Probably, representatives of the older generation perfectly remember the song performed by the legendary "Pesnyary" with the words: "And the Motherland generously gave me birch sap, birch sap" ...

This nectar of early spring with an illuminating sweet note is dear to the heart of every Russian and has been valued from time immemorial. It is consumed fresh, curative kvass is made from birch sap and even moonshine.

Juice is not only tasty, but also useful, especially after winter beriberi, as it is rich in vitamins C and group B, as well as trace elements. They drink it to increase immunity, and simply because it tastes good. And also he has healing properties, helps in the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • perfectly cleanses the body, removes toxins and deposits in blood vessels, joints;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • improves brain activity;
  • enhances physical endurance, gives energy;
  • useful for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as it restores the acid-base balance;
  • due to diuretic properties, removes excess water from the body, relieves swelling and partially regulates arterial pressure;
  • boosts immunity.

However, despite the obvious benefits, people with kidney stones and peptic ulcers should not get too carried away with them.

Note that birch kvass retains all the beneficial properties of the juice.

Important. Kvass prolongs the shelf life valuable juice up to six months, while sterilization significantly reduces its benefits.

The "thorns" of the resulting carbon dioxide improve the taste, perfectly quenching thirst, refreshing in the heat. Drinking a glass of birch kvass daily, you will quickly feel improvements:

  • in a week or two, beriberi and spring depression will pass, energy and efficiency will increase;
  • prebiotic bacteria, invariably present in fermentation products, along with the vitamin-mineral complex of kvass, improve the work internal organs: improve digestion, get rid of poisons accumulated in the liver and kidneys;
  • the skin heals, there is an active elimination and healing of youthful acne;
  • the condition of hair and nails improves: brittleness is eliminated. Hair begins to grow better, have a healthy look.

Attention. For beauty, in addition to the use of kvass, masks and lotions from it are used.

Harvesting juice without damaging the tree

An adult healthy birch can give up to 7 liters of valuable juice (or apiary, as it is called in another way) without harm. But it is worth taking care of its capabilities, and then in the spring it will be possible to use bounties again.

Carefully. If too much juice is taken away, the birch may die.

Therefore, do not be greedy and carefully “heal” the wounds after the selection of the healing liquid so that the tree has enough nutrition for further development.

Some "tourists" use this technique: they break off a branch from a birch, and insert a stump into a bottle. Then they take the collected raw materials, and leave the wounds on the trees. A broken branch can also cause the death of a tree!

That's why best method such:

Take a tube of small diameter (silicone, metal, wood) and drill a hole exactly in size in a birch (no deeper than 5 cm), at a distance of about half a meter from the ground. Insert the tube tightly into it and lower the tip of the tube into the jar. You can use a groove instead of a tube.

Peculiarities. A good container for collecting birch sap is plastic water bottles of 5-6 liters. But it is desirable to store juice in glass.

After the selection of juice in reasonable quantities, a wooden cork (a piece of dry twig, etc.) is hammered into the hole. The cork will quickly swell and seal the wound. It is advisable to additionally lubricate the chopik with garden pitch before hammering in order to protect the birch from possible infection.

How to cook at home

The combination of birch sap with honey is especially useful. Two useful components complement each other, and kvass based on them is extremely tasty and healing.

With honey and lemon

Sweet and sour tingling taste will appeal to both adults and children. Take:

  • 10 liters of fresh birch sap;
  • 50 g raw baker's yeast;
  • 200 g (half a glass) of honey;
  • juice from 1-3 lemons (to taste).

Mix a glass of sap and yeast, let rise. Add honey, mix. Then - lemon juice.

Mix the mass with birch sap. You can - in a large bottle or in a saucepan, then pour into three-liter jars (not at the very top) and close with nylon lids. Leave in room conditions. After 3-4 days the drink is ready.

Without yeast, on bread sourdough

This kvass is prepared on ready-made bread sourdough. Let's take:

  • 10 liters of juice;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of honey;
  • 7 tablespoons of bread sourdough.

We mix the ingredients. We insist in the room for 3-4 days. We bottle it and send it to the coolness of the basement or cellar for a couple of weeks to reach.

Advice. For more rich color and bread taste, add 500 grams of dried rye crackers.

When bottling, strain.

How to cook kvass using raisins?

The addition of raisins is due to the fact that from this kvass acquires additional sharpness, the amount of carbon dioxide increases in it. This makes it even more pleasant to drink, and at the same time it is hundreds of times more useful than store-bought carbonated drinks made from chemical components.

