Option 3

1. Occupation of primitive people, which led to the emergence of agriculture:

a) hunting; b) collecting;

c) fishing; d) animal husbandry.

2. The mining of copper and the ability to process it contributed to the emergence of:

a) blacksmithing; b) pottery;

c) leather business; d) spinning.

3. The servants of God in the Egyptian temple were:

a) priests b) scribes;

c) pharaohs; d) leaders.

4. The Chinese sage was:

a) Solomon; b) Cyrus the Great;

c) Confucius; d) Hammurabi.

5. An industrial enterprise based on manual labor are called:

a) a factory b) workshop;

c) manufactory; d) factory.

6. The Tale of Bygone Years is one of the earliest sources on ancient history Rus'. Specify the approximate time of its creation:

a) the end of the X century; b) the beginning of the XI century;

c) the middle of the 11th century; d) the beginning of the 12th century.

7. 1223 is the year:

a) the Battle of the Neva; b) standing on the river Ugra;

c) Battle on the Ice; d) battles on Kalka.

8. Name the city in which Kuzma Minin gathered the militia that liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders:

a) Vologda; b) Great Ustyug;

c) Nizhny Novgorod; d) Vladimir.

9. Indicate the years of the peasant war led by Emelyan Pugachev:

a) 1606-1607; b) 1670–1671;

c) 1707–1708; d) 1773–1775

10. As a result of the military reform of the XVI century in Russia appeared:

a) recruits; b) archers;

c) dragoons; d) guards.

11. What was the Kunstkamera founded by Peter I:

a) a botanical garden; b) an art gallery;

c) one of the 12 colleges; d) natural science museum.

12. According to the table of ranks adopted in 1722, promotion depended on:

a) from the nobility of the family; b) from personal merits;

c) from wealth; d) seniority.

13. Indicate which event happened later than the others:

a) adoption of the Council Code;

b) the accession of the Romanovs;

c) Russia gaining access to the Baltic Sea;

d) the appearance on the political arena of False Dmitry I.

a) A.N. Radishchev; b) I.V. Kireevsky;

c) N.M. Ants; d) N.M. Karamzin.

15. The "golden age" of Russian literature includes creativity:

a) D. I. Fonvizin; b) A.S. Pushkin;

c) A.P. Chekhov; d) I.A. Bunin.

16. The event that marked the beginning of the first Russian revolution:

a) "Lena execution"; b) "going to the people";

c) "Khodynskaya tragedy"; d) Bloody Sunday.

17. During the years of the revolution of 1905-1907. The bloc of revolutionary parties included:

a) Socialist-Revolutionaries and Cadets; b) Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries;

c) Bolsheviks, Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries; d) Socialist-Revolutionaries, Cadets and Octobrists.

18. The concept of "Red Army" refers to the abbreviation:

a) RKSM; b) RSFSR;

c) the Red Army; d) NKVD.

19. One of the reasons for the forced industrialization in the USSR was the need:

a) restore the pre-war level of industrial production;

b) ensure the accelerated development of light industry;

c) limit the inflow of foreign capital;

d) to overcome the technical and economic backwardness from the leading countries.

20. In what year was the Soviet-German non-aggression pact signed?
a) 1922; b) 1933;
c) 1939; d) 1940

21. Salute during the Great Patriotic War was first given in honor of the liberation:
a) Sevastopol; b) Koenigsberg;
c) Leningrad; d) Belgorod and Orel.

22. Which group of dates is associated with the success of the USSR in space exploration:

a) 1945, 1953, 1964 b) 1965, 1977, 1982

c) 1957, 1961, 1975 d) 1969, 1979, 1989

23. Which of the Soviet leaders in 1990. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

a) B. Yeltsin; b) M. Gorbachev;

c) E. Shevardnadze; d) Yu. Andropov.

24. What events unite the dates of 1977? and 1993 in the history of the USSR and Russia?

a) introduction state of emergency in the country;

b) disarmament of illegal military formations in Chechnya;

c) the intensification of hostilities in Afghanistan;

d) the adoption of the Constitution of the country.

