Warm rivers and wetlands, where the crocodile and alligator lives, the locals bypass. Reptiles are very similar among themselves, but the crocodile muzzle is longer and thinner, and the fourth teeth are visible, even if the mouth is closed. Below it will be about these green predators, their habitat and interesting details of life. So, where and in which country do crocodiles live in? What is the duration of their lives? Can people and crocodiles coexist peacefully?

Where does crocodile live: habitat

The habitat of these reptiles inhabiting our planet more than 200 million years is applied to all the continents, excluding Antarctica. Any child to the question: "Where does the crocodile live?", Not thinking, will answer: "In Africa!". Yes, in Africa, the crocodile also lives.

There are varieties that are found in different countries Both continents, and endemics - they inhabit one specific territory. For example, the Philippine Crocodile lives only on the same islands, while the sea ridge crocodile can live in India, Indonesia, in Northern Australia.

The biggest and smallest crocodile

Promotional crocodile - the largest of all representatives of this family. He loves the salty rivers, in which marine water flows. In these places where crocodiles live, people try not to go and do not swim. For example, there was a case when in Malaysia on the Dzonon River a green monster snatched from the boat first mother, and then a child. Children and women most often become victims of these predators when bathing or erased under the rivers.

The largest caught (but not killed) is an individual living in captivity on the Australian Farm of the Australian Park, - a rowed crocodile Cassius glue. It is 5.5 m in length, weighs about 1 ton and is a long-liver. Crocodiles live around 80-100 years and grow all their lives. Cassius lived more than 110 years. He is very loved, despite his bloodthirsty past, and treat a 20-kilogram cake on his birthday. Reptile rummates smoothly ... half a minute.

The smallest crocodiles are not so small. These are South American Caymans that do not have more than 1.5 m in length. Approximately the same size of West African freshwater stupid crocodiles.

Country where crocodiles live better than people

Scientists are confident that the crocodile population has such a long history solely because these reptiles have no enemies in the natural environment. The only mammal that the crocodile should be watched is a person.

People chase for a procurement in the form of handbags and other products from the skin of these reptiles, and in the territories where crocodiles live, poaching is flourishing. This gradually leads to the fact that some species are recognized as extinct. For example, the habitat of the Siamese crocodile decreased to Thailand and Cambodia, and in Vietnam and on the island of Borneo, they have not been detected for many years.

On the famous farm in Pattaya, where crocodiles live in artificial conditions and are grown with commercial purposes, many tourists are going. Crocodiles are used in show programs, you can immediately purchase a purse (about 3000 baht) or a belt (about 2000 baht) from the reptile skins.

A completely different situation is observed in Africa (Tunisia, Djerba Island), where in Explorer Park travelers can observe from comfortable bridges the life of crocodiles in conditions as close as possible to natural. Surprisingly, on the continent, where most countries stand on the threshold of poverty, people disinterestedly care about those who could bring profit of their own life. Of course, tourists visit the park is not free, but the cost of the entrance ticket and the crocodile skin bag is incommensurable.

The life of Nile crocodiles (the largest in the park Explorer reaches 5 m) is not too different from their existence in natural conditions. In Tunisia, they are fed with meat, in winter at a temperature of + 10-15 0 s translated into heated closed rooms. Females lay eggs in specially designated places, and young crocodiles are contained separately from adults to eliminate cannibalism.

What are similar crocodiles with birds and dogs?

The anatomical structure of the crocodile is completely from the point of view of hunting. His eyes are endowed with the third century, which allows you to see perfectly under water and in the dark. For a long time before attacking the crocodiles lie motionlessly closer to the solar surface of the water for better blood heating before jumping. Powerful head and tail allow you to stun a victim and interrupt the spine for one blow.

With tenacious teeth, he takes prey in his repository and "marinate" for some time, to then swallow, without fonding. Interesting fact: In those places of Ganges, where the crocodile lives, the "pantry" reptiles often fall the bodies of the dead, which the Hindus are sent to the Water of the Sacred River during the funeral rite.