Note. Before adding raisins to kvass, it is not soaked.

You may or may not wash. And if you wash - then not for long, cold water. The wild yeast on the surface will create the effect of light fermentation even in cool weather.

With raisins and dried fruits

This recipe will help add a pleasant fruity note to the finished kvass. Choose dried fruits to your taste, you can mix (pears, apples, cherries, prunes, dried apricots, etc.). A recipe has been known for a long time, according to which, based on 10 liters of birch sap, they take:

  • 200 g raisins;
  • 500 g dried apples.

You can cook in a 20-liter enamel saucepan. The mixture is left warm, covered for about a week. When “burning” appears, kvass can be filtered, bottled and corked (from now on, keep cool).

Attention. To protect kvass from insects, it is advisable to cover the pan with gauze (in 2-3 additions), and then with a lid.

If you do not filter, but take the pan to the basement with all the contents, then day by day the drink will become tastier and stronger.

Making this kvass on the basis that children will also drink it, you can add half a glass of sugar, and at the end of fermentation, strain it.

With dark raisins

This kvass is prepared in early spring, but it will gain the necessary properties only by the summer. It is pleasant not only to drink it, but also to cook okroshka on it (see:). He doesn't lose for long. healing properties.

Take 10 liters of birch sap and 80 large black raisins. Mix everything in a large bottle, close the lid tightly and send it to the cellar, where it will slowly ripen. A ready-made drink can be bottled, corked and enjoyed all summer long.

Children's "carbonated" nectar with orange

This naturally carbonated, sweet and tasty kvass is very popular with children. Yes, and the benefits of it are hundreds of times greater than from "chemical" drinks.

For 2.5 liters of fresh birch sap you will need:

  • 1 chopped orange;
  • a handful of raisins (50 g);
  • 10 g raw baker's yeast;
  • a couple of sprigs with mint and lemon balm leaves. Considering that natural birch sap is available only in early spring, it can be dried, but fresh is better;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

Distant yeast (mash, add a pinch of sugar, a little juice, wait until they start to rise). Mix everything except raisins in a jar. Put in a warm place for a couple of days.

When fermented, pour into half-liter glass bottles. Add 3 raisins to each, seal securely and send to the cellar or refrigerator. A day later, sweet birch kvass is ready.

Advice. Bottles with clips (for example, from) are good for corking.

lemonade kvass

This kvass with lemon is an excellent immune stimulant, moreover, it is delicious and refreshing. Both adults and children will like it.

A simple option is to replace the orange with a lemon in the previous recipe. But a drink with honey is more useful. So let's take:

  • 10 liters of fresh birch sap;
  • juice from 3-4 lemons;
  • 3 spoons of honey;
  • 50 g raw yeast;
  • 50 g raisins.

Mix all the ingredients at once, stir. There is a possibility - we close the whole drink in one container, no - we pour it into jars, distributing the raisins equally. We put it in the cold. After 3-4 days, kvass is ready for use.

Delicious coffee kvass with black bread

This invigorating birch sap drink acts like an energy drink, giving vigor and a surge of strength. The taste strongly resembles bread kvass.

  • 2.5 liters of birch sap;
  • 150 g crusts of black Borodino bread;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 50 g coffee beans (some consider the number of grains as raisins.

Roast coffee beans in a dry frying pan, stirring occasionally. Roast the bread crusts in the oven. In a jar, pour all the ingredients with birch sap. We put on a rubber medical glove, fix it with a rubber band on the neck of the jar.

After 2-3 days, the glove will “raise its hand”, then we pierce one of the fingers with a needle. If it inflates a lot, we pierce the other finger. We wait until the fermentation is over and the glove falls off. Kvass is filtered, sealed in bottles, for a couple of days - in the refrigerator or cellar. You can submit!

Dark birch-barley kvass

The rich color of dark beer and the slightly intoxicating properties of this kvass will appeal to lovers of refreshing drinks with a slight degree.

It is necessary to take 1 kg of selected barley, wash it, dry it, and then fry it in a dry frying pan until golden or almost Brown. Pour into a container, pour 10 liters of fresh birch sap. Cover and leave to ferment in the room. Try periodically.

After a few days, when a slight hoppy taste is already felt, bottle it, cork it and send it to the cellar. Stored for up to six months without changing the taste and useful properties. An open bottle should be drunk a day or two in advance.

