Many of us are fond of creativity - someone for the sake of simple entertainment, someone creates for sale, and someone just wants to please children. This article will tell you how to make a chest of drawers from After reading, you will be able to independently make your own designer thing that will come in handy in the house and will delight you and your guests.

Before you start making a chest of drawers out of cardboard with your own hands, you need to prepare everything necessary tools to work with and choose a box that is the size of your chest of drawers.

Tools for the job

For work we need:

  1. Cardboard box.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Ruler.
  4. Stationery knife.
  5. Glue.
  6. Self-adhesive paper.
  7. Scotch.

Blank for a chest of drawers made of cardboard

To begin with, on one side of the box, cut off the side closing parts with a clerical knife. On the other hand, they will serve as the wall of the chest of drawers.

We need to make the inner walls of the future chest of drawers double. This will give it strength and stability. To do this, from the side where we left the closing parts of the box for the chest of drawers, we measure the required depth. We draw a measured depth with a pencil on all four sides. With a clerical knife, we cut along the lines not to the end, but only the upper part of the cardboard, without pressing hard on the knife. In the corners you need to make cuts to the depth line. Next, bend the side inward, thereby obtaining double walls. Plus, such walls will not bend after pasting. The base for a small chest of drawers made of cardboard is ready. We continue to work by adding drawers and shelves.

Shelves for a chest of drawers made of cardboard

A do-it-yourself cardboard chest of drawers needs shelves. To do this, we use the side walls cut off at the first stage of work. They must also be made double, like the walls of the base. To do this, measure the cardboard of the required length and determine the number of shelves. We divide the resulting piece into two equal parts and with the help of a clerical knife we ​​also cut not through, but only the top layer of paper. Fold in half along the cut line and glue into the base with glue. You can use hot glue for this procedure.

Making boxes

With the manufacture of boxes will have to tinker a bit. Each box must be made separately, because if you hurry up and do everything at once, it will not fit into a chest of drawers made from cardboard with your own hands.

Take measurements on the inside of the base and remember to measure all sides. After you have taken all the measurements, you need to calculate the dimensions of the box, taking into account pasting. For example:

  1. If you are wallpapering, then you need to reduce all sides by 4-5 mm. Let's say the right and left sides are equal to each other and have a length of 25 cm, then the subtraction will look like this: 25 - 5 mm = 24.5 cm. This will be the value of each of them. So we do with all the remaining parties.
  2. If you paste over with self-adhesive paper or ordinary white paper, then it will be enough to reduce by 3 mm. Let's take the same dimensions - 25 cm. The calculation will look like this: 25 - 3 mm = 24.7 cm. We do the same with all the remaining sides.

After you have calculated all the details of the box, they must be cut out of cardboard. Glue with tape and measure the drawer to fit into the chest of drawers. If there are any difficulties and the box is tight and does not move out well, then cut the tape and cut those areas in which you noticed the hooks. Ignore - and your boxes after pasting will not fit into the opening or even get stuck in it. As a result, a do-it-yourself cardboard chest of drawers will become just a useless thing in the interior.

When you are working on a box, you can not immediately make the bottom, but first adjust the dimensions of the sides, and then circle the bottom of the box along the inside. Do so all the necessary boxes and proceed to pasting, it is better to start from the inside and the boxes.

There should be handles on the drawers, you can buy small ones with screws and screw them on, or, if you are making a chest of drawers for a child, make them from ordinary colored laces by threading them through additional holes made on the front. Your chest of drawers is ready, give it the most honorable place in the house.

Cosmetic chest of drawers

You can fantasize, create your own variants of chests of drawers with your design ideas or use ours and make another option - a do-it-yourself chest of drawers for cosmetics from cardboard. For manufacturing, we use all the same tools + additionally (for decoration) - beads of various colors and diameters and lace pieces of fabric. Decorate the finished product to your taste, complement it with your ideas and design. Our design will consist of two sections, if desired, their number can be reduced or increased.

We take two boxes of the same length, the width of one should be slightly smaller, since in our case the smaller one is inserted into the larger one. If you didn't find suitable sizes, then you can make them yourself, as the boxes were made in the first version of the chest of drawers. We paste over the boxes with cloth or paper, use what is at hand. If desired, a mirror can be glued to the lid. In order for the construction of two boxes to be complete, we attach the inner box to the outer box on special plastic levers. We decorate your finished little chest of drawers with all kinds of beads and rhinestones.

Chest of drawers for jewelry

Well, the last option in our article is a do-it-yourself chest of drawers for cardboard jewelry. All women love jewelry, but almost no one knows how and where to store them properly. To do this, we propose to make a beautiful chest of drawers in your style for the interior.

