Residents of the private sector value autonomy. The main thing is to ensure a comfortable life, which is impossible without hot water. Installing a geyser will solve problems with hot water supply (hot water supply). But how to solve the problem of connecting it? What do you need to do the work yourself? Let's figure out what permits need to be obtained and what documents to draw up in order to legalize the installation of equipment.

Connection procedure and standards

Not all residents try to install the column according to the rules. After studying the opinions of users on the forums, we realized that many install equipment illegally. Nothing complicated: they called a gas technician they knew and connected the equipment. If the gas service comes for an inspection, you are not allowed into the house.

In such cases, people do not take into account the characteristics of the room, whether it is possible to install a speaker in it at all. As a result, accidents and explosions occur, which lead to dire consequences. Not only will no one compensate you for your losses, you will also pay a fine for illegal installation.

If you live in a gasified private house, then you need:

  • Contact the housing office for a diagram of the gas and water supply systems, as well as the chimney;
  • Obtain a report on the technical condition of the chimney from the fire inspection;
  • Go to the gas service, taking with you an application, a house plan from the BTI, documents of the owner of the building, a passport;
  • Receive a project for placing additional equipment. This can be done at any certified gas service.

After this, the organization sends a specialist to install the gas water heater in accordance with all the rules.

Installation Rules

It is important to know the requirements and standards of SNiP.

  • Fire safety standards prohibit placing the speaker in a wooden house or on a wooden wall;
  • The wall for fastening is selected from non-combustible materials: brick or concrete. For protection, the lining is made of basalt cardboard and galvanized sheet 1 mm thick;
  • The area of ​​the room must be at least 15 m³;
  • Ceiling height - from 2 meters;
  • Placement height from the floor - from 1 meter;
  • The presence of a window measuring at least 0.5 m³;
  • Availability of ventilation or exhaust;
  • Pressure in the pipeline - from 0.1 Atm;
  • According to safety regulations, installation in a bathroom or toilet is prohibited. High humidity contributes to extinguishing the wick and rapid failure of the device.

Before hanging the speaker on the wall, you should consider the following parameters:

  • The distance from the body to the stove is from 20 cm;
  • There should be no furniture or other foreign objects at a distance of 60 cm from the front panel;
  • There should be free space around the water heater: on the sides - 5 cm, from below - from 15 cm.

Important! The gas shut-off valve is installed before installing the equipment.

How to install a column

Before connecting the device, inspect the room. Objectively evaluate the possibility of installing gas equipment in the house.

  • Check the room’s compliance with SNiP standards (ceiling height, area, etc.);
  • Choose the right column. It must be suitable for your water and gas system. If you experience interruptions in pressure, and you buy powerful equipment, then you can’t expect stable operation;
  • Self-installation is carried out using hardware that is included in the kit. If there are none, then dowels measuring 10 mm are used;
  • The gas connection is done last and is carried out by specialists.

Is your home not supplied with gas? Then you can put the balloon. In this case, to start the device normally, you will have to use a water pump.

Chimney organization

Installing pipes to remove combustion products is not difficult. If the house has a chimney with normal draft, adhere to the following rules:

  • From the heater nozzle to the entrance to the chimney, the pipe should not be turned more than three times;
  • You cannot connect two devices to one outlet (for example, the pipes of a dispenser and a turbocharged gas boiler);
  • It is prohibited to block the chimney outlet with antennas or weather vanes;
  • It is important to ensure that the pipes are sealed when extending.

There are two ways to perform installation without a chimney:

  1. Prepare a pipe made of steel or asbestos. Make a through hole at the outlet above the column. You need to connect the pipe to the device pipe and bring it outside. The pipe should rise 50 cm above the roof of the house, the total height is at least 5 meters.

  1. Choose a closed model. Due to the presence of a closed combustion chamber, they do not require a chimney. The horizontal pipe is led out into the street through a hole in the wall. This is called a coaxial chimney. Inside there is a fan and two tubes. The fan pushes combustion products out through one pipe, and combustion air enters through the other.