Spicy citrus kvass with ginger and oranges

For those who love the spicy spiciness of ginger and the refreshing orange, this recipe is for you. Required:

  • 3 liters of birch sap;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 50g grated fresh ginger root;
  • 5 g fast-acting dry yeast;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 15 mint leaves (fresh or dried)
  • 0.5 lemon - optional.

Cut oranges and lemons, grate ginger. Put in a fermentation container and add honey, yeast, sugar, mint leaves. Heat birch sap to 25-28°C. Pour in the ingredients, making sure that the container is no more than 2/3 full. Cover with a thick cloth and leave warm for a day. Then bottle, seal and store refrigerated.

Sweet kvass without yeast with dried fruits

For 5 liters of birch sap, take:

  • 250 g of any dried fruits that you like;
  • 1.5 cups of sugar;
  • 50 g raisins.

Dissolve sugar in strained birch sap, add raisins. Cover, leave warm for three days, then strain, bottle, add 3 raisins for every half liter, cork and send for a week in the cold.

Is fermented birch sap suitable for kvass?

As a rule, even in the refrigerator, freshly picked birch sap is stored for no more than two to three days. Many believe that such a product is already spoiled and cannot be saved. But in vain, because it is perfect for kvass, but only if the fermentation process has just begun. Do not pull, but turn the juice into kvass, which is stored much longer and prolong the benefits of a natural Russian healer.

You can use a simple recipe from what is on hand. For 2.5 liters of apiaries, take 1.5 cups of sugar (honey), a handful of raisins and a few dried crusts of black bread.

Kvass became viscous. Can it be saved?

Kvass sometimes becomes viscous, although it does not change the taste. This happens more often with sugary drinks.

Most likely, not the best processes began in kvass, and the best solution would be to put a brew on it and overtake it. Birch moonshine is clean and pleasant to drink.

Conditions and terms of storage of birch kvass

It is believed that birch kvass is stored for no longer than three months. However, connoisseurs claim that they drink it all summer and even the whole year, until the new collection of apiary. In most cases, kvass in a hermetically sealed state in the basement can be stored for up to six months. That is, if there is enough stock, then you can drink it all summer.

Since ancient times, kvass has been the most common drink in Russian cuisine. But not everyone knows that it can be prepared from natural drinks. Birch sap is the best for this. This is due to the fact that it does not lose its beneficial properties after cooking.

To get juice from a birch, warm weather needed. As soon as the thaw begins after the winter frosts, you should immediately go to the nearest tree with all the necessary equipment. The tip of the awl must be deepened into the tree by 7 centimeters in order to determine whether the juice is moving along the trunk. If a drop comes to the surface, you can safely proceed to collect the liquid.

Collecting liquid is best in the daytime. At night, its movement along the trunk slows down..

The liquid collection hole should be approximately 50 centimeters from ground level. The number of holes should depend on the diameter of the barrel. With a diameter of 25 centimeters, there is one hole, and with 35 - two. Count the number of holes incrementally. Every 10 centimeters - plus one hole. It is better to cut the bark from the south. There is better sap flow.

Insert the boat-shaped groove prepared in advance into the hole. From 3 to 7 liters of liquid can be collected per day from one tree. It is impossible to drain all the liquid from the tree. It may die.

How to make kvass from birch sap at home

Classic birch kvass is made from raisins and juice. But there are many recipes with the addition of other ingredients: honey, coffee, orange, mint.

Liquid is most suitable for kvass which has just been collected. But if you don’t have one, you can replace it with canned. You will need 10 liters of drink.

In addition to juice, you will also need sugar and raisins.

Juice must be strained through gauze folded several times. Rinse the raisins thoroughly and place them on a towel to dry.

Kvass is prepared in glass, enameled or wooden utensils.

Raisins and sugar are poured into strained birch sap, after which they are mixed until the latter is completely dissolved.

The starter in the container is covered with a clean cloth and left for 3 days in a warm room for the fermentation process.

The finished drink is filtered again, poured into clean bottles and stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe for kvass from birch sap with raisins

To prepare a classic birch kvass at home you will need the following ingredients:

  1. sugar - 0.5 kg;
  2. dried raisins - 50 pcs.;
  3. natural birch sap - 10 l.