We will need:

  1. Empty milk or juice boxes.
  2. An empty shoe box, in good, unworn condition, as it is stronger than a regular cardboard box.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Glue.
  5. Material for pasting or paper.

Determine the number and size of future drawers. Choose how you will position the chest of drawers - horizontally or vertically. When taking measurements, remember that you need to reduce the thickness of the pasting. When working with fabric, its thickness is multiplied by two.

Inside we put cardboard partitions and glue them, as well as all other details. They will extend the life of your chest of drawers. After you have assembled the entire chest of drawers and glued all the details, proceed to the design. Don't forget drawer handles. You can make them from ordinary shoelaces. On the front side, you can first string a large bead.

Put all your decorations in the chest of drawers and put it in a convenient place for you.

Today there will be a story about how they took me to the “weak”. The background is like this. My dear husband, watching from the side how I made organizers for my future workshop, somehow casually said: “Is it weak to make a chest of drawers myself?”

And that's not weak! The idea is good - it must be implemented.

I didn’t want to make it big or very small, so I determined the dimensions quite thoroughly, as a result I got it 60 cm wide, 30 cm deep, 40 cm high.

To make a chest of drawers, I needed:

— bookbinding, beer and corrugated cardboard;

- kraft paper;

- coarse calico, linen;

- glue Moment Joiner, PVA furniture, glue Moment Crystal;

- decorative handles 5 pieces;

- scissors, construction knife, square, iron ruler.

I cut out the sidewalls from corrugated and beer cardboard and glue them together.

Then, under the shelves on which the boxes will stand, I cut out additional sidewalls from dense double corrugated cardboard (if you do not have double corrugation, then glue two sheets of corrugation together), they are equal in height to future boxes, between the sidewalls I make a gap of 0.7 cm - this is the thickness of the shelf, when they dry out, I glue them with coarse calico.

The thickness of the side wall of the chest of drawers turned out to be 1 cm, so by this centimeter the inner part of the bottom will be smaller, and the outer side of the beer cardboard will be larger, then the side walls will fit into a groove, and outer corner will be smooth and beautiful.

I glued an additional panel of double corrugation to the back wall, the upper shelf will rest on it, this panel was covered with coarse calico.

The middle shelf is made of double corrugation, covered with coarse calico, but the upper shelf I got from two parts - the bottom side (coarse calico) is made of corrugated cardboard, and the upper side (linen) is made of binding cardboard. I glued the fabric on the furniture PVA glue, it is quite thick and therefore does not soak the cardboard, moreover, it does not leave marks on the fabric when it dries.

I smeared the grooves and end parts of the shelves with Moment Crystal glue and assembled the base of the chest of drawers, and now the shape is taking shape. To be honest, it takes quite a lot of time to dry the parts, especially you need to make sure that the parts do not lead, so they dry under pressure. My main assistants in drying the parts were a building hair dryer and an ordinary iron. I ironed the dried parts with an iron (without steam) and put everything under the press, after that all the details turned out to be smooth and very strong.

I made jumpers from several layers of cardboard - binding cardboard, then corrugation and again binding cardboard, covered with coarse calico and dried again 🙂

And here is the back wall - if at first I had doubts about making a chest of drawers, now they are gone and my husband is no longer smiling sarcastically, but looking with interest!

Now I take out a roll of craft paper - what a great paper it is, it helps me a lot in building houses - and here it was very, very useful, before I had to beg for it at the post office, but now it turns out you can buy it at any hardware store. I glue all the corners on the chest of drawers with kraft paper, the corner is even and at the same time securely fixed. The width of the side wall is 30 cm, so I cut the linen 35 cm wide so that there is a sufficient bend on the back wall, as well as 0.7 cm on the front side.

I glue the linen with a whole strip - 40 cm + 60 cm + 40 cm, slightly stretching it on the sides, dry it with a hairdryer, and then make cuts, but not completely, leaving a 0.5 cm undercut and bend the strip inward.

I cut out the inner part of the sidewall from binding cardboard and covered it with linen.

I cut out a piece of linen on the back wall, I didn’t bend it, because it turns out to be an undesirable thickness, so I take it out sewing machine and I put a decorative stitch along the edge of the back part, it will prevent the edge from fraying and at the same time decorate the back wall.

Well, the base is almost ready and I start assembling the boxes.

I glued them from binding cardboard - with Moment Crystal glue, the most important thing is to withstand the angle when gluing the bottom of the box. After drying, I glue all the corners with kraft paper and Moment Joiner glue.

