Strong bones, hard nails and healthy teeth are all thanks to calcium. It is no coincidence that it belongs to the group of macronutrients: the need for it is really very high. In a child's body, it forms the skeletal system, in an adult - it maintains its strength, in the years of the third age - it fights with its porosity.

Fortunately, calcium is found in many foods. Knowing which of them have the most of it, it is easy to create a menu rich in this macronutrient, varied and at the same time balanced menu for the whole family.

The beneficial effects of calcium on the skeletal system are well known to many. Indeed, this element, as if brick by brick, builds a skeleton. If it is too small, then the bone tissue becomes thinner, it becomes brittle. That is why a person whose body contains little calcium needs to take care of himself and, in the literal sense of the word, look under his feet: one has only to stumble, fall - and a crack, or even a bone fracture, is inevitable.

Especially the rule applies to older people: the risk of getting a hip fracture due to a fall increases sharply after 65 years. This condition, extremely dangerous and difficult to treat, can sometimes lead to an irreparable tragedy. And what kind of complications should not be expected even after a very successful course of treatment! ..

But in young people, teeth suffer the most from a lack of a macronutrient. Even small cracks on the surface of the enamel should alert. If the teeth begin to chip and crumble, it's time to sound the alarm: the process of calcium loss is in full swing, urgent measures must be taken.

However, the functions of calcium in the body are much more than it seems:

  • it regulates the frequency of muscle contraction. That is why athletes need to get it even more than it should be in the body of pregnant women, and the basis of their diet is foods rich in this macronutrient;
  • constriction and expansion of blood vessels is another area of ​​responsibility of calcium. Well-established work of the cardiovascular system is impossible without it;
  • this substance serves as an accompaniment to all nerve impulses, the transmission of information from the skin and internal organs to the brain and vice versa;
  • participates in metabolism;
  • the more calcium in the body, the lower the risk of diabetes and colon cancer;
  • improves blood clotting and is part of blood clots that stick together ruptures of blood vessels;
  • he is assigned one of the main roles in the synthesis of hormones and the work of the thyroid, pancreas and gonads, as well as the adrenal and pituitary glands.

This macronutrient is also curious in that it is essentially incapable of acting on its own. Without magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D and the acidic environment it needs so much, calcium simply will not get to those places in the body where it is especially needed, and will begin to be deposited in the tissues of internal organs, and this is the most dangerous symptom.

How do we lose it?

Yes, calcium is washed out of the body, and much faster than we would like.

There are many reasons for this, and most of them are associated with unhealthy eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle:

  • a lot of calcium is removed ... ordinary table salt. The more it is in the diet, the less bricks in bone tissue. This, by the way, is another weighty argument in favor of a salt-free diet;
  • a diet in which a lot of canned, smoked, fried foods is not only poor in calcium, but also removes it from the body;
  • carbonated drinks should also be treated with caution: according to many experts, their role in washing out the macronutrient from bone tissue is great;
  • fiber-rich food, although it does not remove calcium, prevents its absorption in the intestines, preventing the body from replenishing its supply;
  • the menopause in women is also dangerous because at this time the body loses this trace element in monstrous quantities, and it is imperative to make up for its shortage;
  • the loss of calcium is another impressive reason to permanently stop drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • a diet rich in protein, especially in animals, and an excessive love of coffee can lead to sad consequences in the form of a lack of this substance in the body;
  • magnesium deficiency, although it does not affect the decrease in calcium reserves, but it serves as a serious obstacle to its absorption. It is well known that it is with the help of magnesium that calcium is delivered to all systems that need it. Therefore, when choosing a pharmacy calcium complex, it is better to choose the one in which the “load” contains the most magnesium, or include products in the menu that have the most calcium and magnesium. But more on that a little later.

How much is needed per day?

IN different periods Your body needs different amounts of calcium to live. And this is easily explained. A schoolchild, who during the summer months can easily grow up to his parents or even outgrow them, needs much more calcium, and with it magnesium, than, for example, an adult man or woman who is not engaged in hard physical labor. But the lion's share of the diet of pregnant and breastfeeding women simply must be rich in foods.