How to make birch kvass according to this recipe:

  • birch liquid must be cleaned of debris and passed through a sieve;
  • raisins should be washed with warm water and laid out to dry on a paper towel;
  • pour into liquid washed raisins and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly until the dry ingredients are completely dissolved;
  • kvass should be poured into a glass container and covered with a clean cloth. Leave to ferment for 3 days;
  • when the drink is ready, it should be filtered and poured into a clean container;
  • put away for storage in the refrigerator or basement. The maximum storage period is 4 months.

Recipe for birch kvass with raisins, honey and lemon

For the right preparation of such a drink take the following ingredients:

  1. dried raisins - 4 pcs.;
  2. yeast - 25 g;
  3. medium-sized lemon - 2 pcs.;
  4. birch sap - 5 l;
  5. honey - 30 g.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • Lemons should be washed and poured over with boiling water. After that, cut into medium-sized pieces;
  • through gauze folded several times, you need to strain the birch sap;
  • wash raisins in warm water and discuss;
  • add yeast, raisins, lemon and honey to birch sap. Mix everything;
  • leave the drink in a warm room for three days. After this time, strain ready kvass and pour it into a clean container.

Recipe for kvass from birch sap, orange and raisins

You will need the following products:

  1. lemon balm or mint - a few branches;
  2. raisins - 1 pinch;
  3. sugar - 1 glass;
  4. large orange - 1 pc.;
  5. yeast - 10 g;
  6. freshly picked birch sap - 2.5 liters.

The preparation is as follows:

  • orange must be washed well, poured over with boiling water and dried a little. After that, cut into rings and put in a clean glass container;
  • grind yeast with sugar and pour into a container with oranges;
  • rinse sprigs of lemon balm or mint and also put in a container with ingredients;
  • wash and dry the raisins;
  • strain the juice through gauze, which is smoothed several times. After straining, it is poured into a glass container. Mix everything well and leave for 2 days for fermentation in a warm room. When the drink is ready, it must be filtered again and poured into clean bottles, after putting raisins in each;
  • put the drink in the refrigerator and after a day it can be consumed.

Recipe for birch kvass with coffee beans, bread and raisins

To prepare kvass according to this recipe, you need the following components:

  1. raisins - 1 handful;
  2. Borodino stale bread - 3 slices;
  3. coffee beans - 1 handful;
  4. birch natural sap - 2.5 l;
  5. granulated sugar - 100 g.

How to prepare such a drink:

  • coffee beans are poured into a dry frying pan and roasted a little over low heat;
  • slices of Borodino bread are laid out on a baking sheet and put in the oven. For 10 minutes, the bread is dried at a temperature of 60 degrees;
  • rinse the raisins in warm water and dry them on a towel;
  • raisins, slices of bread, coffee beans are laid out in a three-liter clean jar;
  • birch sap is filtered there. Sugar must also be poured into this jar. Mix everything well;
  • a medical glove is put on the neck of the jar and pierced with a needle;
  • a jar of sourdough is left for three days in a warm room;
  • after the glove is blown off, the drink must be filtered again and poured into clean glass bottles;
  • store in a refrigerator or basement.

Recipe for making kvass from birch sap, rose hips and raisins

To make this drink at home, prepare the following ingredients:

  1. raisins - 20 pcs.;
  2. granulated sugar - 1 glass;
  3. rose hips - 20 pcs.;
  4. birch sap - 5 l.

The method of preparing this drink consists of the following stages:

  • strain the birch sap through several layers of gauze. Pour it into a glass container with a wide neck;
  • Pour sugar into the juice and mix well until all the crystals are completely dissolved;
  • Rinse the rose hips and raisins well, dry them on a paper towel;
  • add rose hips and raisins to the container with birch sap;
  • close the container with a drink with a lid and send it to the cellar for storage.

Recipe for birch kvass with dried fruits and raisins

Required products:

  1. dried fruits - 1 kg;
  2. raisins - 300 g;
  3. natural birch sap - 5 l.

How to make a drink according to this recipe:

  • all dried fruits must be washed in warm water. Spread them out on a paper towel to dry;
  • dried fruits and raisins must be laid out in a dry, clean glass container. Pour these components with strained birch sap;
  • this drink is infused for 4 days in a warm room, stirring occasionally;
  • after fermentation, kvass is poured into clean containers, screwed on with lids and put away for storage in the refrigerator.

