why is my husband dreaming

A dream in which your husband leaves you for no reason portends a short-term misunderstanding between you in reality, but, as a result, complete harmony. A dream about a quarrel with your husband has a favorable meaning (especially if the reproaches from him against you are groundless), this means that there is complete trust and mutual respect between you. The dreaming corpse of your spouse is a harbinger of great suffering. In a dream, your husband looks unhealthy - your loved ones will soon begin to get very sick. However, if your husband looks cheerful and has fun, a long life of prosperity and happiness awaits you and your family. The symbol of the dullness of everyday life and boredom, from which your life has dimmed, is a dream in which your spouse is in love with another woman. If you fall in love with another in a dream, being a married woman, in reality you are not satisfied with yourself or with the way your fate has turned out. A dream in which a young girl gets a husband warns her that she lacks seriousness about her own honor.

husband in a dream what is it for

Dreams involving your beloved spouse are accompanied by changes. They will be favorable if in a dream your husband is ruddy and cheerful, looks healthy and talks about how happy and glad he is. This means that you can expect pleasant coincidences, an increase in the family budget, and so on. In the case of your unhealthy man in a dream, who complains of well-being, you should not expect good changes in your destiny. Your husband's mutilated face, or changing his appearance to someone else's - in reality, the spouse is in danger of a serious illness.

husband in a dream what is it for

A fight between spouses in a dream - you can expect an early truce in reality, if you and your husband quarreled. If, in the process of a verbal skirmish between you and your husband, he operated with uncivilized speech, insulted you with obscene words, one of you may get sick with something extremely unpleasant.

husband in a dream what is it for

A dream involving your husband is a sign of misunderstanding. If someone else's spouse is dreaming - the appearance of a love affair in your life.

husband in a dream

The Empress interpreted dreams in which you watch a husband and wife beat each other as a good omen, the essence of which is mutual understanding and maintaining harmonious relations in your family circle. Spouses kissing each other and stroking each other's faces - you will find a break in relations with your man and loneliness. The image of a married couple combing each other's hair promises you happiness.

husband dream interpretation

You can consider the appearance in a dream of the image of your husband as a transfer of the state of your soul. For example, if you are married and you dream of your living spouse, your soul is restless; the words and actions of your husband in a dream more specifically reflect your concern. If you're still the same married woman but in a dream your husband is dead - you are in fear for yourself and this fear of yours is dangerous. If you are a widow, but your late husband appears to you in a dream, know that he is trying to warn you about the mistake that you made because of your wrong behavior.

    my husband left me a week ago and said that forever a couple of days ago I dreamed that my mother and I moved to a different apartment, but without him and a child (a child from another marriage), the apartment is old with old furniture but it seems that we are not there for a long time and suddenly, when entering another room, there is a man standing and I was very frightened of him, screamed and fell, and he comes up and laughs at me. Today I dreamed that I saw him beaten and he seemed to be in pain and then his colleague comes asking where he is, I say that he is ill for him badly and he demands him to work and we take off swearing and arguing and then it seems that I tell my husband to hide and someone I don’t remember what takes him to the attic of the house in the neighborhood and then suddenly colleagues I’m already gone, but I see my husband how he descends from the attic with such difficulty, he moans, his bruises all hurt, but I don’t remember that he spoke to me in a dream. my husband, and he knows this, is waiting until I take him away, and I tell the people living in this house that I’m a historical monument and I just look, and they are very hospitable and smile at me and the woman wished me a pleasant one with a very kind face when I told her why I supposedly came here , she smiles very pleasantly at me and says, well, well, look, look, I have nothing against it, but she doesn’t say it out loud, but I hear and understand her, and it seems that for a while it became so calm in my soul, my husband is with me. then I go further along stairs to the top and I see the door closed, I stop in front of it and I think, I finally found it, and now I need to open it, and I wake up feeling that everything will be fine, he will return, but this feeling immediately disappears and again unbearable pain. Please explain what my dreams mean.

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    I had such a dream: I and a man (in a dream he is my husband) - we are a family, I know that we have children, we love each other very much, we have a very warm relationship. He fell ill, went to the hospital. Then he dreams that they tell me that it’s as if my husband has died, I’m all in a panic, I can’t find a place for myself ...

    Then, in a dream, my husband appears, he is alive, he said that something was messed up in the hospital, and I already considered him dead. There was no limit to my happiness that my husband turned out to be alive. I told him that I needed to write a statement so that you would be recognized as alive again. Then he went to the hospital again. And after a while I came to visit him, I missed him very much.

    I went to the hospital, asked the nurse for permission to visit my husband, and she called him. We met, our feelings for each other were so strong, it was breathtaking in a dream, we could not tear ourselves away from each other. We wanted to be alone with each other, but it didn’t work out. Mothers with children, other patients were walking nearby, and suddenly my husband stood against the wall, next to the washbasin, and said very loudly: We are forever together, our souls are glued together and no one will ever separate us, darling. And after these words, I saw images of our children (son and daughter) - the son stood next to her husband, and the husband held his daughter in his arms. And I abruptly woke up from an overflow of emotions, with what warmth and tenderness his words were spoken. Even in reality, now, I want to shed a tear, remembering this dream, how much I and he (my husband) value feelings for each other.

    My conclusion: I wish they were family relationships in real.

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    Good afternoon, I ask you to help interpret my dreams.