For better digestion and moving food by intestines, these reptiles swallow stones like birds. True, the size and weight of the stones are somewhat different, sometimes about 5 kg. Satisfied, the crocodile rests and cools. For this, like a dog, he opens the mouth. Some researchers argue that crocodiles can live without food for almost a year.

Friendship of people and crocodiles

Zoologists believe that the friendship of people with green reptiles is impossible, and it cannot be allowed because the result will not be not in favor of a person. However, there is data on fisherman from Costa Rica, which went out wounded by a hunter of a five-meter dying crocodile. The man temporarily settled him in his pond, literally fed from his hands.

A healthy alligator fisherman released into the river, but grateful reptile began to return. Friendship lasted until the crocodile's natural death.

In China, there were times when people caught crocodiles and put on a chain near their homes like dogs. Alligator fed and drank, and he silent the master's good. True, as a result, the Chinese grown to decent sizes of the crocodile ... eaten.

Historic past crocodiles

Crocodiles appeared on the planet about 200 million years ago, at sunset the Great Age of Lizards (the evolution of man began only about 7 million years ago). In those days, they led a purely land, and not a water lifestyle, as their current descendants. They had a longer legs, and the muzzles are shorter than those familiar crocodiles.

Crocodiles, along with birds, are the only surviving representatives of the subclass of Arkhozavrov. The fact that the crocodiles were almost unchanged to the present day, explained to the environment of their habitat - inhabiting fresh reservoirs of the tropics and subtropics, crocodiles live in places that have significantly changed little from ancient times. Crocodiles occupy a special position among the reptiles, being closer to dinosales and modern birds than other reptiles, a number of features of their organization allows them to be considered their most highly organized from the reptiles. The evolution of crocodiles went towards the greatest adaptation to the water lifestyle and predatoryness.


The body of crocodiles is lizard-like, 2-7 m long, the head is flattened with a long muzzle. Eyes and nostrils strongly protrude above their heads. A secondary sky is developed in the oral cavity. Teeth are teeth, the tongue is incremented to the bottom of the oral cavity. The teeth in crocodiles change repeatedly. On the hind legs - the membranes between the fingers. A feature that distinguishes crocodiles from other reptiles is a four-chamber heart. Crocodile leather is covered with rectangular horny shields, which are located on the back and abdomen.


Crocodiles are distributed in all tropical countriesah, upholstered in a variety of fresh reservoirs. All modern crocodiles are adapted to the semi-water lifestyle - they are upheld in the water, the eggs, however, are postponed on land, - although land crocodiles were found in New Caledonia.

Most of the days of crocodiles are carried out in water. They go to coastal shales in the morning and closer to the evening to accept "solar baths". These are cold-blooded animals whose body temperature depends on the temperature of the external environment. Some crocodiles in the period of drought fall into the hibernation, burning into or drying water bodies.


All crocodiles lay eggs, from which completely formed kids overlook. Pairing takes place in water at different times of the year, depending on the type and place of habitat. About a month after the mating, the female finds the place for masonry on land. Some species dig up for this pit in the sand, otherwise - as an American alligator - arrange a nest from dirt and half-grown plants that the female collects and brings to the mouth. The number of eggs in the masonry hesitates from 20 to 100. The females remain near the masonry, the protection of eggs from enemies. Young eggs are still inside the eggs, by the time of hatching, they publish sauming sounds, and the mother rolls the laying, helping the offspring to get out. All eggs hatch at the same time. Crocodiles show touching care about their offspring - organizing the similarity of kindergartens.

Young crocodiles, miniature copies of their parents, the first few weeks of life eat from their remaining yolk bag. Mamash continues to look after the offspring and guard it, because the kids are still completely defenseless and can easily become the prey of otter, raccoon, stork, turtles, large fishery or water snake. For the year of the young twice, there are any of their potential enemies. Before putting in the wanderings, they live in one reservoir with his mother until one and a half years. At a three-year-old, they leave their native reservoirs and master their own territory.