Recipe for birch kvass with mint, honey, ginger, apples and raisins

For this wonderful drink, you will need the following products:

  1. raisins - 75 g;
  2. lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  3. fresh ginger root- 40 g;
  4. mint - 10 leaves;
  5. light honey - 5 ml;
  6. high-speed yeast - 3 g;
  7. apples - 5 pcs.;
  8. granulated sugar - 100 g;
  9. natural birch sap - 2 l.

The preparation method consists of the following steps:

  • wash the apples and cut them in half. Remove the core from them and cut into small pieces. Put them in a saucepan and pour in the birch sap. Put the pot on the stove and boil. After boiling, boil apples with juice for another 3 minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the pan from the heat and wait until the mass has cooled;
  • dissolve 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar and yeast in half a glass of warm broth. Leave this mixture for 20 minutes in a warm place;
  • pour the diluted yeast into the birch broth. Pour sugar, honey there and squeeze lemon juice;
  • peel the ginger root and chop with a fine grater. Rinse mint leaves and raisins;
  • Pour all the cooked products into the broth and stir well. Cover the container with a thick clean cloth and leave for 12 hours in a warm room;
  • strain the finished kvass and pour it into a dry, clean container.

Tricks and tips for making birch kvass with raisins

  1. Kvass can be stored at right conditions up to 6 months.
  2. When cooking, you can add a variety of herbs to kvass, which have medicinal properties.
  3. plastic container it is not recommended to use for sourdough.
  4. It is better to cook kvass only on natural birch sap.
  5. To get rid of wood debris, be sure to strain the freshly picked birch sap.

Traditionally, kvass is considered a bread drink. In fact, since Ancient Rus' there are a large number of recipes where birch sap is the basis. Such kvass will decorate any table and fill the body with vitamins.

Whatever recipe becomes the basis for making a drink, you need to carefully select the ingredients to create it. After all, kvass must be moderately fermented, otherwise it is impossible to drink it. If it contains unpleasant odors because of spoiled products, all the work will be in vain.

Kvass is able to protect against scurvy and other problems associated with a lack of vitamins. He also:

  • eliminates the state of thirst;
  • improves digestion;
  • enhances appetite;
  • saturates with carbohydrates.

It is necessary to use the infused kvass within 4-5 days. In this case, it should be placed in a refrigerator or cellar. If the recipe includes birch sap, then it must be filtered. For this, ordinary gauze is suitable. Birch should be taken fresh, because it infuses faster.

The ambient temperature is important for the fermentation of the drink. Too warm or cool air can ruin the drink. The kvass product should be infused for 3 days. Exceeding the deadlines indicates a violation of technology. This drink is worth pouring.

Drink with dried fruits and birch sap

Kvass brews longer on birch sap. The process takes about 2 weeks. The degree of readiness is best checked by taking a sample. If you add yeast to any recipe, it will reduce the preparation time of the drink.

To get kvass from birch sap with dried fruits, you will need:

  • strained birch sap - 2 liters;
  • dried fruits (raisins, prunes, or dried apricots) - 100g;
  • a container in which the drink will be infused.

It is allowed to use one type of dried fruit or their mixture. In the latter case, the drink will become more aromatic. The color of kvass will also be unusual, which guests should be warned about before serving.

The process of creating a product looks like this:

  • wash and dry the container for future kvass;
  • put clean dried fruits on the bottom of the selected dishes, you do not need to remove the seeds from them;
  • pour birch sap;
  • cover the container with thick gauze or a lid that allows air to circulate;
  • put the composition in a place where the temperature will not be lower than 25 degrees, avoiding direct sunlight;
  • after 9–12 days, we filter the resulting product and pour it into a bottle;
  • place the finished drink in a cool place.

If there is no special cover, then you can always make it yourself. It is enough to pierce the standard one in several places with a knife.

Kvass from birch with yeast

A drink made with yeast causes excessive gas formation. This must be taken into account when choosing a similar recipe.

At home, adding yeast greatly speeds up the process. Those who have not previously prepared a kvass drink should first try this recipe.

You will need:

  • birch sap - 3 liters;
  • dried fruits of cherries, apricots, grapes - 200 g;
  • dry yeast - 10g;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. l.

You can change the amount of sugar at your discretion. It can be added when kvass is already infused.

The process of preparing birch sap and containers looks the same as in the previous version.

When dried fruits are poured with birch, dry yeast should be added. The drink should be infused for 2-3 days in a warm place. Don't forget good ventilation. After all, the yeast product “walks” even more intensively, so the air should circulate easily.

