More than two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem. He came in peace, as the conquerors and victors rode in on horseback, and he sat astride a donkey. Joyful people strewed his path with palm branches, thus expressing their respect. Palm trees do not grow in our country. Their branches are replaced by willow branches. From here and..

Why is it called Holy Week?

It is also called the week. The word "passion" means "suffering". We are talking about the suffering that Jesus Christ experienced when he died on the cross. His resurrection later became proof of God's miracle, which was reflected in the Easter holiday. It is considered the most significant Christian celebration, as it brings joy to people, instills hope in them.

Each day of the Easter week is called Great. The Sunday that concludes it is called not only the Bright of Christ, but also the Red, since the Savior had to shed his blood in the name of the human race.

Great Monday

On this day, for a long time in Rus' they were engaged in getting rid of old rubbish. They bathed the cattle, cleaned the corners in the huts, whitewashed the walls. In a word, this is the most stressful day when it is necessary to carry out the main work in preparation for the holiday.

Maundy Tuesday

On the second day of Holy Week, this is a good time to remember a few teachings of Jesus. So, Christ told his disciples about the resurrection of the dead, about how to fulfill obligations to the Almighty and earthly power. He also spoke about the fact that the time will come, and each of the living will appear before the Last Judgment.

All the stories that the Savior told the people awakened faith in them. The people knew that the coming of the Mission had long been predicted by the prophets. The disciples and mere mortals were convinced that Jesus was the son of God, and they were convinced of this on Sunday.

Great Wednesday

It was on this day that Judas Iscariot betrayed his mentor for 30 pieces of silver. This terrible sin subsequently pushed him to another, already the last in his life. After repentance, Judas became so desperate that he hung himself on the branches of an aspen.

Why did he choose this particular tree? According to legend, initially his gaze fell on a birch. However, from fear, this tree turned white. Judas decided to bypass him. But after hanging, the aspen began to constantly shudder from what had happened. Hence the saying "to tremble like an aspen in the wind."

On Wednesday, they remember another person - a woman who prepared the body of Jesus for burial after the crucifixion. The Savior set her on the right path: before meeting him, she led a not entirely righteous lifestyle, being considered a sinner by the people. Her faith was so strong that all her sins were forgiven.

On Great Wednesday, it is customary to confess, since this rite has a special power on this day.

Maundy Thursday

We often call it Maundy Thursday, since it is customary to wash before sunrise. It is believed that in this way a person washes away sins from himself. In fact, the action symbolizes the truth: bodily purity is no less important than spiritual. By the way, on this day it is customary to paint eggs and bake Easter cakes. You should not leave this occupation for Friday Saturday, as we usually do. These days it is better to do less complex household chores.

According to historical facts, the Last Supper took place on Thursday, which we know about from many works of art and Scripture. Remember the work of the same name by Leonardo da Vinci, written by him at the end of the 15th century? It conveys the very moment when Jesus informed the disciples that one of them would betray him. The confusion that gripped those present can be read in their eyes. Immediately after painting, the painting ended up in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. There it is kept to this day.

It is curious that the bomb that hit the monastery building during World War II caused multiple damage to the temple, but the Last Supper remained unscathed.

Good Friday

It is also called Passionate. It was on this day that the trial of Jesus Christ took place, and on the same day he was crucified. Only criminals were subjected to this type of execution. He was also chosen for Jesus - a teacher and Savior, who healed people, gave them faith.

On Good Friday, it is customary to read special prayers, and in the evenings, the shrouds are taken out in churches. On these pieces of fabric, the same plot is embroidered: Jesus Christ lying in the tomb and people mourning Him. Of course, such shrouds are the creations of the hands of our contemporaries. But the original has survived to this day. It is called Turin: and it was in it that the tormented body of the Savior was wrapped.

Scientists say that on this four-meter canvas, made more than two thousand years ago from linen, the face of Jesus still appears. This image was even captured in a photograph using modern technology.

Holy Saturday

The body of Jesus, having been placed in a coffin, was hidden in a cave, and a large stone, resembling an egg in shape, was installed at the entrance. It is this stone, according to one of several legends, that has become one of the main symbols of Easter. Another legend tells that Mary Magdalene came to preach to the emperor Tiberius and brought an egg as a gift. To her words “Christ is Risen!” Tiberius answered something like this: if this were true, then the egg would turn red. At the same moment, the egg in Magdalene's hand turned red.

