And autumn is on the horizon again. The grapes ripen. With an experienced eye, winemakers estimate how much delicious intoxicating drink will come out of the clusters of the current harvest. Each of them has its own criteria for success. Some put the quality of berries at the forefront, others rely on the right proportion of sugar, others consider the temperature balance to be the main thing in the process of making wine.

However, almost all of them agree that the high quality of the drink will be ensured primarily by good wine yeast. The honor of discovering these unicellular fungi belongs to the famous naturalist Anthony van Leeuwenhoek from the Netherlands, who examined them with the help of microscopes he created (by the way, the best of his optical devices gave a magnification of 500 times). And the no less famous French microbiologist Louis Pasteur described in detail the process of yeast fermentation that occurs during the production of wine. They say that he conducted such studies at the request of the French authorities interested in expanding the export of domestic wines.

Where can a winemaker get high-quality yeast? You can, of course, rely on a product developed in special laboratories. There is an alternative - to cook wine yeast with your own hands.

We grow wine yeast from raisins at home

It turns out that this is not such a complicated procedure. We will visit any nearest market, where there are always sellers of sweets from Central Asia. On the shelves - up to a dozen varieties of raisins, to which we will pay special attention. However, we do not trust our eye, which has fixed its gaze on full amber berries. Surely they were visited during maturation by something from chemicals and certainly killed the wine yeast that settled on the clusters. Instead, we buy lean bluish raisins and always with ponytails.

Recipe for making sourdough

You will need the following ingredients:

  • two handfuls of raisins purchased on the market;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • two glasses of water.

We also stock up liter bottle wide neck or glass jar the same volume. It is advisable to sterilize this container in order to get rid of the possible presence of foreign microorganisms in it with a guarantee. Next, we work in the following sequence:

After a couple of days, the contents will actively ferment. By the fifth day, fermentation will weaken, and a day later, the leaven with yeast can be poured into the wort. If it is not yet ready, the product can be kept in the refrigerator, but not longer than a few days.

Note that raisins do not have a monopoly in the preparation of a fermentation agent. Let's look at the alternatives next.

How to make wine yeast at home from grapes

It is better to take ripe bunches of berries of small varieties into work. We will find in the pantry a glass container for making sourdough - a liter jar or a large milk bottle, wash it thoroughly and sterilize it. We carry out further steps in the following sequence:

The yeast starter is ready to be transferred to the wort.

What fruits can replace raisins and grapes in the manufacture of wine yeast?

Wild wine yeast can be found on the surface of almost any fruit and berry. Therefore, almost all of them will be used to make a fermentation agent. First of all it is:

  • strawberry;
  • white currant;
  • gooseberry;
  • raspberries;
  • rose hip;
  • plum;
  • apples.

The order of creation is similar to the process described above, where grapes are used. Raw materials are recommended to be harvested in the morning or in the evening in calm, dry weather. It is desirable that before this day or two there was no precipitation.

Dose of yeast sourdough that will be required to create wine

It depends on what kind of drink you want to get. For the production of dry wine, it is necessary to introduce 200 grams of fermentation product per 10 liters of must. If your goal is dessert wine, the amount of sourdough should be increased by one and a half times.

We hope, having learned the provisions of this article, the reader will not have difficulties in how to make yeast at home. And as a result, you will get a wonderful aromatic drink. Important nuance: never use distilled yeast to make wine. They have a completely different purpose - to create a strong drink. Such yeast will serve you well if you decide to kick out moonshine based on grape pomace, which many winemakers throw in the trash can. Especially for lovers of chacha, here are a few more recipes. As a rule, these are simple processes. And getting the right ingredients is not difficult.

