I’ll just say a few words about the very idea of ​​Vadim Zeland’s Variants Tarot cards. Vadim Zeland popularizes some esoteric teaching called Reality Transurfing, the meaning of which boils down to the concept of the variability of the world, in which events occur in an infinite number of spaces simultaneously. The author describes it as a technique of moving from one branch of reality to another, which becomes possible due to the concentration of a person's mental energy, consciously directed towards the implementation of a certain scenario.

Zeeland and Reality Transurfirg - Tarot Cards of the Space of Variations

Everyone can learn to manage their own destiny, arrange the events of life in a chain, but in such a way as to achieve the desired results without high costs. Everyone can have a unique opportunity to choose the only correct one from the many options for solving an existing problem. Everyone can independently write the script of his life, deciding what to be and what never to be, Vadim Zeland is convinced of this.

The practical meaning of this concept is that a person, having established control over his intentions, realizing his attitude to the world, can freely, exclusively at his own request, choose his own reality. The key phrase of the Reality Transurfing teaching is: “Reality exists independently of you. As long as you agree with it."

Vadim Zeland Tarot cards of the Space of Variations

What does it take to acquire such a luxurious skill as controlling your own destiny? Just following certain principles - 78 basic principles of Transurfing. This conceptual system is not intended for magical rituals, it is directly a guide that pushes a person to action. So what is Tarot Variations by Vadim Zeland and how to use the cards. I will talk about two ways.

The first way is to master the basic principles of Transurfing step by step. At the beginning of the day, randomly draw one single card from the deck, carefully read the interpretation of its meaning, reflect on what you heard, and throughout the day try to follow the recommendations of the Zeland Tarot cards. The next day, study another card, while remembering to practice what you have already learned. Thus, methodically and consistently, you will master all 78 cards. I recommend that you record your personal observations of how the world through the application of Transurfing principles.

Tarot Variations by Vadim Zeland - answers to questions

Another option for methodological work with the cards of the Vadim Zeland Tarot of Variants deck can be called the search for answers to questions and a successful way out of a problem situation. Manipulations with cards are quite simple. Mentally formulate a question and pick up a deck. Well, and when you feel that this is enough, fan them out in front of you.

From the deck description:

"Tarot of the Space of Variations" is a project that includes a deck of cards (78 pieces) and an accompanying brochure with comments. Everyone can learn to manage fate, arrange events in such a way as to effortlessly achieve what they want, at any time choose the only correct one from a variety of options, always achieve the goal and decide which events to be and which never to be in your life. And this requires only the observance of certain principles. 78 cards is The 78 Basic Principles of Transurfing. They are not intended for fortune-telling, but serve as a guide to action.

Who is this Vadim Zeland? I think now in Russia every more or less educated person knows his name. Vadim Zeland is a mysterious and interesting person. He is always wearing dark glasses and no one has ever seen his eyes. Nobody knows who this person really is. As can be seen from numerous sources, Vadim previously engaged in research in the field of quantum physics (but what are these sources when no one knows who he really is?), but became known as author of books on Reality Transurfing. His books are well known, here are their titles: « Variant space» , "The Whisper of the Morning Stars", "Forward to the Past", "Reality Control", "Apples Fall in the Sky", "Designer of Reality", « Practical course Transurfing in 78 days». Personality Vadim very mysterious. At least the fact that he is always wearing dark glasses, a mysterious and meditative voice and not too presentable appearance. If you don’t know who he is, you can’t say that he is a successful person.
Reality Transurfing works great, and the results of the visualizations begin to really translate into reality in just a few days. That's just usually not the way you plan it yourself, the world finds such space of options and such a scenario of incarnation, which is amazing, I myself would never have come up with so smoothly.

Now about the Tarot deck, the quality of the deck is actually okay. The deck comes with a brochure (even a book, I would say). It describes basic principles of transurfing and a brief explanation of the method is given. All in a fairly practical colorful cardboard box. Nice solution, clearly thought out and functional to use. Usually, the decks come in other boxes, which are then simply thrown away, but here everything is well thought out for long-term storage of the deck. Give a thumbs up for an idea design of Tarot Space of Variants.

So, the deck is in front of me. I read the inscription on the box:

« tarot space options will open your eyes to the illusory nature of the outside world. You will understand that reality does not exist by itself. At every moment of time, from a variety of options, you are able to choose the only correct one, always achieve your goal and decide which events to be and which never to be in your life.