    1. I got sick, my husband was taking me to the clinic, but he was going to see a “friend” of my childhood, we were driving. her yard is flooded with muddy water, almost to the middle of her thigh, the movement of water is felt. her house was destroyed on the floor in the same place as her friend, I feel that it’s bad for me to ask him to go to the hospital, he doesn’t react, they talk, laugh, look at photographs, zero attention to me. her still familiar girls come, one of them makes eyes at my husband, I stop it. then I break the floor, I don’t remember how, the husband begins to repair it, they help him. looking back behind the fence, I see that the road and the floor of the village are flooded with muddy water.

    2. I’m on a small ship, everything is fine from the beginning, then a storm begins, I go out onto the deck, the sea is raging dark, people panic, I find myself on the mast at the very top and see everything from the top. then everything went quiet. the ship floats on the river the water is light in front of us is a waterfall, everything around is beautiful.

    Help me please. I had a dream on the night of Thursday to Friday.

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    • 1. There are problems in the relationship between you.

      2. You are afraid of deepening problems and try to act wisely in life.

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      Good afternoon. I'm married. I often dream that my husband is running away from me. I'm constantly looking for him and as soon as I find him, he hides again. After some time, dreams began to occur in which I was looking for another (new) husband. Recently, I got married at all, and my real husband was present at the wedding and was not even surprised, and was not upset about this. And today, again, another man drove up to me in a dream in a car and offered to be with him. I did not immediately agree, but I thought about it. Then he said that I would continue to change and that I was given a period of 30 days. I hugged my daughter, who was standing next to me and woke up. It torments me a lot. Feeling like I'm betraying my husband. Can you please tell me what this could mean? Thank you in advance

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      I dreamed ex-husband(divorced - do not live for 7 years). I dreamed that a man in black clothes was carrying a used husband, on his back, like a bag. I put it on the couch, as I understand it, that now no one needs it like a vegetable, and I don’t need it, but what to do with it ??? then after some business, my mother and I are going to go and just opened the doors in the car and again I see this man again carries a b / husband in the same way and loads me into the car, my man was supposed to go with me, but I stand and think where should he sit now? how to accommodate everyone ... why such a dream ... I don’t know ... help me explain ... I’m already dreaming for the fifth dream about my ex-husband with short intervals ... all are somehow memorable and strange

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      Good evening!

      I dreamed about my ex-husband. Who I haven't spoken to in over a year. And now he has another girlfriend. In my dream, I was walking with my friends. And then I noticed him, He was walking all kind of thoughtful. Leaving a group of friends, I rushed after him. At first he ignored me, did not want to talk. More silent. Then we went to a cafe, and I told him how I lived this year, what I achieved. I only heard a couple of words from him, I didn’t tell anything about myself. Only in my phrase - where I regret the reason for the separation (in real life, he himself brought me to the point that I left him) ... his face was distorted, and some kind of madness appeared in his eyes.

      Thank you in advance…

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      I dreamed that my husband started dating my mother and all the time I said this in a dream, I kind of lived with them and saw how he loved her, etc. but at the end of the dream I decided to run away from that house so as not to see all this then my mother stopped me and said that he loves me and it's all just a joke, I asked my husband and he just laughed and said that he only loves his girlfriend, that is, my mother, I freaked out, pushed my mother away in tears, but my mother threw me into my room, I decided to break the window and to leave, I warned them that I would break the window and run away, but they just stood and watched, I broke the window and ran away on this, I woke up what could my dream mean ??

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      I dream that I go into the room (where we live now) on the bed, the husband and the girl make love, I lie down to them, push her away, climb on him and continue ... she said something like "oh well, but how to deal with the left, this Fine." I ask him ... with whom else is he cheating on me, he says that I love her and says the name (Lena) before me he had Lena, 10 years older than him, but he spoke. that she doesn’t love and that she’s not beautiful, but here it’s the other way around, and says that we were in a hurry! I wake up in wild tears ... maybe someone dreamed of something similar, girls, what were the consequences of such a dream?

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      • I married him after such a dream ... and before that we lived in civilian life ...

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        I dreamed of a dark, evening sea. I am my sister's boyfriend (as if my husband is internally and somehow outwardly not), some kind of girl and I are speeding through the waves on a boat. I am driving this boat. We feel everything. that a storm is about to start and I will moor in a safe place. My sister and I go ashore, and my husband and girlfriend start making love on the boat. I can hear them kissing very clearly, etc. We leave with my sister along the pier, and they stay together. My condition is incomprehensible to me, I am kind of jealous and kind of not. I leave everything to God's will, but still I wonder what it could mean?

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        My husband and I are in the process of divorcing. The pain is gone and the hate is gone. For me now he is a stranger. I don't remember him. But for two nights in a row he dreams of me. On 12.09, on 13.09, the first dream: He stands drooping in front of me and tells me that he made a mistake, asks me to help him return, because he really wants it.

        The second - He is at my house - gives me a lot of money, shows me which car he bought, sold the old one, cheerful - and in my dream I have the feeling that he is trying to deceive me in something, he looks at me with such loving eyes, and I I do not believe.

        Thank you in advance.