Depending on the type, sex maturity occurs in a crocodile with the achievement of a certain body length, aged from 5 to 15 years. All of them are excellent long-livers. They say that some individuals live in the wild up to 100 years, although there are no reliable evidence.


Peeping peacefully in large groups, the crocodiles still regret their territory, and the group is usually present to the dominant male. It spends more time in water, patrolling the boundaries of his site, drivening out other large males and often publishing a loud roar. All crocodiles possess a rich "vocabulary" - grunt, hiss, hoarsely squabble and growl, apparently leading their crocodile conversations.

Overlooking the land, crocodiles are usually moved by unhurriedly collapsed gait on widespread paws. If necessary, they can switch to a clumsy gallop or slowly paint the crawl on the belly. But they are superbly floating, pushing out not short-connecting paws, but with a long strong tail. They can still lie in the water, putting on the air only the nostrils, eyes and ears, located at the top of the head.

Crocodiles breathe atmospheric airBut can be under water for a long time. When the crocodile dives, its ears and nostrils are closed by special valves. And the eyes protect the thin film. In pursuit of prey or escape from aggressive relative, he is capable of all his weight, almost vertically jump out of the water.


All crocodiles are carnivore. They have long gained a reputation as merciless and aggressive predators for their widespread jaws and sinners. In people, they are horrified everywhere, however, the crocodile menu depends on their own dimensions and the livelihood, which is found in the district.

Young hatched from eggs and young people feed on insects, tadpoles, snails, small fish, crabs and other crustaceans and molluscs. At the beginning of life, they grow pretty quickly, and since during this period they are only small mining, then it is often necessary to support.

As crocodiles increase, the size of production, and breaks between the trapes increase. At first they eat large fish and reptiles, and later go to mammals. Everything that turns out to be within reach of their terrible jaws - monkeys, buffaloes, zebras, snakes, even people - they consider their legitimate prey, and not one careless beast, going to the aqua, becomes a victim of the crocodile. They do not disgust and Padalu. But with some sharp and impressive, they would not have teeth of these reptiles, they are still not able to break the extraction on the pieces and chew food. After having stopped the victim at the edge of the water, the crocodile grabs her and tries to drag under the water to drown. Then the dead animal have to push into some pit under the shore and wait until his skin softened, and the meat is spoiled, so that a lucky hunter can tear off a piece of pieces. There is another way of hunting - squeezing with jaws to the sacrifice, the crocodile twists a flip in the water, trying to tear out pieces of meat from it, which swallows entirely. Large animals often serve in a whole flock of crocodiles, which in a mixture grips tall slices.

Meaning for people

Crocodiles are in varying degrees dangerous for a person. Some never attack a person (Gavial), others attack systematically (rowing crocodile), the third (Nile crocodile) is attacking occasionally. Crocodile meat is edible and used in food by the population of many tropical countries. Crocodile skin, especially alligators, is used to prepare various haberdashery products (portfolios, suitcases, etc.).

In the late century, a person fell on crocodiles and began to destroy them everywhere - partly trying to protect their lives from them, and in many regions and in food. But only when the whole world covered the fashion on crocodile skin products that coincided with the invention of modern firearms, the population of these animals began to rapidly decline. The numbers are simply monstrous. Each year in South America was killed to 1 million kaymans, in 1929 190,000 skins of American alligators were sold, in 1950 12,500 crocodile skins were mined in Tanzania. As it is believed if in 1944, laws on the protection of the American alligator were not adopted, this kind would have been exterminated. In Africa, the Nile crocodile disappeared from many traditional habitats in the north of the continent. In 1970, the Indian Gavian began to breed in captivity and only so saved from full extinction. Today in the reserves there are about 1,500 of these animals.

Now almost everywhere in the world, crocodiles are taken under protection, but trade in crocodile skins, unfortunately, still remains a very profitable business. The skins pay such high prices that the beggars of South America are ready to risk life to track and kill the alligator.

