Well, friends, I think it's time to write this. Outside the window, a light snow is sowing, the earth is frozen, in some places the still preserved green shoots are covered with a white blanket, so that they can go under the soft fur coat of snowdrifts with protection from frost.

Guys, to everyone who is not yet familiar with me: my name is Vadim, I am the author of this blog and the author YouTube channel video - check out my channel, there are many interesting things from life in the village!

It's been fifteen months since my first night in own house. During this time, there was some baggage of experience, impressions and learned from the first two knowledge. I do not undertake to write in general about the life of modern villages in their various manifestations: dying and turning into summer cottages, I will not touch on the fate of people either. I will only write my own thoughts that are in my head today. And yes, I still mean the village, or the dacha village, but not cottage village within the city with all the amenities of civilization.

By the way, if you are interested, here are a couple of old videos - about the first night in the village in your house and about the first month of life in the village:

About impressions after the first year of life in the village i shared before.

It is also worth, probably, keeping in mind the following fact: there are quite a few similar articles on the Web, but they are somewhat different. Let me explain. Firstly, some articles are written unequivocally by people who have no experience of moving to a permanent residence. outside the city, they were simply asked to write an article and given money (this topic is now in demand). Secondly, the vast majority of other articles written by real migrants are written on behalf of people living in a family of several people. My article will be written on behalf of a person living alone. I think it will be useful to someone (my opinion about usefulness is based on frequent discussions in personal messages on Vkontakte with single people). Those pluses that can be pluses in a large family may turn out to be minuses for single settlers. There is also the fact that I work remotely and do not go to work in the city. So let's start with the positives!

Old alley outside the village

Pros of living in the countryside

  • The absence of neighbors behind the wall, above the ceiling and under the floor. And as a result - predictable silence and calmness. And also - you are close to the ground, not hanging 10 meters above it in one of the fastened reinforced concrete boxes;
  • Fresh, healthy and fragrant air - without exhaust gases, dust from brake pads and other evil spirits;
  • Great autonomy and independence - you will feed yourself in any crisis unambiguously; There is a land where something will grow;
  • Heating when you want - there is no need to suffocate from the heat of the battery and heat the air outside through an open window (while paying for all this mess), there is no need to freeze when, according to some schedules, it is not time to turn on the heat. No water outages due to pipe repairs in the yard;
  • Always free parking - no one will take your place;
  • You can alternate work - at home or in the yard - I like it. And there is always something to do in the yard;
  • There is always something to do, as well as freedom of action and the flight of thought with its subsequent embodiment into reality - opportunities for creativity or the study of any craft. You can at least open your own furniture workshop, even a forge;
  • Around - beauty! Nature, forests and fields, mushrooms and fish, as well as various running and flying goodies, if you allow yourself to get them; In general, if you wish, becoming a hunter or fisherman for your own benefit is much more interesting than living in a city;
  • Retired to you doesn't matter you will want to move to the ground))) so ... this simply will not need to be done! Already done!

Cons of living in the countryside

Although, to be honest, I would call many of these minuses rather some features, or maybe difficulties, but rather features than directly minuses.

  • Get ready to work physically. And the point is not even that it will probably come to your mind to build a chicken coop, a firewood shed or a barn, but at least that you will have to chop and bring firewood in the winter, remove the attacking snow (and it falls and falls on purpose)));
  • To be warm in the house - you still have to order firewood (or coal, or something else), all this stuff must be prepared for the winter. Simply paying online for battery heating services will not work. Yes, you can, of course, be heated by gas - but its summing up will cost you, oh, how not cheap, despite the fact that this is the "property of the people." I am not talking about heating with electricity at all;
  • You will have to carry water from the key or order a well (in the first case - your strength and time, in the second - a one-time infusion Money within 100 thousand rubles);
  • There is no shop in my village. I have to go to the city for groceries. True, I bake bread myself, and I rarely drink milk, so I don’t often go for provisions;
  • You will probably have to maintain the road near the house on the street yourself - the municipality will do this Very rarely and not willingly (and not on time);
  • All this, which is listed above, takes some time (and pretty well). And if you decide to have chickens, turkeys, pigs, goats and dogs, then you will have to work most of the day (and you will probably live off the products produced). So you will have no more free time than if you work in an office or a factory in a city;
  • If you happen to get seriously ill, it will be difficult to get to the hospital (in case high temperature or something like that - poisoning, for example). And there is probably no hospital in the village, and if there is, then it is unlikely that you will be helped in it .;
  • Well, yes. If you are alone - in old age, it may become more and more difficult to maintain your household. However, here is one reliable fact: all the old people, having lived up to such times in the village, do not refuse to move to the city to children or to a boarding house. It's just worth keeping in mind. I think that everyone will be able to draw their own conclusions from this fact;

It must be understood that when moving to a village, you can buy such a house, and choose a village where some of the disadvantages described above are absent.