The documents have been collected and the installation location has been selected. Let's start installation:

  • Drill two holes for fastening, following the markings;
  • Secure the column with dowels or fasteners that come in the kit;
  • Connect the gas hose to the fitting on the housing. It differs from water pipes in diameter;
  • To organize a water supply from the collector, make a separate outlet to the column. This way, pressure drops in the system will be avoided, and the hot water pressure will be stable. Flexible hoses no longer than 2.5 meters are supplied to the fittings;

  • Use a corrugated or steel pipe - connect it to the housing pipe and the chimney. Seal all cracks with sealant - you can use putty or asbestos.

It is better to entrust the connection to the gas main to a specialist. After completing the work, you can check the serviceability of the equipment. Open the gas valve and coat the connections with soapy water to prevent leakage. Open the faucet to supply hot water. If there is a hot stream, it means the installation was successful.

We have given the order of work. Act yourself or contact a specialist - it’s up to you. In any case, do not forget about current legislation and safety precautions.

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How to install a water heater

There are two types of installation of a gas water heater: installation of a flow-through heater in rooms where equipment was not previously installed, or replacement of an old gas water heater, which includes the task of dismantling previously used equipment and installing new one.

The installation of a gas water heater must be carried out in strict accordance with SNiP 42-01-2002 and SP 42-101-2003.

Installation of gas water heating equipment in a room requires an agreed-upon project and a competently executed supply of a gas pipeline to the place where the future water heater will be installed. The project must indicate the installation location of the speaker, the features of the room and the installed equipment. These works must be performed by a licensed specialist, since all work with gas equipment is high-risk work. Incorrect installation and supply of equipment is dangerous both for the owners themselves and for their neighbors.

The installation of gas water heating equipment is regulated by the following acts:

  1. SNiP 42-01-2002 “Gas distribution systems”.
  2. SP 42-101-2003 “General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes.”

Rules for installing gas equipment

There are rules that must be strictly followed during the installation of gas water heating equipment:

  1. Installation of gas water heating equipment is prohibited in a room with a volume of less than 7.5 m³ and a ceiling height of less than two meters.
  2. The room must have natural or artificial ventilation (hood, window, vent, etc.)
  3. In country houses, in the room where the gas water heater is installed, it is necessary to have a chimney with a diameter of at least 1-2 cm.
  4. The pressure in the water supply is no less than one atmosphere.
  5. Gas water heating equipment cannot be installed in bathrooms.
  6. The walls in the rooms where the water heater is installed must be decorated with non-flammable materials, the water heater must be located at least 10 cm from the gas stove, preferably further.

Gas water heating equipment intended for installation in residential buildings is divided into two groups: flow-through and capacitive.

Water heater: located next to the boiler and built-in.

Gas instantaneous water heaters are fast and convenient devices with partial or full automation. Instantaneous water heaters are designed to heat water in different places in the apartment - in the kitchen, in the bathroom. In instantaneous water heaters, gas is supplied through a pipe, which is regulated by a tap. To start the operation of the column, the gas valve opens, the heat received from the combustion of gas heats the passing water.

A capacitive water heater also works due to the heat generated by combustion, but the heated water does not enter the tap immediately, but is accumulated from special reservoirs - containers.

To dismantle the flow-through heater, you will need tools such as a gas or open-end wrench.

So, you can dismantle the old flowing gas water heating equipment yourself, saving several hundred rubles, or invite a specialist, saving your time and effort.

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When choosing a gas hose, you need to be guided by the availability of a license for it, as well as the price - choose a more expensive option.

First you need to turn off the gas supply by closing the tap on the gas pipe. Using a gas or open-end wrench of a suitable size, you need to unscrew the hose fixing nut. This procedure is quite simple, since it is extremely difficult to damage the pipe during its implementation, if, of course, we are talking about a flexible hose connection (unlike cases when you are dealing with an old connection through a metal pipe, which can only be dismantled by sawing it ). While unscrewing the nut, you need to hold the gas pipe with a second adjustable wrench to prevent it from being damaged.

After disconnecting the gas pipe, you need to remove the hose or pipe from the entrance to the gas water heater. The hose can be reused if it has been replaced recently, but it is better to replace it with a new one. When choosing a gas hose, you need to pay attention to the availability of a license and decide in favor of a more expensive option, since possible problems associated with a boiler malfunction can cost your health and property.