Disappearance of habitats

This is another factor inevitably the crocodiles on the edge of extinction, and in the same South America and Southeast Asia. During the construction of dams and the construction of wildlife channels, irreparable damage is applied. Due to the cutting down of the jungle, the level of precipitation decreases, and those reservoirs in which crocodiles used to dry are completely dry.

The extinction of these animals is seriously alarming not only because it disappears a whole view, but also because the ecological balance in the region is disturbed. For example, in the Florida Reserve Everglades Alligators eat a spotted shell pike with a bone scales, which, having lost the natural enemy, would soon destroy everyone here perch and bream. In addition, alligators help to survive with other animals in the dry time of the year. They dig in the ground of the pit, creating small reservoirs, where the fish finds asylum, and birds, reptiles and mammals - water.

Interesting Facts

· During life, the crocodile's teeth may change about a hundred times.

· One day in the stomach of the Alligator, three woods found, fishing loads and tobacco tanks.

· Crocodiles have the most developed brain among all reptiles.

· Indian Gavial is the most important diver from all crocodiles, preferring to live in deep rivers with a rapid flow.

· Large crocodiles can be under water over an hour. When immersing, their outer ears are closed, protecting the eardrum.

· In the blood of the crocodile discovered an antibiotic. This important scientific discovery was made ... Journalists. BBC reporters During filming in Australia, the film about the life of crocodiles living in salted water, drew attention to the fact that crocodiles are often fighting and apply terrible wounds, but they never happen to have inflammation or gangrenes. Journalists managed to get a crocodile blood sample, and his analysis showed that one of the previously unknown substances existing in reptile blood effectively kills bacteria, penetrating their membranes. British reporters called this substance "crocodile". Now this substance is studied to treat them from different infectious diseases.

· The biggest crocodile is a sea crocodile (Crocodylus Porosus), which is found in India, Northern Australia Fiji Islands. The length of it can reach 7 meters, and the weight is 1 tons! Five meter individuals weigh at least half-bottom. At the same time, the eggs that postpone the female, in size no more than the goose.

· The smallest crocodile is dwarf (Ostelaemus Tetraspis), adults are barely reach 190 cm long. It is more land than waterfall.

· In some cultures, the crocodile was considered a sacred animal, for example in Ancient Egypt. Even in our time, some tribes of New Guinea crocodile is a symbol-totem, and men pass a painful procedure for the urgency of their skin, after which it is covered by scars, which makes it similar to the crocodile. The most interesting thing is that some tribes of the Australian Aboriginal are considered masters in the hunt for crocodiles, and other tribes of the same Australian Aborigines consider hunting for crocodiles by sacrifices.

· Often you can see crocodiles lying for a long time with an open mouth. This is not an expression of aggression, but a simple cooling. In this case, the dog is pronounced by the language, and the crocodile opens the mouth - excess warm and sweat comes out with breathing.

· Install the exact age of the crocodile can only cut the bone. It is necessary to calculate annual rings, like trees.

· Crocodile can not have anything at all over the year.

Crocodiles - predatory reptiles. To find out all about crocodiles, their lifestyle and behavior in the wild, we suggest you read our exciting article.

Crocodiles, according to the scientific classification, is a detachment of semi-wheeled reptiles living on our planet. In total there are 23 types of crocodiles.

These reptiles are the only representatives among other representatives of their class, which have the most similarities with their ancestors - dinosaurs. The detachment of crocodiles consists of three families: Gavial, crocodile and alligator. Real crocodiles differ from the shape of the muzzle: the latter has a wide and stupid end (and representatives of the family of crocodile - it is narrowed).

In size, crocodiles are not minor reptiles. The length of their body begins from 1.5 meters and ends with 10 meters! The body of the crocodile has an elongated shape, it is slightly flattened. The limbs of these reptiles are short, they are located "Block", and not under the body. In all crocodiles, the paws are equipped with swimming pools.