25. Famous Russian singer of the early twentieth century:

a) F. Chaliapin; b) S. Rachmaninov;

c) L. Andreev; d) F. Shekhtel

26. Which of the following events happened first?

a) adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

b) August putsch;

c) the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of the CIS;

d) the departure of B.N. Yeltsin to resign

27. In 2014, Sochi hosted ... .

a) the Winter Olympic Games;

b) Summer Olympic Games;

c) the World Cup;

d) world championship in athletics

a) Day of Russia;

b) Defender of the Fatherland Day;

c) National Unity Day;

d) Constitution Day Russian Federation

29. The desire of the republics to secede, to conduct an independent domestic and foreign policy

a) a coalition b) separatism; c) consolidation; 4) annexation

a) S. Mikhalkov and A. Alexandrov; b) M. Dunaevsky and A. Pakhmutova;

c) M. Tariverdiev and S. Dobronravov; d) M. Blanter and M. Isakovsky

Exercise 1

Write down the term in question.

Detour by the ancient Russian prince and the retinue of subject lands to collect tribute.


IN ancient Rus' Until the end of the 10th century (and according to some sources from the 9th to the 12th centuries), a kind of tribute collection was practiced from the East Slavic tribes that were in the power of Kyiv. Its essence was that the princes themselves were engaged in the collection of tribute, making a detour of the lands in the period after the harvest (autumn-winter).

However, after the death of Igor (son of Rurik) at the hands of the Drevlyans during the implementation of polyudya, his wife Olga canceled this method of collecting tribute and introduced a new one instead of it - a cart, setting a fixed size and place for it. The wagon, unlike polyudya, was delivered to the prince by the payers themselves.

Read an extract from the historian's essay and complete tasks 2-4

“In December 1858, a government program of peasant reform was prepared in the bowels of the Ministry of the Interior. It included: the personal freedom of the peasants from the landlords, the right of the villagers to move to other lands, the temporary performance by the peasants of certain duties in favor of the former owners, and the creation of peasant self-government bodies.

When the problem of the abolition of serfdom passed into a practical phase, the emperor, apparently, breathed a sigh of relief. Firstly, the issue was moved forward, and secondly, the emperor was able to take what he thought was an advantageous position as an arbitrator, whose main task was to find an acceptable compromise between the positions of the leading social camps in Russia. These positions themselves were clearly defined in the works of the noble committees and, in short, read as follows: a) without serfdom, we will perish; b) the current situation is intolerable, it is necessary that we be freed from the peasants.

Work with the nobility, gathered in the provincial committees, was also important because it remained important question, without the solution of which the government could not imagine the abolition of serfdom, the question of the formal approval of the coming reform by the landowners themselves. The consent of the first estate with the actions of the government would guarantee the impossibility in the future of an organized protest of the nobility regarding the abolition of serfdom. In addition, it was a strong propaganda move - the voluntary renunciation of the landlords from power over the peasants was supposed to make a favorable impression on the villagers and on Europe.

Task 2

Indicate the year when the reform referred to in the document was carried out. During the reign of which emperor was it held?


  • The year of the reform is 1861.
  • emperor - Alexander II.

The passage directly refers to the peasant reform, the result of which was the abolition of serfdom.

Task 3


The conditions are clearly stated, just rewrite:

  1. It was necessary to formally approve the reform by the landlords.
  2. Formal approval was supposed to exclude the possibility of a protest of the nobility in the future.
  3. The support of the nobility was supposed to be a powerful propaganda move

Task 4

Name any other reform that was carried out during the reign of the same emperor.


Zemstvo reform - is included in the category of "great reforms" of Alexander II. The main document of the reform is the “Regulations on provincial and district zemstvo institutions” dated January 1, 1864, on the basis of which a new system of local self-government was created in countryside: zemstvo assemblies and zemstvo councils elected from the local population without regard to class.

Judicial reform - a comprehensive reform of the judiciary and legal proceedings, developed in 1861-1863, approved in 1864 and carried out in 1866-1899. The reform significantly changed the principles and procedures of legal proceedings: the court became more open, transparent, all parties participating in the process received equal rights and could participate in discussions on an equal footing. Defendants could now appeal against the verdict and have the opportunity to have their case heard in a higher instance (Supreme Court, Imperial Court).

Task 5

Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap marked with a letter, select and write down the number of the required element in the table.

Missing items:

  1. 19th century
  2. Time of Troubles
  3. Vladimir I Saint
  4. 21st century
  5. L.I. Brezhnev
  6. Ivan IV
  7. The beginning of collecting lands around Moscow
  8. the introduction of Soviet troops into Afghanistan
  9. 16th century
  10. Baptism of Rus'
  11. A.F. Kerensky
  12. False Dmitry I


There is nothing left but to learn dates, events and names by heart!

Review the diagram and complete tasks 6 and 7

Task 6

Indicate the name of the war, as a result of which the Russian Empire shaded areas included.


