It is believed that on the night before Christmas - from January 6 to 7 (on Christmas Eve) - are especially strong magical powers. We invite you to get together with your friends this night and tell fortunes. Remember, before guessing, it is better to turn off the lights in the house and light candles, do not cross your arms and legs during fortune telling, let your hair down, untie all the knots on your clothes and remove your belt.

Divination with cups to find out the future

Take as many cups as there are fortune tellers. In one of them put a ring, in another coin, in the third bread, and so on in order - salt, sugar, onion, and pour water into the last one. Each girl chooses a cup with her eyes closed. If a ring falls out, then there will be a wedding soon, sugar - fun, a coin - wealth, bread - prosperity, salt - misfortune, onions - tears, water - life without change.

Divination with a ring to find out the gender of the child

You need to hang a ring on your hair and hold it over any container of water. If the ring begins to move in a circle, it means that there will be a girl, if it staggers like a pendulum - a boy, it will not move - to childlessness.

Fortune telling with matches to find out if you will be together

Set the matches to the side matchbox, think of yourself on one of them, on the other - your beloved and light them. If the burnt heads lean towards each other, then you will be together.

Fortune telling on cards to find out what your future groom is like

When you go to bed, put four cards of the king of different suits under the pillow and say: "Betrothed, mummers, come to me in a dream." If you dream of the king of worms, the groom will be rich and young, the cross - a military or businessman, the peak - old and jealous, the tambourine - the way you want.

With an egg to know the future

Make a small hole in a fresh egg and pour the contents into a container of water. Watch how the squirrel curls up and try to understand what it means. For example, a ring - for a wedding, a ship - for a business trip, a church - for a wedding, a cube - for a coffin. And if the protein drowns, then this is a fire.

With a "boat" on the desire or name of the betrothed

Fill a large basin with water, write wishes (or the names of young people you like) on pieces of paper and bend them so that you can lead them to the sides of the basin. Half shell walnut put a lit candle and launch this "boat" in the middle of the pelvis. Whatever desire he swims up to and sets fire to a leaf, then it will be fulfilled (or that will be the name of your fiancé).

In the name of the betrothed

Cut small pieces of paper and write different words on them. male names. Put the leaves under your pillow before going to bed and stir, and in the morning, when you wake up, stretch out any of them. What name is written on the piece of paper will be the name of your fiance.

On a gold chain to know the future

Heat the golden chain with your hands, put it in your right hand, shake it, throw it on the floor and take a closer look at what shape it has formed. If the circle, then there will be difficulties, a flat stripe - luck and good luck, a bow - a wedding, a tangled knot - losses and illnesses, a triangle - success in love, a snake - you will meet cunning people, a heart - happiness and peace.

With needles for love and marriage

Take two needles, rub them with bacon and put them in water. If they drowned - there will be troubles and illnesses, come together - for marriage, separated - before marriage for a very long time.

On coffee grounds to find out fate

Brew ground coffee, drink it and cover the cup with a saucer, twist it three times, saying: “Loyalty, friendship, consent”, and put the cup on the saucer. Raise the cup and look at the part of the coffee grounds that stuck to the walls, try to see the silhouettes. The human shadow is a date, buildings are wealth, land and plants are quarrels, breakups and failure, animals are danger, bad road, bad news.

This time I wake up in a dream next to him, I feel him as in life. In a dream, he calls me the name of an ex-girlfriend (he also called me a couple of times in his life, but) the last one is Elizabeth. He sees what a shock it was for me, he himself is in shock - he justifies himself and says that he loves only me, but called me by a different name, because too little has passed since their parting. Then we get up, I clean the apartment, wash the floor, wash the dishes.

We dress and leave. Do Christmas dreams mean anything? It is noteworthy that I do not think about him, there is another martyr.

Dream on Good Friday night

I had a very realistic dream the night before on Good Friday. Recently, such dreams have not been frequent for me, Small child exhausting during the day and waking up at night more than once, dreams, of course, are dreamed, but as a rule, in fits and starts and not connected, as if different plots were filmed during the night.

So, I dreamed that my husband brought a girl into the house who began to live with us, as if he had nothing with her. So she lived with us for some time, and then it turned out that this was his mistress. In a dream, I clearly saw how my husband and I went to bed, my son’s bed stood nearby, and a little further on the bed in the same room she slept, why I don’t know in our room, a three-room apartment. In general, I found out about his betrayal and I say so calmly to him, "You know what, take your things and leave." I did not see the moment of his departure in a dream, he simply died later.

By the way, my husband and I are not so smooth. After the new year, I left him, because "everything got to him, and everyone, including me, ruined his life by what appeared on his way" - these are all his words. But after I moved with the children to my apartment, he came, began to ask, said that he was wrong, in short, I accepted him and we now live on my territory.

I know from childhood that dreams from Thursday to Friday are considered prophetic, but what does a dream on the night of Good Friday mean? Thank you in advance

Dream the night before christmas

At first I had a situation that I knew that people who ordered water were waiting for me (we order drinking water in certain place and we pay here, then a special car brings it). I'm in a hurry to meet. Running past some house, I observe my relatives, with whom I communicate in so far as. A cousin carries coal in a bucket. I run to my destination without stopping. Here they give me water and say that they left me 4 pieces of butter, will I buy it. I agree, thinking that the dough will go.

I pay 500 rubles and return home. On the way I meet a childhood friend with whom I grew up on the same street. She comes to visit me. On the way I smell burning, approaching the house I see green grass burning in the garden and for some reason there are large green trees here. The grass burns sluggishly, but the fire spreads over the ground, the barn burns a little. Someone is putting out the fire, a woman, but I don't know her. I was a little worried that the fire would spread to the buildings and, taking a bucket of water, decided to pour the fire.