Then I take a piece of linen fabric, cut it out so that there is an edge at one end, I start gluing it from the middle of the end of the box, exactly where I will have the front side. The edge should extend about 1 cm, overlapping the edge of the strip.

It is not difficult to get a neat corner, the main thing is not to cut it off from the very edge, but leave about 0.5 cm from the corner and glue the corner into an overlap, but make sure that the overlap is not large - 0.5 cm is enough, trimming from flax I did not throw them away, they were very useful to me to level the bottom of the box.

When dried, linen becomes very durable and the box, respectively, too.

Now I cut out the internal parts from the beer cardboard and glue them with light calico, then I glue them into the box - first the bottom, I bring the edges of the calico to the walls of the box and also glue it, extra fastening never hurts 🙂 then the side walls.

I decorated the bottom of the drawers in the same way as the back wall of the chest of drawers - it turned out smoothly and beautifully. The front panel of the drawers will protrude about 0.5 cm beyond the edges of the drawer, I cut them out of binding cardboard and covered them with calico with polka dots, two tones - red and brown. A small linen insert adorns the front panel, I calculated how long a strip is needed for one such insert, multiplied it by three, added centimeters to the fold and cut out a single strip of linen, then stitched the pattern on a typewriter and then cut this strip into three parts , the pattern is the same everywhere. I did the same for the bottom drawers.

It remains only to glue the front panels on the drawers and screw the handles.

But I haven’t made small pockets for the tool yet, at first I thought just to glue the rectangle and the cells in it, but it doesn’t turn out too interesting, and then a paper tube caught my eye, I tried it on, it looks good, but it’s only enough for two pockets, and I need 7-8 of them, that’s just what to make them from, twisting from kraft paper for a long time and drying, again, it’s hard, and then I see how my husband collected all my scraps from corrugated cardboard and tries to shove them into the oven to clean up and burn! Nightmare! Well, how is it possible - it's the same construction material, my hamster is in a swoon! After a short fight, having won, I twist the tubes from the scraps of the corrugation.

How I did it:

- cut out a strip with a longitudinal section from corrugated cardboard;

- then a strip of kraft paper twice as long as a strip of corrugated cardboard;

- I glue kraft paper with glue;

- I take a paper tube, wind a corrugation around it;

- pressing the corrugation tightly to the tube, I roll it over the kraft paper smeared with glue, pick up a hot iron and again start ironing along this length of the tube, the corrugation becomes even, without corners, the kraft paper sticks securely, and I get a chic, even and a strong tube of the diameter I need.

Recently, people have been showing creativity when creating original furniture items. Along with or from car seats, cardboard furniture has also become popular.

At first glance, it may seem that cardboard is not strong and durable. But in fact, if the technology is observed in the process of its assembly, it is possible to achieve high technical indicators, which allows you to assemble even.

Making cardboard furniture is suitable for those people who do not know how to work with wood or metal, but they really want to show their creative abilities. It is worth noting that, unlike metal or wooden furniture, mostly women are engaged in the manufacture of cardboard masterpieces.

Before embarking on the embodiment of your creative abilities, it is worth considering the main specifications the cardboard itself. After all, this material has both advantages and disadvantages. Its positive aspects include:

As for the shortcomings of the material, these include:

  • Not durability. Unlike, cardboard ones will not serve their owners for 20-30 years. At proper manufacture and use quality material, chest of drawers can be used for 5-10 years.
  • Can only be used in dry, well ventilated and heated rooms. Cardboard is very afraid of moisture, and under its influence it gets wet and loses its technical qualities. Installing a cardboard chest of drawers in the kitchen or bathroom will not work. Since it will quickly become unusable from exposure to steam and other negative factors.

Important: before starting the manufacture of a piece of furniture, the cardboard must be cleaned with alcohol from dust and dirt.


To make your own stylish and functional cardboard chest of drawers, you will need to prepare the following tools and materials:

Advice: wallpaper, decoupage napkins, fabric, acrylic paint, self-adhesive film can be used to decorate a finished product.

How to make from cardboard boxes?

Whoever makes cardboard furniture for the first time should start with a simpler model. For the first time, it is recommended to assemble a simple rectangular piece of furniture with 3 or 5 drawers.. The manufacturing and assembly process for a simple cardboard chest of drawers will look like this:

Master class on decorating for cosmetics

The finishing of the cardboard chest of drawers depends only on the imagination of the masters. There are different methods here:

  • painting with acrylic paint;
  • wallpapering;
  • decoupage technique;
  • pulling cloth or leather.

Women's mini dressers for cosmetics look good using decoupage technique. For its manufacture, water, glue and napkins with an ornament are used. To improve the technical qualities of a piece of furniture, it is recommended to varnish it in several layers. This will protect the cardboard from increased moisture and other negative factors.