In general, experts recommend adhering to the following boundaries:

  • infants under 6 months of age should receive 400 mg of the macronutrient daily;
  • children from 1 to 5 years old - 600 mg;
  • younger children school age 6–10 years old - 800–1200 g;
  • adolescents and young people 11-24 years old - 1200-1500 mg;
  • From about 25 years old, the norm for men and women varies. Women 25–50 years old and men 25–65 years old should receive about 1 g of calcium per day with food, but women who are going through menopause (at about 50–65 years old) should receive it with food 1 .5 g. The same level of calcium intake remains for both sexes after 65 years;
  • the role of a macronutrient in the body of pregnant and lactating mothers is especially great, they also need to receive at least 1.5 g of a macronutrient per day;
  • most of all, calcium is necessary for professional athletes and people engaged in heavy physical work. Loss of it on days of particularly strenuous exercise is very high, so some experts recommend that they consume at least 3-5 g of calcium per day.

...and magnesium to boot

No matter how useful calcium is, but without magnesium, it turns from a reliable ally into a fierce enemy. Our body is designed in such a way that without magnesium, calcium is simply not absorbed, and an additional intake of calcium completely leads to ossification of the whole organism and a rapid loss of magnesium, if its reserves are already depleted.

A vivid example of this is the situation in the US health care. This country is one of the world leaders in the consumption of milk, a very calcium-rich product. In addition, she is one of the leaders in the consumption of calcium preparations. And at the same time, the United States occupies a leading position in the incidence of osteoporosis (a disease characterized by loss of calcium in the bones)!

Perhaps this is because for a long time pharmaceutical calcium was taken on its own, without the addition of magnesium. Today, most manufacturers produce calcium-magnesium complexes, which are much more effective. They contain both calcium and magnesium, and other substances useful for the absorption of calcium.

What products have it?

Its peculiarity is that most of this macronutrient can only be obtained from food. It sounds paradoxical, but neither calcium dietary supplements, nor pharmaceuticals, nor even chalk with limestone can fully cover the body's need for a macronutrient. Only foods that are rich in them can do this.

What foods contain the most calcium? Fortunately, there are a lot of them, and therefore it is not difficult to create a powerful calcium-containing diet. Foods high in calcium are found in all major groups.

One of its main sources is fermented milk products: cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, curdled milk, kefir. But most of all it is in hard cheeses: about 1 g per 100 g of product. However, recent studies in this area indicate that this substance is not absorbed from milk as well as previously thought. Much healthier in this sense ... fresh vegetables!

As it turned out, the body easily absorbs more than 50% of the calcium contained in them. Lean on spinach, greens, almost all varieties of cabbage, legumes (beans, lentils, peas). All types of nuts, seeds, grains are another excellent source of easily digestible calcium. Feel free to include in the diet rich in this macronutrient wheat bran, as well as whole grain oatmeal.

Soy and products from it are another dietary source of a macronutrient in an easily digestible form. Soy milk and cottage cheese, tofu cheese will perfectly replace meat and eggs in a vegetarian diet and saturate the body with this macronutrient.

Apricots, oranges, grapefruit, grapes - juicy and fragrant gifts of nature, it turns out, also contain a lot of calcium! Such a pleasant fruit therapy is most useful for pregnant women: in addition to this vital substance for bones, the fruits will also nourish with a lot of vitamins, which is especially important during the formation and growth of the baby.

Seafood in terms of macronutrient content is also not in last place. Salmon fillets and sardines are preferred here. But from meat products, preference should be given to rabbit meat, beef and chicken meat.

The table below will help you create a menu in such a way that both young and old receive calcium in sufficient quantities in your family.

