In Russian, case endings are typical only for full adjectives, which depend on such grammatical features as gender, number, case. Short adjectives never decline in cases and have several permanent endings. The article provides many available examples of adjective endings.

Features of the spelling of case endings of adjectives

The spelling of adjective endings depends on the grammatical features of the word - its gender, number, case, and in some cases the lexical and grammatical category.

Word Which helps to determine the ending of the adjective most in a simple way- just choose the right form of the question to the case form of the adjective. The ending of the question will coincide with the ending of the adjective (for adjectives with a solid base, vowels will be written in the endings -u-, -o-, -u- with a soft base and a base for sizzling - -i-, -e, - -yu-).

Examples: snowy oh(How oh?) field, in large wow(How wow?) plate, over green th(How them?) meadow.

Important! In Russian, case endings have only full adjectives, short adjectives do not decline according to cases and have only four endings - zero, -a (-s), -o (-s), -s (-s). Examples: bright, green A, great O, hot And .

Case endings of full adjectives

The ending system for adjectives is shown in the table with examples.

case Singular Plural
masculine Feminine Neuter gender
I. p. funny Ouch,

Good uy,

Loud uy,

Ptich uy

funny and I,

Good and I,

Loud and I,

Ptich ya

funny oh,

Good her,

Loud oh,

Ptich ye

funny s,

Good ie,

Loud ie,

Ptich uh

R. p. funny Wow,

Good his,

Loud Wow,

Ptich his

funny Ouch,

Good to her,

Loud Ouch,

Ptich ey

funny Wow,

Good his,

Loud Wow,

Ptich his

funny s,

Good their,

Loud their,

Ptich their

D. p. funny omu,

Good to him,

Loud omu,

Ptich imu

funny Ouch,

Good to her,

Loud Ouch,

Ptich ey

funny omu,

Good to him,

Loud omu,

Ptich imu

funny th,

Good them,

Loud them,

Ptich yim

V. p. funny Ouch/funny Wow,

Good uy/good his,

Loud uy/loud Wow,

Ptich uy/bird his

funny wow,

Good wow,

Loud wow,

Ptich ew

funny oh,

Good her,

Loud oh,

Ptich ye

funny s/funny s,

Good ie/good their

Loud ie/loud their

Ptich uh/bird their

T. p. funny th,

Good them,

Loud them,

Ptich yim

funny Ouch,

Good to her,

Loud Ouch,

Ptich ey

funny th,

Good them,

Loud them,

Ptich yim

funny s,

Good them,

Loud them,

Ptich yimi

P. p. Oh funny ohm,

Oh good eat,

Adjectives suburban, suburban have in the nominative case of the singular endings -y, and the adjective non-resident has endings -y.

Adjectives for - nyy in short form have the ending - en(slender - well-built), exception: worthy - worthy;

It is possible to have a double spelling and pronunciation of the adjective boundless - boundless.

Spelling of adjective suffixes

1. under stress suffix is ​​written -iv-, without accent- suffix -ev-(cf .: beautiful - combat). Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

2. In suffixes -chiv-, -liv- always spelled And(ugly, arrogant).

3. Suffixes - ovat-, -ov-, -ovit- are written after hard consonants, A after soft consonants, after hissing and c suffixes are written -evat-, -ev-, -evit-(cf., greenish, business, glossy, bluish).

4. In adjectives ending in -whose, formed from nouns ending in -shka before h under stress is written a, without accent - e(cf .: frog - frog - frog).