She turned around, but he was almost gone, only smoking, poured water on the grass and a friend helps. Everything went out. But there was no such big fire, and there was no fear either. I turned around to look at the barn (whether it was out or not) and saw my husband's first motorcycle (red), peeking a little behind the building and the barn was not on fire.

Dream on Easter night

Hello! I had a dream that had never been like anything before: I went to bed at two o'clock in the morning, woke up at 02.45, and from a terrible fear - mega horror fettered my body and mind, I could not move for several seconds, remembering the dream: someone was chasing me, and being at the alley I was pushed into a place between the bushes, I turned my face and saw a person, so I thought for the first moments, but then I guessed that it was some kind of entity filled with something other than its own energy, or this entity was advancing on me trying to either enter or suck out something (soul or energy) but not blood , here is this entity: a little taller than me, about 160 tall, very pot-bellied thick legs arms body head all round white head bald little eyes and very large, like a bird, a long and crooked nose, The entity was advancing on me until I began to talk to it " no, I’m not for you, leave me, you can say I bought myself time with words, I woke up but was horrified already in Java, I got up, went to the toilet, read the Jesus prayer, said “where the night goes and sleep” turned on the light. Realizing that I really want to sleep, but at the same time, the creepy old was still present. I lay down instantly, the dream began from the moment I woke up, realizing that I was already in a dream and, as if in Java, I felt that the essence would not lag behind, in reality, I pulled out my hand and squeezed it into my dream, causing fire, it instantly appeared in my hands and flowed with a pure transparent orange-yellow flame, I set fire to the bald head of this creature, he did not change in his face, did not budge, but began to disappear as my fear began to disappear, I felt better, the anxiety did not go away, but I felt an inexplicable strength in itself, it seemed she swept away everything as I listed who could be behind this entity, as if revealing names ... Such a dream, but here's the thing ... My hand was in Java and let it in with fire in my dream .... I ask you, who can help interpret the dream and reality ... Moreover, as soon as the essence left my dream (or reality), a child, a girl of 4 years old, began screaming through the wall of the neighbors with a wild cry ... Well, it might not be worth it...

Dream on Christmas night

dreaming big house wooden at the bottom. I and several women are in the custody of men who look like terrorists. We plan an escape and run away to our house at night. Our house is on a hill. It is also large, wooden two-story. As soon as we begin to settle down there, information comes that we have been expelled. We must leave. One woman says she knows where to take us. Early in the morning, we get into her car and leave. It's a snowy winter outside, we drive off to a safe distance. I turn my head and see that our house is burning with a bright flame. We drive for a long time and arrive at a small cozy house. This woman's grandmother and aunt live there. We are welcome there. We stay there to live.

Dream about getting a job

It's like I'm being hired. But they give me a task to test my abilities. But at the same time, the same task is given to the girl, for whose place I apply. And now, I find myself even worse than her or at the same level. And they don't hire me!

What can the Dream about applying for a job mean?

Dream on Christmas night

Tonight (from January 6 to 7) I had an obscure dream. Mourning for the death of a son. In fact, the son is alive and well. At the same time, all the other plots of the dream were also unclear and it seems not in my favor: I was walking through the city alone at night, the rapid melting of snow in the spring ....

Night darkness running away in a dream

I had such a dream, I roughly understand its meaning, but I want you to tell me in more detail ....

I see myself that someone called me, I was a guest in some apartment, it all happened at night. There was some company. Then everyone gathered together to leave, and I became scared that it was night outside the window, and how could I walk home alone ...? Then I see I go out into the street, it's dark and not a soul. I hear the sounds of pistol shooting, and I understand that I don’t need to go, but just run home ... And I run with all my might, bending down so that no one who shoots hits me. I run to the entrance, and then I realize that I am so scared. I hear that someone followed me into the entrance, and I quickly start to run up the stairs, run to the 9th floor, and quickly start to open the lock on the door, so that later I can quickly run into the apartment, bye, the one who ran after me didn't catch me up the stairs...

The dream is really very creepy, I really experienced fear ...

Night girlfriend pit in a dream

Walking along the road at night, lights were visible. The dream took place in his native village. I met a friend in the middle of the road. In conversation, she began to persuade them to get off the road and hide in the bushes. I explained to her that it was stupid, because there is darkness, incomprehensible bushes, and also a hole. There was a park on the side of the road, it was very dark there, there were paths in another place, if you climb into this park from the road, then you have to make your way through impassable places. All this I told her, but,

Useless. She also added strange arguments that they need to hide, people walk along the road, but it’s better in the pit. A friend then grabbed my hand and dragged me with all her might into the bushes. Naturally, we fell into a hole, it was dark, and it was uncomfortable to walk with our feet, not knowing where to step, the earth was felt under our feet, there was a thought that I would get smeared. And when they climbed into the pit, I could not stand it, pulled out my hand and ran, climbed out of the pit and onto the road. I wanted people, lanterns.

At night, look for the way home in a dream

At night, my husband and I are walking along the road, looking for a way home (we know that we need a shuttle bus or a tram). The road is winding and deserted (we are not afraid). We go out onto the road with forks, intersections and a stream of cars, I raise my head up and see the starry sky and some kind of cluster of stars that attracts us, we start to run away from it very quickly, holding hands (it seems to me that we will now take off ), but suddenly an angry dog ​​stops us, they help us fight off it. And here we are again walking along an empty road (it has become darker, but we know that the time is about 8 in the morning), we pass by the building (it often dreams). People pass by (as if they know me) and say that we need to stop (and indicate where), this stop is across the road, but to get to it you need to pass by some guys (4 people), but it’s dark for me it becomes scary, and I say that the husband should not pass by them, we turn around and look at the building that passed (there is a window on the door, the light shines in it), we approach it and the man tells us how to get home (what transport ). And I woke up

The holiday of Ivan Kupala (or Ivan's day) was inherent in many Slavic peoples. From the Carpathians to the north of Rus', on the night of July 6-7, everyone celebrated this mystical, mysterious, but at the same time wild and cheerful day of Ivan Kupala.