The product's name Calcium content per 100 g of product (mg)
poppy seeds 1450
Dutch cheese 1040
sesame seeds 875
Swiss cheese 850
cheddar cheese 750
Brynza 530
Sardines in oil 500
Black tea 495
Condensed milk 307
Almond 265
Milk chocolate 220
Soya beans 210
Yogurt 200
White bread 170
Dried apricots 150
Cow's milk 120
Dried apricots 120
Spinach 106
Crabs 100
Peas 89
Peanut 60
Garlic 60
Egg 55
red cabbage 53
strawberries 40
Raspberries 40
Radish 39
Beet 37
Grapefruit 34
Orange 34
Fresh porcini mushrooms 27
Cauliflower 26
Veal 26
Buckwheat 20
Lentils 19

Calcium is one of the most important trace elements involved in metabolic processes. human body. This element accompanies and affects almost all functions of the human body throughout life, starting from the first days of life. Calcium affects the number of contractions of the heart muscle, fights hypertension, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, making the human psyche more stable.

If we consider daily allowance calcium, then you can represent it like this:

  • children from 0 to 6 months - 400 mg,
  • up to a year - 600 mg,
  • from 1 year to 10 years - 800 mg.
  • women - 1000 mg,
  • men - 1200 mg.

With constant physical exertion, it is recommended to increase calcium intake to 1 g per day. Most of all, pregnant and lactating mothers need calcium, who need to consume approximately 1.5-1.8 grams of this substance per day. Athletes also need a lot of calcium.

The role of calcium in the body

Without such an element as calcium, the human body cannot exist. It is simply impossible to overestimate its importance. First of all, calcium is necessary for the formation of the skeleton. Even during intrauterine stay, the fetus needs a huge amount of calcium. It will also be needed throughout life. In particular, this need is necessary in childhood, for the formation of bones and teeth, and the need increases in old age, to prevent the onset of bone fragility.

Calcium is equally important for the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

  1. Helps control cholesterol levels and arterial pressure person.
  2. Calcium nourishes the nerves, so thanks to it, nerve impulses are well transmitted. As you know, health nervous system guarantees long life and youth.
  3. The element controls the metabolic processes of the body. A sufficient amount of calcium ensures the presence healthy hair, nails and teeth.

How and with what calcium is absorbed

There are cases when eating a sufficient amount of calcium, the body still experiences a lack of it. This is due to the fact that the process of absorption of calcium in the body is difficult. In order to improve this process, it is necessary to consume a number of vitamins and microelements.

Also, the absorption of calcium is disturbed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Often, the absorption of this mineral is poor in vegetarians and people who abuse fatty foods and sweets. Experts advise to reduce the use of foods that prevent calcium absorption, or at least eat them separately from foods rich in it.

Calcium interacts most favorably with vitamin D, which improves the absorption of the mineral. But calcium, on the contrary, does not interact with iron, and when both minerals are used together, the absorption of both of them is blocked.

Signs of calcium deficiency

Usually, a lack of calcium manifests itself in the appearance of caries, brittle bones, chronic fatigue and aching joints. But these are far from all the signs, very often people who do not consume calcium in the required amount have frequent viral diseases and colds, weak immunity, depression and irritability. In addition to bone tissue, the nervous and muscular systems also suffer.

A sharp deterioration in vision can also manifest itself due to a lack of calcium, and if you do not start solving this problem in time, then cataracts, problems in the eye lens, or even loss of vision may begin. An equally important symptom of a lack of calcium is a violation of the heart rhythm, the failure of which can lead to myocardial infarction and heart failure.

Signs of too much calcium

An excess of calcium in the body is also harmful to the body as well as its deficiency, because it appears not only from a large amount of calcium-containing foods, but also due to serious diseases.

For example, with a malignant tumor of the ovaries, kidneys, lungs, as well as with radiation therapy of the shoulders and neck.

People suffering from an excess of calcium often experience symptoms such as:

  • constipation
  • periodic pain in the lower abdomen,
  • loss of appetite,
  • convulsions,
  • thirst,
  • vomiting and nausea.

In people with a high calcium content in the body, such a disease as hypercalcemia is often observed, when it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor and strictly follow all his recommendations. Otherwise, serious health problems may arise.

