Lesson plan

1. What human races do you know?
2. What factors cause the evolutionary process?
3. What influences the formation of the gene pool of a population?

What are human races?

Human predecessors are Australopithecus;
- ancient people- progressive australopithecines, archanthropes (pithecanthropes, synanthropes, Heidelberg man, etc.);
- ancient people - paleoanthropes (Neanderthals);
- fossil people of the modern anatomical type - neoanthropes (Cro-Magnons).

The historical development of man was carried out under the influence of the same factors of biological evolution as the formation of other types of living organisms. However, a person is characterized by such a unique phenomenon for living nature as an increasing influence on the anthropogenesis of social factors (labor activity, social lifestyle, speech and thinking).

For a modern person, social and labor relations have become leading and determining.

As a result of social development Homo sapiens has acquired unconditional advantages among all living beings. But this does not mean that the emergence of the social sphere canceled the action of biological factors. The social sphere only changed their manifestation. Homo sapiens as a species is integral part biosphere and the product of its evolution.

These are historically formed groupings (groups of populations) of people, characterized by the similarity of morphological and physiological features. Racial differences are the result of people's adaptation to certain conditions of existence, as well as the historical and socio-economic development of human society.

There are three large races: Caucasoid (Eurasian), Mongoloid (Asian-American) and Australo-Negroid (Equatorial).

Chapter 8

Fundamentals of ecology

After reading this chapter, you will learn:

What does ecology study and why does every person need to know its basics;
- what is the significance of environmental factors: abiatic, biotic and anthropogenic;
What role do conditions play? external environment and internal properties of a population group in the process of changing its size over time;
- O various types interactions of organisms;
- about the features of competitive relations and factors that determine the outcome of competition;
- on the composition and basic properties of the ecosystem;
- about energy flows and the circulation of substances that ensure the functioning of systems, and about the role in these processes

Even in the middle of the XX century. the word ecology was known only to specialists, but now it has become very popular; most often it is used, speaking about the unfavorable state of the nature around us.

Sometimes this term is used in combination with words such as society, family, culture, health. Is ecology really such a vast science that it can cover most of the problems facing humanity?

Kamensky A. A., Kriksunov E. V., Pasechnik V. V. Biology Grade 10
Submitted by readers from the website

In modern humanity, there are three main races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. These are large groups of people who differ in some physical features, such as facial features, skin color, eyes and hair, hair shape.

Each race is characterized by the unity of origin and formation in a certain territory.

The Caucasian race includes the indigenous population of Europe, South Asia and North Africa. Caucasoids are characterized by a narrow face, a strongly protruding nose, and soft hair. The skin color of northern Caucasians is light, while that of southern Caucasians is predominantly swarthy.

The Mongoloid race includes the indigenous population of Central and East Asia, Indonesia, and Siberia. Mongoloids are distinguished by a large, flat, wide face, slit eyes, hard, straight hair, and dark skin color.

In the Negroid race, two branches are distinguished - African and Australian. The Negroid race is characterized by dark skin color, curly hair, dark eyes, a wide and flat nose.

Racial characteristics are hereditary, but at present they are not essential for human life. Apparently, in the distant past, racial signs were useful for their owners: the dark skin of blacks and curly hair, creating an air layer around the head, protected the body from the effects of sun rays, the shape of the facial skeleton of Mongoloids with a larger nasal cavity, may be useful in warming cold air before it enters the lungs. By mental ability, i.e., abilities for knowledge, creative and labor activity in general, all races are the same. Differences in the level of culture are not associated with biological features people of different races, but with the social conditions of the development of society.

The reactionary essence of racism. Initially, some scientists confused the level of social development with biological characteristics and tried to find transitional forms among modern peoples that connect humans with animals. These mistakes were used by the racists, who began to talk about the alleged inferiority of some races and peoples and the superiority of others in order to justify the merciless exploitation and direct destruction of many peoples as a result of colonization, the seizure of foreign lands and the outbreak of wars. When European and American capitalism tried to conquer the African and Asian peoples, the white race was declared the highest. Later, when the Nazi hordes marched across Europe, destroying the captured population in the death camps, the so-called Aryan race was declared the highest, to which the Nazis ranked the German peoples. Racism is a reactionary ideology and politics aimed at justifying the exploitation of man by man.