We take out the cards. A very mystical shirt - one-sided, it depicts a labyrinth, apparently, this is space of options, on the one hand an angel, on the other - a demon. The shirt is fiery, strength and power are felt in the drawing. The style of the image on the cards is immediately an advantage for the artist. The drawing style is perfect. In the style of Picasso. As Pablo himself said: "Art is a lie that helps us understand the truth." It is the paintings of this great artist that resemble the cards of this tarot, his style gives fabulousness and mystery to each card. Each card is a deep rabbit hole, like in Alice in Wonderland, which holds a lot of interesting and useful things for you.

“In the maps of the space of options, a set of principles is given. They are not intended for fortune-telling, but serve as a guide to action. The cards are divided as follows: 22 Major Arcana - the most general principles Transurfing, and 56 junior. The younger ones are divided into four groups: Soul and Reason, Action and Passivity. Such a division is based on the fact that the motivations, thinking and behavior of a person, in accordance with the principles of Transurfing, must be balanced from these four sides.

“Materialists are engaged in overcoming obstacles that they themselves create, while idealists are in the clouds and dreams. Neither one nor the other can manage reality. You will learn!”

How to use the cards Tarot Space Variations(from instructions):

1 way- step by step mastering all the principles of Transurfing.

Every day, draw one card at random, read its explanation, and throughout the day try to follow what is written there. The next day, study another card, while remembering to practice what you have already learned. So day after day you can master all 78 cards. Your observations of how the world around you is changing thanks to application of Transurfing principles must be written in notepad.

Option 2 work with cards - getting answers to questions or getting out of a difficult life situation.

Take the deck. Mentally formulate the question. Shuffle the cards and when you feel ready, remove with your left hand towards you. With your left hand, spontaneously, without hesitation, draw one, two or three cards - as you wish. The left hand is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain - the subconscious. Let your subconscious choose the cards, it has a lot to do with the metaphysical answer you get. The answer, the interpretation of the chosen card, will serve as a guide to action, that is, it will tell you what you could do in your situation.


Connoisseurs of ancient Tarot divination appreciate author's decks, which, in addition to the generally accepted meaning, contain the author's own understanding of certain aspects ancient art and its impact on human life. Vadim Zeland, author of a series of books on reality transfer, has created his own deck. It was called the Tarot "Space of Variations" , like one of the books in the series.

Reality transfer and Tarot "Space of options"

Vadim Zeland brought to the attention of the Russian reader his own esoteric picture of the world. He divided reality into ordinary and metaphysical, within which any person who understands their principles receives the tools to change his life. The first books in the series were published in 2004. The reality, consisting of the simultaneous existence of many variants of the world and reality, based on the choice made, immediately interested readers. It began with the book "The Space of Variations". The author's deck also received this name. It belongs more to the group of oracles, since it gives the best results when drawing one card to answer a specific question regarding the soul and the world.

General overview of the Tarot "Space of Variations"

There are 78 cards in a deck, just like traditional ones. The major arcana bear their own names, different from the generally accepted ones. The visual structure is very simple, it does not contain deep esoteric symbolism, referring to images and associations understandable to all. The author abandoned references to numerology, Kabbalah, medieval symbolism, completely subordinating the oracle to the tasks of explaining the principles of reality transerfing. The soft color scheme evokes the feeling of illustrations for children's books, which should activate the subconscious. Many users like the shirt, which combines the images of an angel, a demon and a labyrinth.

Transurfing Tarot cards also differ from traditional decks by assigning the suits of the minor arcana to various standings of the human personality. Suits stand out:

  • souls;
  • mind;
  • actions ;
  • passivity.

Since Zeland's theory suggests the possibility of moving to one or another version of reality due to the concentration of energy, the priority of one or another suit burns about the potential possibility of changing one's own world. It is assumed that for the successful implementation of one's strategy, motivation, thinking and behavior must be balanced with each of the four aspects. A feature of the description of each card was the presence of its Interpretation and Declaration. The Declaration defines one of the fundamental principles of transsurfing and a call to action , and the interpretation explains the meaning of the lasso, which fell out in fortune-telling, to clarify a specific situation.

Deck Feature

The Spaces of Variations Tarot and Reality Transurfing may come as a surprise to a practitioner accustomed to the traditional meanings of the Rider-White and Egyptian Tarot. Experts believe that the deck will give the most accurate answers to questions related to self-knowledge, the study of the hidden corners of the human soul. 22 Major Arcana embody certain principles of the theory of transurfing. Minor Arcana are divided into those related to the real, physical world, these are Action and Reason, and to the metaphysical, these are Soul and Passivity. Among the senior cards that define the principles of changing oneself and the world:

  • awakening;
  • boomerang;
  • equilibrium;
  • idealization;
  • sail of life.