North War

The map clearly shows the boundaries of more modern Russia, closer to XVIII century. During these times, the Northern War took place on the territory of the Baltic States, which lasted from 1700 to 1721 between Sweden and a coalition of northern European states. The essence of the war was the right to possess the Baltic lands. As a result of the war, Ingria (Izhora), Karelia, Estonia, Livonia (Livonia) were annexed to Russia. In Europe arose new empire- Russian, with the capital St. Petersburg.

Task 7

Indicate the name of the ruler of Russia, during whose reign the war you named was fought.


Look at the picture and complete tasks 8 - 10

Task 8

Indicate the age when this monument was created, and the name of the mound on top of which it is located.


Century - XX century.

The name of the mound is Mamaev Kurgan

The photo shows one of the most famous monuments in Russia - the famous monument "The Motherland Calls!" . It is installed on Mamaev Kurgan in the very center of the city of Volgograd (former Stalingrad) on the street named after Marshal V.I. Chuikov. It was for this height of 102.0 that the fiercest battles were fought during the Battle of Stalingrad.

Task 9

Specify the event to which this monument is dedicated.


Battle of Stalingrad

Task 10

Indicate the name of one favorite cultural monument located in your region. Using the name from the history of your region, tell us about this monument. Your story must contain at least two historical facts.

Note: If the monument shown in the photograph is located in your region, then it should not be indicated, you must indicate another monument.

VPR 2017. Grade 11. Option 3.

1. Write down the term you are talking about.

The agreement between the landowner and the peasant, which established the size of the allotment and duties for the use of it according to the reform of 1861.

Answer: ______________________

Read the extract from the document and complete tasks 2-4.

From the Chairman's speech

at the opening of the First Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR

“The current election campaign has presented a far from unambiguous picture. It reflected all the diversity of positions, points of view, opinions that exist in our society. It became a kind of testing ground, where the new provisions of the USSR Constitution were put into effect for the first time, and a fundamentally new Law on Elections was tested. In general, it made it possible to hold elections on a truly democratic basis, to get a new electoral practice. At the same time, at pre-election meetings, in labor collectives, in the media, wishes were expressed about the need to correct certain norms and procedures established by the Law. All of them deserve attention and require analysis.

Today, 2,155 People's Deputies of the USSR out of 2,249 elected are present at the Congress. Detailed data on the results of the elections, on the composition of the deputies will be reported by the Credentials Commission, which will be elected by the Congress and to which the Central Election Commission will transfer all the documentation necessary to verify the powers of the deputies.

The composition of the deputies reflects the multinational nature of our country. Among them are representatives of 65 nations and nationalities.

The current deputy corps will have to solve problems of national importance. These tasks are entrusted by our Constitution primarily to the Congress of People's Deputies, which, being the highest body of state power, is authorized to consider any issue that falls within the jurisdiction of the USSR, determines the main line of activity of the Supreme Soviet and all other state bodies.

Today, the attention and thoughts of all working people are turned to the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, much is expected of it. And, first of all, to answer people's questions... Together with the deputy mandate, the voters gave you, comrade deputies, their faith in better life, to a prosperous and powerful Soviet socialist state".

2. Indicate the decade in which the First Congress of People's Deputies took place. What is the name of the politician who was the leader of the country at the time when this event occurred. Indicate the name of the period in the history of the USSR when this politician was the leader of the country.


_______________________________________________________________3. What features of the Congress of People's Deputies as the highest body of state power are mentioned in the speech? List any three features.

Answer: _________________________________________________________

4. Indicate what changes in the political system of the USSR can be considered the results of the work of the Congress of People's Deputies?

Answer: _________________________________________________________


5. Fill in the empty cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap marked with a letter, select and write down the number of the required element in the table.

Event (process)

Participant of an event (process)

_______________ (A)

_______________ (B)

______________ (IN)

Caucasian war

_______________ (G)

_______________ (D)

_______________ (E)

_______________ (AND)

the rise of Moscow as the center of the unification of lands

Dmitry Donskoy

_______________ (D)

______________ (AND)

Vasily Shuisky

Missing items:

1) A.P. Ermolov

3) M.S. Gorbachev

5) B.N. Yeltsin

7) liberation from the Horde dominion

8) "new thinking" in foreign policy

9) the activities of secret organizations of the Decembrists

10) Time of Troubles

Review the diagram and complete tasks 6-7.

