Kievan Rus finally broke up into a dozen principalities. A period of fragmentation or specific period has come.

Reasons for fragmentation:

1. An overgrown princely family;

2. The complexity of the order of succession to the throne;

3. The dominance of natural economy;

Fragmentation left some consequences in Russian history, both positive and negative:


1. Each principality had its own chronicle, about its prince;

2. Each principality had its own cultural heritage: their temples, book business, crafts.


1. External threat (weakness of each principality separately)

2. The constant strife of the princes for the territory;

In Russian fragmentation, the most powerful and occupying significant territories were the principalities:

- Vladimir-Suzdal;

- Galicia-Volynskoe;

- Novgorod boyar republic;

Let's give a description of each of these principalities:

1. Vladimir-Suzdal:

Geographical position: North-eastern part of the country.

Border with Novgorod lands, Smolensk principality

The most famous rulers of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality were Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei Bogolyubsky and Vsevolod the Big Nest.

2. Galicia - Volyn principality:

Geographical position: northeastern slopes of the Carpathians and the area between the rivers Nestor and Prud

The most famous princes of the Galicia-Volyn principality were Yaroslav Osmomysl, Roman Mstislavich and Daniil Romanovich.

3. Novgorod Boyar Republic:

Geographical position: a vast territory from the Arctic Ocean to the upper reaches of the Volga; from the Baltic to the Urals.

Border: Smolensk principality, Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

The political system of the Novgorod Boyar Republic:

Mongol-Tatar invasion:

IN 1204-1205 Temujin (Genghis Khan) united the Mongol tribes and captured China, adopting wall-beating guns and gunpowder from them.

The Mongol-Tatars captured China, Korea, Central Asia, Iran and Transcaucasia.

The first clash of the Russian princes with the Mongols-Tatars was the battle on the Kalka River, which took place. in 1223.

Batu Khan's invasion of Rus' 1237-1240.


The defeat of the Ryazan principality;


Capture of Vladimir-Suzdal land;

The battle on the City River, during which the prince was killed and his troops defeated (Yuri Vsevolodovich);

Defense of Kozelsk ("Evil City");


The defeat of South Rus' and the Chernigov principality;

1240 YEAR:

The capture of the Kyiv principality - the defeat of Rus';

Reasons for the defeat of Rus':

1. Feudal fragmentation and feuds between princes

2. The superiority of the Mongols in military art, the presence of an experienced and numerous army

Invasion results:

1. Batu founded the Mongolian state of the Golden Horde on the territory from the Danube to the Irtysh

2. In Rus', the Mongol - Tatar yoke was established - from 1240 to 1480(240 years old)

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