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        • You and him are satisfied with the state of affairs. But soon there will be some news from him

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          I met quite by chance in a hairdresser's, which is also a residential area, my husband's mistress, who had a tear on her face from the fact that I answered something negatively to her, then her mother came up to me and prayed for something like her child was whose I don’t remember after meeting her husband who had lost some weight and blessed in some pink things and a cap, telling him directly you are cheating on me, he asked me to let him go to her, I said it’s yours that you want to do it, and he ran to her with an unhealthy but happy expression on his face, and I wished that I said yes

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          we haven’t lived with our husband for half a year, we haven’t had a dream, otherwise suddenly one dream after another, who can explain 1. I had a dream today As if I were coming home, and he and a woman and her child are a pretty girl, I ask who is this? he is my mistress. Such a long athlete, long white hair, I fight for her, but she doesn’t go to me, Otherwise I’ll beat you, I’m back, they left, I go out to the kitchen, the deceased mother is sitting there, I ask her, are you in the house she let me in, and she answers, they say, she didn’t understand that she was a mistress, they made a bed on the floor and lay down 2. My husband explained to me in love THANK YOU

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          I dreamed that I and my daughter from my first marriage went to her dad (ex-husband). We arrived and started looking, saw footprints in the snow and followed them, found my husband’s house. On the threshold I saw his current wife, she said that what would the former I didn’t look at me, I had to bandage my right palm with a black thread, it’s clear that I was jealous and nervous, bandaged it, went into the house, it turned out that it was his birthday, but he was sad. I saw my daughter hugging, his wife kept looking at me, they were about to leave, he told us let's go, put me in my car and drove away, why this dream

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          Hello, in a dream I fought with a man coming at me, I tried to cut off his hands, but they remained in place, there was no blood either. Then he said: "Well, let's hit in the heart." I plunged the sword into the heart twice, he fell and died. When he fell, I saw that it was my husband. It hurt so much that I killed him. But I had no choice, because while he was in the form of another man, I needed to defend myself, otherwise he would have killed me. What could this mean? On the eve we had a fight, he hit me in the face.

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          I had a dream before the annual commemoration of the former director. I come to the cemetery, I see the grave of my still living husband (very clearly flowers, a monument, a photograph.) And a viper snake lies on the grave gray color I enter the fence, the snake stands up to attack, I go back and say to someone, specifically to whom I don’t know: “I went, I’m very afraid of snakes” and went to the exit from the cemetery, the snake climbed after me, I’ll stop, she’s in rack, I go on, she crawls behind. I don’t remember where we got so far, I remember that we were going home.

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          Good afternoon, I dreamed that I was watching the following picture from the window of the house, as a big black car drives up to the house (in a dream, my house, which I don’t have at the moment), an elegant man in a suit (my young man) comes out of it and goes to the house, a girl, about five years old, runs out to meet him, beautiful and neat (in a dream it is his and my daughter), he takes her in his arms and enters the house.

          In fact, in life, we have known him for 2 months, I have no children, I have my own house too. I am 25 years old. What does this mean?

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          Good afternoon. I'm married. “And I dream that I am either trying to choose another man for myself, or I have married another in general. Today again, another man offers me to be with him, I did not immediately agree, but thought about it. And he told me to keep changing, I have 30 days. I hugged my daughter, who was standing next to me and woke up.” It torments me a lot. I know it's wrong. Feeling like I'm betraying my husband. What could this mean? Please tell me. Thank you in advance.

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          Good evening! My husband and I have been divorced for 18 years now. Never dreamed. And twice this week. The first time, I insist that I make a decision, or I, or we are together. The point is that I had something planned, but he decided differently. In the end, I was told that we were leaving on Friday. The thing is, I don't know if he's alive at all - he disappeared when I don't know. The second dream is that I agree to be close to him (this is out of the question), and I will always be with him (this is the worst thing that can be). Thanks in advance

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          I had a dream ... the kitchen in my apartment (where my husband and I lived, now the lodgers live there) in the chitota kitchen, but on the ceiling the wallpaper has moved away and hangs like a dome and is nailed along the edges (in fact, there is whitewash on the ceilings) I look at the ceiling and suddenly appears ex-husband and starts complaining about his new life and to his new civil wife, that she does not allow him anything, in particular, to listen to music and clean her things with her brush ... and I listen to him and smile


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          My name is Olga. I dreamed that my ex-husband allegedly came to his daughters, worried about my daughter, who went to meet him, I went to the city and at the crossroads, where there was no one and nothing, I saw a red car, and in it my husband is like that with a suit and a tie, which is relatively strange for his image, pretending that I did not notice him, turned to the right. but she wanted to know where her daughter was and came closer - he was cold and then I woke up. Olga.

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          I dreamed that my ex-husband was chasing me and I was running away. And it was as if he got into my car, into the driver's seat, I asked him to get out, but he rudely refused. There were also keys sticking out in the ignition, and my niece and I began to hide from him and run away. He was very aggressive. And in real life, we divorced 3 months ago. I don't want to take any steps back! I was glad that the divorce finally took place.

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          Good evening! help me figure out my dream ... please ... I have been married for 4 years and we have a normal family ... but I had a dream ... that my husband has a different family ... and he did not refuse her or us ... with my daughter ... he said that he loved both ... and I didn’t want to leave neither me ... nor her ... I didn’t know what to do in a dream, because I love it very much and I couldn’t measure it either ... and he treated me well in a dream ... and didn’t refuse that he loves ...


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          Good afternoon I had a strange dream - my husband is cheating on me with our son's teacher and also with my friend! With two women! He even admits it! A friend generally said that the dream of him! I understand everything in a dream, but I don’t scandalize and figure out how to escape from this situation. The most interesting thing is that when I wake up from the son and fall asleep after 20 minutes, I see the continuation of this dream — I even now remember everything

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          Please comment. From Thursday to Friday from 8 to 9, I dream that my husband is running away from me, and I am running after him. He leaves by car and I run through the whole city and catch up near our house. But he's in a new red car. And when I began to approach, he moved away with the words do not come to me. I cried and asked: am I so disgusting to you? Is this a new car? And immediately popped

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          I dreamed that my husband and I broke up, and in the evening I see him drunk and his neck is scratched, I scold him like changed, etc.