Ideas for decorating the resulting furniture can be seen in the following photos:

Useful video

A detailed manufacturing process with a description of all steps can be viewed in the following video:


As can be seen from all of the above, even a fragile girl can make a chest of drawers out of cardboard with her own hands. The main thing here is to show your rich imagination, choose high-quality Consumables, and creatively approach the manufacture and assembly of a piece of furniture. You can assemble a cardboard chest of drawers in one free evening, and it will serve its owners for at least 5 years.

In contact with

Creativity for some people is a hobby, for others it is an opportunity to escape from worldly worries, for others it is an additional income. Despite the reason, this process is pleasurable, balances and promotes self-realization. Another important advantage is minimum costs, since you can make something from any improvised materials. For example, make a chest of drawers out of cardboard with your own hands. This piece of furniture can become an original gift or room decoration for a little needlewoman, thus you will ensure order, because now all small toys, things, accessories will lie in place.

Features of cardboard furniture

Unlike ordinary furniture, cardboard has its own characteristics:

  • short service life;
  • inability to use in rooms with high humidity, for example, in the bathroom;
  • despite the apparent fragility, the design is able to withstand loads;
  • the flexibility of the cardboard provides the desired shape of the finished product;
  • the possibility of easy movement, due to the low weight;
  • low cost.

Required material

To make a chest of drawers out of cardboard boxes with your own hands, you will need:

  • a cardboard box, the size of which matches the size of the future chest of drawers;
  • School line;
  • simple pencil;
  • regular or hot glue;
  • scotch;
  • self-adhesive film.

How to make a preparation?

To create a do-it-yourself cardboard chest of drawers, consider detailed master class. First, we will make a base in which we will make double partitions. This is necessary so that they do not bend when pasting and are durable:

  1. We cut off the side closing parts from the box on one side. They will be the walls of the future chest of drawers.
  2. For internal partitions from the side that covers the part of the box, we mark with a pencil the desired depth from 4 edges.
  3. We cut the cardboard along the lines, but not completely, by slightly pressing the knife.
  4. In the corners we make cuts to the depth line.
  5. We bend the side inward, and we get double walls.

We make shelves

For the manufacture of shelves, we use the side walls cut off at the first stage. Our shelves will also be double:

  1. Having determined the number of shelves, we measure the cardboard of the desired length.
  2. Cut a piece of cardboard box in half with a knife. We cut only the top layer of paper.
  3. Fold in half along the cut line and glue into the base.

Important! You can use hot glue.


The boxes are quite labor intensive to manufacture. It is advisable to make them separately:

  1. Take measurements inside the base on all sides.
  2. Calculate the dimensions of the box.
  3. Cut them out of cardboard and glue them with tape.
  4. Check if the drawer fits easily into the chest of drawers. If there are any difficulties, then cut the places of the hold.
  5. Having adjusted the sides, make the bottom. To do this, circle it around the inside of the box.

Important! After all the elements are ready, you need to glue them. It is better to start with the drawers and the inside of the base.

To make your piece of furniture look like a real one, make drawer handles. They can be bought at hardware stores and screwed on, or made from colored shoelaces by threading them through the holes. Now you know how to make a chest of drawers out of cardboard.

Chest of drawers for small things

If you want to make your own chest of drawers for small things, use the same tools + various beads and beautiful pieces of fabric for decoration. The design will contain 2 sections. However, the number can be both increased and decreased.

Manufacturing features:

  • We take 2 boxes of the same length, but different widths so that one can fit into the other.

Important! If there are no such boxes, make them yourself by analogy with the boxes in the description of making a chest of drawers.

  • We beautifully glue our boxes with paper, cloth or other improvised materials. You can glue the mirror to the lid.
  • We attach the inner box to the outer box with plastic levers and decorate to your liking.

Do-it-yourself cardboard cosmetics chest is ready!

There is a creator in each of us. In a certain period of existence, a person, as a person, needs to do something with his own, not always golden pens. These impulses get their embodiment in different ways for everyone. It directly depends on the degree of skill.

Original handicrafts

It has become a fashionable trend to make handmade products - soap, decorative items, jewelry, paintings, watches, interior items, and much more. A furniture maker with carpentry skills can easily make a chest of drawers, a table or a chair from natural wood with smooth lines, carved details.

What to do for those who are bursting with creative impulses, but have no special skills? The process of designing, gluing cardboard furniture will help to “express oneself” - a cheap option, it helps to make a full-fledged and worthy piece of furniture for a children's room, living room from unnecessary boxes, pieces of wallpaper or a liter of paint.