5. Before suffix -sk- a letter is written sch, if the sound that it denotes belongs to one morpheme (for example, a board is a plank); if in the generating stem the letters d, s, st, w are in front of the suffix -k-, then they are preserved in the new word, and k alternates with h (freckle - freckled);

6. If the basis ends on c, and the suffix begins with h, then ts alternates with t (tile-tiled).

7. Spelling suffix -sk-:

If stem ending in d or t, then before the suffix -sk- they are preserved (flesh - carnal, cattle - bestial);

If stem ends in k, h, c, then after them the suffix -sk- is simplified and becomes simply -k-, and k and h change to c (fisherman - fisherman, weaver - weaver), note: in some adjectives, the alternation of k, h with c does not occur (Tajik - Tajik, Uglich - Uglich):

if the stem of a word of foreign origin ends in sc, then before the suffix -sk- k is omitted(San Francisco - San Francisco),

Exceptions: Basque, Oscan;

If stem ends with, then it is omitted and only a combination of letters sk (Welsh-Welsh) is written,

if the base ends on ss, then one s falls, since in Russian there cannot be a combination of three identical consonants (Odessa - Odessa);

if the base ends in -н or -р, then before the suffix -sk-ь ( soft sign) goes down.

Exceptions: ь (soft sign) is written

IN adjectives formed from month names(July - July),

IN adjectives formed from some foreign geographical names(Taiwanese),

In combination day-to-day

8. Before the suffix -And- final consonants k, c go to h, and x - to u(boredom - boring, bustle - bustling).

Spelling н and нн in adjective suffixes

-in: swan

In adjectives formed with the suffix -enn: straw

In adjectives formed with suffixes -an- (-yan-): leather, silver). Exceptions: wood, glass, tin

In adjectives formed with the suffix -he N: organizational

IN short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed have -n-(slim - slender)

In adjectives formed with suffix -n- from stem to n: sleepy, long

In short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are derived have -in-(long - long)

Note 1: Spelled n in adjectives: spicy, crimson, rye, drunken, ruddy, youthful, green, windy, porky.

Note 2: Written windy, but windless.

Note 3. It is necessary to distinguish between adjectives oily (for oil, in oil) and oily (soiled, soaked in oil); compare: oil stain - oily hands.

Note 4. It is necessary to distinguish between adjectives windy (day, person), windy (pump) and windy (chicken pox).

Spelling compound words

1. Compound words can be formed using two simple stems, connected by a connecting vowel o (written after the stem to a hard consonant) or e (written after the stem to a soft consonant, hissing or c): whirlpool, birder.

2. Spelling of compound words without a connecting vowel:

it is necessary to distinguish between compound words formed with a connecting vowel(steam locomotive) and without her(psychasthenia);

names nouns in the genitive case included in compound words without a connecting vowel(three-storey, two-year);

together prefixes of foreign origin are written with the root: anti-, archi-, hyper-, inter-, infra-, counter-, post-, sub-, super-, trans-, ultra-, extra (anti-people, ultra-important, counterattack);

words on -fiction are not complex, before this combination of letters is written and(gasification).

3. Spelling of compound nouns

are written together

written with a hyphen

compound nouns with the first part: auto-, agro-, aero-, bicycle-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, cinema-, stereo-, radio-, macro-, etc. (cinema, stereo system, radio station)

compound nouns without a connecting vowel denoting scientific, technical and socio-political terms and names (stop tap, prime minister)

compound nouns with the first part of the verb ending in and(dzhimorda, daredevil)

Exception: tumbleweed

names of intermediate cardinal points(southeast, northwest)

all compound words(Sberbank, Baltflot)

complex owl denoting plant names, having in its composition a verb in a personal form or a union (coltsfoot, love-not-love)

words with foreign elements: ober-, unter-, life-, staff-, vice-, ex-(Vice President, non-commissioned officer)

4. Spelling compound adjectives

are written contiguously:

written with a hyphen:

adjectives, formed from compound nouns, written together (stereo system - stereo system)

adjectives, formed from compound nouns written with a hyphen(southeast, southeast)

compound adjectives, formed from phrases, where one word is subordinate to another (Railway- railway)

compound adjectives, formed from a combination of proper names(Jack-Londonovsky, Petr-Petrovichev)

compound adjectives representing scientific and technical terms or belonging to book styles of speech (highly paid, thick-skinned, above)

compound adjectives formed from combinations of words with equal members connected by a coordinating link (convex-concave)

compound adjectives with the first part in -iko (not foreign language): high society, great Russian

compound adjectives denoting geographical or administrative names and having the first part of the word west, south, north, north, east (East European Plain)

Adjectives, educated from a foreign surname preceded by a function word, compare: de Broglie → de Broglie theory

compound adjectives, denoting shades of colors(pale pink, blue-brown)

Spelling of case endings of adjectives can be checked raising the question Which?, because the endings question word and adjective endings match. The exception is the nominative case singular masculine, where under stress the ending is written -Ouch(young Ouch man, field Ouch flower) and without accent spelled th or -th(old th warrior, son uy handkerchief).