The failure of racism is proved by the real science of races - racial science. Racial science studies racial characteristics, the origin, formation and history of human races. The data obtained by racial science indicate that the differences between races are not sufficient to consider races as different. species of people. Mixing of races - miscegenation - occurred constantly, as a result of which intermediate types arose at the boundaries of the ranges of representatives of different races, smoothing out the differences between races.

Will races disappear? One of the important conditions for the formation of races is isolation. In Asia, Africa and Europe, it still exists to some extent today. Meanwhile, newly settled regions, such as North and South America, can be compared to a cauldron in which all three racial groups are melted down. Although public opinion in many countries does not support interracial marriages, there is little doubt that racial interbreeding is inevitable and will sooner or later lead to the formation of a hybrid human population.

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

State educational institution higher professional education

"Michurinsky State Pedagogical Institute"

Department of Biology and Fundamentals Agriculture

according to the theory of evolution

Human races and their origins


student 52 / 3 groups

Faculty of Biology


Michurinsk, 2008

1. The concept of "race of man"

2. Large races of man

5. Race and racism


Bibliographic list

1. The concept of "race of man"

Human races (French, sing. race) are systematic subdivisions within the species Homo sapiens. The concept of "race" is based on the biological, primarily physical similarity of people and the commonality of the territory (range) inhabited by them in the past or present. The race is characterized by a complex of inherited traits, which include the color of the skin, hair, eyes, the shape of the hair, soft parts of the face, skull, partly height, body proportions, etc. But since most of these traits in humans are subject to variability, and between races there have been and are mixing (crossbreeding), a particular individual rarely possesses the entire set of typical racial characteristics.

2. Large races of man

Since the 17th century, many various classifications human races. Most often, three main, or large, races are distinguished: Caucasoid (Eurasian, Caucasoid), Mongoloid (Asian-American) and Equatorial (Negro-Australoid).

The Caucasoid race is characterized by fair skin (with variations from very light, mainly in Northern Europe, to swarthy and even brown), soft straight or wavy hair, horizontal slit eyes, moderately or strongly developed hair on the face and chest in men, prominently protruding nose, straight or slightly sloping forehead.

In the Mongoloid race, the skin color varies from dark to light (mainly in North Asian groups), the hair is usually dark, often coarse and straight, the protrusion of the nose is usually small, the palpebral fissure has an oblique incision, the fold of the upper eyelid is significantly developed and, in addition to In addition, there is a fold (epicanthus) covering inner corner eyes; hairline is weak.

The equatorial, or Negro-Australoid race is distinguished by dark pigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes, curly or broadly wavy (Australian) hair; the nose is usually wide, slightly protruding, the lower part of the face protrudes.

3. Small races and their geographical distribution

Each major race is subdivided into minor races, or anthropological types. Within the Caucasoid race, the Atlanto-Baltic, White Sea-Baltic, Central European, Balkan-Caucasian and Indo-Mediterranean minor races are distinguished. Now Caucasians inhabit virtually the entire inhabited land, but until the middle of the 15th century - the beginning of the great geographical discoveries- their main range included Europe, North Africa, Western and Central Asia and India. In modern Europe, all small races are represented, but the Central European variant prevails numerically (often found among Austrians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Russians, Ukrainians); in general, its population is very mixed, especially in cities, due to migrations, miscegenation and the influx of migrants from other regions of the Earth.

Within the Mongoloid race, the Far Eastern, South Asian, North Asian, Arctic and American small races are usually distinguished, the latter sometimes being considered as a separate large race. The Mongoloids inhabited all climatic and geographical zones (Northern, Central, East and Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, Madagascar, North and South America). Modern Asia is characterized by a wide variety of anthropological types, but various Mongoloid and Caucasoid groups predominate in number. Among the Mongoloids, the Far Eastern (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) and South Asian (Malays, Javanese, Probes) small races are most common, among Caucasians - the Indo-Mediterranean. In America, the indigenous population (Indians) is a minority, compared with various Caucasoid anthropological types and population groups of representatives of all three major races.

Rice. 4. Scheme of the anthropological composition of the peoples of the world (small races, distinguished within large ones, differ from each other not so much essential features).