6. Write down the name of the battle, indicated on the diagram by the number 1.


7. Write down the name of the city indicated on the diagram by the number 2.

Answer: _________________________________________________________

8. Indicate the name of this monument of architecture and the place where it is located.

Answer: _________________________________________________________


9. Indicate the time of creation (century) and the ruler during whose reign this architectural monument was created.

What is the style of the church?

Answer: _________________________________________________________


10. Indicate the name of any one cultural monument located in your region. Using knowledge of the history of your region, tell us about this monument. Your story must contain at least two historical facts.

If the monument shown in the photograph is located in your region, then it should not be indicated, you must indicate another monument.

Answer: _________________________________________________________

Read the list of events (processes) and complete tasks 11, 12.

1) civil strife of 972-980.

2) Northern war

3) the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907.

4) Battle of Stalingrad 1942-1943

Choose any one event (process) from this list and complete tasks 11 and 12, considering the selected event (process) in each of the tasks.

Indicate the number that indicates the event (process) you have chosen. ________

11. Name any one participant of the event (process) you have chosen. Specify one of his any act (action) in the course of participation in this event.

Answer: _________________________________________________________


12. What was the influence of the event (process) chosen by you on the further history of Russia and / or world history? When answering, be sure to use knowledge of historical facts.

Answer: _________________________________________________________


VPR 2017. Grade 11. Option 3.

Statutory charter

M.S. Gorbachev


The elections were held on a truly democratic basis.

The congress is authorized to consider any question that falls within the jurisdiction of the USSR.

The Congress determines the main line of activity of the Supreme Soviet and all other state bodies.

Election alternative.

Democratization of public relations.

7,2,12,1, 8, 3, 6, 4,10

Poltava battle

Saint Petersburg

Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye. Moscow

16th century Basil III. Tent style.

Now we will deal with task number 3 from the first part of the exam in history. Competently approaching this task, you can easily complete the number without errors.

So we are presented with a list of six terms, two of which are superfluous in this series. In the assignment, we are also given a criterion based on which we will have to sort them (this can be a separate century or period in the history of Russia, the era of the reign of an individual, a separate historical event, and so on).

Our goal is to eliminate the wrong options in order to get our coveted 2 points! Having made one mistake, we get 1 point, which is also not superfluous. So even if the terms seem unfamiliar to you, do not despair. Never leave an answer blank, hope for luck and write down at least your guesses. By the way, this also applies to the tasks of the second part.

Task execution algorithm

  1. We carefully read the text of the task, study the sorting criterion
  2. Exploring the suggested answers
  3. We compare each option with the proposed criterion
  4. Eliminate wrong choices
  5. We check ourselves again, write down the answer

Analysis of typical options for tasks No. 3 USE in history

The first version of the task (demo version of 2018)

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, refer to events (phenomena) of the 19th century.

  1. free cultivators
  2. ministries
  3. Decembrists
  4. June third coup
  5. justices of the peace
  6. Octobrists

At first glance, it is quite difficult to deal with the task. Knowing a few tricks and solving several KIMs, we will easily find the right answer!

If the criterion for your list is a century or a separate period, try to remember as many events as possible related to it in one way or another. In our case, this is the 19th century. What should be remembered? Of course this is the uprising of the Decembrists, Patriotic War 1812, the abolition of serfdom, the counter-reforms of Alexander III and other equally important points.

We start, as always, with an easy one. Decembrists. Without further ado, it is obvious to us that this phenomenon is precisely the 19th century, and specifically 1825, therefore this answer no longer suits us. We can cross it out right in KIM, so as not to get confused and not make a mistake.

We move on. The third of June coup or the third of June monarchy. To a person who is well acquainted with history, this name says a lot. But what if it means nothing to you? Let's remember that it was the 20th century that was so eventful that every day could have its own separate meaning. It is not for nothing that a huge amount of time is devoted to the study of the 20th century. This includes the events of June 3, 1907, when the II State Duma was dissolved ahead of schedule. This day is considered the day of the end of the revolution of 1905-1907. The events of the 20th century do not suit us, so we have every right to choose this option as the correct one.

It is worth remembering that in tasks of this type we always find TWO events!

Looking for more. Take, for example, free farmers. The decree, which was called “The Decree on Free Ploughmen”, was issued by Alexander I in 1803. Knowing this, we cross out this option and move on. The Octobrist Party was founded in 1905. In another way, they were called "Union of October 17". For a long time they acted under the leadership of Guchkov. It also included such personalities as M.V. Rodzianko, N.A. Khomyakov, D.N. Shipov and others. The Octobrists were formed during the first Russian revolution and had nothing to do with the 19th century.