If preference is given to raw yeast, then their amount should be increased to 20 g. Some housewives believe that such a drink is more natural and lively.

Birch kvass on bread crusts

Those who are not ready to get away from the traditional bready taste of the drink can use the recipe with crusts.

To create such kvass, you need to prepare:

  • raisins -200g;
  • birch sap - 2.5 liters;
  • rye bread crusts - 80g;
  • dry yeast - 5g.

Raisins can be replaced with prunes or dried apricots, but cherries or apples should not be used. Otherwise, it will turn out too sweet.

In a clean jar, place dried fruits and crusts of bread without mold. If the crusts are pre-brown to a rich brown color in the oven, the color of the drink will be brighter. Pour them with birch sap, which do not forget to strain beforehand. Add dry yeast.

Kvass from dried fruits should ripen no more than 2 days in a warm place. IN winter time you can put the jar on the battery. If kvass does not have time to infuse, extend the time for another day. Then pour the resulting drink through gauze into another container.

If you plan to use kvass as a thirst-quenching product, sugar should not be added. To prepare dishes based on it, you can put 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara. It will set off the taste of bread and dried fruits.

For those who like to experiment in the kitchen and surprise guests, the creation of such leavened masterpieces will become a favorite pastime. The main thing is to prepare birch sap in time.

Kvass from birch sap with raisins fully preserves all the irreplaceable valuable properties of the original product and perfectly quenches thirst in the heat. If you have the opportunity to prepare such a healthy invigorating drink, be sure to use it.

How to make kvass from birch sap?

  1. To prepare the drink, only fresh birch sap is used, extracted in the spring from a “weeping” tree.
  2. Raw materials are filtered initially through gauze to get rid of possible impurities of debris.
  3. Raisins are selected from a trusted seller, natural and not treated with chemicals.
  4. Before use, dried berries are not washed, adding to the original liquid base in its original form.
  5. Preparation of kvass from birch sap with raisins can take from two to three days to two to three months.

Kvass from birch sap with dried fruits

The most aromatic is birch kvass with raisins with the addition of dried fruits (apples, pears, dried apricots, plums). If desired, the drink can be sweetened to taste by adding sugar or honey during fermentation and stirring until all the crystals are dissolved. As a rule, with proper temperature conditions the fermentation process takes about a week.


  • fresh birch sap - 5 l;
  • dried fruits - 150 g;
  • raisins - 1.5-2 tablespoons.


  1. The collected juice is filtered, poured into a bottle, raisins and dried fruits are added.
  2. The container is tied with a four-fold gauze cut and placed in a dark place at room temperature.
  3. Withstand the workpiece for a week, stirring occasionally.
  4. Ready kvass from birch sap with raisins and dried fruits is filtered, bottled and stored in the cold.

Birch kvass with raisins and sugar

Another variation of a healthy drink is kvass from birch sap without yeast, prepared according to the classical technology with the addition of sugar. Can be used as light dried grape berries, and dark, and granulated sugar, if desired, replace with honey. After three days of fermentation at a temperature of 22 degrees, the drink can be tasted.


  • fresh birch sap - 5 l;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • raisins - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. The collected juice is filtered, poured into a suitable container and sugar is dissolved in it.
  2. Add raisins, cover the dish with gauze or cloth and place in a dark place.
  3. After three days, you can take a sample from the drink and, if it is ready, strain kvass from birch sap with raisins and bottle it for storage.

Birch kvass with honey and raisins

The following recipe for kvass from birch sap and raisins involves the use of natural honey as a sweetener. The value of the liquid base is complemented by the unique properties of the bee product, creating an indispensable drink to strengthen the immune system, increase tone, or just to quench your thirst on a hot day.


  • fresh birch sap - 5 l;
  • honey - 200 g;
  • large dark raisins - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. The collected juice is filtered, honey is dissolved in it, the mixture is poured into a bottle.
  2. Pour raisins, cover the bowl with a clean piece of fabric or gauze, leave to ferment at room conditions for five days.
  3. Ready kvass from birch sap with honey and raisins is filtered, bottled and placed in cold storage.

Birch kvass with barley and raisins

Kvass from birch sap with barley and raisins is famous for its valuable effect on the body. The drink quickly restores strength, reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and lowers blood sugar levels and is therefore especially preferable for introduction to. Such a drink is stored for up to six months, so without fear it can be harvested for future use.