The equatorial, or Negro-Australoid, race includes three small races of African Negroids (Negro, or Negroid, Bushman and Negrillian) and the same number of Oceanic Australoids (Australian, or Australoid, a race that is distinguished in some classifications as an independent large race, as well as Melanesian and vedoid). The range of the equatorial race is not continuous: it covers most of Africa, Australia, Melanesia, New Guinea partly Indonesia. In Africa, the Negro minor race is numerically predominant, in the north and south of the continent there is a significant specific gravity European population.

In Australia, the indigenous population is a minority in relation to migrants from Europe and India, and representatives of the Far Eastern race (Japanese, Chinese) are quite numerous. Indonesia is dominated by the South Asian race.

Along with the above, there are races with a less definite position, formed as a result of a long-term mixing of the population of certain regions, for example, the Lapanoid and Ural races, combining the features of Caucasoids and Mongoloids, or the Ethiopian race - intermediate between the Equatorial and Caucasoid races.

4. Origin of human races

The races of man appear to have appeared relatively recently. According to one of the schemes based on data from molecular biology, the division into two large racial trunks - Negroid and Caucasoid-Mongoloid - most likely occurred about 100 thousand years ago, and the differentiation of Caucasoids and Mongoloids - about 45-60 thousand years ago. Large races were mainly formed under the influence of natural and socio-economic conditions during the intraspecific differentiation of the already established Homo sapiens, starting from the Late Paleolithic and Mesolithic, but mainly in the Neolithic. The Caucasoid type has been established since the Neolithic, although some of its features can be traced in the late or even middle Paleolithic. In fact, there is no reliable evidence of the presence of the Mongoloids in East Asia in the pre-Neolithic era, although in Northern Asia they may have already existed in the late Paleolithic. In America, the ancestors of the Indians were not established Mongoloids. Also, Australia was settled by still "neutral" racially neoanthropes.

According to the theory of polycentrism, modern human races arose as a result of a long parallel evolution of several phyletic lineages on different continents: Caucasoid in Europe, Negroid in Africa, Mongoloid in Central and East Asia, Australoid in Australia. However, if the evolution of racial complexes proceeded in parallel on different continents, it could not be completely independent, since the ancient protoras had to interbreed at the borders of their ranges and exchange genetic information. In a number of regions, intermediate small races were formed, characterized by a mixture of features of different large races. So, an intermediate position between the Caucasoid and Mongoloid races is occupied by the South Siberian and Ural small races, between the Caucasoid and Negroid - the Ethiopian, etc.

From the standpoint of monocentrism, modern human races formed relatively late, 25-35 thousand years ago, in the process of the settlement of neoanthropes from the area of ​​their origin. This also allows for the possibility of crossing (at least limited) neoanthropes during their expansion with the displaced populations of paleoanthropes (as a process of introgressive interspecific hybridization) with the penetration of the alleles of the latter into the gene pools of neoanthropes populations. This could also contribute to racial differentiation and the stability of some phenotypic traits (like the spatulate incisors of the Mongoloids) in the centers of race formation.

There are also compromise concepts between mono- and polycentrism that allow the divergence of phyletic lines leading to different large races at different levels (stages) of anthropogenesis: for example, Caucasoids and Negroids closer to each other are already at the stage of neoanthropes with the initial development of their ancestral trunk in the western part of the Old World, while even at the stage of paleoanthropes, the eastern branch could stand apart - the Mongoloids and, perhaps, the Australoids.

Large human races occupy vast territories covering peoples that differ in the level of economic development, culture, and language. There is no clear coincidence between the concepts of "race" and "ethnos" (people, nation, nationality). At the same time, there are examples of anthropological types (small and sometimes large races) that correspond to one or more closely related ethnic groups, for example, the Lapanoid race and the Saami. Much more often, however, the opposite is observed: one anthropological type is widespread among many ethnic groups, as, for example, in the indigenous population of America or among the peoples of Northern Europe. In general, all large nations, as a rule, are heterogeneous in anthropological terms. There is also no coincidence between races and language groups - the latter arose later than the races. Thus, among the Turkic-speaking peoples there are representatives of both Caucasians (Azerbaijanis) and Mongoloids (Yakuts). The term "races" is not applicable to language families - for example, one should not talk about the "Slavic race", but about a group of related peoples who speak Slavic languages.

