1) Who (narrator or narrator) appears at the beginning of the story?

2) What exactly do we know about the narrator? Under what circumstances does he meet the narrator?

3) What is the role of the narrator in the composition of the story (introduction; ending, completion; his speech “frames” the story)?

4) From whom do we first learn about the narrator (about the county doctor)? What kind of person does the narrator appear in the description of the narrator (quotes from the text)? How does the narrator treat him (with good-natured irony)?

5) How narrator characterizes the narrator's speech style (give examples: "He was not stupid, he expressed himself smartly and rather funny"; "he began in a relaxed and trembling voice"). Highlight all the “delays” noted by the narrator: “Here the doctor again fiercely sniffed the tobacco and for a moment became numb” (what is he talking about before that?); "The doctor was silent"; “He sniffed the tobacco again, grunted and took a sip of tea”; “The doctor looked down and blushed”; “the doctor looked at himself with a smile”; "added the doctor with a quick tongue twister and with a sigh."

Conclusion: the function of the narrator is to monitor the change in the emotional state, mood of the narrator.

6) Why do the most dramatic events (the confession of delirium and the death of the heroine) do without such commentary marks of the narrator?

7) What is the speech of the doctor in reality and how does it characterize him?

Watch how the narrator's tone changes depending on what he is saying. When does his speech become especially emotional? Why is this happening?

8) Pay attention to the features of speech:

The abundance of repetitions, dots, exclamation marks, interjections (indicate emotionality, expressiveness; history is exciting for him). When is the text especially saturated with these features?

Polite expressions (“you do not deign to know”, “please see”, “I dare to say”): he is modest, does not stick out his dignity; more likely to be self-deprecating. Appeal "gracious sovereign"; expressions like "But, sir ... here, sir ... how would you describe it, sir ...".

Installation on trust to the interlocutor: “you understand”, “you deign to laugh”, “whether you believe it”, “I will tell you straight away”, “to be frank”, “do you know”.

There are many uninformative sentences, betraying excitement: “how can I tell you - do not lie”, “but, by the way ... right, like this, that’s it ...”.

Proximity to the spoken language (which does not like long digressions and descriptions, mainly registers events) is manifested in the use of one-component and incomplete sentences: “I am sitting with him, with our judge, and playing preference. Our judge is a good person and a hunter to play preference”; “So it is: from the patient ...”; “The road is hellish: streams, snow, mud, waterholes, and then suddenly the dam broke through - trouble!”; “I’ll meet an old woman, such a respectable one, in a cap.” Frequently repeated “suddenly” (which the narrator also notes): “my doctor often used the word: suddenly”; the word "however" (why?). Colloquial particles "yes", "well" at the beginning of the phrase; colloquial words “say”, “they say” “impoverishing”, “doubtful”, “cart”, “by God”, “negligate”, “something I also dare”, “fool”, “our brother”.

Expressive interjections: “roads are such that fa!”, “Eh!”.

Set expressions: they don’t eat on gold, they sit like a prince, boldly hit two deposits, they don’t go crazy, their soul goes to their heels, as they say.

9) What is new about the personality of the narrator gives us the story that he tells, his actions, deeds (the reaction is not the poverty of the coachman; sympathy for the girl: it is important how the attitude towards her changes; statements about the death of a person; never forgets his interest; marriage on Akulina)? Highlight its positive and negative qualities. Why can a healer be associated with a widespread type of " little man»?

10) Under what circumstances does the name of the narrator become known to us; how does the name relate to the image of the narrator (this is important)?

11) What feelings this case from life stranger summoned from the narrator? What testifies to this (at the end of the story)?

She is a young beautiful and modest girl named Alexandra, the daughter of a poor writer. Received a good upbringing and education, but lives in the wilderness with her mother and two sisters. All property is a small house, books, and several peasant families. They don’t communicate with neighbors “because “small ones were not a match for them, but pride forbade them to know the rich.” The story is part of the "Hunter's Notes" cycle. Here, telling the complex stories of human relations, the author raises the topics of respect for oneself and people, trust and hatred, love and death ... And many others. The story “County doctor” deals with the topics of self-esteem, the relationship between a man and a woman, and ....