  • fresh birch sap - 5 l;
  • barley - 1 glass;
  • raisins - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Unpeeled barley is fried in a dry frying pan until it acquires a rich blush.
  2. The fried cereals are poured into a container with strained juice, raisins are thrown, the vessel is covered and left to ferment for 10 days.
  3. Filter and store birch kvass with raisins in plastic bottles or glass containers by placing them in the cold.

Birch kvass with lemon and raisins

Birch kvass, the recipe of which will be described below, is prepared with lemon, which increases the already impressive immunostimulating effect of the drink and makes it even more useful. In addition, the addition of citrus fruits to the composition has a positive effect on the taste characteristics of the drink, refreshing it and giving it a special aroma.


  • fresh birch sap - 5 l;
  • yeast - 25 g;
  • lemons - 1.5-2 pcs.;
  • liquid honey - 20 g;
  • raisins - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Lemon juice is squeezed into strained birch wort, honey, yeast and raisins are added.
  2. The mass is stirred, a couple of lemon slices with a peel are thrown, the container is covered and left in the cold for fermentation for 5 days.
  3. Before use, the drink is filtered.

A simple recipe for kvass from birch sap

If you still have not chosen from birch sap, perhaps this option will be of interest to you. The drink is prepared quickly and simply, and it turns out not only useful, but also incredibly tasty, fragrant. The taste characteristics are enriched by mint and oranges, and honey gives the missing sweetness.


  • fresh birch sap - 5 l;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • mint - 2-3 branches;
  • liquid honey - 150 g;
  • raisins - 2 tbsp. spoons


  1. Honey is dissolved in strained juice, orange juice, a few whole slices, crushed mint sprigs and raisins are added.
  2. Cover the container with a cloth, leave at room conditions for 3-5 days.
  3. Ready tasty kvass from birch sap is filtered, bottled and placed in the cold.

How is birch kvass useful for the body?

Evaluating are thus one of the most important criteria. Depending on the additional components included in the composition, the characteristics may vary, however, the main and main properties, as a rule, remain unchanged.

  1. Drinking the drink not only improves the condition immune system but also cleanses the body of toxins.
  2. The elements contained in kvass contribute to the excretion from the kidneys and Bladder stones.
  3. Drinking before meals helps to cope with diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  4. The use of such kvass is contraindicated in the presence of an allergy to birch pollen.

How to store birch kvass?

Storing birch kvass is a simple matter, and if the drink is prepared in compliance with all the requirements of the recipe, as a rule, there are no problems. Having obtained a tasty and healing product as a result of certain actions and aging, it is necessary to work a little more on it in order to preserve the taste, aroma and properties of a tasty drink.

  1. Ready kvass is filtered through several layers of gauze and poured into suitable containers. For short-term storage, plastic vessels are also suitable; for longer, you need to choose glass bottles or jars.
  2. Drink containers are sealed and placed in a cool place with a constant temperature.
  3. Under proper conditions, kvass from birch sap can be stored for 3-6 months.

In the hot season, it is kvass that becomes the most popular non-alcoholic drink. It has an invigorating and refreshing taste, and also perfectly quenches thirst for a long time.

But this drink can be not only tasty, but also very useful, such as kvass, made on the basis of birch sap. It turns out fragrant, tasty and healthy, and its final taste and aftertaste depend on the additional ingredients used in the recipe.

Depending on the recipe used, such a drink can be prepared with the addition of various components.

All of them need proper preliminary preparation, because only in this way, ready-made kvass will turn out to be really tasty, fragrant and healthy:

  • Dried fruits and raisins do not wash before use, it is on their surface that the necessary microorganisms are contained, which saturate the finished drink with the necessary carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is necessary to use only clean, free of debris and traces of insects ingredients. For birch kvass, light raisins, dried apricots and dried apricots, as well as dates or figs, are best suited.
  • Often kvass from birch sap prepared with the addition of citrus fruits. It is necessary to choose large and whole fruits that have a rather thick peel and a pronounced aroma.

But the main ingredient is birch sap.

It can be purchased ready-made. True, in this case, there may be doubts about its naturalness.