The tail in these reptiles is very long and has a thickened form. This part of the body of the animal has several functions: taxiing when driving in water, "Motor" for movement on water and thermoregulation of the body. Crocodiles nostrils and eyes are located at the level of the entire head and body. Such a structure makes these reptiles with sudden and lucky hunters. Explain why: the crocodile can fully immerse itself into the water, leaving only the eyes and nostrils on the surface (in order to watch the victim and breathe), and the clock wait for a rack piece, which, approaching the reservoir, does not even suspect that it will be his last sip of water ...

In crocodiles, scientists have discovered one amazing feature. The fact that crocodiles are cold-blooded animals know everything, however ... they can heat their cold blood by muscular tension. From such "physical education" body temperature in crocodiles may exceed the ambient temperature by 5-7 degrees.

The whole body of these animals is covered with a thick layer of skin. Unlike scaly reptiles, the "skin" of the crocodile form shields. Their shape and size at different parts of the body are unique and have their own, intricate pattern. And it was this that made crocodiles of such desired prey for people. Crocodile's skin turned into a detail of luxury omnipresent fashion designers and designers. And now glamorous ladies across the light chase for a handbag or strap (or even shoes) from crocodile leather, forcing poachers more and more to exterminate the crocodile population on Earth.

Where do crocodiles live?

These animals love heat very much. Therefore, their area are tropical and subtropical zones. Crocodiles prefer to dwell in unforgettable rivers and small lakes. However, there are representatives of the detachment inhabiting salted sea waters - this is .

In terms of lifestyle, crocodiles are quite slow, however, they can, if necessary, perform sharp jerks, run and! These reptiles are very dangerous, it is better not to try to meet a crocodile face to face.

What does the crocodile eat?

In the image of the power, all crocodiles are predators, to one degree or another. Depending on the size, one of them is powered only by fish (for example, a narrow crocodile), others hunt for large ungulates and giant snakes. Some of these reptiles attacked even on elephants!

In addition, mollusks, birds, small mammals, and even insects may be present in the feeding of crocodiles.

The reproduction of crocodiles

Could not escape - fly away: crocodile against the GNU.

During the marriage season, the male crocodiles arrange real bloody and fierce battles for the possession of the female. By the method of reproduction of offspring, crocodiles are egg-plaery reptiles. At one time the female can create a laying of 20 - 100 eggs. Incubation lasts from 2 to 3 months.

Crocodile animal Reptile, enters the detachment of water vertebrates. On Earth, these animals appeared more than 200 million years ago.

The first individuals first lived on land and only later mastered the water medium. The closest relatives of crocodiles are considered.

Crocodile Features and Habitat

Life in the water formed the appropriate reptile body: the body in crocodiles is long, almost flat, with a flat long head, a powerful tail, shorts short with fingers connected by membrane.

Crocodile cold-blooded animalThe temperature of his body is about 30 degrees, sometimes it can reach 34 degrees, it depends on the ambient temperature. Animal world crocodiles Very diverse, but different types of long bodies are distinguished, reptiles are found up to 6 meters, but most of 2-4 m.

The biggest rolling crocodiles weigh more tons and have a length of up to 6.5 m, they are found in the Philippines. The smallest land crocodiles of 1.5- 2 m live in Africa. Under the ears and nostrils of the crocodile are closed with valves, transparent eyelids are descended to the eyes, thanks to them the animal sees well even in muddy water.

The mouth of crocodiles has no lips, so it does not close tightly. So that the water does not get into the stomach, the entrance to the esophagus is overlapped by the sky curtain. Crocodile's eyes are located high on the head, so only eyes and nostrils are visible above the surface of the water. Buro-green color crocodile masks it in water.

Green shade prevails if the temperature of the medium is increased. Animal skin consists of durable horny plates that are well protected by internal organs.

Crocodiles, in contrast to other reptiles, do not lose, their skin is constantly growing and updated. Thanks to the elongated body, the animal perfectly maneuver and moves quickly in water, while the powerful tail uses the steering wheel.

Crocodiles live in fresh tropic reservoirs. there is types of crocodilesWell-adapted to salty water, they are found in the coastal strip of the seas - it is a ridden, Nile, African narrow crocodiles.