Do-it-yourself alcohol yeast

  • Place two hundred grams of hop cones in a saucepan, add three liters of water and boil for three hours, stirring occasionally. Cool to a temperature of 40 degrees and strain. Pour two glasses into the broth rye malt and flour and half a glass of baker's yeast. Stir the mixture carefully and put for a day in a warm place. Distribute the resulting yeast mass into jars and close tightly.
  • Dilute a glass of flour in a glass of warm water and put in a warm place. After six hours, pour a tablespoon of sugar into the mess and pour in 250 grams of beer (preferably dark). Mix thoroughly. Yeast is ready.
  • Grind half a kilo of rye bread with your hands. Pour it with two glasses of heated water, add a handful of raisins and three tablespoons of sugar. Place the mixture in a warm place to ferment. After a day, strain the liquid, and squeeze the bread. Pour flour into the resulting infusion in such an amount that the mixture resembles sour cream in consistency. After two to three hours, the product is ready for use.

Good luck in your work in the field of winemaking! And remember what the Ministry of Health said about the immoderate use of alcoholic beverages.

Attention, only TODAY!

Wine is rightfully one of the oldest and most popular alcoholic beverages today. The main key point in its preparation is the fermentation process. It is impossible to imagine it without the use of real wine yeast. The appearance and taste of the finished alcohol will directly depend on their quality.

In order for the fermentation to proceed correctly, the finished wine had beautiful colour, good aroma and excellent taste, yeast must be properly selected and used.

All existing wines today are divided into dry, sweet, semi-sweet, sparkling, fortified and low-alcohol. Depending on color and appearance they can be red, white or pink. For each type of wine, it is necessary to choose the right type of yeast. It is their right choice that is the main rule and at the same time the key to successful production of high-quality wine.

To activate the fermentation process, wine yeast must initially be mixed with a berry or fruit mass, which is the production raw material. The fermentation process will last exactly as long as the fungi do not completely process all the sugar. Its completion will be indicated by sediment at the bottom of the container and the absence of strong gas formation.

The following rules must also be observed:

  1. The optimum fermentation temperature is from 15 to 20 degrees.
  2. Liquids must not be exposed to direct Sun rays, as they adversely affect yeast microorganisms.
  3. The correct dosage of this component must be observed. Consumption per 10 liters is: dry yeast 200 g, yeast sourdough 300 g.

Attention! It is also allowed to use the grounds remaining at the bottom of the container after the preparation of the starter culture as a substitute for yeast. But only when the leaven has already fermented. In this case, the consumption will be 100 g of thick per 10 liters of liquid.

For making wine at home, only wine yeast is allowed. Bakery and alcohol varieties of the product are not suitable. They will not allow you to get really high-quality wine and are only suitable for making mash.

In this video, you can visually evaluate the work of wine yeast:

How to do it yourself at home?

If it is impossible to purchase special wine yeast, then you can cook them at home on your own. Various types of berries and fruits can be used to obtain yeast sourdough. The most commonly used berries with tender pulp and thin skin, such as raspberries, currants, grapes, strawberries. Their use allows you to get not only homemade yeast of excellent quality, but also to give the finished drink an unusual, thin and delicate natural flavor.

All types of fruits and berries cannot be washed before use. It is on their surface that the necessary microorganisms are located, which will make it possible to turn the berries into natural wine yeast. Especially valuable are those that have a thin whitish coating on their surface. It is he who is evidence of the presence of the necessary yeast microorganisms on the surface of the berries.

from raisins

Raisins are the most popular raw material in the preparation of homemade wine sourdough, they cannot be washed before use, as well as fresh berries. It is in unwashed raisins that the highest concentration of the necessary microorganisms is.

It is prepared very easily and quickly in two ways:

  • It is necessary to mix 100 g of granulated sugar and 100 ml and heat the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved over low heat. Add another 100 ml of water at room temperature to the syrup. Pour two handfuls of unwashed raisins into the resulting mixture and mix everything. Then the dishes are covered with gauze and removed for fermentation for 7 days. After this time, the sourdough is filtered through gauze and used for its intended purpose. The optimum temperature for the fermentation of sourdough is 20-24 degrees above zero.
  • It is necessary to grind two handfuls of raisins with a meat grinder or pusher to a porridge-like consistency. Place the resulting mass in a bottle, add half a glass of sugar, 1 glass of water to it. Close the neck of the container with a cotton ball or a piece of gauze and leave in a warm place for 3 days. For 4 days, strain the mixture and use to make wine.