So the two met. He is a young doctor. Small in stature, inconspicuous appearance, shy and insecure. Yes, the peasant's name - Trifon Ivanovich, does not add pride. He apparently did not study very diligently - Latin was soon almost forgotten, interest in work disappeared and ordinary gray everyday life began. Running around on calls, little practice, small earnings ... In the evenings, the routine was brightened up by playing cards with neighbors. And then suddenly - a call to the patient. It seems that you don’t want to go, the mud and the evening time. But the doctor's duty is not forgotten and makes him go. We traveled for a long time, on a bad road, we were tired. But then he saw the patient, and the fatigue was forgotten.

The main occupation was walking, needlework, and reading novels. An enthusiastic and sensitive creature in the wilderness and solitude is the best object for dreams and dreams. And suddenly - the disease.

And so they met. It would seem that the most banal situation is the meeting of the patient with the doctor. The beauty of the girl, her passionate plea for salvation touched the doctor, and he decided to stay for a few days. He changed medicines, entertained the patient, cared for her. But the disease did not subside. Alexandra got worse. The doctor's self-esteem, already low, fell more and more, confusion and the inability to ask someone for advice led to the fact that the last knowledge also disappeared from memory. “So it seems to you that you forgot everything you knew ... The right word, sometimes you randomly open a prescription book: maybe, you think, fate ... And meanwhile a person dies.” And gradually Tryphon turned from a doctor - a specialist into a doctor, hoping only for a miracle. And then one day Alexandra asked about the probability of death, but he could not answer. He hesitated, muttering something about God's mercy. And she confessed her love - "if I die, then it's no longer ashamed and not scary." Tryphon, of course, understood that this was not love, but despair. “It’s terrible to die at twenty-five without loving anyone, so she grabbed me.” But he did not have enough courage, self-confidence even to calm the patient. Hearing a declaration of love, the doctor cowardly fled. The next day the girl died.

Almost nothing has changed in Tryphon's life. He did not intensively study medicine in order to become a good doctor and sank deeper and deeper into the swamp of monotonous provincial life. As a result, tedious duties, an angry wife and screaming kids. And there are few joys - a two-ruble win from a neighbor in cards, and the opportunity to complain to a random patient about life's troubles. Or I could be a doctor...

Some interesting essays

  • Capital and local nobility in the novel by Eugene Onegin
  • The history of the Don Cossacks goes back into the mists of time. During the time of Ivan the Terrible, the Cossacks fought with the Crimean Khan, Tsarina Catherine loved the Cossacks, they enjoyed great privileges

The story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "County doctor" is a story about the return of the narrator in the autumn from the fields, who was forced to stay in a hotel in one of the county towns. The reason for this was a strong fever. Having received recommendations from a local doctor, he began to implement them. The narrator was glad to have an interesting interlocutor who stayed overnight, who related an incident that occurred during Great Lent in early spring.

Once, an elderly widow, whose daughter was seriously ill, turned to the doctor for help through a note. Feeling for a long time did not allow him to refuse to go even on a washed out road. By a dangerous path, he reached a modest dwelling covered with straw, located twenty kilometers from the city.

The patient was young beautiful girl twenty-five years old named Alexandra Alekseevna, who immediately attracted the doctor's attention with a languid look.

Thanks to the medication, after a while the girl began to recover. The restless doctor continued to look after the patient. The snow that melted on the roads made it difficult for horses to move, so medicines from the city were not delivered on time. One day, when everyone went to bed, he decided to find out about the condition of the girl. Finding Alexandra delirious, Tryphon realized that the disease did not go away. The visitor was comfortable in a poor but hospitable family, which, having inherited books from his father, was educated and decent. Spending a lot of time with the daughter of the landowner, the doctor began to realize that imperceptibly pity for the girl grew into love. Now, almost all the time the man spent in the upper room next to Alexandra, entertaining her interesting stories. But every day he did not leave the unpleasant feeling that the girl could die. Her condition worsened, so the doctor ordered the preparation of a priest.