5. Race and racism

Many racial traits have an adaptive value. For example, in representatives of the equatorial race, dark pigmentation of the skin protects against the burning action of ultraviolet rays, and elongated body proportions increase the ratio of body surface to its volume and thereby facilitate thermoregulation in hot climates. However, racial characteristics are not decisive for the existence of a person, therefore they in no way indicate any biological or intellectual superiority or, on the contrary, the inferiority of a particular race. All races are at the same level of evolutionary development and are characterized by the same species features. Therefore, the concepts of the supposedly unequal human races in physical and mental relations (racism), put forward since the middle of the 19th century, are scientifically untenable. Racism has distinct social roots and has always been used as an excuse for forced land grabs and discrimination against indigenous peoples. Racists usually ignore the fact that differences between achievements different peoples fully explained by the history of their cultures, depending on external factors, from their historically changing role. It is enough to compare the level of cultural development of the population of Northern Europe today and in the era of the great civilizations of the past in Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley.


Human races are systematic divisions within the species Homo sapiens. The concept of "race" is based on the biological, primarily physical similarity of people and the commonality of the territory (range) inhabited by them in the past or present.

Most often, three main, or large, races are distinguished: Caucasoid (Eurasian, Caucasoid), Mongoloid (Asian-American) and Equatorial (Negro-Australoid). Each major race is subdivided into minor races, or anthropological types.

There are two main hypotheses for the origin of human races - polycentrism and monocentrism.

According to the theory of polycentrism, modern human races arose as a result of a long parallel evolution of several phyletic lineages on different continents: Caucasoid in Europe, Negroid in Africa, Mongoloid in Central and East Asia, Australoid in Australia.

From the standpoint of monocentrism, modern human races formed relatively late, 25-35 thousand years ago, in the process of the settlement of neoanthropes from the area of ​​their origin.

There are also compromise concepts between mono- and polycentrism, which allow for the divergence of phyletic lines leading to different large races at different levels (stages) of anthropogenesis.

Large human races occupy vast territories covering peoples that differ in the level of economic development, culture, and language. There is no clear coincidence between the concepts of "race" and "ethnos" (people, nation, nationality). In general, all large nations, as a rule, are heterogeneous in anthropological terms. There is also no coincidence between races and language groups - the latter arose later than the races.

Many racial traits have an adaptive value and are not decisive for human existence, therefore they in no way indicate any biological or intellectual superiority or, on the contrary, the inferiority of a particular race. All races are at the same level of evolutionary development and are characterized by the same specific features. Therefore, the concepts of the supposedly unequal human races in physical and mental relations (racism), put forward since the middle of the 19th century, are scientifically untenable. Racism has distinct social roots and has always been used as an excuse for forced land grabs and discrimination against indigenous peoples. Racists usually ignore the fact that the differences between the achievements of different peoples are completely explained by the history of their cultures, depending on external factors, on their historically changing role.

Bibliographic list

1. Georgievsky, A.B. Darwinism: Proc. allowance for students of biol. and chem. specialist. ped. in-tov / A.B. Georgievsky. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - 271 p.

2. Jordansky, N.N. The evolution of life: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / N.N. Jordan. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 432 p.

3. General biology: Proc. for 10 - 11 cells. with a deep studying biology in school. / L.V. Vysotskaya, S.M. Glagolev, G.M. Dymshits and others; Under. ed. VC. Noisy and others - 3rd ed., revised. - M.: Enlightenment, 2001. - 462 p.

4. Paramonov, A.A. Darwinism: Proc. allowance for biol. specialist. for students ped. in-tov / A.A. Paramonov. – M.: Enlightenment, 1978. – 335 p.

5. Yablokov, A.V. Evolutionary doctrine: Proc. allowance for university students / A.V. Yablokov, A.G. Yusufov. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Higher School, 1981. - 343 p.

When distinguishing races of the first (large), second (small) and third order (subraces), as well as anthropological types, they are guided by the principle of the taxonomic value of racial features, depending on the time of formation of the racial trunk and the territory on which this feature delimits groups of people. The later the sign was formed, the less it is suitable for distinguishing between large races. Thus, large races are distinguished primarily by the degree of pigmentation and the structural features of the face and head, that is, by the signs of appearance that have separated mankind since ancient times. Races are not suitable for signs that can change by themselves over time. (For example, zygomatic size, skull shape - top view).

The antiquity of the origin of a racial trait is determined by the breadth of its geographical distribution. If it manifests itself in many human populations over wide areas of the continent, this indicates an ancient and local formation. Signs that change in a complex way are also an indicator of belonging to a large race.