The next installation step is to turn off the water supply system. You need to turn off the special taps at the pump or the entire water supply to the apartment. If taps on the water supply pipes are not provided, they must be purchased in advance in the amount of two pieces - for inlet and outlet. This will make the water heater easier to operate in the future.

So, when the water heater is disconnected from the water supply, you need to remove the air outlet pipe from the outlet of the column and remove it from the chimney. Now the speaker is disconnected, and to complete the dismantling you need to carefully remove it from the wall mount. Next, they begin to install new gas water heating equipment.

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Installation and startup of a gas water heater

When installing gas water heating equipment yourself, it is important to do everything step by step, slowly and with strict adherence to all rules and instructions. After installation, it is necessary for a gas service employee to check its performance and register the new equipment.

To install new gas water heating equipment you will need the following materials:

When installing gas equipment that requires the creation of a chimney, it is best to choose all-metal galvanized pipes with a diameter of at least 120 mm.

  1. Corrugated or galvanized pipe, the thickness of which is at least 1 mm. It comes with some speakers. If this is the case, you are lucky; if not, measure the diameter of the required corrugation on the heating equipment or look at this information in the instructions and buy it.
  2. Rosette ring for mounting the chimney entrance. It is important to choose the right size that is suitable for your equipment model.
  3. When installing gas water heating equipment in a house that requires the creation of a chimney, you need to purchase an asbestos or metal pipe, the diameter of which must be at least 120 mm, or better yet, larger. The length of the air duct pipe must be at least 2 meters or more, since the longer the chimney pipe, the stronger the draft.
  4. Gas hose, the length of which depends on the installation conditions. To find out the length you need, you need to measure the distance from the edge of the gas pipe to the entrance to the column. It is better to take a gas hose with a small reserve. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the type of thread at the inlet to the gas water heating equipment - the hose tip must fit it, there must be a match in the type of thread external/internal and a diameter of ½” or ¾”.
  5. Two connecting hoses of the required length. They will be useful for connecting the water supply. You can replace the hoses with metal-plastic pipes, depending on what materials you are more accustomed to working with. When using pipes, you need to decide whether there is a need to purchase special couplings to match the pipe and the connection point, thread.
  6. Dowels for fastening gas water heating equipment.
  7. A filter for rough water purification, if it has not been installed previously. The service life of heating equipment largely depends on the quality of running water.

For installation you will need the following tools:

  • hammer drill and drill with drill sets;
  • two adjustable wrenches;
  • open-end wrenches 27/30 and 32/36;
  • special sealant or tow.

Various devices are used to heat water in the apartment. This could be a boiler room, boiler or gas water heater. Installing the latter is a truly dangerous and responsible task. The slightest inaccuracy can lead to a gas leak, or even an explosion in the apartment. That is why there are a lot of rules and regulations for the installation of this device, failure to comply with which is punishable by law. Today we will explain to you in detail all the stages of connecting a gas water heater, but if you do not have the appropriate knowledge, we advise you not to try to do this work yourself.

As you probably understand, in order to install any gas appliance, you must comply with the relevant standards and regulations. If you neglect at least one of them, you risk not only getting into trouble with the law, but also causing the death of people close to you.

Connecting a speaker with your own hands is an unsafe activity. According to state regulations, only organizations with a special license have the right to carry out such installation.

If you already have an old speaker, then you can easily replace it with a new device yourself. However, installing the device from “a” to “z” with your own hands is prohibited.

If you decide to connect a gas water heater yourself, or entrust only part of the work to special services, then you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of SNiP for such installation. They are applicable both in an apartment and in a private house.

SNiP standards:

  • Installation of a gas water heater is only possible in a room with a volume of at least 7 cubic meters. meters;
  • The wall on which you plan to hang the speaker should be made of non-flammable material, such as brick or concrete.
  • The room where the gas water heater will be installed must have a window and a good ventilation system;
  • In an apartment with a column, the ceilings must have a height of at least 2 meters;
  • In order to install the column, you need to find a chimney in the room;
  • For normal operation of the column, the water pressure in the system must be at least 1 atm.
  • You cannot install the column in the bathroom or toilet, and the gas unit must be located at a distance of at least 10 cm from the stove. In this case, the column cannot be hung above the stove.