Foods high in calcium

The human body cannot produce calcium on its own, so its presence in the body depends on the person's diet. Therefore, it is worth including foods containing calcium in your diet.

The leaders in the content of this trace element are dairy products:

  • whole milk,
  • kefir,
  • sour cream,
  • cottage cheese,
  • a large amount of calcium is found in hard cheeses.
  • Sea fish and seafood are rich in this element.
  • don't forget the eggs
  • greens and vegetables dark green,
  • dried apricots,
  • oranges,
  • nuts

  • whole milk -120,
  • kefir -120,
  • sour cream - 80,
  • cottage cheese -150,
  • cheese "Russian" - 1000,
  • cheddar cheese. "Dutch" -900,
  • sesame - 780,
  • almonds - 250,
  • walnuts - 90,
  • crabs - 100,
  • shrimp - 90,
  • cod 25,
  • dried apricots - 80,
  • raisins - 50,
  • oranges - 42,
  • tangerines - 38,
  • white beans - 190,
  • leaf parsley - 250,
  • milk chocolate - 240,
  • dark bitter chocolate - 80.

This list is not all products, but the most commonly used in everyday life.

Foods containing calcium and fluorine

Fluorine is considered a poisonous trace element, but according to a study by scientists, fluorine in small amounts of 0.5 - 4 mg per day can be useful.

This micronutrient contains:

  • in black and green tea,
  • fish and canned fish,
  • eggs,
  • walnuts.

Fluorine works especially well in combination with calcium and phosphorus, preventing the occurrence of dental caries. Fluorine is part of the medical toothpaste.

Foods containing calcium for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the load on the body increases and daily requirement calcium increases to 1500 mg.

Starting from the 13th week of pregnancy, the skeletal system of the fetus is formed. Calcium - construction material for its correct formation. During pregnancy, special meaning, has a balanced nutrition of a woman.

Calcium-rich foods must include:

  • hard cheeses,
  • dairy products,
  • lots of fruits and vegetables,
  • nuts,
  • milk chocolate.

It should also be taken into account that during pregnancy, blood volume increases by 2 times.

Very often during this period, especially in the early stages, blood hemoglobin may decrease, which is expressed in the form of anemia, weakness, and toxicosis.

During pregnancy, you should eat foods rich in iron ( meat products, fish).

The absorption of foods rich in calcium proceeds under the influence of vitamin D.

It is also called the "sunshine vitamin". It follows from this that not only pregnant women, but absolutely everyone, need to be in the fresh air, at least 15 minutes. In foods, this vitamin is present in fatty sea ​​fish: salmon, salmon, mackerel.

Calcium is undoubtedly an important element of normal human life support. But, it has the property of "washing out" from the body. Eating foods rich in calcium is great. But this number may not be enough.

Usually, elderly people suffer from a disease associated with a lack of this element. It's called osteoporosis. Sometimes food is scarce. To replenish calcium in the body, vitamin complexes and biological supplements have been developed. Doctors' recommendations should be heeded.

Video about products containing calcium

To maintain a healthy state of bones, nervous system, various tissues of the body and an active metabolism, you need to regularly consume dairy products, but which cheese has the most calcium, how best to provide yourself with such a necessary element? The amount of its consumption per day is individual not only for different periods of a person’s life, but also for his condition.

The musculoskeletal system, thanks to which a person moves in space, needs 99% of all calcium entering the body, the rest is in the blood, teeth, nails and hair. This essential microelement stimulates a regular heartbeat and normalizes blood clotting, improves cell function and the passage of blood. nerve impulse with neural contacts.

Hypocalcemia threatens with the occurrence of:
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • dysfunction of cells;
  • dystrophic changes in bone tissue;
  • failures in reproductive function.

A person who lacks calcium can often complain of toothache, destruction of enamel and their bone structure, constipation, headaches, bone fragility and deterioration of well-being.

