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Malt is a product that is used in more V Food Industry, in particular, these are bread products and some types of alcoholic beverages.

To obtain these products, fermented malt is used, which has its own characteristic qualities and properties.

What is fermentation and the resulting red malt

Fermented malt, also known as simmered and red malt, is sprouted rye grain, which is subjected to fermentation, drying and grinding during processing.

The process of turning malt into red malt means exposure of grain that has already germinated to high temperatures. During this process, melanoids begin to be released from the grain, due to which the feedstock acquires a brown-red hue, a special taste and a more intense smell. The main function of the fermentation process is precisely to ensure that the malt has the appropriate color, smell and taste.

How is the fermentation process

Fermentation is not a difficult process if you follow all of it technical nuances. So, for example, 24 hours before fermentation, grains cannot be moistened.

The prepared raw materials must be folded into a pyramid with a side height of seventy to ninety centimeters, for another 48 hours the malt does not need to be touched, since chemical and physical processes take place in it, which are fermentation. During fermentation, the resulting pyramid divided into 4 layers:

  1. The top layer is 15 cm, heating the temperature to 50 degrees, mold will appear on this layer, this is normal.
  2. The decisive layer - has a thickness of up to 25 cm, this is the main raw material in which the largest amount of useful substances is concentrated.
  3. The intermediate layer is 35 cm thick and is only partially fermented.
  4. The bottom layer is 15 cm thick.

After 52 hours after the described process, the top layer must be loosened, and after 72 hours the upper and lower layers of the pyramid should be swapped, and only after that, after waiting another day, you can start drying the raw materials.

Drying of raw materials is to pass hot air through the grains. The layer of grain during drying should not be higher than 13 cm. After the start of drying, the grain must be mixed after 6 hours, and then do it every two hours. It is important that during drying the temperature rises gradually and does not exceed 70 degrees Celsius.

Refrigerate raw materials after drying for at least 24 hours. After the grains are dried, they need to be sifted, sprouts removed and ground. The finished brown product can only be stored at low temperatures, for example, in a freezer in an airtight container. Direct ultraviolet rays, exposure to oxygen, heat and humidity spoil the raw materials.

Composition and benefits of fermented malt

The described raw materials are very rich in various microelements, vitamins and acids. All of them needed human body for normal life.

Due to its composition, malt helps to build muscle mass body, normalizes the metabolism of proteins in the body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the removal of toxins and the resorption of cholesterol plaques.

Due to such a rich spectrum of action on the body, fermented malt recommend taking persons with impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (but not if the disease is in an acute stage), in the presence of stones in gallbladder, anemia, diabetes mellitus and disorders of the nervous system.

Scope of application of raw materials

Without red malt, the functioning of such an industry as bread production. It is due to red malt that you can get some types of bread (Borodinsky, tea).

Also, wheat malt is diluted with red malt in order to improve its taste and useful properties.

Without fermented malt, it is impossible to make kvass, sbitnya and dark beer. But, these are not all areas of application of the described raw materials.

Additionally, red malt can be used as food supplement when preparing some meat products, salads and sauces. This use of raw materials is due to its beneficial properties for the body.

Contraindications to the use of red malt

Despite all its benefits, there are a number of contraindications to the use of brown malt in any form. These contraindications include:

  • Chronic pancreatitis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Acute stage of gastritis;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Fermented malt is important product, without which it is impossible to cook some other products, but it is very important to use and use it correctly, otherwise its beneficial properties will not be for the future.

Unfermented rye malt produced exclusively from selected rye. The most valuable thing in unfermented (white) malt is its. Unlike fermented rye malt (red malt), white malt is dried immediately after germination. To ensure that the level of enzyme activity does not decrease, it is dried under reduced pressure and temperature. After drying and grinding, the malt has elevated level enzyme activity and light color. That is why it is used for starch saccharification by distillers and brewers.

Rye malt is the main ingredient for making the traditional Russian drink Polugara (this drink is also known as "bread wine"). Rye malt mash has a strong and pleasant aroma of rye bread. Distillate from such mash will not leave anyone indifferent!