In the feminine, in the nominative singular, it is written -and I or -ya: new and I syn ya sweater (which jacket?), but in the middle gender it is written th or -her: new oh syn her coat (which coat?).

In the plural of all three genders, the ending is written th or -s: new s syn ie scarves, dresses, sweaters (which?).

In the masculine and neuter gender in the instrumental singular, the ending is written th or -them(answers a question what?), and in the prepositional - -ohm or -eat(answers a question what?): admired the new th syn them suit (dress), talked about new ohm syn eat suit (dress).

In the feminine, in the accusative singular, the ending is written th or -yuyu(answers a question what?), and in the creative - -Ouch or -to her (-oy or -her) (answers the question Which? what?): bought new wow syn yuyu jacket, admiring new Ouch (-oy) syn to her (-her) jacket.

After the sizzling in the endings of adjectives under stress spelled oh no accent spelled e, For example: alien O ho, big O go, alien O mu, big O mu; red e ho, more e go, red e mu, more eat at(cf. with nouns).

After adjectives hissing in names under stress suffix is ​​written -ov-(grosz ov oh, hedgehog ov oh, brocade ov th, canvas ov th), and without accent- suffix -ev-(plush ev ouch, key h ev ah water).

    Note. Should be remembered spelling the word dash yov th(cf. cheaper).

In short adjectives under stress after hissing spelled O: the food is hot O (O ending), funny O n (O fluent in suffix).

In adjectives on -th, -ya, -e(fox, fox, fox) in all forms, except nominative and accusative singular masculine (fox), before the end spelled b: fox b him, fox b him, fox b And etc.

Diminutive adjectives are formed with the suffix -enk-: syn enk uh, thick enk uy; after g, k, x possible and -onk-, And -enk-: lay down onc uy And lay down enk uh, wide onc uy And wide enk uh, be quiet onc uy And quiet enk uy.

In suffix -en-, -yan-, forming adjectives from nouns, one is written n: leather en oh, sand en th, silver yang th, except for three words: trees yann th, tin yann oh, glass yann th.

In adjectives formed with the suffix -n- from nouns with a base on n, written two n: kame nn oh, with nn th, length nn th.

    Note. From such adjectives must be distinguished adjectives with one n: Yu n oh, swi n Ouch etc. (they Dont Have suffix -n-).

In suffix -in-, which forms adjectives from nouns with the meaning of belonging or property, one is written n: goose in ouch, sparrow in oh, donkey in th.

    Note. One n spelled in a noun gost in and I, which used to be an adjective: living room.

In suffix -he N- forming adjectives from foreign words, written two n: division he N oh, revolutionary he N th, constitution he N th.

In suffix -enn-, forming adjectives from nouns, two n: productions enn th, celebrations enn oh, kindred enn oh, straw enn ouch, cranberry enn th.

    Note 1 . Adjective wind en th spelled with one n. Adjectives with prefixes formed from the word wind , are written with two n: without wind enn th, behind wind enn th, under wind enn th and so on. should be distinguished adjectives wind en th(with suffix -en-) And wind yang Ouch(with suffix -yan-). Suffix -en- written in adjectives with the meaning "with the wind": wind en and I weather (weather with wind), wind en oh summer (summer with wind), as well as used in a figurative sense: wind en and I young woman, wind en oh behavior. These adjectives have a short form: the weather is windy, the girl is windy. Suffix -yan- used in adjectives with the meaning "driven by the wind": wind yang and I mill, wind yang Ouch engine. These adjectives do not have a short form. With suffix -yan- The name of the disease is also written: wind yang oh smallpox(chickenpox).