          Then the plot inside the cafe, the girl from the stage says that she will give 300 thousand to the one who will undress right now! And of course, my drunken husband climbs onto the stage, he speaks into the microphone and I stand next to him and kiss (it’s not clear how I ended up there) in general, we faced off

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          Good afternoon i dreamed of an ex-husband, I haven’t seen him for 2 years and we don’t communicate. It was as if I was informed that he had died and that his sister and I had gone to another city to collect his body. He ended up completely naked in a public toilet in one of the stalls. When we opened the booth door, he suddenly came to life, it turned out that he was in a deranged state.

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          I dreamed that my husband was scolding me about my second pregnancy (I already have a son). And he accuses me of what I wanted, wanted, and now I got ... And he also yelled at me for the fact that these are most likely twins ...

          I sooooo want to get pregnant again, but he thinks that it’s not time yet and I constantly have such dreams ...

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          husband disappeared 4 months ago. dream: we are lying with my husband. he is on the left, I am on the right. a lynx jumps on the left side, lies between us. I am afraid to move so as not to attack, and in a whisper I ask my husband if she bit him (he cannot speak- nodded in the affirmative), the lynx slowly crosses over me and jumps, already from my side

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          my husband left for another two months ago, at first he didn’t dream, and now for 4 nights in a row, he asks to go back home, then we just talk peacefully. what does it mean, I am very worried about his departure, we have two children, a son of 9 years old and a daughter of 5 months, before that everything was fine, my husband was happy about the birth of his daughter, he had wanted her for a long time.

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          I dreamed of an ex-husband who now lives with another woman. In a dream, I walk past a bus, and on the side of the bus he squats and looks plaintively at me. an empty baby crib from a common baby with him.

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          Good afternoon!

          I dreamed about my husband and his friend’s wife. They were standing on the balcony, he hugged her, his hand was on her buttock. I saw all this, and could not resist saying, I don’t bother you. After that I woke up. would like to know what this dream could mean? thank you in advance.

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          • You are jealous of your husband and think that he may not be faithful to you

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            Help me understand the dream. The ex-husband dreams almost every day, although he has been married for 2 years and a son was recently born. I see how beautiful I am going somewhere. . I watch him tear and call me, but I don't care

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            Hello!!! my husband died a few years ago, but in a dream I constantly dream that he did not die, but was in prison. and all the time in a dream the moment of his return from prison and I am glad that he is alive. Tell me what this dream means? Please! otherwise I will soon go crazy from these dreams.

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            Hello. Today, a friend said that she had a dream in which I and my husband were visiting somewhere.

            I must say that for the last 5 months we have not lived together, since there are grievances against each other, we cannot make a decision.

            I would like to know what this dream means to me

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            I dreamed about my ex-husband, in the company of another woman. He told me in a dream that he loved her very much. (I know that he has been married for a long time, and he has children.) I madly missed him in a dream, and experienced a strong feeling. Please tell me what my sleepyhead could mean Thank you!

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            • most likely you love him, you still miss him. apparently you don’t want to admit it to yourself.

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              Why dream that my husband is dating another girl.

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              That your feelings for your husband are still fresh and relevant

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              • This answer is also for Shahi

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                I dreamed about my husband and my ex-girlfriend, they stood hugging and kissing, they noticed me and they say that they love each other, and I ask how long it has been with you, and she answers! November 3. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday 16 to 17, please explain

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                Hello. Explain what the dream was about. The ex-husband had a dream and he called me so loudly. He stood at one end of the corridor, and I at the other. One answered, I’m here. .we look out the window and she says that he is more. What is it for??

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                Good afternoon I broke up with my husband on my initiative yesterday, on the 4th lunar day, I had a joyful dream and said “look how cheerful and happy I am,” and today on the 5th lunar day he calmly said that he needed to buy a shower for the bathroom. What do these dreams mean, thank you

                Good day!

                I have been living with a man for 6 years in a civil marriage. I know his first wife (they separated 14 years ago). On the eve, I had a dream that my husband slept with her and returned to her. I'm really worried, what does this mean? Thank you.

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                I am already pregnant with my second child and I dreamed that my husband was leaving me for another woman for great love. I cried a lot, woke up in tears. Although everything seems to be in order in our family. Very bitter in my soul. could mean!

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                I had a dream in which my husband, with a large crowd of acquaintances, was wearing my skirt. everyone laughed. I was embarrassed (I had not yet managed to enter the room and saw him in a skirt through the glass door). And he behaved naturally, as if he did not notice anything.

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                I dreamed about my ex-husband with the woman he lives with, we were in the same company, he, she and I, he didn’t notice me, was with her all the time, even when she left, he wrote her a note asking for forgiveness. I felt very uncomfortable, I was very offended.

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                Hello, I’ve been having a dream for a year in which I have a family with a person I don’t know, we love each other, he loves my daughter, we are married, in real life I don't know and have never seen this person, I'm divorced. It's all a little scary

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                i dreamed of an ex-husband (we have been divorced for 2 years) sick, ugly. he told me in a dream that he was caring for sick people, and that he now looks at the world with different eyes, and I thought that he himself was sick, how could he care for others

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                i dreamed about my late husband, he wrote me a letter and stood waiting for an answer from me, and my second, now ex-husband took away my letter from me, so I didn’t write to him ... I woke up with a stone in my soul that I didn’t answer ... What does this mean?