These are new SNiP standards regarding the installation of a gas water heater. The old standards were slightly different, so if your old water heater is installed in the bathroom, you can put a new unit in its place, and this will not be a violation of the law.

Preparing documents before connecting the gas water heater

The first installation of a geyser requires a lot of fuss with documentation and quite high costs. However, this fact does not scare most apartment owners.

To install a water heater in an apartment where there is no gas supply, you will have to install these lines yourself. Such work alone will cost you quite a lot, so it’s better to team up with neighbors who, like you, want to install a speaker.

The first installation of a column includes the following “Paper” steps:

  1. You need to obtain consent to supply gas from distributors and transporters and install a land allotment for the gas pipeline. You also need to calculate consumption and get a list of technical conditions.
  2. Next you need to do the design. This stage consists of concluding an agreement, collecting and examining documents, as well as obtaining permission from several authorities.
  3. After installation work is completed, an agreement is concluded between GORGAZ and OBLGAZ.

To obtain all the necessary permits, you need to collect a whole list of documents. We'll give you the most complete list, but depending on the area you live in and how often you install the speaker, the list may get smaller.

List of documentation required to obtain permission:

  • A copy of a document confirming that you are the owner of the apartment;
  • Copy of pages 2, 3 and 5 of your passport;
  • A copy of your TIN;
  • Permission to process your data;
  • A document confirming the purchase of gas, as well as a letter confirming the conclusion of a work contract;
  • Gas equipment service agreement;
  • Specifications for connection to gas and documents on the implementation of specifications;
  • Copies of gas equipment;
  • A copy of the act on the division of property between the owner of the apartment and the distributor;
  • Copies of gas meter technical passports and confirmation of their verification;
  • A copy of the gasification project and a stamp from the metrology department of Gazprom.

The prepared list of documents is submitted to the appropriate authorities. After some time has passed, you should receive a verdict from the gas services.

How to install a geyser

We have come directly to the stage of installing the gas water heater. If you have installed gas lines, received all the necessary documentation and completed all the specifications, then it will not be difficult to install it yourself.

How to install the column correctly:

  1. The front panel is removed from the column. Using the markings for the speaker mounts, mark the installation locations for the anchors. The correctness of the markings is checked using a building level. Now, according to the markings, you need to drill holes, insert dowels and anchors.
  2. Most modern speakers have a special mounting plate. It must be installed at the marked level, leveled using a building level.
  3. Install the column itself onto the plate. Clicks indicate correct installation.
  4. Lay a corrugated pipe from the outlet of the column to the common chimney. Treat the wall with a hammer drill and insert a chimney. The gap between the wall and the chimney needs to be foamed.

It's too early to install the front panel. First you need to connect to gas and water.

Connection diagram for a geyser to water and gas

If you are installing a column for the first time, you will have to run a gas pipe to it. To do this, you will need to invite craftsmen who will cut a tee into the gas pipe and install the pipe on it.

You can hang the pipe directly to the connection point. This gas connection scheme eliminates the need to use a gas hose. In this case, you must first install the column, and only then connect the gas pipe.

The other option is more practical, as it allows you to install the column at any time convenient for you. In this case, the pipe is led to the installation only half a meter, and the remaining route is installed by installing a gas valve.

Ball valves are installed on cold and hot water lines. It is also advisable to install coarse and fine filters in front of the column. Such devices will allow you to increase the service life of the heat exchanger.

It is very important to find a high-quality speaker, since your safety will depend on how good the unit you choose is. We advise you to take a closer look at models from well-known manufacturers, for example, Bosch or Vaillant.

To connect water to the column, you can run a pipe 30 cm and finish the remaining distance with a flexible hose or connect pipes made of steel, metal-plastic or propylene directly to the column. To install the pipes, you will need to install a special tee into the water supply.