If adults need an average of 1000 mg of calcium, then the elderly need more - at least 1200 mg, women in menopause - at least 1400 mg, and during childbearing, the dose of the microelement should be increased to 2000 mg.

In addition to the need to consume enough calcium, you need to ensure its absorption due to the intake of vitamin D, thanks to walks in the fresh air under the rays of the sun. Its ultraviolet effect on the body stimulates the independent synthesis of this vitamin.

What foods contain a daily dose of calcium for a person? To be able to get 1000 mg of a trace element for the body from them, you need to eat 2 kg of spinach or raw cabbage, 100 grams of sesame seeds, one liter of sour cream or milk. Let's compare the volume of these products and only 150-200 grams of hard cheese, which is necessary to replenish the daily supply of a microelement.

Cheeses are the most preferred source, since during their production the mass is enriched with calcium chloride.

At the heart of cheese production, regardless of different technologies, is the process of fermentation of milk with subsequent maturation of the product.

Today there are varieties:

  • fatty;
  • cottage cheese;
  • brine;
  • fused;
  • hard;
  • soft;
  • pressed;
  • unpressed.

For gourmets, blue cheeses are produced. Tofu cheese is not related to animal fats, as it is made from soy milk.

Calcium in cheese is optimally balanced with phosphorus and other vital trace elements: manganese and zinc, iron and copper, sulfur and potassium, magnesium and sodium.

Thus, you can get:
  1. From a plate (30 g): cheddar, parmesan or emmental - 250 mg of calcium.
  2. From mascarpone, ricotta or cottage cheese (200 g) - 150 mg.
  3. From 60 g of camembert or brie - 250 mg, feta - 275 mg, mozzarella - 245 mg.
  4. Of 30 g of cream cheese, only 185 mg of calcium.
Cheese varieties (fat content) Calcium (mg)
Edam cheese (48%) 900
Russian 1100
hard varieties 750-1300
Parmesan 1300
Sausage 855
Rennet/Fat 845
Tilsitsky 815
Emmental 835
"Edam" whole 810
hunting fat 796
Rennet from whole milk 770
"Gouda" from whole milk 760
"Cheddar" 700
Brynza 530
Goat and sheep 500
"Roquefort" 531-750
Melt fat "Edam" 500
Plavl cream "Emmental" 425
Cheese small/fat (20%) 995

Cheeses are the most calorie-rich food, rich in calcium, but also high in fat (cholesterol).

Daily intake of calcium from cheese for people with high cholesterol

Everyone who adheres to a hypocholesterol diet has to take into account: cheeses are a high-calorie product and most of them may contain an increased concentration of “harmful” lipoproteins (milk fat is at least 55-60%).

Therefore, nutritionists recommend such patients:
  • "Tofu" (fat content 1.5 - 4%) - rich in calcium and attractive for the prevention of osteoporosis;
  • Gaudette (semi-hard with 7% fat);
  • spicy "Gouda";
  • "Chechil" (5-10%) - filamentous (tastes like brine "Suluguni";
  • "Grunlander", Viola Polar, "Fitness" (6-11%);
  • Italian Ricotta - 13%;
  • light varieties - Brynza (6-16%) or Feta (30%), which can also be produced in a more high-calorie version (60%);
  • low-fat "Oltermani" and Arla (15-17%).

Saturate the body with calcium delicious cheeses, varieties with harmful additives, artificial ingredients: non-natural ingredients, dyes, preservatives, vegetable fats (except soy tofu).

It's no secret that calcium is vital importance to strengthen and preserve bones and teeth. This mineral is involved in the regulation of blood pressure, in the transmission of nerve signals, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels and performs a number of other functions in the body to ensure the normal functioning of all systems of the human body.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. Its share is more than two percent of the total body weight. Throughout life, it must regularly enter the body and be at an optimal level. Although now there are many biologically active calcium supplements, but still, according to doctors and nutritionists, The best way its intake with food.

There are quite a lot of foods that contain this important mineral for human health. The best sources are milk and dairy products. But many people have an intolerance to the milk protein lactose. In this article, you will find out where else calcium is found, in which foods it can be found.