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              • help me understand my dream. In our new store I see a naked woman I know, she lies on top of my husband on her back with her arms outstretched, as if covering him and smiles, and her husband looks out from under her. There was no conversation, I'm leaving ...

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                The late husband dreamed, ran to work. I made it clear to the employees that I had buried a doppelgänger. I just saw him, dirty, bearded, unhappy. I cried a lot, he ran home, that's all. Thank you very much for comment.

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                I am married, a child, but in a dream I married another person, we have a son whom I do not love, this made my husband feel bad, he fell, died, and turned into a butterfly, sobbed, I woke up from strong crying.

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Dreams are an absolutely mysterious and uncontrollable sphere of life, since our subconscious mind continues to operate even while we are sleeping. You should not dismiss your dreams, because they can carry significant or even fateful information.

For example, women often dream of men who were previously in close relationships with them. Perhaps this is just a coincidence, but I want to understand and understand the reason for such dreams. To do this, you will need to open the dream book and understand what the ex-husband is dreaming of.

If your ex-husband constantly comes to you in a dream, sometimes you can not even open the dream book, but turn to psychologists for an opinion. Experts are sure that in this case the woman herself regularly thinks about him, wonders if our separation was too hasty. What to do?

After waking up, you may think a little about whether you are ready to start over with your ex-spouse, or is it better not to return to the past.

In addition, there are several reasons for night dreams in which the former spouse appears. Let's take a look at the most popular ones.

  1. Perhaps the reason for this was an incomplete relationship - not alimony, not paperwork, but resentment and numerous claims against each other. Sometimes it’s enough just to talk to your ex-husband, and disturbing dreams stop making you uncomfortable.
  2. Another likely reason is a kind of psychological "anchor". For example, during the day you felt the familiar scent of cologne, heard your ex-spouse's favorite musical composition. Let's say you didn't even notice it, but the subconscious retains such information and at night, when you are relaxed, it works through these memories.

Is there a way out of this situation? There is, but the most banal - give yourself a little time. Try to work through accumulated grievances or let them go. In addition, over time, the “anchors” will also be forgotten, and new, associative connections and memories will take their place.

If you want to figure out what the ex-husband is dreaming of, a dream book will come to the rescue. There is such a book in the house of almost every woman, since there will be many reasons for guessing various signs. However, the explanation of a dream depends on the type of interpreter of the dream, so they should be considered in more detail.

Freud's dream book

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud was extremely attentive to dreams, considering them the result of the work of the subconscious. Each interpretation of sleep in this dream book has a sexual connotation, and dreams with an ex-spouse were no exception to the rule.

  1. Seeing a former lover in a dream is a clear sign that there has been a discord in the relationship with a new partner.
  2. Sex or kissing with a former spouse means sexual dissatisfaction in a relationship with a real sexual partner, a lack of harmony and intimacy.
  3. Communicating with a former lover in a dream means that you need help, advice and psychological support.
  4. If you quarreled with your ex-spouse, you will have a resumption of this relationship.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The appearance of an ex-husband in a dream in this dream interpreter is presented in a negative light. It is believed that this person carries a negative charge, so there is no need to talk about something positive. Even if you do not remember the details of the dream, get ready for various problems.

  1. Accidentally met with a former missus - worries and various troubles await you.
  2. Quarreled with the ex-spouse - beware of hasty and reckless actions.
  3. They saw their former lover after a long separation - not far off the problems of the material plane and the illness of children.
  4. Flirted with him - you will have problems with a new partner, you will question the current relationship.
  5. To mock your ex-spouse - you will fall under the scope of gossip and various ill-wishers.

In addition, this dream book describes another situation - the ex-husband returned home. Expect trouble in this case, especially if in reality the relationship with him did not work out. As a result, a woman who constantly dreams of her ex-husband is waiting for a black streak in life.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Do you often dream of your ex-husband? Longo's dream interpretation interprets such dreams quite specifically: you live in memories, in the past, although the time has long come to build new relationships. According to this dream interpreter, the regularity of such dreams only emphasizes the need to discard the past and move on.

  1. A drunken ex-spouse means a meeting that can turn your whole life upside down. In this case, we are not talking about a new love, perhaps you are waiting for a change in your career.
  2. If a former faithful invites you on a date, real life prepares only solitude and oblivion.
  3. The ex-husband returned home and is trying to renew the relationship? Dream Interpretation Longo warns that there is a high probability of losing barely born new relationships and feelings.
  4. If in a dream the ex-husband marries another woman, then you are most likely resigned to the loss and mentally wished him happiness and good luck.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

This interpreter of dreams looks deep into the past and often makes a forecast not for tomorrow, but for the distant future. A similar feature of the dream book should be taken into account when answering the question of what the ex-husband is dreaming of.

  1. If a former spouse constantly comes to you in a dream, beware of magicians and sorcerers.
  2. Sexual contacts in a dream with an ex-spouse warn that soon you will have to answer for past mistakes and actions.
  3. A dream in which you meet a deceased ex-husband is a kind of warning - big trouble awaits you in the future.

What day of the week did you have this dream?

Everyone knows that dreams can come true if a person sees them from Thursday to Friday. Such "Friday" dreams were considered prophetic and were analyzed in every possible way using various dream books. However, these are not the only time references. The dream in which the ex-husband had a dream can carry a semantic load on any other day of the week.