Starting and setting up a gas water heater

Before starting the column, it is necessary to check all the seams connecting to the water supply and gas pipeline hoses. They must be sealed. There is a proven method by which you can check the tightness of gas connections.

How to check the tightness of gas connections:

  • Lubricate all gas pipe joints and fittings with soapy water;
  • Open the gas valve;
  • Check connections for bubbles.

If there are no bubbles, then the connections are sealed. You can check the connections to the water supply without any special accessories, just by making sure the seams are dry.

Next, you need to perform all the necessary steps to start the column according to the instructions. A very important step is setup. It can only be done with a pressure gauge. The adjusting bolt sets the gas pressure, and the wiper sets the air supply.

Connecting a gas water heater with your own hands (video)

Installing a gas water heater is a very difficult and responsible task. You can do some of the steps yourself, but some steps will have to be entrusted to special services. If you do everything correctly, then you will not need repairs to your gas device for a long time.

If the installation of the geyser will be carried out in the same place, and the new device will correspond in technical characteristics to its predecessor, you should not have any difficulties with the execution of the work.

The main requirement: the column must be certified and must be approved for installation by regulatory authorities.

Before starting work, you need to contact the Housing Office to provide certified copies of the design of your home. More specifically: you need a plan for the installation of gas, water supply, as well as smoke removal, a plan indicating the installation locations of the gas water heater and its technical parameters.

After receiving the above information, you must write an application to the city gas service requesting permission to replace the dispenser, provided that the previous location of its installation is maintained, as well as an application for repair/replacement of gas and water mains in this area.

The technician must complete this work, after which you will receive a signed document and, in fact, a column installed in accordance with all requirements and standards.

Another case is when a geyser is installed in an apartment in a new location.

Such an installation of geysers will entail a change in the supply gas and water pipes, as well as a change in the chimney exhaust system. This, of course, is a more complex and painstaking process.

Documents for installing a geyser

  • a certified report on the technical condition of the chimney (compiled by the ventilation and smoke duct control service);

IMPORTANT! It is the chimney, not the ventilation system!

  • technical passport of the purchased dispenser: in the case when you have decided on the choice of device, but have not yet purchased it, it is enough to indicate the model of the dispenser (the data will be needed when drawing up a project at GORGAZ);
  • a drawn up installation project with a clear indication of technical specifications for changing the installation location of the column (execution of the project is also ordered from GORGAZ);
  • an application for its reconstruction drawn up and signed by the owner of the apartment (submitted to the city administration);

IMPORTANT! When submitting such an application, you will need to have in your hands a ready-made reconstruction project, documents for this apartment and documents confirming your ownership of these square meters.

  • application for completion of work (submitted to GORGAZ, having an approved project in hand).

After approval of the plan for all work, gas workers, if you still managed to obtain permission to install the pump in a new location, will have to:

  1. make an insert into the gas supply pipe;
  2. install a gas meter;
  3. hang a column;
  4. paint the gas pipe yellow (the accepted standard for marking gas pipes);
  5. line the wall behind the column with non-combustible materials.

In addition, a separate water supply must be installed.

When the work is completed, you will be required to call a specialist from the regional gas service. He will set up and launch the column. After this, the gas meter is sealed.

And that is not all. Upon installation of the dispenser, you will also need to obtain a certificate from the fire department, a certificate from technical supervision, and a certificate of acceptance of the dispenser into operation. And the new project must be included in the BTI.

When choosing a column, focus on:

  • speakers Viessmann, Buderus, Bosh, Wolf and Vaillant;
  • circulation pumps for hot water supply systems from Grundfos or Wilo;
  • water treatment equipment from Grunbeck;
  • metal-plastic pipes, fittings for them, air vents and safety groups from the German company Oventrop.

Installing a gas water heater in an apartment: important to know

It is prohibited to use a corrugated aluminum ventilation pipe to install a chimney! The standards for installing the column, prescribed in GSN V.2.5-20-2001, for the implementation of a chimney, prescribe the use exclusively of pipes made of stainless or galvanized steel. In this case, the thickness of the pipe must be at least 1 mm.