Midsummer Day is filled with rituals related to water. Swimming on Ivan's Day is a nationwide custom, but in some regions the peasants considered such bathing dangerous, since on this day the birthday man is a water man himself, who cannot stand it when people climb into his kingdom, and takes revenge on them by drowning any careless.

The main feature of the Kupala night is the cleansing bonfires. They danced around them, jumped over them: whoever is more successful and taller will be happier. In some places, livestock was driven through the Kupala fire to protect it from pestilence. In Kupala bonfires, mothers burned shirts taken from sick children so that diseases would burn along with this linen. Youth and children, jumping over the fires, made noisy funny Games and racing. Be sure to play in the burners.

According to the beliefs of the peasants, on the Kupala, the shortest night, you can’t sleep, as all evil spirits come to life and become especially active - witches, werewolves, mermaids, snakes, sorcerers, brownies, water spirits, goblin.

A characteristic sign of Ivan Kupala is the numerous customs and legends associated with flora. Herbs and flowers collected on Midsummer's Day are placed under Ivan's dew, dried and preserved, considering such herbs to be more healing. They fumigate the sick with them, fight evil spirits, they are thrown into a flooded stove during a thunderstorm to protect the house from lightning strike, they are also used to kindle love or to "dry".

The fern became the main hero of the plant world on Midsummer Day, with which legends about treasures were everywhere associated. WITH fern flower, opening for just a few moments at midnight on Midsummer Day, you can see all the treasures, no matter how deep they are in the ground.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, Ivan Kupala was one of the most revered and important holidays of the year, the entire population took part in it, and the tradition required the active inclusion of each participant in the celebration in all rituals and the obligatory implementation of a number of rules, prohibitions and customs.

Folk signs on Ivan Kupala

* On the night before Ivan Kupala, the girls lower wreaths with lighted splinter or candles on the river waves, curl wreaths from Ivan da Marya, burdock, Mother of God herb and bear's ear. If the wreath sinks immediately, it means that the betrothed has fallen out of love and cannot marry him. Whoever's wreath floats the longest will be the happiest of all, and whoever's splinter burns longer, she will live a long, long life!

* On Midsummer Night, witches become more dangerous, and therefore nettles should be placed on the threshold and on the windowsills to protect yourself from their attacks. It is necessary to lock up the horses so that the witches do not steal them and ride them to Bald Mountain: the horse will not return alive from there!

* On Midsummer Night, on ant heaps, oil is collected in a vessel, which is recognized as a healing agent against various ailments.

* On the enchanted Kupala night, trees move from place to place and talk to each other through the rustle of leaves; animals and even herbs talk among themselves, which are filled with a special, miraculous power that night.

* On Midsummer Night, rich grass is collected, which is stuck into the wall in the name of each of the family; whose flower will soon wither, he will either die this year or fall ill.

* If on this night you pick the flower of Ivan da Marya and put it in the corners of the hut, the thief will not come to the house: brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers plants) will talk to each other, and it will seem to the thief that the owner is talking to the hostess.

* At midnight, you need to pick up flowers without looking and put them under your pillow, and in the morning check if there are twelve different herbs. If you have enough, you will get married this year. A tripartite (plantain) is placed under the head, saying: "Triputnik-companion, you live by the road, you see the young and the old, tell me my betrothed!"

* On Midsummer's Day, before sunrise, you need to carry a bear's head through your herd and bury it in the middle of the yard, then there will be no death among the cattle.

* If twelve gardens are climbed on Midsummer's Day, any wish will come true.

Traditions of the holiday of Ivan Kupala

Ivan Kupala belonged to the most revered, most important, most wild holidays of the year, the entire population took part in it, and the tradition required the active inclusion of everyone in all rituals, actions, special behavior, mandatory implementation and observance of a number of rules, prohibitions, customs.

According to ancient belief, Ivan Kupala personifies the flowering of the forces of nature. At the heart of the rites is the veneration of water and the sun. Since ancient times, it was customary to kindle ritual bonfires on the banks of rivers and lakes on the night of Ivan Kupala. They threw wreaths through them, jumped.

On the day of Ivan Kupala, they bathed in dew and water. It was believed that Ivan's dew helps with acne and acne, if you sprinkle the walls of the house and the bed with it, then bedbugs and cockroaches will stop being found. According to folk beliefs, on this day the sun acts with a special life-giving and exciting power.

There are a few folk signs for this day. "On Midsummer's Day, the sun plays at sunrise." "Strong dew on Ivan - to the harvest of cucumbers." "A starry night on Ivan - there will be many mushrooms." "If the rain cries, then in five days the sun will laugh." And according to the ardent imagination of the Yakuts, the most incredible miracles are performed on this night.

On July 7, many nations celebrated one of the most ancient holidays - Ivan Kupala (Ivan the Travnik). The roots of this holiday go back to the era of paganism, but some elements of Kupala rituals have still been preserved in the modern life of people living far from large settlements, primarily in countryside. In a collective monograph devoted to the study of the folk culture of the population of the Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov regions, it is said that “in most of the Russian territory, elements of the Kupala ritual were partially lost. But in the Pskov region, this holiday has retained its original meaning.
Celebrating Ivanov's Day began on July 6th. From the stories of local residents, we learned that they didn’t work that day - only when absolutely necessary [... To dress Karova, make food, harvest hay, otherwise they didn’t work ...].