Foods rich in calcium

Many foods contain calcium. In addition to dairy products, calcium is also found in many other foods: green leafy salads, nuts, fish, some vegetables, especially green ones.

Many studies estimate that, on average, about 70 percent of people get their calcium from milk and milk-based foods. Vegetables, grains, legumes, meat and fish also occupy certain place to enrich our body with this essential element.

Some food manufacturers fortify their products with calcium. But how big the contribution of such products is is currently unknown.

For most people, if they were to drink 3 glasses of milk a day, taking into account the intake of calcium from other foods, this amount would be quite enough. However, many people avoid consuming milk and dairy products for a number of reasons. Such people should find an alternative replacement for them in order to maintain the necessary balance of calcium in the body. This is especially true for strict vegetarians.

Calcium in milk and dairy products

Dairy products such as yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, sour-milk products remain the best sources of calcium for many people. In addition, they contain calcium in the form in which the body can freely absorb and assimilate them.

Although homogenized and pasteurized milk has more calcium, it is less digestible. The disadvantages of dairy products include the high content of toxins in them, such as growth hormones, antibiotics.

Whole milk, with a milk fat content of up to 4 percent, is recommended for children aged one to two years. Adults and children over two years of age should drink milk with a lower fat content of 1 to 2 percent, or skim milk and dairy products. Removing fat does not reduce the amount of calcium in them.

Yogurt, most cheeses, and whey are excellent sources of this valuable mineral.

In addition, milk is a good source of phosphorus and magnesium, which help absorb and absorb calcium.

Vitamin D is essential for the body to absorb calcium, so it is often fortified in dairy products.

Goat milk is also a good source of calcium.

Other sources of calcium

In addition to dairy products, there are other sources. These include:

Leafy green salads: mustard greens, spinach, arugula, etc.

Vegetables: broccoli, kale, turnip, bok choy;

Fish: salmon, sardines, etc.;

Nuts: sesame, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds;

In addition, there is a lot of calcium in orange juice, tofu cheese, soy milk.

Small sesame seeds can be attributed to the champions in the content of calcium and other nutrients. In 100 grams of seeds, there are almost 1000 mg. Tahini paste, where the main ingredient is sesame, contains 426 mg of calcium per 100 grams. In addition, sesame goes well with many other products. Just add them to a salad, sprinkle fish or meat, baked goods.

Many people have heard about the benefits of chia seeds, but do not know that 100 grams of these seeds can provide our body with almost 630 mg of calcium.

Greens, leafy green salads (the darker, the more calcium), vegetables are an excellent source of calcium. Among these representatives, spinach comes out on top. A serving of Chinese bok choy can provide over 150mg, and mustard leaf can provide over 100mg.

One cup of freshly squeezed will provide you with 72mg of calcium, not to mention plenty of vitamin C, which aids in calcium absorption. In addition, oranges are an excellent source of potassium, vitamin A, and beta-carotene.

While the exotic quinoa grain (quinoa) offers us from 60 to 100 mg of calcium, plus a large amount of potassium, zinc and healthy protein.

And the familiar beans can contain, depending on the variety (color), more than 400 mg of calcium per 100 grams.

Broccoli contains about 74 mg of calcium and 120 mg of vitamin C, which helps the body absorb it. In addition, it contains a lot of dietary fiber, vitamin K, A, folic acid.

Five pieces of dried figs will replenish the body with almost 135 mg of calcium. Lots of it in almonds, brazil nuts. Rich in this element and oils from these nuts.

Not only fresh, but also dried herbs contain calcium. Don't forget to add rosemary, mint, sage, basil, parsley, dill, oregano, and other herbs to your meals.

Preparations containing calcium

Calcium is found in many multivitamin supplements. Its amount in them may vary depending on the specific supplement.

There are vitamins that can contain calcium alone, or calcium with other nutrients such as vitamin D.

The most available forms of calcium in preparations include calcium citrate and calcium carbonate.