Any decorative panels that many tenants use to cover gas equipment must be easily removable, i.e. nothing should interfere with access to the column, and panels or decorative boxes should be made exclusively from non-combustible materials (see SP 41-108-2004).

The gas supply shut-off valve installed on a new gas water heater must be mounted near the water heater and have a yellow handle (see SNiP 2.04.08-87).

In modern geysers, modulating burners may have some inertia. Therefore, in order to avoid emergency situations, the supply of cold water to the column is carried out exclusively through a mechanical filter with a separate pipe (3/4” size will be more than enough) directly from the riser. Also from the riser there is another pipe leading to the faucets in the kitchen, as well as in the bathroom and to the cistern.

IMPORTANT! Check valves must be installed in front of the mixers, each 0.5 atm.

To arrange the outlet pipe of hot water heated by a column, it is best to use a meter-long tube made of tempered copper. The diameter of such a tube should be approximately 15 mm. Instead of copper, you can use corrugated stainless steel.

Only by fulfilling all the installation conditions can you rest assured that in the next 10 years there will be no breakdowns in the water heating system, and also that you will not have to hide from regular gas inspection checks.

Brief instructions for installing a geyser

This information should not be considered as a guide to action. Replacing a water dispenser with your own hands, as well as working with any gas appliances, is prohibited not only by law, but also by common sense: such “amateur activity” in an apartment building can lead to disastrous consequences.

For work use:

  • certified geyser;
  • PVC water pipe;
  • American type fittings;
  • pipe cutters;
  • soldering iron;
  • metal-plastic pipe for gas supply;
  • fittings for metal-plastic;
  • gas taps;
  • salt and magnetic filter;
  • Mayevsky crane;
  • regular water tap;
  • proportional wrenches;
  • drill;
  • as well as dowels and screws.

Work progress and basic requirements:

The choice of installation location for the dispenser should be based on the possibility of arranging the hood in accordance with all rules and regulations, the convenience of the dispenser location, as well as the possibility of supplying communications.

The volume of the room in which the column will be installed must be 8 m³ or more.

Speakers are installed only on fireproof walls. In another case, the fire-resistant surface is lined with a galvanized sheet from 0.8 to 1 mm thick, having previously secured a sheet of basalt heat-insulating cardboard from 3 to 5 mm thick to the wall.

IMPORTANT! Installing speakers on wooden walls is prohibited!

The column is hung on the wall, taking into account that the installation height can be arbitrary, but do not contradict the rules for installing the air vent. There should be at least 15 cm from the side panel of the speaker to the wall, and a space of at least 60 cm should be left in front of the front panel of the speaker.

At the installation location of the column, mark the fastening points, then drill them with a drill. The column is secured with self-tapping screws.

The standards for installing the connection between the column and the water supply system provide for the use of metal pipes or flexible hoses with an internal diameter of at least 13 mm. In this case, the length of the hose or pipe must be no more than 2.5 m (similar parameters must be observed when arranging a connection to the gas supply system).

Installation of a gas connection to a column must be carried out only with a shut-off valve installed.

Before installing the chimney, check the draft. Under normal conditions, it should be approximately 1.96-29.40 Pa (depending on the type of room).

The gas exhaust pipe must have at least 110 mm in diameter, while its length cannot exceed 2 m, but cannot be less than 300 mm. The slope of the gas exhaust pipe must be at least 2° upward.

IMPORTANT! It is also prohibited to independently carry out the first release of water through the column. All work related to testing the system, installing a new column or dismantling an old one must be carried out only by qualified representatives of GORGAZ.

The speaker installation diagram must be included with the product. The manufacturer's advice on installing this device is also given there.

Only kitchens and non-residential premises intended to accommodate these heating devices are suitable for installing speakers.

However, the installation rules prohibit installing a column in the bathroom, because... this room does not meet the basic requirements (see SNiP 2.04.08-87 GAS SUPPLY).

In previous regulations, the installation of speakers in bathrooms was allowed. But after the change in legislation, we can only talk about moving the speaker from the bathroom to the kitchen or any other non-residential premises, if it is necessary to replace the device with a new one.