All informants know this holiday. Most often they talk about two days of this rite. The first day is called differently, sometimes even the same person: Day of the Bath, Ivan, Bath, Five. Last year's material completes this list: Ivan Kupala, Ivan-Kupalnya, Herbal Ivan, Ivan-Travnik, Tsvetnoy Ivan, Midsummer Day, Ivan Kupalny. In the work of T.N. Ivanova / the territory is not indicated / the names are fixed: Theologian, Ivan the Theologian, Ivan Day, Ivan the Baptist; Bathing Ivan; Zavarkush, Ivan Travny, Ivan Venichny; Ivan-Gradoboy, Ivan-Gradoboynik.

Earlier on this day, as now, herbs and flowers were collected, which are currently in folk medicine are used as medicinal [... To tear the hadili from zvyaraboy, chamomile, yarrow ...] (v. Krasyakovo).

Also during the day they collected flowers for divination - the rich. These flowers were mentioned in almost every village in which we were [Tear bagatki, make a wish on the suzhenov and put sweat on the pillow or on the ceiling; if a flower blooms, then the wish will come true], [The bags were torn, the pillow was sweating, they were sticking to the ceiling. If it blooms, you will be alive and well, but if it does not bloom, you will die]. This custom is also observed in other villages. In the work of A. Voitenko, on the material of the Moscow region, fortune-telling is recorded in 12 colors: “Fortune-telling in Ivan Tsvetnoy. Ivan-Tsvet happens in July. They laid twelve flowers and said: “Ivan, flower color tell me good luck.” And we will distribute the flowers themselves and make a guess for each. Then one thief (dexterous) begins to call out the color: she takes the color and says: “This is a FAQ?” And you have to guess your color. Which one guessed, it means that it will come true.

In the village of Zabelye-3, we heard that on the day before Ivan, brooms are knitted for the whole year. There is evidence of this in the literature on the Kupala rituals in the Pskov region.
On the evening before Ivanovo Night, women and girls sang songs, but they differ in different villages: for example, in the village of Zabelye-3 they sing a song:
[The gray horse played out, He broke the ground with his hoof],
and in the village of Krosyakovo they sing another song:
[Today the Bathhouse, and tomorrow Ivan- It will be famously, girls, for you].
These songs are called Ivan.

According to legend, Ivanovo night (this can be called the second day) was considered a time of rampant evil spirits: gatherings of sorcerers and witches were held in the swamps. This is written in the study “Historical and ethnographic essays of the Pskov region” / P.235 /. In the village of Krasyakovo, we learn that [Witches were forever dragged into the whirlpools-shore, which live by the water]. In order to protect animals from evil spirits, people dig up thistles and hang them on the barn [Dig up the grandfather and hang it over the doors at the barn, at the hut, on the captur], [dig up the grandfather in front of Ivan, put it on the barn so that the sorcerers would inject] (d. Osyno).

In the old days, on the night of Ivan Kupala, girls wove wreaths and threw them into the water. As Yevgenia Alexandrovna Dorofeeva from the village of Zabelye-3 said: [... Vyanki should consist of 16 types of herbs, and the grass is different, and kakolchik, and St. John's wort, yarrow, and different grass]. From the literature it is known that in the Porkhov region wreaths were woven from 12 types of herbs. The ceremony of throwing wreaths into the water and fortune-telling for the betrothed used to be called “silent water” in some Russian territories.
From the literature, we learned that bonfires were burned everywhere on Ivanovo night. They were usually laid out on hills in a rye field, on the shore of a reservoir or at the site of traditional youth festivities. They burned barrels, stumps, put on top of the poles of the wheel and bunches of straw. In some places, with a burning bunch of straw, they walked through the fields. Young people had fun near the fires: they sang songs, danced, and swung on the swings installed nearby. The favorite pastime of the youth was jumping over the fire, alone or in pairs. On Ivanovo night, as in Christmas time, young people did not adhere to the usual norms of behavior. Girls and guys dressed up, i.e. wore fur coats turned inside out. They drove Ivanov and Marii into the rye; naughty in the village: pawned chimneys or propped up the gates and doors of the huts; rode and wrestled in the rye.

In the villages of the Sebezhsky district, we also heard that that night they could close the pipe [Fill on the pipe, put glass so that there was smoke near the hut] (Krasyakovo village).
And fires are currently kindled by young people in high places near the village - according to tradition. This holiday has been celebrated for two years in the city of Sebezh itself. The population of the entire city and the surrounding area (old and young, as well as parents with small children) gathers in the evening on the central square near the lake. An entertainment program has been prepared for them, music and songs are played. Exactly at midnight, huge bonfires are lit, which are located on floating rafts. And columns of smoke rise above the elevated places around the shore of the lake: in the villages located nearby: Kupala bonfires are also burning there.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala

On the night of Ivan Kupala, a large fire is made of branches and straw and they jump over the fire with a running start, moreover, a successful jump, if the flame does not touch the jumper and there are no sparks, means marriage or good luck.

All fortune-telling, as well as the change of disguise, i.e. masquerade, were condemned by the church in their time and were considered unclean. That is why, in folk customs, the time of fortune-telling was necessarily timed to coincide with 12 o'clock at night. The most successful days of divination are Christmas time, the night under New Year, under baptism, and in the summer - the day of Ivan Kupala. Usually in the old days, fortunetellers and mummers on the day of the consecration of water at baptism, in spite of any frost, plunged into the hole, washing away their sins.