Calcium citrate is the more expensive type of supplement. It is absorbed by the body when taken on an empty or full stomach.

Calcium carbonate is less expensive. It is better absorbed when taken with food.

In addition, calcium supplements and multivitamins may include calcium lactate and calcium phosphate.

Calcium absorption is best when taken in amounts of no more than 500 mg at a time.

Vitamin D and calcium. Why Vitamin D Is Important

Vitamin D is essential for the body to effectively absorb calcium. Unlike other vitamins, we do not need to get it from food. Most of this vitamin we have is produced by our own organs when exposed to sunlight. This is good because most products don't have it, or it's present in very small amounts. Foods containing vitamin D are:

  • Fatty fish (such as sardines, herring, trout, tuna, salmon, or mackerel);
  • Fortified foods (meaning that vitamin D is added to such foods), such as margarine, some cereals, milk, and dairy products.

Vitamin D intake is especially important during the winter. Some people are at risk for deficiency of this vitamin and must take it throughout the year.

How much calcium do we need?

Adults over the age of 18 need about 700 mg of calcium per day. There are other circumstances in which more calcium is required. It could be:

  • Children aged 9-18 years - 1300 mg, children aged 4-8 years require about 800 mg per day;
  • Breastfeeding - 1250 mg;
  • Patients with celiac disease or Crohn's disease ulcerative colitis- from 1000 mg to 1500 mg;
  • Men and women over the age of 55 - 1200 mg;
  • With osteoporosis or a tendency to this disease - 1000 mg.

If you are being treated for osteoporosis with medications such as alendronic acid, it is especially important that you get enough calcium in your body. Otherwise, the effect of treatment is reduced to zero.

You also need to make sure you are getting enough calcium if you have low levels of this element in your blood (hypocalcemia) or are taking medications that interfere with the absorption of calcium and wash it out, such as steroids.

One of side effects when taking steroid drugs for a long period (more than 3 months) is an increased risk of developing osteoporosis.

There is some evidence that increased sodium in the diet, usually in the form of salt, can increase calcium excretion from the body. The most reasonable thing in this case is to reduce salt intake. Drinking too much coffee can also contribute to flushing, which can lead to coffee deficiency.

Side effects and overdose

According to doctors and nutritionists, most people do not get enough required amount calcium from food. 90 percent of people at risk of calcium deficiency fail to reach the daily recommended amount. Therefore, the fact of overdose is unlikely among the adult population.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, acceptable upper levels for calcium are:

  • 0-6 months - 1000 mg
  • 6-12 months - 1500 mg
  • 1-3 years - 2,500 mg
  • 4-8 years - 2,500 mg
  • 9-13 years - 3000 mg
  • 14-18 years - 3000 mg
  • 19-30 years - 2,500 mg
  • 31-50 years - 2,500 mg
  • 51+ years - 2000 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women (under 18 years old) - 3000 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women (over 18 years old) - 2500 mg

For a middle-aged person to exceed this 2,500 milligram daily calcium intake limit, they would need to eat about 10 cups of spinach or green leafy greens. Rarely will anyone consume about 6 cups of yogurt daily, which is needed for the maximum allowable norm.

There is a condition called milk-alkaline syndrome in which severe dehydration can occur due to excessive calcium intake. This condition is almost always caused by taking calcium supplements or antacids containing calcium. This risk exists when taking dietary (from food) calcium above 2000 mg per day. However, as noted earlier, consuming 2,000 milligrams from food is still unlikely.

People with existing health problems, such as kidney disease or a particular risk of such problems, fall into a special category. So people taking high doses of calcium supplements (multivitamins) may increase the risk of heart disease, but this is not the case with food.

Therefore, if we talk about an excess of calcium in a particular person, then it is most likely to be associated with health, and not calcium intake from food.

Before taking supplemental calcium food additives, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the consumption rate appropriate for the state of health.

Table of foods rich in calcium

In this table you will find a list of the most commonly consumed foods for most people.