Reference! Homemade wine yeast is always used in liquid or puree form. Products of industrial production are sold in the form of dry powders.

For long-term storage, such wine sourdough from raisins is unsuitable. It must be used within the first day of preparation. After this time, the concentration and viability of the necessary yeast bacteria is significantly reduced.

Video for a visual understanding of the whole process:

Using a similar technology, you can cook homemade yeast from any berries.

Factory and wild yeast

You can buy really high-quality factory-made wine yeast only in specialized stores. They have a wide range of products on their shelves. various kinds yeast from different manufacturers. It is quite difficult for a novice winemaker to deal with such a wide offer. Therefore, you need to know that all these products are divided into three large groups:

  1. Torulopsis stellata- These are microorganisms with an oblong shape. They are used only for the preparation of expensive wine products with mold. They are not suitable for making wines of any other kind.
  2. Saccharomyces chevalieri, have the shape of an ellipse and are most commonly used in home winemaking. Suitable for both red and white wines.
  3. Saccharomyces oviformis- These microorganisms are egg-shaped and have increased resistance to alcohol. They are ideal for making homemade wines. increased fortress and port.

These are the main varieties of industrial wine yeast. Depending on the manufacturer, other types may be presented in the line. Usually, the KV mark has products that not only allow you to make delicious white, rose wine or champagne, but also give it a more pronounced natural grape aroma and color.

The EC mark on the yeast indicates that it can be used to make red and rosé wines with a tart aroma and refreshing taste.

When choosing and purchasing factory wine yeast, it is very important to carefully study the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Failure to follow these tips, overdosing, or using the wrong type of wine microorganism will simply result in money and products being transferred for nothing.

The most popular factory products of this species are Lalvin EC-1118 and Lalvin KV-1118 yeasts. They are of high quality. It is the use of such yeast that allows you to get really tasty and natural wine with beautiful color and aroma at home. The indisputable advantage of such factory products is its ability to restore the fermentation process if it has been disturbed.


Making wine at home is actually not that difficult. Properly observing technological process and using only high-quality and fresh raw materials, even a novice winemaker can achieve great success. But the main key to success lies in the choice of the right and natural wine yeast.

Ready-made wine yeast is good because it does not require special preparation and saves a lot of time. But special wine strains are not always at hand, while ordinary baking powders are not suitable for making fruit drinks.

In this case, recipes for creating homemade yeast will be useful, especially since it is not difficult to follow them. For 10 liters of wine must, about 200-300 g of sourdough will be required.

    Raisins or freshly picked grapes are best as a base, but other fruits can be taken.

    Wine berries are replaced with currants, raspberries, figs, strawberries, gooseberries, honeysuckle, wild roses, plums.

    Raw materials are not washed so as not to lose the fungi that are on the skin. For the same reason, fruits are not harvested immediately after rain.

    The fermentation vessel should be with a margin so that the liquid occupies no more than 2/3 of the volume. It should be washed well and sterilized for 5 minutes.

    You need to store ready-made yeast in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Raisin yeast recipe

The quality of the berries is of great importance. You should choose hard, large, well-dried fruits of a bluish-violet matte color, best of all - with ponytails. It is not necessary to clean before use, you should only remove spoiled berries.


    Raisins - 100 g

    Sugar - ½ cup

    Water - 2 glasses

Cooking method

    Boil 1 cup of water and dissolve sugar in it.

    In the resulting syrup, gradually pour the second half of the water.

    Transfer the liquid to a glass bowl with a wide neck, add raisins.

    Seal the container with a lid and rearrange in heat or on a light windowsill.

    Observe the fermentation for 1 week, stirring the mixture occasionally.

    On the 7-8th day, drain the liquid and use as a starter.

Yeast grape recipe

Berries should be chosen well ripened, before use they should be thoroughly kneaded. Small-fruited grapes are better suited.


    Sugar - 80 g

    Grape mass - 2 cups

    Water - 1 glass

Cooking method

    Put sugar and berry mass in a container, pour in water.

    Mix the ingredients and seal the bottle with a cotton ball.