Throw a birch wreath into the river on Ivan Kupala: if it drowns - death, if it swims - get married, if it is washed ashore - be unmarried.
A characteristic sign of Ivan Kupala is the numerous customs and legends associated with the plant world. Herbs and flowers collected on Ivan's Day are placed under Ivan's dew, dried and preserved, considering them more healing than those collected at other times. They fumigate the sick, fight evil spirits, they are thrown into a flooded oven during a thunderstorm to protect the house from a lightning strike, they are also used to kindle love or to "dry". On the day of Ivan Kupala, girls curl wreaths of herbs: Ivan da Marya, burdock, Mother of God grass and bear's ear; in the evening they put these wreaths on the water, watching how and where they float. If the wreath is sinking, it means that the betrothed has fallen out of love and cannot marry him. Of the miraculous herbs collected at this time, it is worth mentioning "plakun-grass", the special power of which, according to the peasants, lies in its root, which has the property of driving away an evil spirit; the owner of the root will inspire fear in himself; "terlych-grass" is used to charm guys with girls: they wear it in their bosoms and say: "Terlich, terlich, call the lads!" Chernobyl grass, according to popular belief, is disgusting to witches and protects the house and yard from them. She is also plaited into a whip and placed under Ivan's dew with the verdict: "Mother Earth, Father Heaven, give your slaves health from this herb!"
The herb "finch" helps with childish crying and insomnia; dried "spread" is sprinkled on sore spots on the body - cuts, abscesses, tumors; "shepherd's purse" has long been harvested as a good hemostatic agent for various bleeding; those suffering from rheumatism collected large quantities of stinging nettles; for the treatment of wounds, burns, they stocked up on hare cabbage; in case of colds, coughs, it was necessary to have a stepmother, oregano, rosemary at home.
On the night of Ivan Kupala, you need to catch a live viper, thread a white thread through its eyes, and with this thread sew one of the clothes of your chosen one. I can’t guarantee the degree of strength of this method - I haven’t tried it, but if you really decide to bewitch in this way and, risking your own life, also mock a living creature, then this is real LOVE.

Herbs and Ivana Kupala

Grass Nechuy-wind.
Along with fern and other herbs endowed with magical powers, immortelle is also revered in our people. It is called so because it does not fade for a long time, but dries up and retains its color and shape well. Ancient people endowed it with supernatural properties, believing that the soul of the deceased moves into this flower so that through it it can communicate with friends and relatives. It is also popularly called in a special way - nechui-wind. This nechuy-wind, according to legends and legends, helps the blind to open treasures. On the night of Ivan Kupala with a crazy wind, a catchment area and a flowering fern in your hands, you had to pick a gap-grass flower and walk around the lawn until a pain appeared in your eyes. And as soon as she appears, pick up a spade and quickly tear the ground: the cursed treasure should be under your feet.
This grass, according to the sorcerers, grows in winter along the banks of rivers and lakes. The common people think that the one who possesses this grass can always stop the wind on the water, save himself and the ship from drowning, and finally catch fish without nets. Nechuy-wind should be collected on January 1, under Vasiliev evening, at dead midnight. The villagers think that at this time, the evil spirits, walking along the lakes and rivers, throw the Nechuy-wind grass to destroy the storm. Only blind people can find it, and even then they should take it not with their hands, but with their mouths. Then they begin to wield her power.

Grass Adam's head is highly respected by the villagers. The sorcerers, like the fern, collect it on Midsummer's Day and keep it secretly until Maundy Thursday. According to the popular concept, the magical power of Adam's head extends only to wild ducks. Hunters who received this herb from the hands of a sorcerer's note, fumigate all the shells they use when catching ducks on Maundy Thursday, not otherwise.
Midsummer night is starry - there will be a lot of mushrooms!
Midsummer Day came, he went to collect grass.
On Midsummer's Day, as on the eve of it, they lay out bonfires, light them, jump over them, and also bathe in water and dew, dance around a tree. On this day, brownies, mermen, mermaids and goblin commit pranks. The fern blooms at midnight on Ivan Kupala, and with its help they open treasures. Kupala dew is sprinkled on the walls of the house, beds and furniture to drive away bedbugs and cockroaches.

On this day, everyone pours water on each other, laughs, and has fun. In the evening, the bath is heated. Girls from the roofs of the baths throw a broom and find out which side to wait for the groom.
Night on Ivan Kupala or Kupala Night - the time of the highest power of nature: the herbs collected that night were considered the best medicine just like the dew of this night. In European countries, girls tell fortunes by throwing wreaths on the water on Midsummer Night. On this night, the girls ride naked in the dew. Everything is done in silence. Silence is a sign of belonging to the world of the dead. Silently they collect and bring water for magical actions, and it is called "mute water".

The girl silently tears and brings flowers home to put them under her pillow and see her betrothed in a dream.

Polish girls guessed at Ivan Kupala on flowers: they pour water taken from a spring or a fast-flowing stream into a basin and throw into it two flowers without stems, say, two daisies; if they parted ways, then the lovers will part, if, while floating, the flowers converge, then they will be married this year.
To bewitch the groom, you need to feed the rooster from the stove damper, saying at the same time: "As if this damper kept its mouth, so the rooster would keep its home."
“Fun and laughter,” writes A.Ya. Gurevich, “are not ordered to a Christian, we see that the preachers themselves often seek to make their listeners smile. But excessive laughter is sinful. Jacques of Vitry tells about some person who saw the Blessed Mary with many virgins and wished to be with them. The Mother of God said to her: "Do not laugh for thirty days, and you will be with us." She did so, did not laugh for a whole month, after which she died and gained the promised glory. Undoubtedly, Jacques concludes de Vitry, that if she had not refrained from laughter, songs and round dances, the Virgin would never have accepted her into her host.

How to properly celebrate Christmas. What can't be done. Christian traditions and customs. Notes for Christmas. How to say Merry Christmas.