After re-reading the resulting material, I found most of the pros and cons weak and unconvincing). But I can say this: so many people told me - you will run away in a week, you will run away in a month, you will run away in a year. And I, after a year and a half, understand exactly that not only do I not want to return to the city, but I would not mind having an even more secluded place in addition. Sometimes when I find myself on some business in the city, when I return home to the village, I just get bastard from it, sitting on the threshold in the hallway and talking with my Malamute. And therefore, guys, it's not about the pros and cons, and no reviews about moving to the village will help you make the right decision. It just has to be "yours" or "not yours". You just have to try if you feel like moving. Not everyone decides to leave work and climb somewhere in the wilderness. Try to buy collective garden plots! It is on it, spending your leisure time at any time of the year, that you can understand whether you need more or whether this is clearly not your thing. Why Garden Association? Because there is probably no gas there, there are power outages, the road is probably of mediocre quality and the roads are not cleared of snow every day, this is essentially a reduced village.

It was so bright and colorful that ten years ago I finally moved live in the village from the city and do not regret it.

As it turned out, many people support my idea, they may not have moved at all, but they tend to be in nature more often, to cultivate their large and small plots.

We are all, to varying degrees, convinced of the need to return "closer to the ground." Most of these enthusiasts are people who lived and live in cities.

But among the "real" villagers, such admiration for clean air, their clean products, etc. most often not. Maybe that's why the villages are dying one by one. People are leaving, striving for the city. And most of them are...

The rural reality in this sense is depressing. Many villages simply ceased to exist, you can’t even find them on the map. And of those that remained “alive”, most of them are on the verge of existence.

Our village

Our village is one of the oldest in the area. This year we will "turn" 1300 years old! AND modern buildings there are, there are old ones. Visitors are happy to buy such old women-huts. They breathe easier and are not hot in summer.

For the last five years, there has been a fashion to sell old huts for scrap. And what is the analysis from the old clay hut? In the middle are clay walls. Outside - lined with bricks. Here is a brick and attracted. So how much is there?

And in order to draw up documents, enter, for example, into an inheritance, and then sell it to the same summer residents, you need to invest a considerable amount of money. And it's much easier to sell at least something. And get at least some penny. The village now looks like after the bombing. Disassemblers take the bricks, break the roof, and the half-ruined hut in the middle of the village remains standing.

Why are villages disappearing?

What are the reasons for the devastation of villages? Personally, it seems to me that the whole point is the extinction of our entire people, and not just urbanization and the resettlement of villagers closer to factories.

After all, the decrease in the number of people is catastrophic. And in the cities people are dying, it’s just that the population density is higher there, a person “falls out”, the ranks closed, and we live, like nothing happened.

And in the village there is no one and nowhere to “close up”. Here, if a person died, then immediately the whole yard turned into a wasteland or ruins. Over the past ten years of my life here - already half the cemetery - people I really know personally. And most of them are by no means old men of 70-80 years old.

They say that drunkenness and moonshine destroy the village, that's why people die. But it seems to me that this is not the problem of the villages and the reason for their devastation. In cities, large and small, this is enough.

Rather, the trouble of society as a whole, and not specifically the village.

There are no jobs in the village...

They also offer as an option - banal laziness. No desire to strain day by day, no weekends for you, no holidays in the villages. It is generally problematic to get settled in such a way that you do nothing and get money for it in the village. Especially if you work for yourself.

Now it has become fashionable to say the following phrase: there is no work in the countryside. How is it not work? Yes, here, if you want to sit down to rest once. If you carefully do everything that is supposed to be done, then in the morning he left the house early, especially in spring and summer, and late in the evening he went into the house "without hind legs." And also take care to send the fruits of your activity to the consumer in order to see the result of labor not only in the form of corns, but also in the form of banknotes.

So, probably, it happened historically, dispossession and repression destroyed the layer of conscious owners of their land almost completely. In any case, we have it in Ukraine. There was a layer of mercenaries. And now we, the descendants, have a psychological moment: it is easier to work for someone than for yourself.