On Saturday, Easter services begin in churches. They last from 23 this day until 3 o'clock Sunday. True believing Christians stand throughout the service. Many come in for a few minutes. On this day, people remember the Lord, bring Easter cakes and eggs to churches, as well as other food that will be present on Sunday on the festive table, in order to bless it.

Easter is a great celebration, which is preceded by Holy Week. This holiday is loved by both adults and children, both believers and those who are completely far from. However, do not forget that behind all this fun are the sufferings of Jesus Christ, who sacrificed himself for the salvation of the human race.

Holy Week is the strictest week of Lent. During this period, it is important to adhere to traditions and prohibitions, primarily related to food. To avoid trouble and properly prepare for Easter, you need to give up some products.

Easter is one of the most anticipated events in the church calendar. In 2019, this bright holiday will take place on April 28, but preparations for it will last for six whole days. During this period, the last week of Great Lent, or Holy Week, is expected. It is believed that it is in the last week before Easter that one must adhere to strict dietary restrictions in order to achieve spiritual cleansing. In this regard, the experts of the site site suggest that you create a menu for Holy Week and tell you what you can eat from April 22 to 27.

Great Monday- the most difficult day of Holy Week. Priests recommend not eating food at all, but only if the person has no health problems. On April 22, you can eat raw and pickled vegetables and fruits, mushrooms. From drinks it is allowed to drink only cold water or herbal tea. It is advisable to eat food only once a day in the evening after general cleaning.

Great Tuesday. It is recommended to eat once. Only raw vegetables and fruits can be eaten. However, the monks argue that lay people do not have to adhere to such strict restrictions. Therefore, Orthodox believers are allowed to cook food steamed and without adding oil.

Great Wednesday. On this day, temple ministers try to abstain from food and recommend that believers also refuse to eat food. But if, for medical reasons, such restrictions are unacceptable, you can include raw vegetables and fruits, pickled mushrooms, dried fruits in the menu. Also on April 24, you need to purchase products for the Easter table.

Maundy Thursday. On April 25, Orthodox believers can add hot food cooked in vegetable oil to their diet. Tea is allowed from drinks, in the evening you can drink a small amount of red wine. By tradition, on Maundy Thursday, Orthodox believers are engaged in painting eggs and preparing Easter cakes. However, it is strictly forbidden to try these dishes.

Good Friday. At this time, believers mourn, remembering the martyrdom of Jesus Christ. Therefore, on April 26, it is advisable to refuse to eat food and drink only water throughout the day. People suffering from ailments, as well as the elderly and children, are allowed to refrain from strict restrictions. Whoever does not manage to fast all day, after the evening service, you can eat a piece of bread.

Great Saturday. Last day of Lent. On April 27, it is allowed to eat raw and pickled vegetables, soaked berries and fruits, bread. Despite the fact that there are no strict dietary restrictions on this day, overeating before Easter is highly discouraged.

Easter. On April 28, believers will celebrate Easter. great post has come to an end, which means that now the Orthodox can afford their favorite dishes, including food of animal origin. On Easter, it is recommended to start the meal with Easter cakes and colored eggs, but other dishes must be present on the festive table.

During Holy Week, Orthodox believers will have to actively prepare for Easter. Dietary restriction is not the only necessary measure. At this time, it is necessary to turn to the Lord and pray for the forgiveness of sins. Strong prayers will help you with this. We wish you strength and patience,and don't forget to press the buttons and

The last week before Easter is called Holy Week. It is accompanied by the most severe prescriptions because it echoes the final days of the Savior's stay on Earth.

Each day has its own special name in accordance with the events that took place in antiquity. The strictest regulations apply to the fasting menu, so it would be useful to find out what you can eat in the last week before Easter in 2019 in order to comply with all the rules of Great Lent.

At this time, Orthodox churches hold special services and strictly monitor the observance of all prohibitions and rules. At this time, it is impossible to commemorate the dead and glorify the saints, since all the attention of believers and ministers of the church is directed to preparing for the upcoming bright holiday of Easter.

In 2019, Holy Week begins on April 22 and lasts until Easter Sunday. Monday in all Orthodox churches they remember the Old Testament patriarch Joseph, whose fate was difficult, full of betrayals. They begin to brew myrrh, which includes fragrant resins, fragrant herbs and vegetable fats. All three days, while the sacred oil is being prepared, prayers are read tirelessly on it.

On Tuesday, there are always sermons dedicated to Jesus Christ. The Church remembers the words of the Savior, in which he mentioned to his followers about the miracles performed by God and the Last Judgment.