We found two extra options. If you are sure of your answer, you can save time and not check the other options. But it doesn't hurt to do it in a calm environment. By excluding the superfluous ones, we automatically attributed the ministries and justices of the peace to the 19th century. Is it so? Now let's figure it out.

In 1864, Alexander II carried out a judicial reform, during which the institution of magistrates was introduced. True, a few years later the institute of magistrates underwent significant changes and was almost abolished, but this does not change its attitude towards the 19th century. Like justices of the peace, ministries were also founded in the 19th century. By the decree of Alexander I back in 1802, all collegiums were replaced by 8 new ministries. We conclude that our choice was correct.

The second version of the task (collection of Artasov)

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, refer to the events (phenomena) of the reign of Peter I.

  1. prosecutor general
  2. poll tax
  3. feeding
  4. Stoglavy Cathedral
  5. Chief Magistrate
  6. fiscals

Find and write down the serial numbers of terms related to another historical period.

Let's try to do this task differently. There are several approaches. If in the last task we analyzed each option until we found two correct ones, here we will try to immediately exclude two unnecessary ones.

We have to rely on the era of Peter I, which means we can use some kind of trick: all those names of bodies, positions, etc. , which are not familiar to Rus', are most likely the innovations of Peter, because. He oriented his policy in the manner of foreign traditions.

Let's try! Reading all the terms presented, we clearly understand that the Prosecutor General, the Chief Magistrate and the fiscals are clearly not familiar to the Russian way of life, which means that they most likely belong to the era of Peter.

What are our difficulties? Poll tax or capitation salary. This term appeared in 1724, when the general census of the population began and a tax was introduced on the “soul”. This means that the remaining two options suit us!

And this is true, feeding was canceled already in 1555, and the Stoglavy Cathedral dates back to 1551.

The third version of the assignment (Artasov's collection)

Below is a list of abbreviations. All of them, with the exception of two, existed in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War.

  1. NKVD
  2. Red Army
  3. CPSU

Find and write down the serial numbers of abbreviations related to another historical period.

This rear is quite complex. You can deal with abbreviations only if you clearly understand their decoding and know which period this term refers to.

Also, the period chosen was not easy, because. The Second World War requires memorizing so many dates, events and terms.

Will have to figure it out!

Let's decipher each abbreviation:

  1. GKO - State Defense Committee
  2. NKVD - People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR
  3. SNK - Council of People's Commissars
  4. Red Army - Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army
  5. CMEA - Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
  6. CPSU - Communist Party of the Soviet Union

So, we deal with each and work on memorization.

GKO - an emergency management body created precisely for the duration of the Second World War; had full military, political and economic power in the country. Therefore, this option does not suit us.

The NKVD is an organ for the protection of public order and the fight against crime; it existed until 1943, which also included the period of the Second World War.

SNK is the government Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1946, so it doesn't suit us.

It remains to choose between the three options presented, two of which are superfluous. Even arguing logically, we understand that the “army” is most likely directly related to the war, besides, various posters from the Second World War are recalled. Where was the Red Army.

Using the elimination method, we came to the conclusion that the CMEA and the CPSU belong to other periods. And this is true, because the CMEA was created after the Second World War in 1949, and the CPSU dates back to 1952.

The fourth version of the assignment (Artasov's collection)

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, refer to events and phenomena that took place in the USSR in the 1930s.

  1. five-year plan
  2. dispossession
  3. workdays
  4. multi-party system
  5. privatization
  6. Stakhanovites

Find and write down the serial numbers of terms related to another historical period.

Again, assignments related to the USSR cause many difficulties. Therefore, during preparation, “on the shore”, it is worth working them out completely.

USSR in the 1930s. What is this? This is a directive economy, a new constitution, five-year plans, collective farms, repressions and much more. The five-year plan and the Stakhanovists are directly interrelated terms, because the Stakhanovites appeared precisely in the 30-40s, when a certain plan was put, and those who achieved high productivity belonged precisely to the Stakhanov movement.

The word “multi-party system” should raise particular doubts in our minds. In the 1930s, this was not even a question. The resolution of the Tenth Congress of the RCP(b) led to the virtual cessation of inner-party democracy, and the existence and operation of several parties could only be dreamed of.

We are also concerned about “privatization”. The names of Gaidar and Chubais are associated with this word, and they are by no means contemporary with the events of the 1930s. Their activities date back to the 1990s.

We conclude that options 45 do not suit us. Let's check the rest. Dekulakization is a policy of property persecution of peasants and it began just in the 1930s. Workdays - a measure of accounting for the amount of work on collective farms in the period from 1930 to 1966.