Character and lifestyle crocodile

Crocodiles are almost constantly in water. They crawl into the morning in the morning and in the evening to warm their horny plates in the sun. When the sun bake is strong, the animal opens the mouth wide, thus the body is cold.

Birds attracted by food residues, at this time can freely enter the mouth to enjoy. And although crocodile predator, wild animal He never tries to grab them.

Mostly, crocodiles live in fresh waters, in hot time while drying the reservoir can die out on the bottom of the remaining puddle and fall into the hibernation. In the drought in search of water reptiles can drive into the caves. If the crocodiles are capable of eating their relatives.

On Earth, animals are very inaccumbers, clumsy, in the water they move easily and elegantly. If necessary, can go to other water bodies on land, overcoming several kilometers.


Crocodiles are hunting mostly at night, but if the extraction is available in the afternoon, the animal will not refuse to enjoy. Potential victim even at a very high distance reptiles help discover receptors on jaws.

The main food of crocodiles is fish, as small animals. Food selection depends on the size and age of crocodile: young individuals are preferable to invertebrate animals, fish, amphibians, adults are small mammals, reptiles and birds.

Very large crocodiles calmly cope with victims of themselves. So Nile crocodiles hunt at the time of their migration; Promotional crocodile during the rains hunts on domestic cattle; Madagascars can eat even.

Food reptiles do not chew, they torment her teeth into pieces and swallow them entirely. Too major prey, they can leave on the bottom for turning. In digestion, food helps the stones driven by animals, they crush it in the stomach. Stones can have an impressive dimension: Nile crocodile can swallow a stone up to 5 kg.

Padal crocodiles do not use only if very weak and are not capable of hunting, do not touch the fools at all. Eating reptile quite a lot: at times they can use food about a quarter of their weight. About 60% of food consumed turns into fat, so the crocodile can be hungry for one to one to year.

Reproduction and life expectancy

Crocodile refers to animal long-liversHe lives from 55 to 115 years. It comes early, approximately aged 7 - 11 years. Crocodiles - Polygamous animals: The male has 10 - 12 females in the harem.

Although animals dwell in the water, they lay eggs on land. At night, the female snaps into the pit in the sand and postponing about 50 eggs there, falls asleep with their leaves or sand. The size of the deepening depends on the illumination of the place: on the sun of the fossa is made deeper, in the shadow is not very.

Eggs ripen about three months, all this time the female is near the masonry, practically without eating. The floor of the future crocodiles depends on the temperature of the medium: the female appears at 28-30 ° C, the males at temperatures above 32 ° C.

Before the appearance of young inside the eggs begin to fuck out. Mother, having heard the sounds, begins to pour masonry. Then helps the kids get rid of the shell by rolling eggs in the mouth.

The crocodiles appearing in size 26-28 cm female carefully tolerates into small reservoirs, capturing into the mouth. There they will grow up for two months, after which they diverge through the surrounding non-highly populated reservoirs. Many little reptiles perishes, they become victims of birds, Varanans and other predators.

The surviving crocodiles first feed in the insects, then hunt for small fish and, from 8-10 years old, they begin to catch larger animals.

Danger for a person is not all types of crocodiles. So the Nile crocodile and the ridden is cannibals, and the gavial is not at all dangerous. Crocodile like a pet Today they keep even in urban apartments.

In the habitats of crocodiles hunt, their meat is eaten, the skin is used to create haberdashery products, which led to a reduction in the number of crocodile population. In some countries today they are bred on farms, in many tribes they consider crocodile sacred animals.

Crocodile is a special kind of reptile, the lifestyle of which is semi-water. By appearance The crocodile resembles even stones, so people should be careful near reservoirs and vegetation, as the animal can quickly attack.

Thanks to its painting, crocodiles are able to mask in nature perfectly.

Crocodiles refer to the class of arousauses, in length, the adult individual can reach 3 meters, and some giants and 7 meters. Crocodiles are weighted from 250-500 kg, while one head weighs 200 kg, as a rule, males are much larger than females.