What's easier? You don’t think about anything, you don’t answer for anything. Completed some part of the work, got a pretty penny and forgot about what was done. And you can't forget about your personal business. I think this is the moment that drives people when they say “no work”. Nowhere to hire!

Although the presence of real owners is always pleasing, because there are such, and it's great! Not even at the level of the recipient farmers of the former collective farms. Many known enthusiasts who develop, introduce new modern technologies. And they started at the same time from scratch, and achieved certain success in animal husbandry, crop production, etc.

The village is too quiet...

Plus, the city supports many of our inner rhythms and moods. And, as our readers have rightly noted, it helps to forget and hammer in oneself despondency, boredom, and disappointment.

The village is too quiet. And the rural rhythm seems to many to be too calm and slow. Although, of course, I can’t understand this - with good health and good mood - you just don’t have time to get bored, there are so many impressions and events in a day.

There, the rooster took a fancy to sleeping on the back of a cow. He escaped from the cold, it got warmer, but he is not going to be loaded from the back, so funny!

A small calf is about to be born, and you will look once again to your little cow, look at this pot-bellied little bun - how can you not rejoice here.

I'm not talking about raising children. There is simply no time to do joint drawing, modeling, embroidery. Or, for example, go with the children to wander somewhere in the forest.

Here in the comments the woman wrote: the village reality, she walked a kilometer back and forth for bread and did not meet a single soul. And how do you like this standard urban situation: you come home in the evening, whom you met today, no one! people, if not more? Of course, we say this in the sense that none of the acquaintances met. But the moment of self-absorption and some detachment is still present.

In cities, with a visible unity of people, all the time someone is nearby - almost complete ignorance of each other internally. Everyone is just like a drum: who are you, what is with you. Our friends’ son-in-law suddenly died right at the bus stop. I was driving to work in the morning, decently dressed, heart attack, fell and lay for a couple of hours - no one even came up, everyone was busy with their daily affairs and worries.

In villages, on the contrary, with external fragmentation with each other (indeed, you can walk a kilometer back and forth and not meet anyone on the way), there is great close attention to people. Internal very close living together. you do, up to what you think, everything is under supervision and discussion. As in the local proverb “Dance in the cellar and everyone will know”!

Ancient reality is interesting, but does it have a future?

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A few weeks ago, or rather on August 01, 2015, it was exactly two years since I, a city dweller who did not know the basic things of village life, moved from the city to the village. Is it difficult to live in the countryside? Or go back to the city? How I was able to endure this two-year test of village life and decide whether or not to live in the village - I will tell in this article.
The story of moving from the city to the countryside always has to begin with the reasons that led to this complex change in personal life. I former entrepreneur, the owner of several small shops and an apartment renovation company, was faced with a choice - to change his life or leave this world. The state of health became catastrophic. Constant heart problems, the inability to move independently over a distance of more than 30 meters. Shortness of breath, pain in the heart, stop and rest. Diabetes. The enormous weight of more than 250 kilograms and the volume of the body, which reached such dimensions that it was only necessary to go through the door sideways. And it's terrible! You can't sleep, you're suffocating. You can talk endlessly, so I'll stop there. What led to such a state? This is a separate article and not one, but another complex life conversation.

And in this state you get to the doctors, one of whom tells you the truth. What is a little more and that's all - you will arrive at your last stop in this life and there is very little left for the last exit. And here is the unexpected crisis of 2008, giving you another kick in life. Nerves, worries about business. Further deterioration in health. And at the moment when it is unbearably hard for you, you think about your life, about goals and desires. And you begin to understand that the main thing is not money and not business. The main thing is health, which is no longer in your very young years.

From that moment there was a desire to change his life and move to live in the village. It took five whole years to take this important step. Five years of doubts and worries - how to live in the countryside? Can I or not? Is it worth it???

Doubts were overcome and here on August 01, 2013 I am in the village. Everything is a curiosity. Both air and atmosphere. You look at everything in a different way. Is there really another measured life without city noise, hustle, constant psychos and nerves? It appears to be moderate and calm. Life without stress.