Polugar recipe. Ingredients:

  • - Rye malt unfermented 4 kg (ground)
  • - Water 20 liters
  • - Dry yeast 100 gr

1. Mashing - the process when starch breaks down into sugars. Heat water to 60 degrees and add malt. In the process of falling asleep malt, it is necessary to constantly stir the mash in order to prevent the formation of lumps. Bring the temperature to 65 degrees and maintain it for an hour and a half, then mix thoroughly.

2. Fermentation. In order to start the fermentation process, we need to cool the mash we prepared to 28 degrees and add yeast. Usually the fermentation process takes place within 4-5 days.

3. Distillation. During the first distillation, you can drive out the "raw alcohol" without dividing it into fractions up to a drink strength in the stream of 30 percent. For re-distillation, dilute the resulting "raw alcohol" 1: 1 with water and re-distill, dividing into fractions. After the fortress in the jet drops to 40, we stop the process of selecting the “body”.

4. Cleaning Dilute the resulting polugar to 40 degrees, and apply one of the methods for cleaning drinks, for example, clean with BAU-A charcoal.

It so happened historically that the traditional classic Polugar has a fortress of 38.5. So before bottling, we advise you to dilute your product to the required strength!

Good feast!

Malt is a raw material for the preparation of a rather narrow range of products. Their bulk is made up of bakery products and alcoholic beverages - beer and. It is created from grains of wheat, rye, less often oats, barley by germinating and drying seeds.

Dry for further use directly in the industry, or to create a malt extract. It can vary greatly in color, texture, chemical composition, taste and smell.

1 Production of fermented and non-fermented malt

Special technology of drying and fermentation is the only difference in production. Manufacturing has several stages:






    Ensuring safety.

It is necessary to store grain in a cool room (plus or minus 10º). It can also be used as a room for soaking, sprouting, languishing.

Soaking takes place in a lacquered dish with high-quality drinking water with a temperature of 8-10 *, access of oxygen to seeds is obligatory. Water is changed every 10 hours; during the replacement of 2-3 hours, the grain should be in the open air.

The soaking time depends on the temperature of the water. To obtain fermented rye malt, water 5-12 * is suitable, and the soaking time is 22-12 hours, respectively. At home, rye is germinated at room temperature (22-24 *) for no more than 6 hours.

When grain germinates, the amount of amino acids, dextrins, and sugar increases. It lasts for rye from 4 to 6 days, if the sprouts are approximately equal in length to the grain, then germination is completed. Perfect option- beds.

The grains are laid out on a clean floor made of waterproof material in low fenced beds (15-20 cm). Every 24 hours, the seeds need to be sprinkled with moisture and mixed. The temperature inside the beds should be about 18 * at an ambient temperature of 12 *, good ventilation of the room is very important.

1.1 Red malt fermentation and finishing steps.

On the last day of germination, the rye is not moistened before fermentation. The languishing process is necessary for the accumulation of substances in the grain and is used exclusively for red malt. The grain is dumped into pyramidal heaps with a side height of 70-90 centimeters. Immediately after germination and before drying, the malt is called green - this is exactly what is needed for languishing.

Two days do not touch the grain. Physico-chemical processes take place in it, which are called fermentation. At this time, heaps ("cargo") are divided into 4 characteristic layers:

    Upper. Approximate thickness 15 cm; it will probably be covered in mold. The temperature should be around 50 *;

    Decisive. The main layer, 25 cm, with a bread smell and a characteristic red-brown color. It contains all the necessary substances;

    Intermediate, 35 cm, partially fermented;

    Lower, 15 cm.

The malt must breathe - 52 hours after the dumping of the "cargo", the top layer is mixed, loosened. A very important part is after 72 hours. For this, the upper and lower layers are interchanged with the second. After 24 hours the product is ready for drying.

Drying of red malt is carried out by circulation of hot air through germinated grains. The layer of dried grain should not exceed 13 cm. Mixing is carried out 6 hours after loading and then, every 2 hours, until drying. The temperature should rise gradually to 70 *, not higher. The final humidity is around 8%.