Therefore, it is best to prepare it yourself:

  1. It is optimal to collect juice in the period from early March to early May. As soon as the leaves on the trees fully appear, there is very little benefit in the juice itself.
  2. It is necessary to collect raw materials only from healthy and preferably young trees, aged from 2 to 5 years.
  3. A small but deep incision is made on the trunk, into which a thin hose is inserted. Its second end is lowered into a fixed container on the trunk. The collection of juice continues for a day or two. Then the container is changed to a new one, and the next batch of juice must be decanted from another tree.

Reference! Before further use the collected birch sap should be well filtered through cheesecloth, folded several times.

Watch a video that shows how to properly collect birch sap:

Recipes for cooking at home

There are many various options making this invigorating, healthy and refreshing non-alcoholic drink. However, there are also recipes that are especially popular due to their availability, simplicity and unique taste of the finished kvass.

Classic way


  • fresh birch sap - 10 l;
  • raisins - 30 pcs;
  • finely ground sugar - 0.5 kg.

Such a drink is prepared from a minimum of ingredients and it is considered ready for consumption after 4 days from the date of preparation.

The order of preparation is as follows:

  1. Carefully filtered nectar is mixed with sugar.
  2. The mixture is stirred until all sweet grains are completely dissolved.
  3. Pure raisins are added to the container.
  4. The container is covered with gauze and cleaned for 72 hours in a warm place.
  5. Ready kvass is filtered and bottled.
  6. Refrigerate for 24 hours, after which you can drink it.

Reference! Before bottling kvass, you can add 3 pcs. raisins. This will give the drink a more pronounced taste.


This drink has unusual and difficult to describe aftertaste. But the taste and aroma of this kvass are very pleasant, although it takes longer to prepare than the drink according to the previous recipe.

  • 5 liters of birch nectar;
  • 30 g dry rice;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.

Reference! Kvass according to this recipe has a rather pronounced sweetness, therefore, if desired, the amount of granulated sugar can be halved.


  1. Sugar should be thoroughly mixed in the juice.
  2. Pour the liquid into a large glass bottle.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients to it and mix again.
  4. Cover the container with gauze and put in a warm place for 5 days.
  5. Strain the finished kvass, pour into bottles.

The resulting birch kvass with rice and raisins is recommended to be cooled quite strongly before use. To do this, it is placed in the freezer for a couple of hours.

With dried fruits

The sweetness of kvass prepared according to this recipe directly depends on the sugar content in the ingredients themselves. Therefore, if desired, the volume of dried fruits can be increased by one and a half times.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • raisins - 250 g;
  • assorted dried fruits - 1000 g;
  • fresh birch nectar - 5 liters.

Cooking order:

  1. Strain the juice, and sort out the raisins and dried fruits.
  2. Place all ingredients in a container and mix well.
  3. Lightly cover the container with a cloth and put it in a warm place for one week.
  4. Ready kvass is well filtered and bottled.

Reference! As in the previous recipe, the resulting drink should be well cooled before drinking.

The technology for making kvass from birch sap with dried fruits is described in the video:


Very tasty, fragrant and healthy drink, which prepared from:

  • raisins - 15 g;
  • lemons - 3 pcs.;
  • juice - 10 l;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • yeast - 40.

When lemon peel is added to it, it becomes a beautiful yellowish color.

Cooking order:

  1. Add all the ingredients to the juice, except for the lemons.
  2. Juice survives from citrus fruits. If desired, remove the zest in a thin layer and add to the birch nectar.
  3. Mix all ingredients and pour into a glass container.
  4. Clean in a warm place for 4 days, covering the top with a cloth.

Reference! The finished drink must be well filtered and cooled.

The recipe for making kvass with the addition of honey is described in the video:

With coffee beans

A rather unusual recipe, but those who once tried such a drink prepare it regularly.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 3 liters of birch nectar;
  • 1 handful of raisins and coffee beans;
  • 3 crackers from Borodino bread;
  • 100 g sugar.

The recipe will appeal to big fans of coffee.


  1. Roast coffee beans in a dry frying pan.
  2. Wash and dry the raisins.
  3. Borodino bread, if necessary, dry in the oven.
  4. All ingredients are placed in a jar and poured with juice, mixed thoroughly.
  5. A punctured rubber glove is put on top of the container.
  6. For fermentation, kvass is left for three days in a warm place.
  7. Then, without filtering, it is removed in a hermetically sealed jar in the refrigerator for another 5 days for aging.
  8. After that, kvass is filtered and drunk.

Cooked birch kvass with raisins according to any of these recipes will certainly delight you with its unique taste and aromatic qualities.