    Leave the mixture to ferment in heat for 4 days.

    Drain the juice through a sieve and use as a starter.

"Wild" yeast from berry raw materials

Ripe strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries or light currants are taken as the basis for this recipe. Before cooking, it is recommended to let the berries stand for several hours to slightly acidify.


    Water - 1 glass

    Sugar - 1 cup

    Berry - 3 cups

Cooking method

    Pour water into the prepared container, add sugar to it.

    Lightly crush the berries, put the mass in sweet water, mix well.

    Cover the vessel with a tissue flap, leave at room conditions.

    Let ferment for 3-4 days, stirring occasionally.

    Drain the berry infusion through a strainer, use to make wine.

Yeast from fermenting wort

This method is used when there is a wine that is in the process of fermentation, and you want to keep the strain of yeast used. The material is best taken at the stage of active fermentation processes from the upper layers of the drink. The cake obtained after filtration can be reused by diluting it with a water-sugar mixture in the same proportions. In an airtight container in the refrigerator, such a starter is stored longer than the rest - up to 3 weeks.


    Fermenting wort - 40–50 ml

    Sugar - 1-2 tbsp. l

    Water - 0.4 l

Cooking method

    Pour the wort into a small jar, add sugar and water to it, mix.

    Cover the container with a gauze flap, transfer to a dark place at room temperature.

    Keep the liquid for 3-4 days, pass through a fabric filter, use to create wine.

Sourdough starter

Yeast is also present in the wine sediment and can be added to the raw materials for the preparation of alcohol. The product is good because it is stored for a long time (up to 2 years), and can be used to create different wines at any time. Keep it in a dry, dark place. Dried fruits (dates, dried apricots, prunes) are used to activate the starter if desired, you can do without them. They are pre-soaked in boiling water.


    Wine sediment - any amount

    Water (26-30°C) - 300 ml

    Sugar - 2 tsp

    Dried fruits large - 2 pcs.

Cooking method

    Remove as much liquid from the wine sediment as possible.

    Smear the solid wet mass in a thin layer on a plate, dry on a warm stove or in the sun, without heating above 35 ° C.

    Scrape the dried powder from the surface, pour into a bag.

    To activate yeast 1/3 tsp. dried precipitate to dissolve in a jar of warm water, sweeten with sugar, throw steamed dried fruits.

    Put a water seal on the container, hold it for a couple of days in the dark and warm.

    After the appearance of foam, use the resulting yeast in winemaking.

Error or something to add?

wine yeast- microscopic yeast cells that, multiplying, process sugar into alcohol. Sugar, therefore, is the food for these cells, while alcohol is a by-product of their vital activity.

After destruction, the grapes are transferred, without rape, to the press. This process is what squeezes the grapes to get the maximum juice or grapes. The presses we have are manual, and we struggled to understand the rumble system that wears, but in the end we got it.

The scientific name of wine yeast sounds like Saccharomyces ellipsoideus or Saccharomyces cerevisiae, they are conditionally divided into several races. Some of their representatives react differently to substances that are present in the wort. There are, for example, yeast cultures that die even at a low alcohol content - only 5%.

During the juice extraction process, skin yeast is mixed with the juice. The same thing happens with grapes. When the grapes are stepped on or pressed to extract the juice, the yeast that enters their skin is introduced into the juice and ferments it into wine. A similar process could be done with almost every juicy fruit. In fact, wines are made with a wide variety of fruits. This yeast that comes into the skin of the fruit is similar to the yeast in beer and therefore the commercial yeast we use to make bread.

An interesting feature is that these yeasts feed on a variety of sugars, including maltose. Maltose does not bear fruit. It is produced in the mass of flour and water by the action of certain enzymes which, acting as catalysts, unfold large starch molecules into smaller molecules which form maltose, a highly desirable sugar for this fruity yeast, Maltos is nothing but malt extract. which we can buy in trade. It is also the basis for beer fermentation.