Great Wednesday is dedicated to the betrayal of Judas Iscariot and the sinner who washed the feet of the Savior and anointed them with myrrh. On this day, fasting parishioners can confess and repent of all their sins in order to meet Bright Sunday with a pure soul.

On Maundy Thursday, the church remembers the Last Supper of Christ with its followers. It was then that Holy Communion was established, so all believers can take communion after confession.

Red Friday is considered a day of mourning and sorrow, as it is dedicated to the suffering that the Savior had to endure on the cross. From the altar they take out the shroud, the image of Christ lying in the tomb. The whole flock bows to these relics.

On Holy Saturday, a solemn service is held, at which the moment of the burial of Jesus and his presence in the tomb is remembered. This is already considered a holiday, so all the clergy wear bright robes. Easter cakes, eggs and Easter are consecrated in all parishes. Late in the evening, the service begins, with which believers celebrate Easter.

The last week before Bright Sunday Easter is strict, so you need to know what you can eat on a daily basis so as not to violate the rules of fasting. Some believers completely renounce food, allowing themselves to taste only bread and water.

In addition, according to the monastic charter, the first four days it is allowed to eat raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts and honey.

To diversify your diet, you can prepare salads, vegetable or fruit, add nuts or raisins to them. Such a healthy, vitamin-rich dish will benefit a starving body. It is better to devote Friday entirely to prayers and not to eat any food until the evening service. On Saturday, fasting is also observed, but in the evening a solemnly laid table awaits believers, since fasting ends and Easter comes.

Only pregnant women, children and seriously ill people are exempted from observing the great abstinence, for whom the refusal of certain products can harm their health.

The last week of fasting before Easter must strictly observe the food calendar. But, nevertheless, the diet should be varied and tasty. What you can eat on a daily basis, so as not only not to deviate from church prescriptions, but also to receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, is of interest to many believers.

In fact, everything is not as scary as it seems to uninitiated people, because vegetable salads with various combinations can form the basis of nutrition:

  • cabbage with prunes;
  • cabbage with apple;
  • beetroot salads;
  • carrots with walnuts.

You can season the dishes with orange juice - an interesting and unusual combination that you rarely see in worldly cuisine.

On Thursday, it is allowed to steam vegetables or boil them in lightly salted water, season them with vegetable oil. There may also be red wine on the table, which symbolizes the blood of the Savior. Friday should be limited to bread and water. Here are a few meatless meal recipes that can be used throughout Lent.

Salad with cabbage, cucumbers and strawberries

In the last week before Easter, some indulgences are allowed for the laity, so you can add a little vegetable oil to your food. That's it, they can fill an unusual cabbage salad, in which an atypical product is added - strawberries.


  • 200 g of white cabbage;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 150 g strawberries;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.


  • We free the cabbage from the upper leaves, rinse under running water running water and chop straw. We put it in a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt and knead well with our hands until the juice comes through.
  • We also wash the cucumber and cut into halves of circles. Finely chop the dill.
  • We clean the strawberries from the stalk and cut into four parts.
  • We put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, season with vegetable oil and serve.
  • The zest to this simple dish can be brought by cilantro, which can be used to decorate plates.

carrot salad

In the menu by day, you can add another simple, but tasty and nutritious salad. original recipe contains carrots and a special dressing, but if, for a change, include in its composition Bell pepper and radish, you get an even richer and spicier taste.


  • 250 g carrots;
  • 250 g green radish;
  • 100 g of sweet pepper;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.


  1. Carrots are peeled and washed under running water. We rub the product on a grater designed for Korean salads.
  2. We free the radish from the peel and also rub it.
  3. Gutted sweet pepper from seeds, cut into thin strips.
  4. We put all the vegetables in a salad bowl and prepare a dressing from vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Pour the contents of the bowl with it, mix and serve.

An interesting recipe that shows that you can eat vegetables on dry days not only separately, but also as part of a salad. The only condition is the exclusion of vegetable oil. You can replace it with lemon juice.

Soup puree with cauliflower

Puree soup with any non-prohibited products is ideal for fasting. By the way, this recipe is suitable not only for use in the last week of fasting before Easter, but also for people far from the church, for example, athletes or girls who want to lose weight.


  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 tsp flour;
  • 1 head of cauliflower, about 500-700 g;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper;
  • paprika.