  1. On Tuesday night, dreams warn and indicate what may happen soon. Joyful story featuring ex-spouse means the absence of obstacles in the future, gloomy pictures, on the contrary, do not bode well. Also, Tuesday dreams speak of the nature of the former and current partner.
  2. Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday usually come true, especially not the most pleasant dreams. However, you can minimize negativity simply by changing your behavior. If the ex-husband had a dream at this time, you had the opportunity to work with your negative attitude towards him in a dream.
  3. The “Thursday” dream about the former missus shows that subconsciously you are not yet ready to let go of the man. If your plans include his return, the dream will tell you how to realize the plan in the best possible way.
  4. It is believed that fateful dreams are dreamed on Saturday. However, one cannot be sure that each storyline can come true with jewelry accuracy. Try to find symbolic signs in a dream in order to understand how to continue to behave with your ex-spouse.
  5. "Sunday" sleep is considered a reflection of human emotions and experiences. If the plot with your ex-husband is gloomy or fuzzy, you may be emotionally depressed or have not yet decided on the relationship with your ex-spouse.
  6. Dreams dreamed on a Monday night do not carry a semantic load. Also, they are not able to predict the future or help to understand the past. Take such a dream as a reflection of the actual state of affairs with your former spouse.

Dreams in which the ex-husband appears are rarely empty and meaningless.

Most likely, past relationships have not yet let you go, and emotions prevail over reason. If you trust dream books, then you can find an interpretation of such a plot in them. But choose a publication that has faithfully covered your night visions many times.

According to the dream book, a husband in a dream promises a calm life, harmony, love, mutual understanding, new perspectives, an excellent course of affairs, well-being. Why else is he dreaming? Sometimes a vision warns of trouble, conflict, separation, someone else's envy.

Interpretation according to the dream book Enigma and others

Dreamed of a husband? Dream Interpretation Enigma suggests: changes are coming in married life. Relations with the second half will reach a new level, acquire depth.

Do you often fight with your spouse? This is a prophetic sign, which is interpreted the other way around. In case of any disagreement, you will seek a compromise.

If he leaves you for no reason in a dream - do not worry. Miller gives the following interpretation: there is a slight misunderstanding ahead, which will happily end in complete harmony.

Why is the spouse dreaming?

Why dream that he is sick? A vision promises a deterioration in well-being, a disease, but not with a spouse, but with a friend.

He got sick, but got better soon? There will be difficulties in business that you can overcome together.

Did you see how your husband in a night dream invited you to a slow dance? The dream interpretation explains: discover new facets of your relationship.

In a dream, does he give a ring? Your friend will envy you. Don't brag about your good relations and your husband's concern for you.

Solve issues with your husband more often, consult on various matters. This will bring you closer, give you the opportunity to get to know each other better, and allow for trust and a sense that each of you appreciates the other.

What did they do in a dream:

  • talked - it is necessary to discuss an important issue;
  • swore - respect and trust;
  • parted - hidden disagreements;
  • strigli - fast separation;
  • hugged - a calm life in harmony;
  • kissed - love, mutual understanding.

Cutting your husband's hair in a dream is a harbinger of drastic life changes, not for the better. You may lose something valuable.

Why dream of talking with him? Routine has crept into life, it's time to bring pleasant surprises.

In a dream, did you deceive your soulmate? The dream interpretation states: from selfish intentions, commit an unworthy act. It will ruin the relationship. Did you find out about the deceit of the faithful? He is hiding something.


Did you swim in the sea together? There will be an opportunity to rejoice at his success in business or his rapid career growth. The well-being of the family will improve.

Splashed in the bath, washed each other? Beware of unkind people and their slander. Perhaps go on a trip - be careful to avoid trouble.

Gathered things

Did you dream of packing things in a dream in order to leave with your husband for another place of residence? New vistas will soon open up.

But to pack your bags, pick up property in order to leave your husband is an unfavorable symbol. The dream book says: you let the controversial issues take their course, while they must be resolved first.

Had a prophetic dream

Did you dream of reconciliation with your spouse? You know that there are “pitfalls” in relationships, but you are afraid to bring them to the surface. Talk heart to heart, find a compromise - it is quite possible.

Intimacy with her husband in a dream is a prophetic plot. In reality, your connection will become even stronger, and the physical side of love will become even better.

They gave birth to a child, and he was present at the birth? The prophetic vision promises: the circumstances of life will improve significantly, and perhaps there will be a replenishment in the family.

Who did you see your husband with?

Why dream about how a husband and son-in-law do something or solve some issue? The dream interpretation promises consent, mutual understanding between the closest relatives.

Did he argue with his daughter? Households do not want to reckon with the opinion of each other. He gave advice, and she listened? This is a harbinger of building relationships with children.

In a dream, to see a spouse and her lover, who communicated calmly, indicates confusion in the dreamer's thoughts and her fears. It's time to figure out what she really wants.

With a colleague

In a dream, did he discuss work issues with a male colleague? The spouse will devote more time to work, and the family will be relegated to second place.

Befriended a female co-worker? The dream interpretation warns: a friend will try to attract his attention. Show more care and warmth to your missus.

With relatives

Why dream about how your husband helped your mother? In reality, he respects and loves his mother-in-law, is always ready to respond to her request.

Did he communicate with relatives in a dream? You need to help good friends or relatives in troublesome business. Do not show dissatisfaction, you may also have to ask for help sometime.

Did he threaten you?

In a night dream, did your husband threaten you and even beat you? Oddly enough, this is a good omen: disagreements are temporary, you will soon make up.

He molested and wanted to have sex against your will? The dream interpretation explains: the spouse is very domineering and is used to doing as he wants. He choked and you suffocated? Will limit your freedom or opportunities.