Milk (any) 200 ml 240
Goat milk 250 ml 345
Yogurt 125 grams 200
cheddar cheese 30 grams 216
Soft cheese (triangle) 15 grams 100
Cottage cheese 100g 73
ricotta cheese 125 grams 269-356
Ice cream 60 grams 78
Custard 120 grams 150


Sardines (atlas) 75 grams 286
Sprat 100g 340
Haddock 150 grams (fillet) 150
Salmon canned. 75 grams 179-212
Trout 100g 20
Canned mackerel. 75 grams 181
Pacific sardine. 75 grams 180
Cod 100g 25
Anchovies 75 grams 174
squids 100g 40
Shrimps 100g 90
Crab meat 100g 100


lettuce green 100g 200
spinach fresh 100g 150
Spinach cooked. 125 grams 129
Broccoli 50 grams 30
Cabbage 50 grams 65


Dried porcini mushrooms. 100g 184
Fresh porcini mushrooms 100g 30
Whole wheat bread 100g 55
Rice 100g 33
Buckwheat 100g 21
Cornflakes 100g 43
Oatmeal 100g 50
chickpeas 100g 45
Peas 100g 50
Beans 100g 194
Olives 100g 85
chicken eggs 100g 58
dried figs 60 grams 150
Melon 100g 170
Orange juice 250 ml 300
Basil 100g 370


Soya beans 100g 240
Soy milk 200ml 240
tofu cheese 100 500
soy yogurt 175 grams 206
Sesame 100 780
sunflower seeds 100 100
Sunflower halva. 100 91
Almond 100 250
Hazelnut 100 175
Walnuts 100g 90
Brazilian nut 15 grams 26
Dark chocolate 100g 60
Chocolate white 100g 280
milk chocolate 100 220

As can be seen from the above and far from complete table, although dairy products are considered the richest in calcium, there are others in which it is not less and which can replace them for those people who have milk protein intolerance. A good alternative to supplement your diet is to take supplements.

The pharmaceutical industry produces many different products that contain calcium as a main ingredient or as an additive in combination products. Before buying any funds, be sure to consult a doctor. He will choose the most suitable option for the prevention of osteoporosis and will calculate the dosage, as well as the time of admission.
If supplemental calcium is needed, do not take more than 500 mg at a time. And for better absorption, take breaks - do not take calcium at all 1.2 times a week. Calcium is better absorbed when taken with ascorbic acid, citric acid, or with fermented milk products.

It is important to know
- Excess consumption of table salt leads to excessive excretion of calcium in the urine.
- Eating large amounts of food containing a lot of protein (meat, fish, poultry, dried peas, beans, etc.) also leads to excessive excretion of calcium in the urine. However, protein foods contain many useful nutrients, which are necessary and cannot be excluded from the food consumed. In the recommended amounts, protein foods do not affect calcium loss in the urine.
- The constant use of coffee and Coca-Cola also leads to depletion of the body in calcium and the appearance of signs of osteoporosis.
- Excessive consumption of coarse fiber foods containing a lot of fiber leads to a decrease in calcium absorption in the intestines.
- Carbonated drinks are very high in phosphates, they displace calcium from the bones, which leads to bone loss. Women who regularly drink carbonated drinks have a five-fold increased risk of bone fracture!
- Excess salt promotes the excretion of calcium from the body.
- Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause signs of osteoporosis, since alcohol is a toxin that disrupts metabolic processes in the body and thereby contributes to bone loss.
- Smoking, due to its general negative impact on the processes occurring in the body, is also a risk factor for the occurrence of signs of osteoporosis.
- From medicines with the greatest care it is necessary to treat glucocorticosteroid preparations. This is especially true for people suffering from chronic diseases such as bronchial asthma, rheumatism or arthritis, and who regularly take corticosteroids. They increase the leaching of calcium from bone tissue and slow down its regeneration and some other drugs, therefore, before you start taking medications for any diseases, first consult with your doctor about their possible side effects to your bone tissue.