When I moved to live in the village, I was a little confused: immediately there were many things that needed to be taken on, and not to enjoy the charms of the countryside and nature. Initially, I did not understand at all what to do, where to start. Winter is coming soon. There is no firewood or coal. Where to take is unknown. You ask, you start moving. I bought chopped firewood, but you need to stack it yourself. They brought coal - five tons. You have to put it in the corner. And how hard it is at first. How hard it is to carry and drag every day, everything hurts. Especially the city man. It is impossible to say that one thing hurts. The whole body hurts, by the evening you are completely broken. You can't move in the morning. You leave the day and these torments begin all over again. And you start to think, but for the sake of whether I went to live in the village. Where are the pleasures of clean country air? After all, having read many sites about village life, I imagined life in the village as some kind of blessing, freedom .... And here it is: daily work ...

It's all in the past. Over the past two years of living in the village, I have lost a lot of weight and got stronger physically, you can read about this in the article ““. He became healthier and more resilient. Shortness of breath, pain in the heart stopped. I don’t even remember about diabetes, eating sweets. For two years I never got sick, did not go to the hospital. There is not even a medical policy. I don't think I need it now.

What have you learned to do?

I learned to work hard in the village. Mastered communication with pigs and poultry. The garden has become a favorite place to relax. And chopping firewood is a village fun and entertainment. And most importantly: I became confident in my abilities and capabilities. After all, you must agree, to survive two winters when the frost reaches -39 and at the same time not to freeze in a private house where there is no central heating, but there is a stove. With success and a smile, you need to try to heat a village house.

I learned how to cook delicious food. It’s great to make homemade cottage cheese, condensed milk. The guests are just licking their lips. And I'm proud of my preparations for the winter. Indeed, for a former city dweller, preserving and inventing various recipes is already a lot. I boasted a little, I hope you do not jinx it.

Freedom in the countryside.

It came to the understanding that money is not the main thing in a person's life. The main thing is freedom, to be a happy person, to do what you yourself want, and not to depend on the circumstances of life and someone else's desires.

Here in the village you constantly experience an amazing feeling of freedom. You may not have a lot of money, but you are happy with the pleasure of eating your organically grown food from the garden.

It turns out that a lot is not needed for a person's life. Now you look at yourself from the outside and understand that you were a consumer. Chased after all sorts of things that you don’t need, just spent what you honestly earned on all sorts of nonsense and subsequently stored all this unnecessary stuff in closets and closets. If you carefully look at what is stored in the apartments of the townspeople. You wonder how much everything is unnecessary, without which you can live. Many of my friends to the question “What do you have in this closet?” They get lost and don't know what to say. And in fact - what is there ???

Learned to count money. Like this? Just count all purchases, cost, calculate your budget and count expenses. I noticed how they communicate in stores and it doesn’t matter if it’s in a city or in a village. Obschityvayut "accidentally" everywhere and repeatedly. Recently, when buying nails /worth 69 rubles/ in a village store, they asked for 159 rubles for the goods. Accidentally made a mistake. I wouldn't have noticed before.

You can live in the village on 5,000 rubles a month if you have your own vegetables and meat. With utility bills and no frills.

What would you do differently? Experience after two years of village life.

Would buy a smaller house and reduce heating costs country house. I chose a garage and a yard closer to the road, so that winter time less time and effort to devote to snow removal.

It was necessary to purchase a gas trimmer, but I managed to buy an electric one.

From the first year of life, it was necessary to buy several incubators. And raise your own bird. The costs would be much less.

Is it hard to live in the countryside?

When I was driving to the village in 2013, it was much easier. Prices were more or less stable. The villagers knew: grown, you can normally sell, without loss to yourself. With some positive bonus.

Now it has become harder. First of all, because there is no stability and confidence, for example, in breeding pigs and other livestock for meat. Prices for feed, grain are constantly rising, and the price of meat is falling. It turns out to be absurd. You work, grow and get the end result in the form of a loss or utter disappointment in your activities. After all, working for a year / raising a pig /, you hope to earn money, but it turns out the other way around. And you suspend this activity until better times. And you do not believe that import substitution will occur in agriculture. When a villager does not benefit from his labor, what kind of import substitution can we talk about?

Why am I staying in the village?

Many people ask if I want to return to the city. Now, having lived in the village for two years, I don’t understand what to do there in this noisy city. The village has become my home, already used to village life and village life, work and personal freedom. How can a free and happy person be driven back into the city cage?

I don't see any improvement. In my purely personal opinion, very difficult times are expected, which are easier to survive in the countryside. This is confirmed by well-known analysts and economists, as well as by life itself.

Conclusion. Two years of life in the village passed with health benefits. There is no desire to return to the city. I stay in the village.

P.S. What is a holiday without cake? Yes, none! Of course I bought it, too, for a small two-year anniversary of village life. You can view.