On the night of 6 to 7 January, the whole Orthodox world celebrates Christmas - one of the most important Christian holidays.

This is a holiday that symbolizes renewal. After all, it was the birth of Christ that proclaimed a new, bright era for mankind. It is no coincidence that a new chronology was even established - from the Nativity of Christ.

The birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary is one of the miracles revealed by the Lord to mankind. Therefore, on the feast of the Nativity of Christ, everyone expects a miracle and prays that the next year will be better and happier than the outgoing one.

This bright holiday in Orthodoxy is one of the master's twelfth holidays and is preceded by a 40-day Christmas fast.

The celebration of Christmas begins on January 6 with the appearance of the first star in the sky. As you know, after the birth of Jesus, the first of the people to bow to him were the shepherds, who were notified of this event by the appearance of an angel. According to the Evangelist Matthew, a wonderful star appeared in the sky, which led the magi to the baby Jesus.

all about Christmas

Christmas Eve is called Christmas Eve. In Russian, the name comes from the word "sochivo". It means soaked grains of wheat - the prototype of the well-known kutya. Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Eve on January 6th.

On Christmas Eve, an All-Night Vigil is served with Great Compline, during which prophecies about Christmas are sung and read.

Around midnight, Matins begins, which is performed according to the order of the great holidays. On it, fragments of the Gospel of the Nativity are read and the canon "Christ is born ..." is sung - one of the most beautiful canons in Orthodox worship. Next, serve a festive Divine Liturgy St. John Chrysostom.

The All-Night Vigil is a liturgical service that consists of Vespers and Matins, which received these names according to the time of their performance. Before the holidays, morning and evening services are combined into the so-called "all-night vigil", that is, a prayer that continues all night. Such a prayer happens only twice a year - at Christmas and Easter. Before Christmas, in the all-night vigil they serve not Vespers, but Great Compline: it is performed after Vespers served on Christmas Eve, hence the name.

What to cook for Christmas:

It is customary to put 12 dishes on the Christmas table, and Kutya decorates the table. Lent ends on January 6 and Christmas Eve begins.

Each hostess prefers her own recipe for cooking Kutya. There are a great many recipes. The simplest: they take the cereal and soak it overnight, then boil it until cooked and add all sorts of sweets. So, for example, you can take rice, honey and marmalade, as well as millet poppy and honey, some even cook kutya from barley and millet groats. You can add marmalade or candied fruits to Kutya.

Also on the Christmas table it is customary to serve Uzvar - dried fruit compote.

On the very day of Christmas, believers celebrate and feast - they “break the fast”, it is already allowed to eat not only lenten, but also “quick” food.

Various pork dishes are traditional on the Christmas table: jelly, roasted pig, stuffed pork head, roast. Baked poultry and fish, fried and baked meat in large pieces are also served on the Christmas table, since the design of the Russian oven made it possible to successfully cook large-sized dishes. Finely chopped meat and offal were boiled in pots along with traditional porridge. Various pies are also stuffed with meat: kalachi, cheesecakes, koloboks, kulebyaks, kurniks, pies, etc. Casseroles and pancakes are prepared. In addition to meat fillings, a variety of vegetable, fruit, mushroom, fish, cottage cheese and mixed fillings are prepared.

Folk traditions of celebrating Christmas time from Christmas to Epiphany are rooted in the Slavic customs of celebrating the winter solstice. The obligatory attributes of the holiday were dressing up (dressing up using skins, masks and horns), caroling (visiting houses by a group of fellow villagers who performed “favorable” sentences and songs addressed to the owners of the house, for which they received refreshments), carol songs, or carols, youth games and divination.

Christmas time began on Christmas Eve with a dinner with Christmas kutya and porridge, a pie with pretzels, even for the holiday they baked animal figures from wheat dough, which decorated tables, windows of the hut and sent them as gifts to relatives and friends.

When the family gathered at the table, the elders remembered the year - all the good and bad in the past year, informs the site. At the end of the meal, the children took part of the remaining kutya to grandparents, as well as to the poor, so that they could celebrate Christmas. In some areas, food and tablecloths were not removed from the table until morning, believing that the souls of the deceased parents would come to the table to also eat.

Then the mummers, dressed in sheepskin coats with wool up and animal masks, in order to be unrecognized, arranged dances in houses and on the streets, played skits and whole performances. At the end of the 17th century, the crib theater penetrated from Poland to Russia: scenes about the birth of Jesus Christ and other plots were played in a special box-crib with the help of dolls.

Echoes of pagan beliefs were also manifested in the fact that it is customary to guess at Christmas time. In some villages, straw was burned at Svyatki - according to legend, the dead ancestors at that moment came to warm themselves by the fire. The Church, not approving witchcraft superstitions and pagan rites, assimilated "harmless" customs, and they organically entered the life of the people.

By Christmas, the owners always cleaned the house, washed in the bath, laid a clean tablecloth, stocked up new clothes, which they put on at the beginning of the day, and invited lonely people to Christmas dinner. But in some places, superstitions associated with the holiday were also widespread: they did not drink at breakfast plain water, since it was believed that a person who drank water on Christmas morning would be thirsty all summer.

What not to do at Christmas:

Under fear of all sorts of troubles, on Christmas it was impossible to bend, weave or sew anything. The legs of the dining table were tied to each other with a rope so that the cattle would not run away from the herd. The remains of the evening meal were taken out of the fence - "so that the wolves do not harm the peasant cattle."

A folk proverb says: Whoever slaughters cattle on Christmas Day will die in three years.

You cannot lend on Christmas Eve anything that is connected with fire, for example, flint, matches, a lighter, a bucket of coal or firewood, etc., otherwise misfortune will befall you.

Never sew, wash your hair, wash or lend on the three-day holy holidays (Christmas, Easter and Trinity), otherwise you will make yourself tears and poverty.