The card symbolizes its aspect of life, soul and world. The author does not offer, unlike the traditional Tarot, interpretations for combinations of cards. Each of them is explained based on the question asked or the place in the layout. There is also no explanation of the meaning of the reversed cards.

Fortune telling on the Tarot "Space of options"

The author, in his booklet on the oracle, suggests practicing divination by drawing one of the cards in response to a question. They should be pulled out with the left hand, which provides the most direct path to the subconscious. The number of cards does not matter, it can be one or three. But the Tarot of Options suggests options for divination and for the interpretation of arcana, decomposed into certain combinations. It should not be used in traditional layouts, such as Celtic cross. Many unique models and principles of divination were developed by the masters after the new deck fell into their hands. Among the popular ones are:

  1. Hidden sorrows. Fortune telling will show in what aspects of life a person makes mistakes.
  2. Surprise. The alignment will explain how in reality you can protect yourself from negative surprises or what positive ones you should expect.
  3. inspiration and purpose. Fortune telling will indicate the source of energy and support for a person.
  4. Fog. It will help to understand the dream and its principles.

Choosing your own method, using fortune-telling for layouts or using the capabilities of the oracle to determine your actions , depends on the state in which the soul of a person is currently located.

Elaboration and discussion of the Tarot "Space of Variants"

Beginning in 2008, practitioners began to work with the oracle, offering their own versions and interpretations of divination. Each alignment becomes clearer after the card is discussed between the fortuneteller and the fortuneteller, some secret meanings and principles of life that must be followed in order to achieve harmony are revealed in the process of conversation and working out options in which one or another meaning of the card could be realized in one or another version of reality . Sometimes it is not consciousness that offers its interpretations, but the soul of a person. Many proponents of Zeeland's theory suggest using divination to work out the principles of transurfing, which can thus be completed in 78 days by drawing one card daily and practicing the advice outlined on it. This will be the basis for changing life and the world. Meditation on the oracle will also be successful, in any way that is convenient for the questioner, they will teach the subconscious to work with the space of options. Tarot "Space of Variants" will interest both an experienced fan of ancient divination and a lover of books and principles of Vadim Zeland.

Online divination by Tarot of the Space of Variations

Tarot of the Space of Variations is a unique deck of Tarot cards created by Vadim Zeland, a modern esotericist and author of books. This deck of cards is very convenient for divination on a wide variety of questions. The arcana of this deck are divided into four groups, each of which relates to the Soul, Mind, Action and Passivity. Tarot of the Space of Options is ideal for self-knowledge, for getting answers to questions psychological nature, which will help you understand yourself, your feelings, thoughts, actions and their causes.

Fortune telling on the Tarot of the Space of Options - Hidden sorrows. This alignment will show the problematic aspects of your life and help you understand where you are making mistakes. You will receive answers to the most exciting questions about a problematic situation and advice cards on how to get out of the current circumstances

Fortune telling on the Tarot of the Space of Options - Shield and sword. This alignment can be used to diagnose the body (although this does not replace a visit to a doctor). With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what state your immunity is in, how the main organs and systems of your body work.

Fortune telling on the Tarot of the space of Options - Surprise. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how the situation looks at the moment, what unexpected negative or positive events may be, how these events will affect the material and emotional sphere, how you can protect yourself from unpleasant surprises and how the situation will look in the future

Fortune telling on the Tarot of the space of options - My inner jester. This interesting alignment will show what period is now in your life, what important lesson you need to learn, what risk you should not take, what is the next step on your path, what you don’t know now, what impulses will help you in development

Fortune telling on the Tarot of the Space of options - Inspiration and purpose. This spread will help you take a closer look at the current situation, learn more about your talents, support, inner strength, as well as find out what needs to be done and what the possible result will be.

Fortune telling on the Tarot of the Space of Options - Let's get to know each other. This interesting alignment shows the true nature of the person of interest, that a person shows others, what he deliberately hides, what quality interferes with him in life, what helps, how he manifests himself in the family, society, financial and business sphere, how he uses his intellect

Fortune telling on the Tarot of the Space of Options - Fog. This alignment is designed to help you understand the dream. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what the subconscious mind is telling you, your dream is empty or prophetic, what it warns about, what it advises, what this dream is for

Fortune telling on the Tarot of the Space of Options - State of mind. This alignment will show what your subconscious mind perceives, what feelings you experience, the factors that influenced the occurrence of the situation, what is your influence on the ongoing processes, the state of your mind, soul, your physical condition, and also - advice cards for you.

Divination by Tarot Spaces of options - Device on new job. This fortune-telling can be applied in a situation where you need to determine in which direction to move in order to find a job you like. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what are the possibilities of getting a new job, what you need to do to achieve success, what you need to focus on, what to avoid, what to do.