  1. Chop the cauliflower so that the pieces do not exceed 3 cm in diameter, finely chop the onion into cubes
  2. We put a pan on the stove, add sunflower oil and fry the flour on it. After two minutes, a ruddy color should appear. After that, fill in clean water and wait until it boils.
  3. We add onion and cabbage to the pot with boiling liquid, wait until everything boils again, turn down the heat and cover. Cook for 20 minutes until cabbage softens.
  4. Add some paprika to the soup to add color and flavor, and season with salt and pepper. We wait 2-3 minutes, turn off the heating. Puree the soup with an immersion blender, taste it and add more seasonings if necessary. Let's stand for 10 minutes.

Serve the cream soup hot, adding a little to each bowl. sunflower oil and sprinkled with freshly ground allspice. Cauliflower puree soup is very tender and fragrant. If desired, you can use other vegetables, as well as replace spices - with your favorite set, for example, with a mixture of Provence herbs or coriander.

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For which people are preparing spiritually and physically, following the prescriptions. There are only a few days left and soon that important week will begin before the great holiday. In view of the increased interest of our readers, we publish important information about Holy Week before with a description of the traditions of each day.


last week before called Passionate . Also in ancient times, this week had many names - Red, Red, Great, Holy Week, Holy Week. During this period, they were actively preparing for the celebration of Easter (therefore, it is now relevant, proven, tasty and original, etc.). Each day of the week before Easter had its own traditions, which were sincerely honored.

The week before Easter begins Holy Monday. On this day, it was necessary to finish all the work around the house and on the site near it: paint, repair, clean, without putting it off for other days.

Maundy Tuesday the last week before Easter was usually devoted to work with clothes: washing, ironing, darning. On other days, these works are not recommended.

IN Great Wednesday they took out the last garbage from the house, and everything necessary for preparation.

The week before Easter has a special spirituality. The conditions of fasting become even stricter. On this day they say that you can’t do anything around the house, sing, dance, listen to music. Nothing should be eaten in memory of the sufferings of Christ. Everyone should know these in the last week before Easter. In the evening, during divine services, the Shroud is carried out in the church.

The last week of the forty-day fast, which ends with Easter, is dedicated to the remembrance of last days life on earth of Jesus Christ. They call it Holy Week. In addition, the last week before Easter personifies spiritual and bodily purity, which is why it is also called Pure or White Week. Also in ancient times, this week had many names - Red, Red, Great, Holy Week.

The Church claims that the combination of Holy Week with the Holy Week following Pascha can give a person as much spiritually as he does not receive for the whole year. And if a person uses the potential of these days even in small force, there will still be a lot of sense.

Each day of the week before Easter is called Great and carries a certain meaning. Fasting these days should be especially strict. It should be remembered that the main thing in fasting is not abstaining from food and sweets, but repentance, prayers and awareness of one's sinfulness.

On Monday, the Old Testament patriarch Joseph, who is sometimes called a prototype of Jesus Christ, is remembered. According to religious texts, the elder brothers sold Joseph for 20 pieces of silver to a passing caravan of Ismailans or Arabians, and then he was resold in Egypt. Also on Holy Monday, believers remember the withering of the barren fig tree by Jesus Christ. It symbolizes that a person's life should bear spiritual fruits: prayers and good deeds.

On this day, it was necessary to finish all the work around the house and on the site near it: paint, repair, clean, without putting it off for other days.

All week before Easter, you can not eat dairy food, fish, eggs, meat, and even use vegetable oil. On this day, according to church canons, one should adhere to dry eating, eating only black bread, water, fruits, compotes and vegetables.

On Good Tuesday, the sermons of Jesus Christ about the resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment and some others are recalled, as well as an episode from the New Testament in which, answering the question of whether it is permissible to give tribute to Caesar, Christ answered with the famous phrase “give Caesar’s to Caesar, and God’s ".

Tuesday in the last week before Easter was usually devoted to work with clothes: washing, ironing, darning. On other days, these works are not recommended.

On Great Wednesday, believers remember how Judas Iscariot decided to betray Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver, thus choosing spiritual death. On Wednesday, they also remember the sinful Mary, who repented after visiting the house of Simon the leper, where Jesus rested. Mary anointed Jesus' head with myrrh and washed his feet with her tears, preparing him for burial.

On Great Wednesday, the last garbage was taken out of the house, eggs were prepared and everything necessary for the preparation of colored eggs (pysanky).

On Maundy Thursday, the church and people remember the Last Supper, at which Jesus established the sacrament of Communion, washing the feet of his disciples as a token of love for them. Starting from Thursday, all services in the church are dedicated to the memory of the sufferings of Jesus Christ on Earth.