2 year anniversary cake

I tried just one teaspoon. And I’ll tell you a big secret, I didn’t master it anymore. What's wrong? Yes, I can not eat cakes in which margarine is felt. I can't, get used to it!

My advice: eat only rustic food. Health will be guaranteed!

Eight years ago we left Yekaterinburg to live in a village in Bashkiria. Bought an old one wooden house for a small amount with a plot of 50 acres of land (0.5 ha). We decided to take up beekeeping. Made in the house good repair, toilet, bathroom, hot water. The only communication was electricity. At the moment, only 10 families live in the village, mostly old people, only we are among the young ones.


- As a rule, the village is remote from the city, there are no large factories or highways nearby, which creates an excellent ecological environment. Closeness to nature gives a person the opportunity to feel like a part of it.

- My house, household plot- this is the absence of neighbors from above (from below), you yourself are the owner of your house, you set the rules yourself, etc.

– The ability to grow vegetables and fruits without GMOs, nitrates. I will add that when you have your own land, you yourself begin to want to work on it, take care of it like a child, because this is only your land!

“Life here slows down, becomes more measured. There is time for the family, yourself, your thoughts. And since there is always some kind of work in the village, “Groundhog Day” simply does not happen here.

– In the village, men have to learn many crafts to run their household (carpentry, construction, carpentry, welding, electrics, plumbing, etc.). Well, women do not lag behind them: cooking, including preparations for the winter, gardening, sewing and knitting, and most importantly, raising children.

- Forced constant physical activity keeps you in great shape. You are constantly on the move: working in the garden in the summer, snow removal in the winter, community work days in the spring, autumn, etc.

– The “harvesting instinct” wakes up. In addition to growing vegetables and fruits, I want to collect mushrooms, berries, and grass for the winter.

- The use of natural high-quality meat, the rejection of sausages. Since everyone in the village (and nearby villages) knows each other, you also know where to find good meat, without the use of antibiotics and other chemicals.

There are many clean people in the village. Because if you don’t take care of yourself, don’t keep the house, in the yard clean, everything will quickly turn into nothing more than a barn.

– There is no need to pay for utilities, we pay only for electricity. And the taxes here are tiny (last year they paid about 1,000 rubles for everything).

“Life in the village is cheaper, so you can spend less time earning money and more time doing everything else. The absence of shopping and entertainment centers saves money. And in order to have fun, you can go to the forest, which is located 500 meters from us. There is already “wild” nature, calmness, clean air and birds singing.

- Men in countryside more positive, kinder, easier. Not all cars are closed here, bicycles are left at the shops.

- Children are not limited in space. There are a lot of them here!

- The presence in the district center, located a few kilometers from the village, of a sports and recreation complex, a swimming pool, a children's art house, a music school, a palace of culture, kindergartens.

- Schools in the district center are not bad, an indicator of this is schoolchildren who successfully perform at regional olympiads, competitions. And since the education system is still similar to the Soviet one, and everyone knows each other, the children here are quite reserved.

- There are curfews in the evenings, in the evening you won’t meet children on the streets without adult accompaniment, and you don’t see drunk people on the streets either. In the evenings, you can safely walk the streets, no one will touch you.

– The district center has all the necessary network supermarkets. If you need something more serious, there is a town 75 km from us where you can buy almost everything. Well, in extreme cases, there is Ufa 200 km away.


- You and your family are far from civilization, you have to rely only on your own strength. It is necessary to organize autonomy, since in winter the road can be covered with snow (and it will not be cleaned immediately), or the electricity will be turned off.

- There is always a lot of work in the village, there are no days off, you can’t leave your farm for a long time.

- Having a car in the village is mandatory, because there are no minibuses here, and you can’t ride a taxi. And it is also desirable to have a trailer to the car, since there is always something to bring from where.

- In the district polyclinic there is no wide range of necessary specialists, there is no paid medicine. The nearby clinic is located in the town, which is 75 km from us.

- In a remote village, children do not have enough communication, although if there is more than one child in a family, this issue is less acute. And if you send your child to kindergarten, then this is not a problem at all.

There is still no gas in remote villages.

- In the countryside, mainly working specialties are in demand.

- At the end of spring - at the beginning of summer, there are a lot of mosquitoes in the village, you have to escape from them in different ways.

In our opinion, there are more pluses than minuses here. And no place makes a person beautiful! As you organize your life, everything will be so: clean, beautiful, and fun!