Fortune-telling on the Tarot of the Space of Variations - Heron. This alignment is intended to diagnose the current state of a person; where there is a problem or a split, what quality you have in abundance, what you do not accept in yourself, as well as advice - what to do, in which direction to move.

Fortune telling on the Tarot of the space of options - On fate and karma. This fortune-telling will help you make a choice in which direction you develop, who or what can help you along the way. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how your philosophical outlook on life will help you achieve your goal, with what people life will connect you, what should be persistent, and what - compliance

Divination by Tarot of the Space of Variations - Methods inner work. This interesting layout will help you choose the most effective types spiritual practices that will help in your self-knowledge and self-development. With the help of this divination, you will find out how well practices such as qigong, yoga, reiki suit you, and also find out what meditation, bioenergetics, work with chakras, work with dreams, mantras, visualization, Ayurveda and hair dryer will give you in terms of spiritual development -shui

Fortune telling on the Tarot Space of options - Cards of the day. This simple layout is very convenient for divination for today, tomorrow, or any given day. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what you should pay attention to, what you should direct your energy to, what the day will bring in terms of events.

Fortune telling on the Tarot of the Space of Options - Seven chakras. With the help of this divination, you will learn more about yourself; health, emotions, instincts, perception of the inner voice. With the help of this divination, you will learn what you need to change in yourself in order to come to harmony and well-being.

Fortune telling on the Tarot of the Space of Options - For a soul mate. With the help of this divination, you will learn how to contact your soul mate, whether your soul mate is in the physical world, what to do to meet your soul mate, what changes you need to make in your life to bring the meeting closer

Fortune telling on the Tarot of the Space of Options is your real place in life. This fortune-telling will help you understand the reasons for the events taking place, as well as show your strengths and weaknesses, how to combine strengths and weaknesses in order to find your place in life.

I heard about tarot cards in school. We were told that this is an ancient and mysterious divination that will help determine your true goals and paths in life. Tarot of the space of options is described in one of the books of the Reality Transurfing series. Its author, Vadim Zeland, can be said to have edited this knowledge and created his own alternative deck for predictions.

Tarot Space Options Overview

The esoteric picture of the Universe according to Zeland is mythical and at the same time as close as possible to real life. It is important to have the tools to change life path to develop and move in the right direction. The space of options is a pre-built web from the present future, along which a person moves.

There are 78 cards in the Zeland deck. The tarot of the space of Vadim's options is backed up by the so-called lasso, which characterizes the state of a person:

  • Passivity.
  • Action.
  • Intelligence.
  • Soul.

Predicting fate online using this deck will not be difficult for Internet users. In order to step in the supposedly effective direction, it is important to guess the suit of the card and create a combination of all states of a person in a general solitaire.

Senior cards characterize these directions, they symbolize the state of the Universe, soul and earthly status:

  • in which direction does the sail of life carry a person;
  • what current actions will return like a boomerang;
  • idealization of the world and one's inner worldview;
  • the balance of each act analysis through the state;
  • awakening and a high level of awareness.

The most popular Zeland tarot spreads

Tarot of the space of options and transerfing of reality are closely interconnected. When a person is in a certain segment, then it is easier to assess his state, prospects and attitude to this Universe. The most popular positions were:

  • evaluation of a person's dreams through the fog in his mind;
  • motivation and determination of true goals;
  • obstacles of fate and unexpected difficulties;
  • an indication of specific errors that lead in the opposite direction.

What will these Tarots tell about?

Divination by Zeland will allow you to understand the real and hidden motives that prompt a person to choose his life path. Understanding your role in the Universe and defining principles for achieving harmony with your inner self. The meditation technique is connected to the fortune-telling process, when it is desirable to see pictures of the future with a change in attitude to life and one's behavior.

Tarot is only a reason to hook the energy body by the threads sticking out of it, and then you need to be able to independently draw out the empty and unnecessary from yourself, fixing the potential and constructive. Roughly speaking, we decide on our creed and allow ourselves to be ourselves in any scenario of fate. We quickly respond to any external influences, because we are at the highest level of awareness.

How to learn to understand Tarot Zeland?

Consider a detailed interpretation of the method of guessing at a person’s confidence. If this card falls out, then you have too much importance on this issue. It is necessary to learn to understand that the field of successful options will open to you only if you accept and realize this fact.

That is, I must admit that I have no one and nothing to fear. The world is transparent and clean, and all people think only about their own problems. In fact, no one really cares about me, and my insecurity lies only in my head. The mind is trying to knock me down, but there is nothing to cling to me, I just calmly take my own from life. Coordination and concentration help to achieve balance, and principles help to avoid a boomerang.