Cooling after drying lasts at least a day. After the grains are sieved, the sprouts are removed and ground with traditional millstones. The finished product is stored at low temperatures, in a freezer, in a sealed dark container. The sun, oxygen, humidity and heat are detrimental to malt. If you sift red through a sieve, the residue does not exceed 10%.

1.2 Kinds and types of malt (video)

2 Varieties of malt

There are 9 types in total:

  1. Wheat;

  2. Stewed;




    Short growth;

Rye is used in the manufacture of kvass wort and bread. Recently, it has been exploited for beer due to the shortage of barley, especially in the northern regions. Wheat is less expensive to produce and has a wider range of uses.

Dark is used for beer, it's different chemical composition and activity of melanoidin enzymes. Stewed is made like dark, only when heated, the grains are not allowed to "breathe", they are covered with a film. Melanoidin malt contains the maximum amount of enzymes that are antioxidants, oxidizers, foaming agents.

For caramel, high-protein barley and wheat are germinated. The grains are strongly moistened and heated, while the substances inside the seeds contribute to caramelization and enhance the taste and aroma. Usually barley and wheat malt is roasted to avoid bitter taste, this method is suitable for dark strong beer.

The difference between short-grown malt is a short germination period, 2-4 days. Rh contains an increased amount of soluble protein. increase the overall flavor and chemical stability of the beer. When choosing a grain and cooking method for each specific purpose, the Kolbach scale is taken into account. This is the ratio of the amount of soluble protein in the grain to the total amount of protein, expressed as a percentage of solubility.

2.1 What are red and white malts?

Red is called rye, which has undergone a special languishing process called fermentation. Its main function is to impart color, taste and smell to the final product. Externally fermented rye malt is dark, full-bodied, with a pronounced aroma and flavor.

White - unfermented malt, most often germinated from barley seeds, accelerates the process of fermentation and fermentation of products. It is chemically more active than red. It is used for light kvass, bread, so that the final product can be stored longer.

2.2 How is red malt used?

An important industry that needs red malt is baking: rye, Borodino, amateur, custard, Karelian-Finnish, tea. Red is added to wheat of the second grade in order to improve taste and physical properties. For the same reason, it is indispensable in cooking. dark beer, kvass, sbitnya.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Even before our era, ancient people knew such a product as malt. They grew grains, achieved their germination and made the basis for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. With the help of malt, you can make kvass, beer, and even deliciously brew single-malt or three-malt whiskey at home. Learn how to make useful product with help step by step instructions with photo.

What is malt made from?

According to culinary technology, malt is a fermentation product of rye, wheat or barley grains. You can also use oats. Malt is obtained by germinating, drying, grinding and boiling grain. Malt decoction is called wort and is used to make beer, kvass, bread and some strong alcoholic drinks. Due to the fermentation processes of the grains, the substance diastase is formed in them, which breaks down complex carbohydrates into simple sugars. They interact with yeast and turn into alcohol.

Types of malt

According to the type of raw material used for the manufacture of the product, rye, wheat and barley malt are distinguished. The latter is used for brewing and making alcoholic beverages. Wheat and rye malt are used in confectionery and bakery. According to the number of active components that got into the wort during boiling, extractive and low-extractive types are distinguished. The first is valued more because it improves fermentation processes and allows you to get more quality products. For example, malt for beer must have a high extract, otherwise fermentation will not start.

According to the method of manufacture, fermented and non-fermented types are distinguished. The second one is simpler in technology, it is obtained by simple germination without heat treatment. Fermentation is a complex process consisting of languishing raw materials during high temperature. Due to this, the grain turns red, gets a unique aroma. Dark beer is made on the basis of the fermented product. Bread with sourdough from such malt smells good, has a bright color.


Malt has a number of useful properties. It has a high nutritional value, rich in vitamins, enzymes, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, manganese, vitamin E and magnesium. The product is high-protein, contains a set of essential amino acids. Barley malt treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, is rich in insoluble fiber, which removes toxins from the body. Vitamins B and A help heal wounds and prevent the formation of gallstones.