One night Alexandra confesses her love to the doctor. Feeling himself the happiest person, he reciprocates her. But uncertainty and illness haunt him. He does his best to cure the fever. But the girl is dying. Then Tryphon tells about his future fate. He marries a rich noblewoman, but this marriage is not for love.

The story of I. S. Turgenev "County doctor" teaches not to miss your happiness, to correct mistakes in time, so as not to regret it in the future. After all, nothing can replace family happiness built on mutual feelings.

Picture or drawing District doctor

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary Praise of stupidity Erasmus of Rotterdam

    The satirical work of the philosopher Erasmus of Rotterdam is written in a satirical vein and is a monologue of Stupidity, which boasts of its glorious deeds and talents.

"Death" was published in Sovremennik No. 2 for 1848. The story entered the cycle of "Notes of a Hunter" and reflected the stories that happened to Turgenev during hunting wanderings, the family traditions of the Turgenevs. For example, the river Zusha, mentioned at the beginning, flows not far from Spassky-Lutovinovo. The lady, who was going to pay the priest for the departure prayer, has a prototype. This is Turgenev's grandmother Katerina Ivanovna Somova.

Literary direction and genre

Turgenev, as a realist, explores the features of the Russian character, highlighting a simple and cold attitude towards death as a national trait. The psychological story has the features of a philosophical essay, it is a kind of ode to death and to those who accept it with dignity.


The story is dedicated to one feature of the Russian people - the attitude to death as something ordinary and familiar. Turgenev analyzes various cases and comes to a generalization: an unusual attitude towards death is a feature of the Russian mentality. "The Russian peasant is dying amazingly... The Russian people are dying amazingly." The attentive reader will see behind the descriptions of various deaths the social reasons for such an attitude, but contemporary reviewers did not see them.

Plot and composition

The exposition of the story is the storyteller's visit to the forest where he used to walk as a child with a French tutor. The forest suffered from frosts in 1840. The method of contrast allows us to compare the former living and cool forest and the current dead one.

The narrator calls oaks and ash trees old friends and describes them as sick or dead people: “Dried, naked, in some places covered with consumptive greens ... lifeless, broken branches ... dead branches ... fell down and rotted like corpses, on the ground".

The exposition sets the reader up for discussions about human death, as quiet as the death of trees. Turgenev chooses different deaths: accidents (hit by a tree, burned), illness (he overstrained, died from consumption) and death from old age. The death of people of different classes and professions is described: a contractor, a peasant, a miller, a teacher, a landowner.

The death of the landowner is the climax, a kind of parable with a moral: “Yes, Russian people die surprisingly.” This refrain is the main idea of ​​the story.

Heroes of the story

The author in the story is interested in the hero's encounter with death. The reason for reflection was the death of the contractor Maxim, who was killed in the forest by a falling ash tree cut down by peasants. In the death of Maxim (as well as other heroes) there is nothing ugly. Despite the fact that the branches of a falling tree broke Maxim's arms and legs, he almost did not moan, bit his blue lips, looked around "as if with surprise." The trembling chin, the hair sticking to the forehead, the unevenly rising chest make him look like a romantic hero in great excitement. He is really worried about the meeting with death, which, as he feels, is approaching.

But for Turgenev, what matters is not how the hero looks, but what he thinks and feels at the moment of death. Maxim's first thought is that he himself is to blame for his death: God punished him for telling the peasants to work on Sunday. Then Maxim disposes of the property, not forgetting the horse he bought yesterday, for which he gave a deposit, asks for forgiveness from the peasants. The narrator described the death of the Russian peasant in this way: “He dies as if performing a ritual: cold and simple,” but not stupidly or indifferently, as it might seem from the outside.