Wild yeasts are found on the surface of berries and fruits. Each wine region has its own types of yeast. When harvesting grapes, along with the berry, a certain number of microorganisms also enter, which give each individual drink an exceptional taste and aroma. As a result of unfavorable weather conditions, for example, in rainy years, an insufficient number of microorganisms is formed on the surface of the berries. Spraying the grapes with chemicals also helps reduce yeast. Yeast spores are carried from one vineyard to another by means of insects as well as the wind. In the case of a poor "harvest" of wild yeast, they are specially bred in the laboratory.

The acidophilus bacillus, which is responsible for mass production of lactic acid, feeds on maltose but does not take in the other sugars present. If the dough is rich in maltose, then the acidophilus bacillus will be the widest, producing a large amount of lactic acid. Lactic acid is responsible for the sour taste of sourdough bread. The acetic acid produced by the other stick also contributes to the sour taste of the bread. Therefore, if we populate fruit yeast in the dough, it will strongly compete with the acidic chopstick, limiting its acidic action and drastically reducing the acidity of the bread.

Useful properties of wine yeast

The beneficial properties of wine yeast are due to their beneficial effects on the human body. They contain a large amount of vitamins A, C, as well as other biologically active substances.

This fact has been highly valued since antiquity. The use of fruit in making natural yeast is as old as the world. The raisins are then drained and the water is used to make a "sponge", adding only the flour, which is aged overnight for fermentation.

This sponge is then used as a test. Soaked raisins can be used for something else. Apparently the idea is to "extract" the yeast from the fruit and discard the fruit itself. In my personal experience I have had a very good result by squeezing the apple with its skin without separating the pulp so that the apple used is not lost but becomes part of the bread. Thus, yeast skin does not need other sugars to ferment, but it works on the juice of the same apple that it was naturally made for.

How to use to ferment wine?

It is not difficult to use wine yeast to make wine. Fermentation of wine occurs due to the vital activity of individual yeasts. They are added directly to the grape mass. At a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, yeast cells begin to multiply. The wine ferments until the micro-organisms have used up all the sugar. After the yeast has processed the sugar, it will die and settle to the bottom, forming a yeast suspension.

Of course, you could let the liquefied apple ferment go without adding flour until it's bubbly and active, then strain the juice and discard the pulp. Is it inappropriate to leave the pulp in the bread dough? The proposed method for preparing yeast from raisins.

Mix ¼ cup seedless raisins into a cup of water. If you don't have a blender, you can cut the raisins into small pieces. The reason for liquefying or grinding raisins is the use of juice dissolved in yeast water. Juice is an excellent food for yeast.

Pour the smoothie or crushed raisins into an opaque container. Put in a cool and dark place for four days. After four days, you will see that the mixture has begun to bubble. Why Refresh?: After drinking water, wild skin yeast wakes up and ferments. These are different yeasts, and not all of them are good for bread. Refreshing increases the alcohol level of the yeast and eliminates yeasts that are less resistant to alcohol and leaves room for others that are good for bread.

Alcohol, which is a waste product of yeast cells, can be dangerous for them at a certain concentration.

Fermentation depends on many factors. So, at low temperatures, the yeast becomes lethargic and ferments slowly, and at high temperatures, on the contrary, the process occurs very quickly. Yeast secrete esters, which give the wine a characteristic aftertaste and aroma. In order for fermentation to be as efficient as possible, it is important to adhere to a certain temperature in the room (at least +15 degrees Celsius).

How to do at home?

Wine yeast can be bought at a wine store, or you can make your own at home according to a specific recipe. To do this, it is enough to take care of the preparation of the so-called wine sourdough. About 10 days before the start of making wine, berries are harvested, for example, raspberries can be used. Berries cannot be washed, be sure to choose ripe, but not rotten.

Mashed berries are thoroughly mixed with sugar and diluted with water, then they are left to ferment. After the juice has fermented for several days, it can be used. This leaven is a perishable product, so it should be used within 10 days.

Also at home, you can make your own wine yeast based on figs or raisins. You can not use low-quality raisins, as the dried fruit will simply become moldy. A handful is dipped into sugar syrup. The container is closed, and then the leaven is left for 4 days. After the dried fruits begin to ferment, the mixture is filtered, and the juice is separated and used as a starter for wine, pastries, etc.