On Christmas Eve, bread, salt and money are not borrowed from home, otherwise all good things will go past your hands. Do not cut hair and do not spin wool. Do not wash or boil clothes. Believers must finish all the dirty work by this day on Maundy Thursday, and whoever “pulls” dirt on Christmas Eve will sit in it all year for this.

You can’t sit at the Christmas table in mourning, that is, in black clothes - you’ll call trouble.

If on this bright day a dog howls in your yard, then be in trouble. To get rid of it, you need to immediately go up to the dog, untie it and say: “As the rope does not hold you, so the trouble would not hold on to my house!”.

Do not buy ropes on January 8, on the second day of Christmas, so that there will never be hanged or strangled people in your family. Do not cook or eat jelly on this day, so as not to invite the deceased to the house.

On the ninth of January, on the third day of Christmas, do not chop wood until sunset.

What to do for Christmas:

According to popular beliefs, in order for your loved ones to be happy and healthy for a whole year, on the feast of the Nativity of Christ on January 7, ask the oldest family member to treat all relatives with milk. Bringing milk to someone, he should say every time: “The Lord was born, the people were baptized. Be cheerful and healthy. Amen".

On the eve of Christmas, in the old days, food was taken out and left for needy people or treats were distributed - it was believed that in this way all deceased ancestors who did not have time to eat before their death satisfied their hunger. After the festive feast, the food was not removed from the table, so that the souls of dead relatives would eat the festive food, and for this they would pray for you.

In that family where there is no peace and harmony, on Christmas night they put a bucket in the frost, and in the morning they put it on fire and say: “The ice will melt, the water will boil, and [so-and-so] soul will ache for me.” This water is given to the husband to wash or in the form of tea / soup, and also wash the husband's linen in it. Holy Christmas water always helps a woman's trouble.

Ask God for Christmas what you really need. Ask seventy-seven times and you will be given. Whoever asks God for something on Christmas at three o'clock in the morning, it will be given to him.

If on Christmas night you look out for a flying star in the sky and make a wish, then it will surely come true.

On January 7, in the cold, jump out into the street lightly and, as soon as goosebumps appear on your body, say: “There are a lot of pimples on my skin, so that I also have so much money.”

Notes for Christmas:

♦ If a person in a drunken state is the first to show up at your house, the whole coming year will be in noise and quarrels. If a woman crosses your threshold first, then this is to gossip and failure. If a man or a boy - to well-being. If an old man or an old woman - to a long life. If a bird knocks on your window - to amazing news. If a beggar or a beggar comes to you - to loss and need. If several people appear at once - to a rich life.

♦ If a man comes to you on Christmas morning, wear plain clothes on this day, if a woman - a colored dress, so that the whole year goes well.

♦ When the family sits down at the table at Christmas and when the first star appears, it starts to dine, then an unmarried girl or an unmarried guy from this family, taking the first non-lean piece in his mouth, should keep it on his tongue and not swallow until, going out into the street, accidentally will not hear any name from people passing by. It was believed that the groom or the bride would have the same name. People say that this sign has come true more than once.

♦ Cucumbers will be firm and crispy if you pickle them exactly on the same day of the week as Christmas this year. For this purpose, a good housewife keeps in a secluded place the salt taken on Maundy Thursday.

♦ A good, good omen, if during the Christmas feast a domestic cat sits under the table - this means that this year no one will die from all those sitting at the table.

♦ If two people come to your house on Christmas morning, there will be no death, divorce and separation in your house for a year.

♦ If someone spills or breaks something in your house on this day, then the whole year will be restless for your family.

♦ If a person going to church at Christmas stumbles, then in twelve years, to the day, he will get sick. To prevent this from happening, you must immediately say: "I'm not going to the devil, but to God, He will save me."

♦ On the ninth of January, be sure to visit your godfathers and parents.

♦ A child who takes his first steps on January 10 will be healthy, beautiful and live a long life.

♦ If a sick person sneezes loudly on the third day of Christmas, he will soon recover and live for a long time. If a person who is seriously ill talks about pancakes or horses that day, he will soon depart to another world.

♦ On the tenth of January, do not put the dough or sourdough.

♦ Don't give your husband a towel on January 11th, otherwise he will start to loosen his hands.

♦ Don't open the door immediately after your doorbell knocks or rings on January 11th. Wait until they knock or call a second time, otherwise you will invite illness into the house.

♦ If Christmas falls on a Monday, many men will die that year. If Christmas coincides with Tuesday, an even number of guests are called to the table so as not to invite poverty into the house. If the Nativity of Christ falls on a Saturday, then many old people will die this year before the next Christmas.

♦ If a midwife was called to a woman in labor and she gave birth to a child at Christmas, then the midwife would never take even a penny for her labors, moreover, she was obliged to become a godmother to the baby. This custom was never violated, the old people knew: whoever takes money for childbirth will spend it on a coffin for himself.

Merry Christmas greetings:

♦ Merry Christmas! Happy bright day!
Let this day be lucky in everything!
Let joy look into your house,
The car is new - in the garage,
Profitable work - to the house,
And there are a lot of kids in it!

♦ Let the Christmas miracle
Give you warmth
May it never be bad
Meet every day with kindness!

♦ The star of goodness and magic lit up ‒
Merry holy Christmas!
God bless and people help!
May the starlight in the soul not fade away!
May the house be filled with happiness and wealth!
Love, health, peace! Merry Christmas!

♦ Let the night sparkle with magic,
A flock of snowflakes is rushing up.
We congratulate you on Christmas,
We wish you smiles, joy.
The flow of divine love
Let it flow with wonderful light,
And the Lord bless you
Health, happiness and success!