The famous anthropologist N.N. Cheboksarov in 1951 gave a classification of racial types, which included three large races: equatorial, or Australo-Negroid, Eurasian, or Caucasoid, Asian-American. The major races include a total of 22 minor races, or races of the second order. In 1979, Cheboksarov found it possible to single out the Australoid race separately as a race of the first order.

big races

Equatorial race (Fig. IX. 1). Dark skin color, wavy or curly hair, wide, slightly protruding nose, low or medium nose bridge, transverse nostrils, protruding upper lip, large mouth gap, protruding teeth.

Eurasian race (Fig. IX. 2). Light or dark skin color, straight or wavy hair, abundant beard and mustache growth, narrow and sharply protruding nose, high nose bridge, longitudinal nostrils, straight upper lip, small mouth opening, thin lips. Often there are light eyes and hair. The teeth are set straight. Strong canine fossa. It makes up 2/3 of the world's population.

Asiatic-American race (Fig. IX. 3). Dark skin tone, straight, often coarse hair, weak growth of beard and mustache, average nose width, low or medium nose bridge, slightly (in Asia) and strongly (in America) protruding nose, straight upper lip, average thickness of lips, flattened face, inner crease of the eyelid.

The spread of large races. The Eurasian race (before the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries), occupied Europe, North Africa, Western and Central Asia, Middle East, India - temperate and Mediterranean climate, often - maritime climate, mild winters.

The distribution of the Asian-American race - Asia, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Pacific Islands, Madagascar, North and South America - all climatic and geographical zones.

The territories occupied by the equatorial race are south of the Tropic of Cancer in Africa, Indonesia, New Guinea, Melanesia, Australia (savannahs, tropical forests, deserts, oceanic islands).

Minor races

Eurasian race

Atlanto-Baltic minor race. The range of the race is Scandinavia, the British Isles, the northern regions of Western and Eastern Europe.

Represented by Norwegians, Swedes, Scots, Icelanders, Danes, Russians, Belarusians, Baltic peoples, Northern French, Germans, Finns. The race is light-skinned, the eyes are most often light, often blond hair. The growth of the beard is average and above average. Body hair is medium to light. The face and head are large (long-average annual); the face is long. The nose is narrow and straight, with a high nose bridge. In the history of the composition of the race, depigmentation has occurred.

White Sea-Baltic minor race. The range is from the Baltic to the White Seas. The most lightly pigmented race, especially the hair. The length of the body is less than that of the Atlanto-Baltic minor race, the face is wider and lower. Shorter nose, often with a concave back. This option is a direct descendant of the ancient population of Central and Northern Europe.

Central European small race. The range is all of Europe, especially the North European Plain from the Atlantic to the Volga. The race is represented by Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Austrians, northern Italians, Ukrainians, Russians. Darker hair color than the White Sea-Baltic race. The head is moderately wide. Average face size. The growth of the beard is average and above average. Nose with a straight back and a high nose bridge, the length varies.

Balkan-Caucasian minor race. The area is the Eurasian mountain belt. Body length is average and above average. The hair is dark, often wavy. The eyes are dark and mixed shades. Strong tertiary hairline. The head is brachycephalic (short). The width of the face is medium to above average. The nose is large, with a convex back. The base of the nose and the tip are lowered.

Indo-Mediterranean minor race. Range - some southern regions of Europe, North Africa, Arabia, a number southern regions Eurasia to India. Represented by Spaniards, Portuguese, southern Italians, Algerians, Libyans, Egyptians, Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, peoples of Central Asia, Indians. Body length is average and below average. Skin color is dark. Hair is wavy. The eyes are dark. Tertiary hairline is moderate. The nose is straight and narrow, the bridge of the nose is high. The eyeball is wide open. The middle part of the face predominates. The fold of the upper eyelid is poorly developed.

Laponoid minor race. The area is the north of Fennoscandia. The basis of the anthropological type of the Lapps (Saami). In ancient times, it was widely distributed in northern Europe. A mixture of Caucasoid and Mongoloid characters. The skin is light, the hair is dark, straight or broadly wavy, soft. The eyes are dark or mixed shades. The tertiary hairline is weak. The head is large. The face is low. The nose is short and wide. The interorbital distance is wide. The body length is short. The legs are relatively short, the arms are long, the body is wide.

Asian American

Pacific Mongoloids.