Answer: 45

Option No. 123191

USE in history 05/30/2013. main wave. Center. Option 3.

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-19 are a sequence of numbers, a number or a word (phrase). The names of Russian sovereigns should be written only in letters.

If the option is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the short answer assignments and will be able to grade the uploaded answers to the long answer assignments. The points given by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Which of the Moscow princes was the first to receive the right to collect tribute in favor of the Horde from all Russian lands?

1) Yuri Dolgoruky

2) Ivan Kalita

3) Vasily II the Dark

4) Andrey Bogolyubsky


A new phenomenon in the Russian economy of the XVII century. became

1) the emergence of manufactories

2) the emergence of factories

3) the appearance of factories

4) development of workshop production


Which of the following was the result of the Polovtsian raids in the second half of the 11th century?

1) migration of the population from the Middle Dnieper to the Volga-Oka region

2) the establishment of a military alliance of Rus' with the Khazar Khaganate

3) complete cessation of princely strife

4) the establishment of a military alliance of Rus' with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania


The most important phenomenon Russian culture 16th century was the beginning

1) wooden architecture

2) typography

3) icon painting

4) stone architecture


Read an excerpt from the historian's work and name the prince in question.

“Even during the life of his mother, leaving the principality of Kiev in the care of Olga, [the prince] made his first brilliant campaigns. He went to the Oka and subjugated the Vyatichi, who then paid tribute to the Khazars; then he turned to the Khazars and defeated the Khazar kingdom, taking the main cities of the Khazars ... Finally, [the prince] penetrated the Volga, devastated the land of the Kama Bulgarians and took their city of Bolgar. In a word, [he] defeated and ruined all the eastern neighbors of Rus', which were part of the system of the Khazar state. Rus' was now becoming the main force in the Black Sea region.

1) Vladimir

2) Svyatoslav


The colleges created by Peter I gradually replaced

1) ministries

2) zemstvos

3) orders


One of the directions of Russian foreign policy in the first quarter of the XVIII century. was the fight for

1) Volga trade route

2) access to the Baltic Sea

3) Left-bank Ukraine

4) liberation from the Horde dominion


Due to a catastrophic lack of money, Catherine II was forced to

1) introduce capitation taxation

2) establish merchant guilds

3) resort to foreign loans for the first time

4) create a Free Economic Society


Read an excerpt from the order of the commander and name the name of this commander.

"Brave warriors! Bring to your memory all our victories on this day and prove that no one can resist the power of Russian weapons. We are not faced with a battle, which it would be in our will to postpone, but the indispensable capture of a famous place, which will decide the fate of the campaign and which the Turks consider impregnable. The Russian army besieged Izmail twice and retreated twice; it remains for us a third time to either win or die with glory.

1) M. D. Skobelev

2) A.P. Ermolov

3) P. S. Nakhimov

4) A. V. Suvorov


Agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin assumed

1) the transfer of all landlords' land to the peasants

2) the elimination of private ownership of land

3) limiting the policy of resettlement of peasants

4) the formation of bran and farm peasant farms


A. M. Gorchakov sent out a "circular note", notifying that Russia does not consider itself bound by the obligations of the Paris Treaty of 1856, using

1) the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian war

2) the colonial conflict between France and England

3) uprisings in the colonies of the French Empire

4) rapprochement with England and France, which led to the creation of the Entente


Read an extract from the legislative act and name the emperor in whose reign it was promulgated.

"St. 1. Judicial power belongs to: justices of the peace, congresses of justices of the peace, judicial chambers and the Governing Senate as the supreme court of cassation.

Art. 2. The judicial power of the institutions referred to in Article 1 extends to persons of all classes and to all cases, both civil and criminal.

Art. 3. The justice of the peace is the sole power, the congresses of justices of the peace, district courts, judicial chambers and the Senate are collegiate establishments ...

Art. 4. For the production of investigations in cases of crimes and misdemeanors, there are judicial investigators.

Art. 5. In order to determine the guilt or innocence of the defendants in criminal cases, jurors are added to the composition of the judicial seats in the cases specified in the charter of criminal proceedings.

1) Alexander II

2) Alexander III

3) Alexander I

4) Nicholas I


What was one of characteristic features development of culture in Russia in the first third of the 19th century?

1) holding "Russian Seasons" in Paris

2) the heyday of the "estate culture" (the culture of "noble nests")

3) the flowering of creativity of the Wanderers

4) activities of the association "World of Art" ("World of Art")


Forced industrialization was carried out in the USSR with

1) early 1920s.