Maundy Thursday is one of the central days of Holy Week, with many traditions associated with it, many of which are more folk beliefs than prescriptions that go directly to religious texts. In particular, on this day it is customary to clean up the house especially carefully (according to tradition, it is impossible to clean up for six days after that). In the evening, some people put a piece of silver into the water in order to wash themselves with this water the next day. Also on this day, it is customary to harvest salt, since it is believed that it will have healing properties. Everyone in the family should take a handful of salt and pour it into one bag. This salt is removed and stored, and it is called "Thursday salt", that is, the salt of Great Thursday. With it you can treat yourself, as well as your family and friends.

Starting from Thursday, nothing is returned from home until Easter.

On this day, you need to swim, especially for the sick and weak, because the water in the early morning has healing powers. And on Thursday, they begin to cook Easter and bake Easter cakes. It is believed that before kneading the dough, you need to pray, cleanse your soul and space, otherwise Easter cakes will not work. On Maundy Thursday, a fire is lit in the churches, which must be preserved and brought to your home. This candle will protect the house from fire all year round.

Good Friday is the strictest day of the week, it is the day of mourning. On this day, no one eats food until the Shroud is taken out, which is done in the evening. The Shroud depicts the Savior in full growth, which lies in a hump. They install the Shroud in the center of the temple, the parishioners decorate it with flowers and anoint it with incense. The Church on Friday remembers the torment, execution and death of Jesus Christ.

On Good Friday, it is forbidden to do anything around the house, you can’t sing, walk and have fun, as a person will then cry all year. In memory of the torment of Jesus Christ on this day, they abstain from eating.

Good Friday is the day on which the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is remembered, and it is the most strict and mournful day of Great Lent. On this day, believers should avoid vain affairs as much as possible (with the exception of those related to the preparation for Easter) and devote as much time as possible to thoughts about the sacrifice that Christ made for the people.

The signs and traditions of this day say that you can not do anything around the house, sing, dance, listen to music. Nothing should be eaten in memory of the sufferings of Christ. Everyone should know these bans on Good Friday in the last week before Easter.

On Friday they sweep the corners with a rag, this rag will help get rid of lower back pain if you tie yourself with it. The same rag is used to wipe the feet in the bath after washing, so that the feet do not hurt. Ash, taken on Friday before Easter, will help to recover from alcoholism, black shaking, from the evil eye and from mortal anguish.
On Friday, they look out the window, noting who they will see first of all: if a man, then to well-being for three months. If a person falls ill at this time, he will quickly recover. Any problem can be easily solved.
If you see an old woman, then there will be a series of three months of failure and illness, and a young woman - you will live these three months without problems. Family, you will see - to peace in the family, to the reconciliation of those who are in a quarrel. A dog - to longing, a cat - to profit, birds - to a new acquaintance and good news, a disabled person - to the death of a loved one.

Holy Saturday is dedicated to memories of the burial and stay in the tomb of the body of Jesus Christ, as well as preparations for Easter - the Resurrection of Christ, which is celebrated on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

Holy Saturday - the day when you need to prepare an Easter basket, as well as dishes holiday table, on this day they continue to paint eggs. According to signs, if an egg with a painted shell cracked, it should not be thrown away, but should be lowered into the river.

The Easter basket should contain:

  • easter;
  • Easter eggs;
  • horseradish;
  • homemade sausage;
  • garlic;
  • salo;
  • salt;
  • candles;
  • a piece of butter.

All products are covered with an embroidered towel. No one sleeps until the morning, people go to the all-night service. It is believed that those people who neglected this custom and sleep will be unhappy. Happiness visits only those who do not sleep.

Holy Sunday - the bright holiday of Easter - this holiday should be spent in the circle of relatives and friends, congratulating each other on Easter, inviting friends to your home, sharing joy and faith in a brighter future due to the resurrection of Christ.

Great feast of Easter in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Services in temples usually begin at midnight sharp. In the church, you need to open the basket, insert a lit candle into it, and the priest will bless the meat.

On Easter morning, they wash themselves with water left from Maundy Thursday. It is good to put a silver little thing or a spoon in it, you can use a coin. Wash for beauty and wealth.
Everyone, without exception, begins Easter in the family with the words “Christ is risen” and answers “Truly he is risen.”

At home, a delicious and large Easter table is laid, which should be covered with a light or white tablecloth. There must be on the table traditional dishes- colored eggs, cottage cheese Easter and Easter cakes. According to tradition, people begin to break their fast from the consecrated Easter cake. You can also serve on the table meat dishes, sweet pastries in the form of animals. The remains of consecrated food cannot be thrown away, you can distribute them to the poor, and bury the egg shells in the ground.