Far Eastern minor race. It is part of the population of Korea, China, Japan. Skin color is dark. The eyes are dark. Epicanthus is common. The tertiary hairline is very weak. Height is average or above average. The face is narrow, of medium width, high, flat. High brain skull. The nose is long, with a straight back, slightly-medium protruding.

South Asian minor race. The skin color is darker than that of the Far Eastern race. In comparison with it, the epicanthus is less characteristic: the face is less flattened and lower; lips are thicker; the nose is relatively wider. The skull is small and broad. The forehead is convex. The body length is short. The area is the countries of South and Southeast Asia.

Northern Mongoloids

North Asian minor race. The skin color is lighter than that of the Pacific Mongoloids. The hair is dark and dark blond, straight and coarse. The face is high and broad, very flat. The brain skull is low. There is a very low nose bridge. Part of the epicanthus. The eye section is small: the body length is medium and below average. It is part of many indigenous peoples of Siberia (Evenks, Yakuts, Buryats).

Arctic minor race. It is part of the Eskimos, Chukchi, American Indians, Koryaks. The pigmentation is darker than that of the North Asian minor race; the face is more prognathous. The hair is straight and coarse. Epicanthus occurs in 50% of the race. Nose protrudes moderately. Wide lower jaw. The bones and muscles are strongly developed. The body and arms are short. The chest is rounded.

American race

The range is the vast territory of America. Large nose, sometimes convex. The flattening of the face is moderate. Epicanthus is rare. The face and head are large. Massive body.

Australo-Negroid race

African Negroids

Negro minor race. The range is the savannah and forest zone of Africa. Skin color is dark or very dark. Eye color is dark. The hair is heavily curly and spirally curled. The nose is wide in wings. Low and flat bridge. Lips are thick. Severe alveolar prognathism. Tertiary hairline is medium and weak. The palpebral fissure is wide open; the eyeball protrudes somewhat forward. The interorbital distance is large. Body length is average or above average. The limbs are long, the body is short. The pelvis is small.

Bushman minor race. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bsettlement is the desert and semi-desert regions of South Africa. Yellowish-brown skin color. Hair and eyes are dark. The hair is spirally curled and grows slowly in length. The nose is wide, with a low nasal bridge. The tertiary cover is weak. The section of the eyes is smaller than that of the Negro race, epicanthus is found. The face is small, somewhat flattened. Small lower jaw. Body length below average. Strong development of fat on the buttocks. Wrinkling of the skin. The Bushmen are a remnant of the ancient race of Africa of the ancient Middle Stone Age.

Negril minor race. Aborigines of the African rainforest. Pigmentation and shape of hair, like that of the Bushmen. The nose is broader, but protrudes more strongly. The incision of the eyes is significant, the eyeball protrudes strongly. The tertiary hairline is strongly developed. The length of the body is very small, the legs are short, the arms are long. The joints are mobile.

Oceanic Negroids

Australian minor race. Indigenous people of Australia. The skin color is dark, but lighter than that of the Negro race. Hair color is brown to black. The shape of the hair - from wide-wavy to narrow-wavy and curl. The eyes are dark. The tertiary hairline is well developed on the face and weakly on the body. Nose very wide, low bridge of nose. The eye section is large; the position of the eyeball is deep. Lips of medium thickness. Jaws protrude forward. Body length is average and above average. The body is short, the limbs are long. The chest is powerful, the muscles are well developed, the neck is short. The skull, unlike the skeleton, is very massive.

Melanesian minor race. The distribution area is New Guinea and the islands of Melanesia. Unlike Australians, curly-haired people have a smaller stature, the tertiary hairline is less developed. Papuans often have a large nose with a convex back and a lowered tip (similar to the Western Asian Caucasoids).

Vedoid minor race. The range of the race is the islands of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, South India. It is a smaller version of the Australians. Moderately dark skin, wavy hair, medium lip thickness, moderate jaw protrusion. The nose is narrower in the wings, the bridge of the nose is not too low. The tertiary hairline is weak. Body length is average and below average. Often this race is combined with the Australian into one. In antiquity, both options were widespread.

contact races

At the junction of the ranges of large races, contact races are distinguished, which have a special classification. On the territory where Caucasoids and Mongoloids contact, the Ural and South Siberian small races stand out; a mixture of Caucasians and Negroids gave the Ethiopian minor race; Caucasoids and Veddoids - a Dravidian minor race.