The requirements for installing speakers also make it possible to consider each individual case: for example, in a private house that does not belong to typical buildings, it may be possible to install a speaker in a wide corridor or a room without windows, but having access, however, to a spacious room with a window.

Installation of a geyser

Installation of a geyser: price

The cost of the work will depend on the displacement of the dispenser, as well as on the manufacturer. For example, installation of a domestic speaker will cost about $40, and a foreign one will cost $60 or more. To install a speaker with a volume of up to 15 liters in your home, you will have to pay a little more than $55, and from 15 liters - $70 or more.

How much does it cost to install a chimney?

On average, from $15 to $20, taking into account the cost of the necessary materials.

Taking into account the installation parameters, we get the price for installing the column

  • in Kyiv - from 350 to 600 UAH;
  • in Moscow - from 1,600 to 2,800 rubles.

Water heaters are distinguished by the energy resources they consume. In everyday life, only geysers and electric boilers are used. If the water heater is replaced, a device with the same energy resource as the previous one is installed. Installation of gas water heaters, as well as any devices with such a power source, requires the intervention of the appropriate services. Operating costs are significantly lower since electrical appliances are more expensive to use.

Storage water heaters

A storage-type household geyser copes with heating water in the best possible way. There are floor-standing, flat and horizontal devices. Thanks to several available options, you can select an installation that fits into the interior and dimensions of the room. When designing a water heating system, air flow methods must be taken into account. Forced draft is created when devices are connected to a pipe exposed to the street. Natural draft requires a continuous supply of air and connection to the general

Instantaneous water heaters

Installation of flow-type gas water dispensers is carried out most often in Russia. The average price of such units on the domestic market is 15-20 thousand rubles. Once upon a time, there were minor difficulties with the operation of these devices. It was necessary to monitor the flame so that it did not die out and regulate the gas supply manually. Modern analogues are much easier to operate and pose less danger.

Installation rules

Each installation of such devices must be coordinated with gas services. To install speakers with an open chamber, there are technical conditions that must be observed. It will be very difficult to install the unit yourself if it has not been installed before. It will be necessary to connect to the main gas and water pipelines. For this reason, instantaneous water heaters are installed in the kitchen. But at the same time, it cannot be installed above a gas stove. The main requirement for installation is the presence of special hoods. Previously, such speakers were installed in bathrooms.


You can always exchange an outdated copy for a new one. To install instantaneous gas water heaters in apartments and private houses, it is necessary to observe the basic points: connection to the water supply and gas pipeline, installation of the hood. If the column has already been installed, then all of the above rules were followed previously. All that remains is to simply install another new unit.

Disconnect from gas and water

To dismantle an outdated unit, access to gas and water is blocked using valves. First, unscrew the gas hose nut using an adjustable wrench. A metal tube can be installed instead. After this, the hose is unscrewed from the column. If the hose is intact, you can use it again. At the same time, you should not save on buying a new one. A low-quality hose can be much more expensive. After access to water is blocked, the column can be disconnected from the water supply.

Chimney dismantling

After the pipe connecting the unit to the chimney is removed, the water heater can be removed from the mount. Before installation, you need to make sure that the old fasteners fit the new device.

Hanging the unit

Installation of gas water heaters requires compliance with certain proportions. In the room, the ceiling height should be more than 2 m. The vertical of the pipe in the chimney should not be less than 50 cm. When the ceiling height is 2.7 m, the pipe can be 25 cm larger.


After the column has been secured using hoses or PVC pipes, you can connect it to the water supply system. Next you need to check the unit for leaks. If necessary, tighten all the connection nuts. The column is connected to the gas pipeline with a high-quality new or old hose. After crimping, the entire liner must be treated with a soap solution in order to detect bubbles and determine the reliability of the connection.

First installation of a geyser in a private house

If the installation has not been carried out previously, additional, more complex work will need to be done. In addition to the usual rules, you need to take into account that the wall on which you plan to hang the unit must be made of non-combustible material. The minimum water pressure in the pipes is 0.1 atmospheres.