♦ We wish you a Merry Christmas
Smiles, sincere laughter,
Good health, success
And a lot of good things.
Let the blood play in the heart
And the joy lasts forever.
And may they be with you forever
Hope, faith and love!

♦ Merry Christmas
And I want to wish from the bottom of my heart
So that life is full of happiness,
So that adversity and sorrows do not know!
I wish you to be fulfilled
All your hopes and dreams
To pure love and tenderness
You can always enjoy!

♦ May the bright holiday of Christmas
Everything you dreamed about will come true!
May there be a lot of joy, goodness in the house,
And let the heart not know sadness!
I wish you many fabulous miracles,
The warmth of love, spiritual purity!
And let the snowflakes fall from the sky
Keeping the peace of heavenly beauty!

♦ It's Christmas again ‒
Forces of Heaven triumph!
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.
Glory to Him forever
Conqueror of darkness!
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy!

♦ Candle flicker warms the house
And sparkles with gold
When a magical Christmas
The Lord will come to light!
He gave his life for us,
Must remember this
And what bequeathed to the people -
Perform diligently!
May you keep your peace
From shutters to threshold
enduring love,
Simple faith in God!

♦ A star lit up - Christ was born -
And the world was lit up with love!
May happiness enter every home!
Happy bright Christmas!

♦ Christ has come to us today,
To teach love to people.
Friends, let's celebrate
And let's get a little better!

♦ Let the snowflake ring,
announcing birth,
And fill with delight
Your mood!
After all, today is Salvation,
Love celebration ‒
Saint comes
Christ Christmas!

♦ When the snows cover the ground,
And Christmas will come again
Raise a glass for happiness
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without grief and doubt
May you have many bright days!
Save comfort, family peace
And the respect of friends!

♦ Merry Christmas,
What is already knocking on the house!
Open wide the doors
You Love, Hope, Faith!
fur trees
Smell all over the house
Every needle
Whispers: "Merry Christmas!"
Let resentment and loss
Fly away like leaves!
Let luck enter the door
On the bright holiday of Christmas!

♦ Congratulations on Christmas!
May a miracle happen in your life!
May joy, inspiration and goodness
They will be able to live in your house!

♦ Today is Christ's birthday ‒
The good news is spreading across the planet!
I wish this Christmas
Consent and joy without end!

♦ Happy New Year!
Happy New Year's Eve!
Happy New Year's Eve!
Merry Christmas!
Let everything be in order in the family,
And luck will be near!
May health be good
Happiness - bright, incomparable!

♦ Christmas has come to your house,
Happiness is all around!
Let smiles hover in it
And I also wish you:
Kindness and beauty
So that all dreams come true
Let health not fail
And let luck come!

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On the night before Christmas, they ask for love, for harmony in the family, for children, for the happiness or health of someone close. Although, it is also possible to make material desires, if the realization of this desire will benefit your spiritual development.

You need to make a Christmas wish at 12 at night on the night of January 6-7. And most importantly, the wording of the desire must be in the present tense. Don't think in the future tense.

Heaven opens on Christmas, how to make a wish correctly: Christmas wishes should not be about material goods

Christmas is a time of miracles and magic, at this time angels descend the world in order to make the world a little kinder. It is on Christmas that you need to make a wish - if you do it right, then it will certainly come true. And what should be done on a magical night to make it come true?

Exist different ways make a wish - in principle, there is no single system - in heaven they hear our every request.

On Christmas Eve, you need to go out alone on the street. It is best to move a little away from the houses in order to be in the dark. If for some reason it is not possible to go out, then you can do the ritual in dark room, without turning on the light - so that only the stars and the moon shine.

Looking at the sky, you need to imagine everything that you want to get in the new year. This is a great time to set personal goals and focus on your thoughts and dreams. Then you need to close your eyes with your right hand, and aloud list what you want to think of, and with this hand brush all the images from your eyes into the sky.

The universe will certainly hear what was said, and in order to consolidate the result, upon returning home, you need to light a red candle, on which you need to briefly write a request - you can formulate it in one or two words.

You need to draw an angel and cut it out (it is better to take a fairly thick paper). Then you can make a wish (one, the most cherished - it is better to formulate it in advance) and draw an angel with one eye.

After that, you can hide it, and when the desire is fulfilled (various signs will appear that the desire will soon come true), you must definitely draw an angel of the second eye. After the fulfillment of the desire, the angel can be saved.

Heaven opens at Christmas, how to make a wish: Christmas rituals for good luck and health

Conspiracy for Healing.

There are days in which they create (make) amulets for their kind. This amulet also includes a generic towel.

On January 6, on the eve of the birth of Jesus Christ, they buy a new linen towel and speak it for healing from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then the patient should be wiped with this towel, and he will definitely recover.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I speak from 77 ailments,
From any pain, from the night light,
Pretending dryness, from cancer that travels,
Falling fit,
From spoilage, from night cramps.
Mother Mother of God washed her Son,
Wiped with a linen towel.
God bless my linen too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,
Since then, I will erase all ailments.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Millions and millions of people lived on earth. But none of them was like Jesus Christ. Just think about it, because absolutely everyone remembers the day of His birth and everyone sincerely rejoices on this wonderful day, repeating with sincere love His name and the name of His Mother, who gave us eternal life and salvation through Her Son.

Whoever washes this morning, having said three times before:

The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared.
I (name) will also be saved through Jesus Christ.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen -

will gain not only mental, but also physical strength. Sick people, having done so, recover.

According to a secret custom, on the second day of Christmas, you need to go outside at exactly three in the morning, raise your hands to the sky and say:

Open up holy sky
Give me golden happiness.
How many on you, sky, clear stars,
I would have so many (name) happy tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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