Ural small race. The range of the race is the Urals, Trans-Urals, part of Western Siberia. The skin is light. The hair is dark and dark blond, straight and broadly wavy, often soft. Eye color - mixed and dark shades, a little light. The nose is straight or with a concave back, the tip is raised, the bridge of the nose is of medium height. The face is small and relatively wide, low and moderately flattened. Lips of medium thickness. The tertiary hairline is weakened. The Ural race is similar to the Laponoid, but people are larger and have a Mongoloid admixture. The Ural race is represented by Mansi, Khanty, Selkups, some Volga peoples, some peoples of the Altai-Sayan highlands.

South Siberian small race. The range of the race is the steppes of Kazakhstan, the mountainous regions of the Tien Shan, Altai-Sayan. The skin color is dark and light. Hair and eye color, like the Ural race. Nose with a straight or convex back, large, bridge of medium height. The face is rather high and broad. The hair is often straight and coarse. Average height. The variant is more massive than the Ural one. This race includes Kazakhs and Kirghiz.

Ethiopian minor race. Distributed in East Africa. Skin color - with brown tints. Dark hair and eyes. Hair is curly, finely wavy. The tertiary cover is weakened. The nose is straight, with a rather high bridge of nose, not wide. The face is narrow, the lips are of medium thickness. Body length is average and above average; body is narrow. An ancient version of humanity (from the middle and new stone age).

Dravidian (South Indian) minor race. Distribution area - South India at the junction of the southern Caucasians and Veddoids. Brown skin. The hair is straight and wavy, the proportions of the face and its details tend to average values.

Ainu (Kuril) small race. The area is the island of Hokkaido. Skin color is tan. The hair is dark, coarse, wavy. The eyes are light brown. Epicanthus is rare or absent. The tertiary hairline is highly developed. The face is low, broad, slightly flattened. The nose, mouth and ears are large, the lips are full. The arms are long, the legs are relatively short. The physique is massive. The Ainu are sometimes considered a distinct large race; they are also referred to as Caucasoids or Australoids.

Polynesian minor race. The area is the islands of the Pacific Ocean. New Zealand. The skin is swarthy, sometimes light or yellowish. Hair is dark, wavy or straight. The tertiary hairline on the body is weak, on the face is medium. The nose of the media is not protruding, relatively wide. Lips are full. Large body sizes. It remains unclear what great races were included as components of mixing in this variant.

The population that forms the race. The total number of populations belonging to the equatorial races (without transitional and mixed forms) is about 260.1 million people (calculations were made by S.I. Brook with the participation of N.N. Cheboksarov in 1975-1976). The oceanic (Australoid) branch accounts for 9.5 million people. Among the Negroids, the most numerous are blacks (250.2 million people, 215 million people live in Africa, 35 million people live in America). There are about 200 thousand African Pygmies (Negrillies), Bushmen - 250 thousand people. The most numerous in South and Southeast Asia are Veddoids - 5 million people, Melanesians and Papuans - 4.26 million people. The Australians number about 50 thousand people, the Ainu - about 20 thousand people.

The total number of populations transitional between the equatorial and Caucasian races is about 356.6 million people (the South Indian group - 220 million people, the Ethiopian group - 45 million people).

The total number of Caucasoid populations, not mixed or very little mixed with other large races, reaches 1803.5 million people. Light Caucasians make up 140 million people, dark Caucasians - 1047.5 million people, the rest are transitional types. In the former USSR, Caucasians numbered 220 million people, in foreign Europe - 478 million, in Africa - 107 million, in America - 303 million, in Australia and Oceania - 16.5 million people. Light Caucasians predominate in the north of Europe and North America, dark ones - in the Caucasus, in the countries of the Middle East, in South Asia, in southern Europe, in Africa, and Latin America. Mixed and transitional forms between Caucasoid and Asian Mongoloids number 44.8 million people. Thus, the South Siberian race has 8.5 million people, the Urals - 13.1 million people.

The third main group of races - Mongoloid - is estimated at 712.3 million people. Northern Mongoloids (continental) number 8 million people, the number of Pacific (eastern) Mongoloids reaches 671.1 million people (most in China and Korea). The Arctic (Eskimo) group of types numbers 150 thousand people (transitional between continental and Pacific Mongoloids). American Mongoloids (sometimes distinguished as a separate large race) include approximately 33 million people.