White cardboard mini chest of drawers

To make a chest of drawers from cardboard, another improvised material will be within the power of everyone. At the time of buying household appliances boxes remain. We throw them away, despite the dense walls. By gluing the cardboard in several layers, we get an object that has the desired strength.

Multi-colored cardboard chest of drawers for sewing supplies, pasted over with fabric

Beautiful small chest of drawers made of cardboard using decoupage technique

In the manufacture of cardboard furniture, there are several options for implementation. You can make separate patterns for the side walls, top, bottom, and then glue all the details. Another option is in a large box from the refrigerator or washing machine, insert smaller boxes. The walls will come out stronger.

If pasted over inner surface shelves with bright fabric or colored wallpaper, external - plain, you get an original, open rack. The shelves are able to withstand books, photo frames, vases with flowers, and other decorative items.

Cardboard chest of drawers

By exposing the cardboard to the outer, interior decoration, no one will guess that you yourself made a rack, a chest of drawers from cardboard boxes.

White cardboard chest of drawers with drawers of different sizes

Features of cardboard and the necessary tool

Cardboard is suitable for design and decoration, providing a wide variety of original shapes.

Starting to implement your creative ideas, consider the design of the future product, the place where it will be located. Cardboard as a material has advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Strength. A do-it-yourself cardboard chest of drawers can withstand decent loads.
  • Low cost. You can do without investments at all if the house has a supply of cardboard or you know where to get extra.
  • Environmental friendliness. Easy to dispose of after use. Cardboard is a natural material, not able to pollute the environment.
  • Flexibility. If desired, the subject is given any shape.
  • Shortened service life. Cardboard is not a tree, it cannot last 20-30 years. With careful use and quality assembly, cardboard will last 5 to 10 years.
  • Use in dry rooms. Cardboard is afraid of moisture. You cannot put such a thing in the bathroom.

The main material from which the product will be made is cardboard. To it we take glue "Moment" or "Titan", PVA. Some use a glue gun. A ruler, a stationery knife, a pencil will also come in handy.

Tools for making cardboard furniture

For decoration we use wallpaper, furniture film, fabric, acrylic paint, drawer fittings.

A small homemade chest of drawers made of cardboard, decorated with fabric

The process of making a chest of drawers

Cardboard mini chest of drawers for organizing stationery

For those who will make a cardboard chest of drawers for the first time with their own hands, choose a lighter model. It is best to make a classic object of a simple shape - a rectangle with 3-5 drawers.

Neat chest of drawers made of cardboard boxes, pasted over with paper and with ribbon handles

The production process consists of several stages.

  1. Draw on paper a sketch of furniture in accordance with the dimensions of the place where it will stand. Determine how many blanks you need to cut, the exact dimensions.

    We make blanks for drawers according to the drawing

    For each box-box we make compartments according to the drawing

  2. Cut the blanks of the back, side wall in double size to glue together. Made for the fortress. Connect the surfaces with glue-moment, glue gun, then place under the load for an hour, for coupling.

    We cut blanks for the future chest of drawers

  3. Glue the parts on the inside of the sidewalls so that there are gaps in the places where the shelves will be inserted. The dimensions of the groove must correspond to the height of the shelves.

    We glue the frame so that there are grooves for the boxes

  4. Assemble the outer frame, insert the shelves.

    We assemble the frame and insert the shelves

  5. For accuracy, the edges are glued with paper tape, paper.

    We glue all the edges and ends with paper

  6. We make boxes. If the sizes are suitable, you can take ready-made boxes for shoes, small household appliances. When there are none, make boxes by analogy with the frame - cut out the details, glue them together.

    Glue the sides of the box together

    One of the glued parts must be smaller

    Finished double chest of drawers

  7. Dry the boxes, the frame itself well, proceed to decorating. It all depends on your imagination. They make the finish with crumpled paper, paint in any tone. It turns out an interesting effect of natural leather.

    Finished with crumpled paper and painted with acrylic paint

    Painted in deep black

    We apply golden paint to the reliefs to obtain an unusual pattern

Mini chest of drawers made of cardboard for jewelry, cosmetics, decorated with decoupage technique. The drawing from the napkin is carefully transferred to the product using a mixture of water and glue. Use a brush, dipping in glue.

Inside can be pasted over with wrapping or any other multi-colored paper

The finished thing is varnished, and you can use it! Very beautiful and original, most importantly without extra cash. We look at our creation, rejoice at what craftsmen we are!

The finished chest of drawers will contain a lot of useful things for needlework

Video: DIY. Do-it-yourself cardboard chest of drawers. How to make a chest of drawers out of cardboard!