Why dream that your husband acted like a coward and did not protect you from the attack of hooligans? Then, when you need it, you will have to rely only on yourself.

What was the spouse?

  • cheerful - things will go well;
  • sad - there is a slight discord ahead;
  • healthy - harmonious relationships, well-being;
  • sick - there will be minor difficulties in the family;
  • wounded - there will be serious problems at home.

Did he appear in a dream a few years younger than he actually was? According to the dream book, the ill-wisher will try to bring discord into your family.

Have you seen your husband carried away by an outside woman? He is losing interest in you. Take up a new business to develop yourself and interest your spouse.

See him dead

Did you see the death of your husband in a dream? In real life, troubles will begin in business and with relatives.

Why dream about how he died outside the house from an explosion, lightning or fire? The husband wants to leave the family.

If the husband who died in reality stands and looks at you - according to the dream book, there are trials ahead, in which you need to keep your cool.

With difficulties, no matter how hard it is, do not lose your presence of mind and calmness. This will help you quickly find a way out of the situation. Do not panic: throwing in different directions only takes up precious time.

How exactly

Did your husband fall out of the window in a dream? You don't want to sort things out. Died after a beating? You have drifted away from each other. Find a common cause.

Was there a hanged spouse in a dream? There will be difficulties at work. Was he shot? There will be a lot of problems that need to be solved quickly.


Why dream of burying a husband? The dream interpretation indicates: the sleeping woman often worries about minor reasons. Did you make a memorial? All things will go well, and family members will be healthy.

Have you seen the grave of a spouse who is alive? This sign symbolizes rebirth and the opening of new alluring prospects for the sleeping woman.

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Questions to the author

Choose your dream!

Did you ever dream?


    • What a magical and pure dream 😍! He promises you a long life together in love and understanding. You will always respect each other's interests and value this union. Good luck to you!

      I dreamed of my mother-in-law and my husband. The husband was sad, silent and was dressed in black clothes. Mother-in-law dressed only in black jacket, without any emotions (as in reality), she chatted on the phone with her husband's cousin (in fact, they do not communicate) and she asks to give me the phone to wish me a happy birthday! I was surprised, since my birthday had not yet arrived and his sister had never communicated with me. I took the phone (in the beginning, the phone was my mother-in-law, and when I listened to the congratulations and returned the mobile phone to her, the phone already looked like mine). How can one understand such a dream?

      • The mother-in-law is not too pleased with you, and does not miss the opportunity to discuss this with everyone in a row. She tells her son about you. But he does not listen to these nonsense, he just gets upset because of the situation 🙁.

        Hello, I dreamed that my husband and I were walking by the hand, and he had shoes in his hands, and he told me that I would throw out these 3 pairs, and leave this one!

        21-Mar-2019 Elena:

        If I dreamed that my husband and I met, but he was in a hurry somewhere. However, for a long time I think with sadness he said that he loves me, I answered the same way. Then she hugged him and began to kiss. Then he suddenly disappeared. In reality, we are in a serious quarrel.

        5-Mar-2018 Ekaterina:

        Hello. Tell me why a common-law husband is dreaming. In a dream, we swear very strongly, he offends me and humiliates me. Although in real life everything is fine with us.

        17-Mar-2017 Anonymous:

        The husband confessed to cheating and in detail. And he said with whom. Yes, and going to continue to change. But he is not going to leave either. What is it for?

        Hello! I dreamed about my ex-husband, how he came to my house (parental house), but he came not alone, but with two men, and I kicked him out with them and couldn’t kick him out, screamed at him to get out of here, then I kicked out these two men, and the former did not leave, then I took him in my arms and carried him out of the house and, in the literal sense of the word, threw him into the yard. Tell me, please, why this dream?

        Please help me figure it out. I am an unmarried girl, but I dreamed that I was married, but there was no husband. I mean, I never saw him, I don't know who I married. What does this dream mean?

        I dreamed about how my common-law husband took me and our son, put me in a car, and we drove to him. arrived, he gave me his hand, I got out of the car, he took his son in his arms, and the son spoke to him uncle, he just hadn’t seen his dad since birth, after we went into the house it was so dark in the house, and he began to tell me that he had an affair with a girl 2 weeks ago, so that I would be jealous of him.

        Why dream of choosing between two identical men, as if one of them is my husband, and the other is the same person my lover? Was there a feeling of guilt and confusion in a dream ?!

        I had a dream about my late husband. As if we were in the same bed with him, I told him that he was not guilty of anything, and he silently got up and left for two women who tried to accuse him.

        7-Sep-2016 Marina:

        Hello! Tell me why you have such a dream. My husband divorced me and wanted to marry another woman in our house. I saw her and started to beat her, her husband took her and they left, and I knelt in front of the house in the rain and roared, looking at the sky.

        Often I dream of leaving my husband, but he does not hold me back, does not follow me. On the contrary, he seems to be happy and calm. I wake up in anger, indignant, offended, and I also seem to accuse him of treason, betrayal, usually I start everything from this in a dream. Then it’s as if I’m leaving him, leaving him, but he doesn’t make excuses, calm type, leave, leave.

        Hello, I dreamed that my stepdaughter broke her phone, I started grumbling at her why you took it without permission, and my husband was drunk and started yelling at me and beating me. Then I flew into the room to hide from him, and there his acquaintances heard everything they didn’t help, but rather began to insult him. I tried to leave on a bicycle, and my stepdaughter saw her and ran to her husband (dad) to tell him he started yelling so that they would not let me go. The guests began to take the bike from me, but I managed to escape in a dream. My husband tried to catch up with me, but he couldn’t, and after he shouted to me that I hadn’t completed the repairs in the kitchen, with obscenities (we really have repairs in the kitchen). I turned and saw that my husband had turned his back and he was leaving. I returned to the guests and said that I would complete the repairs, and they began to insult me ​​(and it was with such anger) and I woke up in a cold wet sweat.