The rules for installing a geyser require choosing a suitable location for the hood. If the room has a chimney or fireplace, you can use this ventilation space. Otherwise, you can make a hole in the cover and insert it about 2 m long. Installation is best done near an internal wall. In the absence of an outlet channel, an outlet pipe for gas water heaters is used.

We fix the unit on the wall

The gas water heater in the apartment is installed directly under the pipe. The unit must be installed at a height inaccessible to children. At a suitable level, holes are drilled into which fastening elements are inserted, and then the column is screwed to the wall. Using a flexible corrugation, the unit is connected to one end of the corrugation is attached to the previously prepared hole, and the other to the column.

Connecting the device

To connect to gas, a tee is cut into the pipe. This can be done using gas welding. If there is a threaded connection, the tee can simply be screwed in. Then you need to attach the gas screen. Now you need to mark the distance between the pipe and the column. At the point where the supply line passes, fastenings are cut into the wall. With their help, the pipe will hold more securely. For these purposes, special clips with latches are used. The pipe is connected to the column using a fitting.

Connection to water supply

Installation of gas water heaters involves a similar insertion of a tee into the water supply pipe. In the same way, holes are drilled in the wall for fastenings. The Mayevsky tap can be installed and used to regulate water pressure. Magnesium and salt filters are mounted next to the column.

First start

You can carry out a test run after the geyser has been installed. The price for heating with electricity is much higher, so boilers are used less often. The gas valve opens and fuel enters the column. The joints of gas pipes must be checked with a solution of water and soap. The leak will need to be repaired if bubbles appear anywhere.

Next, the water is started, the Mayevsky tap is opened, and all the air is released from the pipe. After this, batteries are inserted into the column to power the display and electronic ignition. To check the operation of the system for the presence of hot water, you need to open the nearest tap. At first the flow will be cold, then the heating will turn on and the pressure will be warm. At first, the water will have a not very pleasant smell of fuel oil. The column needs to work for some time so that the lubricant is washed out of the pipes.

Necessary tools and components

Installation and repair of columns is always carried out using fittings for metal-plastic, the water heater itself, a pipe cutter, a salt filter, all the necessary taps, including Mayevsky’s device, wrenches, a drill, PVC water supply, a special soldering iron for pipes, gas hoses, a magnetic filter, corrugations, screws and dowels.

Who is allowed to work with gas equipment?

Independent intervention in the operation of the system is highly undesirable. Repairs to dispensers should always be carried out only by a gas service employee with the appropriate clearance. This is the only way to be sure that the entire system is working properly.


To do this you will need a special bellows hose. The liner should not go behind the oven in a hot place. The hose should also not be stretched to avoid the risk of damage. Sealing material is often used for threaded connections. To check the liner for gas leaks, you need to lubricate it with soap suds.

The insulating connection is carefully wound onto the thread, and then a rubber gasket is inserted into the hose. After this, you can screw the liner to the gas pipeline. There is no need to tighten the thread too much. The stove is placed in place of the old one, the legs are adjusted in height so that the cooking surface is level.

Behind the appliances you need to remove the wallpaper or put a metal sheet if the wall is wooden. This will prevent possible fire while the oven is operating. The gas hose is connected to the stove using a gasket. After this, we check all connections with soap foam. To find out, it is better to consult with an experienced employee of the relevant service.

Correct use of liquefied gas

If the gas stove is connected to liquefied gas, you need to make sure that special nozzles are provided on the burners. Natural gas fixtures have significantly larger hole diameters. Often this feature is not taken into account during installation, and the flame periodically goes out. Before purchasing hoses, it is necessary to take into account the features of the gas pipe outlet device on the stove.

Device operation guarantees

Reliability and quality of connection can only be ensured by gas service employees. Self-installation of speakers and stoves is prohibited by law. Unqualified intervention in the operation of gas supply systems can cause an explosion, fire, or harm to others.


The technology for installing geysers is, in fact, nothing complicated. When replacing equipment with a new one, some of the preparatory work may not be performed. After dismantling the old unit, there is no need to re-measure the pressure in the pipes, as well as bring gas and water lines to the connection point. If the old connection is preserved, it can be used when connecting new devices. Work with gas equipment can only be trusted by qualified specialists who have the appropriate permit.