Rye and oat types of malt are natural immunomodulators. They successfully cope with signs of anemia, nervous and physical exhaustion, have general strengthening and restorative properties. These products should be taken in the postoperative period, with diabetes. Contraindications for the use of malt food are acute pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

How to make malt

The stages of manufacturing the product take a long time and require careful adherence to the instructions. How to prepare malt at home or in a beer production, learn from the example with a photo:

  1. After sizing, the grains are sifted through a sieve. This results in uniform germination. Disinfect the grain by soaking it for a couple of hours in water with a solution of potassium permanganate or using alcohol.
  2. Raw materials are washed several times hot water temperature 50-55 degrees, poured into a container with warm water. It must be changed every 7-8 hours, throwing out garbage and grains that have floated to the surface. This is how saccharification takes place.
  3. As soon as the shell becomes easy to separate, and sprouts begin to hatch, you need to lay the raw materials for storage.
  4. The grains are lined in a dark room with a three-centimeter layer, covered with a damp cloth. The room must be maintained at a temperature of 17-18 degrees and a humidity of 40%. Every 6-7 hours, the raw material is mixed, ventilated, and the fabric is moistened. Overheating of the grain must not be allowed, otherwise the malt will be rotten and sour.
  5. When the sprouts become equal in length to the grain, and the smell of cucumber is felt when biting, the germination process is stopped. Raw materials are lined with a thin layer in a warm, dry place and are waiting for a light caramel withering.
  6. For drying, an oven or oven with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees is used. Humidity of raw materials should not exceed 3.5%. The grain will become dry, sweetish, will easily crumble when rubbed in the palms. You need to remove the sprouts.
  7. Then the malt is crushed, sieved, stored in a dry, dark room.
  8. Separately, sour malt is isolated, which does not go through the fermentation process. To obtain it, light dry wort is soaked in warm water until lactic acid bacteria are formed, then it is dried and boiled.

Malt Recipes

To bake delicious bread or make a quality alcoholic drink, you need to follow the instructions with the photo. Helpful Tips for the production of malt:

  • use a coffee grinder or meat grinder to grind grains;
  • disinfection can be carried out with vinegar or vodka;
  • germinating cereals is also allowed in the refrigerator;
  • if part of the raw material is sour, discard it, and continue processing the rest;
  • buy high-quality grains;
  • to make the beer golden, mix different types malt.

  • Time: a week.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 85 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for the basis of bread.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

To make delicious malt for baking bread, you need to take only high-quality rye or wheat and responsibly approach the germination and fermentation of the grain. The cost of the resulting product will be lower than the market one, but it will take a lot of time to manufacture. The following instructions with a photo will show you how to make malt for bread.


  • wheat - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the grains, leave for 12 hours in water, pour onto a baking sheet covered with a wet cloth. Top with a towel, leave for a day.
  2. Sprout grains at room temperature until sprouts appear, rinse from the resulting mucus.
  3. Dry in the oven at 60 degrees for three hours. Leave in the sun for a day, then put in the oven for another two hours.
  4. Grind raw materials with a coffee grinder, store in a jar under a lid.

For beer

  • Time: a week.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 86 kcal.
  • Purpose: for the manufacture of drinks.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Making malt for beer is more difficult because hard-to-find barley is used as a raw material. It is not suitable for bread, but on the basis of it you get delicious beer or kvass. The duration of germination takes about three days, it all depends on the initial quality of grain raw materials. Unpeeled barley is suitable only for kvass, for beer it is better to take peeled (without husks).


  • barley - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the grains, cover with water for 12 hours, pour onto a baking sheet, leave to germinate.
  2. After three days of germination, rinse, freeze.
  3. Grind in a coffee grinder or pass through a meat grinder.

For whiskey

  • Time: 2 weeks.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 86 kcal.
  • Purpose: basis for whiskey.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: medium.

In the preparation of raw materials for whiskey, a mandatory procedure is the germination of malt, more precisely, grains. Barley is also suitable for an alcoholic drink. It is better to take the most selected raw materials, peel them and remove all bad grains and motes. To obtain high-quality malt, you will have to disinfect the raw materials - treat them with vodka.