Benefits of wine yeast and treatment

The benefits of wine yeast are due to their composition. This is a special bacterial culture, which is based on proteins (about 60%). Vitamins A, B, E and other biologically active substances were also found in these microorganisms.

When using products that were obtained by fermentation with wine yeast, there is improvement of digestive processes.

Harm of wine yeast and contraindications

The harm of wine yeast has not been proven, they are considered an absolutely safe product when used correctly. They can be contraindicated only in case of individual allergic reactions.

For the preparation of wine and the right fruit mash, ordinary baker's yeast is not suitable. Special strains are required, called wine strains, which not only process sugar into alcohol, but also retain the unique aroma and taste of raw materials. Wine yeast can be bought at the store or made by hand (activate the right microorganisms by creating the right conditions) from grapes or other fresh berries, raisins, fermenting must and sediment. We will consider all options.

Theory. Wine yeast are microscopic cells of the yeast fungus Saccharomyces ellipsoideus or Saccharomyces cerevisiae that live on the surface of berries and fruits. The fungus is easily seen by the characteristic white bloom on the skin of the fruit.

Light white coating on berries - not activated wine yeast

All wine yeast is divided into several races (species) with different properties that affect the color, aroma, taste, strength and other characteristics of the wine. For example, there are yeasts that can increase the alcohol content in wine by natural fermentation to 16-18% (first discovered in vineyards in Spain), while other types will not give a fortress more than 12-14%.

The problem is that it is impossible to isolate and cultivate (propagate without crossing with similar fungi) a separate race of yeast at home, since special equipment and experienced specialists are required to recognize individual strains and correctly isolate cells without damaging them.

Store-bought wine yeast, created by microbiologists in the laboratory from one race of fungi, is called “cultivated”, and homemade, taken from the surface of berries or fruits, is called “wild”. In most cases, wild yeasts are made up of several strains that are collectively activated in the first hours of fermentation, but in the end, the strongest race wins and overwhelms the rest.

Normal fermentation requires 2-3% activated wine yeast (liquid) of the total must.

Homemade Wine Yeast Recipes

1. From the skin of berries (fruits). Wild yeast lives on the surface of almost all berries and fruits, but you are most likely to find a quality strain that will give the desired strength and not impair the organoleptic properties of the wine when using grapes or raisins. Raspberries, strawberries, currants, apples and plums are also suitable.

It is better to collect berries for yeast isolation in the morning or in the evening in dry, calm weather, before that there should be no rain for at least a day. Only fruits without rot, blackening and mold are suitable (very important). In the case of raisins, I advise you to buy several varieties at once in different stores, since in our time most raisins are treated with pesticides for long-term storage, while yeast fungi die.

In addition to the raw materials, you will also need clean (without chlorine) bottled water, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and a liter jar.


  1. Pour 100 grams of unwashed berries (or raisins) into a pre-sterilized liter jar. Mash fresh berries.
  2. Pour in 600 ml of water at a temperature of 20-35°C.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar (no more). Mix.
  4. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze. Transfer the future starter to a dark place (cover) with room temperature. Leave for 3-4 days to activate the yeast.
  5. When foam appears on the surface, hissing and a slight sour smell, the starter is ready for use. Shelf life - up to 10 days. To prevent souring, it is better to install a water seal or a medical glove with a hole in the finger on the jar. When introducing the starter into the must with pulp, filtration is not required; before adding it to pure juice, it is better to filter through gauze, pouring only the liquid part.
Foam and a pleasant smell of fermentation are the main signs of a successfully cooked sourdough.

If the starter does not ferment or becomes moldy, then the berries are processed or infected with something, you will have to start all over again using other raw materials.

2. From fermenting must. This method is used when fermenting wine is available, especially if cultured wine yeasts have been used and the rasa is to be preserved.

Active fermentation - the perfect moment to take the material


  1. Type in a half-liter jar 30-50 ml of the top layer of fermenting wine.
  2. Add 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and 350 ml of pure water without chlorine.
  3. Mix until smooth. Cover with gauze, leave for 3-4 days in a dark room at room temperature.
  4. After filtering through cheesecloth, the activated homemade wine yeast is ready to be added to the must. Shelf life in a sealed container in the refrigerator is 2-3 weeks.