    Note 2 . In the first stem of complex adjectives, two are written n, if it is formed from an adjective with two n: wave nn o-tractor station(car station nn th and tractor), vago nn o-locomotive park(vago park nn th and locomotive). But if the first stem is formed from a noun on n, then one is written in it n: wave n construction plant(factory for the construction of machines), vago n repair plant(wagon repair plant).

    Note 3 . Nouns in -Nick--nitsa And -awn formed from adjectives with two n, are also written with two n: morning nn uh-morning nn ik; society nn th-society nn ir society nn itz-society nn awn; revolutionary nn th-revolutionary nn awn; production nn st-production nn ik; tse nn yy-tse nn awn, and educated from adjectives with one n are also written with one n: hemp n th - hemp n ik, sand n th - sandy n ik, yu n y - y n awn.

    Note 4 . With two n nouns are also written with suffixes -Nick-nitsa from nouns with stem on n: be friends n a - be friends nn ik-friend nn itza, mosh n a - moshe nn ik-moshe nn itza.

Full adjectives with two n, save them in short form: tse nn th thing - thing nn A.

Before suffix -sk- letter b spelled after l(village - village b sk ii) and in adjectives formed from the names of the months on n, r: december b sk uy, november b sk oy, jun b sk oy, july b sk uy(exception: word January sk uy).

In other cases, after n And R before suffix -sk- letter b not written: horse - ko n sk oy, hero - rich R sk uy.

To distinguish between suffixes -To- And -sk-, must be remembered that with suffix -To- qualitative adjectives are formed, which have a short form(bottom To iy - low, knots To ij - narrow), but with a suffix -sk-- relative adjectives without a short form(Frenchman sk y, kyrgyz sk y, Circassian sk ii).

    Note. From nouns with stem to k, h And c relative adjectives are formed with a suffix -To- , and sounds To And h are replaced by sound c: kaza To- kaza c To uy, tka h-tka c To oh no c-neme c To uy. But in some, mostly bookish, formations, sounds To And h do not change and use the suffix -sk-: uzbe To-Uzbe To sk oy, coals h- coals h sk yy, also pfal c-pfal c sk uy.

Adjectives in -yny short form ending in -en: calmly nyy-calmly en, no nyy-no en , except worthy nyy- worthy in .

are written capitalized adjectives, formed from proper names with suffixes -ov-, -ev-, -in-, -un-(Dal ev dictionary, Ivan ov about childhood, Liz in a doll, bug in puppies, etc.) with the exception of phraseological combinations used in a figurative sense, in which Lost connection with own name(Adam ov oh apple, bazed ov a disease, sissy f ov labor, prokr y bed, etc.).

are written co lower case adjectives, formed from people's own names if the adjective contains a suffix -sk- (T urgenev sk ie "Notes of a hunter", P ushkin sk iy style, l ermontov sk th prose, etc.).

    Note. Capitalized adjectives are written with a suffix -sk-, If they are part of the names that have meanings "name, memory", For example: L homonos sk ie reading, L enin sk and I premium.

Unstressed case endings for adjectives are written in the same way as percussion, except for masculine adjectives in the nominative case.

In order to correctly write the unstressed ending of an adjective, you need to find in the sentence the noun to which this adjective belongs and determine its gender and case. Then remember the ending of the adjective in this case. Next, compare the ending of the adjective and the ending of the question it answers.

Woodpecker treated himself to delicious spruce cones . → treated myself(how?) cones TP, cones(what?) delicious mi .

Masculine adjectives in the nominative and accusative answer what question? and have endings -y, -y.

Masculine: Which? -Ouch, th, -th:dashing Ouch , dared th , great uy

Middle gender: what? th, -her: white oh , syn her

Example: was in the circus funny clown . → was(Who?) clown IP, clown(Which ?) dared th . m.r. IP

Genitive answer the question of what? and have endings -Wow, -his: near him, merry .