Description of the cold-blooded animal

All the animal torso is covered with 9 cervical vertebrae, while there are 36 vertebrae in the tail, which helps it rotate, accelerate, and also support the optimal body temperature.

Crocodile - cold-blooded reptile, so his element water. Due to the fact that his eyes and nose are located close to the top of the head, it can lie under water for a long time in anticipation of its prey, while it is perfectly seen from the water that happens on land.

The worst thing that there is a crocodile is his huge mouth, with 80 sharp fangs.

The whole body of the reptile is covered with skin, which form no revital shields. Inside the body, the crocodile has strong ribs. The crocodile colors can be from green to dark brown, depending on the view and the habitat.

Hearts in the crocodile four-chamber, and blood contains a special antibiotic, which does not allow infection of the crocodile body, because it is constantly in dirty water.

The crocodile's stomach in the crocodile is not normal, it is distinguished by the fact that inside contains special stones of touring, helping to process any hard food, as well as hold the long body in equilibrium in water.

Grows crocodile all life, because cartilage fabric constantly changing in size. The average duration of their life is about 85 years.

The animal crocodile is considered a fearless animal, he does not have enemies. The only enemy can be considered a person who, with the help of special traps, cares for middle-aged individuals.

Also, crocodile eggs can eat turtles, varana, herons.

Can crocodiles cry?

The people say "cry crocodile tears" and not in vain. Crocodiles can really cry, only not from pain and resentment.

The peculiarity of the appearance of tears is that the animal has a special tear gland, it takes salts from the body, which accumulated the crocodile in excess.

So that crocodile tears, this is a natural process that occurs due to a large number of harmful salts.

Where do crocodiles live?

Crocodiles can be found anywhere in the globe, where they are not derived independently, where there is no habitat favorable for them, they are removed by artificially and create all conditions for existence.

The most favorable climate for crocodile is Guatemala, Asian countries, Africa, Philippine Islands, Australia, America, etc.

Animals love fresh reservoirs, in such places they are ready to spend all the time.

Reptile can also adapt to the salt water, as they have good water and saline exchange, so it can also be found in the seas.

How do crocodiles live?

All crocodiles live in water, and eggs are laid in the sand on land, such a lifestyle is called semi-water. To be under the sun, the animal loves early in the morning or after noon.

The body temperature of the crocodile always varies from the environment. When the street is very hot, Reptile opens his mouth, so that water evaporated, at that time the birds can be touched by residues in sharp teeth, after which they can be eaten by a crocodile.

Crocodiles are most often located directly near the water, but in search of production they can pave a path of 4 kilometers, while moving at a speed of 15 km / h.

The lifestyle of the crocodile allows him to move away from his main place, after which it is coming back again.

What do crocodiles eat?

The diet of the crocodile depends primarily from its own body size. So, large individuals can block a large horned animal, while the smallest look is not able to use such food.

The main diet of the crocodile is fish, birds, bats, snakes, Varana. The crocodile can eat even poisonous snakes.

Crocodiles living in the sea are fed by dolphins, fish, mollusks, large species eat even sharks.

Reptile often hunts on Kangaroo, Cheetahs, Lviv, Monkeys, Zaitsev and other animals Savannah. Crocodiles inhabiting near the village can eat pets and even people.

Types of crocodiles

Nile crocodile

It is considered the largest representative of this kind. It dwells in rivers, fresh water bodies, lakes.

The main food of such animals is giraffes, hippos, rhinos.

Stupid crocodile

It is considered the smallest crocodile, the adult individual does not exceed the length of one and a half meters.

Animal in the fresh waters of Africa, they are afraid of people, hunt mostly at night. Feed all kinds of fish and Padal.

Gun crocodile

This is the biggest crocodile on the entire planet. Such a crocodile is considered the most dangerous predator, people called him a crocodile.

In length, it reaches 7 meters and weighs about 2 tons. Such a reptile lives in the sea, in Indonesia, in the Philippines.

It feeds on large animals, buffalo, cows, goats, as well as pets.

Photo crocodile