2) late 1920s.

3) the end of the 1940s.

4) late 1950s.


The consequence of the mass peasant uprisings of 1920−1921. became

1) creating combos

2) the beginning of mass collectivization

3) the introduction of a tax in kind

4) the introduction of surplus appropriation



Read an excerpt from the memoirs and indicate the city in which the described battle of the Great Patriotic War took place.

“The city was on fire. The flames of the fires rose several hundred meters. Fascist planes flew overhead. Not only the earth, but also the sky trembled with explosions. Clouds of smoke and dust hurt my eyes. Buildings collapsed, walls fell, iron warped. It seemed that all living things were dying here, but people went into battle... It was hot on Mamaev Kurgan too. Here the enemy pulled together several infantry battalions and over 20 tanks. Six times during the day, the Nazis tried to bring down our units from a height and each time rolled back, hundreds of corpses remained on the slopes of the mound. The guards repulsed all enemy attacks.

1) Stalingrad

2) Leningrad


The final act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe was signed during the years of Soviet leadership

1) N. S. Khrushchev

2) M. S. Gorbacheva

3) I. V. Stalin

4) L. I. Brezhnev


What was one of the consequences of the mass amnesty carried out in March 1953?

1) fabrication of the "case of doctors"

2) the release of most political prisoners

3) the growth of crime in the country

4) a new wave of mass repression


The appearance of the popular journalistic and informational programs “Vzglyad”, “Before and after midnight”, “The Fifth Wheel”, “600 Seconds” refers to the period

1) 1960s

2) 1970s

3) 1980s

4) 1990s


Which of the listed persons was the Prime Minister of Russia during the first presidential term of V. V. Putin?

1) B. C. Chernomyrdin

2) S. V. Kiriyenko

3) E. M. Primakov

4) M. E. Fradkov


Arrange historical events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events in the correct sequence in the table.

1) the creation of the Russian Black Sea Fleet

2) the introduction of universal military service

3) the introduction of the gold standard of the ruble

4) elimination of internal customs duties and borders

5) establishment of the Senate


What three cities were annexed to Moscow in the 16th century? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

2) Smolensk

5) Novgorod

6) Kolomna


Establish a correspondence between the abbreviations denoting the names of Soviet state bodies and public organizations, and their functions: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, refer to events and phenomena that took place in the period 1945-1953.

1) Curzon's note

2) "Marshall Plan"

4) Cold War

5) Caribbean Crisis

6) Korean War

Find and write down the serial numbers of terms related to another historical period.


Write the missing word.

International organization that united communist parties various countries, established in 1919 and dissolved in 1943, was called the Communist _______________________.


Fill in the empty cells of the table using the data presented in the list below. For each cell marked with letters, select the number of the required element.

Missing items:

1) Napoleon I

2) battle on the river Rymnik

3) Catherine II

4) Battle of Poltava

5) the battle of Kunersdorf

6) P. P. Bagration

7) I. Murat

8) G. A. Spiridov

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Read the manifest.

“A heavy burden has been placed on Me by the will of My Brother, who handed over the Imperial All-Russian Throne to Me in a time of unprecedented war and unrest of the people.

Encouraged by the same thought with all the people that the good of our Motherland is above all, I made a firm decision in the event that I accept the Supreme Power, if such is the will of our people, who should by popular vote, through their representatives in the Constituent Assembly, establish a form of government and new Basic Laws of the Russian State.

Therefore, invoking the blessing of God, I ask all citizens of the Russian State to submit to the Provisional Government, which, at the initiative of the State Duma, has arisen and is invested with all the fullness of power, until it is convened as soon as possible, on the basis of a universal, direct, equal and secret vote, the Constituent Assembly will express the will of the people by his decision on the form of government.

Using the passage and knowledge of history, select three correct judgments from the list provided. Write down in response the numbers under which they are indicated.

3) The author of the manifesto places the final decision on the issue of power in the country on the authority elected by the people.

5) This manifesto was written in March 1917.

6) The government mentioned in the manifesto was in power for less than a year.


Write the name of the city where the congress took place, by decision of which the territory indicated by the number "II" became part of the Russian Empire


Name the emperor, during the years of his reign, the territory indicated on the diagram by the number "I" became part of the Russian Empire.


Look at the diagram and complete the tasks

Name the emperor during whose reign the object was built, indicated by the letter “A” on the diagram.