The remaining cake can be refilled with syrup (water and sugar in the same proportions) and a new batch of yeast can be brought out.

3. From the sediment. Wine sediment also contains the necessary fungi, thanks to this, dry wine yeast can be made, the main advantage of which is long-term storage.

There is also enough yeast in the sediment


  1. Remove the maximum liquid from the wine sediment, spread the sediment itself (about 50 grams) in a thin layer on a plate or bowl.
  2. Dry in the sun or on the stove, but do not heat above 35°C, otherwise the yeast will die from the heat.
  3. You will get a dried mass, which should be scraped off the surface of the plate (bowl).
  4. Fold the finished powder into a plastic or paper bag. Store in a dark, dry place up to 2 years.
  5. To activate dry wine yeast, it is enough to pour the powder (one third of a teaspoon) into a jar with 300 ml of warm water (25-30°C) and 2 teaspoons of sugar. To increase the nutritional value of the medium, it is also desirable to add 2 dried fruits steamed in boiling water (dates, prunes or dried apricots). Install a water seal on the jar.
  6. Remove for a couple of days in a dark, warm place. When foam appears, homemade wine yeast is ready to be added to the must.

Dry yeast successfully activated

It is known that delicious wine will be obtained only from high-quality ingredients, this applies to both the products from which it will be laid, and yeast. Ordinary bread yeast is in no way suitable for winemaking, only wine yeast is needed, ideally grown at the factory, but it can also be obtained at home. Of course, they will not go for sale for the production of wine, but they will be quite suitable for making homemade wine.

Home-made sourdough will not make wine stronger than 15–16 degrees, wild yeast dies at such a strength. If we turn to botany, then from school, many remember that wild wine yeast is present on the berries, which live safely on the skin of the berries until they ripen, and then accelerate the process of decay to release seeds and turn fiber into fertilizer. The yeast stick lives on berries such as raspberries, white and red currants, and strawberries. But most of all sticks are on raspberries, there are so many of them that the rapid process begins in a few hours.

We make sourdough, a summer version.

We get wine yeast from raspberries with our own hands

In the summer there are a lot of berries, and if you don’t have your own garden, then you can buy them quite inexpensively in the market or from grandmothers. Berries for sourdough will require quite a bit, two tablespoons is enough to get 10 liters of wine. To do this, take unwashed berries, add a tablespoon of sugar to them, crush the berries, stir until the sugar is almost completely dissolved, and put in a very warm place for 2-3 hours, covering the container with a lid.

When the process has begun (this can be recognized by smell), we put a glove on the glass, fix it with an elastic band and keep it at room temperature for 3–4 days. After some time, the process will stop, wipe the resulting mass through a sieve and send it to the refrigerator.

You need to store the sourdough for no more than 10 days, otherwise it becomes unusable and vinegar will turn out from such a sourdough. Later, instead of it, you can use the sediment from the bottom of the container in which the wine was prepared.

Sourdough in winter

If you need to make sourdough in the season when there are no more fresh berries, then you can take raisins for this purpose. It must be chosen especially carefully, raisins of light varieties are not suitable, and when the skin is glossy on it, this means that the berries were washed or processed to give it a marketable appearance. Best suited bluish-violet with a matte surface and ponytails.

Raisins are a great source of wine yeast in winter

For sourdough you will need 2 handfuls of raisins, half a cup of sugar and 2 cups of water. We take clean water, heat one glass to boiling water and dissolve sugar in it, pour the second glass into this syrup. We take a sterilized jar, fill it with berries and pour it with syrup, and the raisins do not need to be washed and cleaned from the tails, and we close it with gauze folded about a centimeter thick and fix it with an elastic band. We put the jar in a warm, bright place and mix it periodically during the day and after 2 days active fermentation will begin. After 4-5 days the process will stop, and on the sixth, strain the resulting mixture and the sourdough is ready.