Another man, courageously waiting for death, is a neighbor's burnt peasant. The narrator is struck not so much by the behavior of the peasant as by his wife and daughter, who sit in deathly silence in the hut and also await death, so that the narrator "could not bear it and went out." At the same time, other family members treat the approaching death of a relative as something ordinary, they do not even stop their daily activities.

Lybovshinsky miller Vasily Dmitritch, who had a hernia, only on the 10th day came to the paramedic for help: “And should I die because of this rubbish?” Melnik utters an almost anecdotal phrase about dying better at home, where in his absence "God knows what will happen." The miller does not have any panic in the face of death, on the way home he bows to those he meets, and this is 4 days before his death!

The narrator describes the death of his friend Avenir Sorokoumov, who taught the children of the landowner Gur Krupynikov. Sorokoumov possessed a childishly pure soul. He rejoiced at the successes of his comrades, he did not know envy and pride. Avenir enjoys the days allotted to him: he reads his favorite poems, remembers Moscow and Pushkin with his guest, talks about literature and theater, and pities his dead friends. Sorokoumov is satisfied with the life he has lived, he does not want to leave and be treated, because "it does not matter where to die." Krupynikov announced the death of Sorokoumov in a letter, adding that he died "with the same insensitivity, without showing any signs of regret." That is, Sorokoumov took death for granted.

The situation of the death of an old landowner who tried to pay the priest for her own waste and was unhappy with the fact that the priest shortened the prescribed prayer looks completely anecdotal.

Stylistic features

The story is full of absurdities and paradoxes. The narrator's neighbor's cousin had a great heart, but no hair. In response to a French rhyme on the occasion of the opening of the Krasnogorsk hospital by the lady in the album, in which someone obsequiously called the hospital a temple, a certain Ivan Kobylyatnikov, thinking that it was about nature, wrote that he also loves her.

The sick are tamed in the hospital by a crazy carver Pavel, a dry-handed woman works as a cook, who is even more crazy than Pavel, beats him and makes him guard the turkeys. The absurdity at the plot level is the behavior of the dying landowner. But the most absurd thing is the veracity of all the incredible stories.

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research project based on the story of I.S. Turgenev from the cycle “Notes of a Hunter” - “County Doctor”.
Completed by a student of 10 "A" class Zueva Ksenia. Teacher Plokhotnyuk I.V.

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Literary cycle - a series of literary works on a common or related topic, created by one author or one group of authors. The commonality that unites a number of works acts, in addition to the theme, also in the genre, place and time of action, characters, form and style of narration. A story is a work of small volume, containing a small number of characters, and also, most often, having one storyline.

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The time of the creation of the story falls on April 1847, the original title of which was Poor Family. The main idea that inspired I.S. Turgenev to write the story “The District Doctor” was Belinsky’s memoirs about Lyubov Alexandrovna Bakunina, who fell in love with Dr. P.P. Klushnikov. But the writer, if this assumption is true, has moved far from the prototypes. As a type, his district physician does not in any way resemble P. P. Klyushnikov, an intelligent and talented doctor close to Bakunin's circle.

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Evaluation of the story "County Doctor" by V.G. Belinsky
“In The District Doctor,” he wrote to Annenkov on February 15, 1848, “I did not understand a single word, and therefore I will not say anything about him; but my wife is so delighted with him - a woman's business ... "

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The doctor told a story that happened to him a few years ago: he became very attached to his patient, a seriously ill girl, fell in love with her. His feelings were mutual. But his despair was boundless - every day the girl felt worse and worse, and he could not help her. These feelings turned out to be the strongest in his life - he remembers this girl, despite the past years and subsequent marriage.

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Formulation of the problem in the story
The problem of the story lies in the contradiction between medical duty and social prejudices.

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Is this text related to the history of the state?
In my opinion, the medical system itself, especially in remote areas of the Russian hinterland, remained at such a low level that it was very difficult to provide basic assistance and medicines, especially for poor people. Therefore, primitive district doctors, such as Trifon Ivanovich, made their decisions alone, often erroneous, bringing fatal errors to patients.