The number of mixed and transitional forms between the Mongoloids and the Equatorial races can be judged from the South Asian contact race, connecting the Eastern Mongoloids with the Australoids, which has 550.4 million people.

The Polynesian Contact Group has about 1 million members. It occupies a middle position between all the great races of mankind.

The number of all Mongoloid-Equatorial populations is estimated at 674.1 million people.

  • 1989 Died - Soviet journalist, writer and archaeologist. Candidate of Historical Sciences, local historian of the Crimea.
  • Hi all! Who is interested in what the human races are, I will tell you now, and I will also tell you about how the most basic of them differ.

    - large historically formed groups of people; division of the species Homo sapiens - Homo sapiens, are represented by modern humanity.

    At the heart of the concept lies the biological, primarily physical similarity of people and the common territory that they inhabit.
    A race is characterized by a complex of hereditary physical features, these features include: eye color, hair, skin, height, body proportions, facial features, etc.

    Since most of these traits can change in a person, and mixing between races has been going on for a long time, it is rare that a particular individual owns the entire set of typical racial traits.

    Big races.

    There are many classifications of human races. Most often, three main or large races are distinguished: Mongoloid (Asian-American), Equatorial (Negro-Australoid) and Caucasoid (Eurasian, Caucasian).

    Among the representatives of the Mongoloid race the skin color varies from dark to light (mainly in North Asian groups), the hair is usually dark, often straight and coarse, the nose is usually small, the eyes are oblique, the folds of the upper eyelids are significantly developed, and in addition, there is a fold covering the inner corner eyes, hairline is not very developed.

    Representatives of the equatorial race dark pigmentation of the skin, eyes, and hair that is broadly wavy or curly. The nose is predominantly wide, the lower part of the face protrudes forward.

    Representatives of the Caucasian race fair skin color (with variations from very fair, in a big way in the North to swarthy, even brown skin). The hair is curly or straight, the slit of the eyes is horizontal. Strongly developed or moderate hairline on the chest and face in men. The nose is markedly protruding, with a straight or slightly sloping forehead.

    Small races.

    Large races are divided into small, or anthropological types. Within the Caucasian race are distinguished White Sea-Baltic, Atlanto-Baltic, Balkan-Caucasian, Central European and Indo-Mediterranean minor races.

    Now, virtually the entire land is inhabited by Europeans, but by the beginning of the Great Geographical Discoveries (mid-15th century), their main area included Middle and Front, India, and North Africa.

    All minor races are represented in modern Europe. But the Central European version outnumbers (Germans, Austrians, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians, Russians). In general, the population of Europe is very mixed, especially in cities, due to migrations, influx of migrations from other regions of the Earth and miscegenation.

    Usually, in the middle of the Mongoloid race, the South Asian, Far Eastern, Arctic, North Asian and American minor races are distinguished. At the same time, the American is sometimes considered as a large race.

    All climatic and geographical zones were inhabited by the Mongoloids. A wide variety of anthropological types is characteristic of modern Asia, but different Caucasoid and Mongoloid groups predominate in number.

    The Far Eastern and South Asian minor races are the most common among the Mongoloids. Among Europeans - Indo-Mediterranean. The indigenous population of America is a minority, in comparison with various European anthropological types and population groups of representatives of all three major races.

    The Negro-Australoid or Equatorial race includes three minor races of African Negroids(Negroid or Negro, Negril and Bushman) and the same number of oceanic Australoids(Australian or Australoid race, which in some classifications is distinguished as an independent large race, also Melanesian and Vedoid).

    The range of the equatorial race is not continuous: it covers most of Africa, Melanesia, Australia, partly Indonesia and New Guinea. The small Negro race numerically predominates in Africa, and in the south and north of the continent, the Caucasoid population has a significant proportion.

    The indigenous population of Australia is a minority relative to emigrants from India and Europe, as well as quite numerous representatives of the Far Eastern race. The South Asian race predominates in Indonesia.

    At the level of the aforementioned races, there are also races that occurred as a result of a long mixing of the population of certain regions, for example, the Ural and Lapanoid races, which possess both features of the Mongoloids and Caucasoids, or the Ethiopian race - intermediate between the Caucasoid and Equatorial races.

    Thus, now you can figure out by facial features which race this person belongs to.🙂