Look at the diagram and complete the tasks

Which statements about this scheme are correct? Choose three sentences from the six offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) A. S. Griboedov participated in the preparation and signing of a peace treaty, according to which the territory indicated on the diagram by the number “IV” became part of the Russian Empire.

2) The territory indicated on the diagram by the number "I" was annexed to Russia as a result of the Russian-Swedish war.

3) The annexation of the territory, indicated on the diagram by the number "III", took place in 1829.

4) Most of the textile enterprises, according to the scheme, were located in the central region of the country.

5) The object, marked with the letter “A” on the diagram, was the first such object built in Russia.

6) The industrial development of the region, in which, according to the scheme, the greatest concentration of metallurgical enterprises is noted, began only in the first half of the 19th century.


Look at the picture and do the task

Which statements about this image are correct? Choose two sentences from the five offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) The initiator of the event to which the brand is dedicated was B.M. Khmelnitsky.

2) This stamp was issued in the 1960s.

3) The events reflected in the picture depicted on the stamp took place in Moscow.

4) In the year of publication of this stamp, part of the territory of the RSFSR was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR.

5) The Smolensk War became a consequence of the event to which the stamp is dedicated.


Specify the images that show objects built in the same century when the event to which the stamp is dedicated took place. In the answer, write down the two numbers under which they are indicated.


Indicate the decade in which this draft treaty was drawn up. Name the emperor who ruled Russia during the formation of the union, one of the steps towards which was the conclusion of this agreement. Indicate the name of the military-political bloc, which in the future will include both countries that have concluded this agreement.

Read an excerpt from the draft treaty.

“Inspired by the same desire to preserve the peace, France and Russia, having the sole purpose of preparing for the demands of a defensive war caused by the attack of the troops of the Triple Alliance against one of them, agreed on the following provisions.

1. If France is attacked by Germany or Italy supported by Germany, Russia will use all the troops she can have to attack Germany. If Russia is attacked by Germany, or by Austria supported by Germany, France will use all the troops it can have to attack Germany.

2. In the event of the mobilization of the troops of the Triple Alliance or one of its constituent powers, France and Russia immediately, upon receipt of the news of this, without waiting for any preliminary agreement, mobilize immediately and simultaneously all their forces and move them as close as possible to their borders.

3. The active armies to be used against Germany will be 1,300,000 men on the French side, and 700,000 to 800,000 men on the Russian side. These troops will be fully and with all speed brought into action, so that Germany will have to fight both in the east and in the west at once.

4. The General Staffs of both countries will keep in touch with each other at all times in order to prepare and facilitate the implementation of the measures envisaged above.

They will communicate to each other in time of peace all the information concerning the armies of the Triple Alliance that is known to them or will be known to them. The ways and means of intercourse during the war will be studied and foreseen in advance.

5. Neither France nor Russia will conclude a separate peace.

6. This Convention shall be in force for the same period as the Triple Alliance.

1. If France is attacked by Germany or Italy supported by Germany, Russia will use all the troops she can have to attack Germany. If Russia is attacked by Germany, or by Austria supported by Germany, France will use all the troops it can have to attack Germany.

2. In the event of the mobilization of the troops of the Triple Alliance or one of its constituent powers, France and Russia immediately, upon receipt of the news of this, without waiting for any preliminary agreement, mobilize immediately and simultaneously all their forces and move them as close as possible to their borders.

3. The active armies to be used against Germany will be 1,300,000 men on the French side, and 700,000 to 800,000 men on the Russian side. These troops will be fully and with all speed brought into action, so that Germany will have to fight at once both in the east and in the west.

4. The General Staffs of both countries will keep in touch with each other at all times in order to prepare and facilitate the implementation of the measures envisaged above.

They will communicate to each other in peacetime all the data concerning the armies of the Triple Alliance that they know or will know. The ways and means of intercourse during the war will be studied and foreseen in advance.

5. Neither France nor Russia will conclude a separate peace.

6. This convention shall be in force for the same period as the Triple Alliance.

7. All of the above items will be kept in the strictest confidence.”

What were the reasons for the rapprochement of the two countries between which this agreement was concluded? Give three reasons.

Solutions to tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.
On the next page, you will be asked to check them yourself.

There are debatable problems in historical science, on which different, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science.

"The policy of the Soviet leadership in 1953-1964. in the field of culture has changed qualitatively compared to the period of I.V. Stalin."

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can support this point of view, and two arguments that can refute it.

Write your answer in the following form.

Arguments to support:

Arguments in rebuttal:

Solutions to tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.
On the next page, you will be asked to check them yourself.