Serezha called his beloved puppy called(whom?) puppy RP, puppy(what?) love Wow . m.r. RP

masculine and neuter adjectives dative case answer the question (which one?) and have endings th, -to him: handsome omu , near to him .

We drove up to a beautiful building . → drove up(for what?) to the building dp, building(what?) handsome omu . s.r. DP

The masculine and neuter adjective in instrumental answer the question (what?) have an ending th, -them: good them , oars th .

The plane was flying over a huge city . → flew over(how?) city TP, city(what?) huge th . m.r. TP

The masculine and neuter adjective in prepositional answer the question (about what?) and have endings -ohm, -eat:o oars ohm ,about near eat .

I talked about my favorite writer . → told(about whom?) about the writer PP, writer(what?) love ohm. m.r. PP

Feminine adjectives in the genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases, answer questions what? and have endings -Ouch, -to her. handsome Ouch , senior to her.

She was a fun girl . → was(by whom?) girl TP, girl(Which ?) oars Ouch . zh.r. TP

IN instrumental there may be more endings -oy, -her.

feminine adjectives in accusative answer the question what? and have endings - wow, -yuyu.

They went to an evening disco . → Went(where? for what?) to the disco VP, discotheque(what?) vespers yuyu . zh.r. VP

36. Instead of a suffix -or after hissing under stress, a suffix is ​​\u200b\u200bwritten -yor (-er ): intern, retoucher.

37. Instead of -enka , -enok , -echek after hissing are written under stress -onka , -onok , -points: girls O nka, shirt O nka, nag O nka, bear O nok, wolch O nok, mouse O nok, hook O check, mesh O check, circle O check.

38. In female patronymics: Ilyinichna, Lukinichna, Fominichna, Kuzminichna and so on. - before n spelled h .

Spelling of adjectives

39. In order not to mix the endings of the plural. h. th , -s with neuter singular endings th , -her , which words should be substituted? and what? For example: kind oh , syn her , former her (which?); kind s , syn ie , former ie (which?).

40. In order not to make mistakes in the endings th , -them -ohm , -eat , you should substitute the words with what? and about what? For example: kind th , syn them , former them (what? - instrumental case); oh good ohm , oh xing eat , about the former eat (about what? - prepositional case).

41. In order not to make mistakes in the endings th , -yuyu -oy , -her , which words should be substituted? and what? For example: kind wow , syn yuyu , former wow (what? - accusative case); kind oyu , syn her , former her (what? - instrumental case).

42. Unstressed endings in adjectives are generally written in the same way as stressed endings, except for endings after hissing (compare with nouns - item 21); under stress: alien O go, big O go, alien O mu, big O mu; without accent: red e th, more e th, red e mu, more e mu.

43. In adjectives, after the sizzling under stress, the suffix is ​​\u200b\u200bwritten -ov- (penny O new, hedgehog O new, brocade O new, canvas O new), and without stress - the suffix -ev- (plush e out, key e vaya water).

Note. You should remember the spelling of the word cheap (cf .: cheaper).

44. In short adjectives under stress after sibilants, it is written O: the food is hot Ó (ending), funny O n (O fluent in suffix).

45. In adjectives on -th , -ya , -e (fox, fox, fox) in all forms except imit. and blames. singular masculine cases ( fox), before the end is written b: fox, fox, fox and so on.

46. Diminutive adjectives are formed by suffixes -enk-: little blue, plump; after G , To , X possible and -onk- , And -enk-: light And easy, broad And broad, quiet And quiet.

47. In suffix -en- , -yan- , forming adjectives from nouns, one is written n: leather n th, sandy n th, silver n th except for three words: tree nn th, tin nn th, glass nn th.

48. In adjectives formed with the suffix -n- from nouns with stem on n , written two n : kame nn th, co nn th, length nn th.

Note. From such adjectives it is necessary to distinguish adjectives with one n: young, rosy, pork and so on.