The question of what a husband dreams of is often of interest to women.

We often dream of close people, but sometimes they appear before us in dreams in completely different guises or situations.

The interpretation of the dream will depend on the situation in which the husband dreamed or with what informative message. In addition, each dream book has several interpretations for each type of such a dream.

So, why does a husband dream in various cases? Here are the most common ones:

  1. Husband in a dream with another girl, cheating.
  2. Parting with a loved one.
  3. Quarrel with your spouse.
  4. Seeing a deceased husband or spouse in a coffin.
  5. Own wedding.

Treason: does it threaten to turn into reality?

Seeing a spouse in a dream with another is not necessarily a disaster. Many women begin to panic and think about the betrayal of the faithful in fact.

An ex-wife or a new girlfriend is not a threat. But our dreams do not always warn of real events, but often become a manifestation of anxiety.

What is the dream of a husband with another? Problems if taken too lightly. And they will not necessarily be associated with your man.

Such a storyline speaks of dissatisfaction and that there are people in the environment that contribute to the formation of problems. It can be new friends or acquaintances of the spouse.

In such visions, the female subconscious splashes out anxiety about the betrayal of a loved one and about possible problems associated with it.

In a dream, a woman can cry and kill herself, which is interpreted in different ways. The traditional dream book interprets tears as future joy.

Night separation does not threaten divorce!

If at night you saw your own quarrel with your loved one, which ends in a divorce, do not despair. Why dream of a divorce from your husband? A dream is not necessarily prophetic, most often it simply indicates future changes.

When a man leaves for another woman, this is just an image. In the life of the one who sees this dream, changes will soon occur that will affect the family.

But change can be both negative and positive. Sleep prepares a woman for them, making her more flexible.

You should not cry after such a dream, you should temper yourself and prepare to accept changes in life. Parting in a dream often turns into saving the family and strengthening it in reality.

If in a dream the spouse leaves, and later returns from the other, this speaks of his cunning. Deception may not touch the love front, but it’s still worth taking a closer look at his behavior. Parting in a dream is a sign that a woman should pay attention to her husband's behavior.

Quarrel with husband

Swearing in a dream is always unpleasant, as in life. It is especially unpleasant to quarrel with your husband. A quarrel may be part of a dream in which a divorce or separation occurs.

Pay attention to why you fought with your spouse. Often the causes of quarrels in dreams are drunkenness and inappropriate behavior of a man.

Why is a drunken husband dreaming? For a future fight. But why dream of a quarrel with a drunken spouse? Perhaps this means that in reality he is threatened with health problems.

Beating a drunken husband in a dream is a sure sign of his illness or a possible critical situation. A woman who is about to beat her man can call trouble on him through a dream.

Swearing with a drunken spouse is a bad sign that portends trouble. It may be associated with dangers that can be avoided by paying attention to this sign.

And, oddly enough, a nighttime quarrel often becomes a harbinger of a similar situation in life. When in her dream the wife will cry because of her husband, this means that she is actually offended or angry with him.

So the subconscious mind draws the woman's attention to the fact that you should make peace with your loved one in reality.

This will help to avoid tears and quarrels in reality. The former little innuendo can eventually grow into a quarrel, this should be avoided.

husband in coffin

Seeing at night how your spouse breaks up with you and already belongs to another woman, of course, is unpleasant. But even such a dream can be forgotten over time.

But if in it a loved one goes to another world, it is unlikely. A dream about death is always remembered and leaves behind a strong residue of unpleasant emotions.

Why dream of the death of a husband? It depends on the details, which are very important to remember.

  1. If the death of a spouse is quick and unexpected, this means that in reality he has secrets and secrets from his wife. And this is not necessarily a terrible secret, it can also be a pleasant surprise for the wife if the spouse died quickly and suddenly.
  2. If a woman dreams that her missus died in agony and pain, this means that he is hiding some kind of hurtful secret. But this applies only to natural death.

If he died in the night vision of his wife due to the murder, the interpretation will be different.

  • Murder at the hands of a stranger is a sign of future difficulties at work.
  • If it kills ex-wife or any other person you know, this promises problems in the relationship. The wife should build the next dialogues in such a way as to avoid sharp corners and serious quarrels.
  • Well, what does it mean to see a spouse in a coffin? If there is no strong grief and grief, this can be interpreted as a sign of future good luck.

Own wedding

It also happens that women dream of their own wedding or its variations. The wife in such dreams is usually happy.

  • Such a dream is unambiguous and carries only a positive message. Its meaning is the future replenishment in the family in most cases.
  • When a woman marries her own husband and experiences some anxiety, this anxiety can be transferred to real life in which she has to make some important and responsible choice.
  • If a wedding is dreamed of after a quarrel the day before, this indicates a woman’s desire to quickly reconcile with him.

Thinking about what her husband is dreaming of, a woman must remember that each dream is individual. Depending on the time and day of the week when he had a dream, sleep can carry a different load.

When a woman thinks: “This dream does not concern my spouse,” she makes a mistake. Premonitions and messages from the subconscious in the form of dreams concern not only the woman herself, but also her loved ones, relatives.

Therefore, after such visions, you should pay attention to your spouse and your family, trying not to transfer anxiety or jealousy from dreams to real life.
